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Piping & Welding PDF

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• What is welding?
It is localized coalescence of metal or non metal by heating with or without pressure
• How many time hydro tests carry out in pipe?

1st year 3 times, 2nd years on wards 1 time only. It will affect yield strength.

• Pressure Gauge selection for hydro test?

For water 1.5 to 4 times of test pressure (2times for good practice)
For air 1.1 time Refer SEC VIII.
• During hydro test safety barraged distance?
Minimum 2 meter away
• Pressure relief valve set pressure during hydro test?
1.1 times of test pressure

After relief water come out from the valve that is called Popup

• In pipe line welding tie-in joint what main problem to face?

Stress will very high due to Expansion
• During pressure raising how to raise pressure?
1:4 time one time minimum 10 minutes hold and raise and during reduce also fallow
the same.
• Principle of DPT?
Capillary action
• Principle of MT?
Magnet permeability
• Gama rays how much thickness can do it?
3to 20mm
• Above 50mm thickness which isotope to be use?
Cobalt 60.
• Below 50mm which isotope to be use?
Iridium192. (6mm to 50mm)
• 2. Can you tell me about your (PARTICULAR JOB REQUIREMENT SKILLS) and why
you would be the right choice for this position
A Competent & diligent QA/QC professional with 0ver 10 years of Cross functional
experience in the field of Welding Inspections handling QA/QC Inspection, NDT,
Structural, painting Piping and Pipeline & Inspection.
Having good exposure to international codes and standards with knowledge on
Extensive experience in managing inspection activities, qualification of welding procedures
and monitoring welding jobs across projects; well versed with conducting welder
performance qualification tests and maintaining qualification list of welders

Deft in undertaking QC activities related to fabrication, erection and welding of piping in

accordance with ASME B31.3, ASME SEC IX, SEC VIII, SEC V, SEC II-A, B, C, AWS D1.1 and
Aramco Project specification; experience in preparing Check list, Inspection & Testing
Reports and other document

Keen communicator with excellent analytical, presentation & interpersonal skills; track
record of enthusiastic leadership and achievement; consistently promoted to positions of
increasing responsibility.

• In your opinion, what has been your greatest accomplishment as a

In my Carrier we are delivered 6 platform supply vessel in within two years
Duration of one year we are delivered 32 no’s pipe rack and Units and 20 no’s off skids
Structure also

• What have you done in the area of Teamwork to upgrade skills of those working
for/with you during your career?
• Can you give me an example of a conflict that you may have had with an employee
under your supervision and how you handled it?
• What do you consider to be your key strengths as a person?

Key Skills:
Familiar with Welding & NDE techniques (RT, UT, MT, PT)
Familiar with piping, Structural and painting
Familiar with metallurgy and metallurgical properties of metals.
Confident communicator and self-motivated.
Knowledge of Welding Process SAW, SMAW, GTAW, GMAW
Very good knowledge in reviewing of QC dossier and test pack and MRB.
• What has been the most difficult situation you have had to deal with and how did you
handle it?
• Why would you be an asset as an employee of Saudi Aramco(company)?

• What do you consider your strengths as an Inspector to be? As a person?

• Positive attitude
• Always ready to learn new things
• Problem solving skills
• Thorough professional at all times

• What is your chief motivation as a Professional Inspector? As a person?


• Describe the difference between QA & QC?

Ans; Quality Control is the operational techniques (Inspection, Examination & Testing)
that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. Quality Assurance is the system of
action and planning needed to provide confidence that a Product or Service will satisfy
quality requirements.

• What do quality system audits evaluate?

The degree of quality system conformance to established requirements.

• Describe the basic elements of an ISO 9000 Series Quality Program?

