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Lab Report First Law of Thermodynamics

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EML 211/2 –
Title: First Law of Thermodynamics


Group: B03 Matrix No: 137849

Demonstrator: Mr. Mohd Zalmi Yop

Lecturer: Dr. Yu Kok Hwa

Date of Experiment: 29/10/2018 Date of Submission:


Signature: ...........................................................

Grader’s Comments :




Objective : It is to determine the rate of heat transferred and performance of a kettle.

1. Kettle (2 liter kettle without automatic switch)
2. One thermocouple with temperature reader
3. Weighing scale (capacity 2 kg with resolution 0.001kg)
4. Timer
5. Clamp meter (watt meter)


The First Law of Thermodynamic is a version of the law of conservation of energy,

adapted for thermodynamic system. The law of conservation energy states that energy of an
isolated system is constant, energy can be transform form on form to another but cannot be
created or destroyed.

Corollary of The First Law, ∮

From the First Law of Thermodynamics that is based on the conservation of energy
and also net heat equals net work in a cycle, there are several corollaries that can be extracted
to explain more of the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Corollary I
There exist a property of a closed system where change in its value is the same as the
difference between heat supplied and work done for a non-flow process, du = δq - δw.
Corollary II
Internal Energy for an isolated system does not change.
From δq = du + δw
For a small system δq = 0 and δw = 0 , so du = 0
Corollary III
The change of internal energy in a thermodynamic cycle is zero
(δQ – δW)AC = 0 = dU
Corollary IV
Perpetual motion machine is impossible.
Since δQ = δW
If δQ = 0, so δW = 0


A kettle is an perfect example of an open system. The application of The First Law of
Thermodynamics on kettle( open system) will results steady flow energy equation (SFEE)
which can be written in formula below:

1 2 2
Q – W = m( h 2−h1 ) + m ( V 2−V 1 ) + mg( Z 2−Z 1) ………. (1)
m is the mass flow rate.
Q is the rate of heat transferred (J/s).
W is the rate of work done or power (J/s).
m( h 2−h1 ) is the rate of enthalpy change.
m ( V 22−V 21 ) is the rate of change of kinetic energy.
mg( Z 2−Z 1 ) is the rate of change of potential energy.

The subscript 1 and 2 denote quantities for inlet and exit, respectively. The mass flow rate is
denoted by m with the unit of kg/s.
With the absence of work , kinetic and potential energies for the water boiling process, Eq.
Can be reduced to
Q= m( h 2−h1 ) ………….(2)

Using water as fluid medium, Eq. (2) can be expressed as

Q =mC p∆T ……………….(3)

Based on Eq. (3), the temperature rise of liquid water is due to the heat transfer supplied to
water. Expressing the mass flow rate as m/t, Eq. (3) can thus written as

Q =MC p∆T/t ……………..(4)

M is the mass of water.
C p is average specific heat of water.
∆T is the temperature difference between initial ambient temperature of water and the boiling
T is time taken for the water to boil.

