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Scalance Xm-400 / XR-500 As Static NAT Router

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XR-500 as Static NAT

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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Network Address Translation ............................................................... 3
1.2 NAT Function in SCALANCE XM-400 / XR-500 .................................. 5
2 Task and Solution .............................................................................................. 7
3 Configuration ..................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Preparation ........................................................................................... 9
3.2 Configuration via the Web Based Management ................................ 11
3.2.1 Preparation ......................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Create VLANs .................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Define the IP Interface........................................................................ 15
3.2.4 Configure Static NAT .......................................................................... 17
3.3 Configuration via the Command Line Interface .................................. 21
3.3.1 Preparation ......................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 Create VLANs .................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 Define the IP Interface........................................................................ 27
3.3.4 Configure Static NAT .......................................................................... 28
4 Operation .......................................................................................................... 31

Entry ID: 109762688, V 1.0, 12/2018 2
1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Network Address Translation
Network Address Translation (abbreviation: NAT) was specified in the 1990s and is
described in the RFC 1631 among others.
The main motivation for developing NAT was the shortage of public IPv4
addresses and the possibility of using private addressing in distinct network areas.
NAT permits you to separate private and public network areas.

Brief description
NAT is a method in IP routers of replacing one IPv4 address in a data packet with
another IPv4 address. This permits two different networks (internal and external) to
be connected with each other.
If a data packet exceeds the network limit between an inside and an outside
network, the router exchanges the IP addresses accordingly. To replace the IP
addresses a translation table (NAT table) is stored in the IP router.
Figure 1-1


PC 1 PC 2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Intern Extern

Translation options
In the context of address translation, the terms NAT and NAPT (Network Address
Port Translation) are used in parallel. Technically speaking, the two procedures
differ as follows:
 With NAT, an IPv4 address is replaced 1:1 by another IPv4 address. A
difference is made between Source NAT, in which the source IP address is
translated, and Destination NAT, in which the destination IP address is
translated. Both variants can also be used.
 NAPT is an n:1 translation. With NAPT, multiple IPv4 addresses share a
single IPv4 address after translation. But port numbers are used here to
achieve exact assignment of the data packets.

Note In this example we use the static, bidirectional NAT procedure.

You have the following advantages when using the NAT function:
 You can hide the IP addresses on industrial networks or on the outside.

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1 Introduction

 The IP address range can be used by multiple connected private networks

without any address collisions.
 With Source NAT you can restrict outgoing data packets to specific IP
addresses, IP address ranges and specific interfaces. These rules can also be
used on VPN connections.
 Despite cross-subnet communication you do not have to enter a router IP
address in the terminal devices.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Entry ID: 109762688, V 1.0, 12/2018 4
1 Introduction

1.2 NAT Function in SCALANCE XM-400 / XR-500

The SCALANCE XM-400 and SCALANCE XR-500 are IP routers and support the
NAT mechanism.

Network separation
With the NAT function, the IP addresses of one subnetwork are translated into IP
addresses of another subnetwork.
For this, in SCALANCE, IP interfaces are used, each of which has been configured
as a virtual IP interface of a VLAN.

In the NAT configuration in SCALANCE XM-400 or SCALANCE XR-500, the
subnetworks are divided into "Inside" and "Outside". The division is done from the
perspective of a NAT interface.
All networks that can be accessed themselves via the NAT interface are
considered to be "Outside" for this interface.
All networks that can be accessed via other IP interfaces of the same device are
considered to be "Inside" for this NAT interface.
In the following example we have two IP subnetworks connected together via a
SCALANCE XM-400. PC 1 is to communicate via NAT with PC 2. The IP networks
are divided as follows from the perspective of the NAT interface "":
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 VLAN 2: Outside
 VLAN 1: Inside
Figure 1-2

Inside Outside

PC 1 PC 2


If routing takes place via a NAT interface, the source or destination IP addresses of
the transferred data packets are changed at the transition between "Inside" and
The direction of the communication determines whether the source or the
destination IP address is changed. It is always the IP address of the
communications user on the "Inside" that is changed.

