BS 812-123
BS 812-123
BS 812-123
10 December 2002
ICS 91.100.15 |
BS 812-123:1999
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Principle 1
5 Sampling 1
6 Apparatus 1
7 Materials 2
8 Preparation of aggregate test portions 6
9 Mix design 6
10 Temperature and humidity conditions 7
11 Preparation of test prisms 7
12 Storage and measurement 8
13 Calculation and expression of results 9
14 Test report 9
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999 i
BS 812-123:1999
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of Technical Committee
B/502. It specifies a method for the measurement of expansion of concrete produced
by alkali-silica reaction involving specific aggregate combinations, and is based on the
measurement of the length change of concrete prisms containing a high level of alkali
that are made from the aggregate under test.
| This test method was originally published as DD 218:1995, which is withdrawn.
Annex A is informative, annex B is normative and annex C is informative.
A British Standard does not purport to include all necessary provisions of a contract.
Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
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Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages
1 to 11, a blank page, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed throughout this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
Sidelining in this document indicates the most recent changes by amendment.
ii BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999
1 Scope 4 Principle
This British Standard specifies a method of measuring Concrete test prisms are prepared from the aggregate
the expansion of concrete produced by alkali-silica combination under test, and stored for a period
reaction involving specific combinations of aggregates. of 52 weeks in conditions which would promote any
The method is designed as an accelerated laboratory potential alkali-silica reaction. During this time
test for a specific combination of aggregates and is not measurements are made at intervals to determine
considered to be a performance test for concrete. whether any expansion has occurred.
NOTE Aggregates are usually tested in the same combination as In order to promote the development of any expansive
when they are actually used. When the aggregate combination to forces and to ensure that slowly reacting aggregates
be used is not decided, however, the test sample of aggregate is are detected in the 52-week period, the test is
tested in combination with both an inert aggregate and an accelerated by:
aggregate geologically similar to itself in proportions specified in
the method. This procedure provides a generally satisfactory a) formulating the concrete to possess a higher than
assessment of the aggregate by accommodating any pessimum average cement and alkali content;
value which it may possess. b) storing the prisms at high humidity and a
comparatively high temperature (38 8C) to increase
2 Normative references the rate of the chemical reaction.
NOTE If expansion exceeding an agreed or specified limit is
The following normative documents contain provisions recorded in the test, or atypical expansion is obtained in routine
which, through reference in this text, constitute monitoring of an aggregate source, the individual test specimen
provisions of this part of this British Standard. For exhibiting the highest expansion may be examined to confirm that
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
dated references, subsequent amendments to, or alkali-silica reaction is the main cause of that expansion. Suitable
procedures are to be found in The Diagnosis of Alkali-Silica
revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. Reaction [1].
For undated references, the latest edition of the cited
publication referred to applies.
5 Sampling
BS 12, Specification for Portland cement.
The samples of coarse and fine aggregates used for the
BS 410, Specification for test sieves. test (the laboratory samples) shall be taken in
BS 812-2, Testing aggregates Ð Part 2: Methods for the accordance with the procedure specified in
determination of density. BS 812-102:1989, clause 5.
BS 812-100, Testing aggregates Ð Part 100: General NOTE The recommendations given in BS 812-102 are primarily
intended for sampling from a stockpile of aggregate. Where
requirements for apparatus and calibration. aggregate is being sampled from a quarry it is important to ensure
BS 812-101, Testing aggregates Ð Part 101: Guide to that the samples obtained for use in the test are satisfactorily
sampling and testing aggregates. representative of the sources concerned.
BSI 08-1999 1
BS 812-123:1999
The reference studs shall be mounted inside the mould 6.10 Vibrating table, as specified in
before casting the prisms. The studs shall either have BS 1881-108:1983, 3.3.
smooth conical recesses into which a 6 mm ball may
be located, as shown in Figure 1, or shall provide 6.11 Containers, for maintaining a high relative
a 3 mm radius hemispherical bearing, as shown in humidity around the wrapped prisms during storage.
Figure 2. NOTE A suitable design of container is shown in Figure 4.
NOTE The use of stainless steel grade 316 S11, as specified in 6.12 Twill-weave cotton cloth, (240 ± 30) g/m2 dry, at
BS 970-1:1991, or a grade of similar quality, is recommended for least 10 mm wider, but not more than 20 mm wider,
the manufacture of reference studs.
than the length of the prisms.
