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FORM TP 2020027: Test Code J Anu Ary

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TEST CODE 01239010

FORM TP 2020027 J ANU ARY 2020





Pape r 01 - General Proficiency

1ho11r30 mi11t1tes

(08 JANUARY 2020 (p.m.))


1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Each item in this test has four suggested answe1s lettered ( A), ( B), ( C), (D). Read each item
you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answet" sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

fuillml e Item

Prime cost is calculated by adding direct

factory expenses tp the S!m:i.ple Answer

( A) cost of goods sold

(B) cost of materials used
(C) sale of finished goods
(D) sale of non-current assets

The best answer to this item is "cost of materials used", so (B) has been shaded.

5. If yqu want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.

7. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items.


Copyright <Cl 2019Caribbean Examinations Council

All rights reserved.
012390 l O/J/ CSEC 2020

1. Which of the following financial statements 5. The following information refers to the
shows the value of n business' assets? assets and liabilities of Mr J ones.

(A) Balance sheet $

(B) Trading account Cash at bank 800
(C) Cash flow statement Inventory 400
(D) Profit and loss account Payables 600
Receivables 125
Bank overdraft 250
2. The MAIN internal users of accounting Cash in hand 500
information are
From the information above, Mr Jones'
(A) managers capital amount is
(B) competitors
(C) local communities (A) $405
(D) government agencies (B) $450
(C) $850
(D) $975
3. Which of the following features are
benefits of using accounting software?
6. Pru-tnerships arc formed for the purpose of
I. Integrated analysis of information
II. Almost immediate updating of I. combining c11pital from diffelent
records persons
Ill. Progl11· mmable t o recognize II. benefiting from different skills and
irregular entries specializations
III. sharing ideas, experience and
(A) I and II only responsibilities
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (A) I and 11 only
(D) l, II and III (B) I and III only
(C) II and Ill only
(D) I, II and III
4. Which of the following lists of activities
shows the correct order of the stages in the
accounting cycle, before final accounts? 7. Which of the followfog is usually used to
complete a gcneialjournal entry?
(A) Posting to ledger,journalizing, trial
balance (A) Narration
(B) Posting to ledger, trial balance, (B) Description of assets
journalizing (C) Description of liabilities
(C) Journ111izing, postmg to ledger, tri11l (D) Name of book to which entry must
balance be posted
(D) Joumaltzing, trial balance, posting
to ledger



Item 8 refers to the following balances at Item 12 refers to the following balances
the end of a financial per:iod. taken from t.he books of Sherida's Ltd on
30 April 2019.
Motor vehicles 2 000 BALANCES
Payables 3 000 Rent owing $ 200
Receivables 2 000 Cash $3 500
Capital 11 000 Payables $1 200
Building 10 000 Prepaid insurance $ 300
Bank overdraft $ 400
s. What is the T,OTAL amount for the assets?
12. What is the current ratio of Sherida's Ltd?
(A) $12 000
(B) $13 000
(A) 1: l
( C) $14 000
(B) 1.5: I
(D) $15 000
(C) 2.1 : l
(D) 3.1 : l

9. Ram Singh purchased goods valued at $500

on credit. He paid off his bill within the grace 13. Which of the following entries should be
period and so received a 10% cElSh discount. used to post sales returns?
How much did he pay for the goods?
(A) Debit sales returns account
(A) $ 50 Credit the receivable account

$450 ,
(B) Debit sales returns account
(C) $490 Credit sales account
(D) $550
( C) Debit sales account
Credit sales returns account
(D) Debit the receivable account
10. Which of the following items are examples
Credit sales rc;t1.1rns account
of current liabilities?

I. Mortgages 14. Which of the following persons monitor a

II. Accounts payable company's financial statements, to discovet·
III. Accrued wages a desirable rate of return on capital?
(A) I and II only Investors
(B) I and m only
(B) Suppliers
(C ) II and lH only Customers
( C)
(D) I, II and III
(D) Employees

11. Which of the following entries in a three­

column cash book are contra enhies?

