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Edu401 MCQ Final

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Quiz 1 topic 1-55 (Mid term MCq)

1. In the --------------disciplinary stage a university or a conference encourages

dialogue among approaches, an obvious method being to address the same
event or phase in history? Topic 33
a) Inter-
b) Multi-
c) single-
d) train-

2. In gender equity issue------------ is the disadvantaged group. Topic 10

a) Males

b) Females

c) Senior citizens

d) Children

3. As critical studies peace studies do the same as critics of …….. Topic 31

a) Human behavior

b) Inclusive education

c) Classroom mismanagement

d) Mixed education

4. The status of net enrollment rate is Topic 12

a) More males and less females

b) Equal net enrolment rate

c) More females and less males

d) None of these
5. Silent exclusion is Topic 6

a) Children who come to school yet gain nothing

b) Children who do not come to school

c) Children who do not come come to school but gain a lot

d) children who neither come to Scholl nor again anything

6. ---------philosophical ideas involved concepts of educating for peace. Topic 40

a) Dewey’s

b) Einstein’s

c) Newton’s

d) Jinnah’s

7. Ultimately success will be judged on the ----------of basic education provided to

all .Topic 19
a) Quality

b) Equality

c) Equity

d) Price

8. Which of the following is not a source of conflict? Topic 53

a) Empathy

b) Anger and Anger Management

c) Violence in the media

d) Communication
9. We have to be non-exploitive, not only to relationships between human but also
between relationships between humans and --------- Topic 47

a) Nature

b) Animals

c) Environment


10. Possible outcome of the skill of peace education curricula

a) Conflicts over values

b) Students will demonstrate effective listening

c) Participation in the society

d)ability to live with change

Quiz 1 Topic 1-29

1. Free and accessible education is concerned with the identification and removal
a) Poverty
b) Obesity
c) Slow learning
d) Barriers
2. Teacher has to ensure that every student ………….in the classroom
a) Does not participate
b) Participates
c) Talks
d) Attends
3. Teacher education, the availability of support within the classroom, class
size and overall workload are all factors which influence
a) student’s attitudes
b) Parents attitudes
c) Society attitudes
d) Teachers’ attitudes.
4. It is the classroom ………who has the utmost responsibility for the pupils
and their day to day learning.
a) environment
b) Teacher
c) infra-structure
d) Attendance
5. At a primary school in Durban, south Africa, teachers use ……….as a
resource to develop the reading abilities of the children.
a) mothers
b) fathers
c) grand father
d) grand mothers

6. April 2000 ……. countries combined together, to ensure Education for All
a) 165
b) 163
c) 164
d) 166

7.Ensure an adequate ………..ratio to permit quality teaching in small class


a) teacher-student

b) teacher-desk

c) student-desk

d) student-fee

8.Literacy is defined as the ability to read a newspaper and writing a letter in Urdu

9. Change processes and empowerment go hand in hand to move towards free and
accessible education for all learners

10. Curriculum must take into consideration the various needs of students to
ensure access for all.

11.The cost of education is a critical issue to all school systems

12.The implementation of more inclusive systems of education is possible if
schools themselves are committed to becoming more inclusive

13. If all children have all supplies, school equipment then there will be

a) Equality

b) Equity

c) Education

d) None of the above

14. In rural areas the number of school for boys and girls are

a) Equal

b) Less for boys

c) Less for boys

d) None of the above

15. Which of the following is Not a health issue?

a) Poor nutrition

b) Lack of iron

c) Obesity

d) Slow learning

16. in teacher training we do not focus on

a) Content

b) Pedagogy

c) How to deal with minorities

d) Professionalism
17. Universal declaration of human rights was passed in

a) 1989

b) 1948

c) 2000

d) 1984

18. in the revised curriculum of 2006 which subject was offered

a) Islam

b) Philosophy

c) Peace

d) Ethics and accessible education involves a particular emphasis on those groups of

learners who may be at risk of

a) Marginalization, exclusion or underachievement

b) Poverty

c) Low income

d) Low income

20. A minority in a society can be defined in terms of

a) Economic terms

b) Political terms

c) Cultural terms

d) all of the above

21. The white portion in our flag of pakistan shows

a) Muslims b) Majority

c) Minorities

d) Peace

22. health has any effect on equally in education

a) Yes

b) No

c) It does not effect

d) May be

23. The second goal of MDGs was……………..

a) Promote gender equality and empower women

b) Achieve universal primary education
c) improve mental health
d) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

