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The key takeaways are that 6G is envisioned to provide ultimate experience for all through hyper-connectivity involving humans and everything. It is expected to satisfy unprecedented requirements that 5G cannot meet and support services like truly immersive XR and high-fidelity mobile holograms.

Some of the major services envisioned for 6G include truly immersive XR, high-fidelity mobile holograms, and digital replicas.

The three categories of requirements for 6G technologies discussed are performance requirements, architectural requirements, and trustworthiness requirements.


The Next
Hyper Connected
Experience for All.

Issued by Samsung Research

Samsung 6G Vision
The Vision
of 6G

Bring the next hyper-connected

experience to every corner of life.
​​Table of Preface 7
Contents 1 Megatrends toward 6G 9
Connected Machines – Machine as a Main User 9
AI – New Tool for Wireless Communications 11
Openness of Mobile Communications 11
Social Goals and Mobile Communications 12

2 6G Services 13
Truly Immersive XR 13
High-Fidelity Mobile Hologram 14
Digital Replica 15
3 Requirements 17
Performance Requirements 18
Architectural Requirements 19
Trustworthiness Requirements 20

4 Candidate Technologies 22
Terahertz Technologies 22
Novel Antenna Technologies 24
Evolution of Duplex Technology 27
Evolution of Network Topology 28
Spectrum Sharing 30
Comprehensive AI 32
Split Computing 33
High-Precision Network 35

5 6G Timeline 37

6 Concluding Remarks 38

7 References 39

Following the commercialization of 5G technologies, both academia and industry are

initiating research activities to shape the next-generation communication system, namely
6G. Considering the general trend of successive generations of communication systems
introducing new services with more stringent requirements, it is reasonable to expect 6G
to satisfy unprecedented requirements and expectations that 5G cannot meet.

We expect that 6G will provide ultimate experience for all through hyper-connectivity
involving humans and everything. In this white paper, we aim to provide readers with a
comprehensive overview of various aspects related to 6G, including technical and societal
trends, services, requirements, and candidate technologies. The rest of this white paper is
organized as follows:

Section 1 introduces megatrends driving technology evolution towards 6G.

Section 2 discusses major services that have to be taken into account in developing 6G

Section 3 describes requirements to realize the expected services for 6G. They consist
of performance requirements, architectural requirements, and trustworthiness re-

Section 4 introduces candidate technologies that will be essential to satisfy the re-
quirements for 6G, which currently include support of the terahertz band, novel an-
tenna technologies, evolution of duplex technology, evolution of network topology,
spectrum sharing, comprehensive AI, split computing, and high-precision network.

Section 5 provides an initial expectation of the 6G timeline. We anticipate that the ear-
liest commercialization could occur as early as 2028 while massive commercialization
may emerge around 2030.

Section 6 provides concluding remarks.

Preface 7
1 Megatrends
toward 6G

Applications that take advantage of wireless communications are ex-

panding from connecting humans to connecting various things. Wireless
communication is becoming an important part of social infrastructure and
people’s daily lives. In addition, today’s exponential growth of advanced
technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and automation
will usher in unprecedented paradigm shifts in the wireless communi-
cation. These circumstances lead to four major megatrends advancing
toward 6G: connected machines, use of AI for the wireless communica-
tion, openness of mobile communications, and increased contribution for
achieving social goals. The rest of this section discusses details of these
four megatrends.

Connected Machines
Machine as a Main User
It is envisaged that the number of connected devices will reach 500 bil-
lion by 2030 [1], which is about 59 times larger than the expected world
population (8.5 billion [2]) by that time. Mobile devices will take various
form-factors, such as augmented reality (AR) glasses, virtual reality (VR)
headsets, and hologram devices. Increasingly, machines will need to be
connected by means of wireless communications. Examples of connect-
ed machines include vehicles, robots, drones, home appliances, displays,
smart sensors installed in various infrastructures, construction machiner-
ies, and factory equipment. Figure 1 illustrates this trend of mobile devices
and connected machines.

Megatrends toward 6G 9
Figure 1
Evolution of mobile devices and
connected machines.

2010 2020 2030

As the number of connected machines grows exponentially, those ma-

chines will become dominant users of 6G communications. Looking back
at the history of wireless communications, technologies have been devel-
oped assuming services for humans as the major driving applications. In
5G, machines were also considered in defining requirements and devel-
oping technologies. We expect new 6G technologies have to be developed
specifically to connect hundreds of billions of machines taking into account
what is required for machines.

To provide an initial insight into the performance targets needed for

connected machines, Table 1 compares the perception capability of hu-
mans and machines. For example, the capability of human eye is limited
to a maximum resolution of 1/150° and view angle of 200° in azimuth and
130° in zenith. On the other hand, machine vision capability is not con-
strained by such limitations, since it can take advantage of many cameras
with various functions. Considering such high capabilities of machines, the
performance requirements for the 6G system could be extremely high for
relevant service scenarios.

Table 1
Human Machine
Comparison of the perception ca-
pability of humans and machines. Maximum 1/150°
Resolution (Smartphone display 290 ppi at 30 cm)
<100 ms
Audible Exceeds Human Limitations!
250-2,000 Hz
280-780 nm
Azimuth 200°, Zenith 130°

New Tool for Wireless Communications
In recent years, the rise of AI has pervaded various areas such as finance,
health care, manufacturing, industry, and wireless communication sys-
tems. Application of AI in wireless communications holds the potential to
improve performance and reduce capital expenditure (CAPEX) and opera-
tional expenditure (OPEX). For example, AI can

˗ Improve performance of handover operation taking into account

network deployments and geographical environments

˗ Optimize network planning involving base station (BS) location de-


˗ Reduce network energy consumption

˗ Predict, detect, and enable self-healing of network anomalies

The potential benefits of AI applied to wireless communications are

promising. On the other hand, there is a limit to what is achievable today,
as use of AI in communication networks was not considered when develop-
ing existing communication systems such as 5G. In the case of 6G, knowing
that AI technologies are available for practical applications, we can develop
a system that takes into account the possibility of embedding AI in various
entities comprising wireless networks and services. A tremendous amount
of data associated with hundreds of billions of connected machines and
humans needs to be collected and utilized in 6G systems.

