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EPT07t06A Centrifugal Pumps

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Centrifugal Pumps

EPT 07-T-06A

October 1992 Draft

This ExxonMobil Practice Tutorial (EPT) is part of a series, continuing with EPT 07-T-06B and EPT
07-T-06C. This EPT provides the project engineer with a basic understanding of centrifugal pump
selection. Refer to EPT 07-T-05A, EPT 07-T-05B and EPT 07-T-05C for information on
Reciprocating Pumps.

Version 0
EPT 07-T-06A Centrifugal Pumps October 1992 Draft

Table of Contents

Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1

Table of Figures.................................................................................................................. 3

1. References ................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. ExxonMobil Practice Tutorials ............................................................................. 4

2. General Considerations .............................................................................................. 4

2.1. Pumping Action ................................................................................................... 5

2.2. Pump Types ........................................................................................................ 5

2.3. Pump Curves ...................................................................................................... 8

2.4. Types of Pump Curves ..................................................................................... 15

2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugal Pumps ..................................... 19

3. Performance Considerations.................................................................................... 20

3.1. Head ................................................................................................................. 20

3.2. Power and Efficiency ........................................................................................ 23

3.3. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) ................................................................... 25

3.4. Pump Specific Speed........................................................................................ 32

3.5. Dimensionless Pump Parameters (Affinity Laws) ............................................. 33

3.6. Viscosity ............................................................................................................ 35

3.7. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 40

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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Tree Diagram for Kinetic Pumps .......................................................................6

Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of a Radial Flow Pump .....................................................7

Figure 3: Schematic Diagram of an Axial Flow Pump .....................................................8

Figure 4: Typical Performance Curve for a Centrifugal Pump .......................................9

Figure 5: Graphs Showing the Effects on Flow Rate and Head when the Pump Speed
Changes ............................................................................................................ 10

Figure 6: Typical System Curve ...................................................................................... 11

Figure 7: Typical System Curve Showing the Effects of Adding a Control Valve ...... 12

Figure 8: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Effect of Installing Two Identical
Pumps in Parallel ............................................................................................. 13

Figure 9: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Effect of Installing Two Identical
Pumps in Series ............................................................................................... 14

Figure 10: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Differences between Installing
Two Pumps in Series or in Parallel Operation............................................... 15

Figure 11: Typical Pump Curve with a Steady Rising Head vs. Flow Rate
Characteristic ................................................................................................... 16

Figure 12: Typical Pump Curve with a Steep Rising Head vs. Flow Rate
Characteristic ................................................................................................... 17

Figure 13: Typical Pump Curve with a Flat Head vs. Flow Rate Characteristic .......... 18

Figure 14: Typical Pump Curve with a Drooping Head vs. Flow Rate Characteristic 19

Figure 15: Typical Centrifugal Pump Performance Curve (Courtesy Afton Pumps) .. 28

Figure 16: NPSH Reductions for Pumps Handling Hydrocarbon Liquids and High
Temperature Water (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute) ....................................... 30

Figure 17: Efficiency vs. Specific Speed ........................................................................ 33

Figure 18: Viscosity Correction Chart (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute) ......................... 38

Figure 19: Performance Correction Chart (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute) ................... 39

Figure 20: Vibration Severity Chart ................................................................................ 45

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1. References
The following publications form a part of this Tutorial. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the
latest edition.

1.1. ExxonMobil Practice Tutorials

EPT 07-T-05A Reciprocating Pumps

EPT 07-T-05B Reciprocating Pumps
EPT 07-T-05C Reciprocating Pumps
EPT 07-T-06B Centrifugal Pumps
EPT 07-T-06C Centrifugal Pumps

2. General Considerations
Centrifugal pump selection shall be in accordance with requirements of this EPT, unless superceded
by more stringent local regulations.

Pumps serve many purposes in production facilities. The largest pumps are usually shipping or sales
pumps which increase the pressure of oil or condensate so that it can flow into a sales pipeline or be
loaded into tankers, barges, railroad cars, or trucks. Other large pumps are used with water injection
systems for disposing of produced water or for water flooding. Smaller pumps are used to pump
liquids from low to higher pressure vessels, to pump liquids from tanks at a low elevation to tanks at a
higher elevation, or to transfer liquids for further processing.

A facility's utility system often has many pumps, which may be used for firewater wash down and
utility water, heat medium, fuel oil or diesel, and hydraulic systems.

