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OISD Rule Book

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OISD/ENGG/GEN/22 30th April 2020

Subject: Views/ Comments on the draft PNGRB (Technical Standards and Specifications including
Safety Standards for Refineries and Gas Processing Plants) Regulations, 2020.
This has reference to the PNGRB communication No. PNGRB/Tech./8-T4SR&GP (2)/2019 dated
25th February 2020 seeking views/ comments on the subject PNGRB Draft Regulation.
2. It may be mentioned that Refineries and Gas Processing Plants, the target area for which the
present Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Technical Standards and Specifications
including Safety Standards for Refineries and Gas Processing Plants) Regulations, 2020 are
proposed, are covered in 60 (out of total 121) of the extant OISD Standards which have been
framed over the years and are implemented by the entire Oil & Gas Industry in India.
10 out of these 60 OISD standards (OISD STD 105, OISD RP 108, OISD STD 114, OISD STD
116, OISD STD 118, OISD STD 128, OISD STD 129, OISD RP 149, OISD STD 150 and OISD
GDN 178) are mandatory in nature by dint of their inclusion in various statutes like the
Petroleum Rules, 2002, the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 and
the Oil Mines Regulations, 2017.
In this regard, it may be mentioned that publication of duplicated and diluted version of OISD
standards already included in various statutes of the country may lead to contradiction between
two statutory authorities and create unnecessary confusion in the Industry which is highly
undesirable in the larger interest of safety of the Industry.
3. In this context, we would like to mention that, to discuss the issue of duplication of already
existing OISD standards in the entire gamut of P&NG industry viz. Refineries, Cross-country
Pipelines, Marketing, Exploration & Production, LNG terminals etc., by PNGRB, a meeting was
held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (R), MoP&NG on 16th Oct, 2015.
It may be mentioned that during the aforesaid meeting, it was deliberated that framing of
another set of safety standards by PNGRB would not only result in duplication of efforts, but
may also lead to confusion in the Industry about implementation of different standards.
Representative from PNGRB was requested to convey such observations of MoP&NG to the
Board i.e. PNGRB. During the deliberations in the said meeting Chaired by JS(R), it was also
discussed that in case it is felt by PNGRB that there are gaps in the Safety Standards developed
by OISD; the same can be intimated to OISD for modification instead of framing the same
standards de-novo.
4. Further, the issue of duplication of OISD Standards by PNGRB was also discussed in the 34th
Safety Council Meeting held on 14th September 2017, wherein, during the deliberations, it was
observed that in the larger interest of Safety, duplication of already existing & in practice OISD
Standards by PNGRB is not required as this may lead to confusion in so far as the operators
are concerned.

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Upon in depth deliberations in the aforesaid Safety Council Meeting, Secretary PNG and
Chairman Safety council decided that Ministry shall again take up the matter with PNGRB and
a separate meeting would be convened with the Board in near future.
5. It is to be noted that while submitting our comments on the PNGRB (Technical Standards and
Specifications including Safety Standards for LPG Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities)
Regulations, 2017, similar concern has been forwarded to PNGRB vide our letter No.
OISD/ENGG/GEN/22 dated 7th April 2018 (Annexure-C), wherein, PNGRB has been
requested to reconsider its decision of formulating a fresh set of Regulation for such Petroleum
6. It may be mentioned that Refineries are one of the most critical elements of the Oil & Natural
Gas Industry. These Installations handle highly inflammable hydro-carbons and operates
processes under high temperature and pressure with presence of Oxygen (air) and many a
times active source of ignition.
Further, these installations are equipped with state of the art very high hazard potential
equipment viz. Special Furnaces like steam/ methane reformer furnace and pyrolysis/cracker
furnace; Catalyst Cracking Reactors having the risk of runaway reactions; specialty equipment
like Rich Gas/ Lean Gas hydrocarbon compressors operating at very high pressures; high rise
columns etc. To address the aspects of siting, design, operations, maintenance, inspections,
firefighting, and above all safety requirements of such equipment, a single document approach,
which has been attempted in the present PNGRB document is not the right kind of approach
and is not in line with the established International standards.
In this regard, it may be mentioned that in line with the standards formulated by American
Petroleum Institute (API), world’s renowned body for framing standards for the Petroleum
Sector, OISD has framed 60 different standards to cover various aspects of a Refinery. A table
indicating various OISD standards applicable for Refineries and Oil/Gas Processing Plants is
attached as Annexure–A.
With regard to approach followed by PNGRB, it may be mentioned that the PNGRB in the
present document, has randomly extracted text from various OISD standards and tried to
condense requirements laid down in all the 60 OISD standards in a single document running in
to 123 pages in all. OISD is the opinion that such an attempt by PNGRB is an exercise which
could lead to omission of many critical safety related aspects for a Refinery set up; thereby
leading to confusion at the Industry level in implementation by the Industry as many aspects
of safety of specialty equipment installed in a Refinery have either not been covered or
coverage have been left grossly inadequate.
7. To substantiate our observation as above we give below few examples of omissions:
 The critical aspect of Process design and operating philosophies on Fired Process Heaters
(Furnaces) and their Inspection has not been covered at all in the PNGRB proposed
Regulations. These process heaters (Furnaces) are at the heart of any Petroleum Refinery
and each Refinery has many such equipment installed therein and some of these heaters
are latest technological equipment like steam/ methane reformer furnace and
pyrolysis/cracker furnaces having special operations and inspection regime.
In this regard, it may be mentioned that OISD has framed two standards namely OISD STD
111 on ‘Process design and operating philosophies on fired process furnace’ and OISD
STD 133 on ‘Inspection of fired heaters’ dealing in detail with design & operations and
Inspection requirements of such equipment respectively.
 For selection, operation, maintenance and Inspection of critical equipment like
compressors, pumps, turbines, diesel engines etc. used in a Refinery, OISD, following a
prescriptive approach, has developed separate detailed document covering each such
equipment and Industry at large has developed their Standard Operating Procedures based
on detailed stipulations laid down in these documents. On the other hand, PNGRB present
document has covered such critical equipment, in one or two pages in all and in some cases
even in one paragraph in the entire document. OISD observes that such kind of possibly

