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Marine Engine Lubrication After 2020: What To Expect in The Next Decade

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White paper

Marine engine
lubrication after 2020
What to expect in the next decade

November 2018

Fuel oil regulations and their impact on marine engine lubrication.................4

Slow-speed engine system oils (2-stroke, crosshead) ..................................5

Medium-speed engine lubricants (4-stroke, trunk) .......................................5

1. ULSFO (0.10% S)......................................................................................7

2. VLSFO (0.50% S)......................................................................................7

3. HSFO (3.50% S or more) with exhaust gas cleaning ................................7

4. Gaseous Fuel (0.0% S).............................................................................8

5. Biofuel (0.0% S)........................................................................................8

Requirements for engine oil treatment systems...............................................9

Lube oil cleaning.................................................................................................11

What to expect in the next decade....................................................................16

Loss prevention essentials.................................................................................17


Alfa Laval white paper 2

According to The Swedish Club, main engine damage accounts for
28% of all machinery claims and 34% of the costs, with an average
claim cost close to USD 650,000. Lubrication (lube) oil failure is the
most expensive and frequent cause of damage, followed by incorrect
maintenance and poor fuel management. (The Swedish Club, 2018)

Improper lube oil management combined with abrasive particle

contamination is the major cause of damage. Therefore, efficient
oil cleaning is essential to minimize the risk for engine wear and

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Fuel oil regulations and their
impact on marine engine
Forthcoming regulations for the global use of marine fuel oils with
sulphur content no greater than 0.5% are causing marine lubricant
oil and engine manufacturers to reassess the lubrication characteris-
tics/requirements of their products. The reduction of sulphur content
from 3.5% to 0.5% in 2020 will require a reformulation of marine
fuels. It is likely that a higher percentage of cat fine-containing cutter
stocks will be used to reach the lower sulphur levels.

Without proper fuel treatment, the higher content of cat-fines will

increase the wear of fuel injection systems, cylinder liners and piston
rings, leading to further soot accumulation in the cylinders and in the
lube oil. In addition, abrasive catalytic (cat) fines can migrate into the
lube oil via piston rings blow-by.*

The following section discuss the possible impact IMO 2020 regula-
tions will have on the two marine engine lubrication systems.

* Cat fines are the most abrasive of all substances in heavy fuel oil. These are
fragments of a catalyst added to the oil in the refining process. Composed of
solid particles of aluminum and silicon compounds, catalytic fines are almost
as hard as diamond and vary in size from sub-micron to approximately 50 µm.

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Slow-speed engine system oils
(2-stroke, crosshead)
Because of the crosshead engine design, the system oil will remain
relatively unchanged following IMO 2020 limiting HFO to 0.5%S.
However, the cleanliness of the piston ring pack of engines running
on this fuel will still require a lubricant with a high detergency level.
(CIMAC, 2014)

Medium-speed engine lubricants

(4-stroke, trunk)
Unlike the system oil in a crosshead diesel engine, crankcase lube oil
in a medium-speed, 4-stroke, trunk marine engine is continuously
exposed to combustion products.

However, the lubricant approach for these engines will not be

significantly different from the lubricants used today with fuel oils that
possess an average sulphur content of about 2.5%(S). Although
0.5%S is a lower sulphur level present than in the majority of residual
fuels currently used, it is still a significant quantity, requiring a
sufficient BN to neutralize the acidic combustion by-products.

In most cases, it is probable that the content of residual components

(like asphaltenes) will be lower than in today’s heavy fuel oils;
however, a good level of asphaltene dispersancy will still be required.
Current commercial products are able to fulfil the lubrication
requirements, and a shift towards lower BN (e.g. 12-40 instead of
30-40) and very high BN (e.g. 50 or 55) is unlikely. (CIMAC, 2014)

The lube oil acts as transport medium for insolubles produced in the
engine. The degree of engine fouling is determined by the
concentration of insolubles and the tendency of the oil to leave
deposits. (CIMAC, 2004)

Under normal oil consumption conditions, trunk piston engine oils do

not require complete oil changes for up to several years, provided
combustion conditions remain normal and is the oil not diluted by
raw residual fuel contamination. (CIMAC, 2004)

For the reasons above, trunk piston engines burning residual fuels
are best fitted with continuously running centrifuge purifiers/
separators of sufficient capacity, cleaning their lubricating oil by
removing water, soot and other contaminants.