Considering AI from the initial phase of developing concepts and tech-

nologies for 6G will give us more opportunities to take advantage of AI for
improvement of overall network operation in terms of performance, cost,
and ability to provide various services.

Openness of Mobile Communications

Substantial improvements of the computing power of general purpose
processors such as central processing units (CPUs) and graphic processing
units (GPUs) enabled software-based implementations of network enti-
ties including core networks and BSs. This trend also makes open source
software an attractive option to realize network functions, as it can lower
barriers to market entry, promote interoperability, and expedite develop-
ment cycles based on shared knowledge. An example of the related indus-
try activities is the open radio access network (O-RAN) alliance that aims

Megatrends toward 6G 11
to provide an open and intelligent radio access network (RAN). Another
example is the open network automation platform (ONAP), which develops
a platform for network management and its automation through an open-
sourced shared architecture.

Another noteworthy trend is the utilization of personal yet possibly an-

onymized user information to improve personalized quality-of-service
(QoS) and quality-of-experience (QoE) of the services provided by mobile
network operators (MNOs). Use of AI in various services increases the need
for utilizing user information.

Social Goals and Mobile Communications

With the growing importance of mobile communications as social infra-
structure, governments and international organizations expect 5G to play
a pivotal role in ameliorating many social issues such as climate change,
hunger, and education inequality [3]. For example, the combination of 5G
and digitization is expected to help reduce greenhouse gas emission by up
to 15% by 2030 [4]. 5G networks can enable remote learning, which could
provide a means to improve education equality. Despite help from 5G and
other measures, regional and social disparities continue to widen. For fun-
damental resolution of social issues, the UN adopted the Sustainable De-
velopment Goals (SDGs) in the Agenda 2030 [5].

We anticipate a societal need for 6G mobile communications, to contrib-

ute even more to address social issues and achieve the SDGs. Hyper-con-
nectivity and ultimate experience delivered by 6G mobile communications
will improve and enable access to required information, resources (both
virtual and physical), and social services without constraints of time and
physical location. A wide deployment of 6G will reduce differences in re-
gional and social infrastructure and economic opportunities and thereby
provide alternatives to rural exodus, mass urbanization and its attendant
problems. We expect, in summary, that 6G mobile communications will
play an important role in achievement of UN’s SDGs, and tremendously
contribute to the quality and opportunities of human life.

2 6G Services

Representative categories of 5G services, i.e., enhanced mobile broad-

band (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC), and
massive machine-type communications (mMTC) will continue to improve
moving towards 6G. In this section, we focus on new 6G services that will
emerge due to advances in communications as well as other technologies
such as sensing, imaging, displaying, and AI. Those new services will be
introduced through hyper-connectivity involving humans and everything
and provide ultimate multimedia experience. In the rest of this section, we
highlight three key 6G services, namely, truly immersive extended reali-
ty (XR), high-fidelity mobile hologram, and digital replica as illustrated in
Figure 2.

Figure 2
Three key 6G services: truly im-
mersive XR, high-fidelity mobile
hologram, and digital replica.

Truly Immersive XR
XR is a new term that combines VR, AR, and mixed reality (MR). It has
attracted great attention and opened new horizons in various fields in-
cluding entertainment, medicine, science, education, and manufacturing
industries. Technical development to realize XR is still in progress, and new

6G Services 13
innovative technologies are constantly appearing. The critical obstacle
between the potential and reality of XR is hardware. In particular, these
technologies require advanced device form-factors, such as hand-held
components, to support mobile and active software content. Current mo-
bile devices lack sufficient stand-alone computing capability. Unfortunate-
ly, progress in hardware performance, especially mobile computing power
and battery capacity, cannot keep pace with what the boom of XR requires.
This discrepancy could severely deter market expansion. In our view, these
challenges can be overcome by offloading computing to more powerful
devices or servers.

Another challenge is sufficient wireless capacity. Note that current AR

technology requires 55.3 megabits per second (Mbps) to support 8K display
(with one million points), which can provide enough user experience on a
mobile display. However, in order to provide truly immersive AR, the den-
sity should be largely improved and it will require 0.44 gigabits per second
(Gbps) throughput (with 16 million points). In addition, XR media streaming
may have similar demands to 16K UHD (Ultra High Definition) quality video.
For example, 16K VR requires 0.9 Gbps throughput (with compression ratio
of 1/400). The current user experienced data rate of 5G is not sufficient for
seamless streaming. It is expected that the market sizes for VR and AR will
reach $44.7 billion [6] and $87 billion [7], respectively, by 2030.

Figure 3
Truly immersive XR.