Ans: Quality Management & Quality Assurance Standards per ISO-9000
Quality Systems per ISO-9001, 9002, 9003

Quality Plan Guidelines per ISO 10005

• What is an Inspection & Test Plan?
It is a mandatory item in the Quality Plan to guide and assure quality in a specific type
of work in a specific sequence of QC activity steps.
• What are the International codes you are familiars?
AWS D1.1 Structural welding Code- Steel.
AWS D1.2 Structural welding Code- Aluminum.
AWS D1.3 Structural welding Code- Sheet Steel.
AWS D1.4 Structural welding Code- Reinforced Steel.
AWS D1.5 Bridge welding Code.
AWS D9.1 Sheet metal welding Code.
Asme code
Section I - Rules for construction of power boilers.
Section II - Materials.
Section III - Subsection NCA. General requirements for Division 1 &2
Section IV - Rules for construction of Heating Boilers.
Section V - Non-destructive Examination.
Section VII - Recommended guidelines for the care of Power Boilers.
Section VIII - Rules for construction of pressure vessels.
Section IX - Welding and Brazing Qualifications.
Section X - Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels.
Section XI - Rules for In service Inspection of NucleaPower Plant Components
Section II, Part A- Ferrous Material Specifications.
Section II Part B – Nonferrous Material Specifications.
Section II Part C- Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals.
Section II Part D- Properties
Section V, Section VIII And Section IX.

• What is a Quality Control procedure?

Ans: A document that details the specific steps needed to fulfill the QC activity in the

• What is a Quality Control Form?

Ans: A written documentation detailing a specific activity in the ITP & QC Procedure.
• What references will be found in ITPs?
Ans: Procedures and code references, specifications
• What are specifications?

Ans: Specifications (Specs) are Guideline details for construction requirements to assure
minimum quality standards are listed and met

• What 4 types of Inspection Action points are found in the ITP?

Ans: Hold, Witness, Surveillance, Review

• Explain the differences between the 4 types of Inspection points?

Mandatory Hold Point: An inspection point, defined in an appropriate document,
beyond which an activity must not proceed without the approval of a designated
organization or authority
Witness Point: An inspection point, defined in an appropriate document, beyond
which an activity can proceed after notifying the designated organization or authority.
Contractor's QC Inspector has full responsibility for performing detailed inspections
during the work activity

Review Point: A review point, defined in an appropriate document, is the point at

which a work activity cannot proceed without first ensuring the review and approval
of applicable documents or personnel qualifications by a designated organization or

• What is a P&ID?
Ans: Piping & instrument Diagram shows piping layouts and detailed notes relating to
piping and instrumentation.
• What is an SIS?
Ans: Safety Instruction Sheet that gives full design details related to a piping system or
• What is an Equipment Data Sheet?
Ans: A document that gives full design and details related to the specific Equipment
• What is a General Arrangement drawing?
• Pressure Testing duration?

30 minutes minimum for hydrostatic test of plant piping. (SAES-L-150 Para. 7.2)
In pipelines, 2 hours strength test plus 24 hours recorded tightness test. (SAES-L-150
Para. 8.3)
4 hrs for firewater lines.(SAES-B-017 Para. 12.6)
As long as necessary for inspection of leaks in pneumatic testing.
For Valves, as per applicable standard such as API 598, MSS-SP80, or AWWA

• What is the test pack contains?

Ans: Test package may be consist of six sections as follow

1. Flow chart of the test packages

2. Pre-test punch list
3. QA/QC documentation of the system to be tested.
4. Pressure testing
5. System lay-up certificate.
6. Re-Instatement /Final Assembly Inspection.

• Test Pack Format

- Pressure test report for Piping
- Marked-up PID
- Blind check list
- Welding History Report and Welding Joint Marked ISO Drawing
- NDE Report
- PWHT and Hardness test Report
- Post – Test Punch List (contractor + Client)
- Copies of reinforcing pad pressure test certificates (If necessary).
• Test packs will include the latest available revision of each isometric covering the
Scope of the test.
• Test limits, and highlight line to be tested.
• Size (thickness') and location of all test blinds and including those required at
Instrument connections e.g. orifice flanges.
• Identify location for the connection of the fill and drainage points for the
• Vent points
• Drain points
• Location and range of pressure gauges to be used. Minimum (2) Calibrate
Gauges enquired, one located at an accessible low point of the test and one
gauge located at the highest points on the test manifold.
• Any other special requirements such as chloride content if applicable


Confirm pre-test limit line walk.

