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How Do Students Perceive The Difficulty of Physics in Secondary School

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

How Do Students Perceive the Difficulty of Physics in Secondary School?

An Exploratory Study in Nigeria
Stella Y. Erinosho
Olabisi Onabanjo University

This is generating concerns among science educators,
and researchers are increasingly exploring why
This study aimed at identifying the areas of students avoid the subject.
physics that students considered as posing difficulty The literature is replete with studies suggesting
and what account for this difficulty. A questionnaire that students generally regard physics as conceptually
was administered to 830 (306 females and 524 difficult, abstract, uninteresting, and “elite discipline
males) final year students in science class and 52 only suitable for exceptionally talented and gifted
physics teachers purposively drawn from secondary pupils” [1-5]. Compared with other science subjects,
schools in Ogun and Lagos States, Nigeria. The students like physics less than chemistry and biology
findings show three major sources of difficulty in [2, 4, 6,]. In a survey of why secondary school
learning physics as related: nature of subject, students in the United Kingdom are not interested in
teaching/teacher factors and curriculum/assessment.. studying physics, the main reason offered by students
Students were found to have difficulty understanding is that they perceive physics to be a difficult/hard
specific topics in the curriculum that are usually subject [3] and have lower expectations of their
characterized as lacking concrete examples and ability to accomplish physics tasks [5,6]. Moreover,
requiring a lot of mathematical manipulations or it was observed that “students enter secondary
visualization. Many also found difficult the tasks of schooling with an equal liking for biology and
solving problems alone and asking questions in class. physics, but over the period of secondary schooling,
The findings have implications for designing whereas their liking for biology remains reasonably
interventions and identifying pedagogical techniques stable, their liking for physics declines…they
that help students overcome the underlying sources of perceive biology as interesting, physics as boring”
difficulty that impede quality learning. [2]. In Nigeria, the evidence of low enrolment and
massive failure in public examinations (Secondary
1. Introduction School Certificate Examination (SSCE) and National
Examinations Council NECO) in physics is
Physics is basic for understanding the indicative that many students have difficulty learning
complexities of modern technology, and essential for the subject. Consistently for five years, on the
technological advancement of a nation. This aspect of average, less than 30% of the total students registered
science is making significant contribution to many of for senior secondary school certificate examination
the inventions that are shaping modern day, and has (SSSCE) entered for physics. More disturbing is the
helped to explain many of the events being low level of performance of students; on the average,
encountered in everyday life. Despite its importance, slightly over 30% of the students who sat for Physics
physics remains the least favored science subject passed at the credit level compared to well over 40%
among students generally. Compared to other science in biology and chemistry.
subjects, only a few students choose to study physics Students’ difficulty in physics has been
at O-level and, subsequently, at higher degrees. In attributed to various factors. In a study in USA, for
Nigeria universities for example, physics departments example, three categories of factors were identified:
and Teacher Education in physics continue to witness factors “related to the students that they are capable
paucity of students, which is the reason there is of controlling, factors related to the course and
serious shortage of physics teachers in secondary factors inherent in the nature of physics” [7]. In an
schools. More often than not, physics is taught by investigation among physics teachers and students in
teachers who specialize in science other than physics. Singapore, teachers were found to hold the view that