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goal based approach adopted by PNGRB towards the cause of safety in a Refinery set up
is uncalled for and should be avoided.
 With regard to the design of Flare Knock Out Drums (KOD), installed in a Refinery, the
document has reproduced part of the provisions about design considerations from OISD
STD 106 on ’Pressure Relief & Disposal System’, but while reproducing the clause, critical
aspect of making provision for evacuation of KOD contents in case of power failure scenario,
has been completely missed out. These KOD pumps, as per the stipulations laid in
OISDSTD 106, must have provision of emergency drive (steam turbine or alternate source
of power) so that these pumps can be operated during the failure of normal power supply.
Non availability of these pumps in case of power failure can have disastrous consequences
for any Refinery.
8. Some other observations are appended as Annexure–B. Please note that this is not a
comprehensive list since there are various incomplete sentences, typographical errors also.
9. We would like to reiterate that OISD Safety Standards are developed for safety critical
subjects and 121 of such standards have already been developed by OISD. These
Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices for the Oil and Gas sector are developed
thru a participative process involving all the stakeholders (including the public at large),
drawing inputs from international standards and adapting them to Indian conditions by
leveraging the experience of the constituents.
These standards are developed by a Functional Committee of experts from the Industry; are
duly adopted by Steering Committee, and are finally approved by the ‘Safety Council’ which
is the Apex body headed by Secretary of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas as its
Chairman, and includes the Joint Secretaries and Advisors in the Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas, the CEOs of all the stakeholder organizations of both PSU’s as well as
Private/JV Oil Companies, the Chief Controller of Explosives and Advisor (Fire) to the
Government of India and the Director General of Factory Advice, Service and Labour
Institutes as members.
10. In view of the foregoing, and in the larger interest of safety, it is requested that PNGRB may
reconsider its decision of formulating a fresh set of Regulation for the same target areas
where OISD Standards/ Recommendatory Practices/ Guidelines are already in place.
In case it is felt by PNGRB that there are gaps in the Safety Standards developed by OISD;
the same may please be intimated to OISD for modification instead of framing the same
standards de-novo.
Sincerely Yours,

(Arun Mittal)
Executive Director
Encl: As above

Ms Vandana Sharma
Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB)
First Floor, World Trade Centre
Babar Road, New Delhi – 110001

cc: Joint Secretary (Refineries), MoP&NG, New Delhi.

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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
1 OISD- Work Permit System The standard is applicable to all hydrocarbon
STD-105 processing / handling installations such as
onshore / offshore oil and gas processing plants
& platforms, drilling and workover rigs, crude oil
and product installations, refineries, oil port
terminals, pipelines & pipeline installations,
marketing installations, LPG bottling plants, Lube
Blending plants etc.
2 OISD- Pressure Relief & The standard covers relieving devices and their
STD-106 Disposal System discharge systems of vessels and equipment in
the exploration & production installations and
related oil & gas processing plants, refineries,
petrochemical plants and storage & handling
locations, which are designed for a maximum
allowable working pressure of more than 1
3 OISD- Recommended The document is applicable to safety in the
RP-108 Practices on Oil design philosophies and operating procedures
Storage and pertaining to the storage and handling of crude oil
Handling and petroleum products at crude oil exploration &
production, refineries and pipelines installations
which are normally stored in above ground
atmospheric pressure or low pressure storage
tanks and underground tanks. This does not
cover the storage and handling of propane, LPG,
butane etc. which requires pressurized/cryogenic
4 OISD- Process Design and This document covers the design and operating
STD-109 Operating philosophies for safe handling and disposal of
philosophies on blow liquid blowdown from various process equipment
down and sewer in the Refineries, Gas Processing &
system Petrochemical Plants and their storage facilities.
Pressure relief of vapour/liquid and their disposal
is not covered in this document for which OISD -
106 Standard on “Pressure Relief and Disposal
System” should be referred to.
5 OISD- Recommended The purpose of this document is to assist oil and
RP-110 Practices on Static gas industry in reducing fire hazard due to static
Electricity electricity by presenting a discussion on the
nature and origin of static charges, the general
methods of mitigation and recommendations in
certain specific operations for its dissipation.
6 OISD- Process design and This document covers safety provisions in fired
STD-111 operating process furnaces in Petroleum Refineries, Gas
philosophies on fired Processing Plants & Petrochemicals.
process furnace This document does not include items like direct
fired heaters of FCCU, SRU, incinerators and
heater treaters for E&P installations.

