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OCT 2014

 Types of Buildings STAIRS
CHAPTER 2  Introduction
 Stairs
 Ladders
CHAPTER 3  Ramps
 Elevators
 Escalators
 Site Survey
 Site and Soil Investigation
 Site Selection DOORS AND WINDOWS
 Setting out
 Introduction
CHAPTER 4  Doors
 Windows
 Shallow Foundations
CHAPTER 5  Introduction
 Types of Roofs
 Shell And Dom Structures
 Introduction  Prefabricated Building Systems
 Types of walls
 External walls
 Internal walls FINISHINGS
 Cavity walls
 Opening in walls
 Introduction
 Ground Floor
 Upper Floor
 Floor Finishes




1.1. General

Construction Industry is an industry which is involved in the planning, execution and

evaluation of all types of civil works.
CI Categories - Construction projects can be broadly classified as:
A. Building Construction (includes facilities for habitation, institutional, educational, light
industrial (e.g. warehouse), commercial, social and recreational purposes),
B. Engineered Construction (includes highway and heavy (e.g. dams, sewage plant)
construction), and
C. Industrial Construction.
In this course we will focus on Building Construction

A construction is something made by man for one purpose or another. It may be a road, a bridge,
a dam, a dwelling place, building, etc.

Building is defined as any structure for what so ever purpose and what so ever material constructed
and every part of their whether used as human habitation or not and includes foundation, walls,
floors, roofs, etc. the art of constructing building for different purpose according to its design and
specification is called building construction.

A building can be generally considered as a structure consisting of floors, walls and roofs
erected to provide covered space for different uses such as residence, business, entertainment,
workshop, etc.

Buildings come in a wide amount of shapes and functions, and have been
adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors:
 Building materials available
 Weather conditions
 land prices
 Specific uses
 Aesthetic reasons
 ground conditions
Building - consists not only of the house, but also the site, road, paths, the yard, the garden, the
gate, the fence, etc.

The practice of planning, designing, constructing, and operating buildings is most usually a
collective effort of different groups of professionals and trades. Depending on the size,
complexity, and purpose of a particular building project, the project team may include:

 A client or an owner: Individuals, government, real estate developers etc.

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 Financial institutions or other investors that provide the funding

 Local planning and code authorities
 Consultants or Licensed architects and engineers who provide building design and
prepare construction documents
 Contractors who provide construction services and install building systems
 Marketing or leasing agents
 Facility managers who are responsible for operating the building.
I. Client
The client is the most important party who is active from inception to completion and event to
post-occupancy maintenance.
Clients may be classified as Public sector clients and private sector clients.

A. Public sector clients

 Central Government Offices (Ministries)
 Local Authorities (Regional or Town)
 Public Corporations

B. Private sector clients

These are private individuals & private companies.

Duty of the Client

Demand for the product for example for the building project:
 Availability and cost of land,  Current & future development
 Location & accessibility  Soil characteristics of land
 Price  Site preparation (right of way)
 Required Infrastructure
 Legal constraints
II. Consultant
The main role of the consultant is to interpret the client’s project requirement into a specific
The consultants’ team shall:
 Ascertain, interpret and formulate the client’s requirement into an understandable project.
 Design the project to much requirements and constraints (imposed by statutory
obligations, technical feasibility, environmental factors, site conditions, cost, etc)
 Assess client’s cost limit to decide on materials & the like.
 Prepare contract documents.
 Supervise the project and constantly inform the client on the progress
 Approve payments
 Resolve contractual disputes
 Issue provisional and final acceptance certification

III. Contractor

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These are groups established mainly as commercial companies, that contract to construct
development projects.
Responsibility of contractors:
 Carry out a full site investigation prior to submission of tender,
 Submit tender,
 Plan, Program, Control the construction process.
 Notify the consultant about delays, discrepancies,
 Effect all payments to his employees, suppliers, subcontractors,
 Rectify all defects on completion of works, etc
 Provide post occupancy repair & maintenance if required.

IV. Public Sector Agencies

A. Statutory Authorities
These bodies offer technical advice during design and construction in their respective areas.
E.g. EEPCO, AAWSA, Fire Authority - requires meeting their specific requirements. Thus early
information to these authorities is required.

B. Municipalities and Government Authorities

These bodies offer the basic Land permit and building permit.
Building Team:
 Architect
 Civil Engineer – Structural, Sanitary and related designs
 Construction Manager – Supervising the Planning and Construction Phase
 Urban Planner
 Quantity Surveyor
For construction of house among other factors the following requirements must be satisfied:-
 A site on which to build a house
 Permission for building house from local authorities
 Materials for building a house
 Skilled laborers for erection of house
 Financial sources and
 Professionals, such as architect and engineer.
As each one of these requires money, the financial aspect is therefore very important and the cost
must be always considered during all the planning and building stage.

1.2. Classification of buildings

All buildings are classified into various types depending up on the following basis:-

1. Based on occupancy of use

2. Based on type of construction materials

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1.2.1. Classification of building based on occupancy of use

 residential building
These shall include houses occupied by persons where living accommodations are
provided. Private residences, apartment building, dormitories, hotels, etc. are included
in this category.

 Educational building
This shall include any building used for educational instructions, such as schools,
colleges and university buildings.
 Institutional building
These shall include any building which is used for purposes such as; medical or other
treatment or care of persons suffering from physical and mental illness or disease and
care of infants or people detained involuntarily for a period of time. These building
provide sleeping accommodation for the occupants and include hospitals, prison, etc.
 Assembly building
These include any building or part of building where a group of people congregate or
gather for amusement, recreation, social, political, religious and similar purposes. For
instance, theaters, exhibition halls, place of worship and public transport terminals are
included in this category.
 Business building
The building used for transaction of business for the keeping of accounts and records
and other similar purpose are called business building. Garages, barber, shops, city
halls, are classified in this group.
 Mercantile building
Any building or part of it which is used as shops, stores, market, and for display and
sale of merchandise either wholesale or retail.
 Industrial building
Any building in which products or materials of all kinds and properties are fabricated,
assembled, finished or processed.
 Storage building
The building used primarily for the storage or sheltering of goods, wares, or
merchandise, vehicles or animals are called storage building. Ware houses, cold storage,
etc. are examples of storage building.
 Hazardous building
The building is used for the storage, handling, manufacturing or processing of highly
compostable or explosive material are called hazardous building
1.2.2 Classification based on types of construction material

Under this categories, building are classified on the bases of resistance to fire of the elements of
the buildings. All materials deteriorate in excess of heat and the degree of fire resistance denotes
the time a particular element of structure will continue to function in a fire.

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Buildings are classified based on types of construction materials as follow

1. Type-1 Fire-resisting construction:

Type of construction in which the elements of the building, which include the floors, walls,
columns and the roof itself, are non- combustible. The building is sufficiently fire
resistance that it with stands the effect of fire and prevents its spread to other rooms.

2. Type-2 Non-combustible construction:

Construction in which the walls, partitions, structural elements etc. are non-combustible
with less fire resistance than Type 1.
3. Type-3 Heavy timber construction:
Exterior walls are out of masonry or other non-combustible material. Interior structural
members, floors and roofs are constructed out of timber either in solid or laminated
4. Type-4 Ordinary construction:
Exterior walls are out of masonry or other non-combustible material. Interior structural
members could be partially or wholly out of wood of relatively smaller sections unlike Type 3.
5. Type-5 Wood frame construction:
Type of construction in which practically the whole of the building is out of
wood or other combustible materials.

1.3 Components of a Building

A building has two basic parts:

 Sub-structure
 Super structure

Sub-structure: is the lower portion of the building, usually located below the ground level, which
transmits the loads of the super-structure to the supporting soil.

Super-structure: is that part of the structure which is above the ground level, and which serves
the purpose of its intended use.

The basic component of a building include:

 Foundations  Roof structures

 Walls  Building finishes
 floor  Doors, windows and other openings
 Structures  Vertical transportation

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Fig1.Super structure and Sub structure

Design and Performance Requirements of Building

A building structure should satisfy the following basic design and performance
A. The structure should have adequate margin of safety (factor of safety) in addition
to that necessary to support its normal loading.
B. It must have sufficient stiffness so that its distortion does not offend the eye or
reduce the efficiency of the structure for its normal purpose.
C. The building should be planned to provide sufficient comfort and
convenience to the occupants of the building.
To accommodate the basic functional requirements, a building should satisfy the following
requirements in its design and construction works:

1. Strength and stability

Any structural component of a building should be strong enough to carry or support all possible
types of loads to which it is likely to be subjected.

The Loads in a building are commonly classified as: dead loads, super imposed or live loads and
wind loads.

Dead loads: are static loads due to the weight of the respective structural members, i.e. the wall
partitions, roofs, slabs and all other permanent fixtures in the building.
Live loads: also called as super-imposed loads, consist of moving or variable loads, due to
people or occupants, their furniture, temporary stores, machinery, etc.

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Wind loads: are loads, which can cause uplift on a building and reduce the pressure on the
foundation on the windward side and increase pressure on the leeward side. The effect of wind
pressure increases with the height of the building.
2. Dimensional stability
Refers to the resistance to dimensional changes in building materials and structures caused due
 Elastic and plastic deformations as a result of applied loads
 Expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature and moisture content.
3. Comfort and convenience
Should be satisfied by proper planning of the buildings and its units.
 Optimum utilization of space
 Lighting considerations
 Orientation
4. Resistance to moisture penetration
The presence of moisture in any building structure deteriorates the materials strength,
reduces durability and could cause partial or total failure of the structure.

5. Fire protection
 A building structure should not ignite easily
 A building should provide means of fire escape
 A building should be designed to reduce the spread of fire
6. Heat insulation
The building should be designed in such a way to maintain fairly constant temperature of the
internal environment independently of the varying climatic conditions externally.
7. Day light and ventilation
Day lighting is essential to promote the activities carried in the building and to create pleasant
inside environment.
Ventilation is essential to prevent undue concentration of odours, fumes, dust, etc. and maintain
suitable condition for the user of the building.
8. Sound insulation
The insulation of noise is a very important requirement for buildings such as hospitals,
educational institutions, offices and residential building located in noisy areas.
9. Durability
The durability of a building is defined as the time over which a building remains serviceable and
depends mainly on
 Type of building materials
 Environmental exposure

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 Quality of workmanship
 Degree of maintenance, etc.
10. Security
Due considerations should be given in designing and constructing external walls and
openings to protect a building against burglary or theft
11. Economy
The designer must exercise economy at every stage of planning, design, construction,

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The building of any structure is described by a set of related drawings that give the Builder a
complete, sequential, graphic description of each phase of the construction process. In most cases,
a set of drawings begins by showing the location, boundaries, contours, and outstanding physical
features of the construction site and its adjoining areas. Succeeding drawings give instructions for
the excavation and disposition of existing ground; construction of the foundations and
superstructure; installation of utilities, such as plumbing, heating, lighting, air conditioning,
interior and exterior finishes; and whatever else is required to complete the structure.

Construction Drawings
Generally, construction or "working" drawings furnish enough information for the Builder to
complete an entire project and incorporate all three main groups of drawings-architectural,
electrical, and mechanical. In drawings for simple structures, this grouping may be hard to
discern because the same single drawing may contain both the electrical and mechanical layouts.
In complicated structures, however, a combination of layouts is not possible because of
overcrowding. In this case, the floor plan may be traced over and over for drawings for the
electrical and mechanical layouts.
Construction drawings are prepared so that designers can communicate their requirements to the
contractor in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner.
They are also used:
 To prepare bill of quantities
 As part of contract document
Building construction drawings:
 Shouldn’t be unnecessarily congested or complicated
 Clarity is most important
 Written descriptions should be as brief as possible
 Should be Consistent with completeness
 Should be well dimensioned and should be drawn to scale
 The lettering used should be clear
Construction drawings can be prepared:
 By hand assisted by various templates or
 Computer software programs ( Ex. AutoCAD)
The use of computer programs in building drawing:
 Enables users to produce any type of drawings quickly, precisely, and efficiently
 Enables editing, adding or deleting texts to drawings
 Enables editing, adding or deleting texts to drawings
 Enables printing to required sizes and color

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 It can easily be communicated via networks and e-mails and integrated with other programs
Enables to reduce contract time and eases communication between parties in construction.
Minimizes the need for storage space
Construction Industry uses mainly drawings and specifications for communication.
Drawings - present the pictorial view of the building items, with brief written descriptions and
Specification - presents the technical details, method of fabrication, test, measurement and
related details
Drawing Equipment’s
The manual production of drawings requires:
 Drawing Board/Table
 Writing and Lettering - Medium Pencil (HB or F)
 Size of 50 x 62 cm (A2) Drawing Paper
 Drawings – Hard Pencil (2H)
 Drawing Paper, Tracing Paper, Blue
 Ruler (cm or mm), T – Square, Set Square (45o or
 Drawing Pencils  Accessories - Eraser, Drawing Tape, Templates
 Very Soft (6B) to Very Hard (9 H)

Fig 2.Drawing Equipment’s

Drawing for building construction shall include:

1. Site plan
2. Sketch drawings
3. Working drawings
4. Detailed drawings
5. Construction drawings and
6. Installation drawings

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1. Site Plan
A site is a parcel of land which is made up of one, two or more plots.
A site plan is a drawing showing various properties in terms of their owners, locations,
elevations, states of development and features such as roads, utility supply lines, etc.
Components of a site plan
Survey beacons: these are concrete pillars located at principal corners of the site and at every
change in the direction of boundaries. They define the boundary and area of the site.
Elevations: these are the different heights on the surface of the site in relation to a standard
reference point known as the bench mark (BM).
 Locations which have equal elevations are joined together using contour lines.
 These lines help to define the topography of the land within a site.
Site orientation: these refers to a system of defining the site in terms of its direction to the north,
south, east and west.
 Orientation is important in planning the building area to make into consideration such
factors as the direction of rain, wind and sun within the site.
Physical features: these are permanent objects or features existing within the site or adjoining
sites which are used for referencing or identification of the site.
Ex. Existing buildings, trees, roads, fences, etc.
Access road: these shows the means of reaching the site.
A site plan shows utility supply lines such as for water, electricity and gas.
The scales used in drawing a site plan are:
 For small sites: Scales of 1:100, 1: 200
 For large sites: Scales of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2500

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Fig 2.1.Site Plan

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Generally a site plan shows

 Location of building
 Dimension of Perimeter
 Proximity to the Road
 Scale
 North Direction shall be clearly indicated
2. Freehand Sketch
Builders must be able to read and work from drawings and specifications and make quick,
accurate sketches when conveying technical information or ideas. Sketches that you will
prepare may be for your own use or for use by other crewmembers. One of the main
advantages of sketching is that few materials are required. Basically, pencil and paper are all
you need. The type of sketch prepared and personal preference determine the materials used.