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

students are prejudiced that physics is difficult difficult science subject, it is important to explore the
whereas students are of the view that the subject is underlying difficulties that might impede quality
too abstract to understand [8]. Besides, students have learning in the subject in the context of Nigeria
been found to have difficulty with the nature of the school environment. When teachers recognize these
subject requiring special skills in navigating the difficulties, it helps them to choose appropriate and
variety of learning tasks like using efficient teaching methods and techniques. For the
equations/formulas, problem solving, purpose of improvement of learning outcomes in
theoretical/conceptual understanding, spatial Nigeria, this study is therefore aimed at providing
reasoning, and experimentation [7,8, 9]. Students’ insight into the aspects of physics that students
learning difficulty is associated with the fact they consider as posing difficulty in secondary school
have to contend with many representations - such as physics, and the underlying reasons for the difficulty
experiments, formulas and calculations, graphs, as it affects their learning.
words, conceptual explanations - at the same time,
and they have to make transformations among them 2. Method
[10]. As intoned by Reddish [10], “Physics as a
discipline requires learners to employ a variety of The sample comprised 830 (306 females and 524
methods of understanding… the ability to use algebra males) final year students in science class and 52
and geometry and to go from the specific to the physics teachers purposively drawn from schools in
general and back. This makes learning physics Ogun and Lagos State, Nigeria. The choice of final
particularly difficult for many students”. Specifically year students was based on the reason that after at
in Nigeria, some of the reasons adduced for poor least two years of studying the science subjects, they
learning in physics include students’ poor attitude would be able to compare experiences across the
towards physics, lack of motivation, poorly resourced subjects and form an opinion about physics.
teaching and learning environment, poor Students’ views were gathered using a short
mathematical ability and poor teaching method questionnaire that contained both open and closed-
[11,12, 13]. form items on which students indicated their views
Educators agree that students learn best what about the difficulty of physics as a school subject.
they find understandable. Also, students’ perceptions Students were asked to indicate whether or not they
about a subject influence their understanding and find physics difficult to study, what constitute their
learning of that subject [14,15), and continuing study difficulty and what specific aspects of the subject
of the subject [3,4]. This is suggestive that a major they find difficult to understand. Specifically,
reason underpinning students’ participation in a students were asked to indicate whether they will like
learning task is their perception of it as to study physics as major subject after school. Also,
interesting/boring, or easy/difficult, or students were asked to list any five topics that they
relevant/abstract. There is evidence that students who have found most difficult (and yet to be understood)
find a subject interesting tend to choose it for further in the school syllabus. The opinions of the teachers
study [3, 4, 5]. Thus, for those students who perceive were also gathered on the topics that they think
physics as difficult, studying it might just be routine present the most difficulty for students and which
and there is less likelihood that the knowledge will be usually require extra effort to get them to understand.
beneficially utilized, not to mention continuing study. A closed-form item listing a variety of learning tasks
This has serious implications for building a pool of in physics was also presented for students to indicate
physicists that are required for shaping technological their view on liking to do it or finding it difficult.
development, and in particular, physics teachers that Finally, the teachers also indicated what they
would help to build foundation for the subject in considered to make the subject difficult for students.
Most studies in Nigeria have focused on
students’ problems in physics in relation to their
3. Results
attitude, misconceptions and interest. Others have
Close to half of the students (47%) consider
analyzed classroom instructional environment,
physics interesting, and a majority (69%) would not
interactions and teacher quality to evaluate student
drop it if given a choice for a number of reasons. The
learning. However, for the mere fact that physics has
most frequently cited reasons are that physics is
been severally labeled as the most conceptually