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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
7 OISD- Safe handling of air The purpose of this document is to provide
STD-112 hydrocarbon relevant technical standards for reducing fire
mixtures and hazards of air hydrocarbon mixtures and
pyrophoric pyrophoric substances. The document also
substances illustrates the nature and origin of air hydrocarbon
mixtures and pyrophoric substances. The
document is applicable to petroleum production,
refining, petrochemical, Gas Processing Plants
(GPP), pipelines and marketing installations.
8 OISD- Classification of This standard is applicable to classification of
STD-113 Area for electrical hazardous areas for electrical installations in
installations at onshore processing, storage and transportation
Hydrocarbon facilities handling flammable liquids, vapours or
processing and gases. .
handling facilities This standard does not cover offshore
installations and also the provisions of this
standard do not apply to Onshore Drilling and
Workover Rigs as well as E&P Onshore
Production Installations;
9 OISD- Safe handling of This standard deals with the hazardous
STD-114 Hazardous chemicals used in Petroleum and Natural Gas
Chemicals exploration, production, processing, storage and
transportation facilities, petrochemicals
manufacturing and additives for lubricating oil
blending & markers for checking the adulteration
in products like kerosene in motor spirit etc.
10 OISD- Guidelines on Fire This document provides guidelines for
GDN- Fighting Equipment development of detailed procedures for
115 and Appliances in specifications/ inspection and testing of various
Petroleum Industry firefighting equipment, appliances and materials.
It covers the petroleum industry as a whole.
11 OISD- Fire Protection This standard covers the minimum design criteria
STD-116 facilities for and details of the various fire protection facilities
Petroleum to be provided in petroleum refineries and oil / gas
Refineries and processing plants.
Oil/Gas Processing
12 OISD- Layouts for Oil and This document lays down minimum requirements
STD-118 Gas Installations of layouts within the plant boundary for petroleum
refineries, Oil / Gas production and processing
plants, LPG facilities, Pipeline installations /
terminals, Lube oil installations and other
Petroleum storage installations such as Crude oil
gathering stations, Marketing depots and
terminals, Aviation storage & fueling stations,
Tank farm for storage of crude / products.
13 OISD- Selection, Operation This document covers the safety aspects in
STD-119 and Maintenance of selection, installation & commissioning and
Pumps operation & maintenance of pumps and their
associated systems in hydrocarbon industry.