24. which of the following is both a trend and an issue in education

a) free education

b) accessible education

c)free and accessible education

d) peace education

25. ………………..a fundamental provider of education in future years

a) classrooms

b) books

c) Technology

d) teachers
Quiz no 2

1. Madaaris, plural for Madrassa, are at least a ---------------years old.

a) Twenty

b) Hundred

c) thousand

D) fifty

2. Literacy practices are used by us in the practices of our ……………lives.

a) Everyday

b) fortnight

c) Monthly

d) annual

3. The bare minimum to be considered literate is baseline literacy

a) Functional literacy

b) Multiple literacy

c) Baseline literacy

d) None of the above

4. Righteousness, Not listening, Spreading to news are all---------of conflict.

a) Escalation
b) De-escalation
c) Managing
d) Intervening
5. There are………….. madrassa boards or wafaqs in Pakistan
a) 4
b) 3
c) 6
d) 5
6. The term ‘Madrassa’ originates from the Arabic word.
a) Mad
b) Rassa
c) Darasa
d) None of the above
7. ‘Might Makes Right’ is according to which conflict style
a) Competing
b) Collaborating
c) Compromising
d) Avoiding
8. The government position is also seen as ……………….by the Madrassa leaders
a) Clear
b) Visionary
c) Ambiguous
d) directional
9. As a backup style when collaboration or competition fails---------------- style is
a) Competing
b) Collaborating
c) Compromising
d) Accommodating
10. Till 1971 the total number of Madaaris in Pakistan were
a) 137
b) 245
c) 908
d) 2861
11. The …………Education has been prevalent since the time of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH in the Muslim world.
a) Madrassa
b) Convent
c) Mixed schools
d) Regular schooling
12. Which of the following is not among the three levels of literacy.
a) Baseline literacy

b) Functional literacy

c) Multiple literacy

d) Literacy and education

13. Pakistan’s Madaaris are predominantly ………….institutions

a) Public

b) Private

c) social

d) Political

14. In Pakistan, the Madaaris are based on sect, and every sect has its own
madrassa network that is controlled by a board or……..

a) Darul aloom

b) Wafaq

c) Soba

d) Mohtasib

15. In ……….. Government promulgated the Societies Registration (Amendment)


a) 2006

b) 2004

c) 2005

d) 2009
16. Civil society and academic institutions should act as a …..Between various
segments by promoting dialogue between them
a) river
b) Gap
c) Bridge
d) Underpass
17. in 2010 the total number of Madaaris in Pakistan were

a) 6761
b) 19104
c) 21404
d) 20104
18. Madaaris registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 as
a) Religious organization
b) Political organization
c) Social organization
d) Charity organization
19. ……………. of Madaaris is a major problem which is debated across the board

a) Registration
b) Learning
c) Copyright
d) Building
20. The majority of wafaqs or madrassa boards …………associations of madaaris
with any political parties.

a) Like

b) Own

c) Awesome

d) Dislike

21. As an alternate track to Western style of education, religious seminaries

……..and religious education have played a vital role in the history of Islam

a) Convents b) Religious school c) Madaaris d) Constitutional school

22. Literacy rate of Pakistan is …….

a) 57% 54%

b) 75%

c) 69%

d) 45%

23. Literacy is helpful to students ………… education institution.

a) Success

b) Failure

c) Friendship
d) attendance

24. The government should take measures to enhance, rationalize the

……………….available to the people of Madaaris and religious scholars.