Install and attach test pump, manifold and gauges.
Confirm ready for test sign off as per CLX02A.
Confirm certification for all test equipment.
Confirm all vent valves open.
Fill and vent test envelope.
Install and attach pressure/temperature/time recorder.
Sign on pressure/temperature/time recorder chart minimum, certifying authority record unique
chart number.
The hydraulic pressure shall be applied gradually and increased progressively, for high pressure
tests in increments of approximately 10% and stabilized until test pressure is achieved.
When test is at pressure and stable, test pump to be isolated from system.
The system under test to be checked for seepage leeks and pressure /temperature recorder to be
monitored for the duration of test (20 minutes for pneumatic & 30 minutes for hydro-test).
When test agreed complete pressure to be control released through a nominated valve and not by
breaking flanged joints.
The recorder chart has then to be signed by relevant authority and added to the test pack.
After completion of testing and before final reinstatement all test packs that have been tested with
water shall be blown through with clean dry compressed air using the same flow paths to remove
all residue of water.(Refer doc. GEN-00-U-PR-852021 DRYING PROCEDURE)

During testing if any repairs are identified at any stage of pressurization testing will be halted and
the system depressurised (and drained and dried if a hydro-test).
If the leak is on a welded joint the weld will be repaired with an approved weld repair procedure
and be subject to the repeat NDE as required by that specific line class.
If the leak is at a flanged joint it may be deemed to re-check the torque / tension values and
retighten if required, it may on the other hand be deemed that the gasket will have to be
changed in which case the joint will have to be broken the flange faces checked / cleaned and
a new gasket installed and finally the flange bolts torqued / tensioned to the correct values.
The test can now be repeated starting from Section 10 of this procedure.


On completion of any Hydrostatic testing activities all water has to be removed to allow for
drying and preservation.
All water that has not been treated with additives can only be disposed of locally if it satisfies the
local regulations otherwise it has to be disposed of by specific methods and is the responsibility
of CTR as per procedure SGP-GEN-00-F-PG-702819-001 (Options for disposal of hydro-test

All water that has been treated with additives e.g. glycol for cold weather testing has to be
disposed of by specific means and is the responsibility of CTR.


Check line list / P&ID’s and confirm cleaning pickling passivation requirements of test pack
subsystem. (Refer doc. GEN-00-U-PR-852034 CHEMICAL CLEANING PROCEDURE).
Complete form TMX04 as required.
All temporary connection spools and blanks installed for flushing/testing shall be removed and
checked of list.
Any temporary supports installed for testing to be removed.
All instruments bagged and tagged under control of discipline supervisor removed for test to be
reinstated under discipline supervisor.
All in line equipment removed or isolated under control of discipline supervisor to be reinstated
under discipline supervisor.
All test limits and flanges broke for test to be to be reinstated with new gaskets and correct bolt
tensioning/torqueing applied. These joints to be recorded for test pack. (Refer doc. GEN-00-
After reinstatement, CTR attendees to sign CLX02B as per signature matrix procedures.
• What are all Codes referred by welding Inspector?

1. For Welding Qualification ASME SEC XI, SEC VIII,SEC V, SEC II

2. For Piping ASME B3.1.3, ASME B31. Series for different process
3. For Structural AWS D1.1
5. Aramco Standard.1.SAES W010 for pressure vessel
6. SAES W011 for on-plot piping.
7. SAES W012 Welding requirements for pipelines
8. SAES W013 Welding requirements of offshore structure.
9. API 1104. Welding of pipelines.