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1 Introduction

Depending on the perspective, the IP address of a communications user is
designated "Local" or "Global".
Table 1-1
Local Global
Position Inside A real IP address that is An IP address via which an
assigned to a device in the internal device can be
internal network. This address accessed from the external
cannot be accessed from the network.
external network.
Outside A real IP address that is assigned to a device in the external
network. Since only "Inside" addresses are translated, no
difference is made between Outside Local and Outside Global.

Note The NAT function is implemented as a software function in the SCALANCE XM-
400 and SCALANCE XR-500 and has a restricted bandwidth of 1.2 Mbit.
Therefore the entire NAT communication runs via the CPU in the SCALANCE
XM-400 and SCALANCE XR-500 and is in competition with the IP
communication that goes to the CPU, WBM and Telnet, for example.
Be aware that a large part of the computing capacity is occupied when you use
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

NAT. This means that access via Telnet or WBM might be slower.
It is for this reason that the NAT function is best suited for just a few addresses
and small volumes of data. It is recommended to use a SCALANCE S615 or SC-
600 for high-performance applications.

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2 Task and Solution

2 Task and Solution

The outset for the configuration described in chapter 3 is defined as follows:
Two PCs are to communicate bidirectionally. The PCs are in different IP
Figure 2-1

PC 1 PC 2

The NAT procedure is to be used instead of routing to enable communication

between the PCs.

To connect the two different IP subnetworks with each other, a SCALANCE
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XM408-8C (article number: 6GK5408-8GR00-2AM2) is placed between the PCs

and the NAT function is activated in the SCALANCE.
A static, bidirectional IP address translator is used.
Each IP subnetwork is mapped in the SCALANCE XM408-8C as an IP interface
that is configured as a virtual IP interface of a VLAN. The ports with which the
SCALANCE with each of the IP subnetworks is connected are assigned to the
corresponding VLAN.
Figure 2-2

PC 1 PC 2


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2 Task and Solution

To enable bidirectional communication both IP interfaces in the SCALANCE

( and are configured as a NAT interface.
From the perspective of the NAT interface "" on the SCALANCE XM408-
8C, PC 1 is in the "Inside" position and PC 2 in the "Outside" position.
From the perspective of the NAT interface "" on the SCALANCE
XM408-8C, PC 2 is in the "Inside" position and PC 1 in the "Outside" position.
A NAT table in the SCALANCE XM408-8C ensures that
 The IP address of PC 1 is translated into an IP address from the network of PC
2 in VLAN 2.
 The IP address of PC 2 is translated into an IP address from the network of PC
1 in VLAN 1.
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Entry ID: 109762688, V 1.0, 12/2018 8
3 Configuration

3 Configuration
3.1 Preparation
The following figure shows the IP addresses, VLANs and virtual IP interfaces used
for this configuration.
Figure 3-1

PC 1 PC 2

P1.1 P1.2


Inside Local Inside Global
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Install and connect the PCs

A PC is placed in each subnetwork to demonstrate the NAT functionality.
Assign the following IP addresses to the PCs:
 PC 1:
 PC 2:

Connect the PCs with the SCALANCE XM408-8C as follows:

 PC 1 with Port 1.1 of the SCALANCE
 PC 2 with Port 1.2 of the SCALANCE

Factory settings
Reset the SCALANCE to the factory settings to make sure that the function of the
example is not impaired by older configurations or settings.
Refer to the manual of the module for instructions about resetting to factory

Note When you reset the SCALANCE to factory settings, all the settings and IP
addresses are lost.

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3 Configuration

IP address
In order to configure the SCALANCE via the Web Based Management
(abbreviation: WBM) or via the Command Line Interface (abbreviation: CLI) the
module needs an IP address.
Assign the management IP address "" to the SCALANCE.
Since PC 1 is in the same IP subnetwork as the management IP address of the
SCALANCE, you use PC 1 for assigning the IP address.
You can use the STEP 7 function "Edit Ethernet Node..." or the Primary Setup Tool
(PST), for example, to assign an IP address.

Configuration options
This example shows you two options for configuring the SCALANCE XM408-8C:
 Web Based Management
 Command Line Interface
Follow the instructions in section 3.2 to configure the SCALANCE using the Web
Based Management.
Follow the instructions in section 3.3 to configure the SCALANCE using the
Command Line Interface.