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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
14 OISD- Selection, Operation This document covers the safety aspects in
STD-120 and Maintenance of selection, installation & commissioning and
Compressors operation & maintenance of compressors and
their associated systems in hydrocarbon industry.
15 OISD- Selection, This standard specifies the minimum
STD-121 Operation, requirements in selection, installation,
Inspection & commissioning, operation, inspection &
Maintenance of maintenance of steam & gas turbines and their
Steam & Gas associated systems in both onshore as well as
Turbines offshore areas of hydrocarbon industry.
16 OISD- Selection, Operation This document covers the general considerations
RP-122 and Maintenance of in Selection, Installation, Commissioning,
Fans, blowers, gear Operation, Maintenance and Failure & Root
boxes, agitators & Cause Analysis of Fans, Blowers, Gearboxes,
Mixers Agitators & Mixers.
17 OISD- Selection, Operation This document covers the general considerations
RP-123 and Maintenance of for Selection, Installation, Commissioning,
rotary equipment Operation, Maintenance and Failure Analysis of
components Bearings, Couplings and Transmission Belts.
18 OISD- Predictive This document covers the methodology for
RP-124 Maintenance management of a Predictive Maintenance
Practices Program for rotary equipment in hydrocarbon
19 OISD- Inspection and This standard covers the minimum requirements
STD-125 Maintenance of for selection, operation, maintenance & failure
Mechanical Seals analysis of Mechanical Seals and Sealing
Systems installed on rotating equipment in
hydrocarbon industry.
20 OISD- Specific practices for Specific maintenance practices for rotating
RP-126 installation and equipment viz Equipment Protection & Change
maintenance of Management System; Lubricant and lubrication
rotating equipment System; Safe Commissioning Practices; Root
Cause Failure Analysis; Safe Utilization of Lifting
Tools and Tackles and History Recording are
covered in these guidelines.
21 OISD- Selection operation This standard specifies the minimum
STD-127 inspection and requirements in selection, installation,
maintenance of commissioning, operation, inspection &
Diesel Engines maintenance of diesel engines in hydrocarbon
industry, both offshore & onshore.
22 OISD- Inspection of unfired This standard covers minimum inspection
STD-128 pressure vessels requirements, types of inspections, inspection
frequencies, inspection procedures and repair
methodology for unfired pressure vessels,
including underground pressure vessels installed
in hydrocarbon industry.
23 OISD- Inspection of storage This standard covers the minimum inspection
STD-129 tanks requirements for atmospheric and low-pressure
storage tanks constructed as per standards IS-
803, API-620, API 650, IS 10987 or equivalent.
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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
24 OISD- Inspection of Piping This standard covers minimum inspection
STD-130 Systems requirements, types of inspections, inspection
frequencies, inspection procedures and repair
methodology for metallic piping systems,
including Pipes, Valves and Fittings installed in
hydrocarbon industry.
25 OISD- Inspection of Boilers This standard covers the minimum inspection
STD-131 requirements for Fired & Unfired Boilers, and
Auxiliary Equipment during operation and
maintenance. Applicability of the standard is
across the Oil & Gas Industry segment.
26 OISD- Inspection of This standard outlines the minimum inspection
STD-132 pressure relieving and testing requirements applicable to all
devices pressure relieving devices including those for
vacuum service used in the petroleum industry.
27 OISD- Inspection of fired This standard covers the minimum inspection
STD-133 heaters requirements for fired heaters used in petroleum
28 OISD- Inspection of heat This standard covers minimum inspection
STD-134 exchangers requirements, types of inspections, inspection
frequencies, inspection procedures and repair
methodology for heat exchangers in hydrocarbon
29 OISD- Inspection of loading Inspection and testing requirements of various
STD-135 and unloading hoses types of loading and unloading hoses including
for petroleum the marine hoses used in the petroleum Industry
products are covered in the standard.
30 OISD- Inspection of This standard specifies the minimum inspection
STD-137 electrical equipment requirements for the installed electrical systems
in the Oil Industry, during their operation and
maintenance with special reference to the safety
31 OISD- Inspection of jetty This standard provides the minimum inspection &
STD-140 pipelines maintenance requirements to assure the integrity
for Jetty Pipelines used in transportation of crude
oil, petroleum and petroleum related products.
32 OISD- Inspection of This standard covers the minimum design,
STD-142 firefighting construction, inspection and testing requirements
equipment and of new and installed firefighting equipment and
systems Installations in the petroleum Industry.
33 OISD- Guidelines on Detailed methodology along with frequencies for
STD-145 Internal Safety carrying out Internal Safety Audits in Oil & Gas
Audits (Procedures Industry other than that the E&P Industry are
and Checklist) enumerated in these guidelines.
34 OISD- Preservation of idle This document recommends minimum safe
STD-146 electrical equipment practices and procedures to be adopted for
preservation of electrical equipment, which, after
their repair/reconditioning, or overhaul are either

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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
kept in storage or temporarily removed from
service and kept at site.