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Based on current regulations for the use of low-sulphur marine fuel
oils, and upcoming initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions in the marine industry, it is likely that the following marine
fuels will coexist in the coming decade.
• Ultra-low sulphur fuel oil (ULSFO) – can be MGO (distillate) or
residual-based (IMO 2015)
• Very low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) – probably will be
residual-based (IMO 2020)
• High-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) – used in combination with exhaust
gas cleaning (i.e. scrubber)
• Gas – liquid natural gas (LNG) or liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
• Biofuel – hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) or fatty acid methyl
esters (FAME)

How each of these fuels might impact the lube oil is discussed in the
following sections.
Note: This document focuses on medium-speed trunk engine lubrication systems
versus low-speed crosshead engine lubrication systems, which isolate the
combustion chamber from the fuel oil.

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1. ULSFO (0.10% S)
This fuel oil became the prevalent fuel in ECAs as of January 2015.
Within the ULSFO fuel market, marine gas oil (MGO) dominates;
however, an increasing number of residual-based and cat fine-
containing fuels are becoming more common.
Impact on engine lubricant
The use of this cleaner fuel will result in lower contamination of the
lubricant, offering the possibility to optimize and adapt the oil system
to this lower contamination. Smaller oil volumes, lower oil
consumption and less effort for cleaning the oil are options arising
from this fuel type. (CIMAC, 2014)

2. VLSFO (0.50% S)
This fuel type will likely dominate the market in 2020 following
enforcement of the IMO legislation – derived from heavy fuel oil
(HFO) refinery streams, bringing the combined sulphur level as close
to the 0.50% S limit as possible.

Depending on supply sources, there will be a wide range of different

viscosities and densities available. Likewise, its combustion qualities
could vary greatly. Finally, being residual-based, this fuel oil will
contain similar or even higher catalytic (cat) fine contents (aluminium
and silicon particles) as can be found today.
Impact on engine lubrication
This fuel will require a lube oil that can handle moderate asphaltene
levels and possess an adjusted base number (BN) to handle the
sulphur oxidation products. It is expected the lubricant BN will be 20
to 30 (mg KOH/g). (CIMAC, 2008)

3. HSFO (3.50% S or more)

with exhaust gas cleaning
The use of this high sulphur fuel oil (3.50% S) is acceptable when
exhaust gas cleaning equipment (i.e. scrubber) is used – provided
stack emissions (SOx) levels are equivalent to or less than those
produced by fuels stipulated by global and ECA caps.
Impact on engine lubrication
Using this fuel, today’s lube oil will to great extent remain unaffected.
However, many modern engines are designed for low-lube-oil
consumption, which requires the use of high BN lubricants (50 mg
KOH/g or even higher) and/or shorter intervals between oil changes.
(CIMAC, 2008)

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4. Gaseous Fuel (0.0% S)
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) as
marine fuels are receiving increased interest due to their currently
low price and compliance with IMO emissions limits with respect to
both SOx and NOx. LNG contains virtually no sulphur and,
depending on the marine engine type, produces low NOx.
Impact on engine lubrication
This fuel contains 0.0%S and produces low ash. By using this
cleaner fuel, smaller oil volumes, lower oil consumption and less oil
cleaning effort are required compared to HFO-operated engines
today. (CIMAC, 2014)

It is not fully understood whether LNG-fuelled engines may produce

smaller soot particles, which may be harder to remove by oil
treatment systems.

However, lube oil treatment systems will still need to remove water
and oxidation contaminants, as well as engine wear particles, from
the engine.

5. Biofuel (0.0% S)
Biofuel or biodiesel are fuels derived from vegetable oils (e.g. palm
oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil), animal fats (e.g. tallow oil) and waste
organic compounds. Most common biofuel types include Fatty Acid
Methyl Esters (FAME), ethanol and Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO).