6.7 Length comparator, incorporating a measuring
device with graduations not greater than 0.002 mm and 6.13 Polyethylene lay flat tubing, 500 gauge, 180 mm
having a maximum error of ±0.002 mm. The wide.
arrangement of the comparator and the range of 6.14 Polyethylene bags, 500 gauge, approximately
displacement of the gauge shall be such that specimens 500 mm 3 250 mm.
can be inserted and removed without damage or undue
pressure to the prisms, reference studs or measuring 6.15 Temperature-controlled room or cabinet, capable
device. of being maintained at a temperature of (38 ± 2) 8C
NOTE 1 To allow for typical variations of the prisms and the
throughout its storage space.
reference rod, a minimum range of displacement of the measuring 6.16 Temperature-recording equipment, capable of
device of 15 mm is recommended.
keeping a record of the temperature at one point
The gauge shall be mounted rigidly in a vertical within the storage facility (see 6.14).
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1) A reference cement with a certified alkali content can be obtained from Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR.
2 BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999
Dimensions in millimetres
90 ± 5º
6 B.A. thread
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Dimensions in millimetres
BSI 08-1999 3
BS 812-123:1999
Dimensions in millimetres
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
4 BSI 08-1999
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999
Dimensions in millimetres
Measuring Insert
Section View
Prism wrapped in
damp cotton cloth
A and further double
wrapped in
Detail A
Clearance between prism
and plastic mesh not less
than 5 and not more than 20 Blotting paper held against
side of container by plastic
Measuring Insert
BS 812-123:1999
(minimum depth 20)
Figure 4 Ð Container to provide humid environment around concrete prism
BS 812-123:1999
2) Suitable non-reactive, coarse and fine aggregates are available from Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR.
6 BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999
9.3 Adjustment of the alkali content of the mix NOTE 1 Acceptable methods of keeping a record are:
a) a calibrated temperature probe linked to a chart recorder;
9.3.1 Adjust the alkali content of the mix, prepared as
b) a calibrated temperature probe linked to a data logger or
specified in clause 11, by adding potassium sulfate to personal computer that records the maximum and minimum
the mixing water to produce a mix having the same temperature each day;
alkalinity as a mix prepared from a cement having an c) a calibrated maximum/minimum thermometer that is read
alkali content of (1.00 ± 0.05) % sodium oxide and re-set on at least three days a week.
equivalent. Calculate the mass of potassium sulfate NOTE 2 Temperatures outside the tolerance of ±2 8C are allowed
required from the formula: for no more than a 48 h period, providing the temperature
tolerance is not exceeded by more than ±4 8C. These variations to
1 2 s the procedure cannot be accepted more than four times during
M=C´ (1)
35. 56 a 52-week cycle.
where: 10.3 The temperature distribution of the room or
cabinet used for storing the test specimens at
M is the mass of potassium sulfate in grams (g), to (38 ± 2) 8C shall be verified at least once a year and
the nearest 0.01 g; after any major repair or replacement of heater
C is the cement content of the mix in grams (g); elements and/or thermostat. The room or cabinet shall
be filled with specimens to at least 50 % of capacity
s is the sodium oxide equivalent of the cement,
during the verification procedure.
expressed as a percentage.
NOTE A suitable procedure is given in annex A. Other
procedures may be used provided that it can be demonstrated that
9.3.2 Record the equivalent sodium oxide content of they give sufficiently accurate data.
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999 7
BS 812-123:1999
After compacting the concrete, smooth the surfaces of Take this as the reading for the prism, a0. Similarly,
the prisms with a trowel and immediately cover the determine the gauge readings b0, c0, and d0
prisms with flat, impervious sheets (e.g. thin rubber, respectively for the other three prisms.
polyethylene, or steel) making contact with the upper Calculate the difference between the readings a0 and
edges of the moulds. Place the covered moulds inside r0 and take this as the initial measurement A0 of the
a polyethylene bag containing (10 ± 1) ml of water, and first prism. Similarly calculate the initial measurements
close the end of the bag. Cure the bagged prisms for B0, C0, and D0 of the other three prisms.