35 OISD- Inspection & safe This document specifies the minimum inspection
STD-147 practices during requirements and safe practices to be adhered
electrical to, in the case of new electrical installations
installations during their erection stage itself.
36 OISD- Inspection & safe This document recommends safe practices and
STD-148 practices during procedures for overhauling major electrical
overhauling equipment in the petroleum Industry.
electrical equipment
37 OISD- Design aspects for This document recommends minimum
RP-149 safety in electrical requirements in the design and engineering of
systems electrical installations in Refineries, Gas
Processing Plants and Cross country Pipeline
Installations with or without storage.
38 OISD- Design and Safety This standard lays down minimum requirements
STD-150 Requirements For on safety, design, layout, installation, operation,
Liquefied Petroleum maintenance and testing of aboveground fully
Gas Mounded mounded bulk vessels used for storage of
Storage Facility Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) installed in the
refineries, gas processing plants, terminals,
bottling plants and auto LPG dispensing stations
otherwise falling under the scope of any of the
OISD standards namely OISD-STD-144, OISD-
STD-116, OISD-STD-118, OISD-GDN-169 and
OISD-STD-210 as applicable.
39 OISD- Safety The document provides guidelines for minimum
STD-152 instrumentation for requirement of the Safety Instrumented System
process system in (SIS) for critical process functions / equipment
hydrocarbon involved typically in the widely used processing
industry route of various processes. The document covers
areas including process operations in onshore
production facilities, gas processing units,
refineries and petrochemical process plants.
40 OISD- Maintenance & This standard covers safety instrumentation with
STD-153 inspection of safety pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical & electronic /
instrumentation in microprocessor system used in oil & gas
hydrocarbon installations and which are responsible for pre-
industry trip alarm and plant trip.
41 OISD- Safety aspects in Safety aspects related to functional training in
STD-154 functional training entire petroleum Industry is covered in this
42 OISD- Personal Protective This standard is intended to serve largely as a
STD-155 Equipment : Part I guide for selection of appropriate PPE for
(Part I) Non-respiratory different situations in the entire Oil & Gas
equipment Industry.
OISD- Personal Protective
STD-155 Equipment : Part II
(Part II)
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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
43 OISD- Process Control The requirements of this standard are applicable
STD-163 Room Safety to Control Rooms in Petroleum Refineries,
Oil/Gas Production & Process Plants, Marketing
Terminals, LPG Filling Plants, Pipeline
installations (including pumping/compressor
stations) etc.
44 OISD- Fire Proofing of This standard provides minimum requirements of
STD-164 Steel Supporting passive fire proofing for steel supporting
Structures in Oil & structures of on-shore installations for exploration
Gas Industry & production, refineries, petrochemicals and
marketing installations.
45 OISD- Guidelines for This document lays down minimum requirements
STD-166 Occupational Health for practicing Occupational Health Monitoring in
Monitoring in Oil and petroleum refineries, oil/gas exploration /
Gas Industry production/processing plants both offshore and
onshore, cross country pipelines, LPG bottling
plants and other petroleum handling
46 OISD- Inspection, This Recommended Practice (RP) intends to
STD-170 Maintenance, provide guidelines to the Oil Industry personnel
Repairs and with regard to the maintenance, inspection,
Rehabilitation of repairs and rehabilitation of various civil
foundations and structures and foundations.
47 OISD- Preservation of Idle This standard lays down the preservation
STD-171 Static & Rotary procedures to be followed in oil and gas
Mechanical installations for various static and rotary idle
Equipment mechanical equipment installed at plant and for
the equipment/spares kept in stores.
48 OISD- Fire Protection This document provides the minimum
STD-173 System for Electrical requirements for preventing fire hazard,
Installations containing and suppression of fire in the electrical
installations in the petroleum, oil and gas sector.
However, this standard does not cover off-shore
oil installations and rigs. It also excludes onshore
drilling rigs and well head installations.
49 OISD- Inspection & This standard lays down the minimum inspection/
STD-177 Maintenance of maintenance practices and procedures adopted
Thermal Insulation for external hot & cold insulation on static/ rotary
and mobile equipment/vessels and pipelines in oil
and gas industries.
50 OISD- Guidelines on These guidelines describes the procedures to be
GDN- Management Of adopted for systemic Management of Change in
178 Change the entire Petroleum & Natural Gas Industry.
51 OISD- Lightning Protection This document covers the lightning protection
GDN- systems requirements in Oil and Gas industry
180 with special references to safety aspects:

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OISD Standards having applicability for Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants
# Standar Description Brief Scope / Coverage
52 OISD- Safety Practices This document specifies broad guidelines on
GDN- During Construction Health, Safety and Environment practices to be
192 adhered to during construction activities including
green field projects in oil industry.
53 OISD- Guidelines for The document is applicable to Oil Exploration,
GDN- Seeking Drilling, Processing, Refining and Transportation
196 Environmental Sectors.
Clearance of
Projects in
Petroleum Industry
54 OISD- Guidelines for The guidelines are applicable to all new/
GDN- Environmental development projects of oil drilling and gas
197 Impact Assessment extraction and processing facilities of onland and
offshore areas of upstream petroleum sector,
refining sector, LPG, LNG and other petroleum
product facilities including marketing terminals of
downstream sector including cross country
pipeline (surface and sub-surface).
55 OISD- Guidelines on Safety This document provides guidelines for
GDN- Management development of detailed procedures for Safety
206 System in Petroleum Management System and covers the petroleum
Industry Industry as a whole.
56 OISD- Contractor Safety This document covers broadly the guidelines on
GDN- the HSE management system for enhancing the
207 safety levels of the contractor workforce deployed
in construction, maintenance and operation
activities in the hydrocarbon industry.
57 OISD- Safety in Petroleum This document is applicable to the Quality
GDN- Laboratories Control, Quality Assurance and R&D laboratories
211 of the Oil / Gas processing / handling industries
viz. Refineries, Petrochemical complexes, gas
processing plants, oil production, pipeline and
marketing installations.
58 OISD- Guidelines on The scope of these guidelines is limited to
GDN- Environmental Audit downstream petroleum sector facilities namely
212 in Downstream crude/product pipelines, oil refineries, gas
Petroleum Sector processing plants and marketing installations.
It does not cover the road / rail tanker
transportation and retail outlets of oil and gas.
59 OISD- Monitoring & Control This document lays down guidelines for
GDN- of Volatile Organic identification and control of fugitive VOC
224 Compounds emissions.
60 OISD- Selection, Training & The guidelines establish the requirements for
GDN- Placement of Fire developing and maintaining an effective program
228 Operators in
Hydrocarbon &
Petroleum Industry