a) Personal growth

b) Economic benefit

c) Social religion

d) Jobs

25. Some experts have also challenged the role of Madaaris in …………

a) Peace

b) Politics

c) Militancy

d) Religion
26. Listening act as an indicator of

a) Escalation conflict
b) De-escalation conflict
c) Managing conflict
d) Intervening conflict

27. The madrassa …………needs to be reformed to highlight pluralistic traditions

in Islam, particularly in dealing with differences of opinion between faith and

a) curriculum

b) Pedagogy

c) Teachers

d) Students

28. which of the following is not main subject in Madaaris

a) Quaran

b) Hadith

c) Science

d) Fiqa

29. The issue of funding from ……………………is heavily debated

a) Government

b) People

c) Foreign countries

d) terrorist
30. According to a PIPS survey (2008), a majority of madaaris have

a) social

b) International

c) political

d) criminal

31. personal style owl is used for

a) Facing

b) Smoothing

c) Compromising

d) Confronting

32. Literacy will give you the ability to read a book. …………is when you, at
least, understand what the author is trying to convey.

a) literacy

b) education

c) learning

d) teaching

33. In Pakistan, madaaris are established on the basis of

a) politics

b) society

c) sect

d) caste
34. The -----------role of the madrassa has been the main focus and concern of
policymakers, analysts and the media.

a) social

b) philosophical

c) religious

d) political

35. Despite passing of the 18th amendment, the madaaris prefer to remain part of
the …………government.

a) provisional

b) union counsil

c) federal

d) international

36. Students of more than ……….. countries including the US, UK, Africa, India,
China, and Russia are getting education from the Pakistani seminaries

a) 46

b) 64

c) 65

d) 56

37……….. model for education can also be comprehensively applied to our

madrassa education system

a) Cuban b) pakistani

c) sri lanka

d) Indonesian
38. There are no universal definition and --------------of literacy.

a) Standards

b) Rates

c) Explanations

d) Usages

39. in the battle of -------------------we can see the importance of literacy in Islam

a) Ohad

b) Ahzab

c) Bad’r

d) khandaq

Quiz 3rd (Final term McQ)

1. According to Beckett and Hager (2002) Practice-based informal learning is ………………….
a) Holistic b) small c) parts d) segments
2. Who says there is no such thing as informal learning?
a) Billet b) living stone c) Eraut d) Beckett and Hager
3. All people are population
a) Destructors b) agents c) actors d) leaders
4. Developing nations average annual growth rates of …………………..per cent.
a) 2 b) 2.5 c) 3 d) 3.5
5. It is difficult to make a clear distinction between formal and informal learning as there is often a
crossover between the two
a) Eraut b) living stone c) McGivney d) none of these
6. In informal learning the context is
a) General b) global c) specific d) natural
7. For formal learning there …………… timeframe, as per Colley. Hokinson and Malcom.
a) Flexible b) no c) fixed d) all of the above
8. …………………….growth is not the sole reason for the world’s food problem.
a) Population b) industrial c) urban d) rural
9. There is no such thing as informal learning. All learning takes place within social organizations
or communities that have formalized structures is according to?
a) Billet (2001) b) Beckett and Hager (2002) c) Eraut (2000) d) none
10………………… learning may be intentional but in most cases it is non-intentional (or incidental /
a) Formal b) Informal c) non-formal d) none of the above
11. …………………… Model Starting in the mother tongue, and continuing to national language immersion
a) Assimilation b) immersion c) pluralistic d) national language
12. Programs of ……….education can contribute to solve either the population or the educational
problems faced by individuals and nations.
a) Population b) political c) economy d) human right
13……………… is influenced by the views held in a particular society concerning the nature and
significance of population matters in social, economic and political development
a) Population education b) economic education c) demographic d) variable
14. Informal learning is not only more common, but also more effective than formal learning.
a) Billet (2001) b) Beckett and Hager (2002) c) Eraut (2000) d) none
15. many of the earlier ……………for school programs emphasized world and national issues.
a) curricula b) sports c) news d) channels