Sketch drawings are preliminary drawings prepared for showing the general arrangements
of buildings.
 They are often drawn free hand in pencils.
 They comprise plans of the most important story, one or more elevations and a cross-
section of the building.

Fig.2.2 Freehand sketch

3. Working drawings consist mostly of right-angle and perpendicular views prepared by

draftsmen using standard technical drawing techniques, symbols, and other designations.
The first section of the construction drawings consists of the site plan, plot plan, foundation
plans, floor plans, and framing plans. General drawings consist of plans (views from above)
and elevations (side or front views) drawn on a relatively small scale. Both types of
drawings use a standard set of architectural symbols.

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3.1 Floor plan drawings

The floor plan is a drawing of the outline and partitions of a building that would be seen when
the building was cut horizontally about 1.2m above the floor level.

 It provides more specific information about the design of the building than any other

 It is used as the base for the projection of other drawings.

The major steps in floor plan drawings preparation are:

 Laying center line of walls,
 Marking window and door openings,
 Marking wall thickness,
 Locating furniture positions,
 Indicating material type, Adding measurements and other details

Fig 2.3 Floor plan

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3.2 Elevation drawings

Elevation drawings are orthographic drawings of the exterior of a building.

They are prepared to show the design materials, dimensions, and final appearance of the exterior
of a building.

Elevation drawings are projected from the floor plan of an architectural drawing.

The major steps in projecting elevations are:

 Projecting vertical lines

 Projecting horizontal lines
 Locating roof lines
 Adding elevation symbols
 Providing elevation dimensions
 Description of material used and finishing type

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Side View

Fig 2.4 Elevation Drawings

4. Detailed drawings

It shows a particular item on a larger scale than that of the general drawing in which the item
appears. Or, it may show an item too small to appear at all on a general drawing.
Sectional drawings reveal the internal construction of an object.
Detail drawing are prepared to the extent necessary and depending on the complexity of the
 They can be prepared to a scale of 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, or 1:20.
 They usually show specific details, such as in stair cases, gutter to down pipe connections,
wall to foundation connection, metal and wood joineries, etc.

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Fig 2.5 Detailed Drawing

Sectional Drawing
Architectural section drawings are prepared
 For the entire structure (full sections) or
 For a specific part(s) of a building (detail sections)
The cutting plane is an imaginary plane, which passes through the building and divides it into
 Longitudinal section
 Transverse section
 Offset section
Removed sections are frequently drawn for areas such as footings, window sill, cornice, and gutter
line and ridge sections.

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Fig 2.6 Section drawing

5. Construction drawings
They are prepared mainly for the foundation work, for construction in steel, concrete, roofing
and wood works.
They provide important information for the resident engineer and foremen in the execution of
their day-to-day activities.
6. Installation drawings
Installation drawings comprise of drawings for water and drainage pipes, electrical installation
as well as mechanical installation. For residential building a scale of 1:50 is normally preferred.

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3.1. Site Survey

Site Analysis: - prior to purchasing a building site it is essential to conduct a thorough survey to
ascertain whether the site characteristics suit the development concept. The following guidance forms
a basic checklist:
 Refer to Ordnance Survey maps to determine adjacent features, location, roads, facilities, foot
paths and rights of way.
 Conduct a measurement survey to establish site dimensions and levels.
 Observe surface characteristics, i.e. trees, steep slopes, existing buildings, rock outcrops,
 Inquire of local authority whether preservation orders affect the site and if it forms part of a
conservation area.
 Investigate subsoil. Use trial holes and borings to determine soil quality and water table level.
 Consider flood potential, possibilities for drainage of water table, capping of springs, filling
of ponds, diversion of streams and rivers.
 Consult local utilities providers for underground and overhead services, proximity to site and
whether they cross the site.
 Note suspicious factors such as filled ground, cracks in the ground, subsidence due to mining
and any cracks in existing buildings.
 Regard neighborhood scale and character of buildings with respect to proposed new
 Decide on best location for building (if space permits) with regard to `cut and fill', land slope,
exposure to sun and prevailing conditions, practical use and access.
3.2. Site and Soil Investigation

Before buildings are built on any land, it is essential for the builder to examine the proposed site and
its soil in some detail. For instance two adjacent housing sites may not have identical ground
conditions, so types of foundations used for each may have to vary.

3.2.1. Site Investigation

Site Investigation: - this is an all-embracing term covering every aspect of the site under investigation.

Site Investigation for New Works: - the basic objective of this form of site investigation is to
collect systematically and record all the necessary data which will be needed or will help in the
design and construction processes of the proposed work. The collected data should be presented in
the form of fully annotated and dimensioned plans and sections. Anything on adjacent sites which
may affect the proposed works or conversely anything appertaining to the proposed works which
may affect an adjacent site should also be recorded.

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Purpose of site investigation

 judging general suitability of the land

 enables the engineers to prepare economical design
 will help to guide the difficulties that may arise during the construction phase
 to provide the safety for the structure
 to know the ground water level and determine the properties of water
 gives information about the availability of construction materials
 to decide up on the construction method to be adopted
 to provide the engineering properties of the soil
 to predict and estimate the probable maximum and differential settlement
 to select the type end depth of foundation for given structure
 to predict the bearing capacity of soil
 to predict and to solve the potential foundation problems
 to suggest the remedial measures etc.

Site investigation consists of determining the profile of natural soil deposits at the site taking the soil
sample and determining the engineering properties of the soil. It also includes the in situ testing of the

Procedures for site investigation

1. Desk study
2. Field study or walk-over survey
3. Laboratory analysis

1. Desk Study: - collection of known data, to include:

 Geological maps - subsoil types.

 Site history - green-field/brown-field.
 Previous planning applications/approvals.
 Current planning applications in the area.
 Development restrictions - conservation orders.
 Utilities - location of services on and near the site.
 Aerial photographs.
 Ecology factors - protected wildlife.
 Proximity of local land fill sites - methane risk.

2. Field Study: - intrusive visual and physical activity to:

 Establish site characteristics from the desk study.
 Assess potential hazards to health and safety.
 Appraise surface conditions:
 Trees - preservation orders.

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 Topography and geomorphological mapping.

 Appraise ground conditions:
 Water table.
 Flood potential - local water courses and springs.
 Soil types.
 Contamination - vegetation die-back.
 Engineering risks - ground subsidence, mining, old fuel tanks.
 Financial risks - potential for the unforeseen.
 Take subsoil samples and conduct in-situ tests.
 Consider the need for subsoil exploration, trial pits and bore holes.
 Appraise existing structures:
 Potential for re-use/refurbishment.
 Archaeological value/preservation orders.
 Demolition - costs, health issues.
3. Laboratory analysis
Laboratory Analysis (Testing):- tests for identifying and classifying soils with regard to
moisture content, liquid limit, plastic limit, particle size distribution , bulk density etc.
3.2.2. Soil Investigation
Soil Investigation: - specifically related to the subsoil beneath the site under investigation and
could be part of or separate from the site investigation.
Purpose of Soil Investigation
1. Determine the suitability of the site for the proposed project.
2. Determine an adequate and economic foundation design.
3. Determine the difficulties which may arise during the construction process and period.
4. Determine the occurrence and/or cause of all changes in subsoil conditions.

The above purposes can usually be assessed by establishing the physical, chemical and general
characteristics of the subsoil by obtaining subsoil samples which should be taken from positions on
the site which are truly representative of the area but are not taken from the actual position of the
proposed foundations.

3.3. Site Selection

Site selection has an important bearing on planning, design and construction of buildings. It is expected
that an architect have either to make a choice of suitable site on to plan his building structure to suit
the available site. Natural defects of the site will involve considerable expenditure on construction and
maintenance of the building. While unsatisfactory conditions in the neighborhood of locality will cause
unhappy living conditions on one hand and possible deterioration on the other hand.

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In the selection of building site, the following more important general principles should be
considered in mind.

 The site should be selected in view of the general scope or purpose of the building on the basis
of desired privacy.
 The plot should be preferably be in a locality where the various community and utility facilities
such as, water supply, electricity, hospital, schools, police, and fire protection and means for
transport are available.
 A site which comes within the limits of an area where the by-law of local authorities enforce
restrictions regarding proportion of the plot to be built up, vacant spaces to be left in front and
sides, height of building, etc., should be preferred.
 Area of the plot should be such that the house constructed, keeping in view of the restriction
of local authority, would meet the requirements of the owner, preferably with future
 The site should be situated in a locality which is already developed or which is fast developing
to secure happy living conditions.
 A site should be abandoned under adverse circumstances such as, unhealthy, noisy, or in
crowded localities; on reclaimed soil or water logged areas and in immediate neighborhood of
rivers carrying heavy floods.

3.4. Setting out

Setting out the Building Outline

This task is usually undertaken once the site has been cleared of any debris or obstructions and any
reduced level excavation work is finished. It is usually the responsibility of the contractor to set out the
building using the information provided by the designer or architect. Accurate setting out is of
paramount importance and should therefore only be carried out by competent persons and all their
work thoroughly checked, preferably by different personnel and by a different method.

The first task in setting out the building is to establish a base line to which all the setting out can be
related. The base line very often coincides with the building line which is a line, whose position on
site is given by the local authority in front of which no development is permitted.

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Fig 3. Typical example of Building Setting Out

Setting out Trenches

The outline of building will have been set out and using this outline profile boards can be set up to
control the position, width and possibly the depth of the proposed trenches. Profile boards should be
set up at least 2m clear of trench positions so they do not obstruct the excavation work. The level of
the profile cross board should be related to the site datum and fixed at a convenient height above

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ground level if a traveler is to be used to control the depth of the trench. Alternatively the trench
depth can be controlled using a level and staff related to site datum. The trench width can be marked
on the profile with either nails or saw cuts and with a painted band if required for identification.

Fig 3.1. Typical example of Trench Setting Out

NB. Corners of walls transferred from intersecting cord lines to mortar spots on concrete foundations
using a spirit level

Setting Out a Framed Building

Framed buildings are usually related to a grid, the intersections of the grid lines being the center
point of an isolated or pad foundation. The grid is usually set out from a base line which does not
always form part of the grid. Setting out dimensions for locating the grid can either be given on a
drawing or they will have to be accurately scaled off a general layout plan. The grid is established
using a theodolite and marking the grid line intersections with stout pegs. Once the grid has been set
out offset pegs or profiles can be fixed clear of any subsequent excavation work. Control of
excavation depth can be by means of a traveller sighted between sight rails or by level and staff
related to site datum.

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Fig 3.2. Setting Out for Pit Excavation

Setting out of foundation trenches done by the following steps:

1. First of all, the corners of the building are marked and then the lengths of the sides are
checked by diagonal measurements.
2. The axial lines (center lines) of the trenches are marked with the help of profiles, sighting
rails, strings and pegs.
3. The off-sets are measured from axial lines and the frontage lines are placed in their correct
position relative to local requirements.
4. The position of cross walls should be measured along the main walls and squared from
these wails if desired, the total width of trenches being carefully outlined.

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Every building consists of two basic Components

 The super structure
 The sub structure (Foundation)
The basic function of foundation is to transmit super structural loads from a building to the
soil on which the building rests in such away that
 settlements are with in permissible limits, without causing cracks in the super
 the soil doesn’t fail

Generally foundation is therefore, that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the
ground to which the loads are transmitted.

The foundation should be sufficiently strong to prevent excessive settlement as well as

differential settlement. Differential settlement may be caused by
i. weak sub soils, such as made up of ground
ii. Shrinkable and expansive soils (clay)
iii. frost action
iv. movement of ground water and uplift pressure
v. Excessive vibration, slipping of strata on slopping etc.