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

compulsory for science option (54%) or needed for from the teacher. They also do not enjoy doing
future career program (62%) or good performance calculations or asking question in class whereas they
(42%) or enjoying it (34%). Just a few indicated like to read physics textbooks, do practical, attend
reasons of personal interest (26%) and external classes and solve problems with their mates.
(parental, teacher, peer) influence (19%). However,
about 58% consider physics a difficult subject and a
disappointingly low proportion (18%) would like to Table 1. Predominant reasons for students finding
major in physics after school. Of those who consider physics difficult
it difficult, 47% and 53% were among male and
female respectively. The distributions of responses
between genders are not significantly different (p > Category of reason % responses
0.05, χ2 test). The predominant aspects of physics Nature of subject:
learning that the students consider difficult (Table 1)
are categorized into three: nature of subject, Too many formulae/laws/content
teaching/teacher factors and curriculum/assessment. to memorize 35
The most frequently cited reasons are related to
nature of the subject, including: too many Theoretical 43
calculations (47%), problems not easy to solve
Problems not easy to solve 45
(45%), and too much hard/difficult content to recall
(46%). Quite a substantial proportion expressed Too much hard/difficult
difficulty in constructing meanings of the content formulae/laws/concepts/contents 46
when taught (56%). Table 2 highlights the
predominant views that the teachers hold on the Content not easily understood 41
underlying reasons for students’ difficulty. Their
views are mainly student-centred: mindset/attitude Too many calculations 47
that the subject is difficult (57%), weak mathematical
Physics not enjoyable 27
skills required for solving problems (56%), erroneous
interpretation and answering of examination Teaching/teacher:
questions (53%). Of note is that whereas the teachers
identified reasons that are mainly related to the Constructing meanings of
students, the students’ views are more about the taught concepts 42
nature of the subject and teaching process. For
instance, the teachers hold the view that competency Too little practical work 39
in mathematics is a major impediment for students’
competence in physics whereas the students do not Teacher not helpful/friendly 22
give this serious consideration. Of note also is that
the students considered examination questions Worked examples simpler
than class exercises 37
difficult (36%) whereas the teachers are of the view
that the students’ interpretation of questions is faulty. Curriculum/assessment:
The predominant difficult topics, indicated by at
least 20% of the teachers, were pooled and used to Textbooks not easy to follow 19
analyze the students’ responses. The percent of
students’ vis-à-vis teachers indicating each of the Examination questions hard 36
topics are shown in figure 1. The five highest listed
topics that were considered difficult are: 1) energy Syllabus too wide 23
quantization 2) AC circuit 3) electromagnetic field,
4) projectile, and 5) electric field. Figure 2 shows the Percentages total more than 100 because individual
students offered more than one reason. Data are given as a
students’ views of specific learning tasks in physics.
percentage of those thinking that physics is difficult
The predominant tasks that the students consider
difficult doing are 1) solving problems alone 2)
taking tests and examinations 3) asking questions in
class, 4) doing calculations, and 5) asking for help

Copyright © 2013, Infonomics Society 1512

International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

Table 2. Teachers’ views on why students find physics Answering questions in…
Tests and examinations
Category of reason % responses Doing practicals Find difficult
Doing Calculations
Find easy
Interpreting/answering questions 53 Reading physics texbooks

Mathematical skill for solving Asking teacher for help Do not enjoy
Problems 56 doing
Asking questions in class
Like to do
Exposure to practical work 45 Solving problems with…

Solving problems alone

Seriousness/concentration in class 38
0 20 40 60 80
Reading habit 31
Figure 2. Pooled frequency (%) of students’ views of
Use of textbook 37 learning tasks in physics

Mindset/attitude 57
4. Discussion
Learning environment 38
The findings indicate that many students would
Foundation 32
continue studying physics primarily because they
Parental support 28 find it useful for their future programmes, although
only a few consider it a future major subject of study.
This is an eye opener to a serious problem that
requires urgent attention as students merely consider
physics a ‘service subject’. It is important therefore,
to find out what makes physics a less worthwhile
subject to study, and the point during schooling that
students develop such impression. Low interest to
continue to study physics is of concern because it has
adverse effect on the contribution of the future
generation to shaping the development of the nation.
Of note is the finding that students consider physics
interesting, though difficult. This outcome is
consistent with results of other studies [2, 3]. For
instance, the students indicated difficulty in solving
problems, doing calculations and constructing
meanings of taught concepts. The implication of not
having conceptual understanding results in
regurgitation, superficial learning and intuitive
application of principles. Educators agree that
students learn best what interests them, and
meaningful content is better learned and retained than
less meaningful content [15,16]. Therefore, for
enhanced interest and learning in physics, students
should be supported with instructional strategies that
Figure 1. Pooled frequency (%) of difficult physics foster assimilation of learning materials rather than
topics indicated by teachers and students memorization. By providing concrete experiences in
physics lessons, students would associate meanings
to learning material and thereby achieve better
understanding and retention of information. Even the