Except for vessels transporting such cargoes, 100% unprocessed

biofuels are unlikely to be used in marine application. These fuels
have almost zero sulphur but can have a high acid number (low pH)
which can impact fuel delivery systems.

Under current supply logistics, the practice of blending FAME into

other distillate fuels is relatively common; this nearly guarantees that
some distillate fuels supplied in the marine market contain FAME.
(Chevron Marine Products LLC, 2012) The international marine fuel
standard ISO 8217:2017 allows up to 7% addition of FAME to certain
distillate marine fuel grades.
Impact on engine lubrication
FAME-based biofuels have a higher flash point and oxygen content
than petroleum-based fuels. These negatively affect combustion
leading to quicker accumulation of unspent biofuel in the lube oil. To
compensate, biofuel is often diluted, which can negatively affect lube
oil. (CIMAC, 2014)

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Requirements for engine
oil treatment systems
When marine fuel burns, sulphur is converted into sulphur oxides
(SOx). These oxides reach the engine lube oil via the blow-by gas.
These oxides are corrosive to engine piston liners and must be
neutralized by the engine lubricant. Marine engine lubricants are
developed to cope with this acidity (high BN). (Chevron Marine
Products LLC, 2012)

Diesel engines require a lube oil with a variety of properties. Not only
must the lube oil neutralize the fuel acidity, it must be capable of
cleaning (and keeping clean) engine components, dissipating engine
heat, and protecting against rust and corrosion. Moreover, it must
perform these actions for extended periods.

The efficiency of a lubrication system and its oil is subject to several

stresses; proper monitoring, maintenance and replacing the oil
ensures its proper function.

The following are the principal functions of lube oil:

• Reduce friction leading to engine component wear
• Minimize rust by removing oxidation particles
• Cool by removing heat
• Protect engine components against harmful deposits
• Seal engine compartment

Lube oil also helps keep deposits from forming throughout the entire
lubrication system, including circulation lines, check valves and sight
glasses. With fresh and clean lube oil in the system, marine engine
performance and efficiency can be optimized.

Unfortunately, even under optimal engine operation, lube oil

becomes contaminated. This is the result of a) accumulation of
contaminants, including combustion soot, acidic combustion
blow-by products, raw residual fuel and water, and b) the influence of
high temperature, aeration and NOx.

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Contamination has costly consequences to marine engines:
• Chemical degradation (reduced BN)
• Corrosion
• Increased oil consumption
• Friction (evidenced by wear and noise)
• Efficiency losses
• Clogging
• Engine failure

With regular checks, oil deterioration can be detected in time; it is

recommended to send samples to a laboratory to make the related
analysis. The following table displays alerts and condemnation limits
for important lube oil properties:

Parameter Alert limit Condemnation limit Unit Test method

Viscosity at 40°C Maximum 140 Maximum 150 mm2/s (cSt) ASTM D 445

Flash point Minimum 200 Minimum 180 °C ASTM D 92/93

Total insoluble material Maximum 0.7 Maximum 1.0 % m/m 1 ASTM D 893b

Base number (BN) Maximum 12 Maximum 15 mg KOH/g ASTM D 2896

ASTM D 95 or
Water content Maximum 0.20 Maximum 0.30 % m/m
ASTM D 1744

Strong Acid Number (SAN) 0.0 Maximum 0.0 mg KOH/g ASTM D 664

Calcium – Maximum 6 000 mg/kg (ppm) ICP

Zinc – Minimum 100 mg/kg (ppm) ICP

Phosphorus – Minimum 100 mg/kg (ppm) ICP

Minimum failure Minimum failure load A/8. 3/90

FZG gear oil set 2 –
load stage (FLS) 9 stage (FLS) 8 (ISO 14635-1)

1 % m/m means by mass, e.g. a water conent of 0.20% m/m means that the
water content is 0.20% of the mass of the total solution.

2 To do the FZG gear oil test is recommended one time each year.

NOTE: Use these limits as a guide. You cannot make an estimate of the system oil
by one parameter. Get also other oil parameters to find the causes of problems.