(A) Debit cnsh, Credit bank

(B) Debit cash, Credit cash
( C) Credit cash, Credit bank
(D) Debit bank, Credit bank


01239010/J/CSEC 2020

Item 15 iefers to the following info1mation 17. K. Khan, a debtor of A and B Enterprises,
from the books of a company. settles his debt of $120 loss discount, by
cheque. How should tho double entry
$ be recorded in the books of A and B
Cash sales IO 000
Credit sales 45 000
40 000 (A) Debit K. Khan $117
Inventory on hand
Debit discount received $ 3
Drawings 8 000 Credit bank $120
Cash purchases 12 000
Credit purchases 20 200 (B) Debit K. Khan $117
Debit discount allowed $ 3
15. From the information above, what is the Credit bank $120
conect closing total for the sales account?
(C) Debit bank $117
Debit discount allowed $ 3
(A) $47000
C1 edit K. Khan $120
(B) $49 000
(C) $55 000
(D) $59 000 (D) Debit bank $117
Credit discount received $ 3
Credit K. Khan $120
16. Which of the following entries would
NOT appear in a cash book? 18. Mr A. Jones paid $250 in cash for Lepairs to
machinery. This transaction was entered in
( A) Payment for goods $100 the cash book and posted to the ledger. The
(B) Goods sold on cred�t $100 double entry involved would be
( C) Goods sold for cheque $100
(D) Goods bought for cash $100 (A ) Debit cash account
Credit repairs account

(B) Debit cash account

Credit machinery account

(C) Debit repairs account

Credit cash account

(D) Debit A. Jones account

Credit cash account


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19. In orderto avoid writing numerous cheques 21. A businessman bought a new computerfor
for small amounts, a firm may set up a $6 000. He paid $4 000 in cash and traded
in his old computer. What is the entry to
(A) bnnk draft record this transaction?
(B) petty cash fund
(C) general journal Debit Credit
(D) bank standing order
(A) Debit old computer $2 000
Debit cash $4 000
Credit new computer $6 000
ll!<!!l2Q refers to the following information
(B) Debit new computer $4 000
from the sales book ofR. Lewis.
Debit cash $2 000
Credit old computer $6 000
2019 $
(C) Debit old computer $6 000
Debit cash $4 000
'·1) 2Jan H. Rick
Credit new computer $2 ODO
30@$1.50 45
(D) Debit new computer $6 000
Credit old computer $2 000
Less 33 t% Credit cash $4 000

Trade discount li

22. When a proprietor withdraws cash or other
assets fiom a business, what effect does it
2 0. How would R. Lewis record t h i s have on drawings or capital?
information in his ledger?
(A) Capital is increased.
Debit H. Rick's account $45 (B) Capital is decreased.
Credit sales account $45 (C) Drawings are decreased.
./ (D) Neither drawings nor capital is
l! (B) Debit H. Rick's account ,'j;30 affected.
Credit sales day book $30

(C) Debit H. Rick's account $45

Credit sales account $30

(D) Debit H. Rick's account $30

Credit sales account $30


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Items 23-25 refer to the following Statement of Financial Position (B alance Sheet).

$ $ $ $

Leasehold premises 10 000 Capital at start 24 000

Furniture, fittings and equipment 4 500 Less loss for year 2 200
14 500 21 800
Less drawings 1 800
Inventory 2 500 20 000
Receivables 3 700
B ank current ale 2 100 Creditors 2 100
Cash in hand 500 Accrued expenses 1200
8 800 3 300
23 300 23 300

23. What is the total value of the fixed assets?

(A) $11 200

(B) $14 500
(C ) $20 000
(D) $23 300

24. The closing capital is

(A) $20 000

(B) $20 700
(C) $21 800
(D) $22 800

25. The working capital i s

(A) $2 GOO
(B) $5 500
(C) $6 200
(D) $6 800

26. In calculating the gross profit pcrcentnge, gross profit should be divided by

(A) cost of goods sold

(B) net purchases
(C) net profit
(D) net sales


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Item 27 refers to the following information.

De bit Insurance Ale C1·edit

2017 $ 2017 $

2 January Balance b/d 700 31 December Profit & Loss A/c 8 100

15 January Bank 31 December Balance c/d 600

8 700

27. What is the amount of insurance prepaid at the end of the year?

(A) $ 600
(B) $ 700
(C) $8 000
(D) $8 100

28. Which of the following :financinl documents shows the net earnings of a business?

(A) Income Statement

(B) Appropriation Account
(C) Statement of Financial Position
(D) Receipts and Payments Account

Item 29 refers to the following table.

