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Primary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Case Report

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Case Report

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Case Report

Shekhar Bhattacharjee1, Swapna Bhattacharjee1


Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease which usually presents with
shortness of breath. We report a case of a female patient who presented with dyspnoea. We
diagnosed her as a case of PPH on the basis of detailed history, careful physical examination
and common investigations like electrocardiogram (ECG), chest radiography and Doppler
Key words: Pulmonary hypertension, Primary
J Enam Med Col 2011; 1(2): 81-84

Primary pulmonary hypertension currently known as sound (P2) with pulmonary regurgitation (PR),
Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (IPAH) tricuspid regurgitation (TR), with unremarkable
is a rare disease with an incidence of about 2–3 per chest findings. Although more definitive tests
million per year and a prevalence of 15 per million. including cardiac catheterisation could not be done
Adult females are almost three times more likely to due to limited facilities and financial constraints but
present with IPAH than adult males.1 detailed history, careful examination, chest radio-
graphy, ECG and Doppler echocardiography strongly
Pulmonary circulation has an extensive surface area suggest the case as PPH. The objective of reporting
of about 50–70 m2 at rest. It is normally a high flow, the case is to create awareness of this life threatening
low pressure and low resistance system which can condition so that PPH is considered when usual
accommodate marked increase in cardiac output causes for common symptoms like shortness of
without any significant increase in pressure. breath are clinically excluded.
However, with abnormal pulmonary vasculature,
pressure rise can approach up to systemic levels.
Case Report
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined as mean A35-year-old, nonsmoker, nondiabetic, normotensive
pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) of >25 mm Hg at lady presented to us with shortness of breath and
rest and >30 mm Hg during exercise 2 and pulmonary palpitation for one year in May 2011. She also com-
arterial hypertension (PAH) is diagnosed when plained of compressive chest pain on exertion, but no
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) or left cough, wheeze, sputum, haemoptysis or leg swelling.
atrial pressure is <15 mm Hg in presence of PH.3 We She had no remarkable drug history. She had no
report a patient who had all features of severe PH history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
including exertional dyspnoea, right ventricular infection, chronic liver disease (CLD), deep vein
heave, loud pulmonary component of second heart thrombosis or connective tissue disease. She lives on

1. Professor, Department of Medicine, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka
Correspondence Shekhar Bhattacharjee, Email:

J Enam Med Col Vol 1 No 2 July 2011

plain land, has normal sleep-pattern and did not severe PH. Left ventricular cavity was reduced with
suffer from rheumatic fever or bronchial asthma. normal wall thickness and wall motion with ejection
fraction 55%. There was no pericardial effusion, no
She is a housewife of a lower-middle class family vegetation or thrombus. Doppler study showed grade
having two children. She never worked in or lived II tricuspid regurgitation and grade 1 pulmonary
near any industry and was not exposed to any regurgitaion. Pulmonary artery systolic pressure was
noxious substance known to cause interstitial lung 85 mm Hg and diastolic pressure 30 mm Hg.
disease (ILD). Her family history in this regard was
unremarkable. Specialized tests including ventilation perfusion scan
(V/Q scan), cardiac catheterisation, sleep study could
On physical examination, she was neither cyanosed not be done due to limited resources. After initial
nor clubbed, but breathless at rest with respiratory assessment she was given furosemide and sildenafil
rate 24 breaths/min, pulse rate 96 beats/min in and was advised to avoid hot bath, exertion, extra
regular rhythm, blood pressure (BP) 120/70 mm Hg. salt, and pregnancy. She remained stable for about six
Her skin condition and joints were found normal and months before being lost from our follow-up.
there were no stigmata of chronic liver disease or any
pedal oedema.
Her jugular venous pressure (JVP) was not raised,
but there was left parasternal heave. Her first heart
sound was normal, but P2 was very loud in
pulmonary area and there was early diastolic murmur
along left sternal border and a systolic murmur in
tricuspid area. There was no other murmur.
Respiratory examination was unremarkable with
normal vesicular breath sound with normal expiratory
phase, no rhonchi or wheeze and there was no
crepitation over lung bases. Abdominal, musculo-
skeletal and other systemic examinations revealed no
Fig 1. Chest radiograph showing cardiomegaly
Complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, renal and
liver function tests (LFT) were normal, rheumatoid
factor and antinuclear antibody (ANA) were negative.
Chest radiography (Fig 1) revealed cardiomegaly,
prominent pulmonary arteries and oligaemic lung
fields. ECG (Fig 2) showed normal sinus rhythm,
right axis deviation, right atrial enlargement and right
ventricular hypertrophy. Spirometry done with
difficulty showed Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) 2.89 L
(68% of predicted value), Forced Vital Capacity in 1
second (FEV1) 2.08 L (69% of predicted value), Fig 2. Electrocardoigram
FEV1/FVC 71.9% and no bronchodilator reversibility.
Transthoracic Doppler echocardiogram showed PAH is diagnosed when PAP is >25 mm Hg at rest
dilated right atrium and right ventricle. Interatrial and and >30mm Hg during exercise with PCWP < 15 mm
interventricular septa were intact with no patent Hg. The term ‘Primary pulmonary hypertension’ was
ductus arteriosus flow. Mitral and aortic valves were first used in 1951 to describe the clinical feature and
normal. Pulmonary valve motion was suggestive of haemodynamic abnormality of 39 patients.4