Upon reaching boiling temperature , rate of heat transferred to evaporate the water from
boiling condition is based on
Q = me h fg/t e ……………(5)
m e is mass of water evaporated
h fg is latent heat of vaporization of water
t e is time taken for the water to evaporate
The efficiency of the kettle is denoted by ῃ where it is a ratio between total rate of heat
transferred over electrical consumption.
1. An electrical kettle is put on a weighing scale.
2. The weighing scale is set to zero value so that the weight of kettle is not included.
3. One liter of water is poured into the electrical kettle.
4. The temperature of the water is determined by using a thermocouple.
5. The initial temperature of the water and the initial mass of water are recorded.
6. The electricity is switched on.
7. The temperature and the time are recorded until the water boil with a 30 seconds time
8. The time and the reducing weight of water in the kettle are recorded as the water
evaporates until the weight of water left is 1.0litre.
9. The voltage and current are determined to determine the electrical consumption for
the heater.
10. A table is constructed to obtain the necessary data to determine the following output:
a) Rate of temperature rise to boil the water (table for Temperature and Time is
constructed and a graph of Temperature versus Time is plotted).
b) Rate of water evaporated from the kettle (table for weight of water left, water
evaporated and time is constructed; a graph of weight of water evaporated versus
time is plotted).
c) Rate of heat transferred to water to the boil.
d) Rate of heat transferred for 0.5 liter of water to evaporate.
e) Total power consumption.
f) The voltage and current are determined from the power supply to determine the
power input.
g) Efficiency of the kettle is calculated.
Time (min) Temperature of water (°C) Mass of water (g)
0.5 34.00 1000
1.0 41.8 1000
1.5 48.3 1000
2.0 56.3 1000
2.5 68.2 1000
3.0 74.2 1000
3.5 80.7 998
4.0 88.2 993
4.5 94.4 987
5.0 98.6 981
5.5 98.8 970
6.0 98.8 962
6.5 98.8 962
7.0 98.9 950
7.5 98.9 938
8.0 99.0 929
8.5 98.9 925
9.0 98.9 918
9.5 98.9 907
10.0 98.9 896
10.5 98.9 884
11.0 98.9 869
11.5 98.9 848
12.0 98.9 830
12.5 98.9 815
13.0 98.9 809
13.5 98.9 798
14.0 98.9 790
14.5 98.9 775
15.0 98.9 752
15.5 98.9 730
16.0 98.9 719
16.5 98.9 705
17.0 98.9 698
17.5 98.9 680
18.0 98.9 675
18.5 98.9 650
19.0 99.0 633
19.5 99.1 621
20.0 99.1 590
20.5 99.0 572
21.0 99.1 558
21.5 99.0 536
22.0 99.1 519
22.5 99.1 496
Table 1: Table of time measured, temperature of water and mass of water remaining
Mass of water eavaporated against Time


Mass of water/g




5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


Graph 1

Water Temperature against Time


Water Temperature/ c⃘





5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


Graph 2

Initial mass of water, m0 = 1000g

Ambient temperature, T0 = 28.5oC
Current, I = 4.81 A
Voltage, V = 240 V

From Graph 2, a linear portion is considered. The rate of temperature rise to boil the water,
∆ T /t is equal to the gradient of the graph in the linear portion, that is:

∆ T boiling temperature of water −initial temperature of water

= boil the water ¿
t Time taken ¿
¿ 0.2441 ℃ /s

From Graph 1, the linear portion is considered. The rate of water evaporated from the kettle,
m e / t e is equal to the gradient of the graph in the linear portion, that is:

me ¿
=mass of evaporated water ¿ kettle evaporate ¿
te time taken for the water ¿
¿ 4.315 ×10−4 kg / s

The time taken for one litre of water to boil is:

t=270 s
and the boiling temperature is:

T b=99.1 ℃

The time taken for 0.5 kg or 500 g of water to evaporate is

t e =t 496 g−t 30 g
¿ 1350−270
¿ 1080 s

To find h fg at 99.1 ℃, interpolation method is used:

94.4−100 h fg −2257.0
95.0−100 2270.2−2257.0
h fg =2271.784 kJ / kg
The rate of heat transferred to boil the water:

Q b=mC p ∆ T /t {Cp of water at 100℃ = 4.2 kJ /( kg ∙ K )}

¿ 1× 4.2 ×0.2441
¿ 1.02522 kW

The rate of heat transferred to evaporate the water:

Qe =me hfg /t e
¿( 4.315 ×10−4)×2271.784
¿ 0.98027 kW

Total power consumption:

Qb +Qe
Pout =
1.02522+ 0.98027
¿ 1.00275 kW

Power input:

P¿ =VI
¿ 240 × 4.81
¿ 1154.4 W

Efficiency of kettle:
η=¿ out ×100 %
¿ ×100 %
¿ 86.86 %

Based on the experiment, we can measure the water boils at 94.4oC, which is slightly lower
than the actual boiling point of water which is 100oC. Time taken to boil 1000 g of water is
270 s, while time taken to evaporate 500 g of water is 1080 s. The experiment value of
boiling point is 94.4oC, which deviates from the theoretical value 100 0C. This is because the
atmosphere pressure is assumed to be 101.3kPa, where it might not be actual value of the
experiment environment. Latent heat of vaporization of 500 g water is almost the same as
sensible heat to boil 1000 g of water. This means that if the same amount of water was
evaporated and boiled, latent heat of vaporization of the water will be higher than sensible
heat needed to boil the same amount of water.There are several reasons why the measured
value has a difference with the theoretical value of this experiments.
First, the calibration error of the thermocouple in this experiment that cause bias error
during the experiment. The calibration process of thermocouples was not available at the
starting time.The usage of plastic outside the kettle can affects the difference in temperature
because plastic is a good heat insulator compared to metal. It can minimize the heat loss to
the surrounding in this experiment.Fluctuation of the heat transfer in the water molecule
inside the kettle and the fluctuation in the digital acquisition system of thermocouples
Precautions that should be taken in this experiment are the fans and door in the
laboratory should be switched off and turned off to minimize the possible air flow inside
laboratory during this experiment. It is because inconsistent air flow causes fluctuating
reading and increase the heat loss from the kettle to the surrounding.Thermocouples should
be calibrated and set to zero before starting the experiment.Pure water should be used
throughout this experiment because the impurity of water can change its boiling point.
The ideal condition means the condition in which the results can be theoretical
predicted. Some assumption for the ideal condition for the boiling point of water is 100 oC,
atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa, the initial temperature of water is equal to ambient
temperature, the latent heat of vaporization is transferred after boiling temperature is achieved
and the mass of water remain unchanged (no evaporation) before reaching boiling point.
Furthermore, according to second law of thermodynamics, it is impossible for a heat
engine cycle to receive heat from a reservoir and produce a similar amount of work. Heat loss
must exist during the experiment and the efficiency of the kettle must be lower than 100%.
The water temperature remains constant when it reach 94.4 oC. This is because it reached its
boiling point. Heat supply is no longer to increase the temperature but to break the
intermolecular bond of the water molecules. This is named Latent Heat of Vaporization.
The efficiency of the electric kettle can be improved further by using entrapped air in
glass plates which act as heat insulators in the wall of the kettle to minimize heat lost to the
surrounding. The efficiency of electric heater is higher than the kettle that uses in stove.
The rate of sensible heat transferred for boiling 1000 g of water is, Q b = 1.02522 kW . The
efficiency of the kettle for boiling 1000g of water , η = 86.86 %. The rate of latent heat of
vaporization of water is Q e =¿ 0.98027 kW.

4. Thermodynamics notes 2016 edition, Prof Dr. Hj Zainal Alimuddin bin Zainal
Alauddin and Dr. Teoh Yew Heng
5. Thermodynamics Property Table, Steam Table, Refrigerant R134a Table Ideal Gas
6. Lab Manual EML 211/2 by Dr. Abdullah Aziz Saad.

Objective: To determine the energy balance for a hair dryer.


Heat, work and mass all cross the boundary. From the first law of thermodynamics, the
energy into the system has to equal the energy out for steady state. From conservation of
mass, the mass in has to equal the mass out for steady state. This experiment requires all of
the energy terms associated with the hairdryer. The energy going in includes the electric
work, the total enthalpy of the incoming air, and the kinetic energy of the incoming air.
Energy out includes the total enthalpy of the outgoing air, kinetic energy of the outgoing air,
and any heat transfer from the case to the ambient. Potential energy differences between the
inlet and outlet are also considered.

A common hairdryer makes an excellent example of an open thermodynamic system. Figure

1 show the energy terms that are involved in a first law analysis. For a steady state condition,
the total energy in must equal the total energy out.

Figure 1

The energy into the hairdryer includes the electric work, the total enthalpy of the incoming
air, and the kinetic energy of the incoming air. Energy out of the hairdryer includes the total
enthalpy of the outgoing air, kinetic energy of the outgoing air, and any heat transfer from the
case to the ambient. Potential energy differences between the inlet and outlet are also
considered. Some of the terms involved are very significant to the overall energy balance and
some are almost negligible.

The equipment used to conduct this lab are:

 Hair dryer
 Stand for mounting hair dryer
 One thermocouple and temperature reader
 Hot wire anemometer
 Infrared thermometer

The basic first law of thermodynamics for the hairdryer can be written as:

V2 V
( )
Ẇ elec −Q̇ loss + ṁ ( h¿ −hout ) + ṁ ¿ − out + ṁ g ( z ¿ −z out )=0
2 2

For ṁ ¿ =ṁout =ṁ ;

V2 V
( ) (
Ẇ elec −Q̇ loss + ṁ ¿ h¿ + ¿ + g z ¿ −m˙out h out + out + gz out =0
2 2 )
V 2
V 2out
Ẇ elec + ṁ (h + + g z )=Q ˙
¿ ¿
¿ (
loss+ m˙out hout +
2 )
+ gz out (Equation 1)

Electric Work In:

Ẇ elec =Voltage ×Current (Equation 2)

A hairdryer is designed to produce heat, so a high power factor is desired. This means that the
reactance inside the circuit of the hairdryer must be kept as low as possible. Most hairdryers
have a power factor very close to one. A power factor of one is assumed for this experiment.
The electrical power input is used to supply the power to the electrical heater for the hair
dryer and the power to drive the fan.