Functions of Foundation
Foundations serve the following purposes:
1. Reduction of load intensity: Foundation distribute the loads of superstructure, to a larger
area so that the intensity of the load at its base does not exceed the safe bearing capacity of
the sub soil.
2. Even distribution of load: foundations distribute the non-uniform load of the
superstructure evenly to the sub soil.
3. Provision of level surface: foundations provide levelled and hard surface over which the
superstructure can be built.
4. Lateral stability: it anchors the superstructure to the ground, thus imparting lateral
stability to the superstructure.
5. Safety against undermining: it provides safety against scouring due to burrowing animal
and flood water.
6. Protection against soil movements: minimizes the distress on the superstructure due to
expansion or contraction of sub-soil because of moisture movement in some problematic soil.

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Essential Requirements of a good foundation

Foundations should be constructed to satisfy the following requirements:
1. The foundations shall be constructed to sustain all loads and transmit them to the sub soil
without causing settlement which would impair the stability of the building or adjoining
2. Foundation base should be rigid so that differential settlements are minimized, especially
for the case when super-imposed loads are not evenly distributed.
3. Foundation should be taken sufficiently deep to guard the building against damage or
distress caused by swelling or shrinkage of sub-soil.
4. Foundations should be so located that its performance may not be affected due to any
unexpected future influence.
Types of Foundations
Foundations may be broadly classified under two heads:
1. Shallow Foundations
2. Deep Foundations
1. Shallow Foundations
Shallow foundations are those founded near to the finished ground surface. Generally where
the founding depth (Df) is less than the width of the footing and less than 3m.
Shallows foundations are used when surface soils are sufficiently strong and stiff to support
the imposed loads. They are generally unsuitable in weak or highly compressible soils, such
as poorly-compacted fill, peat, alluvial deposits, etc.
Shallow foundations are of the following types.
A. Spread footings
B. Combined footings
C. Strap footings
D. Mat foundation
A. Spread Footings
- Spread footings are those which spread the super-imposed load of wall or column
over large area.
- Spread footings support either a column or wall.
- They are most widely used foundation types since they do not require special
equipment and skill for construction and are usually economical.

Spread footings may be of the following types:

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I. Isolated Footings
- These footings are sometimes known as column footings and are used to support the
individual columns, piers or other concentrated load.
- Most column footings are slab footings with two-way reinforcements and constant

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Fig 4.Isolating Footing

II. Wall Footings (Strip Footings)
- Strip foundations are used to support a line of loads, either due to a load-bearing wall,
or if a line of columns need supporting.
- A wall footing may have a base course of concrete may be entirely built up of one
material, e.g. bricks or stones.

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Fig 4.1. Strip Footing

III. Grillage Foundations
- They consist of steel beams arranged in layers at right angles to one another and
embedded in concrete.
- They are generally provided for heavily loaded steel column and used in locations
where bearing capacity of soil is poor.

Fig 4.2. Grillage Footing

B. Combined Footings
- A spread footing which supports two or more columns is termed as combined footing.
- Footings of this type are most frequently used to support walls and columns, which
are close to the property line.
- Combined footings are essential whenever:
- the projections of columns are not possible on one side due to limited available space
- When the spacing of two consecutive columns are close for isolated footing.
- The combined footing for columns will be rectangular in shape if they carry equal
load or trapezoidal shape for unequal loads.

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Fig 4.3.Combined Footing

C. Strap Footings (Cantilever Footing)
- If the independent footing of two columns are connected by a beam, it is called a
strap footing.
- They serve the same function as combined footings by permitting a column load to be
placed near the edge of the footing.
- It is used when the distance between the columns is so great that a combined
trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow, with high bending moments. In this case
the column is provided with its independent footings and a beam is used to connect
the two footings
- It is used where a large spacing between two columns create a situation where a
continuous footing is uneconomical due to the usage of large quantity of concrete.
- A rigid beam connects the two pads to transmit the unbalanced shear and moment
from the statically unbalanced footing to the second footing.
- The strap beam doesn’t remain in contact with soil, and thus doesn’t transfer any
pressure to the soil.
- The strap, assumed to be infinitely stiff, serves to transfer the column loads on the
soil with equal and uniform soil pressure under both footings.

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Fig 4.4. Strap Footing

D. Mat (Raft) Foundation
- A raft or mat is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath the structure and
supports all the walls and columns.
- It is used where:
 The allowable soil pressure is low,
 The building loads are heavy,
 The use of spread footings would cover more than half the area,
 The soil mass contains compressible lenses,
 The soil is sufficiently erratic so that differential settlement would be difficult to

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- Raft foundation is also used to reduce settlement above highly compressible soils, by
making the weight of the structure and raft approximately equal to the weight of the soil
excavated (Floating).
Raft foundation is not suitable:
 For steeply sloping sites where excavation would be excessive,
 To frame buildings with heavy concentrated loads where raft thickness and
reinforcement would be excessive.
Rafts may be divided into three types, based on their design and construction
1. Solid slab system: is a solid reinforced concrete slab generally uniform thickness.
2. Beam slab system: consists of up-stand or down-stand beams that take the loads
of the walls or columns and spread them.
3. Cellular system: consists of top and bottom slab separated by and reinforced with
vertical cross ribs in both direction.

Fig 4.5. Mat Foundation

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2. Deep Foundations
Deep foundations are those founding too deeply below the finished ground surface for their
base bearing capacity to be affected by surface conditions, this is usually at depths >3 m
below finished ground level.
Deep foundations can be used to transfer the loading to a deeper, more competent strata at
depth if unsuitable soils are present near the surface.
Deep foundations are of the following types.

A. Pile foundations
B. pier foundation
C. caisson or well foundation

A. Pile Foundation
This is an element of a construction placed in the ground either vertically or slightly inclined
to increase the load carrying capacity of the soil.
Pile foundations may be adopted:
1. Instead of raft foundation where no firm bearing strata exists at any reasonable depth
and the loading is uneven.
2. When a firm bearing strata does not exist but at a depth such as to
3. When a firm bearing strata does not exist but at a depth such as to make strip or
spread footing uneconomical
4. When pumping of sub-soil water would be too costly or timbering to excavations too
Based on basic design function Piles may be of four types:
I. End bearing pile
II. Friction pile
III. Combined end bearing and friction pile
IV. Compaction Pile
End Bearing Pile
Used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing stratum. Such piles are
used to carry heavy loads safely to hard strata. Multi-storied buildings are invariably founded
on end bearing piles, so that the settlements are minimized.

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Loose Loose
soil soil

Hard strata
Fig 4.6. End bearing
Friction Piles

Are used to transfer loads to a depth of a friction-load carrying material by means of skin
friction along the length of the pile. Carrying material by means of skin friction along the
length of the pile.
Such piles are generally used in granular soil where the depth of hard stratum is very great.
Side friction

Fig 4.7 Friction Fig 4.8. Combined End bearing and friction
pile pile
Combined end bearing and friction piles: Transfer the superimposed load both through
side friction as well as end bearing.

Compaction Piles

 Used to compact loose granular soils, thus increasing their bearing capacity. The
compaction piles themselves do not carry a load. Hence they me be of weaker
material (e.g. timber, bamboo, etc.)
 The pile tube, driven to compact the soil, is gradually taken out and sand is filled in
its place thus forming a ‘sand pile’

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Fig 4.9 Compaction Pile

B. Pier Foundation
- Consists of cylindrical column of large diameter to support and transfer large super
imposed loads to the firm strata below.
- The difference between pile foundation and pier foundation lies in the method of
construction. The major differences are:
 Pier foundation transfer load only through bearing
 Pier foundation are shallower in depth than pile foundation.
 Pier foundation is preferred where the top strata consists of
 Pier foundation is preferred where the top strata consists of decomposed rock
overlaying a strata of hard rock.
 Pier foundations are preferred in case of stiff clays, which offer large resistance to the
driving of a bearing pile.
 In case of piers, the excavation can be carried to the desired depth easily.
Pier foundations may be of the following types:
1. Masonry concrete pier, or
2. Drilled caissons

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Fig 4.10 Pier Foundation

C. Well Foundation (Caissons)
- They are box like structure- circular or rectangular- which are sunk from the surface
of either land or water to the desired depth.
- They are much large in diameter than the pier foundation or drilled caissons.
Well foundations are used for major foundation works, such as for:
 Bridge piers and abutments in rivers, lakes etc.
 Break waters and other structures for shore protection
 Large water front structures such as pump houses.
- Well foundations or caissons are hollow from inside, which may be filled with sand
and are plugged at the bottom. The load is transferred through the perimeter wall.
- Well foundations are not used for building.

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Fig 4.11 Well Foundation (Caissons)

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Wall is one of the most essential components of a building it is defined as a vertical member of a
building, the width of which exceeds four times its thickness. The primary function of wall is:
 To enclose or divide space of a building to make it more functional and useful.
 To provide privacy and afford security
 Give protection against heat, cold, sun and rain
 Also to provide support to floors and roofs.
Functional requirement of walls are:
 They should be able to support upper floors and roof together with the parts of the building
(i.e. Strength and stability).
 Walls must be resistant to dampness.
 Walls should provide adequate thermal insulation.
 Walls should serve as sound barrier.
 Walls should be fire resistant.
In case of fire, the wall should not disintegrate but should continue to bear its load and enclose the
A distinction between various types of wall can be made in two different ways:


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Foundation walls
- The function of foundation wall is to transmit loads coming from the super structure.
- Load bearing capacity and resistance against effect of the underground, such as swelling
pressure, uplift pressure and chemical attack should be taken into consideration.
Basement walls
- The function of basement wall is to:
 Support vertical loads (if load bearing)
 Resist lateral loads, and
 Protect the building from dampness.
External walls:
- Have generally to fulfill several purpose. For instance the wall of an ordinary house
usually has
 To support the first floor and the roof
 To keep the interior warm and dry and give protection from street noise and from the fire.
Partition wall (internal wall):
Partition wall is a thin internal wall which is constructed to divide the space with in the building
in to rooms or areas. It may be load bearing or non-load bearing. A load bearing partition wall is
called an internal wall.
Generally Internal walls are basically required to separate rooms and they should have sufficient
sound and heat insulating capacity and also should be water repellent.
Load bearing walls:
- Carry vertical loads in addition to self-weight
E.g. External walls
- The strength must be sufficient to carry the loads placed on it.



Different materials are employed for the construction of external walls such as: brick, stone,
HCB, RCC, glass, metals and plastics, chika, etc.
The materials employed depend on several factors such as:
 Local availability of the material
 The standard of the house planned
 Climatic conditions
 Cost of the material


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 Aesthetic requirements
 Skilled labor availability
 Function of the wall to be constructed
 Fire resistance requirement


External walls can be classified in different groups according to their structural functions and
physical nature.


Wall composed of stones and brick are of block construction. They are formed of fairly small
units set in a matrix of cement mortal.
The properties and strength of such wall depend on:
 Quality of masonry material
 Quality of mortar
 Method of bonding used


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- Walls made up of stone, brick, hollow and solid concrete blocks, etc. Are included in this
Brick wall is made of Brick units bonded together with mortar. Brick and mortar are essential
components of brick walls (masonry). Brick walls are widely used both as load bearing and as
non-load bearing walls.
The nominal dimension of bricks is 60mm x 120mm x 250mm, for height (h), the breadth (b), and
Length (l) respectively.

Fig 5.Brick
Brick wall (masonry) is sometimes preferred over other types of walls for the following reasons:
 Bricks are of uniform size and shape, and hence they can be laid in any definite pattern.
 Bricks are light in weight and small in size. Hence they can be easily handled.
 Brick do not need any dressing.
 The art of brick laying can be understood easily.
 Ornamental works can be easily done with bricks.
 Light partition walls can be easily constructed in brick masonry.
Course: A course is a horizontal layer of masonry units.
Stretcher: A stretcher is the longer face of a brick as seen in the elevation of the wall.
Header: A header is the shorter face of a brick as seen in the elevation of the wall.
Lap: Lap is the horizontal distance between the vertical joints of
Bed: Bed is the lower surface of the brick when laid flat.
Closer: It is a portion of the brick with the cut made longitudinally and is used to close up bond
at the end of the course.
Queen closer: It is a portion of a brick obtained by cutting a brick length wise into two portions.


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King closer: It is obtained by cutting the triangular piece between the center of one end and the
center of the other side.
Bevelled closer: A special form of king closer in which half width is maintained at one end and
full width is maintained at the other end.
Mitred closer: It is a portion of a brick whose one end is cut splayed or mitred for full width.
Bat: It is the portion of the brick cut across the width. Thus, a bat is smaller in length than the
full brick.
 Half bat: equal to half the length of the original brick
 A three-quarter-bat: its length equal to three-quarters
 Bevelled bat: A bat with its width bevelled
Racking back: It is the termination of a wall in a stepped fashion.
Toothing: It is the termination of the wall in such a fashion that each alternate course at the end

Fig 5.1.Bricks in Detail


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Bonds in Brick work

Bond is the interlacement of Bricks, formed when they lay those immediately below or above
them. It is the method of arranging the bricks in courses so that individual units are tied together
and the vertical joints of the successive courses do not lie in the same vertical line.
Rules for bonding
For getting good bond, the following rules should be observed:
I. The brick should be of uniform size. The length of the brick should be twice its
width plus one joint.
II. The amount of lap should be minimum ¼ brick along the length of the wall and ½
brick across the thickness of the wall.
III. Use of brick bats should be discouraged, except in special locations.
IV. In alternate courses, the center line of header should coincide with the center line
of the stretcher, in the course below or above it.
V. The vertical joints in the alternate courses should be along the same perpend.
VI. It is preferable to provide every sixth course as header course on both sides of the
Types of brick bonds
Bond is the system of laying bricks in such a manner that there is no vertical joint in any row or
course immediately above or below the one considered. Bond of various types are distinguished
by their elevation or face appearance.
i. Stretcher bond
Is the one in which all the bricks are laid as stretchers on the faces of the wall. The length of the
bricks are thus along the direction of the wall and used when the thickness of the wall is less than
120cm. Used as partition walls, sleeper walls, chimney stacks, etc.


