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A Review Eye Diseases and Its Treatment by Various Nutrients

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Review - Eye Diseases and its Treatment by Various Nutrients

Mr. Ketan Chandrakant Shinde, Ms. Ashwini Ramdas Sable, Dr. Rajesh J Oswal,
Ms. Sayali Uday Budhavant, Mr. Sameer Dilip Pawar
Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Pharmacy, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Mr. Ketan

The importance of excellent nutrition will increase for a number of reasons. Chandrakant Shinde | Ms. Ashwini
The human body needs more vitamins and nutrients to keep it working Ramdas Sable | Dr. Rajesh J Oswal | Ms.
properly, and it has a harder time digesting and processing the vitamins that Sayali Uday Budhavant | Mr. Sameer Dilip
we eat in our regular diets. Since the eyes are in all probability the most Pawar "A Review - Eye Diseases and its
important organ connected to the senses, certain vitamins and nutrients will Treatment by Various Nutrients"
facilitate protect the attention. The aim of this review is to identify different Published in
nutritional supplement used to treat or prevent ocular disorders. There are International Journal
various nutritional supplement suitable for those with family history of of Trend in Scientific
glaucoma, cataract, or age related macular diseases or life styles factors Research and
predisposing onset of these conditions, such as smoking, poor nutritional Development (ijtsrd),
status or high levels of sunlight exposure. Antioxidants and other important ISSN: 2456-6470,
nutrients reduced the risk of cataract and macular regeneration. Healthy Volume-4 | Issue-4, IJTSRD30957
lifestyle habits, such as a wholesome diet and regular exercise, may help June 2020, pp.1577-
prevent many chronic diseases including eye conditions. 1581, URL:
KEYWORDS: Eye vision, Eye disorders, ARMD, RDA
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
NUTRIENTS: Fovea: the middle of the macula that provides the sharp
Iris: The colored part of the eye which helps regulates the
amount of light entering the eye. When there's bright
lightweight, the iris closes the pupil to let in less light. And
once there's low lightweight, the iris opens up the pupil to let
in more light.

Lens: Focuses light rays onto the retina. The lens is clear,
and can be replaced if necessary. Our lens deteriorates as we
have a tendency to age, resulting in the need for reading
glasses. Intraocular lenses are used to replace lenses clouded
by cataracts.
Fig.1 Human eye Macula: the world within the tissue layer that contains
Choroid: Layer containing blood vessels that lines the rear special sensitive cells. In the macula these sensitive cells
of the attention and is found between the tissue layer (the permit North American nation to ascertain fine details
inner sensitive layer) and also the albuginea (the outer white clearly within the center of our field of regard. The
eye wall). deterioration of the macula may be a common condition as
we have a tendency to become older (age connected
Ciliary Body: Structure containing muscle and is found degeneration or ARMD).
behind the iris that focuses the lens.
Optic Nerve: A bundle of quite 1,000,000 nerve fibers
Cornea: The clear front window of the attention that carrying visual messages from the tissue layer to the brain.
transmits and focuses (i.e., sharpness or clarity) light into the (In order to see, we must have light and our eyes must be
eye. Corrective laser surgery reshapes the cornea, changing connected to the brain.) Your brain actually controls what
the focus.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30957 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1577
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
you see, since it combines images. The tissue layer sees
pictures the wrong way up however the brain turns pictures
right aspect up. This reversal of the photographs that we
have a tendency to see is way sort of a mirror in a very
camera. Glaucoma is one amongst the foremost common eye
conditions associated with cranial nerve injury.

Pupil: The dark center gap within the middle of the iris. The
pupil changes size to regulate for the number light-weight of
sunshine} on the market (smaller for bright light and bigger
for low light). This gap and shutting light-weight of
Fig.1. Cataracts
sunshine} into the attention is way just like the aperture in
most thirty five millimeter cameras that allows additional or
Glaucoma: Glaucoma damages the eye’s optic nerve and is
less light relying upon the conditions.
an age-related eye disease that affects about 1 in every 200
people. The optic nerve damage is the result of increased
Retina: The nerve layer lining the rear of the attention. The
intraocular pressure in and around the eye. Glaucoma has no
tissue layer senses light-weight and creates electrical
early symptoms and usually goes undetected until it is fairly
impulses that area unit sent through the cranial nerve to the
advanced. Loss of a minimum of some vision is nearly
warranted if preventive measures don't seem to be taken
and comprehensive eye examinations not done. Glaucoma
Sclera: The white outer coat of the attention, encompassing
could be a leading reason for visual defect among African
the iris.
Americans and Hispanics. African Americans expertise this
disease at a rate 3 times that of whites [3].
Vitreous Humor: The, clear, gelatin like substance filling the
central cavity of the attention [2].