(Source: Lubricants: All Engines, WinGD, Issue 001 2018-02)

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Lube oil cleaning
The main reason for continuous cleaning of the circulating lube oil
is to maintain lube oil performance by removing contamination (dirt,
insoluble combustion products and water).

Filters integrated in the system retain residues (particles) from being

transferred back to the engine, potentially damaging it. Whereas,
separators/centrifuges installed in bypass to the main lube oil service
system of the engine remove combustion residues, water and other
smaller mechanical contaminants.

Function of centrifugal separators

A centrifugal separator uses centrifugal force to remove particles and
water from lube oil in a single operation. The contaminants – in the
form of sludge and water – are forced outwards, while clean lube oil
is continuously transferred back into the engine.

The level of contaminants on the lube oil system depends mainly on

the output and type of engine and type of fuel. In addition to particle
content, particle size has strong impact on the separation efficiency.
Different engine types and fuel types can generate different size
ranges for the soot particles.

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The increasing difference in density between water and lube oil with
increasing temperature is the basis for centrifugal cleaning (purifica-
tion). Cleaned oil and separated water are continuously discharged
during operation.
Parameters affecting separation efficiency
Separation efficiency is dependent upon including temperature (con-
trolling both lubricating oil viscosity and density), flow rate, particle
size and proper separator care and maintenance. A separator’s
ability to separate contamination from lube oil is regulated by Stoke’s
Law (see equation below).

d2 ( ρP – ρLO)
vc = ω2r

Settling velocity (vc) depends on:

Particle size, d
Particle density, ρP
Lube oil density, ρLO
Dynamic viscosity of lube oil, ƞ
Centrifugal acceleration, ω
Particle position on circular radius, r

Density and viscosity

The greater the difference in density between the contamination
particles and the lubricating oil, the higher separation efficiency. The
settling velocity increases in inverse proportion to viscosity. However,
since both density and viscosity vary with temperature, separation
temperature is the critical operating parameter.
To ensure centrifugal forces are able to separate the heavy con-
taminants in the relatively limited time that they are present in the
separator, oil entering the separator unit needs to be heated. An inlet
temperature of 90°C or 95°C with only small variations (maximum
±2°C) is recommended for lube oils.

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Particle size
The settling velocity increases rapidly with particle size. Typically,
this means the smaller the particles the more challenging the task
of separation. However, in a centrifuge, centrifugal force enables the
efficient separation of particles which are only a few microns in size.

Separation efficiency

- Particle size Density difference Viscosity Flowrate

Operation and design flow rates

Separation efficiency is a function of the separator flow rate (i.e.
operation flow) – the higher the flow the less efficient separation
becomes and, conversely. As flow rate decreases, particle separa-
tion increases (Stoke’s Law). The required flow needs to reflect the
quantity of contaminants entering the system and the separator’s
continuous operation time.

To ensure optimum cleaning of the lubricating oil, the separator rating

should be higher than the design flow rate (Q) as calculated by the
following equation:

QLO = P V n

QLO: Required design flow [ L h-1 ]

P: MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating) in [KW]
V: Nominal system oil volume equal to 1.36 [ L KW-1 ]
n: Number of separation passes per day
t: Effective run time: 23.5 h

The required number of passes (n) varies by fuel type and engine
manufacturer. MAN recommends n(HFO) = 7, n(MGO/MDO) = 5 and
n(dual fuel engines with LNG/LPG) = 5. (MAN Diesel & Turbo, 2016).
Wärtsilä recommends n(HFO) = 5 and n(MDO) = 4. (Wärtsilä, 2018).

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Water in oil
Water in oil tends to wash the oil film off the cylinder walls and can
contribute to corrosion by reacting with the sulphuric acid derived
from the combustion of the fuel sulphur. (CIMAC, 2008)

Furthermore, middle alkaline lubricants can form water-in-oil emul-

sions which can be difficult to remove. Such emulsions, if circulated,
will reduce the load carrying capacity of the oil in bearings, possibly
leading to failures. Emulsified oil, therefore, should be replaced as
soon as possible. (CIMAC, 2008)
Detergents and dispersants in oil
Detergents and dispersants are commonly added to lube oils to sus-
pend soot and prevent formation of larger particle agglomerates, and
to keep polar compounds in solution. However, these additives also
prevent the separator from performing at its best.