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Fig 5.2 Stretcher Bond

ii. Header bond
Is the one in which all the bricks are laid as headers on the faces of walls. The width of the brick
is along the direction of the wall. The pattern is used only when the thickness of the wall is equal
to one brick. This bond does not transmit pressure in the direction of the length of the wall. Thus
it is unsuitable for load bearing walls.

Fig 5.3 Header Bond


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iii. English bond

This is the most commonly used bond for all wall thickness and considered to be the strongest.
The bond consists of alternate courses of headers and stretchers. In this bond the vertical joints of
the header courses come over each other; similarly the vertical joints of the stretcher courses also
come over each other.


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Fig 5.4 English Bond

iv. Flemish bond
In this type of bond, each course is comprised of alternate headers and stretchers. Every
alternate course starts with a header at the corner (i.e. Quoin header). Quoin closers are placed
next to the quoin header in alternate courses to develop the face lap. Every header is centrally
supported over the stretcher below it. Every header is centrally supported over the stretcher
below it.
Flemish bonds are of two types.
a. Double Flemish bond: Each course presents the same appearance both in the front face
as well as in the back face. Alternate headers and stretcher are laid in each course.
Because of this double Flemish bond presents better appearance than English bond.
Thus in Double Flemish Bond:
 Every course consists of Headers and Stretchers placed alternately.
 Facing and backing of the wall has the same appearance.
 Quoin closers are used next to quoin headers in every alternate course.

b. Single Flemish bond: Comprised of double Flemish bond facing and English bond
backing and hearting in each course. This bond combines the strength of English bond
and appearance of Flemish bond.


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Fig 5.5 Flemish Bond


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v. English cross bond

This is the modification of English bond used to improve the appearance of the wall. It
combines the requirements of beauty and strength. Alternate courses of headers and stretchers
are provided. Queen closers are placed next to quoin headers. A header is introduced next to the
quoin stretcher in every alternate stretcher course.

Fig 5.6 English Cross Bond

vi. Dutch bond
This is another modified form of English bond. In this bond the corners of the wall are
strengthened. Alternate courses of headers and stretchers are provided. Every stretcher course
starts at the quoin with the three quarter bat. In every alternate stretcher course, a header is
placed next to the three quarter (3/4) brick bat provided at the quoin.

Fig 5.7 Dutch Bond


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vii. Raking bond

The bonding bricks are kept at an inclination to the direction of the wall. And it is used in thick
walls. The inclination should be in opposite direction in alternate courses of raking bond. It is
provided at a regular interval of 4-8 courses in the height of a wall.
Raking bonds are of two types: Diagonal bond and Herring-bone bond.

Fig 5.8 Raking Bond

viii. Zigzag bond
This bond is similar to herring-bone bond, except that the bricks are laid in zigzag fashion. It is
commonly used for making ornamental panels in the brick flooring.

Fig 5.9 Zigzag Bond

ix. Garden wall bonds
Is used for the construction of garden walls, boundary walls, compound walls where the
thickness is one brick and the height doesn’t exceed 2m. This type of bond is not as strong as
English bond, but is more attractive.
Garden walls are of three types:


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i. Garden wall English bond: The header course is provided only after 3-5 stretcher
ii. Garden wall Flemish bond: Each course contains one header after 3-5stretchers
continuously placed, throughout the length of the course.
iii. Garden wall monk bond: Type of garden wall Flemish bond in which each course
contains one header after two successive stretchers.

Fig 5.10 Garden Wall Bond

Strength of Brick Masonry
The main factor governing the strength of brick structure are:
 Type and quality of bricks: The strength of brick masonry primarily depends upon the type
and class of bricks used and the basic compressive strength of bricks.
 Mortar mix proportion:
• It is essential that the mortar should be specified and prepared in relation to the brick with
which it is to be used, and should be comparable in strength and density with the brick itself.
 Size and shape of masonry construction: The strength of brick masonry depends upon
slenderness ratio of masonry and shape factor.
 Slenderness ratio: Effective height or length of the wall divided by its thickness
whichever is less.


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 Shape factor: takes into account the effect of shape of the brick, i.e. Ratio of its height to
Joints in Brickwork
Joints are the weakest part of a masonry structure and they require special care in laying and
finishing. The purpose of finishing joints is to improve the appearance of brickwork and to make
it more water proof.
The finishing of joints as the brickwork proceeds is termed as jointing whereas finishing of
joints after the brickwork has been completed is whereas finishing of joints after the brickwork
has been completed is called pointing.

Fig 5.11 Making of Joint

Types of Pointing Finishes
Generally, brickwork is joined by striking, raking or rubbing the mortar while it is green.
Pointing consists of raking out the green mortar in the joint to a depth of about 20mm and then
refilling the joint with fresh mortar.
Flush or flat pointing: are formed by pressing mortar in the raked joint and by finishing off
flush with the edges of masonry unit. This type of pointing does not give good appearance,
however, it is more durable since it does not provide any space for the accumulation of dust,
water, etc.
Struck pointing: this is a modification of flush pointing in which the face of pointing is kept
inclined, with its upper edge pressed inside. The point permits water to drop off from the face off
the brickwork. The appearance is not satisfactory.
Recessed pointing: is done by pressing the mortar back from the edges by 5mm or more. The
face of pointing is kept vertical by a suitable tool.The pointing gives very good appearance in
face-work for good textured bricks and good quality of mortar.
Concave pointing (keyed): It is formed by a round jointer and it gives a very attractive
appearance to the brickwork.


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V-pointing: It is made in a manner similar to concave pointing by forming V-groove in the

flush-finishing face.
Projecting pointing: a special type of pointing formed by a suitable slighted steel rod. Such type
of pointing gives good appearance but is liable to damage easily.

Fig 5.12. Typical Pointing Profile of Brick Walls

Reinforced Brickwork
Reinforced brick work is the one in which the brick masonry is strengthened by the provision of
mild steel flats, hoop iron, expanded mesh or bars. It is adopted or used for the following
a. When the brick work has to bear tensile and shear stresses.
b. When it is required to increase the longitudinal bond.
c. When the brick work is supported on soil which is susceptible to large iii. When
the brick work is supported on soil which is susceptible to large settlement
d. When the brick work is supposed to act as a beam or lintel over openings


Page 53 of 128

e. When the brick work is to resist lateral loads, such as retaining walls etc.
f. When the brick wall is to carry heavy compressive loads.
g. When the brick work is to be used in seismic areas.
Brickwork can be reinforced in one of the following way:
i. Reinforcement may consist of iron bars of expanded metal mesh.
- Usually the metal mesh is provided at every third course.

Fig 5.13 Reinforced Concrete Brick Wall

ii. Another type of reinforcement is hoop iron. These are steel flats about 2.5-3 cm in width and
are from 1.5-2.5 mm in thickness. Two strips of hoop iron are used for header bricks and one
hoop iron for stretcher bricks, and every sixth coarse is reinforced

iii. For walls that have to withstand pressure vertical reinforcement passing through openings
made in special types of brick is passing through openings made in special types of brick is

Fig 5.14 Reinforced Concrete Brick Wall

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Causes of Failure of Brick Masonry

Brick masonry may fail due to the following three major causes:
i. By crushing if it is overloaded
- Can be prevented by providing adequate dimensions
ii. By shearing along any horizontal plane
- Can be prevented by providing a strong mortar
iii. By rupture along a vertical joint under vertical loads.
- Can be prevented by breaking vertical joints in brickwork

B. Concrete Block Walls

One of the most common masonry units. It consists of hardened cement and may be completely
solid or contain single or multiple hollows.
It is made from conventional cement mixes and various types of aggregates. These include:
sand, gravel, crushed stone, expanded shale or clay, volcanic ciders (Pozzolana), scoria, pumice,
etc. shale or clay, volcanic ciders (Pozzolana), scoria, pumice, etc.
Various types of blocks are manufactured to be used for wall construction.

Fig 5.15 Hollow Concrete Block

Advantages of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry
A. Concrete blocks are regular in size, requiring no dressing work. Hence construction is very
B. Blocks are light and therefore easy to handle.
C. Because of their lightness, the loads transferred to foundations is much less than the stone
D. There is a great saving in the material.


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E. Because of larger size of the blocks, the number of joints in the masonry is less. This results in
saving in mortar.
F. Because of hollow space, the resulting wall has better insulating properties against sound, heat
and dampness.
G. Blocks can withstand the atmospheric actions, and do not require plaster or any other
Partition Wall
A partition wall is a thin internal wall which is constructed to divide the space with in the
building into rooms or areas. A partition wall may be either non load bearing or load bearing.
Generally partition walls are non-load bearing.
Requirements to Be Fulfilled
 Should be strong enough to carry its own load
 Should be strong enough to resist impact to which the occupation of the building is likely
to subject them.
 Should have the capacity to support suitable decorative surface.
 Should be stable and strong enough to support suitable decorative surface.
 Should be as light as possible.
 Should be as thin as possible
 Should act as sound barrier, especially when it divides two rooms.
 Should be fire resistance.
Types of partition walls
Partition walls are of the following types:
 Brick partitions  Metal lath partitions
 Clay block partitions  Solid plaster partitions
 Concrete partitions  Timber partitions
 Glass partitions  Corrugated sheet
Cavity wall or hollow wall is the one which consists of two separate walls, called leaves or
skins, with a cavity or gap in-between. The thickness of the two leaves may be equal if it is non-
load bearing wall or the thickness of the inner may be increased to meet the required structural
strength. The inner and the outer leaves of the wall should not be less than 10cm in thickness
throughout the height of the wall.


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For a cavity wall to be effective, it is essential that the leaf is entirely disconnected from the
outer leaf, except for ties. The cavity varies from 4-10cm. The two leaves are securely tied
together with suitable bonding steel ties or sometimes with special bonding bricks. The ties
should be placed at intervals not exceeding 1m horizontally and 40 cm vertically.
Advantages of Cavity Walls over Other Walls
i. Damp prevention: There is no direct contact between the inner and outer leaves of the wall
(except at the wall ties). Hence the external moisture (dampness) can’t travel inside the building.
ii. Insulation: The cavity between the leaves is full of air which is bad conductor of heat. Hence
the transmission of heat from external face to the internal face is very much reduced (about 25%
greater insulating value than solid masonry)
iii. Acoustic: cavity walls reduce sound and noise pollution.
iv. Economy: they are cheaper and economical.
v. Load reduction: loads on foundations are reduced because of lesser solid thickness.
Precautions on Cavity Wall Construction
 Damp proof course should be built into separate widths under each leaf of the wall and
divided by cavity.
 No mortar or any other thing should get accumulated in the cavity.
 Cavity should be free from projections. iii. Cavity should be free from projections.
 The contact b/n inner and outer wall should be least.
 Head of openings should be carefully attended to for damp prevention.
 Ties must be of rust proof materials and should be able to prevent transmission of water
from inner surface to the outer surface.


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Fig 5.16 Cavity Wall

6. Openings In Walls
Openings are invariably left in the wall for the provision of doors, windows, cupboards, etc.
These openings are bridged by the provision of either a lintel or an arch. Thus, both lintel and
arch are structural members designed to support the loads of the portion of the wall situated
above the openings. The loads of the portion of the wall situated above the openings and transmit
the to the adjacent jambs.
6.1. Arches
An arch is a curved member comprising of wedge shaped units upholding each other by mutual
pressure of their own weight and maintained in equilibrium by reaction from supports called
abutments. However, arches of steel or reinforced concrete are built in single units of rigid
nature, without the use of wedge shaped units. Arches are constructed where:
 Loads are heavy,
 Span is large,
 Strong abutments are available, and
 Architectural appearance is required.
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Fig 5.17 Arch

6.2. Lintels
A lintel is a horizontal member, which is placed across the opening. Lintels are easy to build and
the supporting walls need not be very strong. At least 10cm length of bearing is a minimum
requirement. For very long spans, the bearing for the lintel end should be equal least to its depth.
- Lintels support the load of the wall over it and sometimes the live load transferred by
slab roof of the floor.
Types of Lintels
Lintels are classified according to the material of their construction.
1. Timber Lintels
2. Stone Lintels
3. Brick Lintels
4. Reinforced Concrete Lintels

1. Timber Lintels
Timber lintels: are the oldest type of lintels and are not commonly used nowadays. They cannot
take greater load and are vulnerable to fire and decay. They are relatively costlier, structurally
weak and vulnerable to fire and decay. They can be made from a single section. They can also be
made by joining two or three timber pieces with the help of steel bolts. To increase the strength
of the lintel, steel plates may be provided at top and bottom. Such lintels are called flinched


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2. Brick Lintels
Brick lintels are not structurally strong and they are used only when the opening is small (less
than 1m), and loads are light. The depth of brick lintel varies from 10cm to 20cm. It is
constructed over temporary wooden centering. The bricks with frogs are suitable for the
construction of lintel. Since the mortar filled in the frogs increases the shear resistance.
3. Steel Lintels
Steel lintels are provided where the opening is large and the superimposed load is large. It
contains rolled steel sections or channel sections either used singly or in combination of two or
more units. When used singly, the steel joint is either embedded or covered with stone facing to
increase its width to match with the width of the wall. But when one or more units are used they
are kept in position by tube separators.
4. Reinforced Cement Concrete Lintels
RCC lintels have replaced practically all types of lintels because of their strength, stability, fire
resistance, economy and ease of construction. They can be used in any span. Its width is kept
equal to the width of the wall. Determination of depth depends upon the span and the magnitude
of loading. Longitudinal reinforcement is provided at the bottom to take up the tensile stress.
Depending upon the condition shear reinforcement may also be provided. RCC lintels are also
found in pre-cast forms.


