Amazon Web Services: Project
Amazon Web Services: Project
Amazon Web Services: Project
Amazon Web
Computer Science
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Table of Contents
Scope of Project.......................................................................................................................................3
Requirements of Project..........................................................................................................................3
Functional Requirements........................................................................................................................3
Non-Functional Requirements.................................................................................................................4
Hardware Requirements.........................................................................................................................5
Context diagram......................................................................................................................................6
Use case:..................................................................................................................................................6
Project: Amazon Web Services (CLOUD COMPUTING)
Amazon web services, in 2006 initiated its business by supplying the services in terms of IT
resources and networking as a database server- more commonly this process is named as cloud
computing. One of the major efficiencies of using the cloud computing is that it has the ability
to alternate the capital fixed investment with the low fixed prices that worked with the enterprise.
[2]. With the cloud, companies are not required to wait for longer period of weeks or months in
companies can rapidly transform hundreds and millions of devices in milliseconds, and generate
data more effectively. Today, AWS provides a more efficient, more flexible, and cheap prices,
Amazon has a long tradition of utilizing a collaborative information technology system. This
structure enabled our design teams to leverage on-demand computing and storage services, and
has improved overall efficiency and agility [3]. By 2005, Amazon had invested over a century
and billions of dollars developing and running the large-scale, stable and productive IT network
that operated one of the biggest online shopping sites worldwide. Amazon introduced Amazon
Web Services (AWS) to enable other companies to benefit through Amazon's expertise and
AWS has been running and supporting hundreds of thousands of clients globally today. Today
Amazon operates a global online portal which serves millions of users and annually manages
trillions of dollars’ worth of trade [4]. Using AWS, you will use processing resources, storage,
and other facilities in seconds, and have the freedom to choose the technology environment or
software template that makes some sense for the problems they are attempting to solve. You just
pay for what you're using, with no fixed charges or long-term obligations, making AWS a price-
The cloud computing development and the major advantages of cloud computing services
provides the model business and the framework associated with the cloud computing. Currently
explained by many researchers and these services are used by many other companies. The
industry globally is focused to provide the facility and services on demands such as services of
storage, computational, and tools bandwidth. The cloud computing is now leaded by many firms
of technologies and media that contains the Netflix and media as well. Therefore, in order to
achieve the best services of cloud computing, the security issues are the major concern of any
customer and industries however, the data security now become the major problem and the huge
obstacles by using the services of cloud computing. In this research work out major focused is to
analyse the some major issues and their solutions that are purely linked with the cloud computing
technology. Some of the major points of the cloud computing are to observed the important
concerns of security and protection of data. Therefore, we have selected the amazon web
services. [1]. In cloud computing services there is the major concern about the protection of data
from the specific threats and virus attack. Hence the currently the major cloud computing
progress and growth are also analysing and demonstrated in details. As the Amazon cloud
computing services are the major revolution in domain of IT industries the permits the users to
be subscribed the technologies for accessing the services. As a consequence, major companies
such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and IBM are now starting the cloud services to provide the
Scope of Project
The major objective of the research work id to explain to the public about the services of amazon
web. To analyse the importance of AWS as it is the cloud computing’s major invention by
providing the services on demands. Amazon web services currently becomes the useful
This research work explains the multiple views in terms of cloud computing data security, and
protection from cloud’s threats and issues of API. The objective of this research work about two
folds: at first we will explain the function requirements of project and then the non-functional
Requirements of Project
The analysis of project requirements is basically the process to observed the client’s expectations
for the demanding products and is the basic stage of the development cycle of project model.
Requirements are the basic forms of description about how the project should behave in specific
situations and demonstrates the properties of the systems and the attributes of the systems.
Requirements are demonstrated as “what” term of the specific application. This phase helps to
analyse about what actually the system required and what are the user expectations.
Specification of software requirements required to solve the complicated problems in an explicit
and smooth ways. However, the documentation is performed for the recoding the user’s
requirements, modelling and analysis is also the part of the user requirement specifications.
