MCQ On Guidance Note CARO
MCQ On Guidance Note CARO
MCQ On Guidance Note CARO
on Guidance Note on
the Companies (Auditor’s Report)
Order, 2020
ISBN : 978-81-8441-991-7
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Price : ₹ 100/-
ISBN : 978-81-8441-991-7
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 6 True 11 True 16 False 21 d
2 True 7 True 12 True 17 True 22 c
3 False 8 True 13 False 18 d
4 True 9 False 14 True 19 c
5 False 10 True 15 True 20 d
MCQs on Clause (ii)
Select True/ False:
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 6 True 11 True
2 False 7 False 12 False
3 False 8 False 13 True
4 False 9 False 14 c
5 False 10 False 15 a
MCQs on Clause (iii)
Select True/ False:
1. Reporting under this clause is required for all
companies. There are no exemptions for NBFCs.
2. Whether an advance is in the nature of a loan would
depend upon the circumstances of each case.
3. Reporting under sub-clause (a) of clause (iii) extends to
all forms of guarantees.
4. In case of loans/advances in nature of loans, the “terms
and conditions” would primarily include rate of interest,
security, terms and period of repayment and restrictive
covenants, nature of entity etc.
5. Auditor can identify whether a transaction is prejudicial
in nature merely by checking compliance with laws and
regulations and where such compliance is ensured no
further audit procedures are required to be performed.
6. Reporting under clause (iii)(c), (d) and (e) cover the
loans and advances in nature of loans granted during
the year and also all loans and advances in nature of
loans having opening balances.
7. An amount is considered to be overdue when the
payment has not been received on the due date as per
the lending arrangement.
8. Clause (iii)(e) is a new clause and requires reporting in
respect of loan or advance in the nature of loan granted
which has fallen due during the year and has been
renewed or extended or fresh loans granted to settle
the overdues of existing loans given to the same
9. Scope of clause (iii) in CARO 2020 is very wide vis-à-
vis clause (iii) in CARO 2016.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 False 6 True
2 True 7 True
3 False 8 True
4 True 9 True
5 False 10 a
MCQs on Clause (iv)
Select True/ False:
1. While reporting under this clause, the auditor is
required to obtain from the management the details of
the directors or any person in whom any of the director
of the company is interested.
2. While reporting under this clause, the auditor should
obtain and check the details of the transactions carried
out with such persons, excluding of any guarantee
given and security provided.
3. In case of transactions that are covered under the
exceptions as provided under section 185 of the Act,
the auditor is not required to obtain any evidence in
support of such exception.
4. Section 185 of the Act prohibits advance of any loan to
directors, etc., directly or indirectly. What is an indirect
loan has been defined in section 185 of the Act.
5. The auditor may also check the details of the persons
covered under this clause from the Form MBP-1 and
from the register maintained under section 189 of the
6. Section 186 of the Act does not prohibit a company
from making investments through more than two layers
of investment companies.
7. While reporting under this clause, the auditor should
check whether the company has disclosed the full
particulars of the loan given, investment made or
guarantee given or security provided in the financial
statements and the purpose for which the same is
proposed to be utilized by the recipient.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Clause (v)
Select True/ False:
1 False 6 True
2 True 7 False
3 True 8 True
4 False 9 False
5 False 10 b
MCQs on Clause (vi)
Select True/ False:
1 False 6 False 11 False
2 False 7 False 12 True
3 False 8 True 13 d
4 True 9 True
5 True 10 False
MCQs on Clause (vii)
Select True/ False:
1 True 6 False
2 True 7 True
3 False 8 False
4 True 9 False
5 False 10 True
MCQs on Clause (viii)
Select True/ False:
1. The auditor is not required to review the tax
assessments completed subsequent to the balance
sheet date but prior to signing of the auditor’s report if
the surrendered or disclosed income relates to the year
under audit or prior years.
2. Where the addition is made by the income tax
authorities and the company has disputed such
additions, reporting under this clause is applicable.
3. The surrender or disclosure of unrecorded income
might relate to any assessment year under the Income
Tax Act, 1961.