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Fig 5.18 Lintel


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The major purpose of floors is to support the inmates of a building together with their belongings
(i.e. Furniture, Equipment, and Sometimes the internal partition.). Floors are provided to divide a
building in to different levels for creating more accommodation one above the other with in
certain limited space.
Primary functions of a floor:
i. Provide a level surface with sufficient strength to support the imposed loads of people and
ii. Exclude the passage of water and water vapor to the interior of the building.
iii. Provide resistance to unacceptable heat loss through the floor.
iv. Provide the correct type of surface to receive the chosen finish.
To perform its function a floor must satisfy the following requirements:
 Adequate strength and stability,
 Adequate fire resistance,
 Sound insulation,
 Damp resistance, and
 Provide thermal insulation.
 Prevent growth of vegetable matter and other living organisms inside the building.
In the traditional floor construction, a floor is needed to have a clean, smooth, impervious, level
and durable surface. Floors are classified as ground floor and upper floor.
The floors resting directly on the ground surface are known as ground floors. While the other
floors of each storey, situated above the ground level are known as upper floors.
A floor is composed of two essential components:
 Sub-floor, base course or floor base
 Floor covering or simply, flooring
The floor base is a structural component, which supports the floor covering.
For ground floor, the objective of floor base is to give proper support to the covering so that it
doesn't settle and to provide damp resistance and thermal insulation.
Ground floors are further subdivided into solid floors, suspended floors and basement floors.

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Solid Floors
The floors supported directly on the ground are known as solid floors.
Suspended floors
These floors supported above the ground level. Suspended floors do not rely on the ground for
support and are usually made from timber.
Basement Floors
These are floors resting at the lowest/basement level. Resistance to moisture ingress is one of
the main criteria in the design of basement floors.
Functional Requirement of Ground Floors
For good performance of a ground floor, it should be able to perform the following:
1. Support without failure the loads imposed on it.
2. Prevent dampness inside the building by providing a damp proof membrane in or
below the floor.
3. Prevent the growth of matter and other living organisms.
4. Be reasonably durable so as to require minimum maintenance or replacement
5. Provide a surface finish with a standard of appearance, comfort, cleanliness, and
heat retention.
A domestic solid ground floor consists of three components:-
1. Hardcore: - a suitable filling material to make up the top soil removal and reduced level
excavations. It should have a top surface which can be rolled out to ensure that cement grout is
not lost from the concrete. It may be necessary to blind the top surface with a layer of sand
especially if the damp proof membrane is to be placed under the concrete bed.
2. Damp-proof Membrane: - an impervious layer such as heavy duty polythene sheeting to
prevent moisture passing through the floor to the interior of the building.
3. Concrete Bed: - the component providing the solid level surface to which screeds and finishes
can be applied.


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Fig 6. Solid Floor

These need to have a well-ventilated space beneath the floor construction to prevent the
moisture content of the timber rising above an unacceptable level (i.e. not more than 20%) which
would create the conditions for possible fungal attack. Being supported on other elements of
structure, there is a void beneath these floors. Suspended floor is needed rather than a ground
bearing slab on the following occasions:
 Soil with a low bearing capacity,
 Sloping sites,


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 Soils containing aggressive chemicals, and

 Sites with high water levels.
Suspended floors are most commonly constructed using timber and concrete beams and blocks.

Fig 6.1 Suspended Floor


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They are supported either on the walls or on columns. The structural design of upper floor has to
be such as to support the loads set up by the use of the building, in addition to the self-weight
and weight of partitions etc. However, the flooring materials are practically the same as that used
for ground floors.
An upper floor can be constructed either from timber or concrete (Cast in situ and precast
concrete) and it composed of three parts:
i. The structural element,
ii. Upper surface or floor finish, and
iii. Lower surface or ceiling.
Functional Requirements of Upper Floors
For good performance of a upper floor, it should be able to perform the following:
1. Sustain its own weight and any other weights imposed on it.
2. Offer fire resistance especially in very tall buildings.
3. Minimize noise transfer from upper floor to the lower floor.
4. Be reasonably durable – minimum maintenance and replacement.
5. Provide an acceptable surface finish which is safe, comfortable, clean and of good
6. Prevent dampness.
Some of the common upper floorings depending up on the material used for construction and
arrangement of beams and girders are as follows.
3.1. Concrete Floors (R.C.C. Floors)
Floors of modern buildings are invariably made of reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C) for
different advantages:
 Moderately cheap,
 Quite durable,
 Easy to construct,
 Fire proof and damp proof,
 Can be used in large spans, etc.
R.C.C floors can be cast in situ or prefabricated.


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Fig 6.2 Concrete Floors

3.2. Timber Floors
Timber flooring is used for carpentry halls, dancing halls etc. It consists of boarding supported
on timber joists called floor joists. The structural element of timber floors is the joist. The joists
are designed to carry the necessary load across the span, and the floor planking adds to the
rigidity of the floor.
Timber floors can either be of suspended type (supported above the ground) or solid type (fully
supported on the ground)
One of the major problems in timber flooring is damp prevention. This can be done by
introducing D.P.C layer below the flooring. When the problems of dampness is not acute, timber
floors may be supported on the ground all along.
Construction of Timber Flooring
1. First15 to 20 cm thick base concrete is laid.
2. Then, a layer of mastic asphalt is applied.
3. Wooden block flooring is then laid over it. In order to fix the wooden floor on
concrete slabs, longitudinal nailing strips, with beveled sections are embedded in
concrete at suitable interval.


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Fig 6.3 Timber Floors

Floor Finishes are usually applied to a structural base but may form part of the floor structure as
in the case of floor boards. The choice of floor finishes depends on the use to which the floor is
likely to be employed. The following are the factors that affect the choice of flooring materials:
1. Initial cost: The cost of the material should be in conformity with the type of building, and its
likely use.
2. Appearance: covering should give pleasing appearance, it should produce a desired color
effect and architectural beauty.
3. Cleanliness: the flooring should be capable of being cleaned easily, and it should be non-
4. Durability: the flooring should have sufficient resistance to wear, temperature changes,
disintegration with time and decay.
5. Damp resistance: flooring should offer sufficient resistance against dampness.


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6. Thermal insulation: the flooring should offer reasonably good thermal insulation.
7. Sound insulation: flooring should insulate the noise. It should not be such that noise is
produced when users walk on it.
8. Fire resistance: Flooring material should offer sufficient fire resistance so that fire barriers
are obtained between different levels of building.
9. Smoothness: the flooring material should be smooth, and should have even surface. However
it should not be slippery.
10. Hardness: It should be sufficiently hard so as to have resistance to indentation marks, in
prints etc.
11. Maintenance: the flooring material should require least maintenance. However, whenever
repairs are required, it should be such that repairs can be done easily with least expenditure.
The materials used for floor finish or floor covering are:
 Bricks  Tiles
 stones  Marble
 Concrete  Wood (timber)
 Terrazzo  Asphalt
 Mosaic  PVC or plastic

4.1. Brick Flooring

Is used in cheap constructions, especially where well burnt bricks of good colour and uniform
shapes are available. Bricks are laid either flat or on edge, arranged in herring bone fashion or set
at right angles to the walls and especially suited for warehouses, stores, pedestrian walk ways,
etc.The only draw-back of brick floor covering is that it absorbs water.

Fig 6.4 Brick Flooring


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4.2. Flag Stone Flooring

Dressed stone having rectangular or square sizes or any shapes are used for making floors. Such
types of flooring is advantageous due to the following:-
 It is Hard, durable and resistant to wear and tear
 Easy for construction and maintenance
Stone flooring can be used for garages, entrance corridors, pedestrian walkways, etc. During
construction provision of slope is necessary and the joints are properly pointed and cured

Fig 6.5 Flag Stone Flooring

4.3. Cement Concrete Flooring
Concrete Floor Screeds are used to give a concrete floor a finish suitable to receive the floor
finish or covering specified. It should be noted that it is not always necessary or desirable to
apply a floor screed to receive a floor covering, techniques are available to enable the concrete
floor surface to be prepared at the time of casting to receive the coverings at a later stage. Such
types of flooring is commonly used in all building types because of the following:-
 It is moderately cheap, quite durable
 Moderately resistant to oil and weak acids
 Easy for construction
Concrete floor screeds are Suitable for residential, commercial and even industrial buildings,
laboratories, garage and ware houses.


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Fig 6.6 Cement Concrete Flooring

4.4. Terrazzo Flooring
Terrazzo is a specially prepared concrete surface containing cement (white or grey) and marble
chips of different colours in proportion of 1:2 to 1:3. It is a very decorative floor finish with good
wearing properties that is laid in thin layer over concrete topping.
Terrazzo Flooring Widely used in residential buildings, hospitals, schools, offices etc.


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Fig 6.7 Terrazzo Flooring

4.5. Mosaic Flooring
Mosaic flooring is made of small pieces of broken tiles of china glazed or of cement, or of
marble, arranged in different pattern. These pieces are cut to desired shapes and sizes. A small
pieces of broken tiles or marble pieces of different colours are arranged in definite patterns and
hammered in to the cementing layer. The surface is gently rolled by a stone roller so that
cementing material comes up through the joints and an even surface is obtained.
Mosaic flooring is suitable for Walls, Floors (Both internal and external), and Stairs.

Fig 6.8 Mosaic Flooring


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4.6. Marble Flooring

It is one of the most expensive superior type of flooring, used in bath rooms and kitchens of
residential buildings, in hospitals, where extra cleanliness is an essential requirement. Marble
slabs may be laid in different sizes, usually in rectangular or square shapes.

. Fig 6.8 Marble Flooring


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Access in buildings can be classified into categories:
 Moving
 Stationary
An elevator, a staircase or a belt that moves by using different kinds of electrical or hydraulic
driving motors. For example:
 An elevator or lift
 Escalator
 Conveyor
 For the case of handicaps there are moving chairs
Most widely used access in buildings. There is no any motor that drive the system, rather it is
 Stairs,
 Different kinds of ladders,
 Ramps, Corridors.
A stair is a set of step leading from one floor to the other and are provided to afford a means of
communication between the various floors of a building. Because a stair provides vertical
transportation, it is a part of the means-of-egress (exit) system of a building. It is also a relatively
hazardous element because injuries due to falls from stairs are common. For this reason, stair
design is stringently controlled by the building codes.
The room or enclosure of the building in which the stair is located is known as stair case. The
opening or space occupied by the stair is known as stair way. Steps arranged in series and placed
in an enclosure is called Stair Case. The opening or space occupied by the stair is known as stair
Stairs should be designed properly to provide proper:
 Ventilation
 Light (Natural)
 Location: Near Main Entrance for Public Buildings and Centrally for easy access and
privacy in Residential Buildings.
Primary Function of Stairs
1. Provide a means of circulation between floor levels.
2. Establish a safe means of travel between floor levels.
3. Provide an easy means of travel between floor levels.

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4. Provide a means of conveying fittings and furniture between floor levels

Fig 7. Stair Case

 Step: is a portion of stair which permits ascent or descent.
It is comprised of a tread and a riser. A stair is composed of a set of steps.
 Tread: is the horizontal member of stair up on which a foot is placed.
The tread of public buildings must be wide enough to provide safe footing.
 Going: is the horizontal distance b/n the nosing or front edges of two consecutive steps.
It is usually 30cm for public buildings so that it is wide enough to provide safe footings.
 Riser: is the vertical member of a stair.
 Rise: Is the vertical distance b/n the upper surface of two consecutive steps.
The rise of public building is about 15cm while a higher value can be used for private
 Nosing: it is the projecting part of the tread beyond the face of the riser.
It is usually rounded off from the architectural point of view.
 Flight: is a continuous set of steps b/n floors and/or landing.
 Landing: It is the level plat form at the top or bottom of a flight between the floors.
It facilitates change of direction and provides an opportunity for taking rest.

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 Baluster: is the vertical member which supports the hand rail.

