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2004FundraisingLetter 2 PDF

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Do you know the answers to these questions?

1. How Brad Klopfenstein turned the media against Governor Kernan?

2. What caused Michael Badnarik to ask for a break while he was in Indiana?
3. Why the Indiana Libertarian Party Office has been so busy this past month?

July 2004
Dear (Name):

The answers to these questions are in this letter. I hope you'll take the time right now to
do a quick review with me of where we've been, where we are and where we're going.

Over the past ten years the Libertarian Party of Indiana has achieved 10 times as much
as the previous 10 years. The essential ingredient was an executive director in 1998. This
created our on-demand media presence. It's our full-time employee who provides our
candidates and volunteers the resources they need to be successful.

Over the last ten years we have made some remarkable landmarks:

• We gained ballot status.

• No statewide candidate received less than 3% of the vote in 2002.
• Over 35 of the 92 counties in Indiana are now organized.
• Seven currently elected Libertarians.

But as our vote totals continue to rise ...

... and we continue to elect more Libertarians ...

... our growing success continues to scare Republicans and Democrats ...

Because we have more than votes. We are building •••

Political Muscle

Governor Joe Kernan does not realize how strong the Libertarian Party has become in
Indiana. He believes the Libertarian Party exists at the mercy of the Republicans and
Democrats. Let me tell you how he was proven wrong ...

On May 4th Governor Joe Kernan proposed to the Republican Gubernatorial candidate
for "the two major party 'candidates [to] participate in three one-on-one debates."
Page 2

Kernan acted as if the Libertarians did not exist. Brad Klopfenstein set out the next day
to prove him wrong. There were four press conferences scheduled in different cities across the
state for the following day.

He sent out a press release and planned to attend two of the press conferences. The first
thing Brad noticed when he arrived at the Press Conference in Lafayette was ...

... reporters reviewing our press release.

Governor Kernan stepped off his plane ready to talk about his policies to help business
in Indiana. He gave a speech touting his performance as Governor. He even received and
answered two questions about his business policies before ...

A reporter asked why he was excluding the Libertarians from the Gubernatorial Debate.
Kernan's face went blank. This was entirely unexpected. He tried to dodge the question.

But the reporter followed his question up: "Will you invite Kenn Gividen to participate
in the debates?" Kernan responded that he had no objection but it would need to be discussed.

Every reporter rushed to interview Brad Klopfenstein in the back of the room, once the
press conference was concluded. We received coverage from:

• WLFI-CBS Channel 18 (TV)

• Journal and Courier (Newspaper)
• WKOARadio
• WBAARadio

Reporters asked:

• "Is this the first time the Governor has invited the Libertarians to participate in the
• "Does this mean the Libertarians will be participating in the debates?"

Governor Kernan thought he would be safe at his Press Conference in Evansville. After
all. he was flying to each of his press conferences. But when he saw Brad his face turned white.
He knew he was about to encounter a dose of deja vu.

Again the press focused on the Libertarians and Kernan's attempts to keep us out of the
debate and Brad stole the show once again at the Governor's own press conference. Brad
received interviews from:

• WPIE-NBC Channel 14 (TV)

• WTVW-FOX Channel 7 (TV)

The following day the headlines for the Governor's press conference read:
Page 3

Libertarian Candidate May be in Debates

The two major parties still believe we are weak and defenseless but are learning the
Libertarian Party of Indiana is gaining growing strength and influence in Indiana Politics. The
Governor learned not to underestimate the strength of the Libertarian Party of Indiana.

And I believe we can accomplish ...

Ten Times More over the Next 10 Years

We can continue to grow at an exponential pace. We have already begun to demonstrate

it is possible.

Michael Badnarik, Libertarian Presidential Nominee, came to Indiana to announce his

mother's candidacy for Lt. Governor. Yes. That's right Elaine Badnarik is our Lt. Governor

However what he found were two days packed with media and events.

• A Press Conference with 2 television stations, statewide radio, five newspapers. They
all ran the story!
• Held 2 meet the candidate events where over 120 people met Michael Badnarik over a
two day span.
• A Northern Indiana press tour where 6 interviews were held in a single day on top of
three prior scheduled interviews. This was his busiest media day other than the day
following the National Convention!