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

supposedly abstract concepts would be better the creation of electric and magnetic fields [18].
understood after a foundation of concrete and Students are also found to have difficulty
relevant information has been established. conceptualizing the wave-particle duality nature of
Furthermore, studies have shown that students learn photons [17]. Also, students are reported to
physics better when qualitative understanding of experience difficult in relating the principles of
underlying principles is established before probabilities and uncertainties in quantum physics
introducing quantitative aspects as this takes them [19]. According to Çalışkan et al [19] “the difficulty
beyond routine application of formulae and of learning quantum physics is primarily due to the
equations. fact that the students having been brought up in the
Whereas the students tend to associate their tradition of classical physics, the fundamental
difficulty with the difficult nature of physics concepts of which are determinism and causality,
problems, many of the teachers consider that find it difficult to adjust to those principles of
inadequate mathematics competency of students is a quantum physics i.e., uncertainty,,probability, etc”.
major hindrance to their competency in physics. The Furthermore, just as the students in the present study
literature also underlined the importance of indicated difficulty with projectile motion, secondary
competency in mathematics for physics [7, 8,9]. A school students (and even teachers) in Australia were
previous study in Nigeria had also found that many also found to experience cognitive conflicts in
students perform algorithmic or mathematical grasping the underlying principle of horizontal and
manipulation by rote memorization of formulae, vertical motion simultaneously in projectile motion
without having a basic understanding of specific [20].
concepts and are therefore unable to construct From the responses of a few sample students that
meanings from the problem statement [12]. were interviewed to identify the underlying reason
Therefore, instructional process in physics should for the difficulty of the topics, the predominant
include appropriate remedial activities that help reasons indicated are teacher-bound – poor
students fill in the gaps in their problem-solving and instruction, lack of practical illustrations, inadequate
mathematical skills. Students are found to enjoy coverage etc. Many students claimed that compared
physics if they know how to plan and implement the with other topics, their teacher appeared less
strategies of solution to questions. confident in the explanations or glossed over the
One significant revelation from this study that topics or avoided the topics completely. As many of
requires attention is that the students are experiencing the teachers of physics in secondary schools are not
difficulty in understanding some topics. Apparently, specialist physics teachers, it is not unlikely that they
the mostly cited difficult topics for the students (fig. lack deep understanding of those topics, or the
1) are topics that are usually characterized as abstract, pedagogical knowledge required for teaching the
loaded with symbolic representations, lacking topics meaningfully and connecting it to society to
concrete examples and requiring a lot of stimulate the interest of students to want to continue
mathematical manipulations, visualization or studying the subject. The challenge for physics
conceptualization. Previous studies have also shown educators in Nigeria is to support teachers, through
that these topics are perceived difficult by students research and workshops, with sound pedagogical
either because of the complexities of the underlying content knowledge that make for understanding of
principles or because of students’ misconceptions the topics that are labeled as difficult so as to reduce
that tend to create cognitive conflicts during learning. learning frustrations among students.
For example, the topic of waves is one that many
high school physics students in the UK reportedly 5. Conclusion
found difficult to understand [17]) - “students are
unable to interpret common interpretations of sound Although this study is limited in terms of sample
waves, are unable to account for the underlying wave size, nonetheless, it has revealed the students’
model of sound, or have no coherent model of the perception of physics as difficult subject which could
physics”. Other studies [16, 17, 18] show that be a reason that students develop declining interest in
electromagnetic waves is considered the most physics over the course of their secondary schooling.
difficult by high school graduates and physics It is important therefore to alter the present image of
teachers in Turkey, the reason being that the students physics and raise the standard of learning the subject
are not capable of grasping the relationship between by providing students with positive experiences in

Copyright © 2013, Infonomics Society 1514

International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013

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