The combined framework of hand rail and baluster is known as balustrade.
 String or stringer: is the structural member which supports the steps and act as inclined
 Hand rail: is a rounded or moulded member of wood or metal fixed on the top of
 Head room: is the minimum clear vertical distance b/n the tread and overhead structure.
 Soffit: It is the underside of the stair.
 Run: it is the total length of stairs in a horizontal plane, including landings.
 Newel post: Is the vertical member which is placed at the ends of flight to connect the
end stings and handrail.
 Winders: are tapering steps which are provided for changing the direction of stair.

Fig 7.1 Terms Used In Stairs

Essential Requirement of Good Stair
Stairs should be designed so as to provide easy, quick and safe mode of communication b/n the
floors. The following are the general requirements which a stair should fulfill.
A. Location:
 It should be so located as to provide easy access to the occupants of the building.
 It should be so located that it is well lighted and ventilated directly from the exterior.
 It should be so located as to have approaches convenient and spacious.

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B. Width of stair:
 It should be wide enough to carry the user without much crowd or inconvenience.
 Width of stairs depends up to its location in the building and the type of the building
 If a domestic building, a 90cm wide stair is sufficient while in public building, 1.5-1.8m
width may be required.
C. Length of flight:
 From comfort point of view, the maximum number of stairs in a flight is preferably 10 - 12
but should not be more than 15.
 Minimum number of stairs should not be less than 3
D. Pitch of Stair
Pitch: - The angle of stair way with the horizontal
 Its ascent should relatively be easy. The pitch of stair should not be more than 420or less
than 200. The preferred angle is 300 - 350.
 Stairs for public building should have a pitch of 38° and for private buildings the pitch
should not be more than 42°.
E. Head room
 It is the minimum clear vertical distance between the tread and overhead structure
(i.e. ceiling etc.)
 Building codes generally require the head room to be a minimum of 2m (80in) at any
point on the stair.
F. Step Dimension
 The rise and tread should be so selected that it will ensure comfortable ascent or
descent on stairs.
 The minimum width of landing should be equal to the width of the stair (not be less
than the width of a stair.).
 The rise should be between 100mm((for hospitals, etc.) to 150mm for public building
while a higher value can be used for private buildings i.e. maximum rise of 220 mm.
 The going should be between 220mm to 300mm.
The following rules are used as a guide line to obtain satisfactory proportion of steps in a stair.
i. 2* Rise + Going = 55 -70 [cm]
ii. Rise + Going = 40-45 [cm]
iii. Rise * Going = 400-450 [ cm2]
iv. Adopt Rise = 14cm and Going= 30 cm as standard; then for every 20mm
subtracted from going, add 10mm to the rise.
- For example, 15cm x 28 cm, 16cm x 26 cm, 17cm x 24cm etc.

G. Balustrade
 Open well stairs should always be provided with balustrade, to provide safety to the users.
 Wider stairs should have hand rail to both the sides.
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Fig 7.2 Typical Requirements for Stairs in a Small Residential Building

- Recommended clear width for all stairs is 800mm minimum, but 900 mm wall to wall or wall
to centre of handrail is preferable. Clear width is defined as "unobstructed width between handrail
and face of newel". A reduced clear width of 600mm is acceptable for access to limited use space
such as a loft.
- The minimum width of a stair is determined by its purpose. When used as an exit stair, its
width depends on the number of occupants it serves (occupant load) but is not less than 1100mm
(44 in). Clear (between handrails to handrail) for an open exit stair or 1200mm (48 in). For an
enclosed exit stair. An exit stair for an occupant load of less than 50 or a stair within a dwelling
unit has a minimum width of 900mm (36 in).
- In walking on a horizontal or an inclined surface, an average person can comfortably traverse a
distance of 550mm to 700mm in. in one step. Therefore, a rule of thumb generally used in
proportioning the treads and risers of a stair is (i.e. Aggregate of going plus twice the rise to be
550 mm minimum and 700mm maximum)
2(Riser Height) + Tread Width = 550 mm to 700mm
Stairs can also be constructed without risers, referred to as open-riser stairs, Figure 7.3. Because
of safety concerns, open-riser stairs are subject to more stringent code restrictions than stairs with

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solid risers. The clear vertical distance between the treads of open-riser stairs cannot exceed
100mm (4 in).

Fig 7.3 a Stair with Open Risers.

Stairs can be classified into two broad heads:
1. Strait stairs
2. Turning stairs
Turning stairs can further be divided in to the following categories.
A. Quarter turn stairs
B. Half turn stairs (dog- legged and open well stairs)
C. Three quarter turn stairs
D. Bifurcated stairs
1. Straight stairs
- This stair runs straight between the two floors.
- It is used for small houses where there are restrictions in available width.
- The stair may consist of either one single flight or more than one flight, usually two with a

Fig 7.4 Straight-run stairs.

2. Quarter turn stairs.
A quarter turn stair is the one which changes its direction either to the left or to the right, the turn
being affected either by introducing a quarter space landing or by providing winders.
- Quarter turn stairs are of two types
A. Newel quarter turn stairs

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B. Geometrical quarter turn stairs

A. Newel quarter turn stairs (L-shape stair)
- have the conspicuous newel posts at the beginning and end of each flight
- At the quarter turn, there may either be quarter space landing or there may be winders.

Fig 7.5 Newel quarter turn stairs (L-shape stairs) (a) without winders and (b) with winders.

L-shape stair: Where the space is limited, the landing of an L-shape stair can be used for steps,
yielding trapezoidal (pie-shaped) treads, referred to as winders, Fig 7.5(b). Stairs with winders are
not as safe as those with rectangular treads and their use in an exit stair is strictly controlled by the

B. Geometrical quarter turn stairs

The stringer as well as the hand rail is continuous, with no newel post at the landing.

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Fig 7.6 Geometrical quarter turn stairs

3. Half turn stairs

Is the one which has its direction reversed or changed for 180.Such stairs are quite common.
- Half turn stairs are of three types:
A. Dog-legged or newel half turn stairs.
B. Open newel half turn stairs.
C. Geometrical half turn stairs.

A. Dog - legged stairs

The name is given because of its appearance in sectional elevation. It comes under the category
of newel stairs in which newel posts are provided at the beginning and end of each flight.
- These may be of two types:
 With half space landing
 With quarter space landing and winders

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Fig 7.7 Dog-Legged stairs

B. Open newel half turn stair
- Has a space or well between the outer strings. This is the only aspect in which it differs
from the dog legged stairs.
- Additional width is required b/n the two flights. When the space provided is more, a small
flight containing two to four steps may be introduced.

Fig 7.8 Open - Newel stairs

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C. Geometrical half turn stairs

The essential feature of such stairs are that the stringers and the hand rails are continuous, without
any intervening newel post.
This may be either with half-space landing or without.

Fig 7.9 Geometrical half turn stairs

4. Three quarter turn stairs
Has its direction changed three times with its upper flight crossing the bottom one. It may either
be newel type or open newel type
Such type of stair is used when the length of the stair room is limited and when the vertical
distance b/n the two floors is quite large.
5. Bifurcated stairs
The stair has a wider flight at the bottom, which bifurcates into two narrow flights one turning to
the left and the other bifurcates into two narrow flights one turning to the left and the other to the
right, at the landing.
- It may be either of newel type with a newel post or of geometrical type.
- This type of stair is commonly used in public buildings at their entrance hall.

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Fig 7.10 Bifurcated stairs

6. Continuous stairs
Type of stairs which do neither have any landing nor any intermediate newel post. They are
geometrical in shape.
Continuous stairs may be of three types:
i. Circular stairs
ii. Spiral stairs and
iii. Helical stairs.
i. Circular stairs
A circular stair with circular plan
configuration may consist of all winders and
can take many shapes

Fig 7.11 Circular stairs lay out

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ii. Spiral stairs

A spiral stair is a special type of circular stair in which the treads twist around a central column
and are cantilevered from it. This form of stair usually constructed with an open riser format
using tapered treads which have a keyhole plan shape. Each tread has a hollow cylinder at the
narrow end equal to the rise which is fitted over a central steel column usually filled with in-situ
concrete. The outer end of the tread has holes through which the balusters pass to be fixed on the
underside of the tread below, a hollow spacer being used to maintain the distance between
consecutive treads.
For domestic situations a spiral stair of 800mm clear width can provide an alternative compact,
space saving means of access to the upper floor of a private dwelling. With a clear width of only
600mm this type of stair may also be used to access the space available in a roof void.
- They are usually made either of R.C.C. or metal and employed at a location where there
are space limitations.
- They are also used as emergency stairs and are provided at the back side of the building.
- All the steps are winders. Therefore they are not comfortable.

Fig 7.12 Spiral stairs

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iii. Helical stairs

A helical stair is a circular stair without a central supporting column. These stairs constructed in
in-situ reinforced concrete are considered to be aesthetically pleasing but are expensive to
construct. They are therefore mainly confined to prestige buildings usually as accommodation
stairs linking floors within the same compartment. Helical stair has an open well. The open well
of a helical stair is usually circular or elliptical in plan and the formwork is built up around a
vertical timber core.
- It looks very fine but its structural design and construction is very complicated.
- It is made of R.C.C. in which a large portion of steel is required to resist steel is required
to resist bending, shear and torsion.

Fig 7.13 Helical stairs

Stairs of Different Materials
The selection of materials for the construction of stairs depend up on
 The availability of materials and ease of transportation Funds
 Desired life of building
 Aesthetical importance
 Freedom of design

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 Expected fire resisting quality

Thus, stairs may be made either of timber, bricks, stones, mild steel, Wrought iron, or plain and
reinforced concrete.
Stairs may be constructed of the following materials
 Timber
 Stone
 Bricks
 Steel
 R.C.C
Ladders are used primarily in industrial construction and in utility and service areas.

Fig 7.14 Ladders

Ramps shall be provided to allow wheel chair access and luggage path in hotels, for stretchers in
hospitals for loading and unloading in warehouses and factories.

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Fig 7.15 Ramps

Elevators travel vertically to carry passengers, equipment’s and freight from one level of the
building to another.
The two most common types are
 Electric and
 Hydraulic elevator.
Electric elevator:
Consist of a car that is mounted on guide rails supported by hoisting cables, and driven by electric
hoisting machinery in a pent house.
Hydraulic elevator:
Consist of a car supported by a piston that is moved by or moves against a fluid under pressure.
The type, size, number, speed and arrangement of elevators are determined by:
 Type of occupancy
 Amount and tempo of traffic to be carried
 Total vertical distance of travel
 Round-trip time and speed desired.

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Fig 7.16 Elevators

Escalators are power driven stairways consisting of steps attached to continuously circulating belt.
They can move a large number of people efficiently and comfortably b/n a limited number of
floors, six floors are a practicably limit. Since escalator move at a constant speed, there is a
practically no waiting period, but there should be adequate queuing space at each loading and
discharge. The pitch varies b/n 300 - 350
- Escalators are usually used in public areas like airport, shopping malls, etc.
- Escalators are typically used in pairs with one going up and other going down.

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Fig 7.16 Escalators

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DOOR: is an open able barrier secured in a wall opening and is provided to give access, protection,
safety and privacy to the inside of a room of a building. It serves a connecting link b/n the various
internal portions of building.
Basically a door consists of two parts:-
i. Door frame
ii. Door shutter
WINDOW: is a vented barrier secured in a wall opening. The function of a window is to:-
 Admit light and air to the building,
 Give a view to the outside,
 Provide insulation against heat loss, and
 Give a measure of resistance to fire.

A window also consists of two parts

A. Window frame secured to the wall opening with the help of hold fasts
B. Window shutter held in position by the window frame.

Fig 8. Door and Window

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Location of Doors and Windows

The following points should be kept in view while locating doors and windows.
i. The number of doors in a room should be kept minimum, since larger number of doors
cause obstruction, and consume more area in circulation.
ii. The location of door should meet functional requirements of a room.
iii. It should not be located in the center of the length of a wall.
iv. A door should preferably be located near the corner of a room nearly 20cm away from
the corner.
v. If there are two doors in a room, the doors should preferably be located in opposite walls
facing each other, so as to provide good ventilation.
vi. The size and number of windows should be decided on the basis of distribution of light,
control of ventilation, and privacy of the occupants.
vii. The location of window should also meet the functional requirements of the room, such
as interior decoration, arrangement of furniture, etc.
viii. A window should be located in opposite wall, facing a door or another window for cross
ix. From the point of view of fresh air, a window should be located in the prevalent direction
of wind.
x. The sill of window should be located about 70-80 cm about the floor level of the room.

Definition of Technical Terms

The following are the technical terms applied to doors and windows
 Frame: It is an assembly of horizontal and vertical members, forming an enclosure, to
which the shutters are fixed.
 Shutters: these are openable parts of a door or window. It is an assembly of styles, panels
and rails.
 Head: this is the top or uppermost horizontal part of a frame.
 Sill: this is the lowermost or bottom horizontal part of a window frame.
 Horn: these are the horizontal projections of the head and sill of a frame to facilitate the
fixing of the frame on wall opening.
 Style: the vertical outside member of the shutter of the door or window.
 Top rail: this is the top most horizontal member of a shutter.
 Lock rail: The middle horizontal member of a door shutter, to which locking
arrangement is fixed.
 Bottom rail: the lower most horizontal member of a shutter.
 Intermediate or cross rails: additional horizontal rails, fixed b/n the top and bottom rails
of a shutter.
 Panel: this is the area of shutter enclosed b/n the adjacent rails.
 Mullion: vertical member of a frame, which is employed to subdivide a window or a
door vertically.