The project engineer shall be able to select the proper pump for each application, determine
horsepower requirements, design the piping system associated with the pump, and specify materials
and details of construction for bearings, seals, etc. On standard applications the project engineer may
allow the vendor to specify materials and construction details for the specified service conditions.
Even then, the project engineer shall be familiar with different alternatives so that he or she can better
evaluate proposals and alternate proposals of vendors.

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2.1. Pumping Action

Pumping action involves inducing liquid flow by mechanical means using a pump. The
required energy input depends on the liquid characteristics and the service conditions.

Pumps are classified as either "kinetic" or "positive displacement."

• A kinetic pump adds energy continuously to increase the fluid's velocity within the
pump above the velocity in the discharge pipe. Passageways in the pump then reduce
the velocity until it matches that in the discharge pipe. From Bernoulli's Law, as the
velocity head of the fluid is reduced, the pressure head increases.
Therefore, in a kinetic pump the fluid's kinetic or velocity energy is first increased and
then converted to potential or pressure energy. Almost all kinetic pumps used in
production facilities are centrifugal pumps in which the kinetic energy is imparted to
the fluid by a rotating impeller that generates centrifugal force.

• A positive displacement pump decreases the volume containing the liquid until the
resulting liquid pressure equals the pressure in the discharge system. That is, the
liquid is compressed mechanically, causing a direct rise in potential energy. Most
positive displacement pumps are reciprocating pumps in which linear motion of a
piston in a cylinder causes the displacement. In rotary pumps, another common
positive displacement pump, a circular motion causes the displacement. Refer to the
tutorial EPT 07-T-05A on Reciprocating Pumps for further information.

2.2. Pump Types

2.2.1. Kinetic Pumps

Kinetic pumps can be divided into several varieties of centrifugal and special
effect pumps. Figure 1 presents a summary of the many types of kinetic
pumps and their subclassifications.

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Figure 1: Tree Diagram for Kinetic Pumps

2.2.2. Centrifugal Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are classified by their impeller type as either radial or
axial flow. The pumps are further classified by the following design

1. Number of stages (single or multistage)

2. Suction nozzle (single or double)
3. Casing type
4. Impeller style
5. Position of shaft
6. Suction nozzle location

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EPT 07-T-06A Centrifugal Pumps October 1992 Draft Radial Flow Pump

Figure 2 shows a radial flow pump. Flow enters the center of the rotating
wheel (impeller), and centrifugal force propels it radially to the outside. The
velocity of the liquid within the impeller increases. As the fluid is forced to
the sides of the volute its velocity decreases and its pressure increases.

Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of a Radial Flow Pump Axial Flow Pump

An example of an axial flow pump is shown in Figure 3. Flow is parallel to
the axis of the shaft. Impeller vanes, which are shaped like airfoils, impart

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Figure 3: Schematic Diagram of an Axial Flow Pump Type Applications

Most pumps have flow paths that fall between the two extremes of
completely radial flow and completely axial flow. Radial flow pumps
develop a higher head per stage and operate at slower speeds than axial flow
pumps. Therefore, axial flow designs are used in applications with very high
flow rates and very low heads.

Appendix D of EPT 07-T-06C shows some common pump types and their
typical uses.

2.3. Pump Curves

Figure 4 shows a typical head-capacity curve for a centrifugal pump. At a constant speed
(i.e., rotational velocity), as the head required to be furnished by the pump increases, the
flow rate decreases. Figure 4 also shows the pump efficiency curve. For a given impeller
shape, the efficiency is a maximum at a design throughput rate. As the rate varies upward
and downward from this point, the efficiency decreases.

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Figure 4: Typical Performance Curve for a Centrifugal Pump

• By varying the pump speed the throughput at a given head or the head for a given
throughput can be changed. In Figure 5, as the speed decreases from N1 to N2 to N3,
the flow rate decreases if the head required is constant, or the head decreases if the
flow rate is constant.

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Figure 5: Graphs Showing the Effects on Flow Rate and Head when the Pump
Speed Changes
• In most piping systems both the head and the flow rate vary because the system has its
own required pump head for a given flow rate. This can be seen in Figure 6. The
head required by the system, which is to be provided by the pump, is merely the

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friction drop in the pipeline between points A and B, assuming the levels in both tanks
are identical. This is a function of flow rate; it can therefore be plotted as a "system
curve" on the pump head-flow rates curve. For this system, as the pump speed is
increased or decreased, a new equilibrium of head and flow rate is established by the
intersection of the system curve and the pump curve.