High-Fidelity Mobile Hologram

With the unprecedented rate of advances in high-resolution rendering,
wearable displays, and wireless networks, mobile devices will be able to
render media for 3D hologram displays. Hologram is a next-generation me-
dia technology that can present gestures and facial expressions by means
of a holographic display. The content to display can be obtained by means
of real-time capture, transmission, and 3D rendering techniques. In order
to provide hologram display as a part of real-time services, extremely high
data rate transmission, hundreds of times greater than current 5G system,

will be essential. For example, 19.1 Gigapixel requires 1 terabits per second
(Tbps) [8]. A hologram display over a mobile device (one micro meter pixel
size on a 6.7 inch display, i.e., 11.1 Gigapixel) form-factor requires at least
0.58 Tbps. Moreover, support of a human-sized hologram requires a sig-
nificantly large number of pixels (e.g., requiring several Tbps) [9]. The peak
data rate of 5G is 20 Gbps. 5G cannot possibly support such an extremely
large volume of data as required for hologram media in real-time. To re-
duce the magnitude of data communication required for hologram displays
and realize it in the 6G era, AI can be leveraged to achieve efficient com-
pression, extraction, and rendering of the hologram data. The market size
for the hologram displays is expected to be $7.6 billion by year 2023 [10].

Figure 4
3D hologram display over mobile

Digital Replica
With the help of advanced sensors, AI, and communication technologies,
it will be possible to replicate physical entities, including people, devices,
objects, systems, and even places, in a virtual world. This digital replica
of a physical entity is called a digital twin. In a 6G environment, through
digital twins, users will be able to explore and monitor the reality in a vir-
tual world, without temporal or spatial constraints. Users will be able to
observe changes or detect problems remotely through the representation
offered by digital twins.

Users will be even able to go beyond observation, and actually interact

with the digital twins, using VR devices or holographic displays. A digital
twin could be a representation of a remotely controlled set of sensors and
actuators. In this manner, a user’s interaction with a digital twin can result
in actions in the physical world. For example, a user could physically move
within a remote site by controlling a robot in that space entirely via re-
al-time interactions with a digital twin representation of that remote site.

With the help of AI, digital replication, management of real world and
problem detection and mitigation can be done efficiently without the pres-
ence or even detailed supervision by a human being. For instance, if a prob-

6G Services 15
lem is detected in the digital twin representation, AI can invoke required
actions in the real world.

The technical challenges are significant. In order to, for example, dupli-
cate 1 m x 1 m area, we need a Tera-pixel, which requires 0.8 Tbps through-
put assuming periodic synchronization of 100 ms and a compression ratio
of 1/300. The expected market size for digital replica is estimated to be $26
billion in 2025 [11].

Figure 5
Digital replica: bridge the real
and virtual worlds.

3 Requirements

There will be new advanced services in 6G era, which require a tremen-

dous amount of real-time data processing, a hyper-fast data rate, and ex-
tremely low latency, as discussed in Section 2. These new services can be
characterized as providing ultimate experience through hyper-connectiv-

Relying only on improvement of the communication link performance

does not suffice to realize new 6G services. This is because the progress of
increase in mobile computing power is not keeping pace with the growth
rate of the computing power requirements as shown in Figure 6. Also, the
improvement of mobile devices’ battery life is not fast enough given the
extensive demand for multimedia services and their rapid evolution.

Figure 6 Computing Capability Trend (Gigaflops/sec)

Computing power: requirement 10000
versus capability. 9000
7000 Service
2000 VR/AR Mobile GPU
UHD(8K) Capability


















The limitation on computing power and battery life of mobile devices

highlights the need for taking a holistic view on the overall architecture of
6G system including network entities as well as mobile devices. In addi-
tion, the openness of mobile communications as a new megatrend toward
6G (see Section 1) gives rise to the need for defining new requirements to
maintain security and keep the trust of subscribers.

Requirements 17
In the rest of this section, we describe our view on 6G requirements for
the key performance indices, overall architecture, and trustworthiness.

Performance Requirements
In order to realize advanced multimedia services such as truly immersive
XR, mobile hologram, and digital replica, 6G needs to provide a much high-
er data rate than 5G. While 5G was designed to achieve 20 Gbps peak data
rate, in 6G, we aim to provide the peak data rate of 1,000 Gbps and a user
experienced data rate of 1 Gbps. To provide advanced multimedia services
to a large number of people, the overall network performance needs to be
improved, e.g., we can aim to have 2 times higher spectral efficiency than

To provide the ultimate experience of delay-sensitive real-time appli-

cations such as interactive tactile internet, latency-related performance
needs to significantly improve. Performance targets include air latency
less than 100 μs, end-to-end (E2E) latency less than 1 ms, and extreme-
ly low delay jitter in the order of microseconds. With these requirements
satisfied, the user experienced latency can be less than 10 ms, which is
the motion-to-photon latency requirement for XR services [12]. The user
experienced latency requirement applies to the aggregate of all latency
components in wireless links, wireline links, and the computation on both
client and server sides.

For support of latency-sensitive services requiring extreme reliability,

e.g., industrial automation, emergency response, and remote surgery, we
intend to improve reliability by 100 times compared to 5G so that the error
rate is 10−7.

Network coverage has always been important over past generations and
will remain very important in 6G. We aim to support larger coverage than
5G. The maximum supported speed of the mobile device improved from
350 km/h in 4G to 500 km/h in 5G. It may need to further improve in 6G de-
pending on the evolution of transportation systems. The explosive growth
in the number of connected machines will require 6G to support about 107
devices per square kilometer. This is ten times larger than the connection
density requirement of 5G.

In the 6G era, users will expect seamless high-end services in their

everyday lives, ideally with improved battery life. Considering the growing
concern about environmental sustainability, the energy consumption of 6G

networks should be minimized. We intend to improve the energy efficiency
of both devices and networks by at least two times.

Figure 7 illustrates the enhancement of key requirements from 5G to 6G.