10. API 651 – cathodic protection of Aboveground storage tanks

11. API 652 - lining of above ground Petroleum Storage Tanks Bottoms

12. API 620 - design and construction of large storage tanks

13. API 650 - welded steel tanks for oil storage

14. API 653 - tank inspection, repair, alternation and reconstruction

• Classification of steel?

Steels can be classified by a variety of different systems depending on:

• The composition, such as carbon, low-alloy, or stainless steels

• The manufacturing methods, such as open earth, basic oxygen process, or electric
furnace methods
• The finishing method, such as hot rolling or cold rolling
• The product form, such as bar, plate, sheet, strip, tubing, or structural shape
• The deoxidation practice, such as killed, semi killed, capped, or rimmed steel
• The microstructure, such as ferritic, pearlitic, and martens tic.
• The required strength level, as specified in ASTM standards
• The heat treatment, such as annealing, quenching and tempering, and thermo
mechanical processing
• Quality descriptors, such as forging quality and commercial quality

• What is CODE ?

A group of general rules or systematic procedures for
Design, fabrication, installation and inspection prepared in such a
Manner that it can be adopted by legal jurisdiction and made into

• What is standard?

Documents prepared by a professional group or committee
Which are believed to be good and proper engineering practice and
Which contain mandatory requirements? The users are responsible
For the correct application of the same. Compliance with a standard
Does not itself confer immunity from legal obligation.

• Mechanical properties of material?

1.STRENGTH: The ability of material to withstand and apply load

Tensile: the ability of metal to resist failure
Yield: That strength level at which material response to loading change from elastic to
2.DUCTILTY: The ability of material to deform or stretch under load without failure.
3.HARDNESS: The ability of material to resist indentation or penetration (Hardness
increases as strength increase or vise versa)
4.TOUGHNESS: The ability of material absorb energy (if toughness decrease
temperature is reduce and hardness increase)
5.FATGUE: That strength necessary to resist failure under repeated load application

• What is the finding in B 31.3?

The Code prescribe requirements for the materials, design,

Fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection and
Testing of piping systems subject to pressure or vacuum.

• What is the mandatory test for WPQ/WPS?

1. Mechanical test
2. Tension test
3. Bend test

• How many test specimens required for PQR?

Below 19mm 2 no’s for tension test, 2 no’s for Root bend test, 2 no’s for face bend test.
Above 19mm 2 no’s for TENSION TEST, 4 NO’S FOR SIDE BEND TEST.

• How many test specimens required for WQT?

Less than 10mm Face bend -1no, Side bend test-1no
10 to 19mm Side bend test-2nos

• How can we distinguish between a NACE material and a Non NACE material?

The chemical composition of NACE material has Manganese content more than 1%. If
so whether addition of Manganese improves corrosion and impact
• What is all the welding variables affect weld quality?

Welding current: AC, DCEP, DCEN

Arc length
Travel speed
Welding position

• What all are the Welder qualification check list?

1. Identify essential variables.

2. Check materials & equipment.
3. Check test coupons joint configuration.
4. Check welding position.
5. Monitor actual welding to assure that it complies with applicable WPS
6. Select, test & evaluate specimen.
7. Review test results for compliance with code requirements.
If all above found satisfactory as per the standard the welder is certified for the specific
8. To assure consistent quality, monitor the use of procedure during production welding

• What all are the PQR Check list?

Procedure qualification is performed either by ;

using pre qualified procedures/ As in AWS D1.1
or by;
actual procedure qualification
PQR check list:
1. Select welding variables.
2. Check materials & equipment.
3. Check joint fit up.
4. Select, test & evaluate specimen.
5. Review test results for compliance with code requirements.
6. Release approved procedure for production.
7. Qualify welders as per this specification.
8. Monitor the use of procedure during production welding.


• What is all type of the MTC?

Various Types of MTC's: 2.1-Certificate of compliance
2.2-Test Report
2.3-Specific test report
3.1 /3.2

• What is the difference between 3.1 and 3.2 Certification in material?