(24 ± 0.5) h in a place free from vibration and in
conditions which will prevent loss of moisture, either: 12.4 For each prism, cut a piece of the cotton
a) in a moist curing room or cabinet with a relative cloth 640 mm long and 10 mm wider than the length of
humidity greater than 90 %; the prism. Saturate each cloth with deionized water
(typically 80 ml is required for a cloth 260 mm wide)
b) wrapped completely with polyethylene or other and wrap one piece around the four large faces of
impervious sheeting, and placed under damp matting each prism in two layers. Place the wrapped prisms
or any other suitable material. into single pieces of the polyethylene tubing cut to the
NOTE 1 The preferred method of storing prisms during the same length as the prisms. Smooth each tube around
first 24 h of curing is that described in a). the cloth and secure with stout rubber bands.
NOTE 2 It is important to minimize loss of water during this NOTE No wrapping is applied to the end faces of the prisms.
initial hardening stage in order to reduce the risk of shrinkage
cracks forming in the specimens. Place the wrapped prisms in polyethylene bags.
Whichever method of moist air storage is used, Pour 5 ml of deionized water over the upper end face
of each prism and seal the bags. Place each bagged
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
8 BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999
12.8 At the end of periods two weeks, four Also calculate the mean length change of the four
weeks, 13 weeks, 26 weeks, 39 weeks and 52 weeks prisms for each measurement age. For example,
after mixing (see notes), remove the prisms from their at 4 weeks age the mean percentage length change m4
containers and take comparator readings on the is given by:
reference rod and the four prisms by the procedures
given in 12.3. Re-bag and store the prisms as described ha4 + hb4 + hc4 + hd4
m4 = (3)
in 12.6. Record the readings r2, a2, etc. and r4, a4, etc. 4
for 2 weeks and 4 weeks respectively, and so on.
Calculate the corresponding measurements A2, B2, etc. where ha4, hb4, hc4 and hd4 are the percentage length
and A4, B4, etc. changes of the four prisms at 4 weeks age.
NOTE 1 If measurements are to be continued beyond 52 weeks, Record this mean length change to the nearest 0.005 %.
intervals between successive measurements should not NOTE Estimates of the repeatability and reproducibility of this
exceed 13 weeks, except for the tolerance allowed in note 2. method and of the variability due to sampling are given in
NOTE 2 The casting day should be chosen so that readings can annex C.
be made precisely at 7 days and at 2 weeks after casting.
Subsequent readings can, exceptionally, vary from the set date by
up to 2 days. 14 Test report
NOTE 3 Maintenance of a consistently high humidity within each The report shall affirm that the test for measuring the
concrete specimen is critical to obtaining good reproducibility in
this test method. It is important therefore that the measurement
expansions produced by alkali-silica reaction was
of each prism is carried out without delay, so that the wrapped carried out in accordance with this British Standard
prisms are outside their sealed bags for the shortest possible time, and whether or not a certificate of sampling of the fine
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
thus avoiding excessive drying from the bare end faces. and/or coarse aggregates used is available. If available,
NOTE 4 If the mean expansion of the prisms between 39 weeks a copy of the certificate shall be provided. The test
and 52 weeks is greater than 0.010 % of initial measurement, they report shall contain the following additional
should continue to be stored under the stipulated conditions and
comparator readings should be taken after a further 13 weeks.
This procedure should be repeated every 13 weeks until the mean a) the date of manufacture of specimens;
expansion between successive readings is less than 0.010 %, or
until an agreed mean cumulative expansion of the four prisms is b) the origin, identification and date of sampling (if
exceeded. available) of aggregates and cement;
12.9 Should any prism, when measured in the c) the aggregate combination tested and proportions
comparator, show a shrinkage relative to its initial by mass of aggregates;
reading at 24 h, that prism shall be discarded and all its d) details of the amounts, if any, of oversized or
readings disregarded. If two prisms show such undersized materials rejected;
shrinkage at any stage or stages, all four prisms shall e) the chloride content of the aggregate;
be discarded and the test repeated.
f) the equivalent alkali content of the cement and
the amount of potassium sulfate added per 100 g of
13 Calculation and expression of results cement;
Calculate the increase in length of each prism for each g) the percentage length change of each of the four
period of measurement, from the difference between specimens at each measuring age;
A0, B0, etc. and the appropriate values, An, Bn, etc. h) the mean length change for the set of four
where n is 1, 2, 4, 13, etc.. Calculate and report each specimens, to the nearest 0,005 %;
difference as a percentage of the initial length of the i) any noteworthy changes in the appearance of the
corresponding prism to the nearest 0.01 %. For specimens, such as cracking or surface deposits, and
example, at 4 weeks age the percentage length change the ages at which they were first observed.
ha4 of the first prism is given by:
If only a fine aggregate or only a coarse aggregate
A4 2 A0 has been tested, give the following information for
ha4 = 3 100 (2)
la items g) and h):
where: 1) the percentage length change of all eight
specimens at each measuring age;
A4 is the comparator measurement of the prism 2) the mean length change of the four specimens
at 4 weeks age; containing aggregate from the same or geologically
A0 is the initial comparator measurement of the similar source, to the nearest 0.005 %;
prism; 3) the mean length change of the four specimens
la is the initial length of the prism. containing the non-reactive aggregate, to the
nearest 0.005 %.