1. Light enters the eye through the cornea, the clear front
surface of the eye, which acts like a camera lens.
2. The iris works much like the diaphragm of a camera
controlling how much light reaches the back of the eye.
It does this by automatically adjusting the size of the
pupil which, in this scenario, functions like a camera's
3. The eye’s crystalline lens sits just behind the pupil and Age-related macular degeneration: This unwellness
acts like autofocus camera lens, focusing on close and affects regarding nine million individuals within the us alone.
approaching objects. It is an unwellness that destroys the sharp vision required to
visualize objects clearly. It affects all daily activities including
4. Focused by the cornea and the crystalline lens, the light
reading, driving, and watching television. ARMD is a disease
makes its way to the retina. This is the light-sensitive
in which certain deposits or blood vessels under the macula
lining in the back of the eye. Think of the retina as the
can damage the eye rods and cause cells in the macula to die.
electronic image sensor of a digital camera. Its job is to
In some cases, ARMD advances so slowly that people do not
convert images into electronic signals and send them to
notice major vision problems [4, 7].
the optic nerve.
5. The optic nerve then transmits these signals to the
visual cortex of the brain which creates our sense of

Eye Diseases
Cataracts: Cataracts, or clouded lenses, have an effect on
vision and area unit quite common in older folks. Cataracts
have an effect on over four-hundredth of people between
ages fifty and sixty five years, over hr of individuals > age
sixty six, and up to ninetieth of individuals >90 years.
Fig.3. Age-related macular degeneration
Common symptoms of cataracts embrace muzzy vision,
colours that appear light, glare, poor visual sense, visual
Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is that the
defect, and frequent changes in prescriptions for eyeglasses
results of polygenic disease and is another major age-related
(Fig.1. Cataracts) [1, 2]. The chance of developing cataracts
disease touching the tissue layer, the photosensitive tissue at
can be greatly reduced by taking certain vitamins before the
the rear of the eye; it causes most cases of blindness in U.S.
cataracts start to appear. However, in most cases surgery is
adults and is treated with surgery or laser surgery. With
associate possibility that involves removing a cloudy lens
adequate control of blood glucose, blood pressure, and
and substitution it with a man-made lens [3].
cholesterol levels, and with regular follow-up care, blindness
from diabetes can be prevented [3].

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Fig.4. Diabetic Retinopathy Fig.7. Astigmatism

Vision Focus Computer Vision Syndrome

Nearsightedness (myopia): Nearsightedness results in Computer vision syndrome, or digital eyestrain, describes a
blurred vision when the visual image is focused in front of problem that results from prolonged computer, tablet, e-
the retina, rather than directly on it. It usually occurs when reader, and cell phone use. Many people expertise eye
the cornea or lens is not evenly and smoothly curved. For discomfort and vision issues once viewing digital screens for
this reason, in children with nearsightedness light rays are long periods of your time. The level of discomfort seems to
not refracted properly. Nearsightedness often develops in extend with the quantity of digital screen use.
the rapidly growing school-aged child or teenager and
progresses during the growth years, requiring frequent Uncorrected vision problems-farsightedness and
changes in glasses or contact lenses [3]. astigmatism or eye-coordination difficulties-and aging will
all contribute to the event of visual symptoms once
employing a laptop or digital screen device. High visual
demands of laptop and digital screen viewing create several
people at risk of the event of vision-related symptoms.4

Solutions to digital screen–related vision problems are

varied. In some cases, individuals who do not require the use
of eyeglasses for other daily activities may benefit from
lenses prescribed specifically for computer use. In addition,
persons already wearing glasses may find their current
prescription does not provide optimal vision for viewing a
Fig.5. Nearsightedness (myopia)
Many laptop users’ expertise issues with eye focusing or eye
Farsightedness (hyperopia): Farsightedness results when
coordination that can't be properly corrected with
the visual image is focused behind the retina rather than
eyeglasses or contact lenses. A program of vision coaching is
directly on it. Hyperopia may occur if the eyeball is too small
also required to treat these specific issues. This program
or the focusing power is too weak. Farsightedness is
trains the eyes and brain to work together more effectively.
frequently present from birth, but children can often tolerate
These eye exercises facilitate eye movement, eye focusing,
moderate degrees of it without difficulty and most outgrow
and eye teaming and reinforce the eye-brain affiliation [5].
the condition [1, 4].
Dry-Eye Syndrome
Dry-eye syndrome, conjointly called inflammation sicca, is an
eye fixed condition within which tear film evaporation is
high or tear production is low. This will cause the eyes to dry
out and become inflamed [6].