4. The auditor should obtain a representation letter from
the management that all the assessments completed
during the year have been duly informed to the auditor.
5. This clause is a new reporting requirement in CARO
6. Under this clause, the emphasis is on the words
surrendered or disclosed which implies that the
company must have voluntarily admitted to the addition
of such income, which can be demonstrated on the
basis of the returns filed by the company.
7. For reporting under this clause, the auditor is required
to examine all income tax returns filed by the company
since the date of its formation.
8. The auditor needs to evaluate whether the surrendered
or disclosed income is required to be classified as
extraordinary items keeping in view the requirements of
AS 5, “Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period
Items and Changes in Accounting Policies”.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 False 6 True
2 False 7 False
3 True 8 True
4 True 9 False
5 True 10 c
MCQs on Clause (ix)
Select True/ False:
1. For reporting under clause (ix)(a), defaults in respect of
all lenders is to be considered.
2. Lender wise details are to be provided for all defaults
when reporting under clause (ix)(a).
3. Defaults under clause (ix)(a) include defaults in respect
of public deposits.
4. For reporting under clause (ix)(a), preference share
capital is excluded from the scope.
5. Clause (ix)(a) requires reporting in case of defaults
committed during the year only.
6. Public Sector Units, Government Companies and
Foreign Governments are included in the definition of
government for the purpose of this clause.
7. Where the company has made an application for re-
schedulement or restructuring of its borrowings, auditor
should not report default in respect of such borrowings.
8. Non-payment of principal or interest due to dispute with
lenders is not a default for the purpose of clause (ix)(a).
9. If delay in repayment of principal and payment of
interest is only because of public holiday on due date
and company had sufficient funds to make such
payments, auditor need not report this as default.
10. For reporting of declaration of the company as wilful
defaulter, there is no cut-off period and auditor needs
to report irrespective that company was declared wilful
defaulter 10 years ago.
11. If an individual declares the company as a wilful
defaulter, the auditor has to report this under this
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 11 False 21 False 31 False 41 a
2 False 12 False 22 False 32 False 42 d
3 False 13 True 23 True 33 True 43 d
4 True 14 False 24 True 34 False 44 d
5 False 15 False 25 False 35 False 45 d
6 False 16 False 26 True 36 True
7 False 17 True 27 False 37 False
8 False 18 False 28 True 38 True
9 True 19 False 29 False 39 False
10 False 20 False 30 True 40 d
MCQs on Clause (x)
1 True 6 False
2 False 7 False
3 True 8 c
4 False 9 d
5 True 10 a
MCQs on Clause (xi)
Select True/ False:
1. The nature of fraud and amount involved is required to
be reported under this Clause.
2. Reporting under this clause is required only when fraud
is carried out by the company’s officers or employees.
3. Reporting under this clause is required even where
fraud is noticed by the auditor.
4. The auditor is not required to report all frauds noticed
or reported to him while conducting the audit.
5. The nature and amount involved in frauds on the
company and frauds by the company are required to be
reported on separately.
6. Misstatements can result from fraudulent financial
reporting or misappropriation of assets.
7. Fraudulent financial reporting may involve deception
such as manipulation, falsification, or alteration of
accounting records or supporting documents from
which the financial statements are prepared.
8. While planning the audit, the auditor should discuss
with other members of the audit team, the susceptibility
of the company to material misstatements in the
financial statements resulting from fraud.
9. Materiality can be considered while reporting under this
10. It is important that the auditor obtains written
representation from management that any uncorrected
misstatements resulting from frauds are, in
management's opinion, immaterial, both individually
and in the aggregate.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Clause (xii)
Select True/ False:
1. In order to meet out liabilities, Nidhi company has to
maintain a ratio of 1:20 of Net Owned Funds to
2. Cultivating habit of saving is an important and only
objective for incorporation of a Nidhi Company.
3. Form NDH 3 submitted by a Nidhi Company is required
to be certified by a Chartered Accountant only.
4. The auditor will examine if the Nidhi Company has
submitted return with registrar in Form NDH-3 every
half year.