Figure 7 User Experienced

Data Rate
Comparison of key performance (Gbps)
requirements between 5G and 6G. 1

Peak Data Rate

Energy Efficiency
0.1 2x
100 1x
20 5G

Reliability 2x Spectral Efficiency

106 1

Connection Density Air Latency
(devices/km2) (ms)

Architectural Requirements
The architecture of 6G communication network should be developed so
that it can resolve the issues arising from the limited computation capa-
bility of mobile devices. A possible way to achieve this is to offload com-
putation tasks to more powerful devices or servers. In order to support
offloading of real-time intensive computation tasks, hyper-fast data rate
and extremely low latency communications are required. Understanding
that there must be practical limits on the achievable data rate and latency,
the communication network should be designed in a holistic manner, so as
to best utilize computation power that can be made available by various
entities in the network. We term this joint design “communications and
computing convergence.”

As illustrated in Figure 8, computation for IT services was performed in

the cloud for 4G communications. One of the important advances of 5G
is low latency. With the commercial deployment of 5G, there is increasing
interest to move the computing capability closer to mobile devices, e.g.,
to position a multi-access edge computing (MEC) server in the 5G core or
in the BS, so that the overall latency experienced by end user equipment
(UE) can be further reduced. 6G should be designed to achieve true conver-

Requirements 19
gence of communications and computing so that an end user’s various de-
vices can seamlessly utilize the computing power available in the network.

On top of the communications and computing convergence, AI will need

to be embedded in all system components in 6G networks. We call this
design approach “native AI,” which allows all system components to obtain
and evaluate a massive amount of real-time information. In this way, sys-
tem can handle complex optimization tasks across layers to optimize the
system parameters and overall system performance.

The 6G network should be designed to support terrestrial components,

e.g., fixed BSs or moving BSs, as well as non-terrestrial components, e.g.,
airplanes, urban air mobility (UAM) systems, low earth orbit (LEO) and geo-
stationary orbit (GEO) satellites, and high altitude platform stations (HAPS).

Figure 8 Wireless Communication Computing Capability

Architectural evolution for con-

vergence of communications and Cloud Computing
computing. UE

Distributed Computing over Network

BS Edge Computing
Core UE

Computing Split over Network and Devices

BS Communications and Computing
Core UE

Trustworthiness Requirements
As discussed as a megatrend prefiguring 6G, the use of open source
software and personal user information will increase the openness of
communication systems and hence increase the attack surface. This could
make the whole system more vulnerable to security and privacy threats as
described in the following examples. First, there may not be enough ver-
ification of open source software codes against possible security attacks.
Second, the service provider’s access to user information will expose attack
surfaces for leaking confidential user information and poses a severe threat

to user privacy. In addition, user devices can be hacked unless these devic-
es provide a sufficiently secure trusted environment. Compromised user
devices decrease the security of the whole telecommunication system and
the services accessed by users.

Considering the increasing risk of security threats, we expect that trust-

worthiness will become an essential requirement. Although it is currently
difficult to define this requirement concretely, at least the following has to
be considered.

˗ Hardware-based secure environment that provides secure opera-

tion of software code and protection of credential

˗ Secure-by-design approach to guarantee that any hardware/soft-

ware can be trusted

˗ Transparency to ensure that the system identifies how and when the
AI system accesses any code, training data, etc. related to personal
information as well as how securely the AI system operates against
adversarial machine learning

˗ Mechanisms to securely utilize an unprecedented amount of infor-

mation concerning business and human users and to strictly main-
tain the privacy of such information

Requirements 21
4 Candidate Technologies

The services and requirements for 6G presented in the previous sections

pose various challenges on the development of future wireless system. In
this section, we introduce candidate technologies that could be key ena-
blers to realize 6G. While we find these technologies quite promising and
relevant, we will consider additional technologies in the future and our
view regarding the importance and usefulness of different technologies
will naturally evolve as we proceed with our research.

Terahertz Technologies
It is inspiring that in March 2019, the Federal Communications Commis-
sion (FCC) opened the spectrum between 95 GHz and 3,000 GHz for exper-
imental use and unlicensed applications to encourage the development
of new wireless communication technologies [13]. Moreover, discussions
on use cases and deployment scenarios for 5G new radio (NR) systems op-
erating at bands beyond 52.6 GHz have begun [14]. Following this trend,
it is inevitable that mobile communications will utilize the terahertz (THz)
bands (i.e., 0.1-10 THz [15]) in future wireless systems. The THz band in-
cludes enormous amount of available bandwidth, which will enable ex-
tremely wideband channels with tens of GHz-wide bandwidth. This could
potentially provide a means to meet the 6G requirement of Tbps data rate.
Considering the advance of related technologies, we expect that 6G would
need to be designed to utilize up to 3,000 GHz as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9
5G 6G
Spectrum usage for different 4G
generations. 6 GHz 110 GHz 3,000 GHz

While the availability of wideband spectrum is the main driver for THz
communications, other benefits can also be realized. For example, the com-
munication in THz band can potentially provide high-precision positioning
capability for the following reasons: 1) Extremely wideband waveforms in

the THz band would enable accurate ranging between transmitter and re-
ceiver (possibly with sub-centimeter-scale accuracy) [16][17]. 2) Links be-
tween transmitter and receiver will most likely be line of sight (LoS), as
discussed further in detail later in this paper. This will greatly improve the
accuracy of distance-based positioning systems. 3) The use of pencil-point
sharp beams steered in both azimuth and elevation will greatly improve
angular resolution and triangulation accuracy of 3D position estimation.

However, to realize stable THz communications in practice, a handful of

fundamental and technical challenges need to be overcome. In the follow-
ing, we highlight some of these challenges, mostly from the physical lay-
er’s perspective.