The information given on a Type 3.1/3.2 Inspection Certificate is actual test results from
the material in the lot from which the steel products have been supplied (formally
referred to as "specific testing"). A 3.1 Inspection Certificate is endorsed only by the
manufacturers own representative who has to be independent from the
manufacturing process (Test House Manager) whilsta 3.2
Inspection Certificate has additionally been countersigned by an independent
inspection authority who has confirmed that the testing and inspection process
demanded by the specification have been adhered to correctly.

• What is 3.1 Mtc?

The Material Inspection Certificate 3.1 is a collection of all material test reports for the
components that are in contact with the
Process fluid or pressure. This certificate provides traceability between the serial number of
the sensor and the raw materials
Provided by the suppliers. This document certifies that the raw material used in the
product assembly is as stated in the
Product specifications.

• What are all the content in the 3.1 MTC?

The Material Inspection Certificate 3.1 is unique for each Micro Motion® Coriolis sensor
and contains the following information:
• Customer name
• Customer reference
• Emerson® reference
• Issue date
• Referenced product and details
• Materials map
• Material test reports
• In pipe welding which type of probe to use in UT?
Refracted angle of 45, 60, and 70 degrees in steel as well as normal beam probe must
be used.
It preferable to use probe / cable from same brand
The actual angle determine by the test variables

• In SS pipe welding which probe to be use?

• For UT Equipment?
• What all are couplant to be used?
Cellulose Glue, ZGS, Ultra gel, oil, the same couplant to be calibration.

• During RT film interpretation what are they to be verified?

Joint Identification
Drawing NO.
Density of film
IQI / pentameter – wire visible diameter
Welding segments
To check artifacts
• What is the formula of the sensitivity?
% Sensitivity = minimum visible wire diameter /thickness of the job x100
• Film Brand and type?
AGFA –D7, D4, D2
FUJI- 1 x 100 TO 1 x 25
KODAK – AA409, MX-125

• Name of the IQI?

1- ISO-7,
• What are the types of radiation?
Alpha particles
Beta particles
Gama rays.

• Name of the isotopes which emit gamma rays?

Iridium-192 9 inches
Cobalt-60 3 inches
Cisium-137 3.5 inches
Thulium-170 ½ inches

• Photographic density formula?

D= Log Io/It
Io- Light density incident on the film
It- Light intensity transmitted through the film

Film density =2 to 4 for gamma rays

Film density= 1.8 for X rays

• What is the factor on which the density of RT film depends?

1. Total amount of radiation emitted by x rays/ Gamma rays
2. Amount of radiation reaching the specimen
3. Amount of radiation passing through the specimen
4. Intensifying action of the source used.

• Governing factor for exposure from particular radio isotope?

1. Milliamperage (X rays) / Source strength ( for Gamma rays)
2. Focal spot film distance (X rays) /Source to film distance (gamma rays)
3. Time of exposure

• How the source strength of radiographic isotopes expresses?

The source strength of radiographic isotopes expressed in the term of Curie

• Types of radiographic screen?

1. Lead screen
2. Fluorescent screen / salt screen- medical purpose to reduce exposure time

• Types of Lead screen?

1. Lead foil screen
2. Lead oxide screen.

• What are the factor upon which the intensification?

1. Metal of foil
2. Thickness of foil
3. Energy of radiation
4. Specimen thickness

• Base material tried so for Radiographic films?

1. Glass
2. Cellulose Nitrate
3. Cellulose Acetate
4. Cellulose Triacetate
5. Polyester

• Commonly used IQI?

1. Wire type pentameters
2. Plate type pentameters
3. Step type pentameters
4. Step Hole type pentameters.
• What are the criteria for selection of IQI?
Pentameter should be made of same material
1. Carbon steel- Carbon steel IQI
2. High alloy steel and SS- Stainless steel IQI
3. Aluminum and aluminum alloys-aluminum IQI
4. Copper and copper allays- copper IQI

• Radiography exposure Technique?