A recent test performed by Chevron confirms the importance of

separators for reducing soot build-up in lube oil. Without purification,
oil viscosity sharply increased, requiring shorter intervals between oil
replacement. However, when a lube oil separator was used, insolu-
ble soot levels remained constant over a long period, significantly
increasing the service life of the engine oil.



Insoluble (soot) level / %







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Oil Sevice Hours

Delo SHP operation without purifier
Delo SHP operation with purifier

Impact of purification on soot load in medium speed engines (Source: Chevron Lubricants).

Alfa Laval white paper 14

Benefits with separators
Centrifugal separators are known for their highly efficient cleaning
abilities, consistent and reliable performance, and minimal mainte-
nance and attendance requirements.

Moreover, integrating a centrifugal separator is simple process,

because no modifications are necessary to existing systems. The
separator module is installed in a bypass loop, separate from engine

Lube oil centrifugation benefits are numerous:

• Solids and water removal in a single operation
• Highly effective cleaning ability, down to small particle sizes
• Large-volume cleaning
• Minimal service and maintenance requirements
• Prolonged engine lifetime
• Lower operational expenses (OPEX) compared to cartridge filters

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What to expect in the
next decade
The 2020 regulations will cause more changes to global marine
industry than did the 2015 regulation to use 0.10% S in only certain
areas; the impact of this transition will affect approximately 75% of
total global marine fuel usage.

There are still numerous unanswered questions regarding the impact the
2020 IMO regulations will have on marine engine lubrication systems.

Evidence suggests that the use of a centrifugal separator, to remove

contaminants (insolubles and water) from the lube oil, will continue to
promote engine longevity and efficiency, regardless of the fuel oil used.

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Loss prevention essentials
Here is a handy checklist for avoiding main engine damage, resulting
from lube oil failure:
• Implement robust onboard fuel and lubrication oil management
• C
heck that the feed has correct flow and temperature – a
separator inlet temperature of 95°C, or 90°C for cross-head
engines, is recommended.
• U
se the separator manual to find the correct gravity disc
– aim to have the gravity disc with the largest hole diameter
without causing a break of the water seal.
• K
eep the separator disc stack clean – use a Clean-In-Place (CIP)
unit at regular intervals.
• F
ollow the separation manufacturers recommendations for
maintenance intervals – periodic (preventive) maintenance
reduces the risk of unexpected stoppages and breakdowns.
• A
lways use genuine replacement parts – otherwise safe
operation of the equipment is not guaranteed, and the warranty
may become invalid.
• I n addition to onboard testing of lubrication oil, submit samples
for laboratory analysis at regular intervals, at least every third
• C
arry out drip sampling when bunkering the fuel oil – avoid
consuming the fuel until analysis results are available.
• A
lways take engine alarms seriously, for example oil mist
detection, and investigate thoroughly – a fully functional alarm
system is essential for the safe operation of the main engine.

Alfa Laval white paper 17

• Chevron Marine Products LLC. 2012. Everything You Need
to Know About Marine Fuels.
• Chevron Marine Products LLC. 2013. Information Bulletin 4:
Base Number.
• CIMAC. 2014. Guideline by WG8, Marine Lubricants, 1st edition.
• CIMAC. 2013. Guideline for the Operation of Marine Engines on
Low Sulphur Distillate Diesel.
• CIMAC. 2004. Guidelines for Diesel Engine Lubrication
– Oil Degradation.
• CIMAC. 2008. Guidelines for the Lubrication of Medium Speed
Diesel Engines, 2nd Updated Version.
• MAN Diesel & Turbo. 2015. MAN L32/44 GenSet Project Guide
– Marine: Four-stroke diesel enginecompliant with IMO Tier II.
• MAN Diesel & Turbo. 2016. Project Guide – Marine.
• Wärtsilä 50DF Product Guide - a19 – 25 July 2018.
• The Swedish Club. 2018. Main Engine Damage.
• WinGD. 2018. Lubricants: All engines – Issue 001.

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