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Marketing Final Proj

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University of Management and Technology

Mobile operator company



ALI HASSAN S2020302008



ZARI MUNIR S2020052010





At first, we would like to express our gratitude to almighty ALLAH who has given us the
opportunity to go through the total process of final project and to write a report in this regard.

The project on Telecommunication industry in light of the course Marketing Management results
from considerable intellectual and moral support given by our honorable course instructor,
Professor ALI BUKHARI, Faculty SPA, University of Management and Technology. Over the
last three months, he has been our guide from whom we got the inspiration and guidance to learn
“Marketing Management”. We strongly believe works like this one will surely help us to develop
& make us better adapted as well as capable to cope with the issues & practical exposures in this
field as well as to the whole of the legislative tools that are being extensively exploited in today’s

Finally, we want to thank each other. As without the team effort the work may not happen. Each
and every member tries to give their best effort to finish the report as per guidelines.



Letter of Transmittal:_______________________________________________________________?


Industry Brief: _____________________________________________________________________?

PEST Analysis:____________________________________________________________________?

 PEST Conclusion

Company Brief:___________________________________________________________________?

 History and Background

 Organization Structure
 Company competitors analysis
 SWOT Analysis

BCG Matrix and Strategies:________________________________________________________?

New Product Development – Need Analysis__________________________________________?

 New Product Target market and segmentation analysis__________________________?

 New Product Structure (Core, Actual, Augmented)_____________________________?
 New Product Pricing Model and Strategies____________________________________?
 New Product Distribution and Place Strategies_________________________________?
 New Product Promotional Plan_____________________________________________?
 Print Media Ad( Magazine/Newspaper/Flyer/leaflet)____________________________?
 Broadcast Media selection( Channel, Ad frequency, Time slot)____________________?
 Media Costing (Channel Tariff, Editing etc.) __________________________________?

References: ________________________________________________________________________?

Originality /Plagiarism: _____________________________________________________________?


Mobilink is Pakistan’s leading provider of voice and data services, bringing more people
together through service excellence and product innovation. With more than 38 million
subscribers, Mobilink maintains market leadership through cutting-edge, integrated technology,
the strongest brands and the largest portfolio of value added services in the industry, a broadband
carrier division providing next generation internet technology as well as the country’s largest
network with over 9,000 cell sites making everyday a better day for its customers. As a
responsible corporate citizen, Mobilink offers a range of socially inclusive products and services
dedicated to increase access to information. Through Mobilink Foundation, the company
passionately supports education, health and environmental initiatives and promotes sustainable
business practices. Mobilink offers exclusive & personalized tariff plans that empower customers
and cater to the communication needs of a diverse group of people, from individuals to
businessmen to corporate and multinationals. Even though Mobilink has currently facing
problems such as decline in the subscriber base, employee’s turnover and how to minimize cost.
This comprehensive report interprets the whole scenario of Mobilink and enlists all problems and
best fit strategies and new product development. This project is about the brand tracking of
Mobilink on Pakistani market i.e. to know about the standing of Mobilink as a brand in
comparison to the competing brands. It will yield results as market standing, user perception,
attributes associated with the brand, current strategies of Mobilink and the grey areas for


Logic and rationality

Looking back at the differences between its
predecessors, it is easy to mistake 5G for nothing
more than a faster and smoother internet
connection. Seen that way, one may wonder
what the big deal even is. After all, existing high-
speed connections already provide the average
internet user more bandwidth than they need.
From seamlessly streaming high definition
videos and movies to instantaneous
communication and gaming services, from an
average user’s point of view, existing networks
allow just about everything. No, domestic
internet use is not all 5G aims to revolutionize. The real breakthrough the new technology
promises to deliver concerns the ‘Internet of Things’, the ever-growing network of various
internet-enabled machines and appliances. With the launch of the 5G, the 4G technology will be
eventually replaced or at least it will be augmented. As other than the fast download speed, it is
using unique radio frequencies that are higher and more directional than those used by 4G. The
directionality of 5G is important because 4G towers send data all over, which can waste power
and energy and ultimately weaken access to the internet. With the launch of the 5G, the 4G
technology will be eventually replaced or at least it will be augmented. As other than the fast
download speed, it is using unique radio frequencies that are higher and more directional than
those used by 4G.

It is believed that each generation is faster, safer and more reliable. Until 2G was released, 1G
was not used to define wireless technology. When the wireless networks were transformed from
analog to digital, it was a gigantic leap in technology. The 3G offered faster data transfer speed
i.e. 200 kilobits per second for multimedia use. A 4G promises a transfer speed of 1GB per
second and 4G LTE is closing this gap very close. There is no significant difference but, the
advertisers understand how to manipulate them.


With 5G’s blistering speed, customers could browse the internet, download files, and even
stream video. Users could use more of it without crowding out other users with enhanced
bandwidth. Smart devices can operate faster than ever before with more of the network devoted
to each individual smart device. Over the past decades, Pakistan is growing its digital and has
massively embraced the digital lifestyle. 5G will bring more deep and long-term improvements
to Pakistan’s economical transformation, social progress, and in livelihood of people. 5G is
anticipated to have an impact on technology, healthcare, farming, and education sector of
Pakistan. 5G will improve the service standards for cellular and broadband users in Pakistan.
With increased bandwidth and data transmission speeds, the Internet services are expected to
improve. 5G will bring a great technology shift in Pakistan as its speeds will be one thousand
times faster than current LTE data transfer speeds. It will bring a massive increase in the level of
connectivity. Not only this, 5G will impact every industry in Pakistan like autos, healthcare,
manufacturing and distribution, emergency services.

5G trials have begun in Pakistan

Pakistan’s telecom market had long struggled with the transition from a regulated state-owned
monopoly to a deregulated competitive structure. The transition, and the development of the
telecom sector generally, has been greatly aided by foreign investment.

Despite the government’s promotion of internet services and the expansion of access nationally
over the past decade, fixed broadband penetration remains low at barely 1%. The fixed-line
telephony market, dominated by Pakistan Telecommunications, is similarly underdeveloped, and
the number of fixed lines is slowly declining as the mobile segment continues to expand.

As in many countries in Asia, both businesses and government agencies in Pakistan are opening
up to the benefits of third-party data centers for public, private and hybrid cloud deployments.
Data centers have been established in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad,

The mobile market has experienced moderate growth over the last six years, supported by a
young population and a rising popularity of mobile services. Slow to moderate growth is
predicted over the next five years, though stronger growth will be constrained by local
competition which has kept prices down and ARPU low.


In January 2020 the telecom regulator issued trial 5G licenses to Zong and Jazz. Despite this, the
capacity of LTE infrastructure and the lack of compelling user cases for 5G suggests that
network operators are not yet pressed to launch commercial services.

Zong successfully tested 5G:

Pakistan is a growing digital economy which has massively adopted the digital lifestyle over the
last decade. Zong has always been at the vanguard of introducing advanced technology to the
nation. Zong has become the first and only operator to officially test 5G services in the country.