Configuration steps
Proceed as follows to configure the SCALANCE XM408-8C for operation as a NAT
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 Create VLANs
 Define virtual IP interface
 Activate NAT
 Install static NAT

These configuration steps apply to configuration via the WBM and via the CLI.

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3 Configuration

3.2 Configuration via the Web Based Management

3.2.1 Preparation

To configure the SCALANCE via the Web Based Management you open an
internet browser on PC 1 and in the address line you enter the IP address of the
If you have reset the SCALANCE to factory settings, you log on with the following
 User: admin
 Password: admin
You are requested to assign a new password. Follow the instructions and create a
new password.
When you have changed the password, then the home page of the Web Based
Management is displayed.

3.2.2 Create VLANs

At least two IP interfaces are needed for the NAT function, each of which is
configured as a virtual IP interface of a VLAN. The management VLAN (VLAN 1)
and the associated virtual IP interface are present by default, you have to create a
second VLAN and also create a new virtual IP interface for that VLAN. The new
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VLAN becomes VLAN 2.

Open the VLAN menu

In the navigation area you go to the menu "Layer 2 > VLAN" to enter a new VLAN.
You make all the settings in the "General" tab.
Figure 3-2

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3 Configuration

Add a new VLAN

Proceed as follows to add a new VLAN:
1. Enter and ID in the "VLAN ID" input field. Use the number "2" as ID for the
VLAN 2. Click the "Create" button.
Figure 3-3

2. A new entry is created in the table. The port fields are occupied by default with
"-" so that no port is assigned to the new VLAN.
Figure 3-4

3. You can enter a name for the VLANs in the "Name" column if you wish. Click
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

the "Set Values" button.

Figure 3-5

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3 Configuration

Define port properties

In the default setting, all the ports are always assigned to VLAN 1 (management
VLAN) and have PVID 1. Therefore these ports have the ID "U".
In the next step you define how the properties of the two ports P1.1 and P1.2 are to
be configured in the VLANs.
To change the properties of a port you click in the corresponding table cell and
select the desired item from the drop-down list box. Refer here to the screenshot:
Figure 3-6

The following options are used in this example:

 "-": The port is not a member of the specified VLAN.
 "U" (uppercase letter): The port is an untagged member of the VLAN and has
the corresponding PVID. Messages are sent from this port without VLAN tag
and incoming packets are tagged with the VLAN ID.
 "u" (lowercase letter): The port is an untagged member of the VLAN. Messages
are sent from this port without VLAN tag. The PVID has not yet been set for
this port.
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3 Configuration

Set port VID

The messages sent from the normal PCs reach the SCALANCE XM408-8C without
VLAN tag.
With the Port VID (abbreviation: PVID) settings you define per port which VLAN ID
is to be assigned to these messages. Because the default setting is already set to
VLAN 1, in this example you only have to make the PVID setting for port P1.2.
Proceed as follows to make the PVID setting for port P1.2:
1. Switch to the "Port Based VLAN" tab.
To assign a VLAN ID to port P1.2 you click in the corresponding table cell and
select "VLAN 2" from the drop-down list box.
Figure 3-7

2. Then click the "Set Values" button.

Figure 3-8
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3 Configuration

3.2.3 Define the IP Interface

The SCALANCE has a virtual IP interface of a VLAN for each adjacent subnetwork.
Two subnetworks are needed in this example (Inside and Outside). Therefore the
SCALANCE needs two IP interfaces.
In section 3.2.2 you have created the basis for another subnetwork by creating
another VLAN (VLAN 2).
Since the management VLAN (VLAN 1) and the associated virtual IP interface are
present by default, you have to create a new virtual IP interface for VLAN 2.