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 Sill: this is the lowermost or bottom horizontal part of a window frame.

 Transom: Horizontal member of a frame, which is employed to subdivide a widow
opening horizontally.
 Hold fasts: mild steel flats generally bent into Z shape, to fix or hold the frame to the

Fig 8.1Parts of Door and Window

Size of Doors
The size of the door should be such that it would allow the movement of largest object or tallest
person likely to use the door. As, a rule the height of a door should not be less than 1.8m - 2.0 m.
The width of the door should be such that two persons can pass through it walking shoulder to
 The common width height relations are:
i. Width = 0.4 to 0.6 height
ii. Height = (width + 1.2) meters.
The following are the generally adopted size of doors for various type of buildings
 Doors of residential building
i. External door: 0.9-1.2m width and 2-2.1m height
ii. Internal door: 0.8-0.9m width and 2-2.1m height

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iii. Bath room & WC 0.7-0.8m width and 2-2.1m height

iv. Garages for cars 2.25-2.4m width and 2-2.25m height

Door Frames
A door frame is an assembly of horizontal and vertical members forming an enclosure, to which
door shutters are fixed. The vertical members, one at each side, are known as posts while the
horizontal top member connecting the posts is called head. The size of the frame is determined
by allowing a clearance of 5mm to both the sides and the top of the opening. The cross-sectional
area of the posts and the head is generally kept the same.
 Door frames are made of the following materials:-
 Timber
 Steel section
 Aluminum sections
 Concrete, and
 Stone
Timber Door Frames
Timber frames are more commonly used because they look much better than the other materials,
and they can be polished, if desired.

Fig 8.2 Timber Door Frames

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Steel Door Frames

Steel door frames are made of any of the following sections
A. Single angle iron
D. Channel sections formed from pressing steel plates
B. Double angle iron
C. T-sections

Fig 8.3 Steel Door Frames

Types of Doors
Doors commonly used in building are classified into the following types:

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I. Classification based on types of material used

Wooden Doors
It may be either hollow core or solid core. They can as well be built up of small individual
 Solid core doors are used as exterior doors, in location where extremely heavy service is
 Hollow-core doors are used for only interior applications.
Wooden doors can take a good polish and can be given different types of moldings to produce an
attractive appearance.
Unless properly seasoned, wooden doors are easily attacked by vermin especially when in
contact with walls built of mud masonry.
Glazed Doors
Glass is used in panels of doors to admit light. Colored glass, frosted glass and beaded glass can
be used for ornamental appearance.
Steel framed door with a single, two or three glass panels are mainly used in external doors for
residential buildings and could also be used as internal doors in offices.
Plywood Doors
The various types and quality products of plywood brought the use of ply wood skins over
wooden frame works to the widespread use of the flush doors. Such doors are mainly used for

II. Classification based on types of material used

Plastic Doors
Flush doors covered in high pressure melamine laminates are manufactured to fit in specific
The plastic laminate is applied to both faces of the door and comes in wide variety of colors and
in many wood-grain patterns. Plastic laminate clad doors offer good resistance to impact and
abrasion and usually do not need refinishing for the life of the building.The surface resists stains
and can be cleaned with soap and water or other detergents.
Metal Doors
Flush doors covered in high pressure melamine laminates are manufactured to fit in specific
Steel and aluminum doors are most popularly used as metal doors. Aluminum has a shiny color,
has light weight and provides attractive appearance and costs more than steel doors.
Steel doors are used practically for any type of door opening and its frames are produced in
various depth and width to fit most wall conditions.
 Metal doors are of the following types:
A. Mild steel sheet doors
B. Corrugated steel sheet doors
C. Hollow metal doors
D. Metal covered plywood doors.

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III. Classification based on working operation

Revolving Doors
Revolving doors are provided in public buildings such as museums, libraries, hotels, banks, etc.
where there are constant visitors. Such a door provides entrance to one and exit to the other
person simultaneously and closes automatically when not in use. The door consists of a centrally
placed mullion to which four radiating shutters are attached.

Fig 8.4 Revolving Doors

Sliding Doors
The shutter can slide upward, downward or sideways with the help of runners and guide rails.
The door may have one two or even three shutters, depending upon the size of the opening and
space available on sides for sliding

Fig 8.5 Sliding Doors

Swing Doors
The most common type of door movement is the swinging door either right or left, depending on
which side is the hinge.
Swinging doors may be hinged at the side to open and shut in one direction (single swings) or
they may be double acting doors, which swing in both ways (double swinging).

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Fig 8.6 Swing Doors

IV. Classification based on working operation
Collapsible Steel Doors
Such doors are used in workshops, sheds, public buildings, etc. For providing increased safety
and protection to property. The door neither requires hinges, for opening and closing, nor any
frame for hanging them. It acts like a steel curtain which can be opened or closed by horizontal
It is even in residential buildings where opening is large but there is no enough space to
accommodate leafed shitters.
Rolling Steel Shutter Doors
These doors are commonly used for garages, storefronts, show windows etc., since they are quite
strong and offer proper safety to the property. The door consists of a frame, a drum and a shutter
of thin steel plates (known as laths or slates) interlocked together.
 Rolling shutters are of two types:
 Pull-push type shutters
 Mechanical gear type shutters.

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Fig 8.7 Collapsible Steel Doors

Fig 8.8 Rolling Steel Shutter Doors

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V. Classification based on method or manner of construction

Framed and Panelled Doors

These types of doors are widely used in almost all types of building since they are strong and
give better appearance.
This door consists of a frame work of vertical members (called styles) and horizontal members,
called rails which are grooved along the inner edges of the frame, to receive the panels.

Fig 8.9 Framed and Panelled Doors

Glazed Doors or Sash Doors
They are provided where additional light is required to be admitted to the room through the
door, or visibility of the interior of the room is required from adjacent room.
They are used in residential as well as public buildings like hospitals, schools, colleges, etc.
The doors may be either fully glazed, or they be partly glazed and partly panelled.
Flash Doors
These doors consist of solid or semi-solid skeleton or core covered on both sides with plywood,
face veneers, etc. Presenting flush and jointless surface. Flush doors are becoming increasingly
popular these days because of their:
 Pleasing appearance
 Simplicity of construction
 Less cost
 Better strength and durability
They are used both for residential as well as public and commercial buildings.
 Flush doors are of two types:
A. Solid core flush door or laminated core flush door.
B. Hollow and cellular core flush door.

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Fig 8.10 Glazed Doors or Sash Doors

Fig 8.11 Flash Doors

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Louvered Doors (Venetian Doors)

Louvered doors permit free ventilation through them, and at the same time maintain the privacy
of the room. These doors are generally used for latrines and bath rooms of residential and public
buildings and the louvers may be made of either timber or glass or ply wood.
The door may either be louvered to its full height, or it may be partly louvered and partly
panelled. The louvers are either fixed or movable and arranged at such an inclination that the
vision is obstructed while they permit the passage of air.

Fig 8.12 Louvered Doors

Wire Gauged Doors

These types of doors are provided to check the entry of flies, mosquitoes, insects, etc.
Such doors are commonly used for refreshment rooms, hotels, cup boards containing food and
eatables, and sweet shops. Wire mesh is provided in the panels, and therefore, they permit free
passage of air.

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Fig 8.13 Wire Gauged Doors

VI. Classification based on arrangement of components
Battened and Ledged Doors
This is the simplest type of door, especially suitable for narrow Openings. It is formed of vertical
bonds, Known as battens which are fixed together by horizontal supports known as ledges.

Fig 8.14 Battened and ledged doors

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Battened, Ledged and Braced Doors

These doors are an improved form of the previous one in which additional inclined (or diagonal)
members called braces are provided.
This door is also an improved form of simple battened and ledged door, in which frame work for
the shutter is provided in the form of two verticals, known as styles.
This is a modification of the above, with the provision of additional braces, provided diagonally
b/n the ledges to increase its strength, durability and appearance.

Fig 8.15 Battened, ledged and braced doors

Battened, Ledged and Frame Doors

This door is also an improved form of simple battened and ledged door, in which frame work for
the shutter is provided in the form of two verticals, known as styles.
This is a modification of the above, with the provision of additional braces, provided diagonally
b/n the ledges to increase its strength, durability and appearance

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Fig 8.16 Battened, ledged and frame doors

Battened, Ledged, Braced and Frame Doors
This is a modification of the above, with the provision of additional braces, provided additional
braces, provided diagonally b/n the ledges to increase its strength, durability and appearance.


The selection of size, shape, location and number of windows in a room depends up on the
following factors:

 Size of the room

 Location of the room
 Utility of the room
 Direction of the wall
 Direction of the wind v. Direction of the wind
 Climatic condition such as humidity, temperature, etc.
 Requirements of exterior view
 Architectural treatment to the exterior of the building.

Windows should be selected or designed to resist wind loadings, be easy to clean and provide for
safety and security. They should be sited to provide visual contact with the outside.

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 Based on the above factors, the following thumb rules are in use:
 Breadth of window = 1/8 (width of room + height of room)
 The total area of window-openings should normally vary from 10-20% of the floor area
of the room, depending upon climatic conditions.
 The area of window opening should be at least one square meter for every 30-40 cubic
meter of inside content of the room.
 In public buildings, the minimum area of windows should be 20% of floor area.
 For sufficient natural light, the area of glazed panels should at least be 8-10% of the floor

Types of Windows

Windows are classified as follow:

1. Fixed Windows
These windows are provided for the sole purpose of admitting light and/or providing vision to
the room. The window consists of a window frame to which shutters are fixed and shutters are
fully glazed.

Fig 8.17 Fixed Windows

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2. Pivoted Windows
 The shutters are allowed to swing round pivots fixed to the window frame.
 The frame of the window shutter is similar to that of an encasement window.
 The shutter can swing or rotate either horizontally, or vertically.

Fig 8.18 Pivoted Windows

3. Double Hung Windows
These type of window consists of a frame and a pair of shutters arranged one above the other,
which can slide vertically within the grooves provided in the window frame. By the provision of
such sliding, the windows can be cleaned effectively and at the same time ventilation can be
controlled effectively.

Fig 8.19 Double Hung Windows

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4. Sliding Windows
These windows are similar to siding doors. The shutters move either horizontally or vertically on
small roller bearings. Suitable openings or grooves are left in the frame or walls to accommodate
the shutters when they are slides to open the window. They are provided in train, buses, shops
and bank counters.

Fig 8.20 Sliding Windows

Generally the following four types of fixtures and fastenings are required for doors and windows:
 Hinges
 Bolt
 Handles
 Locks.

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A Roof is defined as the upper most part of the building, provided as a structural covering, to
protect the building from weather. It consists of structural elements, which support roof
coverings. The structural elements may be trusses, beams, slabs, shells or domes.
 The roof coverings may be corrugated metal sheets, RC slabs, tiles, etc.
Requirements of a roof
The requirements of a good roof are summarized as follow:
i. It should have adequate strength and stability to carry the superimposed dead and live
ii. It should effectively protect the building against rain, sun, wind, etc and it should be
durable against the adverse effects of these agencies.
iii. It should be water proof and should have efficient drainage arrangements.
iv. It should provide adequate thermal insulation.
v. It should be fire resistant.
vi. It should provide adequate insulation against sound.
The general types of roofs are:-
 Pitched or Slopping roofs,
 Flat roofs or terraced roofs, and
 Curved roofs.
The selection of the type of roof depends upon:
 Shape or plan of the building,
 Climatic conditions of the area,
 Type of construction materials available.
Pitch Roofs
- Have slopping top surfaces.
- Are suitable in those areas where rainfall/snow fall is very heavy
- Use to cover satisfactorily those buildings with limited width and Simple shape
Flat Roofs
- Considered suitable for buildings in plains or in hot regions where Rainfall is moderate
and snow fall is not there.
- Are equally applicable to buildings of any shape and size.
Curved Roofs
- Have their top surface curved.
- Are provided to give architectural effects.

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- Such roofs include cylindrical and parabolic shells and domes

2.1. Slopping (Pitched) Roofs
Pitched roof is the most common form of roof and is generally regarded as the cheapest
alternative for covering a structure. It is almost always constructed in wood or steel.
In pitched roofs a slope of less than l in 3 is generally not considered satisfactory from drainage
point of view. In areas of heavy snowfall, steeper slopes (1:1.5 or 1:1) are provided to reduce
the incidence of snow load on the roof.
The various shapes of pitched roof depend on
 The area covered
 Materials available
 Type of lighting and ventilation needed inside
 Available appliance, etc.

Fig 9.Component Parts of Pitched Roof

The primary functions of any domestic roof are to:-
1. Provide an adequate barrier to the penetration of the elements.

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2. Maintain the internal environment by providing an adequate resistance to heat loss.