Telenor gets ready to bring 5G to Pakistan:

Telenor Pakistan and its network partners have geared up to make the network 5G ready, said a
statement issued by the company moments ago. Telenor Pakistan took the first step towards 5G
enablement last year by beginning the evolution of its network core from legacy architecture to
state-of-the-art virtualized hybrid core, taking the lead towards 5G readiness. The latest
development takes Telenor Pakistan one step closer to successful launch of end-to-end 5G trials
to demonstrate the potential of futuristic technologies and solutions for socioeconomic

Industry Brief


Telecommunications in Pakistan describes

the overall environment for the mobile
telecommunications, telephone, and Internet
markets in Pakistan. In 2008 Pakistan was
the world's third-fastest growing
telecommunications market. Pakistan's
telecom infrastructure is improving
dramatically with foreign and domestic
investments into fixed-line and mobile
networks; fiber systems are being
constructed throughout the country to aid in
network growth. The major growth in mobile
telephony was triggered by two steps taken by Prof. Atta-ur -Rahman FRS when he was Federal
Minister of Science & technology. These were to introduce a "Calling Party Pays" (CPP) regime
under which no charges are paid by the call receiving party on mobile phone calls. The second
was the launching of Ufone as a government owned mobile phone company that competitive call
rates that led to strong market competition. The impact of these two measures has been the
expansion of mobile telephony from 0.3 million mobile phones in 2001, to 160 million mobile
phones by 2018. The Telecommunications Ordinance of 1994 created the Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Pakistan’s first independent telecommunications regulator,
and the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL), a state-owned monopoly.
Telecommunication in Pakistan describes the overall environment for the mobile
telecommunications, telephone, and Internet markets in Pakistan.



At the time of independence, Pakistan inherited a meagre 14,000 land lines. Now, there are over
94 million mobile phone
connections in the country. The
huge growth in Pakistan’s telecom
sector is characteristic of many
developing countries. But there
are few other places where phone
calls and connections have had
such an impact on a nation’s
foreign policy, crime, pop culture,
entrepreneurship, and more. For a
perspective on the telephone
infrastructure and systems that Pakistan inherited from the British colonial days, the article
quotes Mohammad Sharfuddin, a former assistant director of the Pakistan Telecommunications
Limited (PTCL) who remained with the company for 37 years. The telecom base put in place by
the British Post, Telegraph, and Telephone Department (later to become the Pakistan Telegraph
and Telephone Department or the T&T) was primarily meant to serve the administrative setup of
the country. “The colonial infrastructure, although limited, was there. It was efficient and just
needed expansion step by step,” explains Mohammad Sharfuddin. He recalls that when he came
to Pakistan in 1949, Karachi, then capital of the country, had five telephone exchanges in
operation: The Cantt Exchange, the Garden Exchange, the Central Exchange on Bolton Road, the
Trunk Exchange on I.I Chandigarh Road, and the Park Capital Exchange at SabziMandi. “All
had a 1,100-1,200-line capacity and you could get a set and connection for about PRs. 179,” he
recalls. The government had quotas for certain sectors and professions, such as hospitals, police
and fire stations, parliamentarians etc. During the 1970s, the government had sanctioned two
phones per senator to be given to people in their constituencies. “This, however, was useless as
the senators started selling these lines to whoever was willing to pay more for them,” explains I.
H Burney, a veteran journalist. “[A phone connection] was a scarce commodity. When the wave
of socialism swept through in the seventies and everything was nationalized, things really stalled.
As far as the telecom sector was concerned, service, quality and availability were pretty
scarce.”The 1980s saw heavy capital investment to develop the telephone sector, which


eventually resulted in the formation of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Limited

(PTCL) and the introduction of cellular mobile services in the 1990s, albeit for only a limited
period. It was the first major stride that culminated, during the last decade, in one of the biggest
telecom booms in the world.


A PEST analysis for the telecommunications industry needs to be divided into the four

1. Political
2. Economic
3. Social
4. Technological.

PEST Analysis of Pakistan Telecommunication Sector:


We analyze the pest analysis of Pakistan telecom industry. A PEST analysis is concerned with

the environmental influences on a business. These are  Political, Economic, Social
and Technological issues that could affect the strategic development of a business. PEST
analysis is a useful way of summarizing the external environment in which a business operates.

 Pakistan is on the verge of Telecom revolution Pakistan continues to be one of the fastest
growing telecom markets in the world.
 Reforms introduced by successive Pakistani governments over the last decade have
dramatically changed the nature of telecommunications in the country.
 Pakistan is ranked 4th in terms of broadband Internet growth in the world, as the
subscriber base of broadband Internet has been increasing rapidly with the total base

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crossing 170,000 in the country. The rankings are released by Point Topic Global
broadband analysis, a global research centre.

 The Telecom sector all around the world and especially in Pakistan has experienced a
tremendous growth in the last few years.
Political Analysis:
The political factors of the telecom industry are the ways that the government intervenes on the
industry. Government laws put restrictions on the tariffs and phones that the telecommunications
industry produces and all new technology must adhere to a strict set of government rules. Goods
and services provided by the telecom industry also need to fit the safety and privacy government
In Pakistan Telecom sector is playing a very important role in whole country and vastly
spreading day after day. So it is also affects by government rules and regulation like other
Regulation issues come up frequently. The government has one idea how telecoms should be
handled. The people have another.
Wifi and internet are a daily part of life. Customers wish the government to acknowledge the
internet as a basic human right. It’s required for education and many careers. Even applying to a
job is an online experience; going to a company website and uploading a resume on their servers
is essential.
The political environment is full of risks for the telecom sector.  The traditional political risks for
telecom are the ones related to regulations, network licensing, national radio spectrums and in
case of certain nations trade barriers. Generally, these issues have affected the network operators
and the effect has been felt less by equipment and service providers. However, one factor that
worked in the favor of the telecom industry was privatization and deregulation. For some time,
the telecom industry enjoyed relative freedom based upon its importance in the process of
globalization. However, a number of threats have emerged in last some years that could mean
that political risks are on the rise again. Increased focus is on the growing markets like China and
India. However, the level of government control in these markets is high.
Telecom sector is playing a very important role in whole country and fastly spreading day after
day. So it is also affects by government rules and regulation like other sectors.

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The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending
power of consumers and other businesses. Some political factors are:

 Un Stable political environment in Pakistan.

 Government policy influence laws that regulate or tax on telecom.
 Anti-trust regulations
 Price regulations
 Rapid change in regulations
 Changing Government's policies on telecom sector.

Essential Requirement Case:

 A license issued by telecommunications regulation authority is required to commence
business in that area; the number of players is thus restricted.
 Need to adhere to numerous health & safety regulations in order to comply with expected
 Mobile telecom service providers do not have 100% freedom in pricing issues.
 Due to the sensitive nature of the operations within the industry, governments would
generally not allow 100% share holding by foreign investors in the local mobile
telecommunications industry.
 Government is also supporting telecom industry by providing environment that is
investor friendly for telecommunication sector.
 Government is also supporting telecom industry.

Economic Analysis:
Economic growth, inflation and interest rates can all have an impact on the telecommunications
industry. Rival telecom businesses need to stay competitive but most have had to raise prices
during the global recession. Different companies will try to beat others by offering limited time
offers on some of the latest mobile phone handsets.

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Growth is dependent on the market (customers) and technological advancements. Businesses are
using the internet and mobile phones for marketing. They create social media pages,
advertisements on sites, and digital marketing campaigns to reach customers around the world.
For this reasoning, jobs are opening up and increasing in the telecommunication industry.
Customer service representatives are hired to solve problems via website live chat. Marketers,
writers, and media managers handle online marketing and campaigns. Graphic designers and
programmers are necessary to create websites for computers and mobile users. The need for
everything to be available and accessible 24/7 is growing rapidly. Telecom sector has been
played an important role in our economy during the previous 5 to 6 years and help to increase
efficiency in telecom sector.
 Despite the global crisis the telecom sector continuous to grow positively in term of
subscription and revenue.
 Operators speedily rolled out their infrastructure reaching out to meet of the population.
But still huge are remain where investment opportunities exist.
 Marketers should consider long term and short t-erm state of a trading market.
 Inflation is controlling by state bank and under strict eyes, but unemployment rate is
going up and up with the increase of level of poverty.
 Economic instability is worsening day by day as liquidity crunch is prevailing in the

Revenue and growth rate from telecom sector:

 Cellular mobile sector continued to be the leader in telecom revenue, whose share came
out to be 64% in total revenue of telecom sector of Pakistan
 Cellular mobile growth rate is 17%.
 Government of Pakistan reduce GST/FED rate from 21% to 19.5%.