Figure 6: Typical System Curve

• Figure 7 shows how the throughput can be changed by imposing an artificial
backpressure on the pump. Adjusting the control valve's orifice may shift the system
curve, establishing new head-flow rate equilibria. As the pressure drop across the
control valve increases from ∆P1 to ∆P2 to ∆P3, the flow rate through the system
decreases from Q1 to Q 2 to Q3.

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Figure 7: Typical System Curve Showing the Effects of Adding a Control Valve

2.3.1. Multiple Pump Installation Design

In designing multiple centrifugal pump installations it is necessary to keep in
mind the interaction between the pump curves and the process system curve.
That is, throughput cannot be doubled by adding an identical pump in
parallel, and head is not doubled by adding an identical pump in series.

• The effect of adding two identical pumps in parallel can be seen in

Figure 8. Curve A is the pump curve for one pump. Curve B is
constructed by doubling the flow rate at a given head to show how the
pumps behave in parallel operation. Curve C shows a system curve to
which the addition of the second pump adds only about 50 percent to
system throughput. Curve D shows a steeper system curve. In this case
the system throughput is increased only about 20 percent.

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Figure 8: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Effect of Installing Two
Identical Pumps in Parallel
• Figure 9 shows the effect of installing two pumps in series. Curve A is
the head vs. flow rate curve for one pump. The combined curve for both
pumps, B, is constructed by doubling the head of Curve A at each value
of flow rate. The benefit of the additional pump can be seen by
inspecting the intersection of the system curves, C and D, with the pump

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Figure 9: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Effect of Installing Two
Identical Pumps in Series
• The choice of whether to add an additional pump in series or in parallel
is illustrated in Figure 10. If the system curve is shallow, more
throughput is obtained from parallel operation. If the system curve is
steep, more throughput can be obtained by series installation.

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Figure 10: Head vs. Flow Rate Graph Showing the Differences between
Installing Two Pumps in Series or in Parallel Operation

2.4. Types of Pump Curves

Pump curves are characteristic of the pump, and they tell the designer what to choose for
an application, depending upon service conditions, life, and so on. Four typical curves
may be classed as follows:

2.4.1. Steady Rising Curve

Some manufacturers and authors refer to this as the rising head vs. capacity
curve (Figure 11). Pumps with this type of curve have continuously rising
head as capacity is decreased. Pumps with this characteristic curve are often
used in parallel operations; because of their stability they continue to operate
at lower and lower throughput volumes.

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Figure 11: Typical Pump Curve with a Steady Rising Head vs. Flow Rate

2.4.2. Steep Rising Cur-ve

In this type of pump curve (Figure 12), there is a large increase in head
between that developed at design capacity and that developed at shutoff.
This pump is stable and will operate in parallel over its entire range. It is
best suited for operations requiring minimum capacity changes with pressure,
but it is stable over a wide range of capacity vs. head.

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Figure 12: Typical Pump Curve with a Steep Rising Head vs. Flow Rate

2.4.3. Flat Curve

This pump curve (Figure 13) characteristically has head varying only slightly
with capacity over its entire range of operation. Pumps with this type of
curve are best suited for duties having wide fluctuation of capacity with
nearly constant pressure.

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Figure 13: Typical Pump Curve with a Flat Head vs. Flow Rate Characteristic

2.4.4. Drooping Curve

The head vs. capacity curve (Figure 14) for this type of pump has a segment
at which head is less than that developed at its same capacities. As can be
seen from the example curve, there are two stable head points for some
capacities. Pumps designed to deliver maximum head per inch of impeller
diameter generally have this characteristic. They are almost never used in
general oil field pumping applications.

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Figure 14: Typical Pump Curve with a Drooping Head vs. Flow Rate
In general, it is desirable to choose a pump that operates at its maximum
efficiency point or slightly to the left; however, this is not always
possible. Pumps are sold to operate over wide ranges, even at the
extreme ends of the rating curve. Normally, if the NPSH available is
sufficient to prevent cavitation, the pump shall operate satisfactorily.