Open the Subnets menu

In the navigation area you switch to the menu "Layer 3 (IPv4) > Subnets" to create
a virtual IP interface and assign it an IP address of a subnetwork.
Figure 3-9
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Create an IP interface for a VLAN

You can add a new virtual IP interface in the "Overview" tab.
To create another virtual IP interface you open the "Interface" drop-down list box
and select "VLAN 2". Then you click the "Create" button.
Figure 3-10

Another item is added to the interface table and shows the newly created IP
interface with the subnetwork that has not yet been configured.
Figure 3-11

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3 Configuration

Configure the IP address of the virtual IP interface

You configure the IP address for the new virtual IP interface in the "Configuration"
Proceed as follows to configure the IP address.
1. Open the "Interface (Name)" drop-down list box and select "VLAN 2".
Figure 3-12

2. In the "IP Address" input field you enter the IP address "" and in the
"Subnet Mask" input field you enter the subnet mask "".
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Figure 3-13

3. Then click the "Set Values" button.

Figure 3-14

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3 Configuration

3.2.4 Configure Static NAT

Open the NAT menu

In the navigation area you go to the menu "Layer 3 > (IPv4) > NAT" to use the NAT
Figure 3-15

Activate NAT
In the "NAT" tab you can activate the NAT function globally for the device and
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

define the NAT interfaces. When the NAT function has been activated globally for
the device and the NAT interfaces have been defined, the device operates as a
NAT router.
Proceed as follows to activate the NAT function.
1. Enable the "NAT" option to operate SCALANCE as a NAT router:
Figure 3-16

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3 Configuration

2. To define the interface "" (VLAN 1) as NAT interface you open the
"Interface" drop-down list box and select "VLAN 1".
Activate NAT for the interface "" (VLAN 1) by enabling the "NAT"
Then click the "Set Values" button.
Figure 3-17

3. An item is added to the table.

To operate the interface "" (VLAN 2) as NAT interface you open the
"Interface" drop-down list box and select "VLAN 2".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Activate NAT for the interface "" (VLAN 2) by enabling the "NAT"
Then click the "Set Values" button.
Figure 3-18

4. Another item is added to the table.

Figure 3-19

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3 Configuration

Note If you have configured multiple NAT interfaces on a device, a network is

"Outside" from the perspective of one NAT interface and "Inside" from the
perspective of another NAT interface.

Install static NAT

To enable bidirectional communication across subnetwork boundaries the
SCALANCE needs a translation table (NAT table) for the IP addresses.
In the "Static" tab you configure the static 1:1 address translations. You define the
Inside Global address into which the Inside Local address of a device is to be
translated and vice versa.
In this example the NAT table is filled in as follows:
Table 3-1
Inside Local Inside Global
PC 1
PC 2

Proceed as follows to define the static address translation for the NAT interface
1. Open the "Interface" drop-down list box and select the NAT interface "VLAN 1".
VLAN 2 is "Inside" from the perspective of this NAT interface.
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In the "Inside Local Address" input field you enter the real IP address of PC 2
In the "Inside Global Address" input field you enter the IP address of PC 2
under which PC 2 is to be accessible from outside ("").
Figure 3-20

2. Click the "Create" button.

Figure 3-21

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3 Configuration

3. A new entry is created in the table.

Figure 3-22

Proceed as follows to define the static address translation for the NAT interface
1. Open the "Interface" drop-down list box and select the NAT interface "VLAN 2".
VLAN 1 is "Inside" from the perspective of this NAT interface.
In the "Inside Local Address" input field you enter the real IP address of PC 1
In the "Inside Global Address" input field you enter the IP address of PC 1
under which PC 1 is to be accessible from outside ("").
Figure 3-23
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2. Click the "Create" button.

Figure 3-24

3. A new entry is created in the table.

Figure 3-25

Note You have completed the configuration of the NAT function. An option for testing
the NAT function is given in chapter 4.

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3 Configuration

3.3 Configuration via the Command Line Interface

3.3.1 Preparation

Setting up a connection
You need a terminal program to configure the SCALANCE using the Command
Line Interface. You can use the function integrated in Windows, a different terminal
program or the serial console cable.
In this example the free tool PuTTY is used.
Proceed as follows to establish a connection to the SCALANCE XM408-8C:
1. Start PuTTY and enter the IP address of the SCALANCE XM408-8C.
Select the required protocol, "SSH", for example.
2. Click the "Open" button to start the connection.
Figure 3-26
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If you have reset the SCALANCE to factory settings, you log on with the following
 User: admin
 Password: admin
You are requested to assign a new password. Follow the instructions and create a
new password.
When you have changed the password and have logged on successfully, you get
the following input prompt: "CLI#".