16. …….has strong objections to the term informal because all learning takes place within social
a) Billet (2001) b) livingstone c) Eraut (2000) d) Beckett and Hager (2002
17. The nature and scope of ……programs are influenced by political and ideological orientations
a) Educational b) population c) economic d) social
18. One of the goals of ……… is to assist learners to identify, examine and understand their folk
a) Population education b) education c) population d) social education
19. The sum of their decisions shapes the nature of population …..
a) actors b) agents c) destructors d) forces
20. Planners of population education activities must identify the level of ………….
a) Aggression b) depression c) aggregation d) deprivation
21. …………..growth is not the sole reason for the world’s food problem
a) Population b) industrial c) urban d) rural
22. Educational institutions in all countries should be encouraged to expand their ……….to include a
study of population dynamics and policies
a) Curricula b) education c) economy d) political system
22. In the developing world, however, death rates have ………..rapidly only in the last few decades of this
a) dropped b) increased c) leveled d) none of the above
23. Colley, Hodkinson and Malcom see teacher as………….in formal learning
a) no authority b) authority c) subordinate d) all of the above
24. Implementing mother tongue as medium of instruction is possible only in………
a) Heterogeneous b) homogenous c) diverse d) scattered
25. Today most people associate the word population with
a) Growth b) development c) devastation d) garbage
26. Learning that is not provided by an education or training institution and typically does not lead to
a) Formal b) informal c) non-formal d) none of the above
27. According to billet. ………..learning is more common and also more effective than formal
a) Informal b) formal c) non-formal d) none of the above
28. As a result of external production, the ……….have not been able to prepare even basic
elementary readers in any of the mother tongues
a) Governments b) Textbook Boards c) curriculum d) society
29. In the sixteenth century in England it was used as synonym for ……….
a) production b) devastation c) human race d) demographic
30. Which of following is not learning type?
a) Formal b) non-formal c) informal d) unformal
31. Which of the following is not among the five feature of formal learning of Eraut
a) Prescribed learning framework b) an organized learning event or package
c) The presence of a designated teacher or trainer d) high load knowledge
32……. population shifts place an extra burden both on the area receiving inhabitants
a) Migratory b) actual c) inhabitant d) reluctant
33. According to colley, Hodkinson and Malcom--------learning is low status.
a) formal b) informal c) unformal d) nonformal
34. Formal learning is always -----------
a) Organic b) evolving c) planned d) unplanned
35. …………nations wrestle with agrarian reforms
a) Developing b) OECD c) developed d) european
36. Family, kin, peers and community play a dominant role in acquisition of a ….demography
a) folk b) personal c) community d) freedom
37. There are…………..models of education
a) one b) two c) three d) four
38. …… occurs when a teacher has the authority to determine that people designated as
requiring knowledge effectively learn a curriculum taken from a pre-established body of knowledge
a) Formal b) informal c) non-formal d) all of the above

a) Natural b) ubiquitous c) limited d) negative

39. the present situation of the ……countries originates in the unequal processes of socio economic
a) developing b) developed c) OECD d) oic
40. The consideration of population problems cannot be reduced to the analysis of ………trends only
a) population b) death c) birth d) health
41. Learning typically provided by an education or training institution, structured (in terms of objectives,
learning time or learning support) and leading to certification.
a) formal b) informal c) non-formal d) none of the above
42. ………….is any activity involving the pursuit of understanding knowledge or skill which occurs without
the presence of externally imposed curricular criteria
a) Informal learning b) formal learning c) non-formal learning d) negative learning
43. EU’s definitions are related with the context of …………………policy
a) Day to day learning b) monthly learning c) Life-Long Learning d) no learning
44. Colley, Hodkinson and Malcom say that formal learning is open for …………
a) all b) a few c) none d) females
45. to report an average world population growth rate at present of …… percent is misleading
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d)2
46. The status of women and girls is a subject of particular concern today within the general area of
social ………..
a) justice b) context c) injustice d) equality

