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Retrogate Planet

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when a planet gets ret.

It starts behaving in just an opposite manner..

and hence will in turn ,commands the native to work on its qualities (introspect
for example jupiter will behave like venus
want of knowledge will turn into want of luxuries,fame
(so native have to work hard to gain knowledge)
extending this further..
If ret. jupiter is placed in vrish in 11th house..
and venus is either aspecting jupiter or conjucting it ....
and simultaneously moon and mars are placed 6th and 8th of jupiter ....
this will give a strong raj yog in the materialistic world ...
reason being....
when jupiter is ret,it will go towards the qualities of venus
venus aspecting it ,will amplify its qualities given by jupiter(jup and ven will
become freinds)
and since moon and mars are enemies of venus qualities which are being amplified
in this case (their placement in 6th and 8th will function like VRY)
on top of this all this is happening in 11th house(which is for desires )
again complementing qualities of venus....

Few terms which you can associate with this effect....

1) delay
2) introspection
3) retrospection
4) unusual behavior of planet

all the above terms need to be explained in detail but let me first take up the
fourth point,which talks abt unusual behaviour of the planet...
what does i mean by that?
see ,every planet has some qualities associated with it ...
for example...
Jupiter is always associated with knowledge and perseverence....
now when i say unusual behaviour ....
It means that retrograde jupiter will show a decline in knowledge and perseveren
ce of the native.
or in other words, delay in acheiving the goals which has been set by the jupite
r in life for the native.
Now few questions are conditioning our mind...
will this happen in all the cases?

one more bigger question ......

why this will happen?????

To understand this ,we have to concentrate on the motion followed by the planet
with respect to earth.....
for eg.
during retrogration It will appear to us from earth, that jupiter is moving back
on its path and covering the same path 3 times.
But actually jupiter is always moving forward on its path with respect to sun.
since in astrology ,we have to see everything with respect to earth ,as we live
on earth, concept of retrograde comes into picture....

so jupiter appears moving backwards ,as earth is on the circular path...

coming back to the question.....

so effect of retrogration of jupiter will depend upon various factors such as..
1) nature of rashi occupied by Jupiter
2)nature and strength of planets conjucting jupiter.
3)nature and strength of planets aspecting jupiter.
4)navmansha and shatyamsa strength of all the planets involved with jupiter.
and ofcourse dasha under progress.

will take an example so that you all can understand ....

so firstly we should understand that ....

the planet which is retrograde will not behave according to its usual nature ...
so if it is getting exalted or swarashi ,the effect of that exalted placement wi
ll NOT come to you.
thats why we say MAHApurush yogs are not applicable to retrograde planets
BUT then ,in what exact manner the planet will behave will depend on the factors
I have mentioned above....

when a planet gets ret.

It starts behaving in just an opposite manner..
and hence will in turn ,commands the native to work on its qualities (introspect
for example jupiter will behave like venus
want of knowledge will turn into want of luxuries,fame
(so native have to work hard to gain knowledge)
extending this further..
If ret. jupiter is placed in vrish in 11th house..
and venus is either aspecting jupiter or conjucting it ....
and simultaneously moon and mars are placed 6th and 8th of jupiter ....
this will give a strong raj yog in the materialistic world ...
reason being....
when jupiter is ret,it will go towards the qualities of venus
venus aspecting it ,will amplify its qualities given by jupiter(jup and ven will
become freinds)
and since moon and mars are enemies of venus qualities which are being amplified
in this case (their placement in 6th and 8th will function like VRY)
on top of this all this is happening in 11th house(which is for desires )
again complementing qualities of venus....

