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Saint Lucia: The Local Government System in Saint Lucia Country Profile 2017-18

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Saint Lucia is a constitutional monarchy with two levels of government: national and
local. The constitution makes reference to local government but contains no specific
provisions. The main legislative text governing local government is the Constituency
Councils Act 2012. Local elections were suspended in 1979, and since then the Minister
of Local Government is responsible for the appointment of all councillors. There
are ten administrative quarters within Saint Lucia, which contain 15 constituency
councils. In 2016/17, 45.3% of appointed councillors were women and in 2015/16 local
government expenditure was 2.0% of total government expenditure. The functions
and responsibilities of local government have been discharged by centralised
authorities since 1980, and many of the services provided are carried out in tandem
with other governmental agencies.

1.  NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 2.4  National urban policy

Saint Lucia is a constitutional monarchy A national housing and resettlement
and a parliamentary democracy.35.1a The policy35.1c was adopted in 2008; while in
head of state is HM Queen Elizabeth II 2016 the government began working
who appoints and is represented by a on the new Urban Agenda adopted
governor-general, who must be a citizen at the UN’s Habitat III conference
of Saint Lucia. The bicameral parliament and has funded a project entitled the
comprises an elected house of assembly Urban Renewal Program within the
and an appointed senate. The 17 Department of Housing and Urban
KEY FACTS members of the house of assembly are Renewal. This project seeks to fulfil the
elected using the first-past-the-post obligations of the Government of Saint
POPULATION (estimate 2015): system, while the 11 members of the Lucia as a signatory to the UN-Habitat
183,600 senate are appointed by the governor- Agenda III.
general; six on the advice of the prime
AREA (UN 2006): minister, three on the advice of the
616 sq km leader of the opposition and two at the 3.  STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT
CAPITAL: governor-general’s discretion. Following 3.1  Local government within the state
Castries the 2016 national election, 16.7% (3/18) of There are ten administrative quarters
members of the house of assembly and within Saint Lucia, which are governed
CURRENCY: 27.3% (3/11) of senators were women.35.1b via 15 constituency councils.
East Caribbean dollar (XC$) Both houses sit for a concurrent term
HEAD OF STATE: of up to five years. The prime minister
appoints a cabinet from members of 3.2  Ministerial oversight
HM Queen Elizabeth II
both houses. Local elections have been suspended
GOVERNOR-GENERAL: since 1979. Currently the minister
Sir Neville Cenac in charge of local government is
2.  LEGAL BASIS FOR responsible for the appointment of all
LOCAL GOVERNMENT council members. Recommendations
Prime Minister Allen Chastanet
2.1  Constitutional provisions are made to the minister with
FORM OF GOVERNMENT: The constitution makes reference to local appointments approved by cabinet.
constitutional monarchy and government but contains no specific The minister assumes overall
parliamentary democracy provisions or protection.35.1a responsibility for policy formulation
PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM: and direction. In each local authority,
bicameral the mayor or chairperson functions
2.2  Main legislative texts as the administrative head with the
STATE STRUCTURE: The main legislation governing local assistance of two local government
unitary government is the Constituency Councils officers (north and south) and
LANGUAGES: Act 2012.35.1b administrative clerks. The ministry
English (official), French Patois (recognised) provides support in four areas:
advocacy, local-level innovation,
NATIONAL ELECTIONS: 2.3  Proposed legislative changes capacity development and regulation.
last: 2016, turnout: 53.4%; next: 2021 Since the change in government in
2016, there are plans to review the draft
WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT (2016): 3.3  Council types
Local Authorities Bill (2015) which was
MHA: 16.7%, senators: 27.3%
set to replace the current Constituency There are two types of council: village
LOCAL ELECTIONS: Councils Act 2012, to ensure that it and city councils. However, under the
there is no elected local government is in keeping with the government’s Constituency Councils Act 2012, all
national plans and policies. The revised councils are referred to as constituency
bill will address issues relating to the councils. Each council has no less than
(appointed 2016/17):
institutional, financial and legislative nine and no more than 15 appointed
frameworks of local authorities. The members, including either a mayor or
LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE aim is to encourage and promote a chairperson, and decisions are made by
as a percentage of total government greater level of public participation and the council membership.
expenditure 2015/16: involvement in the affairs of the nation
2.0% and its development.