2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugal


2.5.1. Advantages
The advantages of centrifugal pumps are:

1. They are relatively inexpensive.

2. They have few moving parts and therefore tend to have greater onstream
availability and lower maintenance costs than positive displacement

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3. They have relatively small space and weight requirements in relation to

4. There are no close clearances in the fluid stream; therefore, they can
handle liquids containing dirt, abrasives, large solids, etc.
5. Because there is very little pressure drop and there are no small
clearances between the suction flange and the impeller, they can operate
at low suction pressures without causing damage to the pump.
6. Due to the shape of the head-capacity curve, centrifugal pumps
automatically adjust to changes in head. Thus, capacity can be
controlled over a wide range at constant speed.

2.5.2. Disadvantages
Disadvantages of centrifugal pumps include:

1. Although several impellers can be installed in series to create large

heads, centrifugal pumps are practical only for achieving high-pressure
differentials when there are large flow rates.
2. Centrifugal pumps have low maximum efficiencies when compared to
reciprocating pumps. Since the efficiency also declines as the flow rate
varies from the design point, in actual operation the pump will operate at
still lower efficiencies. Efficiencies between 55 and 75 percent are
common, as opposed to 85 to 90 percent for positive displacement
3. Centrifugal pumps have extremely low efficiencies when handling
viscous fluids and are not recommended for fluids with viscosities above
0.1 Pa s (100 cp). However, sometimes there are no good alternatives, as
in the case of downhole submersible pumps for heavy crude oil wells.

3. Performance Considerations

3.1. Head
The term head is commonly used to represent the vertical height of a static column of
liquid; it corresponds to the energy contained in the liquid per unit mass. Head can also
be considered as the amount of work necessary to move a liquid from its original position
to the required delivery position. In this case, the term includes the extra work necessary
to overcome the resistance to flow.

3.1.1. Three Kinds of Head

In general a liquid at any point may have three kinds of head:

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1. Static pressure head represents the energy contained in the liquid due to
its pressure.
2. Potential head represents the energy contained in the liquid due to its
position measured by the vertical height above some plane of reference.
3. Velocity head represents the kinetic energy contained in the liquid due to
its velocity.

3.1.2. Equations
• Bernoulli's Law states that as a fluid flows from one point to another in a
piping system the total of potential, static and velocity head at the
upstream point (subscript 1) equals the total of the three heads at the
downstream point (subscript 2) plus the friction drop between points 1
and 2.

Equation 1
(HSH)1 + (HPH)1 + (HVH)1 = (HSH)2 + (HPH)2 + (HVH) + Hf


HSH = Static pressure head, m (ft)

HVH = Velocity head, m (ft)

HPH = Potential head, m (ft)

Hf = Pipe friction loss, m (ft)

• The total fluid head required to pump a fluid between two points in a
piping system can be calculated by rearranging Equation 1 and including
the term for pump head.

Equation 2
Hp = (HSH + HPH + HVH)2 - (HSH + HPH + HVH)1 +Hf


Hp = head required for pump, m (ft)

• By substitution:

Equation 3

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(P2 - P1 ) + (V2 )
- V12
+ ( Z 2 - Z1 ) + H f
HP =
ρ 2g


(P2 - P1 ) + (V2 )
- V12
+ ( Z 2 - Z1 ) + H f
HP =
ρ 2g


ρ = Density of fluid, kg/m3 (lb/ft3)

P = Static pressure, kPa (psi)

Z = Elevation above or below pump centerline datum, m (ft)

V = Liquid velocity, m/sec (ft/sec)

G = Acceleration of gravity, 9.81 m/sec2 (32.2 ft/sec2)

• The static head corresponding to any specific pressure depends on the

weight of the liquid according to the following formula:

Equation 4

Pressure in kPa × 0.102

Head in meters =
Specific Gravity


Pressure in psi × 2.31

Head in feet =
Specific Gravity

• An examination of Equation 4 shows that head is a constant for a pump

at a specific operating condition; however, the differential pressure
developed is a direct function of the liquid being pumped. For example
if head = 100 ft and SG = 1.0, then: Differential Pressure Increase =

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100 × 1.0

= 43.3 psi but if SG = .80, Differential Pressure Increase =

100 × 0.80

= 34.6 psi. This fact is often overlooked by inexperienced pump

designers and is good to keep in mind.