Ideally moon and mars are freinds of jupiter ,but since jupiter
is behaving more like venus...(being ret)
jupiter will share a relationship of enemy ,with moon and mars ....
so placement of moon and mars in 6th and 8th from jupiter will boost the powers
of jupiter....
and placement of saturn ,venus,mercury(freinds of venus) in kendra and trikond f
rom jupiter will also boost the powers of jupiter(ret)
but the above senario is bad for the progress in spritual world.
so for acheiving the ultimate motive of life ,ret. jupiter is harmul in above ca
similarly we have to see which all planets are aspecting ,conjucting or influenc
ing it in any way and then reach to a specific conclusion ...
If in the above case moon and mars would have aspected jupiter instead of venus.
then that can push the naitve in the spritual world but would be bad for materia

when a planet gets ret. their is a transformation in their qualities

for example:
Jupiter qualities gets transformed into the qualities of venus
mercury to mars
mars to mercury
venus to sun
and qualities of saturn changes into the qualities of mars(though sun is the ved
hak of saturn)
(as above pairs are vedhak to each other)

hence if mars and merucry are conjucting

and if any one of them is ret. ,they will not behave in an inmical manner
but will become freinds...
but if both are ret.
they would remain inmical to each other.
similarly if sun is conjucting with venus
and if venus is ret...
they would behave as freinds....

Ret sat. alone(without any conjuction or aspect) is very strong in 3rd,6th and 1
Ret. saturn start behaving like its vedhak that is mars....
Now the above saying is general which will vary with rashi in which saturn is pl
for example in mesh, scorpio, leo, dhanu ,cancer and pices
(rashi's of the friends of mars i.e is jupiter,sun,moon)
Ret sat will do good when placed alone in 3rd, 6th and 10th houses....
Genrally saying saturn give very auspicious results in 12th house(only when ther
e are no malefic influences)
extending the above example.....
If this ret sat is sitting with Jupiter, sun, moon,mars(friends of mars) in abov
e specified rashi's and houses will prove auspicious...(considering no aspect)
but jupiter and mars should not be retrograde in above senario...

If this ret sat is sitting with mercury ,rahu and ketu will prove very inauspici
but if mercury is also retrograde then it will be asupicious(as vedhak of mercur
y is mars, it will behave like mars after retro)
If this ret sat is sitting with venus, will increase sexual urge drastically in
6th,3rd and 11th house and will simultaneously increase money aspects in 3rd and
11th houses..
If jupiter is very strong in the chart then sexual urge would be contolled...

Extending this example further....

so Now.we can say few concepts...
1) Retrograde planets loose their abilities to make an impact(or their qualities
show a decline) they go in the phase of introspection...
2) They will behave as a student , and will try to learn things from the planet
aspecting or conjucting them...(as those planets will act as a teacher for retro
grade planet...
3) The qualities of a ret. planet will show a inherent inclination towards its v
(as vedhak is a planet who obstructs(or who will act as enemy), If you are getti
ng weak, your enemy would be the first one to use your weakness in his favour)..
4) If retro planet is conjucting with strong or exalted planets, It will also be
come very strong...(this applies to navamsa too)

If you see rahu and ketu...they are always retrograde....

and hence they always gives the effect of planets conjucting and aspecting them.
So basically they are acting as a student, hence their auspiciousness would depe
nd on their teachers(Planets aspecting or conjucting them)
If rahu is conjucting with saturn and mars, then their teachers are paapi...
so being(ret) a student, they will also learn paap....
If planets like jupiter,mercury are influencing rahu...rahu would become auspici
ous by learning good things from them....

If you see the chart of bhagwan swaminarayan....

this is exactly what is happening...
Mercury with venus,sun in pieces in 5th house....
In lagan jupiter is present with saturn(so here jupiter is aspecting 5th house)
mars is present in 2nd house..(jupiter and mars are in parivartan)
Thsi mars is also aspecting 5th house....
moon is present in 9th house in cancer...
Now here , though mercuy is getting neech....
Since retro... not behaving as mercury... and since it is not mercury , pieces w
ill not act as mercury's neech rashi...(on top of this neech bhang)
mercury is taking the qualities of Uchh venus ,sun, aspecting jupiter and aspect
ing mars... simultaneouslly....
(here in this case ,since the vedhak of mercury,mars is also aspecting 5th..its
further boost to the energetic learning abilities of mercury)
As a result the dasha of mercury alone was enough to make him a LORD....
Birth details of bhagwan swaminarayan for your refence...
02'nd april 1781...
10:10 pm...
you will also see that there is a further influence of jupiter,venus and mars
on this retro mercury in NAVAMSA CHART<>>>>

If neech mars is sitting with jupiter and aspected by moon...