Record this length change to the nearest 0.01 %.
BSI 08-1999 9
BS 812-123:1999
Table B.1 Ð Proforma for calculating batch masses for a 7 l concrete mix from volume proportions
Material Volume of Volume Relative Batch masses for 7 l mix Water Absorbed water
material in for 7 l mix densitya absorption for 7 l mix
% l G % g
Cement 22.2 1.554 Dc Mc = Dc 3 1 554
Aggregate: 22.0 1.540 D20 M20 = D20 3 1 540 A20 M20 3 A20
20 mm to10 mm W20 =
Aggregate: 16.5 1.155 D10 M10 = D10 3 1 155 A10 M10 3 A10
10 mm to 5 mm W10 =
Aggregate: 16.5 1.155 Ds Ms = Ds 3 1 155 As Ms 3 As
fine Ws =
Free water 22.8 1.596 1 596
Total absorbed W20 + W10 + Ws
Total added water 1 596 + W20 + W10 + Ws
Dc is the density of the cement (g/cm3), determined in accordance with BS EN 196-6:1992;
D20 is the relative density on an oven-dry basis of 20 mm to 10 mm aggregate, determined in accordance with BS 812-2:1995;
D10 is the relative density on an oven-dry basis of 10 mm to 5 mm aggregate, determined in accordance with BS 812-2:1995;
Ds is the relative density on an oven-dry basis of fine aggregate, determined in accordance with BS 812-2:1995;
Mc is the total batch weight for the cement (g);
M20 is the total batch weight for 20 mm to10 mm aggregate (g);
M10 is the total batch weight for 10 mm to 5 mm aggregate (g);
Ms is the total batch weight for fine aggregate (g);
A20 is the percentage water absorption on a mass basis of 20 mm to 10 mm aggregate;
A10 is the percentage water absorption on a mass basis of 10 mm to 5 mm aggregate;
As is the percentage water absorption on a mass basis of fine aggregate;
W20 is the mass of absorbed water for 20 mm to 10 mm aggregate (g);
W10 is the mass of absorbed water for 10 mm to 5 mm aggregate (g);
Ws is the mass of absorbed water for fine aggregate (g).
a The density value used for cement is the particle density (g/cm3).
10 BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999
Annex C (informative) C.2 The data for aggregate combination Z from two
laboratories contained outliers which were excluded
Precision from the calculation of repeatability and
C.1 The precision data given in Table C.1 were reproducibility.
determined from an experiment conducted C.3 The repeatability limits r0 and r1 (as defined in
in 1991 to 1992, involving 12 laboratories. Each Table C.1) which are to apply to expansion
laboratory was provided with two laboratory samples measurements (%) at ages earlier than 52 weeks may
of each aggregate fraction, and made two concrete be calculated from the following equations:
batches using each laboratory sample, and two prisms
from each concrete batch (i.e. they tested eight prisms
r0 = 0.40 E
for each aggregate combination). The aggregate
combinations tested were: r1 = 0.17 E + 0.003
the tests. The prisms were stored at 38 8C and tested not apply to the modified test described in this British Standard,
after 52 weeks. which should yield significantly improved reproducibility.
BSI 08-1999 11
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 812-123:1999
Standards publications
BS 970-1:1991, Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes Ð
Part 1: General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon manganese,
alloy and stainless steels.
BS 5497-1, Precision of test methods Ð Part 1: Guide for the determination of repeatability and
reproducibility for a standard test method by inter-laboratory tests.
Other documents
[1] BRITISH CEMENT ASSOCIATION. The Diagnosis of Alkali-Silica Reaction. British Cement Association
Publication 45.042, 1992. (Publication available from the British Cement Association, Century House, Telford
Avenue, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG11 6YS.)
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999
BS 812-123:1999 |
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