11. ………….grants to local governments shall be linked with literacy programs.

a) Development b) routine c) educational d) research
12. Literacy is helpful to student’s ………………… education institutions
a) Success b) failure c) friendship d) attendance
14. For over 65 years ……..has worked to ensure that literacy remains a priority on national and
international agendas
a) UNICEF B) IMF C) UNESCO D) World Bank
15. …………or further education occurs when learners opt to acquire further knowledge or skill
by studying voluntarily with a teacher.
a)formal b) informal c) Non-formal d) all of the above
16. “One who can read a clear print in any language”. is literacy definition according to the
census of……..
a) 1998 b) 1981 c) 1961 d) 1951
17. Literacy practices are used by us in the practices of our ……..lives.
a)everyday b) fortnight c) monthly d) annual
18. Every year UNESCO offers a ………for the activities of outstanding individuals, governments
or governmental agencies and NGOs whose work in literacy serves rural adults particularly
women and girls.
a) prize
19.govt should create ……..amongst people about the importance of education
a) awareness b) school c) idea d) seminars

Quiz 4th
1………………..criteria refers to the maximization of educational results for any given resource constraint

a) Productive Efficiency

b) transparency

c) accountability

d) flexibility
2. Quality of teaching and learning is a main factor in the rapid growth of ……….educational institutions .

a) private

b) public


d) English medium

3. broader research agenda needs to be initiated for …………. so that future programs can be planned
more rationally and systematically

a) program development

b) theory

c) problem

d) mistake

4. Privatization trends are …………as education policies across each of the three sectors of primary,
secondary and tertiary education

a) decreasing

b) increasing

c) developing


5. No education system, anywhere in world is free from some degree of……………. and prescription.

a) persuasion

b) attraction

c) population

d) none of the above

6. Excess demand has grown because education has become more important for social and ………

a) cultural

b) religional

c) economic
d) historic

7. In particular, most although not all information and motivation activities have been aimed at
supporting …………activities

a) family-planning


c) funeral

d) death-birth rate

8. If it is decided that a prescriptive approach is necessary the efficacy of prescription is, in certain

a) Questionable

b) Answerable

c) Difficult

d) Easy

9. international reviews of the demand-side and supply-side policies show that many countries have
implemented some form of………

a) privatization

b) publication

c) Attorney

d) home tuition

10. population education in a………. context

a) lifelong

b) one time

c) multiple

d) regional

11. One way to foster competition between public and private schools is to give ………or assistance

a) subsidies

b) taxes
c) revenues

d) expensive

12. Assessments of learning and student ………..shape an idea of overall level of quality of education

a) achievements

b) behaviour

c) attitude

d) score

13. There are many experiences across different countries at different stages in the process of ………

a) privatization

b) localization

c) publicizing

d) evolution

14. A comprehensive framework for evaluation has………..criteria

a) four

b) five

c) three

d) six

15. Before passing on to the question of………………., it seems necessary to indicate briefly the goals of
both population education and other educational programs

a) Contribution

b) Integration

c) Disintegration

d) Population

16…………… the third type of privatization

a) Private regulation

b) Private individual
c) Private entity

d) Private body

17. Regarding financing of education, a question arises how does the fee structure …….with
quality of education in private schools?
a) Correlate
b) Regress
c) Differ
d) None of the above
18. Differences in goals and objectives give population education a separate ………at the present stage of
its development
a) identity
b) entity
c) unit
d) unity
19. The challenge facing ……………… to ensure that the program retains its focus on the needs of the
learners, their families, communities and societies.
a) Population educators*
b) Educators

c) population

d) Relevance

20. The aim of population decision making is to increase understanding of the ……….between macro and
micro units of the society .