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SN Clause Description in PNGRB Relevant OISD remarks

standard OISD Standard
1 1.2 (o) Location of emergency 4.13.1 d of Emergency control room
control center and OISD-GDN- should be at safe area.
alternate control center 206 In Refineries, generally ECR
shall be identified and are set up outside battery
should be close to OHC, area. Fire control rooms
Fire control room and /OHCs are set up inside
Security control center. battery area. So condition of
proximity of ECR to these
facilities should be
2 1.3.1 (c) In case process units are 4.3 0f OISD- Following Points may be
operated in an integrated STD-163 added
way and shutdowns are Control room shall be single
taken simultaneously, storied building.
then it may be considered
as a single block. Control
room should be located in
a non-hazardous area
upwind of process plants
/ hydrocarbon storage
and handling facilities. It
shall not be located on a
lower level than
surrounding plants and
tank farms. There shall
be no structure that would
fall on the control room in
case of a blast
3 (a) Inlet piping --------- OISD-STD- Following points to be
Installation of inlet side. 106,clause no added:
Safety Devices (b) The discharge side---- 6.3 g) Isolation valves on the
----- safety valve. inlet and outlet of each
(c) Inlet and outlet of ------ safety valve shall be
------ safety valve.
installed with some
(d) Inlet and outlet ---------
- safety valve. provision for keeping the
(e) The discharge line ---- isolation valves in open
------- pressure drop. position with appropriate
(f) In vessels ------------ locking device.
two-phase flow.
h) These isolation valves
shall be installed with their
stem pointing downwards or
horizontal to avoid the
possibility of a valve
remaining stuck closed in
case the stem becomes
4 Main Horizontal and vertical Addition Horizontal and vertical
Flare Knock- drums are both suggested in drums are both acceptable.
out Drum acceptable. The drums line with OISD- The drums shall be sized to
shall be sized to separate STD- separate out liquid droplets

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SN Clause Description in PNGRB Relevant OISD remarks
standard OISD Standard
out liquid droplets of 300- 106,clause no of 300-600 microns size.
600 microns size. The 8.3.6 The K.O. drums should be
K.O. drums should be sized to provide liquid hold
sized to provide liquid up of 20-30 minutes, which
hold up of 20-30 minutes, shall be recycled with the
which shall be recycled provision of pumps. These
with the provision of pumps shall have provision
pumps. of emergency drive (steam
turbine or alternate source
of power). Level: Tanks shall be provided Changes Tanks shall be provided with
with at least two numbers suggested in at least two nos independent
of level instruments of line with OISD- level instruments out of
which one may be local STD- which one instrument shall
and the other remote, 244,clause no be of radar gauge type and
located in control room or 7.11 (ii) other one shall be either
office. In addition, Servo type or radar type. In
high/low level alarms with addition, high/low level
independent primary alarms with independent
sensing device are primary sensing device are
recommended. recommended.
6 3.1 Mechanical Mechanical Completion Only list of activities to be
Completion of activities consist of all kept. Responsibility matrix
the Refinery non-operating activities. of contractor, operation and
projects PMC to be removed as it all
A typical list might be as
depends on the contract
follows terms and may vary from
Similarly, for company to company. It is
not adding any safety to
3.6.1 Activities procedure.
in Table given which
commissioning: includes responsibilities
First three matrix also
activities below
falls under pre-
7 7.3.2(iv) Water flow rate Section 5.9 is not related to
requirements for the subject. Correct
firefighting in other major reference to be mentioned.
areas shall be calculated
based on criteria in terms
of lpm/ m2 given in
section 5.9.
8 7.4.2 The capacity and number Section 5.2 is not related to
of main fire water pumps the subject. Correct
shall be fixed based on reference to be mentioned.
design fire water rate,
worked out on the basis
of design criteria as per
section 5.2.