THz Challenges
˗ Severe path-loss and atmospheric absorption: Free-space path-loss
is proportional to the square of the signal frequency. For example, a
link at 280 GHz has 20 dB additional path-loss compared to 28 GHz.
Nevertheless, the severe path-loss in THz band can be overcome, for
example, by utilizing very large antenna arrays at BSs, namely ul-
tra-massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). In addition, the
effect of atmospheric absorption (i.e., absorption by molecules in air)
in the THz band is in general severer than in lower frequencies as the
absorption lines for oxygen and water are mostly located in the THz
band [18]. In order to design efficient THz communication systems in
practice, accurate yet tractable THz multipath channel models need
to be developed for both indoor and outdoor environments.

˗ RF front-end, photonics and data conversion: The THz band is often
referred to as the THz gap due mainly to the lack of existing efficient
devices, which can generate and detect signals in these frequencies.
In these bands, the device dimensions are significantly large relative
to the wavelength, and it results in high power loss or equivalently
low efficiency. On the positive side, during the last decade, research-
ers put great efforts for developing chip-scale THz technologies. As
a result, nowadays semiconductor technologies based on InP, GaAs,
SiGe, and even CMOS are capable of generating power in the mW
range with acceptable efficiency [19][20][21] at low THz band. How-
ever, further development of solid-state electronics is required for
operation in high THz band.

While the research on generating and improving the output power

of the THz signal is important, researchers need to address many

Candidate Technologies 23
other challenges: 1) transporting the signal within the integrated
system and to the antenna with low loss; 2) packaging of the inte-
grated system without significant loss, and maintaining proper heat
dissipation; 3) lowering the mixer phase-noise; 4) low power mul-
ti-Giga-samples-per-second analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
and digital-to-analog convertors (DACs); and lastly 5) low power
digital input/output (IO) to DACs and ADCs to transfer data at Tbps
data rate with acceptable power consumption.

˗ Antenna, lens, and beamforming architecture: Moving up to THz-

range frequency means drastic increase in path-loss. Consequently,
unprecedentedly massive antenna arrays are necessary to compen-
sate for the path-loss. Designing such arrays that will operate with
high efficiency at THz frequency poses many challenges to designing
the feed network and the antenna elements to support GHz-wide
bandwidth. Moreover, the use of ultra-massive arrays results in very
focused beams, similar to laser beams. As a result, communication
links at these frequencies will depend on LoS and focused-reflect-
ed paths, not on scattering and diffracting paths. It is of great im-
portance to optimize the beamforming architecture to provide high
dynamic-range and high flexibility at a reasonable cost and energy
consumption. Novel antenna technologies are discussed in the next

˗ New waveforms, signals, channels, and protocols: Efficient operation

of a wireless system is highly dependent on the design of a proper
waveform. While OFDM remains a strong candidate waveform for
6G THz systems, it is necessary to explore alternative waveforms to
support GHz-wide channels, reduce PAPR, and withstand the THz
hardware limitations. Moreover, it is necessary to develop proper
design of signals, channels, and protocols, which are effective yet of
low complexity for THz operation.

Novel Antenna Technologies

To cope with the difficult propagation characteristics of THz band, it may
be natural to enhance the massive MIMO technology that was introduced
to support millimeter wave (mmWave) band in 5G. Since the THz band re-
quires much more antennas than the mmWave band, there may be signif-
icantly more practical difficulties. In this section, we briefly review novel
antenna technologies as possible alternatives.

Metamaterial based Antenna and RF Front-End
A metamaterial is usually constructed by arranging multiple tunable el-
ements (PIN diodes, varactor diodes, etc.) in repeating patterns, at scales
that are smaller than the wavelengths [22]. Its precise shape, geometry,
size, orientation, and arrangement enable smart properties capable of ma-
nipulating electromagnetic waves, e.g., blocking, absorbing, enhancing, or
bending waves, to achieve benefits that go beyond what is possible with
conventional materials. In addition, each element constituting a metama-
terial can be controlled independently to achieve desirable characteristics
of the electromagnetic waves such as the direction of propagation and re-
flection. There are three outstanding approaches for utilizing metamaterial
as follows.

˗ Metasurface lens as a phase shifting structure is applied to the

signal radiated from an antenna array [23]. It can adjust a beam di-
rection by applying DC bias to its constituting elements as shown
in Figure 10. The metasurface lens has potential to help sharpen a
beam shape.

RF Processing
Figure 10 and
Metasurface lens. Analog

Metasurface Lens
Baseband RF-Chain
Processing 1
Beamforming RF-Chain


˗ Metamaterial antenna acts as a resonant antenna to radiate direc-

tive beams by itself as shown in Figure 11 [24]. In contrast to the
metasurface lens, it does not require a separate antenna array with
phase shifters.

Figure 11
Metamaterial antenna.
Metamaterial Antenna

and RF-Chain
Digital 2


Candidate Technologies 25
˗ Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can be used to provide a
propagation path where no LoS link exists [25]. An example of signal
reflection via RIS is illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)

RIS-aided communication
between a BS and a mobile user,
where the LoS path is blocked.


BS UAV Mobile device

Orbital Angular Momentum

When light travels through space, electric and magnetic fields compos-
ing the light have their own oscillating axes perpendicular to each other.
There are two types of rotations related to these axes and these rotations
can be observed as two types of momentum, namely, spin angular momen-
tum (SAM) and orbital angular momentum (OAM). OAM theoretically could
have multiple orthogonal modes depending on how fast the light can ro-
tate around its propagation direction.