• The velocity head energy component is often used in system head

calculations as a basis for establishing entrance losses, losses in valves
and fittings, losses at other sudden enlargements, and exit losses by
applying the appropriate resistance coefficient (K) to the V2/2g term. In
system head calculations for high head pumps, the change in velocity
head is a small percentage of the total head and is not significant. In low
head pumps, however, it can be a substantial percentage and shall be

3.2. Power and Efficiency

• The hydraulic power that shall be developed by the pump is given by:

Equation 5

Hp ρ Q


Hp ρ Q


HHP = Hydraulic horsepower; kW (HP; one horsepower = 550 ft-


Hp = Pump head, m (ft)

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p = density of liquid, kg/m3 (lb/ft3)

Q = Flow rate, m3/hr (ft3/sec)

• By making the appropriate unit conversions Equation (5) may be

expressed as:

Equation 6

(SG ) q H P


(SG ) q H P

Equation 7




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Equation 8



Q′∆ P


SG = Specific gravity relative to water

q = Flow rate, m3/hr (gpm)

Q' = Flow rate, m3/hr (bpd)

∆P = Pressure increase, kPa (psi)

• The input power to the shaft of the pump is called the brake power; it is
given by:

Equation 9


BHP = Brake horsepower

EM = Pump mechanical efficiency

3.3. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

The Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is the total suction head at the pump suction
flange less the absolute vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped. Every pump requires a
specific NPSH so that cavitation does not occur in the pump.

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• Cavitation occurs in a pump when the pressure of the liquid is reduced to a value
equal to or below its vapor pressure and small vapor bubbles or pockets begin to form.
As these vapor bubbles move along the impeller vanes to a higher pressure area, they
rapidly collapse.

• The collapse or "implosion" is so rapid that it may be heard as a rumbling noise, as if

gravel were being pumped. The forces during the collapse are generally high enough
to cause minute pockets of stress failure on the impeller vane surfaces. This action
may be progressive, and, under severe conditions, it can cause serious pitting damage
to the impeller.

• The accompanying noise is the most easily discernible sign of cavitation. Aside from
impeller damage, cavitation normally results in reduced capacity due to the vapor
present in the pump. In addition, the head may be reduced and unstable and the power
consumption may be erratic. Vibration and mechanical damage such as bearing
failure also can occur from operating in cavitation. The only way to prevent the
undesirable effects of cavitation is to ensure that the NPSH Available (NPSHA) in the
system is greater than the NPSH Required (NPSHR) by the pump.

3.3.1. NPSHA Equations

NPSHA can be calculated by the following equations: Suction Lift (Liquid Supply Level Below Pump


Equation 10
NPSH = HA - HVPA - HSH - HVH - Hf Positive (Flooded) Suction: (Liquid Supply

Level Above Pump Centerline)

Equation 11


HA = The head on the surface of the liquid supply level. This will be
barometric pressure if suction is from an open tank or sump; or it will be the
pressure existing in a closed tank or pressure vessel, m (ft)

HVPA = The head corresponding to the vapor pressure of the liquid at the
temperature being pumped, m (ft)

HSH = Static height that the liquid supply level is above or below the pump
centerline or impeller eye, m (ft)

HVH = The velocity head in the pump suction piping minus the velocity head
in the suction supply, m (ft). The velocity head in the suction supply is

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normally zero. In most practical installations HVH is small and can be


Hf = All suction line losses including entrance losses and friction losses
through pipe, valves and fittings, etc., m (ft)

When pumping from a production vessel the liquid is normally in

equilibrium with the gas in the vapor space and thus:

HA - HVPA = 0

3.3.2. Pump Performance Curve

The NPSHR is determined by the pump manufacturer and will depend on
many factors including type of impeller inlet, impeller design, pump flow,
rotational speed, nature of liquid, and so on. NPSHR is usually plotted on
the characteristic pump performance curve supplied by the pump
manufacturer as shown in Figure 15. The pump curve also shows the total
head, efficiency and brake horsepower as a function of flow rate. The
NPSHR of a centrifugal pump is determined with water at 15.6°C (60°F).
The NPSHA is lowered with the pump at constant speed and throughput until
there is a 3 percent reduction in differential head. The NPSHA at this point
is the specified NPSHR for this flow rate. Tests are repeated at different
flow rates to draw a curve of NPSHR versus flow rate.