Social Analysis:

Social factors also have a deep influence on the industry and its profitability. Connectivity is
central to so many things including work and entertainment. Globally, the use of internet-based
services has grown. A higher number of people are using the social media for fun and business.

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From YouTube videos to Netflix, video streaming services all require a very good connectivity.
This is a reason that the use of 4G has grown globally. Moreover, more and more people like to
remain connected on the go. This is a part of their lifestyle. For some it is because they are too
busy with work and in case of others, they cannot remain disconnected with family and friends.
Moreover, as per a report, the US people are gazing at least 9 billion times on their smart phones
and mobile devices. The use of mobile computing has grown quite fast and so many features in
these smart phones and tablets cannot be used without a very good connection. A larger number
of people around the world are growing health conscious and are using wrist bands to track their
physical activity. In this way, for the modern generation connectivity defines its world. Overall,
these trends have proved highly favorable for the telecom industry.
Telecommunications horizontal growth is limited. Specifically, it’s difficult (and expensive) to
expand in rural regions. Customers are left with less than a handful of options when it comes to
buying internet, mobile, and television packages.
Because telecommunication corporations are monopolies, they’re in charge of both internet and
mobile carriers. Customers need these packages to communicate with friends, partake in social
media challenges, buy products online, find stable careers and more.
Telecommunication has become a vastly important aspect of the daily life of the average person.
Some of the biggest social factors that have affected the telecom industry are those considered
with career attitude and safety.

 The career expectation is increasing as the increase in on-the-go business careers has led
to an increase in desire for mobile phones that will alert for messages, phone calls and
emails. They also need to have the facility to carry out conference calls, instant
messaging and a host of other career focused features.
 Growth rate of population of Pakistan is increasing at an alarming rate increasing the
usage of cell phones.
 Safety regarding mobile phones also needs to be taken into consideration by the industry.
 Phones with hands-free features for cars are a must in the current environment.
 As Pakistan is an Islamic country and people are very strict in case of Islam anything
against the philosophy of Islam on either print or electronic media are treated as against

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 Most of the people dislike anything extra-ordinary or something which sabotage their
culture or subculture.
 Companies who are targeting upper-end of market mostly published and aired their
advertisement in English language.
 In metropolitan cities women are doing work along with their other responsibilities but
other than metropolitan cities it is difficult for women to convince their parents and
spouses for work.

Technological Analysis:
The entire telecom industry is based on technology and therefore technological changes
influence it deeply. The use of mobile computing is on the rise. Around the world IT is changing
things like never before. It is central to several things including business and productivity.
Computers and cloud computing have become the core of productivity. It is the telecom sector
that stands to gain the most from these technological trends. Smartphone and tablet sales have
kept growing and none of the two can be used fully without a fast connection. 5G is about to
arrive and it has already given rise to a lot of excitement.
New Products:
 New models of phones and communication devices are being produced at an alarmingly
fast rate.
 The companies involves in the communications industry in respect to Pakistan are in a
constant race to be the first to have the newest phones with the latest technology.
 Companies have technology with which they can compete in Pakistan and now
companies are investing in their infrastructure to not only expand but also to upgrade
their existing structure.
   Pakistan provide profitable environment for investment for foreign investors to invest in
telecom sector of Pakistan.
  Due to profitable environment, telecom sector attracts US $815 million which was a big
investment during this financial crisis period.

Focus on Technological Efforts:

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 Mobile telecommunication technology has made several different products like,

Walkman, Paging, Use of postal mail, Alarm clocks, Mobile / SMS banking.
 Advanced features and services such as cameras, MP3 players, multimedia messaging,
email and mobile have been added.
 The industry by using technology creates several risk related situations especially with
regards to network security & system operations.
Now these days Mobile telecommunication technology has made several different products

 Walkman.
 Paging.
 Use of postal mail.
 Alarm clocks.

Mobile / SMS banking:

The technology creates so many changes in telecommunication sector like in the early stage
of telecom we considered that camera was the latest technology, today, cameras come
standard with most mobile phones. 

Advanced features and services such as cameras, MP3 players, multimedia messaging, email
and mobile TV are increasingly offered as base capabilities on new phones rather than as
extras. We will continuously see an increase in Smartphone abilities as well as structure. 

The industry by using technology creates several risk related situations especially with
regards to network security & system operations.

Currently mostly companies are providing Multi-media Messaging Services (MMS), General

Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Pocket Stocks, Conference
Calling, Wallpapers Animated pictures Polyphonic ring tones (WAP), and Voice Mail at low
price and some are also providing feature that one can see TV channels on their cell.

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Now days, due to the sophisticated nature of technologies that exist within the
telecommunication industry, it has allowed & facilitated new ways of working for
individuals as well as creating new business opportunities.

Now by using new method of technologies companies are investing in their infrastructure to
not only expand but also to upgrade their existing structure  

Productivity Improvements Through Automation:

 Currently all companies except Zong&instaphone are providing Multi-media Messaging
Services (MMS), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Virtual Private Network (VPN),
Pocket Stocks, and Conference Calling, Wallpapers Animated pictures Polyphonic ring
tones (WAP), and Voice Mail at low price and some are also providing feature that one
can see TV channels on their cell.
 Now days, due to the sophisticated nature of technologies that exist within the
telecommunication industry, it has allowed & facilitated new ways of working for
individuals as well as creating new business opportunities.
 Mobilink shifted its whole network from 900 MHz to 1800 MHz offer value added
services like General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Multimedia Messaging services
(MMS) and Virtual Private Network (VPN) etc.

 The telecom sector is experiencing a historical growth. The trend is expected to continue
in the segment, as prices are falling as a result of competition in the segment.
 The beneficiaries of the competition are the consumers, who are given a wide variety of
services. In the years to come the country is predicted to witness a communication
revolution, which would increase the subscriber base to match that of the developed
world. The need of the time is a new revolution in telecom services, and it is imperative
that service providers work towards the same and make it a reality.
 An important contribution of this study is how marketing strategy is developed and
sustained over different target market in telecommunication sector.

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 The future commitment of the customers to organization depends on perceived marketing

element. The issue and challenges is therefore increasingly recognized as a critical
success factor in the emerging scenario
 Telecommunication has supported the socioeconomic development of Pakistan and has
played a significant role to narrow down the rural-urban digital divide to some extent. It
also has helped to increase the transparency of governance with the introduction of e-
governance in Pakistan. The government has pragmatically used modern
telecommunication facilities to deliver mass education programmers for the rural folk of

 New technologies, increasing consumer interest and a decrease in competition are just a
few external opportunities that can really help a telecommunications company in the long
run. Opportunities are beneficial, outside events that a company can use to boost its
existing strengths. A telecommunication company keen on rapidly adopting new
technologies, for example, would highly benefit from immediately investing in new fiber
optics the moment they're introduced in the marketplace, especially if they speed up



Mobilink was a trade name of Pakistan Mobile Communications

Limited (PMCL), a mobile operator in Pakistan providing a range of
prepaid and postpaid voice and data telecommunication services to
both individual and corporate subscribers. Its head office is
in Islamabad, and the current President and CEO is Sobayyal. The
network claims to have been the first GSM-based mobile operator in
South Asia.

Mobilink is a Mobile network service provider in Pakistan. Motorola has launched its services in
1994 as the first Mobile service in Pakistan under the name of Mobilink later it comes under the
flag of Orascom which is a multinational company in Egypt.

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Parent: Orascom

Geographic scope: Pakistan

Company Background & History:

 Pakistan Mobile Communication Limited, Better as Mobilink GSM. Mobilink has 28.24
million customers by March 2009. Mobilink’s Head Office is located in Mobilink House,
1 A Kohistan Road, F-8 Markaz Islamabad. Mobilink started operations in 1994 as the
first GSM cellular Mobile service in Pakistan.