4. ELECTIONS Table 35.1a  Distribution of councils and population

4.1  Recent local elections Upper-tier Second-tier Population Population %
4.2  Voting system Quarter (unitary) quarter authority (2010 Census) (2015 est.) rural
4.3  Elected representatives
Castries Castries City 40,666 na na
There has been no elected local
government in Saint Lucia since the last Castries South-East 14,516 na na
elections in 1979.
Anse la Raye/Canaries – – 11,858 na na

4.4  Women’s representation Bobonneau – – 12,723 na na

There has been a small increase in the Soufrière/Fond St Jacques – – 8,472 na na

number of appointed women councillors
from 60/136 (44.1%) in 2015/16 to 62/137 Choiseul/Saltibus – – 6,098 na na
(45.3%) in 2016/17. The number of women
Laborie – – 6,701 na na
mayors has stayed the same at two out
of four (50%); however, there has been Vieux Fort North – – 6,982 na na
a decrease in the number in female
chairpersons from 5/11 (45.5%) in 2015/16 Vieux Fort South – – 7,326 na na
to 4/11 (36.4%) in 2016/17) – see Table 35.1b.
Micoud North – – 8,691 na na

5.  SYSTEMS FOR Micoud South – – 6,982 na na

5.1  Legal requirement Dennery North – – 7,697 na na

The Constituency Councils Act 2012 makes Dennery South – – 4,920 na na

provision for community involvement in
local authority decision-making. Gros-Islet – – 22,493 na na

TOTAL 1 1 165,595 183,600 na

5.2  ICT use in citizen engagement
Source: Department for Local Government correspondence with CLGF
No information available
Local Government and Community community initiatives. Finance officers
6.  ORGANISED LOCAL GOVERNMENT Empowerment ensures that good are also appointed to carry out reviews
There is no organised local government relations are maintained between the and to ensure adherence to financial
in Saint Lucia. various governmental agencies and civil regulations.
society organisations.


8.  MONITORING SYSTEMS The Ministry of Finance is responsible
Local authorities have been encouraged
to participate in the development National government provides for collecting local taxes, while the local
process through links with civil society institutional support and monitoring to councils collect user fees. The main
organisations. In the absence of a local government authorities through sources of revenue are: trade, hawkers’
local government association, the local government officers. These and vendors’ licences; property rental fees;
Ministry of Social Transformation, officers interact with and assist the market and cemetery dues; and dividends.
respective authorities in their various Castries Constituency Council revenue
earned for the financial year 2015/16
totalled approximately XC$12.9m,
Table 35.1b  Women councillors and mayors/chairpersons 2014–17 made up as follows: XC$5.8m locally
Election 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 raised revenue); XC$4.3m government
subvention; and XC$2.2m dividend
Councillors # % # % # % income. Total expenditure for the year
was approximately XC$11.1m, of which
Female councillors 61 44.5 60 44.1 62 45.3
XC$0.308m was capital expenditure
Male councillors 76 55.5 76 55.9 75 54.7
9.1  Local government expenditure
Total councillors 137 100.0 136 100.0 137 100.0 Total local government expenditure
as a percentage of total government
Mayors # % # % # %
expenditure 2015/16 was 2%, down from
Female mayors na na 2 50.0 2 50.0 2.5% in 2014/15.

Male mayors na na 2 50.0 2 50.0 9.2  Locally raised revenue

Total mayors na 100.0 4 100.0 4 100.0 The Constituency Councils Act 2012
makes provision for local government to
Chairpersons # % # % # % raise revenue but no clear guidelines are
established. The draft Local Authorities Bill
Female chairpersons na na 5 45.5 4 36.4 (2015) is intended to provide the legislative
framework to facilitate this change.
Male chairpersons na na 6 54.5 7 63.3
Total chairpersons na 100.0 11 100.0 11 100.0

Source: Department for Local Government correspondence with CLGF 187

Table 35.2a.  Income and expenditure for local government 2015/16 (in XC$m)) 10.3  Local government’s role in
2015/16 2015/16 achieving the UN Sustainable
Income XC$(m) Expenditure XC$(m) Development Goals (SDGs)
Local government provides a forum
Centre–local transfers 17 Administration na
to lobby for changes in policy and to
Castries Constituency Council 4 Staff na request supportive actions to promote
development. Local councils also work
Other constituency councils 13 Other administrative costs na with non-governmental bodies to
enhance economic and social wellbeing
Locally raised revenue .3 Services na in their communities through inclusion
and access to opportunity. Through
Property taxes na Operations and maintenance na
the CARILED project local government
Licences and fees na Other na authorities have been empowered to
exercise their powers and functions fully in
Other income na order to maximise economic growth and
social development of their communities.
TOTAL income 17.600 TOTAL Expenditure 17.133