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Figure 15: Typical Centrifugal Pump Performance Curve (Courtesy Afton

The Net Positive Suction Head Available depends on the system layout and
shall always be equal to or greater than the NPSHR. On an existing
installation the NPSH Available is the reading of a gauge at the suction
flange converted to feet of liquid absolute and corrected to the pump
centerline elevation, less the sum of the vapor pressure of the liquid in feet
absolute and the velocity head in feet of liquid at the point of gauge

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3.3.3. NPSH Reductions for Hot Water and Gas Free

Hydrocarbon Liquids
Field experience and laboratory tests have confirmed that pumps handling
gas-free hydrocarbon fluids and water at elevated temperatures will operate
satisfactorily with little or no cavitation at lower NPSHA than is required for
cold water. Figure 16 shows NPSH reductions that may be considered for
hot water and gas free pure hydrocarbon liquids.

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Figure 16: NPSH Reductions for Pumps Handling Hydrocarbon Liquids and
High Temperature Water (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute)

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EPT 07-T-06A Centrifugal Pumps October 1992 Draft Chart Limitations

The use and application of Figure 16 is subject to the following limitations:

1. The NPSH reductions shown are based on laboratory test data at steady
state suction conditions and on the gas-free pure hydrocarbon liquids
shown; its application to other liquids shall be considered experimental
and is not recommended.
2. No NPSH reduction shall exceed 50 percent of the NPSH required for
cold water or 3 m (10 ft), whichever is smaller.
3. In the absence of test data demonstrating NPSH reductions greater than 3
m (10 ft), the chart has been limited to that extent, and extrapolation
beyond that point is not recommended.
4. Vapor pressure for the liquid is true vapor pressure at bubble point and
not Reid vapor pressure.
5. Do not use the chart for liquids having entrained air or other
noncondensable gases which may be released as the absolute pressure is
lowered at the entrance to the impeller, in which case additional NPSH
may be required for satisfactory operation.
6. In the use of the chart for high temperature liquids, particularly with
water, due consideration shall be given to the susceptibility of the suction
system to transient changes in temperature and absolute pressure. This
might require additional NPSH - far exceeding the reduction otherwise
permitted for steady state operation - to provide a margin of safety. Procedure for Use of Chart

Subject to the above limitations, which shall be reviewed with the
manufacturer, the procedure in using the chart is illustrated as follows:

• Assume a pump with a specified NPSHR of 16 ft at the design capacity

is to handle pure propane at 12.8°C (55°F).

− From Figure 16, propane at 12.8°C (55°F) has a vapor pressure of

approximately 690 kPa (100 psia) and a reduction of 2.9 m (9.5 ft)
could be considered.

− However, this is greater than one half the cold water NPSHR. Thus,
the corrected value of the NPSHR is one half the cold water NPSHR
or 2.4 m (8 ft).

• If this same pump has an application to handle propane at -10°C (14°F),

where its vapor pressure is 345 kPa (50 psia), Figure 16 shows a
reduction of 1.8 m (6 ft) could be considered.

− This is less than one half of the cold water NPSHR.

− The corrected value of NPSHR is therefore 4.8 m less 1.8 m, or 3 m

(16 ft less 6 ft, or 10 ft) for this second case.

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3.4. Pump Specific Speed

In comparing similar centrifugal pumps, it is often useful to use a parameter called
specific speed. For similar designs major pump dimensions are proportional to specific
speed. Thus, if the head-flow-rate curve is known for one pump, it can be estimated for
another pump of similar design but different impeller diameter. The specific speed is
given by the following formula:

Equation 12

51.65 R p (q ) 2

Ns =
(H )


R p (q ) 2

Ns =
(H )


Ns = Pump specific speed

Rp = Pump speed, rps (rpm)

q = Flow rate, m3/hr (gpm)

Hp = Pump head, m (ft)

A pump's specific speed is always calculated at its point of maximum efficiency. It is not
a dimensionless number, so it is critical that the units used in calculating the specific speed
are known.

3.4.1. Effect on Impeller Geometry

Specific speed is used by pump designers to help determine the required
impeller geometry. The lower the specific speed the more the impeller shape
will approach true radial flow. The higher the specific speed the more
closely the impeller geometry approaches true axial flow.

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3.4.2. Attainable Efficiency Estimations

Specific speed is also useful in estimating maximum attainable pump
efficiency. This is done from Figure 17, which is published by the Hydraulic
Institute. This figure is useful in helping to estimate brake horsepower and in
helping to validate vendors' quoted efficiencies.