A roof is in a very exposed situation and must therefore be designed and constructed in such a
manner as to:-
1. Safely resist all imposed loadings such as snow and wind.
2. Be capable of accommodating thermal and moisture movements.
3. Be durable so as to give a satisfactory performance and reduce maintenance to a minimum
Slopping roofs are basically of the following forms:
A. Shed Roof: it is the simplest type and slopes only in one direction.
- It is used for smaller span and is also known as lean to roof.
- At the upper ends, the rafters are nailed to the wooden wall plate, which may be of
stone, brick or steel.
- At the lower end the rafters are notched and nailed to the wooden post plate.
B. Gable Roof: it slopes in two directions and is commonly used.
It is formed by a pair of inclined rafters with their upper ends nailed to a common ridge
piece and their low ends, notched and nailed to the wooden wall plates embedded in
masonry on the top of the wall on either end.
C. Hip Roof: It slopes in four directions such that the end formed by intersection of slopes
results in triangular and/ or trapezoidal form.
D. Butterfly Roof: It slopes in two directions and intersect at the center of the span and
will have common drainage system.
E. Pyramid Roof: It is similar to hip roofs, slopes in four directions and the intersections
of slopes make a pyramid.

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Fig 9.1 Forms of Sloping Roofs

2.1.1. Types of Slopping Roofs
Pitched roofs are basically categorized under three categories.
a. Single roof,
b. Double rafter or purlin roofs, and
c. Tripled-member or framed or trussed roofs.
a. Single Roof: This roof consists of common rafters that are secured at the ridge and wall
plates. The various forms of this types are as follows:
i. Lean to Roof: Is a roof, which covers the verandas of a building and projects from the
main wall of the building. It is suitable for spaces up to 2.5m and is generally used for
sheds, out-houses attached to the main buildings, verandas, etc.

Fig 9.2 Lean to Roof

ii. Couple Roof: each couple or pair of common rafters is made to slope upwards from the
opposite walls and they are supported at the upper ends at the ridge piece or ridge board
in the middle. The lower ends of the common rafters are fixed to the wall plates
embedded in the masonry on the top of the walls.

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Fig 9.3 Couple Roof

iii. Couple Closed Roof: It is similar to a couple roof except that the legs of the common
rafters are closed by a horizontal tie known as tie beam. This tie beam is connected at the
feet of the common rafters to check their tendency of spreading out wards and hence save
the walls from the danger of overturning. Under normal loading conditions, this type of
roof can be used for maximum span of 4.5m.

Fig 9.4 Couple Closed Roof

iv. Collar Roof: This is similar to the couple-close roof, except that the horizontal tie is now
raised up from the feet of the rafters to almost the middle of the rafters. It is considered to
be suitable for spans varying 4m - 5.5m.

Fig 9.5 Collar Roof

b. Double Rafter or Purlin Roof: Additional members called Purlins are introduced to
support the common rafter at intermediate point. The purlins are used to tie the rafters
together and act as intermediate support.

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Fig 9.6 Double Rafter or Purlin Roof

c. Trussed roof: Trussed roofs are usually used when the span exceeds 5m and where there are
no inside walls to support purlins. The spacing of trusses depends upon the various factors,
such as loads on roof, position of cross walls, span, material of truss, etc. and are spaced
not more than 3m center to center.

 There are three elements in a trussed roof system:-

 Rafters which support the roofing materials,
 Purlins to provide intermediate support to rafters, and
 Trusses to provide support to the ends of purlins.

Roof Trusses: - these are triangulated plane roof frames designed to give clear spans between
the external supporting walls.

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Fig 9.7 Typical Roof Truss Detail

The various types of trusses include:
 King-post  Truncated
 Queen-post  Bel-fast
 Combination of king and queen  Steel
 Mansard  Composite
i. King-Post Truss: Consists of Lower tie beam, Two inclined principal rafters ,Two
struts, and a king post
 The truss is suitable for spans varying b/n 5m - 8m and the spacing of king post is
limited to 3m.

Fig 9.8 King-Post Truss

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ii.Queen-Post Truss: Differs from a king-post truss in having two vertical posts, rather
than one. The vertical posts are known as queen posts. The tops of queen post are
connected by a horizontal piece known as straining beam.
 These trusses are suitable for spans b/n 8m - 12 m.

Fig 9.9 Queen-Post Truss

iii. Combination of King-Post and Queen-Post Trusses
 For greater spans, the queen-post truss can be strengthened by one or more upright
member, called princess-post to each side. They are suitable for spans up to 18m.

Fig 9.10 Combination of King-Post and Queen-Post Trusses

iv. Mansard Roof Truss
- It is a combination of king-post and queen post trusses.
- It is a two-storey truss, with upper portion consisting of King-post truss and the lower portion
of queen post-truss.
-The entire truss has two pitches. The upper pitch varies from 300 - 400 while the lower pitches
varies from 600 to 700.

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Fig 9.11 Mansard Roof Truss

v. Truncated Roof Truss

- It is similar to mansard truss except that its top is formed flat, with gentle slope to one
- It is used when it is required to provide a room in the roof, b/n the two queen posts.

Fig 9.12 Truncated Roof Truss

vi. Bel-Fast Roof Truss (Bow String Truss)

- This truss, in the form of a bow, consists of thin sections of timber, with its top curved.
- If the roof covering is light, this roof truss can be used up to 30m span.

Fig 9.13 Bel-Fast Roof Truss (Bow String Truss)

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vii. Composite Roof Truss

Roof truss made of two materials are known as composite roof trusses. In a composite truss, the
tension members are made of steel, while compression members are made of timber.

Fig 9.14 Composite Roof Truss

Steel Roof Trusses
When the span exceeds 10m, timber trusses become heavy and Uneconomical. Steel trusses are
commonly used for the following reasons:-
 More economical
 Easy to construct or fabricate
 Fire proof
 More rigid and permanent.
Steel trusses are fabricated from rolled steel structural members such as channel, angles, RHS,
T-sections and plates. Steel trusses may be grouped in the following categories:
 Open trusses
 North light trusses
 Bow string trusses
 arched rib trusses

Steel trusses have the following advantages over timber trusses:

i. The sections comprising of a steel truss are readily available in the required dimension,
resulting in minimum wastage.
ii. Steel trusses are light in weight, and can be fabricated in any shape depending upon
structural and architectural requirement.
iii. Steel trusses are stronger and more rigid in comparison to timber trusses. The members
are equally strong in tension and compression.
iv. Steel truss can be used over any span, while timber trusses are suitable only up to 15m

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v. Steel trusses are fire proof and termite proof.

vi. Steel trusses are most resistant to other environmental agencies.
vii. The fabrication of steel truss is easier and quicker.

2.1.2. Roof coverings for sloping roof

Roof covering is a material, which gives a protective surface to the roofing structure. The
function of the covering is only to prevent ingress or egress of heat and moisture into the
building. It does not withstand structural loads, which are directly taken by the roofing
- There are various types of coverings and the selection depends on:
 the character of the building
 the type of roofing structure
 Initial cost
 Maintenance requirement
 Fabrication facilities
 Fabrication and special features of the locality
 Durability, availability of the material and climate of the locality.

The various types of roof coverings materials commonly used are: thatch, wood, tiles, asbestos
cement sheet, galvanized corrugated iron sheets, aluminum sheeting, etc.
i. Thatch Roof Coverings
- It is one of the most ancient types of roof covering and is mainly used in village areas.
- Thatch roof cover is suitable for rural buildings mainly because the cost is very low and
thatch is abundantly available in those regions.

Fig 9.15 Thatch Roof Coverings

ii. Galvanized Corrugated Iron/Steel Sheet Coverings
Galvanization means that the iron/steel sheet is covered with a thin layer of zinc to protect it
from rusting.
The corrugation means that the sheet is made more resistant to bending stresses lengthwise.
 The gauge indicates the thickness G-24=0.549mm, G-26=0.457mm, G-28=0.376mm,
G-30=0.315mm, G-32=0.274mm and G-35=0.2mm.

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It is required that a sheet should be strong enough to carry, without buckling, the load of full
grown man.

Fig 9.16 Galvanized Corrugated Iron/Steel Sheet Coverings


A shell is structural curved skin covering a given plan shape and area where the forces in
the shell or membrane are compressive and in the restraining edge beams are tensile. The
main factors of shell roofs are:

 The entire roof is a structural element

 Basic strength is inherent in its geometrical shape and form
 Comparatively less material is required than other forms of roof structure


 The curved shapes are naturally strong structures

 Allow wide areas to be spanned
 No use of internal supports
 Gives an open and unobstructed space
 Ideally suited for architectural applications

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Fig 9.17 Shell Structures

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Domes are double curvature shells which can be rotationally formed by any curved geometrical
plane figure rotating about a central vertical axis.

These are shells curved in two directions. They are one of the oldest types of construction.


 They are completely span-free

 Have high ratio of thickness to span
 Aesthetically very pleasing
 Virtually any size and number of openings are possible
 Excellent for athletic facilities, schools, auditoriums, churches, convention halls,
museums etc.

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Fig 9.18 Dom Structures


Prefabrication may be in general terms defined as a continuity of production implying:

 A steady flow of demands
 Standardization
 Integration of different stages of production
 High degree of organization of work
 High degree of organization of work
 Mechanization to replace manual labour
The prefabrication practice have advantages with respect to cost, time, quality, safety and

Types of prefabrication approach:

 Fully Pre-fabricated Construction Method
 Partially pre-fabricated Construction Method
 Prefabrication of elements of the construction

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Fig 9.19 Prefabricated Building System

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Building finishes are used to give protective coating to the surface which preserves and protects
the materials used in building from weather effects such has rain water, heat, frost, etc. and to
provide decorative finishes which add to the appearance of the material surfaces and building as a
whole. Plastering, pointing, white washing and color washing, painting, varnishing, and
distempering, etc. are among the various types of building finishes some of them are
discussed in the following sections.

Plaster: - is a wet mixed material applied to internal walls as a finish to fill in any irregularities in
the wall surface and to provide a smooth continuous surface suitable for direct decoration. The
plaster finish also needs to have a good resistance to impact damage. The material used to fulfil
these requirements is gypsum plaster. Gypsum is a crystalline combination of calcium sulphate
and water.

Plastering is the process of covering rough surface of wall, columns, ceilings and other building
components with thin coat of plastic mortar to form a smooth durable surface.
- objectives of plastering:
 To protect the external surface against penetration of rain water and other
atmospheric agencies.
 To give Smooth surface in which dust and dirt cannot lodge.
 To give decorative effect
 To protect surfaces against vermit
 To conceal (hide) inferior materials or defective workmanship.
Some requirements of a good plaster are:
 It should provide a smooth, non-absorbent and washable surface.
 It should not contract in volume while drying and setting otherwise it will crack and give
an unsightly appearance.
 It should adhere firmly to the surface and resist the effects of weather agencies such as
rain, heat, etc.
 It should offer good insulation against sound and high resistance against fire.
 It should provide the surface with the required decorative effect and durability.

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Fig 10. Method of Plastering

Pointing is the process of finishing of mortar joints in exposed brick or stone masonry, which
is achieved through two operations. Initially, joints are raked out to a depth of 15 mm and then
the space is filled up by a suitable mortar of richer mix. Pointing gives good appearance and
water resistance.

 Pointing is generally recommended for the finishing of exposed external wall.

Advantage of pointing.
 Protects the joint from adverse effect of atmospheric actions.
 Hides defective workmanship.
 Imparts better appearance to exposed surface.

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Paints are coating of fluid materials, which are applied as a final finish to all surfaces such as
walls, ceilings, woodwork, metalwork, etc. The process of application of paint as a coating is
termed as painting.
The objects of painting can be summarized as to:

 Protect the surface from weathering effects of the atmosphere,

 Protect the decay of wood and corrosion of metals,
 Provide a decorative finish to obtain a clean, colorful and pleasing surface.

Characteristics of a Good paint

A good paint should have such a consistency that it can be applied easily and freely on
the surface with a brush or spray. Besides a good paint should be in initial cost and prove
economical in the long run. The paint color should neither fade nor change by atmospheric
influences in its designed service life and should not show any signs such as brush
marks, shrinkage marks, cracks, patches, etc. on drying.


Varnish is a solution of resinous substance in oil, turpentine or alcohol. The varnish solution on
drying or evaporation forms or leaves a hard, transparent and glossy film of resin on the varnish
surface. Varnishing is the process of applying varnish to the wooden surfaces and also to
the painted surface in order to improve their appearance and protect them from atmospheric
The objects of varnishing are to:

 Brighten the ornamental appearance of the grains ofthe unpainted wood surfaces,
 Protect the structural wooden surfaces from atmospheric action,
 Give brilliancy to the painted surface and also to papered walls and
 Protect the painted surface from atmospheric actions in order to increase the
durability of the paint film.

Characteristics of a Good Varnish

A good varnish should have the following characteristics or qualities:

 It should dry rapidly or quickly.

 On drying, it should form a protective film, which should be hard, tough, resistance to
wear or durable.
 It should exhibit a glassy surface.
 The finished surface should be uniform in nature and pleasing in appearance.
 The color of the varnish should not fade or change when exposed to atmospheric action.

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 It should not crack in drying and should have sufficient elasticity.


Distempering is the process of applying distempers over the various surfaces more easily
and with less cost than paints and varnishes, to safeguard them against weather effects and
improve their appearance.

Distempers are considered to water paints, consisting of whiting (i.e. powdered chalk), glue or
casein as a binder, and suitable proportion of coloring pigments if desired. These
distempers form a cheap, durable and easily applied decoration for internal use on plastered,
cement concrete and various wall board surfaces.

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