Legend – addition in green and deletion in red and strikethrough

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SN Clause Description in PNGRB Relevant OISD remarks
standard OISD Standard
7.5.5(ii) Fire water distribution Annexure-VI is about the
ring main shall be sized calculation of foam
for 120% of the design requirement not for water
water rate. Design flow requirement
rates shall be distributed
at nodal points to give the
most realistic way of
water requirements in an
emergency. Several
combinations of flow
requirements shall be
assumed for design of
network. For large water
requirement for floating
roof tank (Annexure-VI),
the network around tank
farm shall be suitably
10 7.10.2 Provision of an automatic Reference Annexure-VII
rim-seal protection mentioned is not available in
system of foam flooding TSS-Draft.
type shall be in line with
the details mentioned at
4.2.3 and at Annexure-VII
11 7.10.4 This can be suitably
adjusted for different Reference pr 6.4(iii)
vapour seal chamber mentioned is not available in
capacity in accordance TSS-Draft.
with para 6.4 (iii).
12 7.10.10 Foam Quantity of foam Quantity of foam compound
Compound compound equal to equal to 100% of
Storage 100% of requirement as requirement as calculated
calculated in 7.10.9 shall in 7.10.9 shall be stored in
be stored in the the Installation, subjected to
Installation, subjected to a minimum of 60,000
a minimum of 60,000 (20000 in case of 1% foam)
litres. However, for litres. However, for
installations having installations having
tankages larger than 60 tankages larger than 60 M
M diameter, minimum of diameter, minimum of
77000 liters foam should 77000 (~26000 in case of
be stored or foam 1% foam) liters foam should
sufficient to fight two be stored or foam sufficient
major fires whichever is to fight two major fires
more. whichever is more.
(As 1% foam is considered,
the minimum quantity of
foam storage should be
changed accordingly.)
13 9.2.1 Two types of Safety Two types of Safety Audits
Audits are proposed to be are proposed to be carried
carried out as below: out as below:

(i) Internal Safety Audit (i) Internal Safety Audit

(ii) External Safety Audit
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SN Clause Description in PNGRB Relevant OISD remarks
standard OISD Standard
14 9.3.4 In Section-II of this 5.4 of OISD- Reference section-II is not
document, detailed GDN-145 available in the document.
model Checklist covering
important areas are
given. It is suggested that
oil industry members
should adopt these model
check lists for carrying out
Internal Safety Audits.
15 12.4.6 Permit authorization OISD STD 105 Work permit authorization
list shall be prepared and
the same shall be approved
by the operations head.

16 12.4.3 Permit to work system OISD STD 105 Shall elaborate on who is
the owner of the work

Issuer and receiver Shall elaborate about roles

and responsibilities of
issuer and receiver

Page 14 of 14
a-m "ffiil, if<R-~, ~-~-it..ft. 'JfcR,
~ -'i. 2, m-13, ~-201301
Government of India, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

1':'11111!11!""""'. . . ~ am a1 ~ffl" Fat~ e11 Ma 8th Floor, Tower-A, OIDB Bhawan

Plot No. 2, Sector-73, NOIDA- 201301
~el.: +91-120-2593800, 2593801
,so. 9oiiil
o1:•2oo•e ce.rtifi.ed OIL INDUSTRY SAFETY DIRECTORATE ~ax: +91-120-2593802, 2593858
~ebsite :

OISD/ENGG/GEN/22 oth April 2018

Subject: Views/Comments on the draft PNGRB (Technical Standards and Specifications

including Safety Standards for LPG Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities)
Regulations, 2017.


This has reference to the PNGRB communication No. lnfra/T4S/LPG/3/2018 dated 261h
March 2018 seeking views/ comments on the subject PNGRB Draft Regulation.

2. It may be mentioned that for the subject target area which is now being proposed by
PNGRB, is a combination of following OISD standards which are already being
followed by the entire Oil & Gas industry.
# Standard Description
1 OISD-STD-144 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Installations.
2 OISD-GDN-169 Guidelines on Small LPG Bottling Plants (Design and Fire
Protection facilities).
3 OISD-STD-150 Design and Safety Requirements for Liquefied Petroleum
Gas Mounded Storage Facility.
4 OISD-RP-158 Recommended Practices on Storage and Handling of Bulk
Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
5 OISD-STD-159 LPG Tank Trucks - Requirements of Safety on Design/
Fabrication and Fittinos.
6 OISD-GDN-161 LPG Tank Truck Incidents: Rescue & Relief Operations.
7 OISD-STD-162 Safety in installation and maintenance of LPG cylinders
8 OISD-STD-230 Unlined Underground Rock Cavern Storage for Petroleum
Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
9 OISD-STD-236 Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of Refrigerated
LPG Storage.

3. Among all the above mentioned standards, OISD-STD-144 & OISD-GDN-169 are
already part of Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 and OISD-STD-150 is a part of Static &
Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 and hence are already included in
statutory regulations. Therefore, duplicated and diluted publication of PNGRB
(Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards for LPG Storage,
Handling and Bottling Facilities) Regulations, 2017 will lead to contradiction between
two statutory bodies, hence same does not serve any useful purpose to the industry.

