The director of research and development at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has issued a circular extending the deadline for payment of tuition fees for PhD, MS, and MPhil students. The new deadline is March 28th, 2020. Students who do not pay by this final extended deadline will have their admissions cancelled according to university norms.
The director of research and development at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has issued a circular extending the deadline for payment of tuition fees for PhD, MS, and MPhil students. The new deadline is March 28th, 2020. Students who do not pay by this final extended deadline will have their admissions cancelled according to university norms.
The director of research and development at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has issued a circular extending the deadline for payment of tuition fees for PhD, MS, and MPhil students. The new deadline is March 28th, 2020. Students who do not pay by this final extended deadline will have their admissions cancelled according to university norms.
The director of research and development at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has issued a circular extending the deadline for payment of tuition fees for PhD, MS, and MPhil students. The new deadline is March 28th, 2020. Students who do not pay by this final extended deadline will have their admissions cancelled according to university norms.
Dr.M.Anji Reddy Te::(o)040‐ 23152332 MI“ h(IITK),I'hD Fax:(o)040‐ 23152331 Professor of Env.Sc.dt Tcch.& DIRECTOR Web Note No B/DRD/Tulion Fee/76(Vol-ll)/2020 Dt 02-03-2020
With reference to the circular No. A/DRD/Tuition Fee/76(Vol-ll/2020-
21,dated 28-01-2020 and as per the request of many Research Scholars to
extend the time for payment of Tuition Fee. lt is here by informed that the
Payment of Tuition Fee is extended up to 28th March - 2O2O otherwise the
Ph.D/M.S/M.Phil admission is liable to be cancelled as per the University