Note In the following configurations it is assumed that you are logged in as "admin".
With that login you are automatically in the "Privileged EXEC mode" and have
extended access authorization.

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3 Configuration

Open the Global Configuration mode

In the Global Configuration mode you can make the basic configuration settings.
Furthermore, in this mode you can call other modes for the configuration of special
interfaces or functions, for the configuration of a VLAN, for instance.

You get to the Global Configuration mode by entering the following command in
the Privileged EXEC mode:
CLI# configure terminal
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

Quit the Global Configuration mode

Enter the following command to quit the Global Configuration mode:
CLI(config)# end
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI#".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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3 Configuration

3.3.2 Create VLANs

At least two IP interfaces are needed for the NAT function, each of which is
configured as a virtual IP interface of a VLAN. The management VLAN (VLAN 1)
and the associated virtual IP interface are present by default, you have to create a
second VLAN and also create a new virtual IP interface for that VLAN. The new
VLAN becomes VLAN 2.

You are in the Global Configuration mode.
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

Add a new VLAN

To add a new VLAN (in this case: VLAN 2), you call the "vlan" command as follows
and press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# vlan 2
The VLAN is created and you are automatically in the VLAN configuration mode.
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-vlan-2)#".

Assigning a name
To assign the new VLAN a name (in this case: VLAN2), you call the "name"
command as follows and press the Enter key:
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

CLI(config-vlan-2)# name VLAN2

The name "VLAN2" is assigned to the VLAN.

Define port properties

In the next step you define how the properties of the two ports P1.1 and P1.2 are to
be configured in the VLANs.
You define the port properties as follows:
Table 3-2
Port VLAN Identifier
P1.1 VLAN 1 Untagged member
P1.2 VLAN 2 Untagged member

Assign port P1.2 to VLAN 2

In order to incorporate port P1.2 as untagged member in VLAN 2 you call the
"ports" command as follows and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-vlan-2)# ports gi 1/2 untagged gi 1/2
"gi" is the abbreviation for "gigabitethernet" and describes the interface type.
To quit the configuration mode of VLAN 2 you call the following command and
press the Enter key:
CLI(config-vlan-2)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

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3 Configuration

Set port VID settings

The messages sent from the normal PCs reach the SCALANCE XM408-8C without
VLAN tag.
With the Port VID (abbreviation: PVID) settings you define per port which VLAN ID
is to be assigned to these messages. Because the default setting is already set to
VLAN 1, in this example you only have to make the PVID setting for port P1.2.
You open the configuration mode of the P1.2 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface gi 1/2
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-Gi1-2)#".
To set the PVID setting for port P1.2 you call the "switchport" command as follows
and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-Gi1-2)# switchport pvid 2
To quit the configuration mode of interface P1.2 you call the following command
and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-Gi1-2)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

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3 Configuration

View the VLAN configuration

To check the VLAN configuration you can use the "show" command to have the
configuration displayed.
To view the VLAN configuration from the Global Configuration mode you call the
"do show" command as follows and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# do show vlan
The VLAN configuration is displayed.
Figure 3-27

You see the following information:

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 Port 1.2 is assigned to VLAN 2 as only member. The port is "untagged" and
has the PVID 2.
 Port 1.1 is assigned to VLAN 1 as only member. The port is "untagged" and
has the PVID 1.

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3 Configuration

To view the PVID settings you call the "do show" command as follows and then
press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# do show vlan port config

Figure 3-28
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You see that the PVID setting for port P1.2 is configured on VLAN ID 2. All
incoming packets at port P1.2 are tagged with the VLAN ID 2.

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3 Configuration

3.3.3 Define the IP Interface

The SCALANCE has a virtual IP interface of a VLAN for each adjacent subnetwork.
Two subnetworks are needed in this example (Inside and Outside). Therefore the
SCALANCE needs two IP interfaces.
In section 3.3.2 you have created the basis for another subnetwork by creating
another VLAN (VLAN 2).
Since the management VLAN (VLAN 1) and the associated virtual IP interface are
present by default, you have to create a new virtual IP interface for VLAN 2.