Heat Loss:
˙ −T ) (Equation 3)
Q=hA(T s a

h is the convective heat transfer coefficient. This number is given as 5w/m²K. The area is
estimated based on our judgment about how much of the nozzle is actually warm. The surface
temperature T s is measured using an infrared thermometer. The temperature varies across the
surface, so we must make a judgment about what to use as an average temperature. T a is the
ambient temperature.

Specific Enthalpy In:

h¿ =CpT (Equation 4)

Cp is the specific heat of the incoming air, given as 1.005 kJ/kgK. The temperature T is the
absolute temperature of the incoming air (room temperature) in K.

Specific Enthalpy Out:

h out is calculated using equation 4, but the temperature used is the average temperature at the
For constant Cp the change in enthalpy can be written as:

∆ H =ṁ ( hout −h ¿ )= mCp(T˙out −T ¿ )

Velocity Out:
Velocity of the exit air is determined directly using the hot wire anemometer. Hot wire
anemometers use a very fine wire electrically heated to some temperature above the ambient.
Air flowing past the wire cools the wire.

Air Density:
The air density is determined for the exit temperature measured using the thermodynamic
property table.

Mass Flow Rate Out:

ṁout = ρVA (Equation 5)

V is the average exit velocity and A is the area of the region of interest.

Velocity In:
Since the inlet area of the hairdryer is much larger than the exit, the velocity will be very low,
so velocity in is assumed as zero. However, continuity equation can be used to calculate the
input velocity. This equation states in a steady flow, when there is no accumulation of fluid,
the mass of fluid flow per unit time is equal to the fluid flow leaving a system at the same

Potential Energy:
The vertical distance between the center of the inlet and the center of the outlet is measured.
The elevation change is used to calculate the potential energy change.

1. A hair dryer is clamped onto a stand.

2. The necessary parameters on the dimensions of the hair dryer is measured using a

vernier caliper and the data is recorded.

3. The initial room temperature is measured by using a thermocouple.

4. The electrical power supply is switched on.

5. A hot wire anemometer is placed at the exit of the hair dryer to measure the velocity

of air, while the thermocouple is also placed at the same place to measure the

temperature of the air.

6. The temperature of nozzle is also determined using an infrared thermometer.

A clamp meter is clamped over the electric cable of the hair dryer to determine the

current and the potential difference supplied. The temperature readings in the

experiment is repeated 8 times to obtain 8 sets of data in order to calculate the average

value for the data to increase the accuracy of data. All 8 sets of data and the averaged

data are tabulated.


No Velocity Of Air(m/s) Temperature Of Exit Temperature Of

Air (°C) Nozzle(infrared) (°C)
1 10.3 72 29.8
2 10.6 109 30.0
3 10.2 101 30.2
4 11.5 110 35.6
5 10.8 72 30.8
6 10.6 109 30.7
7 10.7 97 37.2
8 11.6 66 38.1
9 10.9 113 30.3
10 9.5 103 35.0
Average 10.67 95.2 32.77

Data analysis

Fixture Inside Diameter = 6.45 cm
Air Inlet Area of Dryer = 32.67 cm
Elevation Difference Inlet/Outlet = 0 cm
Air Exit Temperature = 95.2oC
Exit velocity = 10.67 m/s
Input Voltage = 240 V
Input Current = 2.75 A
Average Temp. of Nozzle = 32.77oC
Length of Heated Surface = 12.45 cm
Outside Diameter of Nozzle = 4.551 cm
Room Temperature = 28.5oC
Barometric Pressure = 101.06 kPa
Density of exit air = 0.9560 kg /m3
Mass flow rate = 0.0333 kg/s
Change of enthalpy = 2.2322 kW
Change of potential energy = 0 J
Change of Kinetic energy = 1.8956 J
Heat loss = 0.3800 W
Electrical power output = 660 W
Total thermal power in = 10.755 kW
Total thermal power out = 12.329 kW
% difference power between thermal in and out = 14.63 %