Michael Badnarik's day began as he told his mother that he doesn't need rest because he
is "nuclear powered."

... But at mid-day he hesitantly asked when he would receive a break!

We need to do more now than ever. The Republicans and Democrats are scared.
They're scared we've become too strong, we've become too big already.

They will try now to make every effort possible to stop before it's too late:

• Both parties are trying to keep Kenn Gividen out of the debates.
• Democrats have even begun to run full slates of candidates in districts we have targeted.

We aren't going to let this happen. We've accomplished ten times more this month
because we increased our team:

• Josh Hanson has joined the state office as an unpaid intern for part ofthe summer. He's
required to work 200 hours in a political internship as part of his degree from Wheaton
College and he's already decided to stay longer as a volunteer.
Page 4

• Justin Kempf was the National Field Coordinator for the Gary Nolan for President team
and did an outstanding job for their campaign. When Gary Nolan lost the nomination,
Brad and Irealized Justin was someone we need in Indiana. He's now our Special
Prjects Coordinator.

This has allowed us to focus on:

• Recruiting candidates. Executive Director Brad Klopfenstein has filed 96 candidates for
the Indiana ballot this year.
• Media. Over the last month we have seen articles about Kenn Gividen and Michael
Badnarik in papers across the state including an article written by the Associated Press
featured in newspapers across the state.

Unfortunately, when we accomplish more it costs more money. More people in the
office means more office supplies. It means a greater number of projects to pay for. Even free
labor like Josh comes with expenses. You must decide if it's worth the investment.

What will the Libertarian Party of Indiana be like in ten years if we maintain the status
quo or what could our party be like if we seize this opportunity?

Your donation of $96 will seize this opportunity. That's just one dollar for every
Libertarian on the ballot this November.

Your support will help us:

• Expand our on demand presence in the Indiana media. We need to create a presence for
the media to seek the opinions of the Libertarian Party and our candidates.
• Pressure the Democrats and Republicans to include Kenn Gividen in the debates. We
can and will win the battle of public opinion if we have the resources to get our message
to the media.
• Give our candidates the resources they need to succeed. The 96 candidates on the ballot
need help recruiting volunteers, raising funds and even filing paperwork.

Over the last month our office has exploded in manpower and level of activity. Help us
take the next step to elect more Libertarians to office in Indiana.


Mark Rutherford
State Chairman, Libertarian Party of Indiana

..- PS Kenn Gividen has not been formally included in the debates at this moment. Your $96
contribution will help us blitz the media until that happens.
We have the ability to raise $100,000 every year for the LPIN right now. We can
already have a budget of $100,000 to not only fund the State Office fully but to spend on
other Special Projects that never have enough funding. We could raise $100,000 and
have a comfortable amount in savings for more difficult times.

But in order to raise anything near $100,000 is going to take successful planning,
Central Committee support in implanting it and successful adaptation for when our plans
don't work the way we expected.

This is the initial plan explaining how we will raise $100,000. It details where the
sources of revenue should be expected and how much from each, when we need to reach
specific deadlines to remain on target and fmally how to transition to a budget of
$100,000 per year.

We should realize it will not be a complete failure if we do not reach $100,000 on

our first attempt. Our budget have an astonishing increase if we only raised $80,000 or
$90,000. It would also be a failure if the LPIN met its goal but failed to raise enough
early in the campaign to meet all of its fmancial obligations. There is not just one goal or
deadline but a series of them leading up to the one year mark to assist us in raising more
money than any Libertarian State Party ever has in a calendar year.

Goal 1: Raise $100,000 before October 9tb, 2005

We can break down the sources of revenue into pledges, one-time contributions,
memberships or UMP payments, PAC contributions, events and other sources of income.
Pledges are the 94 society monthly pledges that form a continual stream of income. -time
contributions are donations that are not renewed every month. PAC contributions are
simply contributions from PACs. UMP payments are the part of a membership payed to
the states from National. Events are any events regardless of size that generate income
for the State Party. Other sources of income are everything else.

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