 Formerly known as Mobilink, the company was founded in 1994 as a joint venture
between Saif Group and Motorola Inc. In February 2001, Egypt based Orascom Telecom
Holding bought Motorola’s shares in Mobilink to become the majority shareholder with
69% control. Then in June 2007, Orascom further purchased the remaining shares under
Saif Group’s control to become Mobilink’s 100% owner.

 In 2010, Russian operator Vimpelcom (now VEON Ltd.) agreed to acquire most of the
telecom assets of Orascom, including Mobilink, in a $6.5 billion deal, creating the
world’s fifth-largest mobile network operator by subscriber base.

 In November 2015, Vimpelcom announced the 100% acquisition of Pakistan’s Warid

Telecom, a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Group. Completed in July 2016 after due approvals,
the first-ever local telecom company acquisition created a combined subscriber base of
50 million. Following this merger, Mobilink was officially rebranded to Jazz in 2017

Mobilink Statement:

“To be the unmatchable mobile system of communications in Pakistan this provides the best
value to its customers, employees, business partners and shareholders”

Mobilink Vision:

“To be the leading telecommunication services provider in Pakistan by offering innovative

communication solutions of our customers while exceeding shareholders value and employee

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Mobilink’s Values:

 Total Customer Satisfaction.

 Business Excellence.
 Trust & Integrity.
 Respect for People.
 Corporate Social Responsibility.

Organization Structure:

Total Strength of Employees:

 Overall : (Total 4500)

 Top Managers : 75
 Middle Managers : 750
 Line Managers : 3675

Organization Structure Top Managers:

Mobilink Management Style:

 Strategic Business Department.

 Business Management Department.
 Project Management Department.
 Operating & Customer Care Department.

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 IT Department.
 Creativity & Content Management Department.
 Finance & Accounting Department.
 Administration & HR Department.

Mobile Cellular Revenue

2015 2016 2017 3 Years revenue

CM Pak 47.75 52.40 65.95 166.106
Jazz 94.30 122.70 144.04 361.014
Telenor Pakistan 85.27 93.81 101.51 280.90

Ufone 49.38 51.27 50.98 151.64

Total 276.7 320.18 362.48 959.69


Mobilink has widest network coverage all over Pakistan. One can find the network if they go to
northern areas or remote city of Pakistan. More than 20000 cities, town and villages across


Head office is situated in F-8 Markaz, Islamabad.


List of main offices are as under:

 Peshawar
 Faisalabad
 Gujranwala

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 Hyderabad
 Islamabad
 Gulshan Karachi
 North Nazimabad Karachi
 NTO Karachi
 Mobilink House Karachi
 Mobilink House Gulberg Lahore
 Eden Centre Lahore
 McLeod Road Lahore
 Mobilink House Multan
 Quetta
 Rawalpindi
 Rahim Yar Khan
 Sargodha
 Jhelum
 Sukkur

Major players in industry:


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the leading

telecommunication company in Pakistan. The company not just offers
telephonic services all over Pakistan, it also offers amazing internet facilities
in Pakistan. PTCL major services include GSM, HSPA+, CDMA and LTE,
broadband internet, IPTV, and wholesale. It is pertinent to mention here that PTCL is the only
telecom company in Pakistan that is collaborating with Netflix to provide quick and easy access
to all kinds movies and seasons for its customers.


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Mobilink is the leading cellular company in Pakistan in terms of its customers

and reach. Established in the 1990s, the company has come a long way. It
provides cellular services along with internet 2g, 3g and 4g services in many
areas of Pakistan. Mobilink has over 41 million subscribers. Its 3G users
reached 14.29 million by the end of January2018. Also, its 4g users reached 1.9 million during
the same time period. Mobilink offers prepaid and postpaid services, daily, monthly, weekly
package, mobile internet, and international calling services for its customers.


Zong is another leading cellular company in Pakistan. Overall Zong subscribers

in Pakistan have reached over 27 million. The USP of Zong is its amazing 4G
internet service. Zong is the leading internet provider in Pakistan. Its 4G active
user base has reached 6 million. The services and offers offered by Zong have
always been customer-oriented which defines the success of the company.


Telenor Group is an international cellular provider with its operations in 13

markers all over Europe and Asia. Telenor Pakistan is a subsidiary of Telenor
Group. In terms of its subscribers, it is the second largest mobile operator in
Pakistan. Its subscribers in Pakistan are over 39 million. The 3g users of
Telenor in Pakistan have reached 10.63 million while its 4G users have reached 1.5 million.


Ufone was merged into PTCL in 2006. Then it became part of the Emirates
Telecommunication Corporation Group after PTCL privatized. Ufone
claims to have coverage in 10,000 areas of Pakistan with over 24 million
subscribers. The 3g users of Ufone reached 5.7 million by the end of
December 2017. One of the disappointing factors in Ufone services is that it does not offer 4G
internet network to its customers. This is extremely unsatisfactory as the world is moving
towards 5G technology and one of the leading telecom companies in Pakistan is not even
offering 4G services.

23 | P a g e


In 2016 Warid merged with Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited

(Mobilink). Warid customers in Pakistan are over 10 million. So total Jazz
customers in Pakistan are above 50 million. Total 3G users of Mobilink and
Jazz are over 14 million.

Market share

Mobilink (now Jazz) has been leading the pack

of mobile network operators (MNOs) in
Pakistan. Swallowing Warid last year was a
major inorganic boon, putting some daylight
between Jazz and the three remaining MNOs.
By March 2017, data from the telecoms
watchdog PTA show, Jazz was commanding
some 52.5 million subscriptions in the three
connectivity segments. (For a breakdown, please refer to the illustration.) That is about 38
percent of the total cellular market. Jazz leads the 2G segment with 39.3 million subscriptions
and a 40 percent market share. It also headlines the 3G arena, with 12.4 million subs and a 35
percent market share. In the 4G segment, where Jazz picked Warid’s LTE users, it is ranked
second, with 0.8 million subs and an 18 percent market share. Except for Ufone, the three
remaining MNOs are operating in all three segments. While Jazz has clearly fattened itself lately,
the second-ranked operator, Telenor, remains a steady carrier, true to its form. Telenor may be
number two in the market, but it tries perhaps the hardest to differentiate itself. It commands a 30
percent share in both 2G and 3G markets as of March end. A late entrant in the 4G segment,
Telenor had only 7 percent share there, with its 0.3 million subscriptions. The case of Zong is
interesting. Recall that after its 2007-08 entry, the China Mobile subsidiary had gate-crashed the
market through its highly price-competitive voice and SMS offerings. That strategy appealed to
the mass segment. But when data tell you that Zong had a mere 17 percent share in 2G markets
in March 2017, it suggests that Zong’s top two rivals have weathered that disruption really well.
But Zong seems to have changed course in the mobile broadband era. It seems eager to be
associated more with speed and quality than with a low-tariff positioning. A PTA survey last

24 | P a g e

year showed Zong as the leading player in terms of mobile broadband speed in the North. And its
market penetration also looks good. Zong had a 22 percent share in 3G and 75 percent share in
the 4G segment as of March 2017.However, Zong will need to build scale to maximize return
from its spectrum holdings. But the organic route will take long. The only way to do it soon is to
solicit the last-ranked operator. Ufone subscriptions in the critical 3G segment have fallen lately,
with its market share plummeting to 13 percent. Even in the 2G pie, Ufone has a 14 percent slice.
The operator made net loss of around Rs5 billion in CY16. Overall, the telecom subscriptions are
beginning to flat line after a recent burst of growth coming from 3G adoption. In the three
months ended March 2017, 2G subscriptions remained almost flat at 99 million; 3G
subscriptions grew by only 2 percent or 0.7 million to reach 35.4 million; and the only growth
story was 4G, whose subs grew 54 percent to come to 5 million. But 4G is a niche market. If
recent numbers are any guide, the time of a million new mobile broadband subscriptions addition
is now over. While operators will gradually keep migrating more folks onto 3G and 4G
networks, the real battle may soon be retaining those customers. That raises a plausible but, yet
unlikely prospect of another price war.