4. In this context, we would like to mention that, to discuss the issue of duplication of
already existing OISD standards in the entire gamut of P&NG industry viz. Refineries,
Cross-country Pipelines, Marketing, Exploration & Production, LNG terminals etc., by
PNGRB, a meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (R), MoP&NG
wher~in the concerns of Ministry were conveyed to representative of PNGRB.
~ .
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It may be mentioned that during the aforesaid meeting, it was deliberated that framing
of another set of safety standards by PNGRB would not only result in duplication of
efforts, but may also lead to confusion in the Industry about implementation of different

Representative from PNGRB was requested to convey such observations of MoP&NG

to the Board i.e. PNGRB. During the deliberations in the said meeting Chaired by
JS(R), it was also discussed that in case it is felt by PNGRB that there are gaps in the
Safety Standards developed by OISD; the same can be intimated to OISD for
modification instead of framing the same standards de-novo.

5. Further, the issue of duplication of OISD Standards by PNGRB was also discussed in
the 34th Safety Council Meeting held on 14th September 2017, wherein, during the
deliberations, it was observed that in the larger interest of Safety, duplication of already
existing and in practice OISD Standards by PNGRB is not required as this may lead to
confusion in so far as the operators are concerned.

Upon in depth deliberations in the aforesaid Safety Council Meeting, Secretary PNG
and Chairman Safety council decided that Ministry shall again take up the matter with
PNGRB and a separate meeting would be convened with the Board in near future.

6. It is to be noted that similar concern has been forwarded to PNGRB vide ref: EDS:
OISD: MoP&NG: 01 dated 28.02.2018 (Annexure-A), regarding the duplication of
OISD-STD-244, wherein PNGRB has been requested for reconsideration.

7. It is observed that OISD Standards cover various topics in much greater detail where-
as the same is not there in T4S . For example, "LPG Tank Trucks: Requirement of
safety on design / fabrication and fittings", "Piping Safety in installation and
maintenance of LPG Cylinders Manifold" and "Small LPG Bottling Plants (Design and
Fire Protection Facilities)" require in depth detailing in T4S to serve any useful purpose.

It may be mentioned that "Piping Safety in installation and maintenance of LPG

cylinders manifold" has been covered in a single page in the entire T4S which does not
do justice to such installations which exist in residential complexes, restaurants and
canteens located in malls, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes etc. On the other hand,
OISD-STD-162, the document from which one page T4S has been derived, is meant
for enhancing the safety of such installations is a very detailed document being
followed by the sector extensively.

In PNGRB T 4S, heat detection based auto operated Sprinkler System with Deluge
Valve has been prescribed only in case of LPG vessels and for all other areas T 4S
prescribes manual operated sprinkler system which is dilution of clause 5.9.1 of OISD-
GDN-169. It may be mentioned that for small plants, bottling more than 20 MT LPG per
day, latest amended OISD-GDN-169 prescribes heat detection based auto operated
sprinkler system with deluge valve based fire protection for not only LPG storage
vessels but also for other areas like LPG Sheds, TLD and LPG Pump & Compressor
House etc. as there is definite time gap between manual mode and auto mode
operation which can prove to be disastrous in case of fire.

Receipt of bulk LPG through LPG pipeline in receiving location has not been covered in
T4S. Whereas OISD specifies the regulations to be followed in OISD-STD-214: Cross
Country LPG Pipelines.
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8. We would like to reiterate that OISD Safety Standards are developed for safety critical
subjects and 120 of such standards have already been developed by OISD. These
Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices for the Oil and Gas sector are
developed thru a participative process involving all the stakeholders (including the
public at large), drawing inputs from international standards and adapting them to
Indian conditions by leveraging the experience of the constituents.

These standards are developed by a Functional Committee of experts from the

Industry; are duly adopted by Steering Committee, and are finally approved by the
'Safety Council' which is the Apex body headed by Secretary of the Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas as its Chairman, and includes the Joint Secretaries and
Advisors in the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, the CEOs of all the stakeholder
organizations of both PSU's as well as Private/JV Oil Companies, the Chief Controller
of Explosives and Advisor (Fire) to the Government of India and the Director General of
Factory Advice, Service and Labour Institutes as members.

In view of the foregoing, and in the larger interest of safety, it is requested that PNGRB
may reconsider its decision of formulating a fresh set of Regulation for the same target
areas where OISD Standards/ Recommendatory Practices/ Guidelines are already in

In case it is felt by PNGRB that there are gaps in the Safety Standards developed by
OISD; the same may please be intimated to OISD for modification instead of framing
the same standards de-nova.

Further, it may be mentioned that 21 OISD standards/ Guidelines/ Recommendatory

Practices have been included in various statutes of the country viz the Petroleum
Rules, 2002; the Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016; the Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels
Rules, 2016 and the Oil Mines Regulations, 2017. It is suggested that on similar lines
PNGRB may also like to notify relevant OISD standards in their Technical Standards
and Specifications including Safety Standards (T4S) Regulations.

Sincerely Yours,

(VJ Rao)
Executive Director

Ms Vandana Sharma
Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB)
First Floor, World Trade Centre
Babar Road, New Delhi - 110001

cc: Joint Secretary (Refineries), MoP&NG, New Delhi.

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