There are major two requirements that needed to analyse for the completion of projects.
1. Functional Requirements
2. Non-functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
1. Business-Driven Strategies: To release the IT business from expensive changes, you can
automate cloud computing platform and encourage business people to tailor processes that
suit the organization's specific needs. The greatest wound we've done as CIOs is making us
over-customize software," John says. "This comes down to the way a CIO balances liberty
and control. Personalization means flexibility, but once you go too far down the path, you
lose control. I think that the configuration system requires freedom and order to run an
networks, or storage for cloud applications operation and maintenance. The processes of
will commit free time and resources to semi-strategic IT and corporate development, call
centre and call centre CIOs and their staff. The most respected current and upcoming CIOs
– those that are business executives – are closely linked to strategic business plans and
oversee the IT systems supporting these initiatives. CIOs also collaborate with others who
define and manage the essential relationships in the industry and in information systems.
service which is regularly updated several times per year for all clients. Such
improvements are controlled to accomplish the real cost advantages of SaaS by the vendor
at little or no added expense, and users will have the latest enhancements by their own
upgrades on a calendar. Technology that needs to be modified to its own time, even if
managed by the vendor, does not adhere to the requirements of the web software.
Non-Functional Requirements
1. Data-Security: Amazon web services invitation for the infrastructure of the networks.
Out cloud based projects is used to control 24/24, to make the project’s reliability,
confidentiality, and the level of accessibility for information’s. Therefore, it is designed
to completed the best safety measures in the world
2. Service of Availability: the progressing domains of the world is completely this
isolation that contains the more AZ that are completely the isolated point of the
framework. Hence the amazon web services have the highest capabilities of the cloud
providers for the projects infrastructure that provide the less time of downtime then
another provides.
3. Project Performance: project performances on the amazon web services is the global
infrastructure. It has the lower bandwidth, and lowest rate of packet loss, moreover
having the ability of high rate of delivering the services. Amazon web services have the
100 GBE backbone systems that are completely redundant and offers the best bandwidth
4. Serviceability: This system can provide a service 100% of time when internet
connection is on. Service can be accessible to all the end users. Service can be provided
by administrator, task of administrator is monitoring the system, repairing system when
problem can be arising, upgrading the software components.
5. System Reliability: the project system is available 99.9% of the time, if any changes are
required in module then it will smoothly handle without disturbing the whole system.
6. System Maintainability: system should have services of Back Up – backup of the the Data
in case of any problem occur with the system.
Hardware Requirements
3GHz least quad-core processor
8 GB RAM least
NVIDIA driver version 368.81 or AMD driver version 16.15.2211 graphics card
14 GB RAM least
Context diagram
The objective of diagram of Use-Case is to present the functionality of the systems that performs
the role of the systems. Hence the actor’s role for the description of the systems are
demonstrated. The use case major concern is to focused on the demonstration about the task’s
achievements. Further, for the software projects, the multiple use cases are required for
completion of the project’s scope for the novel systems.
Fig 2. Diagram of Use case
Multiple functions of users are defined, that purely based on the user’s activities. The above fig
1. Explains the chart of use case that participates the major role and the user practices the
performs the major functions for the functions of the amazon cloud computing services. Point to
be noted that when the user performs multiple tasks for the websites, each user plays various
distinctive tasks. On the other hand, the Amazon cloud services clients are also able to perform
some functions such as (programmers, managers, representative etc.) and arranges the multiple
activities with the applications like (amazon web services, platform of online transactions)
User interface
[1]. de Bruin, B., & Floridi, L. (2017). The ethics of cloud computing. Science and engineering
ethics, 23(1), 21-39.
[2]. Hyseni, L. N., & Ibrahimi, A. (2017, July). Comparison of the cloud computing platforms
[4]. Cook, B. (2018, July). Formal reasoning about the security of Amazon Web services.
[5]. Rashid, A., & Chaturvedi, A. (2019). Cloud computing characteristics and services: a brief