J Enam Med Col Vol 1 No 2 July 2011

Although traditionally, PH was divided into primary and heavy exertion, hot bath should be avoided.
secondary types, the third world conference on PH in 2003 Smoking and excess salt should be forbidden.
classified PH into five major categories with further
subdivisions depending on pathogenesis.5 Recommendation for women of child
bearing age
Patients with PPH can present with varied cardiopulmonary Although successful pregnancy outcomes
symptoms similar to PH from other causes. Sometimes PH is have been reported in patients with PH, early
asymptomatic and may be diagnosed by incidental termination of pregnancy is recommended in
echocardiographic finding in early stage. view of high mortality of up to 50% .6,8
Clinical examination reveals features suggestive of RVH
and/or RVF. Careful examination helps to exclude congenital Immunization
or acquired heart disease as well as pulmonary pathology like Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination is
interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive lung disease etc. strongly recommended to prevent respiratory
ECG and chest radiography reveal features of RVH and PH
respectively. Echocardiography is helpful in confirming the Medical therapy
diagnosis of PH as well as excluding the cardiac lesions as Traditional therapy includes anticoagulation
the etiology of PH. Both systolic and diastolic pulmonary based on improved survival data from two
artery pressures can be estimated precisely by Doppler study. retrospective studies as well as evidence of
Pulmonary function test is done to evaluate possible microscopic in situ thrombosis.9 Diuretics
obstructive or restrictive lung disease. V/Q scan is are used for RVF, but their effects on
recommended to evaluate chronic pulmonary thromboem- mortality in PAH are not known.10,11
bolisn though pulmonary angiography is the definitive test in Digoxin is used in RVF with atrial fibrillation
this regard. Full sleep study is helpful to exclude patients but has not been studied extensively in PH
having sleep apnoea. Cardiac catheterisation is required in patients.10,12 Oxygen supplementation is
most patients with PAH to confirm the diagnosis, assess its recommended in patient who is hypoxic
severity, guide medical therapy and provide prognostic (PaO2<55 or SaO2 <80% at rest).10,13
information. Diagnosis of PAH requires the presence of PH
Pulmonary vasodilator therapies include long
with two other conditions – pulmonary capillary wedge
term use of calcium channel blocker which
pressure must be less than 15 mmHg and pulmonary
has shown good result in only 5% patients
vascular resistance must be greater than 3 wood units and
with positive vasodilator response.14 Prosta-
these measurements can only be done by right sided Swan-
noids, eg, epoprostenol have short half lives
Ganz catheter. All haemodynamic data are obtained at and are used only for severely ill patients.3,6,15
baseline as well as after giving a short acting pulmonary
vasodilator, eg, nitric oxide. A positive vasodilator response Endothelin receptor antagonists, eg, bosentan
is defined as a decrease of at least 10 mmHg mean PAP with prevent endothelial proliferation and vaso-
no change in cardiac output and no fall in BP. This group of constriction and have been approved by
patients are candidates for calcium channel blocker.3,6,7 FDA.16 Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, eg,
sildenafil which prevent degradation of cyclic
guanosine monophosphate (GMP), have
Management recently been approved for PAH by US
Treatment of PH secondary to other causes focuses on the FDA.17
treatment of underlying disease. Management of PPH can be
discussed under the following headings: Interventional and surgical therapy
Atrial septostomy involves creating shunt
Life style change
between right and left atria to decompress the
Hypoxia is a potent pulmonary vasoconstrictor leading to failing right heart and is largely seen as a
increase in afterload worsening PH, so all activities, eg, bridge to lung transplant.18 Lung transplan-

J Enam Med Col Vol 1 No 2 July 2011

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