a) Inter-relationships

b) Inter-discipline

c) Inter-dependence

d) intra-relationship

21. In systems already using less formal and learner-centered approaches population education is bound
to reinforce the ……..towards innovation and renovations

a) Issues

b) Trends

c) Problems

d) Solution
22. The term privatization is the transfer of activities and ……….. from government organizations to
private individuals.

a) assets

b) equity

c) liabilities

d) problems

23. Few individuals make ……………-related decisions outside a group context

a) population

b) Human

c) management

d) health

24. The Census 1999-2000 showed that annual investment by the private sector was Rs……….billion

a) 2.0

b) 2.5

c) 3.0

d) 3.5

25. Where a school has a captive market or monopoly, it is less likely that it will respond to students’ …..

a) needs.

b) desires

c) differences

d) similarities

26. Training for citizenship and developing the sense of being part of a nation usually involves elements
of ……………..

a) Conditioning

b) Behaviorism

c) Cognitivist
d) Humanism

27. in 1947, the state promised universal primary education as well as sought …………..

a) other actors

b) secondary

c) tertiary education

d) significant other

28. A motivation for greater freedom of choice is to make the education system more …………

a) accountable.

b) adjustable

c) transparent

d) flexible

29. In school programs, many of the population related decisions likely to be considered are those that
will be made in the …………….

a) present

b) past

c) future

d) never

30. Part of the perceived decline in quality may be a consequence of a fall in ……………….funding.

a) per-student

b) Teacher

c) School

d) Community

31. the goal of…………is to improve learners’ and nations’ abilities to deal effectively with population

a) Relevance

b) poplution
c) participation

d) education

32.Global economic and………….change is also an other factor towards privatization of education

a) Social

b) Cultural

c) Technological

d) Historical

33. Methodological issues also concern ………………..of different ways of adding population education to
the school curriculum

a) effectiveness

b) efficiency

c) objectivity

d) subjectivity

34. An important goal often suggested for population education concerns the contribution it might make
to educational ……………….

a) renovation

b) re-structure

c) reconciliation

d) recovery

35. Liberalization would involve reducing the……………

a) ‘red tape’

b) lesser work

c) official work

d)college practices

36. Although ………..form the core of knowledge needed for population education, they do not cover the
whole range of issues involved.

a) Demography
b) Folk

c) Population

d) Index

37. The growth of private schools received a serious setback due to government's drive for
nationalization in ………….





38. According to the Census 1999-2000, the largest chunk of private sector's investment went to ………

a) teaching staff

b) Admistritive staff

c) School infrastructure

d) Boundary walls

39. Formal education systems in the developing world and in most industrialized nations are financed
and directed largely from the………………………

a) national center

b) international centre

c) private centre

d) NGO’s

40. demand- side is the first factor for…………….

a) privatization
b) publishing

c) localization

d) globalization

41. some scholars argue that the goals and objectives of population education should reflect these
a) broader frame works

b) narrow frame works

c) larger frame works

d) smaller frame works

42. some advocates of privatization are motivated by an ……………..commitment to individual rights

a) ideological

b) philosophical

c) cultural

d) relioginal

43. The emphasis on relevance, decision-making and future orientation raises questions concerning the
…………to be used in population education activities:

a) methods

b) procedures

c) pattern

d) population

44. ‘Privatization’ is also thought of as a ‘

a) liberalization

b) secularism

c) pragmatism

d) idealism

45. In terms of health care, developing nations continue to concentrate on ………..infant mortality

a) decreasing

b) increasing

c) balncing

d) managing
46……………… may therefore mean that parents pay for schooling rather than the government

a) Privatization

b) urbanization

c) publication
d) none of the above

47. social goods are created through communal activities this is called as-------------

a) common schooling

b) special schooling

c) normal schooling

d) formal schooling


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