Rank Operator Total Subscribers (in millions)

1 Jazz (Mobilink+Warid) 59.95

2 Telenor 45.40

3 Zong 35.62

4 Ufone 23.06



25 | P a g e

S1. Considered very strong and reliable.
S2. Captured most of the potential customers (28 million and growing)•Covering over 10,000
cities, towns and villages across the Pakistan.
S3. First operator to introduce IR for the people of Pakistan.
S4. Only cellular service in Pakistan to provide coverage on the M2 motorway.
S5. Strong brand image, indigo leading postpaid brand and Mobilink jazz singular pioneer
pre-paid brand and sweep two super brands award 2009 and pioneers with GSM technology.
S6. Exponential growth in revenue in first 3 quarter of 2010.
S7. Mobilink has signed bilateral roaming agreements with 50 operators around the world to
have true roaming service operational in over 42 countries of the world.
S8. In order to facilitate its international Roaming subscribers traveling to USA and Canada,
Mobilink is offering Motorola Time port Tri band (TT) handsets on rental basis. These sets
are available at all Mobilink's Customer Service centers.
S9. Mobilink's short message service center allows Vehicle Tracking and Fleet
(VTF)Management services.
S10. Large number of corporate customers.
S11. Economy of scale.
S12.Mobilink and Muslim Commercial Bank have made a combined effort in order to
maximize the ease and the satisfaction of their respective customers by offering them
all banking services from their very own mobile handset.


W1. Currently providing not good quality service because of changing their network
from900 MHz to 1800 MHz.

W2. Fewer advertisements now days.

W3. Most expensive telecom company both in call rates and SMS.

W4. Engineering department of Mobilink is not that well competent as compared to its new

26 | P a g e

W5. Customer retention Side is weak due to expensive packages.

W6. Mismanagement due to large network.
W7. Dwindling workforce motivation.
W8. Slow to react to competition.
W9. WiMAX business is almost non-competitive.
W10. Difficulties in integrating the operations of warid and mobilink.
W11. ARPU for prepaid declined from 1.8 to1.6 but for post-paid inclined 1.3 from 1.2
W12. Dependencies on third parties.

O1. Can expand its networks in the uncovered areas. 

O2. Services in the future can be:
 Telephone
 Wireless
 Calling Cards

O3. Local handset manufacturing.

O4. Before start of new companies can target as many new customers as they can.
O5. Can lower prices to make business difficult for new companies.
O6. Network all around Pakistan.
O7. Adaptation of newest technology.
O8. Promotional packages.

O9. Sponsorships for local and international events.

O10. Improved customer services and value-added services.

O11.Changing marketing mix.
O12. Growing population of Pakistan.


27 | P a g e

T1. New market players are coming in near future.

T2. New companies can offer packages for corporate customers in better way.
T3. Wireless local loop service providers too targeting areas which are less developed.
T4. Current price war may reach at a position where only brand names survive
T5. Due to expensive quality of service now a days customers can shift to other companies.
T6. Political instability and security concern..
T7. Allegations of health risks related to the use of mobile telecommunication devices.
T8. Intense Competition: Telenor, Ufone, Zong
T9. High tax rates
T10. Market saturation of subscriber. 
T11. Cheaper services by rivals at same quality Ufone, Telenor, Warid, Zong
T12. Skilled labor attracted to competitors via better benefits.
Tows matrix

Opportunities Threats
SO strategies ST strategies

S1, O1, O4 S1, T1

S2, O6 S2, T3
S12, S9, O7 S6, T7
Strengths S4, O10 S9, S12, T11
S10, O12 S10, T2

28 | P a g e

WO strategies WT strategies

W2, O8 W2, T1
W3, O5 W3, T2
W4,W6, O7 W5, T5
Weaknesses W5, O10 O8 W7, T12
W8, O9

Tows recommendations:

 Adopting innovative technology, mobile wallets and gift cards product development and
mobilizing the brand.
 Global expansion in emerging markets.
 Backward integration over vendors for reduction in infrastructure maintenance cost and
other expenses.
 Market penetration; concentrate on providing reliable and better services.
 Concentrate on customer retention and gaining market share.

Company portfolio analysis

Jazz is an exciting and energetic offering of Mobilink, targeting specifically those enthusiastic
teenagers, middle class and the youth market of the country, wishing to enjoy freedom, fun,
lower rates and a package that matches their personality.

Jazz Offerings:
 Jazz Budget
 Jazz Octane
 Jazz Ladies first
 Jazz Easy
 Jazz Share
 Jazz Load
 Jazz Advance

29 | P a g e

Jazz Budget

Target market is those young boys and girls who want to stay in touch with their friends and
family all the time but with cheaper rates. “Happy hours” with only 0.40 /30 seconds.

Jazz Octane

Targets those customers who want to have fun in their daily life enhancing energy in their
personality of youth with low SMS rates, discount rates and lower airtime rates for three

 Jazz Ladies First

Specifically designed for ladies (housewives) who along with their routine work want to have
recipes, beauty tips, shopping discounts etc. (also lower rates for special numbers)

 Jazz Easy

Jazz Easy customers can enjoy calling at amazingly low call rates for Mobilink numbers, they
also benefit tremendously from the fabulous rates to call on any other network.

 Jazz Share

An exciting new service targeting the Jazz family Members and allows them to share balance
anytime, anywhere.

 Jazz Advance

Targets Jazz Family Members with Additional balance benefit to help them talk some more!

 Jazz Load

Jazz Load allows recharging Jazz account in variable denominations.

Mobilink is the undisputed market leader, which is why it is believed to be expensive as compare
to other telecommunication service providers. Having the largest customer base in the country
with the fact that its service is available in the remote areas of Pakistan as well, people rely on
Mobilink services leading to the fact that Mobilink charges higher compared to its competitors.

30 | P a g e

Jazz Budget Tariffs

Details Rates

Outgoing calls to any Mobilink number during

selected Happy Hour Window * Rs. 0.40 / 30 seconds

Outgoing to 3 F&F Mobilink numbers Rs. 0.75 / 30 seconds

Outgoing calls to any Mobilink number Rs. 0.90 / 30 seconds

Outgoing calls to all mobile networks in

Pakistan Rs. 1.25 / 30 seconds

Outgoing calls to all Landline numbers in

Pakistan Rs. 1.25 / 30 seconds

SMS (Jazz to Mobilink) Rs. 1.0 / SMS

SMS (Jazz to other networks) Rs. 1.5 / SMS

Jazz Easy Tariffs

Details Rates
Outgoing calls to any 3 Friends & Family
Mobilink numbers* Rs. 0.99 / min
Outgoing calls to any Mobilink Number Rs. 2.10 / min
Outgoing calls to all mobile networks in
Pakistan Rs. 2.50 / min
Outgoing calls to all Landline numbers in
Pakistan Rs. 2.50 / min
F&F Numbers Offered 3 (Three)
SMS (Jazz to Mobilink) Rs. 1.0 / SMS
SMS (Jazz to other networks) Rs. 1.5 / SMS
F&F numbers addition/modification * Rs. 15 + tax / Modification