In case of the electromagnetic waves, it has been proven by experiments

that different OAM modes can be generated simultaneously by using a
transmit antenna array [26]. This property can be used to multiplex multi-
ple signals (or layers) by using different OAM modes to increase data rate.
A study has shown that OAM is a special case of traditional spatial multi-
plexing in terms of capacity and overall antenna occupation [27]. Figure 13
shows a specific design of the OAM multiplexing proposed in [28] for wire-
less backhaul channels, where the LoS path is dominant. Through OAM,
high-order spatial multiplexing can be achieved in the environment where
it is impossible with conventional MIMO technologies, i.e., LoS channel. In
that context, this technology is quite promising, yet there remain many is-
sues for the real implementation and operation in practical environments.

Figure 13 Spatially overlapped OAM modes

OAM multiplexing with different

OAM modes.


OAM 1 2

OAM 33

Evolution of Duplex Technology

In conventional communication systems, downlink and uplink trans-
missions occur in a mutually exclusive manner either in time domain (i.e.,
TDD) or in frequency domain (i.e., FDD). Typically, the downlink and uplink
receive fixed allocations of time-frequency resources in practical systems.
In 5G NR, dynamic TDD was introduced to improve the duplex flexibility,
thus making it possible to adjust the ratio between downlink and uplink
time slots depending on traffic demand. While this is an improvement over
earlier generations, there is still active research [29][30][31] into how to
remove the restriction that downlink and uplink must use mutually exclu-
sive time-frequency resources. We refer to this restriction as the “mutually
exclusive” principle hereafter.

Figure 14 Cross-link
Main obstacles in deviating from UE
the “mutually exclusive” principle. Self-interference
Uplink Downlink

BS Cross-link

(a) Self-interference (b) Cross-link interference

Allowing overlap between downlink and uplink over the entire time-fre-
quency resource (a.k.a. “full duplex”) can increase system capacity by two
times, in theory. The main obstacles encountered upon deviating from the
“mutually exclusive” principle include self-interference and cross-link in-
terference. Self-interference experienced by a BS receiver is illustrated in
Figure 14(a). The BS transmits downlink signal using the same time-fre-
quency resource as used for the uplink signal from UEs. Since the BS’s

Candidate Technologies 27
transmit and receive antennas are located in close proximity, self-interfer-
ence is much stronger than the desired signals from the UEs. Therefore, to
evolve duplex technology by departing from the “mutually exclusive” prin-
ciple, it is crucial to be able to remove self-interference. There has been
relevant research on self-interference cancellation (SIC) techniques, which
typically require both analog and digital domain cancellation [32][33].

Cross-link interference (CLI) is the interference between UEs or between

BSs. Figure 14(b) illustrates an example, where UEs maintain the “mutual-
ly exclusive” principle between its transmission (i.e., uplink) and reception
(i.e., downlink) while BS does not. CLI between UEs is caused if the same
time-frequency resource is allocated for the uplink transmission from a UE
and the downlink transmission to another UE. The UE-to-UE CLI can be
mitigated if a BS chooses a set of UEs that do not cause severe interference
to each other. The CLI between BSs occurs when the aggressor BS’s down-
link uses the same time-frequency resource as the victim BS’s uplink. The
BS-to-BS CLI can be mitigated via close coordination between BSs.

In today’s practical cellular systems, a band has a fixed duplex scheme,

i.e., either FDD or TDD. If deviating from the “mutually exclusive” principle
becomes a reality, it would be possible to adapt the duplex scheme in a
dynamic manner as shown in Figure 15. This would improve the spectral
efficiency as well as the system operation flexibility.

Figure 15
Dynamic operation of duplex


TDD FDD Sub-band Full Duplex Full Duplex

Uplink (UL)
Downlink (DL)

Evolution of Network Topology

Cellular BSs have typically been deployed with fixed locations and con-
nected by fixed networks. With such static network topology and wireline
backhaul and fronthaul, it is difficult and costly to establish additional BSs
to accommodate an increase of data traffic or to fill holes in coverage. To

enable flexible network deployments, the mobile industry introduced sup-
port for network entities to connect to BSs via wireless connections, such
as relay in 4G and integrated access and backhaul (IAB) in 5G. In addition
to mobility support for individual mobile devices in the cellular network,
there has been interest in the concept of group mobility (also known as a
mobile relay or mobile BS) for efficient support of mobile devices that are
moving as a group on a bus, a train, or even an airplane.

Moving toward 6G, we expect that the technologies related to the above
trend will further advance to achieve the following.

˗ Automated addition, configuration, and optimization of new network

entities connected to existing BSs via wireless connections. This will
significantly reduce the effort for network planning, and hence, the
mesh type network topology as illustrated in Figure 16 can become
a major technology for flexible and adaptive network deployment.

˗ Enhanced mobility support for mobile network entities taking into

account the speed of transportation systems that can be a part of
the cellular network.

˗ Enhanced service continuity for user devices served by the network

entities, which themselves may be moving and are connected to the
cellular network through wireless connections.

Figure 16
Mesh type network topology.

Candidate Technologies 29
Another trend that continues to make progress in network topology evo-
lution is the use of non-terrestrial network (NTN) components, e.g., sat-
ellite and HAPS, to provide coverage even in locations where there is no
terrestrial network, as illustrated in Figure 17. Realization of NTN technol-
ogy necessitates consideration of new aspects absent from terrestrial net-
works, including support of moving cells, large cell sizes as great as hun-
dreds of kilometers, long propagation delays, large Doppler shift due to the
high speed of NTN components, and large path-loss. Additional aspects, as
yet unrecognized, may arise and need to be considered, since the mobile
industry is at the initial stage for developing technologies to support NTN.
As NTN components become widely deployed, investigation of technolo-
gies will proceed, to improve the overall performance of communications
involving NTN components and to provide tight integration of NTN compo-
nents in overall operation of mobile communication systems.