Source: Department for Local Government correspondence with CLGF REFERENCES AND USEFUL WEBSITES
35.1a National government
In 2015/16 the national government DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY
35.1b Women in national parliaments.
allocated XCD$13,600,351 for the 10.1  Overview of local government
Inter-Parliamentary Union http://
operations and management of the service delivery responsibility
other 14 constituency councils. The The functions and responsibilities of
35.2a Constitution of Saint Lucia
Finance Administration Act 2005 local government have been transferred
governs the transfer payments made to centralised authorities. Many of
from national government to local 35.2b Constituency Councils Act
the services provided are carried out
councils. Local government authorities 2012
in tandem with other government
receive an allocation from national template/files/document_for_
agencies. To some extent services include:
government based on multiple sale/laws/3245/Act%201%20
maintenance of roads, pavements,
considerations, including the projected of%202012.pdf
footpaths and streets; cleaning and
revenue flows and budgetary priorities de-silting of drains, streets, pavements 35.2c National Housing and
of national government. Castries and rivers; maintenance of squares, Resettlement policy
Constituency Council receives an annual parks and open spaces; landscaping and
subvention of XCD$4m in addition to its beautification programmes; maintenance NHRPolicy.pdf
own locally raised revenue. Local councils of daycare services; maintenance 35.3a 2010 population census
also collect revenue on behalf of the of public buildings; environmental
government. The total revenue collected monitoring and development control; demographic/sources/
for 2015/2016 was XC$256,296. Local supervision of solid waste collection; census/2010_PHC/Saint_Lucia/
governments are not permitted to set assistance with planning and organising SL_Pre2010census_report.pdf
deficit budgets. national activities; management of 35.3b Ministry of Social Transformation,
cemeteries, playing fields and public Local Government and
9.4 Loans facilities; disaster preparedness; and Community Empowerment
No information avaliable. revenue collection.
35.4 Elections Commission
9.5  Local authority staff 10.2  ICT use in service delivery 35.5 No reference for this section
Local authority staff are recruited both National government has provided a 35.6 No reference for this section
centrally (higher grades) and locally. There framework to improve service delivery – 35.7 No reference for this section
are administrative clerks assigned to all such as intranets – but local governments 35.8 No reference for this section
councils except Castries Constituency have yet to develop their own individual 35.9 Based on the total budget
Council, which has a chief executive strategies within that framework to figure XCD$-1,050,069,200 and
officer (CEO) and a financial controller. improve local service delivery. the total expenditure of XCD$
The power to discipline remains with the 17,133,410 in the -2015/16 national
body responsible for recruitment. budget
Table 35.2b  Local government expenditure 35.10 No reference for this section
as a percentage of total government expenditure 2015–2016 35.11a UN statistics surface area
2015-16 demographic/products/dyb/
Total government expenditure 1,050,069.2 dyb2006/Table03.pdf
35.11b Commonwealth Local
Total local government expenditure 17,133.0 Government knowledge hub
Local govt expenditure as a % of total govt expenditure 1.6
Source: Figure 35.2a and the national budget statment 2015-1635.9 35.11c UNDP HDR Saint Lucia country


Annex 35.a  Summary of service provision in different spheres of government in Saint Lucia
Delivering authority

National Castries Quarter Castries City

Services government Quarter (upper tier) (lower tier) Remarks
Police n
Fire protection n
Civil protection n
Criminal justice n
Civil status register n
Statistical office n
Electoral register n
Pre-school (kindergarten and nursery) n n
Primary n
Secondary n
Vocational and technical n
Higher education n
Adult education
Family welfare services n
Welfare homes n
Social security n
Primary care n n n n
Hospitals n
Health protection n
Housing n
Town planning n
Regional planning n
Roads n n
Transport n
Urban roads n n n
Urban rail
Ports n
Airports n
Water and sanitation n n n n
Refuse collection and disposal n n n n
Cemeteries and crematoria n n
Environmental protection n n
Consumer protection n
Theatres and concerts
Museums and libraries n
Parks and open spaces n n n
Sports and leisure facilities n
Religious facilities
Gas services
District heating
Water supply n n n n
Electricity n
Agriculture, forests and fisheries n
Local economic development/promotion n n n
Trade and industry n
Tourism n n n n

n sole responsibility service n joint responsibility service n discretionary service 189

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