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Grade 3 Science Weather Practice Answers

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Name Date Chapter

Test A

Changes in Weather
Write the word or words that best complete each sentence
in the spaces below. Words may be used only once.

atmosphere hurricane sphere weather

axis precipitation tornado
clouds season water cycle

1. Water that falls to the ground from the

atmosphere is called precipitation .

2. What the air is like at a certain time and place is

the weather .

3. The layers of gases and tiny bits of dust that

surround Earth are called the atmosphere .

4. The path water takes between Earth’s surface and

the atmosphere is called the water cycle .

5. Earth is shaped like a ball called a(n) sphere .

6. A(n) hurricane is a storm with strong

winds and heavy rains that forms over the ocean.

7. Cirrus, cumulus, and stratus are all types of clouds .

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8. Winter is the coldest season of the year.

9. Earth spins on its axis .

10. A(n) tornado is a powerful storm that

forms over land.

Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Chapter 7

Chapter Name Date
Test A

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

11. All of the following are 13. Which is the warmest
examples of precipitation season of the year?
except A winter
A hail. B spring
B rain. C summer
C lightning. D fall
D snow.
14. What powers the water
12. What is the term used for cycle?
the weight of air pushing A the Sun
down on Earth?
B the Moon
A temperature C Earth’s rotation
B air pressure D wind speed
C humidity
D wind 15. A storm that buries cars
and buildings in snow is a
A blizzard.
B hurricane.
C tornado.
D flood.
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Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Chapter 7

82 Assessment
Name Date Lesson 1

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. What is the measure of 3. What is a tool for
how hot or how cold measuring wind speed
something is? called?
A boiling point A barometer
B air pressure B weather vane
C thermometer C thermometer
D temperature D anemometer

2. What is the freezing point 4. Which of the following

of water? is not a form of
A 12°F
B 10°F A snow
C 32°F B sleet
D 0°F C hail
D wind

Critical Thinking Study the chart below. Which city

might be best for building a snowman? Why?

Average Average Yearly

City Temperature
in January
Albany, NY 22.2°F 38.6 inches
Austin, TX 50.2°F 33.65 inches
Denver, CO 26.1°F 8.99 inches
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Reno, NV 33.6°F 7.48 inches

Albany might be the best because its average temperature

is below freezing in January and gets the most precipitation.

Denver’s average is also below freezing, but it gets less

Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Lesson 1
Assessment Weather
Lesson 2 Name Date

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. Stratus clouds that form 3. What is condensation?
near the ground are called A a type of cloud
A steam. B changing of a gas
B water vapor. to a liquid
C fog. C the path water takes
D cumulus clouds. D changing of a liquid
to a gas
2. What is water vapor?
4. What is another name for
A water in its gaseous
white, puffy clouds with
flat bottoms?
B heated water
C water in its liquid form A stratus clouds
D cooled water B fog
C cirrus clouds
D cumulus clouds

Critical Thinking What role does condensation

play in the water cycle, and how is this role
Condensation causes clouds to form when water droplets collect

on dust. Without clouds, rain would not fall and Earth would run

out of water, ending the water cycle.

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Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Lesson 2

86 Assessment The Water Cycle
Name Date Lesson 3

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. The pattern of weather 3. Which describes climate?
at a certain place over a A temperature and
period of time is called its precipitation
A temperature. B precipitation and
B climate. seasons
C precipitation. C seasons and
D seasons. temperature
D snow and sun
2. What happens to places
on Earth where the Sun’s 4. Which city is most likely to
rays strike at an angle? be the coldest?
A They are rainy. City Elevation
B They are dry. Austin, TX 501 feet
C They are warmer.
Billings, MT 3,124 feet
D They are cooler.
Cheyenne, WY 6,067 feet
New Orleans, LA 11 feet

A Austin, TX
B Billings, MT
C Cheyenne, WY
D New Orleans, LA

Critical Thinking Imagine you are traveling east

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from the Pacific Ocean and you have just crossed

over a mountain range. What do you think the
climate will be like on the eastern side of the
mountains? Why?
The climate will be dry, because the mountains will block the

moist ocean air and rain clouds.

Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Lesson 3

Assessment Climate and Seasons
Chapter Name Date
Test B

Changes in Weather
Write the word or words that best complete each sentence
in the spaces below. Words may be used only once.

atmosphere hurricane sphere weather

blizzard precipitation tornado
cloud seasons water cycle

1. A(n) cloud is a collection of tiny water

drops or ice crystals in the air.

2. Snow, sleet, and rain are examples of precipitation .

3. A(n) sphere has a ball-like shape.

4. The air temperature is one characteristic of weather .

5. Water moves from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere

and back again in a process called the water cycle .

6. Times of the year with different weather patterns

are seasons .

7. A(n) blizzard is a long, severe snowstorm.

8. The air that surrounds Earth is part of the atmosphere .

9. A funnel cloud is a distinct characteristic of a(n)

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10. When a(n) hurricane moves from the

ocean onto land, its strong winds and heavy rains
can cause severe damage.

Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Chapter 7

88 Assessment
Name Date Chapter
Test B

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

11. Where do hurricanes form? 14. Which of the following
affects climate?
A over land
B over mountains A sand and rocks
C over oceans B windsocks and air
D over lakes C weather vanes and
12. Which of these tools D oceans and mountains
measures air pressure?
15. A powerful storm that
A an anemometer
forms over land and looks
B a rain guage
like a funnel is a
C a weather vane
A hurricane.
D a barometer
B twister.
13. What is precipitation? C tornado.
D blizzard.
A a collection of tiny water
drops seen in the air
B water that falls to
the ground from the
C layers of gases and dust
that surround Earth
D the measurement of how
hot or cold something is
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Chapter 7 • Changes in Weather Use with Chapter 7


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