Figure 17
Inclusion of non-terrestrial
components in mobile commu- Satellite


Desert Area


Car UE UE Sea Area

Terrestrial Network Coverage

Non-Terrestrial Network Coverage

Spectrum Sharing
Spectrum sharing technology enables the use of spectrum by multiple
entities. Exclusive licensees often underutilize licensed spectrum because
they do not actively utilize it all the time. Allowing opportunistic use of the
underutilized spectrum by others can make the best use of the limited and

precious spectrum resources, especially those at low frequency ranges,
e.g., below 6 GHz. These resources are critically important for guaranteeing
the seamless coverage of mobile communications, but are scarce. We also
observe that regulatory bodies begin to consider deviating from the tradi-
tional exclusive spectrum licensing approach to achieve better utilization
of the limited spectrum. Considering such trends, spectrum sharing tech-
nology is worth paying attention to.

In U.S., the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band (3.55-3.7 GHz)
has been opened for shared access by FCC. The sharing occurs according to
a unique three-tiered access model: incumbents, i.e., federal government
and fixed satellite service users, priority access licensees (PALs) and gen-
eral authorized access (GAA) users, in descending priority order [34]. The
Wireless Innovation Forum (WinnForum) [35] has defined the functionality
and architecture for Spectrum Access Systems (SAS). The SAS framework
provides access to a database and the ability to determine the availability
of CBRS channels at a given location. In addition, Environmental Sensing
Capability (ESC) is a functionality used to detect whether incumbent us-
ers occupy CBRS channels. Together, these two mechanisms maintain and
enforce the hierarchical use of the spectrum. WinnForum also defines the
interface between SAS and CBRS Devices (CBSDs), i.e., BSs, as well as the
framework for testing and certification. At the same time, the CBRS Alli-
ance has been developing the so-called Coexistence Manager (CxM) be-
tween SAS and GAA CBSDs to enable the sharing of the spectrum between
GAA CBSDs in a semi-static manner for the allowed spectrum indicated by
SAS [36]. In addition to the CBRS band, authorities consider making the 37-
37.6 GHz band available for coordinated co-primary shared access between
federal and non-federal users [37].

Traffic and spectrum demand are mostly concentrated in urban areas.

In addition, traffic demand tends to follow people’s activity cycle, e.g., high
traffic during the daytime and so on. Given that traffic demand is highly
correlated among the networks of different operators both temporally and
geographically, there remains limited opportunity for sharing spectrum
when and where the spectrum is the most needed. On the other hand, dif-
ferent operators’ networks may exhibit quite non-uniform traffic patterns
in short-term scales. To increase the spectrum sharing opportunity in re-
sponse to this phenomenon, one can consider relying on more dynamic
spectrum sharing rather than relying on a semi-static method based on

Candidate Technologies 31
The main challenge of the dynamic spectrum sharing is avoiding (or
minimizing) collision of spectrum usage among different entities while
allowing them to access spectrum in a dynamic manner. Theoretically, to
prevent such collisions, network operators could exchange all relevant
spectrum access information. In practice, however, this would not be possi-
ble because acquiring all required information for every entity in real time
would impose an enormous communication overhead. AI could avoid col-
lisions by predicting the spectrum usage of other entities with a limited
amount of information exchanged, as illustrated in Figure 18.

Figure 18
Intelligent spectrum sharing.
Scheduling Traffic UE
Info. Info. Info.

AI engine

Collision Prediction

Spectrum Access Decision

Comprehensive AI
AI receives much attention as a tool to solve problems that were previ-
ously deemed intractable due to their tremendous complexity or the lack
of the necessary model and algorithm. In this section, we discuss a com-
prehensive AI system to optimize the overall system performance and net-
work operation.

In general, an overall network architecture consists of four tiers of enti-

ties: UE, BS, core network, and application server. Application of AI can be
categorized into three levels as shown in Figure 19: 1) local AI, 2) joint AI,
and 3) E2E AI.

Figure 19
Comprehensive AI system model.

UE BS Core Network Application Server

Local AI Local AI Local AI Local AI

Joint AI Joint AI

End-to-End AI

Comprehensive AI

Local AI is implemented in each entity. An example is the use of AI for op-
timization of modulation, source coding, and channel coding [38][39]. Joint
AI can optimize the joint operation of UEs and BSs or the joint operation of
core networks and application servers. An example opportunity for joint
optimization is handover optimization based on prediction of future net-
work conditions in complex wireless environments [40]. E2E AI optimizes
the entire communication system. With the E2E AI, it becomes possible to
identify or predict anomalies in network operation and suggest corrective
actions [41].

To obtain benefit from application of AI on various components of cellu-

lar systems, there are ongoing efforts to introduce support for AI in stand-
ards. The third generation partnership project (3GPP) has standardized
network data analytics function (NWDAF) for data collection and analytics
in automated cellular networks [42]. In addition to 3GPP, leading mobile
network operators have established the O-RAN Alliance in 2018, with the
intention to usher in an open and efficient RAN leveraging AI technologies
[43]. Leading network vendors have joined the alliance. We agree that this
is the right time to work towards use of AI in wireless communications.
This effort, as we progress towards 6G, will result in native support of a
comprehensive AI system to realize more efficient, more reliable, and low
cost communication systems.