The eyes are manufacturing tears all the time, not simply
once individuals express feelings or have AN emotional
expertise. Healthy eyes ar lined with a liquid tear film that is
meant to stay stable between every blink. This tear film
prevents the eyes from changing into dry and keeps them
clear and cozy. If the tear glands manufacture a lower
Fig.6. Farsighted Eye amount of tears, the tear film will become destabilized. It will
break down quickly, making dry spots on the surface of the
Astigmatism: In astigmatism, the membrane is a lot of oval eyes. Dry-eye syndrome is a lot of common with older age,
than spherical. This prevents the eye from allow focusing once the individual produces fewer tears, however it will
clearly. This condition is accompanied by near- and occur at any age. In some elements of the globe, wherever
farsightedness. Current treatments adjust the cornea’s deficiency disease leads to vitamin A deficiency, dry-eye
uneven curvature through corrective lenses or refractive syndrome is far a lot of common.
surgery [4].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30957 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1579
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Symptoms of dry eye embody stinging and burning Omega-3 Fatty Acids
sensations within the eyes, a sense of waterlessness within Eye benefits of omega-3 fatty acids: May help prevent
the eyes, eye sensitivity to smoke, eye fatigue even after macular degeneration (AMD) and dry eyes.
reading for a relatively short amount, sensitivity to
lightweight, blurred vision, and sticking together of the Food sources: Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel and
eyelids upon waking up. Other complications are eye herring; fish oil supplements, freshly ground flaxseeds,
redness, painful eyes, and eyesight deterioration. walnuts.

RDA: None; but for cardiovascular benefits, the American

Heart Association recommends approximately 1,000 mg

Eye benefits of selenium: When combined
with carotenoids and vitamins C and E, may reduce risk of
advanced AMD.

Food sources: Seafood (shrimp, crab, salmon, halibut), Brazil

nuts, enriched noodles, brown rice.

RDA: 55 mcg for teens and adults (60 mcg for women during
pregnancy and 70 mcg when breast-feeding).
Fig.8. Dry eye syndrome
Vitamin A
Eye benefits of vitamin A: May protect against night
Incorporating the following foods in your diet will help you
blindness and dry eyes.
get the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of these
important eye nutrients. Established by the Institute of
Food sources: Beef or chicken liver; eggs, butter, milk.
Medicine (National Academy of Sciences), the RDA is the
average daily dietary intake level of a nutrient sufficient to
RDA: 3,000 IU for men; 2,333 IU for women (2,567 IU during
meet the requirements of nearly all healthy individuals in a
pregnancy and 4,333 IU when breast-feeding).
specific life stage and gender group.
Vitamin C
While the RDA is a useful reference, some eye care
Eye benefits of vitamin C: May reduce the risk of cataracts
practitioners recommend higher daily intakes of certain
and macular degeneration.
nutrients for people at risk for eye problems. (In the
following list, mg = milligram; mcg = microgram (1/1000 of a
Food sources: Sweet peppers (red or green), kale,
mg) and IU = International Unit.)
strawberries, broccoli, oranges, cantaloupe.
RDA: 90 mg for men; 70 mg for women (85 mg during
Eye benefits of beta-carotene: When taken in combination
pregnancy and 120 mg when breast-feeding).
with zinc and vitamins C and E, beta-carotene may reduce
the progression of macular degeneration.
Vitamin D
Eye benefits of vitamin D: May reduce the risk of macular
Food sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale,
butternut squash.
Food sources: Salmon, sardines, mackerel, milk; orange juice
RDA: None (most supplements contain 5,000 to 25,000 IU).
fortified with vitamin D.
Bioflavonoids (Flavonoids)
RDA: None, but the American Academy of Pediatrics
Eye benefits of bioflavonoid: May protect against cataracts
recommends 400 IU per day for infants, children and
and macular degeneration.
adolescents, and many experts recommend higher daily
intakes for adults.
Food sources: Tea, red wine, citrus fruits, bilberries,
blueberries, cherries, legumes, soy products.
The best source of vitamin D is exposure to
sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun stimulates
RDA: None.
production of vitamin D in human skin, and just a few
minutes of exposure to sunlight each day (without
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
sunscreen) will insure your body is producing adequate
Eye benefits of Lutein and Zeaxanthin: May prevent cataracts
amounts of vitamin D.
and macular degeneration.
Vitamin E
Food sources: Spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens,
Eye benefits of vitamin E: When combined with carotenoids
and vitamin C, may reduce the risk of advanced AMD.
Food sources: Almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts.
RDA: None.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30957 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1580
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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Zinc Experiment Ophthalmol. 2011;2(121):2.
Eye benefits of zinc: Helps vitamin A reduce the risk of night
[9] Bartlett H, Eperjesi F. A randomised controlled trial
blindness; may play a role in reducing risk of advanced AMD.
investigating the effect of lutein and antioxidant
dietary supplementation on visual function in healthy
Food sources: Oysters, beef, Dungeness crab, turkey (dark
eyes. Clin Nutr. 2008; 27:218-227.
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