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VAM® Book Casing Torque Turn Specs

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The document discusses equipment and calibration requirements for accurately measuring and recording torque and turns during threaded connection makeup.

An electronic load cell connected to a computer is required to measure torque, and an electronic turn counter capable of recording a minimum of 500 positions per turn is required to measure turns.

Torque and turn measurement equipment must be calibrated at least annually to ensure accuracy within specified tolerances, and out of tolerance equipment may require re-evaluation of previous makeup graphs.

2 Measuring and recording equipment

In the VAM® Family of connections only BIG OMEGA ® has a visual indicator
(make-up triangle) as an indication the make-up is completed. In all other
cases the connection must be made-up to the correct torque value and the
torque increase to this value must be within the correct parameters.
In the past, and with API Buttress and DINO VAM®, it was sufficient to use
only a dial gauge to check this build up in torque and the skill of the tong
operator to determine if the make-up is within parameters.
With new technology, more complex connections, and more demanding
performances it is required that the torque is plotted on a graph and that a
record of this plot is kept for the lifetime of the well. The graph can be
produced on paper but is now more likely to be displayed on a computer
screen and an electronic copy held. Records shall remain legible,
identifiable, and readily retrievable.
Different connections have a different graph profile and this is known as the
signature of the connection. The machining tolerances of the connections,
the thread compound and other factors can affect this signature. The

Pipe Preparation and Running Equipment

signature is produced by displaying torque on the vertical axis and turns on
the horizontal axis. Both axis must have a linear scale. Only the last 1 to 2
turns require to be shown as the torque increases to the final make-up.
Often turns are substituted by time on the horizontal axis but this does not
give such a true signature and is not acceptable. To measure torque a load
cell is required. The load cell must be electronic and connected to a
computer to display the make-up graph. A hydraulic load cell and dial gauge
display can be useful to verify the electronic reading.
Both the load cell and turns counter must be calibrated at a frequency to
ensure that it is always working within the tolerances listed below. The
calibration certificate must show pre and post adjustment values across the
useable range of the sensors as evidence that the proposed frequency is
sufficient to keep the make-up unit in control.
As a minimum the calibration shall be done annually as long as there is
sufficient historical evidence to show the make-up unit does not vary beyond
the accepted tolerances.
Minimum torque measurement accuracy:
- torque values ≤ 3,120 N.m. (2,300 ± 5%
- torque values between 3,120 and 7,800 N.m.
(2,300 and 5,750 ± 156 N.m. (115
- torque values ≥ 7,800 N.m. (5,750 ± 2%
To measure turns a turn counter is required. The turn counter must be
capable of recording a minimum of 500 positions per turn. This too must be
subject to calibration with an accuracy or ± 2%

November 2017 This document and the information herein contained belongs to Vallourec Oil and Gas France. Considering the valuable nature
of this document and all information it may contain, this document (and the information contained herein) may not be
reproduced, unless otherwise approved in writing by a representative of Vallourec Oil and Gas France.
If torque or turns sensors are found to be outside the tolerances during the
pre adjustment check the make-up company will be required to contact all
clients that have had VAM® make-ups performed since the last good
calibration was performed in order that the risks can be correctly assessed.
The make-up graph produced shall have the following features:
➪ Sufficient resolution to accurately display the signature (profile). A display
screen of >10" (25 cm) is required with the make-up graph filling at least
30% of the area of the screen. The screen resolution must be at least
800x600 pixels.












© Vallourec Oil and Gas France



Pipe Preparation and Running Equipment


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➪ Display of minimum and maximum torque values as horizontal lines

(optimum torque value optional)
➪ Display of minimum and maximum shoulder torque values as horizontal
➪ Automatic or operator forced detection of the shoulder point value
➪ Numerical display of final torque, shoulder torque and delta turns (turns
from shoulder to final torque)
Calculation and display of the shoulder slope factor (preferred)
➪ Display of rig tally number on every make-up
➪ Display or date and time of make-up
➪ Ability to have manual comment added
➪ Display of customer, well #, pipe size, weight, grade, thread type and full
description of make-up compound and manufacturer in the job report
It is highly recommended for the make-up display equipment to have the
ability to overlay the most recent make-up graph on top of the previous
make-ups graphs as shown below. This is sometimes known as shadowing.
By doing this any unusual profiles can be easily identified and questioned.
To do this the make-up graphs must have the shoulder point or the final
torque plotted on the same datum line on the turn axis.

30 This document and the information herein contained belongs to Vallourec Oil and Gas France. Considering the valuable nature
of this document and all information it may contain, this document (and the information contained herein) may not be
November 2017
reproduced, unless otherwise approved in writing by a representative of Vallourec Oil and Gas France.

Courtesy of Odjfell
An alternative method is to show the minimum and maximum graphs from
previous accepted make-ups as shown below by the dark red area..

Courtesy of Weatherford

Pipe Preparation and Running Equipment

It is highly recommended for the make-up display equipment to have the
ability to show timelines or trend lines of the make-up parameters for the full
job as shown below.
Courtesy of Weatherford

It is highly recommended for the make-up equipment to have the ability to

output the date, time and make-up values and comments to a spreadsheet
for post job review and archive..

November 2017 This document and the information herein contained belongs to Vallourec Oil and Gas France. Considering the valuable nature
of this document and all information it may contain, this document (and the information contained herein) may not be
reproduced, unless otherwise approved in writing by a representative of Vallourec Oil and Gas France.

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