31 | P a g e

Jazz Octane Tariffs

Details Rates
Late Night Option – All Mobilink numbers ** Rs. 0.75 / min
Outgoing Calls to any 3 F&F Mobilink
numbers* Rs. 0.99 / min
Outgoing calls – Any Mobilink number Rs. 2.50 / min
Outgoing calls – To Landline numbers
(inclusive of interconnect charges) Rs. 2.99 / min
Outgoing calls – Other mobile networks
(inclusive of interconnect charges) Rs. 2.99 / min
SMS – to any Mobilink number *** 20 paisas / SMS
SMS – to any other network in Pakistan 50 paisas / SMS
Daily Charges Rs. 1.00
Jazz Ladies First Tariffs
Details Rates
Outgoing calls – Any Mobilink number (1st
Minute) Rs. 2.50 / min
Outgoing calls – Any Mobilink number (2nd
minute onwards) Rs. 1.50 / min
Outgoing calls – Any Mobilink number ( 3pm-
6pm ) Rs. 1.50 / min
Outgoing calls – To Landline numbers
(inclusive of interconnect charges) Rs. 2.99 / min
Outgoing calls – Other mobile networks
(inclusive of interconnect charges) Rs. 2.99 / min
SMS based Value Added Services
Subscription Rs. 30 / month
SMS (Push based Value Added Services) Rs. 2.00 / SMS
SMS – Any mobilink number Rs. 1.00 / SMS
SMS – Any other network Rs. 1.50 / SMS

32 | P a g e

Company’s Competitors analysis

Player Price Place Promotion
Mainly there are four Jazz use price skimming Mobilink covering The promotional strategy
product services of strategy. 10,000 plus cities, the jazz team use the
Mobilink: In jazz prepaid charges towns and villages. following medias:
 Mobilink Indigo 300,600,900, to 6500. Sims is available over  Advertisement
Mobilink  Mobilink Jazz The minimum call rate of more than 700  Billboards
 Mobilink World jazz is 2. Per minutes Franchises allover  Electronic Media
 Mobilink PCO minimum call rate is 2.5 Pakistan.  Printed Media
rupees per min  Endorsement
Products of Ufone are: Ufone wanted to extend • Delivering many Promotion strategies are:
 Short messages their services to attain their information-based  Mikaal Print Media
(SMS) & more and more customers services to almost any print ads in all leading
international by different packages with location in the world newspapers, Sunday
Messages. minimum prices like: that has their network. magazine, akhbar-e-
Ufone  MMS.  30 sec Package • Ufone provided jahan etc
 Call waiting.  Uth non-stop offer services directly to  They arrange events
 Voice Mail.  Tension Free end consumers and future plans and
 International  Ladies Package through their musical concerts with
Roaming franchises or outlets. junoon band etc.

Telenor Telenor has range of  Telenor have been Telenor operates in Telenor promotes itself
products to offer like: offering huge 29 countries across through excessive:
 IPTV discounts to attract the globe.  Advertisement
 Fixed Line customers. It has its own campaign
 IT services  They also offer network in 12  Radio

33 | P a g e

 Mobile Telephony Telenor to Telenor countries.  TV

 Digital television free calling to anchor The Telenor services  Conducting events
customers to the bike are sold through small  Hoarding
they buy. retail shops.  Billboards and print-
ads. Sponsor events
 Zong PayMax  Charging low price to  ZONG has Zong is currently using:
 Super 4G Dongle encourage the 178franchises &  Information Advertising
 Kids watch for customers. 22 CSC which  Reminder advertising
tracking for  Free airtime and SMS are acting  Advertising media
children both on-net off-net throughout  Advertising campaign
Zong Pakistan.
 Smartphone of  Free of cost sim for
Huawei Y3II new subscribers  ZONG uses its
 Lowest security 100,000 retail
charges in comparison outlets
with competitors.


 Zong
Zong, a recent entrant in the mobile industry is a subsidiary of China
Mobile. Zong’s inception was the result of the takeover of Paktel by China
Mobile in 2007. Being a new entrant in the mobile industry, its goal is to
gain market share, currently Zong is a small part of the industry, but
however it aims to increase its market share reach above 10% by 2010.
 ZONG has 178franchises & 22 CSC which are acting throughout Pakistan.
 ZONG uses its 100,000 retail outlets
Target market
Target market is divided in to two groups
 Youngsters having limited pocket money and ages b/t 18-25 yrs.
 Business class.

 Telenor

34 | P a g e

Telenor since its inception in 2005, has been an aggressive company, trying to
gain market share from other competitors, first it took the third position from
Warid (another company that started in 2005) in 2007 and is now giving stiff
competition to Ufone (currently second[13]) and is favorite in gaining the
position from its rival company.

 Operates in 29 countries across the globe.
 13 markers all over Europe and Asia.
 It has its own network in 12 countries.
Target market
 Telenor is providing service especially in Northern Areas and in rural areas of Sindh,
Baluchistan and Punjab where others are not providing services.
 The main segmented market is the young people of age 15-30.
 Telenor also segments the customers based on income level. Different packages are there
for people of different income level.
 Post-paid service targets the Business Class mainly.

 Ufone
Ufone is one of the major competitors of Mobilink and has sustained a
good market share over the years. It has remained second overall for a
number of years. However just recently, Telenor, which had gained third
position in 2006, in the industry, is giving strong competition to Ufone
and even achieved second position in the first quarter of 2007.
 Delivering many information-based services to almost any location in the world that has
their network.
 Ufone provided services directly to end consumers through their franchises or outlets.
Target market
 Corporate Class
 Entrepreneurs (Business class)
 Youth (ageing between 15 & 22)

35 | P a g e

 Government organization

BCG Matrix
Companies that are large enough to be organized into strategic business units face the challenge
of allocating resources among those units. In the early 1970's the Boston Consulting Group
developed a model for managing a portfolio of different business units. The BCG growth-share
matrix displays the various business units on a graph of the market growth rate vs. market share
relative to competitors.

Classification of SBUs according to growth-share matrix

Mobilink classifies it SBUs as followings:

Cash Cow

 Jazz Ladies First

 Mobilink Indigo

 Jazz Budget

These packages are low growth, high share products. These established and successful SBUs
need less investment to hold their market share. They produce a lot of cash to support the other
SBUs that need investment.

 JazzOne
This package is a high growth, high share product. There is need to invest more for its rapid

Question Mark

 Jazz Easy

 Mobilink PCO

These packages are low share in high growth markets. They require a lot of cash to hold their
share. Management needs to think hard about question marks it should try to build into stars or
should be phased out.


 Jazz Octane
36 | P a g e

It is low growth, low share product. It may generate enough cash to maintain itself but do not
promise to be large source of cash.

Need analysis for new product development

What is the need of 5G in Pakistan?

Looking back at the differences between its predecessors, it is easy to mistake 5G for nothing
more than a faster and smoother internet connection. Seen that way, one may wonder what the
big deal even is. After all, existing high-speed connections already provide the average internet
user more bandwidth than they need. From seamlessly streaming high definition videos and
movies to instantaneous communication and gaming services, from an average user’s point of
view, existing networks allow just about everything. No, domestic internet use is not all 5G aims
to revolutionize. The real breakthrough the new technology promises to deliver concerns the
‘Internet of Things’, the ever-growing network of various internet-enabled machines and
appliances. With the launch of the 5G, the 4G technology will be eventually replaced or at least
it will be augmented. As other than the fast download speed, it is using unique radio frequencies
that are higher and more directional than those used by 4G.

It is believed that each generation is faster, safer and more reliable. Until 2G was released, 1G
was not used to define wireless technology. When the wireless networks were transformed from
analog to digital, it was a gigantic leap in technology. The 3G offered faster data transfer speed
i.e. 200 kilobits per second for multimedia use. A 4G promises a transfer speed of 1GB per

37 | P a g e

second and 4G LTE is closing this gap very close. There is no significant difference but, the
advertisers understand how to manipulate them.