Density of exit air,

Rair= 0.287 kJ/kgK
P is to be 756mmHg, thus = 101.06 kPa
ρout =
101.06 kPa
0.2870 k J /(kg . K )(95.20+273.15) K
¿ 0.9560 kg / m3

Mass flow rate,

ṁ=ρ out V A
¿( 0.9557)(10.67)( )(0.0645)²
¿ 0.0333 kg /s

Change of enthalpy,
Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK
Δ H =ṁ(h out – h¿ )=ṁC p (T out – T ¿ )
¿ 0.0333 kg /s ×(1.005 kJ /kgK )× [ 368.35−301.65 ] K
¿ 2.2322 kW

Change of potential energy,

∆ PE=0 J ; assume the hair dryer is in a same level

Density of entrance air,

P 101.06 kPa
ρ¿ = =
0.2870 ( 28.5+273.15 ) K
kg ∙ K
¿ 1.16733 kg /m ³

Specific volume of input air,

v ¿= =0.8567 m3 /kg

Specific volume of output air,

v out = =1.0460 m3 / kg

Assumption: C ¿ ≈ 0 m/s

Change of kinetic energy,

C out 2 C ¿2
ΔKE=ṁ( − )
2 2
¿ (0.0333 kg /s )( 10.672 – 0)m/ s
¿ 1.8956 J

Given that h = 5 w/m2K, Heat loss,

Q̇=h A (T s – T a )
¿(5)(π )(0.04551)( 0.1245)( 32.77−28.5)
¿ 0.3800 W

Electrical power input,

W elec =P
¿ ( 2.75 A ) ×(240 V )
¿ 660 W

Total thermal power in,

V ¿2
P¿ =W elec + ṁ(C p T ¿ + )
¿ 660+0.0333 [(1.005× 103)(28.5+ 273.15)+0 ]
¿ 10.755 kW

Total thermal power out,

V out 2
Pout =Q̇+ ṁ(C p T out + )
[ 3
¿ 0.3800+0.0333 (1.005× 10 )(95.2+273.15)+
2 ]
¿ 12.329 kW

% different of thermal input and thermal output,

% d =¿ P ¿−P out ∨ ¿ ×100 %=¿ 10.755−12.329∨ ¿ ×100 % ¿ ¿
P¿ 10.755
¿ 14.63 %

Efficiency of hair dryer,

thermal output
¿ 1.146
From the result, the percentage difference between total thermal power in and total
thermal power out is 14.63 %. This mean that there is heat loss for this experiment.The
energy output with the air must equal the sum of the energy input with the air and the
electrical work input as we neglect the heat loss. Therefore, the temperature of the outgoing
air will be higher than that of the incoming air.We take the potential energy difference as zero
because the hair dryer is at the same level and thus negligible as the center line of the inlet
and the center line of the outlet horizontally in line with each other.The areas of inlet and
outlet of the hairdryer are almost similar thus the minimum kinetic energy is observed.The
thermal output is higher than thermal input which is not accurate. This is because of several
error that will be discussed later.
There are few factor that occurs during this experiment that cause the result to be
different from actual. First, the outlet air velocity is not consistent. Different part at outlet
have different velocity.There are air resistance in the room, the air keep circulate thus cause
disturbance to the velocity reader.The length and diameter of the hair dryer are not same
throughout the device. So we take average value that are not really accurate.The temperature
at the hair dryer surface also not same throughout the whole surface.Random error due to the
change of ambient and the wind during the experimental that causes heat loss and disturbance
to the measuring devices.
Precautionary steps required to reduce the error and improving the experiment. We
must do the experiment in a closed room with the fan are switched off so that there are no
moving air. Besides, use the hair dryer that has the easy measured shape so that we can get
the accurate length and diameter. Lastly, we must repeat the experiment several time and take
the average value.

The percentage difference between input power and output power is 14.63%. The
efficiency of hairdryer is 1.146.The rate of heat loss is 0.38 W. In order to prevent further
heat loss and increase the efficiency, hair dryer can be coated with heat insulator to prevent
heat loss in form of radiation and conduction to the surrounding.

3. Thermodynamics notes 2016 edition, Prof Dr. Hj Zainal Alimuddin bin Zainal
Alauddin and Dr. Teoh Yew Heng
4. Thermodynamics Property Table, Steam Table, Refrigerant R134a Table Ideal Gas
5. Lab Manual EML 211/2 by Dr. Abdullah Aziz Saad

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