Amount of Accounts
Period of Debt Provision for Bnd Debts
Over 3 years $6 000 3% of accounts receivable
Over2 years $4 000 2% of accounts receivable
Over 1 year $8 000 I% of accounts i eceivable

29. What is the TOTAL provi�ion for doubtful debts?

(A ) $180
(B) ?
$ 40
(C) $400
(D) $500


01239010/J/CSEC 2020
30. An asset purchased for $1 ODO is depreciated Item 33 refers to the following information.
at the rate of 1D% per annum using the
reducing balance method. What is the book On 1 January 2019, $10 ODO was paid
value of the asset at the beginning of the towards an advertising campaign. Of this
third year? amount, $7 000 was used by 31 December
(A) $ SOD
( B) $ 81D 33. What was the amount of advertisingprepaid
(C) $ 9DD at year's end?
(D) $1 190
(A ) $ 3 000
(B) $ 7 000
31. An increase in the provision for doubtful (C) $ 1D DOO
debts wilt be (D) $17 000

(A) added to sales in the trading account

(B) subtracted from sales in the trading 34. A standing order of $25 for insurance
account appears in the debit column of the bank
(C) included as revenue in the profit statement. This amount does not appear
and loss account in the cash book. How is this item treated
(D) included as an expense in tho profit in order to update the cash book?
and Joss account
(A) Credit the bank account with $25.
(B) Debit the bank account with $25.
Item 32 refers to the following tnble which (C) Add $25 to the bank statement
shows the summarized position of Foster balance.
and Scott Limited at 6 March 2019. (D) Subtract $25 from the bank
statement balance.
Current liabilities 60 ODO
Item 35 refers to the following information
Current assets lDO ODO
p1 ovided by a business.
Non-current assets 200 ODO
Non-current liabilities 150 ODO
Total unpresented cheques 120
32. What was the capital of Foster and Scott Lodgement not entered
Limited at 6 March 20187 on bank statement 150
Balance per cash book 560
(A) $ 40 ODO
(B) $ 9D 000 35. What is the balance per bank statement?
(C) $150 DOD
(D) $190 000 (A) $120
(B) $150
(C) $340
(D) $530


01239010/J/CSEC 2020
0 f .!ltl.. �hi c)c. -15 0 0
1"" Pv... r ck..,
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fO< S.. a..U.. ./ { ? ) 9
- c.lo�ifl.� !.-I-cu< - - -
Co!>� o.e .JO&IS. s.dc/ -_!J-o o_

Item 36 refers to the following information. 38. MrGreen andMrsBlack agreed to establish
a partnership, Green and Black Co. and
$ each of them deposited $5 000 into a bank
Inventoryat1January2019 l 500 account. How should this be iecorded in
Purchasesduringthcmonth 1 200 the books of the pa1tnership?
Cost of goods sold 1 400
(A) Credit cash $10 000
Debit capital $10 000
36. What is theinventory attbe end ofJanuary?
(B) DebitGreen andBlack.Co.$1O000
(A) $ 300 Cl'edit bank $10 000 each

(B) $ 500
$ 700 (C) Debit partnership bank account
$10 000
(D) $1 300
Credit partners' current accounts
$5 000 each
37. MrsAllen invested $20 000 andMrsBrown
and Mr Cable invested $5 000 each into (D) Debit partnership bank account

the same business. The loss sustained $10 000

during the year was$1000. The pnrtnership Credit partners' capital accounts
agreement is silent on the item of losses, $5 000 each
although profits are to be split in the Latia
2:2:1 in favour of Allen, Brown and Cable
respectively. How much of the loss must 39. A trader had an opening capital of$3 900.
be borne by Mr Cable? If his drawings were $900 and his closing
capital was$4 860, what was the net profit?

(A) $140
$200 (A) $ 900
(C) $300 (B) $ 960
(C) $1 860
(D) $400
(D) $3 000


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40. Rose contributed $7 000 in cash and a motor vehicle worth $3 000 to a partnership. Rose's
contribution to the partnership would be recorded in the journal a s

Debit Credit
$ $
(A) Cash 10 000
Rose's capital 10 000

(B) Rose's capital 7 000

Cash 7 000
(C) Cash 7 000
Motor vehicle 3 000
Rose's capital 10 000
(D) Rose's capital 10 000
Molo1 vehicle 3 000
Cash 7 000

41. In a cooperative society, 1he daily affairs are 44. According to the Partnership Act, if there
administered by is no Deed of Partnership, the amount of
profitto be received by EACHpartncrwould
(A) nil membets be
(B) a majority of shareholders
(C) the chaim1an of the board only ( A) divided equally
(D) pe1sons elected or appointed to do (B) calculated at 5% of net profit
so ( C) calculated nt5% on capital invested
(D) divided in proportion to capital
42. The owner of a business paid a pe1sonal
medical bill from the bank account of the
business. The amount was debited to the 45. Which of the following items on a State­
miscellaneous expenses account. Which ment of Financial Position would differ
of the following concepts wa& violated? MOST in presentation when comparing
the books of a company and the books of
(A) Matching a sole trader?
(B) Prudence
(C) Consistency ( A) Non-cunent assets
(D) Business entity (B) Current liabilities
(C) Current assets
(D) Capital
43. A photocopying machine valued at $5 000
is depreciated at 10% using the straight line
method. What is its book value after TWO 46. The reward of profit received by a
years? shareholder in a limited company is called