1. Single wall single Image (panorama exposure)
2. Double wall single Image
3. Double wall double Image (Elliptical shot)

• Heat Input formula?

Heat input = Voltage X Amperage X 60/ travel speed {(in/mm)(mm/min)}
Heat input= Voltage X Amperage / travel speed {(in/sec) (mm/sec)}

• What electrode used for DSS?

SFA 5.1, ER2209 FOR GTAW

• What electrode using for LTCS ?
For GTAW ER80S-NI2 SFA2.28
For SMAW E8018 C1. SFA 5.5
• ASTM A335 GR P5 what electrode to be use?
SFA 2.28 for GTAW ER-80S-B6.
SFA 5.5 for SMAW E8018-B6-H4R

• What is the Diameter limitation for welder qualification?

1. Less than 1 (25) min: Size welded max: Unlimited
2. 1 (25) to less than 27/8 (73) min: 1 (25) max: Unlimited
3. 27/8 (73) and over 27/8 min: (73) max: Unlimited

• Small diameter fillet test limitation?

Outside Diameter of Test Coupon, Minimum Outside Diameter Thickness

in. (mm) Qualified, in. (mm) Qualified

Less than 1 (25) Size welded All

1 (25) to less than 27⁄8 (73) 1 (25) All

27⁄8 (73) and over 27⁄8 (73) All

• What are all the WQT Essential variables?

1. Joint: Deletion of backing
2. Base metal: Change in diameter of pipe, Change in P no.
3. Filler metal: Change in F no, Change in thickness weld deposit.
4. Position: Addition of position, Change in Uphill/Downhill ,Vertical welding
5. Electrical : I GTAW Change in polarity

• Welder qualification thickness range?

1. Less than or equal to:13mm 2T
2. Greater than equal to: 13mm all position must be 3passess.

• Pre- Test Punch listing Checklist?

1. Lay-up procedure and estimated service date has been determined (60-day rule).

2. Line completed and in compliance with SA standards & Isometrics (as built or
redlined dwgs available during punching).

3. System boundaries have been clearly identified and temporary blinds have been
installed per hydro test diagram.
4. Correct Construction Materials utilized (grade/schedule). PMI reports reviewed/OK.
5. Correct rating of materials (flanges, forged fittings). Determine test limitations (psi).
6. Branch reinforcement meets SA standards and piping specifications.

7. Orifice flanges flush, seal welded internally and in correct orientation. NDT (PT) &
visual inspection of internals documented and accepted prior to flange tensioning.
8. Piping installed plumb and level, slope angle correct where required. 50MM
minimum clearance can be obtained, especially after insulation. Dead legs are not
within 625mm of structural supports.

9. Weep holes and vent holes in reinforcement and wear pads. Air testing completed,
10. Seal welding of threaded connections completed to the first block valve.
11. Valve types, location and orientation correct. Field hydro testing report acceptable.
12. Correct bolts installed and identified. Stamping of hardware meets specifications.
13. Temporary gasket locations have been identified for gasket reinstatement on dwgs.
14. Correct gasket type, size and rating. Reports/dwgs for Gasket installation accepted.
Color-coded marking on hardware by QC has identified final torque acceptable.
15. Permanent supports and guides are installed. Temp. supports (if needed) installed.
16. All welding completed and documented, QC reports available.
17. NDT completed and all outstanding repairs completed, accepted and documented.
18. PWHT and hardness testing completed accepted and documented.

19. Water quality analysis requirements for flushing (12 inch and below) and filling are
determined and Reports/certs are available. Chemical additives to flushing and test
water for heater coils and headers and other specialty items have been determined.

20. Flushing of lines to 12” diameter with appropriate quality water/chemicals has been
performed. Cleaning with air and rags on lines 14” and above has been completed.
Flushing Certificate accepted.
21. Check valves and/or flappers removed.
22. Instruments (level gauges, relief valves, control valves, orifices, etc) isolated, gagged
and removed as required by SA standards.
23. Strainers, filters and in-line components removed as required by SA standards.