Figure 17: Efficiency vs. Specific Speed

3.5. Dimensionless Pump Parameters (Affinity Laws)

The affinity laws express the mathematical relationships between the several variables
involved in pump performance. The affinity laws are based on dimensional analysis of
rotating machines, which shows that for dynamically similar conditions, certain
dimensionless parameters remain constant. These parameters or relationships apply to all
types of centrifugal and axial flow pumps. They are as follows:

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3.5.1. Impeller Diameter, D, Held Constant:

Equation 13
q 1 N1
q2 N2

Equation 14

H 1 (N 1 )

H 2 ( N 2 )2

3.5.2. With Speed, N, Held Constant:

Equation 15
q 1 D1
q2 D2

Equation 16

H 1 (D1 )

H 2 (D 2 )2

Equation 17

BHP1 (D1 )

BHP2 (D 2 )3


q = Capacity, m3/hr (gpm)

H = Total head, m (ft)

BHP = Power, kW (HP)

N = Pump speed, rps (rpm)

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3.5.3. Speed and Diameter Changes

When the performance (q 1, H1 & BHP1) is known at some particular speed
(N1) or diameter (D 1), the formulas can be used to estimate the performance
(q 2, H2 & BHP2) at some other speed (N2) or diameter (D2). The efficiency
remains nearly constant for speed changes and for small changes in impeller

For example, if a pump with a 150 mm (6 in) impeller will deliver 22.7 m3/hr
(100 gpm) and 30 m (100 ft) of head at 1800 RPM using 14.9 kw (20 BHP),
when we increase the impeller diameter to 200 mm (8 in) at the same RPM:


q2 =
(22.7 ) = 30.3 m 3 / hr

200 2
H2 = (30) = 53.3 m
150 2

200 3
BHP2 = (14.9) = 35.3 kW
150 3


q2 =
(100) = 133 gpm

H2 = (100) = 177 ft

BHP2 = (20) = 47 BHP

3.6. Viscosity
Centrifugal pump performance is adversely affected by viscous liquids. A marked
increase in brake horsepower, a reduction in head and some reduction in capacity occur
with moderate and high viscosities.

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The following equations can be used for estimating the viscous performance of a pump
when the water performance of the pump is known:

Equation 18
qvis = CQ x qw

Equation 19
Hvis = CH x Hw

Equation 20
Evis = CE x Ew

Equation 21
q vis × H vis × (SG )
BHPvis =
3960 × E vis


qvis = Viscous capacity, m3/hr (gpm)-the capacity when pumping a viscous liquid

Hvis = Viscous head, m (ft)-the head when pumping a viscous liquid

Evis = Viscous efficiency, percent-the efficiency when pumping a viscous liquid

BHPvis = Viscous brake horsepower-the horsepower required by the pump for the
viscous conditions, kW (HP)

qw = Water capacity, m3/hr (gpm)-the capacity when pumping water

HW = Water head, m (ft)-the head when pumping water

EW = Water efficiency, percent-the efficiency when pumping water

CQ = Capacity correction factor

CH = Head correction factor

CE = Efficiency correction factor

SG = Specific gravity of liquid relative to water (CQ, CH and CE determined from

Figures 18 and 19)

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Equation 22
q vis H vis SG
BHPvis =
367.7 E vis

3.6.1. Correction Charts

Figures 18 and 19 are from Hydraulic Institute Standards. The values shown
are averages for several pumps. Therefore, the correction curves are not
exact for any particular pump and shall be used with judgement.

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Figure 18: Viscosity Correction Chart (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute)

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Figure 19: Performance Correction Chart (Courtesy Hydraulic Institute) Chart Limitations

When accurate information is essential, performance tests shall be conducted
with the particular viscous liquids to be handled.

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The use and application of Figures 18 and 19 are subject to the following

1. Use only within the scales shown. Do not extrapolate.

2. Use only for pumps of conventional hydraulic design in the normal
operating range with open or closed impellers. Do not use for mixed or
axial flow pumps or for pumps of special hydraulic design for either
viscous or non-uniform liquids.
3. Use only when adequate NPSH is available in order to avoid the effect of
4. Use only on Newtonian liquids. Gels and slurries, paper stock, and other
non-uniform liquids may produce widely varying results, depending on
the particular characteristics of the liquids.