You are in the Global Configuration mode.
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

Create an IP interface for a VLAN

To create another virtual IP interface for VLAN 2 you have to switch to the
configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface.
You open the configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface vlan 2
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-vlan-2)#".
To configure an IP address for the new virtual IP interface you call the "ip address"
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

command as follows and then press the Enter key:

CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# ip address
To quit the configuration mode of VLAN interface you call the following command
and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

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3 Configuration

3.3.4 Configure Static NAT

You are in the Global Configuration mode.
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

Activate NAT
You can use the "ip nat" command to activate the NAT function globally for the
device. When the NAT function has been activated globally for the device and the
NAT interfaces have been defined, the device operates as a NAT router.
To activate the NAT function you call the "ip nat" command as follows and then
press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# ip nat

If you want to operate the interface "" (VLAN 1) as NAT interface you
have to switch to the configuration mode of the VLAN 1 interface.
You open the configuration mode of the VLAN 1 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface vlan 1
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-vlan-1)#".
To activate NAT for this VLAN interface you call the "ip nat" command as follows
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

and then press the Enter key:

CLI(config-if-vlan-1)# ip nat
To quit the configuration mode of the VLAN interface you call the following
command and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-1)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

If you want to operate the interface "" (VLAN 2) as NAT interface you have
to switch to the configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface.
You open the configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface vlan 2
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-vlan-2)#".
To activate NAT for this VLAN interface you call the "ip nat" command as follows
and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# ip nat
To quit the configuration mode of the VLAN interface you call the following
command and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

Note If you have configured multiple NAT interfaces on a device, a network is

"Outside" from the perspective of one NAT interface and "Inside" from the
perspective of another NAT interface.

Install static NAT

To enable bidirectional communication across subnetwork boundaries the
SCALANCE needs a translation table (NAT table) for the IP addresses.

Entry ID: 109762688, V 1.0, 12/2018 28
3 Configuration

You configure the static 1:1 address translation in the corresponding configuration
mode of the NAT interface. You define the Inside Global address into which the
Inside Local address of a device is to be translated and vice versa.
In this example the NAT table is filled in as follows:
Table 3-3
Inside Local Inside Global
PC 1 If you want to define static
address translation for the
PC 2 NAT interface ""
(VLAN 1) you have to switch to the configuration mode of the VLAN 1 interface.
You open the configuration mode of the VLAN 1 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface vlan 1
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-vlan-1)#".
If you want to define static address translation for the IP interface ""
you call the "ip nat static" command as follows and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-1)# ip nat static
To quit the configuration mode of the VLAN interface you call the following
command and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-1)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

If you want to operate the interface "" (VLAN 2) as NAT interface you have
to switch to the configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface.
You open the configuration mode of the VLAN 2 interface by calling the "interface"
command as follows and then pressing the Enter key:
CLI(config)# interface vlan 2
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config-if-vlan-2)#".
If you want to define static address translation for the IP interface "" you
call the "ip nat static" command as follows and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# ip nat static 192,168.0.4
To quit the configuration mode of the VLAN interface you call the following
command and press the Enter key:
CLI(config-if-vlan-2)# exit
The following input prompt is displayed: "CLI(config)#".

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3 Configuration

View the NAT configuration

To check the global NAT configuration and the static address translation you can
use the "show" command to have the configurations displayed.
To view the global NAT configuration from the Global Configuration mode you call
the "do show" command as follows and then press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# do show ip nat config
The global NAT configuration is displayed.
Figure 3-29

To view the address translation you call the "do show" command as follows and
then press the Enter key:
CLI(config)# do show ip nat static
The static address translation table is displayed.
Figure 3-30
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Entry ID: 109762688, V 1.0, 12/2018 30
4 Operation

4 Operation
The simplest way of testing the NAT function is the PING command.
Proceed as follows to test the communication between PC 1 and PC 2:
1. Open the console window on PC 1.

2. From the PC 1 perspective PC 2 is accessible via the IP address

"". Enter the command "ping" and press the Enter
Figure 4-1

3. You see the result of the PING command in plain text. If PC 2 is accessible,
PC 2 responds to the PING command and the statistics show no lost packet.
Figure 4-2
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note To test the communication from PC 2 to PC 1, you open the console window on
PC 2 and enter the command "ping".

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