It will take the qualities jupiter and moon..(just like ret planet)
That's why we say mars has got neechbhang...(specially beacause of jupiter)
Its like, If suppose you have some negative qualities...(like mars)
Then In what circumastances ,you will do less negative( Minimised)..
1) Your parents may teach you positive qualities.
2) your teachers may teach you.
3) Your freinds may teach you.
4) You may learn it from Internet or book(by reading some article).
5) You may learn from television..
Idea is, your negative qualities cannot be minimised in the absence some positiv
e source.
When positive qualities increase, negative qualities minimises...
Mars is taking the help of jupiter and moon to minimise its negative qualities

The long living aspect of ret saturn in 8th house can also be explained with the
help of the saturn -mars vedhak concept.
1) When ret saturn is present in 8th house in aries or scorpio rashi(with no mal
efic influence on it)...and simultaneouslly mars is gaining strength in the laga
n and navamsa chart.
2) When ret saturn is present in 8th house in dhanu or pieces rashi(with no male
fic influence on it)...and simultaneouslly mars and jupiter are gaining strength
in the lagan and navamsa chart.
3) When ret saturn is present in 8th house in cancer rashi(with no malefic influ
ence on it)...and simultaneouslly mars and moon are gaining strength in the laga
n and navamsa chart.
4) When ret saturn is present in 8th house in leo rashi(with no malefic influenc
e on it)...and simultaneouslly mars and sun are gaining strength in the lagan an
d navamsa chart.
In short If you notice that...that when ret saturn would start behaving as mars(
Its vedhak)...this saturn would turn auspicious in the mitr rashi's of mars(that
is rashi's of jupiter,moon and sun)...oc the condition that :-
1) that mitr of mars should be in strength in lagan and navsma charts
2) mars itself should be in strength in lagan and navamsa chart
3) There should be no malefic influence on this ret saturn (AS RET PLANETS could
easily take the effect of planet conjucting and aspecting it)
Now two things should be remembered for the above condition.
1) when I say that saturn would behave as mars(Its vedhak) ..IT DOESNT MEAN THAT
What it means that - An OLD MAN WANTS TO PLAY LIKE A CHILD and in the process co
uld hurt himself.
(The conditons which I have mentioned above will even PREVENT the ret saturn...o
r will even PREVENT that Old man from accident during play---and THATS WHY LONG
2) When I say That ret saturn would start behaving as also means that
er if that happen ...then we always assume that ret planet will try
to capture all the qualities of those planets ...and HENCE WILL NOT behave like
mars ALONE...(his behviour would be mixed depending on the kind of planets aspec
ting or conjucting)

Therefore keeping the above conditions in mind...

we can say that if ret saturn(when placed in vrish or tula or mithun or kanya or
makar or kumbh rashi in 8th house) is conjucted or aspected by venus,mercury(It
s freinds) ...then this ret saturn would again prove out to be auspicious -hence
will again give the native long life...(provided no other malefic influenceS in
present on the planets involved in lagAn And nvamsa CHARTS)

THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE TAKING PLACE since in the above cases the saturn will n
ot behave like mars ALONE but will give its mixed fal(which includes the results
of venus or mercury-that is the lord of rashi's in which it is placed)

Therefore in all the cases ret saturn could prove beneficial for long life in 8t
h house from saturn-mars vedhak concept


Thanks & Regards,

Prateek Bhatt

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