24. High point vents fully opened prior to and during filling to remove air from the
system. Low point drain available and identified as required.
25. Pressure gauges installed (2 minimum), with relief valve calibrated as required for
5% over pressurization.
Structural Related Question:

• What is the material used in petofac laggan project?

Parent metal spec BS EN 10025, S355, S275/JR/J2H

• Which code WPS Qualified?

According to EN ISO 15609-1/ AWS D1.1

• Definition of CJP, PJP?

CJP-Completely joint penetration
PJP-Partially joint penetration

• Fillet weld sizes?

12mm: Min leg 5mm, throt 3.5mm
12 to 20mm: Min leg 6mm, throat 4.2mm
20 above: Min leg 8mm, throat 5.7mm

• Types of beams and codes?

1. Catilever Beam
2. Simply supported beam
3. over hanging beam
4. Rigidly fixed /built in Beam
5. Continues Beam
Codes: Standard I Beam ASTM A-992/A 572-50
Junior Beam ASTM A 529-50
Wide flange H Beam ASTM A-992/A572-50

• Types of Loading?
1. Cosentrated or point load
2. Uniformly distributed Load
3. Uniformly varying Load

• Types of column?
1. I Section
2. Channel section
3. Miscellanies sections

• What is all the type of L Angles?

1. Equal Angle
2. Un equal Angle
Code: ASTM A-36

• What is all the type of Channels?

1. Parellel flange channel
2. tapered flange channel (PFC profile)
Code: ASTM A-36

• What is all the type of Hollow section?

1. Circular Hollow section
2. Rectangle Hollow section
3. Squre section
• What is all the type of Steel Bar?
1. Steel Flat/ Flat bar
2. Steel square/Square bar
3. Steel round/ Round bar
4. Half round square edge bar


NDT Related question

• Determine film minimum no. and required location for RT which code to be used?


• What code for MT acceptance criteria?


• What code for RT acceptance criteria?


• What code for PT acceptance criteria?


• MT/PT acceptance limit?

Linear indication:

Thickness less than 16mm = less than or equal to 1.6mm

16mm to 50mm = less than or equal to 3.2mm

Greater than 50mm= less than or equal to 5mm

Rounded Indication:

Thickness less than 16mm= less than or equal to 3.2mm

Greater than 16mm= less than or equal to 5mm

• RT technique used for vessel jont/pipe/nozzle?

1. 10” and above use single wall Single Image (Circular or Long seam) technique.

2. For pipe 4” greater double wall technique with single image (Elliptical shot)

3. Pipe 3.2” below Double wall double image technique

• PWHT what are all the type of heat sources?

1. Permanent- semi permanent furnace using oil/gas /electrical.

2. Electrical resistance heater

3. Induction heaters

• Localized PWHT requirement of thermocouples?

1. Less than or equal to 305 diameter -1 thermocouple

2. 305 dia to 610 dia -2 thermocouple

3. Above 610 Dia : 4 thermocouple

• Production hardness test shall not be exceeded

1. 200HB – P No.1 Sour service PWHT

2. 225HB –P No.3

3. 225HB –P No.4,5 Gr.1

4. 9% chromium maintained 235HB the maximum limit

5. 238HB –P No.5 Gr.2

• Maximum inter pass temperature

1. 315°C for P1, P3, P4 and P5 Steel.

2. 177°C for P8,P3x,P4x material

3. Generally 177°C to 235°C

4. As per ASME B31.3 –316°C maximum.

• Explain Impact test?

1. Specimen cooled to the specified temperature

2. Impress in an insulated bath contain liquid.

3. Stabilize for few minutes quickly transferred to ANVIL testing machine

4. Pendulum hammer quickly released

5. Value are in Jules(j) /(ft-lbs)

6. 3 specimen used for test

7. Method 1.ISOD 2.CHARPY

• What is the piping calibration block used for UT?