Split Computing
Future applications, such as truly immersive XR, mobile holograms, and
digital replica, require extensive computation capabilities to deliver re-
al-time immersive user experience. However, it would be challenging to
meet such computational requirements solely with mobile devices, espe-
cially, given that many of future mobile devices will tend to become thinner
and lighter. For example, AR glasses should be as light, thin, and small as
regular glasses to meet the user’s expectations.

In order to overcome the limits of the computing power of mobile devic-

es, we consider the concept of split computing that makes use of reachable
computing resources over the network. These computing resources could
be available on various entities of networks, e.g., mobile devices, BSs, MEC
servers and cloud servers. With split computing, mobile devices can effec-
tively achieve higher performance even as they extend their battery life, as
devices offload heavy computation tasks to computation resources availa-
ble in the network. An example of split computing is illustrated in Figure 20.

Candidate Technologies 33
Figure 20 Wireless communication
Low computing power @ mobile device
Split computing. High computing power @ BS

Stand-alone device Split computing device BS

In order to realize the split computing concept, the following factors have
to be considered.

˗ Software platform: In general, conventional distributed computing

conforms to a client-server model, in which the implementation of
each client and server is specific to a given developer. In order to
accommodate various mobile devices with different hardware and
software from diverse developers, it would be beneficial to develop
a split computing platform as open source or as a standard, to the
extent that this is possible.

˗ Low power and low latency wireless communication: To support

extreme services on a lightweight device such as AR glasses, the
device needs low latency wireless communication with low device
power consumption.

˗ Data synchronization: A split computing platform partitions the

computation of an application between mobile devices and servers.
This requires synchronization of a large amount of data, context, and
the program itself among network entities.

Figure 21 presents a number of split computing examples. A high-end

mobile device may be capable of fully performing the necessary computa-
tion by itself. Middle-end devices may be able to support only a part, e.g.,
70% or 40%, of the computation, and need to offload the rest of the com-
putation. There may also be low-end devices, such as smart watches, that
may need adjacent devices to enhance their performance.

Figure 21
Examples of split computing by

3x3 conv, 128

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various devices.

Device 100% Edge 0%

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fc 1000
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Device 10% Phone 90%

High-Precision Network
To guarantee high QoE for interactive services with high data rate and
low latency requirements, it is important to maintain deterministic E2E
latency and to minimize jitter at the microsecond level. High-precision
network (HPN) is a solution to achieve this, when paired with massive con-
nectivity supported by both radio link protocols and protocols above radio
link. IEEE’s time-sensitive networking (TSN) defines mechanisms for the
transmission of time-sensitive data over Ethernet. Another solution for im-
plementing HPN is IETF’s deterministic networking (DetNet), which spec-
ifies a mechanism defined on Internet Protocol (IP) and transport layers.
These existing technologies have constraints, since TSN was not designed
for mobile networks and DetNet operates on top of TSN. Integrating them
with the mobile network is quite a difficult task due to fundamental mis-
matches between wireless and wired networks. For example, device mobil-
ity in mobile network causes changes in the data path far more frequently
than would be necessary in wired networks.

In order to realize HPN, the following key features should be consid-

ered: multi-pathing, multi-homing, and dynamic mobility. Multi-pathing
enables usage of multiple alternate network paths and thereby offers im-
proved reliability and optimal usage of bandwidth resources. Multi-hom-
ing is the capability of the end device to connect via multiple interfaces

Candidate Technologies 35
simultaneously. Multi-homing requires support for multi-pathing. Non-IP
solutions such as information-centric networking (ICN) could be candi-
dates to provide these features and mitigate shortcomings of the present
IP suite. ICN changes the focus of internet architecture from host-centric
to data/content-centric. ICN, being content-centric, enables multi-pathing,
end-user mobility, and optimal usage of network bandwidth, since data
and content can be cached and served by intermediate routers.

In addition, the layered structure of the present IP suite with duplicate

lower-layer functionality needs to be enhanced to guarantee determinis-
tic throughput and low latency requirements. Therefore, a new cross-layer
protocol design that merges the traditional network and transport layers
and combines the functionalities of both layers can be considered. This
combined layer may ensure better control over IP and transport layers by
taking into account application requirements as well as the network state.

5 6G Timeline

Mobile communication systems have evolved over multiple generations

from 2G to 5G approximately every 10 years. Each generation has taken
a big step and introduced new technologies. However, we note, as shown
in Figure 22, the time spent for defining vision and developing technical
standards for each successive generation has shortened from 15 years for
3G to 8 years for 5G. This can be attributed to accelerating growth of tech-
nologies and market needs for mobile communications over the past dec-

For 6G, we expect ITU-R will begin their work to define a 6G vision in
2021. Taking into account the trend of speeding up of development of tech-
nical standards for each new generation, we expect that the completion of
the 6G standard and its earliest commercialization could happen as early
as 2028, while massive commercialization may occur around 2030.

Figure 22 8 years or shorter

Timeline of different generations. 6G Vision & Deployment

Tech. Standard
8 years

5G Vision & Deployment

Tech. Standard Deployment
12 years

4G Vision & Deployment

Tech. Standard
15 years

3G Tech. Standard Deployment

1985 2000 2012 2020 [2028]

6G Timeline 37
6 Concluding Remarks

The mobile industry has achieved great successes, from 2G to 4G. While
it is still quite important to work to ensure commercial success of 5G in
coming years, we believe it is the right time to start preparing for 6G. Shap-
ing 6G will require many years, as we have seen with previous generations
in the past. In this spirit, we have presented our initial view of various as-
pects of 6G including the megatrends, services, requirements, candidate
technologies, and timeline for standardization and commercialization. Our
view will naturally be updated as we proceed with our research for 6G in
the future.

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