(A) $4 000 (A) interest

(B) $4 050 (B) drawings
(C) $4 500 (C) dividends
(D) $4 980 (D) commission


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47. How does an increase in bad debts affect a 51. The purpose of an appropriation account is
sole trader's financial statements? to

(A) Decreases the gross profit (A) show howthenet profit is distTibuted
(B) Increases the gross profit in a partnership or co-operative
(C) Decreases the net profit (B) change capital expenditure as
(D) Increases the net profit agreed upon in the Articles of
(C) enter all capital and revenue
48. Which of the following accounts are expendih1re as stipulated in the
nominal? Partnership Act
(D) make appropriate changes related
(A) Wages and Rent to net profit as agreed upon in the
(B) Machinery and Plant Articles of Association
(C) Payables and Fixtures
(D) Inventory and Receivables
52. If revenue expenditure is overstated, which
of the following items will be affected?
49. Which of the following terms BEST
dcscdbes the final accounts of a non-profit (A) Sales
organization? (B) Surplus
(C) Inventory
I. Income Statement (D) Working capitnl
II. Receipts and Payments Account
ill. Statement ofFinancial Position J
53. When writing up the books ofa partnership,
(A) I and II only which account must EACH partner have?
(B) I and ill only
(C) II and ID only (A) Bank
(D) I, II and III (B) Current
(C) Savings
(D) Fixed deposit
50. An example of a capital expenditure ls
money spent for

(A) paying rent

(B) paying wages
: (C) purchasing goods
(D) purchasing a new building


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Item 54 refers to the following information.

J. Baynes Manufacturing Account for the Period Ended 31 December 2017

$ $
Inventory of raw materials 1 January 2017 800
Purchases of raw materials during year 4 500 Balance cnnied forward 6 800
5 300
Less closing inventory ofrnw
materials 31 December 2017 I 400
3 900
Productive wages 1 300
Fuel and power 900
Lubricants 100
Rent and rates 400
Insurance 200
6 800 6 800

54. What is the cost ofthe raw materials consumed?

(A) $ 800
(B) $1 200
(C) $3 900
(D) $4 500

ltem 55 refers to the following table which shows balances of the asset accounts of the Bayroe
Club as at 30 June 2019.

Assets $
Premises 5400
Equipment 1 825
Furniture 960
Bank and cash 1 640
Inventory and refreshments 72

55. The amount of the club's accumulated fund was

(A) $1 640
(B) $4 497
(C) $8 185
(D) $9 897


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56. Salaries paid to the administrative staff in Item 59 refers to the following list of
a factory would be classified as which of balances.
the following types of cost?
(A) Manufacturin g Work in progress 1 January 1 600
(B) Indirect Work in progress 31 December 1 700
(C) Direct Cost of materials used 3 000
(D) Prime Indirect expenses 3 200
Factory wages s 000

57. When a company declares a dividend of

15o/o the dividend warrant of a sharcholder 59. Using the list of balances above, what is
ownin � isoo one-dollal' ordinary shares is the cost of goods produced?

(A) $ 8 000
(A)-. $ 100
8 700
$ 225 (B) $
�) (C) $ 11 100
(G) - - $1 500
(D) $ 11 200
(D) ..
-J ��.....
$1 515

' 60. P. Amos is employed by a construction

58. Prime cost is $79 110, office expenses
$3 000 and factory overheads $4 720. How company at a rate of $7 per hour. During

ID}!Ch is the cost of production? a week, he worked his basic week of

40 hours. The income tax due on his pay
is $20, and he is also liable to pay national
.(i) . $ 4 720
insurance contributions of 5% of his gross
. \GQ) ".-. �71390 pay. What is his net pay?
(C) � - �83 830
•:' 7'(D) :_ $86 830

(A) $246
t'.. . .. . .:'1 ""; (B) $260
'"..f I
. . (C) $266
, ·.,, .. I
(D) $280

·... .. � :. ..


. . \



01239010/J/CSEC 2020

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