For below 20”pipe diameter a curved block shall be used, A single curved calibration
block having range of 0.9 to 1.5 times of basic calibration block can be used. Pipe
having Diameter greater than 20” a block having same curvature or a flat calibration
block shall be used. Thickness of basic calibration block shall be within ±25% of the
nominal thickness of the production weld thickness.


• SMAW Electrodes Baking Owen temperatures?

1. Low hydrogen electrode AWS 5.1(carbon steel electrode for SMAW) baking
temperature: 260° to 430° C for 2 hours minimum.
2. Low hydrogen electrode AWS5.5 (low-alloy steel electrode for SMAW) baking
temperature: 370°to 430° C for 2 hours minimum.
3. Stainless steel and non ferrous electrode baking temperature: 120°to 250° C for 2
hours minimum.
4. Non low hydrogen electrode A5.1/A5.5 holding temperature : 120°C
5. Fluxes for material with minimum specified tensile strength less than or equal to
70ksi holding temperature 65°C

• Carbon equivalent formula?

• Explain preheat?
To slow down the cooling rate and thus avoid the formation of susceptible
1. Slow down cooling rate weld/HAZ.
2. Reduce risk of hardening
3. Reduce chance of cracking
4. Remove any moisture in the region of preparation
5. Improve overall fusion characteristic during welding.
6. Ensure more uniform Expansion and Contraction and lower the stress between weld
and parent metal.

• Electrode maximum Weaving length?

3 x Electrode Diameter
• Purging time calculation formula?
PT=(V/PGFR)x 4
PT-Purging time hours
V=Volume of pipe section to be purged FT cube
PGFR=purging gas flow rate FT cube/hour

• Repair rate formula?

%RR = (Lr/Lw) x100
%RR =Persentage of repair rate
Lr= Welder total length of repair in one week (mm)
Lw= welder total length of weld RT taken in one week (mm)
Repair rate should not exceed 2%

• What is the test and Examination carried out on valve?

a. Shell test. (Accordingly API 598)

b. Backseat test.
c. Low-pressure closure test.
d. High-pressure closure test.
e. Visual examination of castings.
f. High-pressure pneumatic shell test.

• Valve visual examination reference by which code?


• What is the valve code?

ASME B 16.34 VALVE- Flanged, threaded and welding end.
(part 8 NDT Acceptance criteria)

• Test fluid Temperature on valve?

Shall not exceed 125'F (52°C). The test fluid temperature may be
Specified in the purchase order for low-temperature
• How to perform valve shell test?

The shell test shall be performed by applying the pressure inside the assembled valve
with the valve ends close the valve partially open, and any packing gland tight
enough to maintain the test pressure, thereby, except for bellows seal valves, testing
the stuffing box. Nonadjustable shaft seals (O rings, single rings, and the like) shall not
leak during the shell test.
• How to perform valve Back seat test?

Shall be performed by applying pressure inside the assembled valve with the valve
ends closed, the valve fully open, and the packing gland loose. The backseat test may
be performed immediately after the shell test, and all packing glands shall be
retightened after the backseat test. The successful completion of the backseat test shall
not be construed as a recommendation by the valve manufacturer that, while the
valve pressurized, the valve stuffing box may be repacked or the packing may be

• ASTM standard for piping system?


A53 Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe

A105 Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for
High Temperature Service

A106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service

A181 Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for
General Service
A182 Forged or Rolled Alloy - Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts
For High-Temperature Service

A193 Alloy - Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials

A194 Carbon & Alloy Steel Nuts for High-Pressure & High-Temperature Service

A216 Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High-Temperature Service

A234 Factory-Made Wrought Carbon Steel and Ferritic Alloy Steel Welding Fittings

A312 Seamless & Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes

A333 Seamless & Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service

A335 Seamless & Welded Steel Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service

A350 Forgings, Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness for Piping

A403 Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings

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