Over the past decades, Pakistan is growing its digital and has massively embraced the digital
lifestyle. 5G will bring more deep and long-term improvements to Pakistan’s economical
transformation, social progress, and in livelihood of people. 5G is anticipated to have an impact
on technology, healthcare, farming, and education sector of Pakistan. 5G will improve the
service standards for cellular and broadband users in Pakistan. With increased bandwidth and
data transmission speeds, the Internet services are expected to improve.

5G will bring a great technology shift in Pakistan as its speeds will be one thousand times faster
than current LTE data transfer speeds. It will bring a massive increase in the level of
connectivity. Not only this, 5G will impact every industry in Pakistan like autos, healthcare,
manufacturing and distribution, emergency services.

How 5G will Change Everything?

Banking Industry

In a post 5G world, ATMs will be replaced with smart phones and identity management will
become a core discipline taught in every school. Cash will dwindle to a fraction of its use today.
Virtual tellers will replace most human tellers and automated micro-loans will become banking’s


The agriculture industry is teetering on the edge of a data-revolution. Most farm-grown produce,
grains, nuts, and other crops will be date-tagged, geo-tagged, and chemical-tagged in a block
chain database to give consumers a more informed choice.


For sick people in rural areas, with doctors located many miles away, traveling long distances to
find a doctor can be rough. This will change as virtual healthcare becomes more common. With
remote in-home examining systems, doctors will be only a Skype call away.


38 | P a g e

Driverless technology will be the most disruptive technology in all history. Virtually every job
related to the automotive industry will be affected in some way. Parking lots, garages, traffic
cops, traffic courts, gas stations, tire shops, emissions testing, drivers licenses, traffic cones,
weigh stations and stoplights will all begin to disappear. At the same time, we will be creating
new businesses and new jobs at an unprecedented rate.


Education continues to be the largest opportunity in the online world where no one has quite
cracked the code. Virtual involvement training apps will offer a new kind of learning experience.

Virtual sensory reducers will help students manage their distractions. Brain stimulators will
become commonplace to momentarily amp up a person’s cranial inputs. Virtual involvement
training apps will offer a new kind of learning experience

How Well Jazz Can Position Itself In The Market:

Jazz introduce 5G service First time in the Country and it is the first who introduce 5G services
in the market. If they want to make position still in first so Warid and jazz stay merge always in
the market.

Jazz acquired Warid last year and merged its business portfolio into its own, Warid used to
offer LTE services to its customers which continued by Jazz after the acquisition. But the
services were restricted due to license agreements. Now Jazz can expand its 4G network across
the country with competitive prices and quality.


Desire target market:

As far as the Mobilink is concerned, it has no specific target audience because it is catering the
requirement of all the users through its different packages. Cell phone is a requirement of
everyone, so it also makes sense to launch multiple products to cater to the requirements of
several segments whether it is youth, ladies or corporate sector. Jazz market its product to
customer segments that require the basic mobile telecommunication services (such as voice

39 | P a g e

messaging, fax, and email) in a single solution. Other features will be specific to each customer

Segmentation analysis

Bases for market segmentation:

There are four bases for market segmentation listed below:

 Demographic segmentation
 Geographic segmentation
 Psychographic segmentation

 Behavioral segmentation
 We aim to have the largest customer base and therefore, providing services in
maximum locations.
 We will provide our service especially in Northern Areas and in rural areas of
Sindh, Baluchistan and Punjab where others are not providing services.
 In demographics, we will target our youth by giving interesting internet packages.
 We will also segment the customers based on income level. We will provide
different packages for people of different income level.
 In psychographic, our main focus will be on internet users like bloggers, vloggers
and the people who have great interest in socializing.

 In behavioral segmentation, we will target our loyal customer who always give
positive response to our products.

40 | P a g e

New product structure

 Reliable
Core  High speed

 Greater bandwidth up to 10 gigabits per second

 Wide number of Internet packages
 Applications in internet of things and machine to
machine area

 Free Zoom for 2 months

Augmented  Free Whatsapp for 90 days

Pricing model

Package Price Details Validity Activation code

1gb for
Daily social
Pkr 6 facebook&whatsapp 1 day Dial *114*1#
package only
Daily browser Pkr 10 100 mb 1 day Dial *114*2#

Internet hourly
Pkr 20 2000 mb Next 2 hours Dial *114*3#

Jazz 5g, 3 days internet packages

41 | P a g e

Package Price Details Validity Activation code

3 day browser Pkr 30 250 mb 3 days *114*4#

3 days (valid only

3 day extreme Pkr 25 500 mb
for 2 am to 2 pm)

2 GB for
3 day social
Pkr 20 facebook&whatsap 3 days *114*6#
package p only

Jazz 5g weekly internet packages

Package Price Detail Validity Activation code

5 gbs for IMO,
Weekly social Pkr 60
Facebook, WhatsApp
7 days *663#

Pkr 15 2gbs for zoom 7 days *666#
Weekly *664#
Pkr 130 3gbs 7 days

Jazz 5g monthly internet packages

42 | P a g e

Package Price Detail Validity Activation code

Jazz monthly
Pkr 90 zoom&whatsapp 30 days *777#
student mbs
30 days
Jazz monthly
Pkr 210 4GB (2gb 2:00 am to *771#
browser 2:00 pm)
30 days
Jazz monthly mega Pkr 500 10 GB (6gb 2:00 am to *772#
2:00 pm)
30 days
Jazz monthly
Pkr 850 20 GB (10gb 2:00 am to *773#
supreme 2:00 pm)
Jazz monthly
Pkr 650 10 GB 30 days *774#

Pricing strategy:

Mobilink uses psychological pricing. They have set their target price on consumer perception of the
product value e.g. outgoing calls at any 3 Mobilink numbers cost Rs.0.99/min. They haven’t set the price
exactly on Re.1 but have used psychological pricing to attract customers. Mobilink is the only
telecommunication network in Pakistan, which has reached maturity and is the market leader. This is
why, there prices are somewhat higher than its competitors like PTCL Wireless and World Call Wireless
(at introduction), Warid (at growth) and Paktel (at decline). They made use of psychological pricing also
by offering free roaming facility during Hajj.

Mobilink is not using competitive pricing strategy because they are enjoying the market leadership in
Pakistan. At maturity, as different market segments are targeted the prices must be offered in such a
way that suits the targeted segments.

Mobilink is doing exactly the same. They have offered prepaid connections like Jazz Octane, Jazz Budget
and Jazz Ladies First, which can be afforded by the people not having very high incomes. Though, the
prices of these packages are relatively higher than the prepaid packages of other telecommunication
networks but still attractive. Jazz Ladies First is a package designed specially for ladies through which
they can shop, listen to beauty tips and recipes at relatively lower rates. Jazz Octane offers SMS rates as

43 | P a g e

low as 25 paisas/msg and late night option rates at Rs 1.50/min and many other facilities at attractive
rates. Jazz

Budget Package is an economical way to talk to any Mobilink number in Pakistan. It has announced
another ground breaking first of its kind offer with the re-launch of Jazz Budget. The package has been
launched with a fresh look and tariffs tailored specifically for the masses.

One of the key highlights of this package is the ‘Happy Hour’, which is bound to hit a chord with the
nation, and has been developed keeping the communication needs of the Pakistani people in mind.
Keeping in view the fact that Mobilink customers make 7 out of every 10 calls to a Mobilink number, the
new package is specifically customized to offer customers the lowest rates to call the largest mobile
network in Pakistan.

Mobilink is also offering postpaid connections with the name of Mobilink Indigo, popular within the
business class. In this way, Mobilink is earning maximum profits by enabling people from different target
segments to become a part of the largest cellular network in Pakistan. Jazz customers can now call US
and a number of other Zone 1 destinations on Jazz local outgoing rate!