3.7. Troubleshooting
Often the engineer will receive frantic telephone calls describing pump problems in the
field or job site. A quick check of the troubleshooting chart (Table 1) will serve as a
starting point to solve problems and can save considerable time and effort in the office and

Table 1: Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps

Check Problem

Pump Insufficient Insufficient Loss of Excessive

Does Capacity Pressure Prime Power
Not Delivered Developed After Required
Deliver Starting
1. Pump not primed X
2. Suction pipe or pump not completely X X X
filled with liquid
3. Suction lift too high X X X
4. Insufficient margin between suction X X
pressure and vapor pressure
5. Excessive amount of air or gas in X X X
6. Air pocket in suction line X X X
7. Air leakage into suction line X X
8. Air leak into pump through stuffing X X

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Check Problem

Pump Insufficient Insufficient Loss of Excessive

Does Capacity Pressure Prime Power
Not Delivered Developed After Required
Deliver Starting
9. Foot valve too small X
10. Foot valve partially clogged X
11. Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently X X X
12. Water seal pipe plugged X
13. Seal case improperly located thus X
preventing seal formation
14. Speed too low X X X X
15. Speed too high X
16. Wrong direction of rotation X X X
17. Total system head higher than pump X X X X
design head
18. Total system head lower than pump X
design head
19. Specific gravity of liquid different X
from design
20. Viscosity of liquid different from X X X
21. Operation at very low capacity
22. Parallel operation of pumps is X X X
23. Foreign matter in impeller X X
24. Misalignment X
25. Foundation not rigid
26. Shaft bent X
27. Rotating part rubbing on stationary X
28. Bearings worn
29. Wearing rings worn X X X
30. Impeller Damaged X X
31. Casing gasket defective. Permitting X X

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Check Problem

Pump Insufficient Insufficient Loss of Excessive

Does Capacity Pressure Prime Power
Not Delivered Developed After Required
Deliver Starting
internal leakage
32. Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored
at the packing
33. Packing improperly installed X
34. Incorrect type of packing for operating X
35. Shaft running off center due to worn
bearings or misalignment
36. Rotor out of balance resulting in
37. Gland too tight: No flow to lubricate X
38. Lack of lubrication
39. Dirt getting into bearings
40. Rusting of bearing

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Table 1–Cont'd: Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps

Check Problem

Excessive Packing Pump Bearings Pump

Leaking of Has Short Vibrates Have Overheats
Stuffing Life or is Short Life and Ceases
Box Noisy
1. Pump not primed X
2. Suction pipe or pump not completely X
filled with liquid
3. Suction lift too high X
4. Insufficient margin between suction X X
pressure and vapor pressure
5. Excessive amount of air or gas in
6. Air pocket in suction line
7. Air leakage into suction line
8. Air leak into pump through stuffing
9. Foot valve too small X
10. Foot valve partially clogged X
11. Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently X
12. Water seal pipe plugged X
13. Seal case improperly located thus X X
preventing seal formation
14. Speed too low
15. Speed too high
16. Wrong direction of rotation
17. Total system head higher than pump
design head
18. Total system head lower than pump
design head
19. Specific gravity of liquid different
from design
20. Viscosity of liquid different from

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Check Problem

Excessive Packing Pump Bearings Pump

Leaking of Has Short Vibrates Have Overheats
Stuffing Life or is Short Life and Ceases
Box Noisy
21. Operation at very low capacity X X
22. Parallel operation of pumps is X
23. Foreign matter in impeller X
24. Misalignment X X X X X
25. Foundation not rigid X
26. Shaft bent X X X
27. Rotating part rubbing on stationary X X X
28. Bearings worn X X X X
29. Wearing rings worn
30. Impeller Damaged X
31. Casing gasket defective. Permitting
internal leakage
32. Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored X X
at the packing
33. Packing improperly installed X X
34. Incorrect type of packing for operating X X
35. Shaft running off center due to worn X X X X X
bearings or misalignment
36. Rotor out of balance resulting in X X X X X
37. Gland too tight: No flow to lubricate X
38. Lack of lubrication X X
39. Dirt getting into bearings X X
40. Rusting of bearing X X Vibration Severity Chart

Another useful chart is Figure 20. All rotating equipment vibrates to some
degree. As tolerances in centrifugal pumps are often critical, vibration
frequencies and amplitudes can warn the engineer about impending trouble.

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Sometimes a preventive maintenance shutdown is dictated to prevent more

costly, larger failures.

Figure 20: Vibration Severity Chart

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