Distribution and place strategies:

Marketing Network

During the last 13 years, Mobilink has set up one of the largest cellular networks in the country.
Currently, Mobilink is covering more than 5000+ cities and towns. This has involved an
investment in the company of more than US$ 1 Billion. Mobilink have 50 Switches and more
than 4,900 cell sites and the number keeps growing at a rapid pace. Mobilink also have deployed
around 3,000 km of optical cable.

For Mobilink, last year was a bit difficult as they struggled to grow as quickly as the market
itself. Today mobilink is confident that it has all the essential building blocks in place to take the
dream forward and to play a leadership role in the rapid growth and development of
telecommunication industry in Pakistan.

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In 2003 mobilink invested upwards of US$ 200 million in improving their network and services.
Mobilink have already put in 7 switches, over 820 cell sites and new IN platforms for better
coverage and connectivity. In upcoming years mobilink is trying to invest in technological
upgrades, superior customer services, and improved coverage.

Mobilink customers remain their priority and in an effort to enrich their lives Mobilink have put
in place state-of-the-art call centers in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and in other cities of Pakistan
where well trained staff is geared to answer complaints and queries, and a new billing system is
in the process of commissioning. Mobilink is constantly expanding their nationwide franchise
and distribution network and upgrading them to offer customer services so that the customers can
find a Mobilink contact as near to them as possible.


Mobilink provides the widest coverage network, covering more than 5000+ cities, towns, and
villages across Pakistan. It connects over 24 million family members every second of the day
with exceptional voice quality due to its broad coverage. The coverage is expanding day by day,
and it is claimed by the management that soon the only other thing covering Pakistan more than
Mobilink would be the clear blue sky.

The type of coverage service Mobilink provides is divided into three main categories:

· PHYSICAL PRESENCE (Mobilink has physical infrastructure in the area)

· INDOOR SPILLOVER COVERAGE (High coverage level in adjoining area)

· OUTDOOR SPILLOVER COVERAGE (Medium coverage level in adjoining area)

Nationwide coverage

Mobilink provide true nationwide coverage in more than 5000+ cities, towns, and villages across
Pakistan. Mobilink provide its services in urban areas as well as towns and villages. In
nationwide Mobilink provide services in following areas.

· Punjab

· Sindh

· Balochistan


· Capital


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Distribution channel of Mobilink

Mobilink provide its service products directly to customers or with help of intermediaries involved in
distributing its product. Distribution channel contain set of interdependent organizations involved in the
process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business
users. Mobilink also distributes its product to end user with help of intermediaries as well as it
distributes its product directly to customers.

Mobilink supplies its product range to intermediaries with involvement of its “Commercial and Sales

Mobilink authorizes limited number of dealers to deliver its service product. But Mobilink provides its
prepaid cards to almost all the markets and consumer shops. Providing its prepaid cards in every corner
of the city helps mobilink to satisfy the need of consumer and to gain customer satisfaction. However
mobilink deliver its Sims to customer with help of Franchises, service centers, and sales offices. These
Franchises, service centers, and sales offices are given by the right of providing its service product by
Mobilink itself.

Distribution Strategy of Mobilink

There are three types of distribution strategies. First Intensive Distribution, second Extensive
Distribution and third is Selective Distribution. However mobilink follow both intensive and exclusive
distribution strategies. While providing its Jazz prepaid cards Mobilink follow Intensive Distribution
strategy means that stocking Jazz prepaid cards in as many outlets as possible. While providing its
service products (like SIM Cards of Jazz, SIM Cards of indigo and Mobilink PCO Sets as well as Prepaid
cards) Mobilink follow Extensive Distribution strategy means that it gives limited number of dealers the
right to deliver its product.

Distribution of products takes place by means of a marketing channel, also known as a distribution
channel. A marketing channel is the people, organizations, and activities necessary to transfer the
ownership of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. It is the way products get

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to the end-user, the consumer. This is mostly accomplished through merchant retailers or wholesalers
or, in the international context, by importers. In certain specialist markets, agents or brokers may
become involved in the marketing channel.

Typical intermediaries involved in distribution include:

Wholesaler: A merchant intermediary who sells chiefly to retailers, other merchants, or industrial,
institutional, and commercial users mainly for resale or business use. The transactions are B2B (Business
to Business). Wholesalers typically sell in large quantities. (Wholesalers, by definition, do not deal
directly with the public).[9]

Retailer: A merchant intermediary who sells direct to the public. There are many different types of retail
outlet - from hypermarts and supermarkets to small, independent stores. The transactions in this case
are B2C (Business to Customer).

Agent: An intermediary who is authorized to act for a principal in order to facilitate exchange. Unlike
merchant wholesalers and retailers, agents do not take title to goods, but simply put buyers and sellers
together. Agents are typically paid via commissions by the principal. For example, travel agents are paid
a commission of around 15% for each booking made with an airline or hotel operator.

Jobber: A special type of wholesaler, typically one who operates on a small scale and sells only to
retailers or institutions. For example, rack jobbers are small independent wholesalers who operate from
a truck, supplying convenience stores with snack foods and drinks on a regular basis.[10]

New product promotional plan:

Promotion is the means to promote the companies’ product in order to enhance sales. We are going to
use various means to promote our product. In promotional strategy, we will use the following medias:

Print media

Brochures and flyers

We have designed attractive brochures and flyers for our customers. These flyers contain all the
necessary information about their package deals and tariffs. So, we are making it easier for the people to
know about our services and products.

Broadcast media

TV commercials

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As Jazz has always tried to deliver truthful and interesting advertising to its viewers. Through these ads
we are trying to convey the message that Jazz is solely meant for the people’s benefit and convenience.
We are going to advertise through Channels like ARY, Geo TV, Hum TV, Ten Sports and Dunya News

SMS Marketing Campaigns

As people are increasingly using Mobile, SMS has become the most effective broadcast mediums with
powerful tools. We will use SMS Messaging services to send promotional, transactional, informational,
or any other kind of alerts via SMS.

Outdoor advertising


In outdoor advertising, we are going to use billboards. We will display these attractive billboards at
different locations all over the country.

Sales Promotion

There are different types of sales promotion we are going to use:

Consumer promotions

For the purpose of quicker and high purchases, we will carry out many consumer promotion activities
such as special deals, student discounts etc.



Students Discounted packages

1 Mbps



2 Mbps



4 Mbps



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All above packages includes:

High speed surfing

Unlimited download & upload

No extra phone bill for internet

No hidden charges

Objectives of promotion:
 Expand the business.
 Provide better service to people in the field of telecommunication.
 Retaining the role of a leading telecommunication company.
 Attract maximum customers and satisfy them.
 Excel in meeting customer needs.
 Seek employee involvement, continuous improvement and enhanced performance goals.
 New Product awareness
 Sales leads
 Customer loyalty

Broadcast Media selection:

Broadcast media:
Television advertising:

Channels: Geo, Duniya news, Hum TV, Ten sports

Frequency: 4 per 1 hour

Timing: 8 pm to 9 pm

Media costing
Cost of billboard

Locations in Lahore Duration Sizes Rates

Ring road 1 month 90*30 725,000
Akbar chowk 1month 40*15 450,000
Fortress 1month 60*20 525,000

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Broadcast media costing

Sr. Channels Timing Frequency Duration Rate/minute

1 Hum TV 09:00-14:00 3 times per hour 3 months 50,000
2 Ary 01:00- 07:59 3 times per hour 3 months 20,000

3 Geo TV 00:00-00:59 3 times per hour 3 months 75,000

4 Dunya news 01:00-06:59 3 times per hour 3 months 9,600

5 Express news 08:00-18:59 3 times per hour 3 months 25,000












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