5. The auditor should ask the management to provide the
computation of the deposit liability and net owned funds
to review if the ratio is in accordance with prescribed
requirements. It is out of scope of the auditor to verify
the calculations made by the management.
6. Since Form NDH-3 submitted by a Nidhi Company is
already certified, it is not the responsibility of the
auditor to re-verify the information provided therein.
7. Scope of the auditor’s enquiry covers defaults made by
Nidhi company during the year under audit only.
Defaults existing during any period and made good
during the year need not to be reported.
8. In case of default by a Nidhi Company related to
payment of interest on deposit or repayment thereof or
both, the auditor needs to report nature of default,
amount of default, period of default and any other
9. The auditor needs to examine if a Nidhi Company has
invested in encumbered term deposits in its own name
an amount not less than 10% of the deposits.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 6 False
2 False 7 False
3 False 8 True
4 True 9 True
5 False 10 a
MCQs on Clause (xiii)
Select True/ False:
1. Section 177 and section 188 of the Companies Act
2013 if not complied with will result into qualification
under this clause.
2. As per section 188 of Companies Act 2013, approval of
the Board of Directors and shareholders is not required
in respect of related party transactions entered into by
the company in its ordinary course of business and on
an arm’s length basis.
3. ‘Arm’s length transaction’ means a transaction between
two related parties that is conducted as if they were
unrelated, so that there is no conflict of interest.
4. For purpose of reporting under this clause, auditor only
needs to obtain written representation and no other
procedure is required to be performed.
5. As part of audit procedures, management
representation that specific related party transactions
do not involve undisclosed side agreements should
also be obtained.
6. It is very easy to determine ‘arm’s length prices”.
7. As per section 177 of Companies Act 2013, audit
committee (of every listed companies and other
classes of companies which is required to constitute
audit committee) to approve transactions of the
company with related parties.
8. A smaller entity may not have the same controls
provided by different levels of authority and approval
that may exist in a larger entity.
9. As part of reporting under this clause, the disclosure
requirements as per AS 18 or Ind AS 24 (as may be
applicable) need to be checked.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 6 False
2 True 7 True
3 True 8 True
4 False 9 True
5 True 10 h
MCQs on Clause (xiv)
1 True 6 True
2 False 7 False
3 False 8 True
4 True 9 False
5 False 10 False
MCQs on Clause (xv)
Select True/ False:
1. While verifying about the requirements of clause 3(xv),
the auditor would have to verify and report where the
director of the company has exchanged currency notes
with the cashier of the company from company’s cash
2. Reporting under clause 3(xv) gets attracted where the
company has given discount coupons of its own retail
store to all its shareholders. The said discount coupon
is a bearer document.
Choose the correct option(s):
3. During the audit/verification under clause 3(xv), which
are most critical records to ascertain whether the
company has complied with the provisions of section
192 of Companies Act 2013:
a) Annual financial statements of the company
b) Secretarial records and documents filed with ROC
c) Personal records of the management of the
d) Information and explanation given by the
4. Clause 3(xv) will not be applicable for the transactions
between the company and following persons as
relatives of the director or person connected with such
a) Son’s wife
b) Daughter’s husband
c) Brother’s wife
d) Step sister
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 False 6 c
2 False 7 b
3 b 8 a
4 c 9 d
5 d 10 c
MCQs on Clause (xvi)
Select True/ False:
1. Financial activity as principal business is when a
company’s financial assets constitute more than 75 per
cent of the total assets and income from financial
assets constitute more than 75 per cent of the gross
2. NBFCs cannot accept demand deposits.
3. The term “income from financial assets” is defined in
RBI Act 1934.
4. While examining computation of financial assets and
income from financial assets, fixed deposits and
income from fixed deposits are required to be included
for computation of the asset/ income pattern.
5. The term “Housing Finance Institution” is defined in
National Housing Bank Act, 1987.
6. As per RBI Master Direction, Core Investment
Companies should hold not less than 90% of its net
assets in the form of investment in equity shares,
preference shares, bonds, debentures, debt or loans in
group companies as on the date of the last audited
balance sheet.
7. Core Investment companies having total assets of not
less than Rs. 500 Crores either individually or in
aggregate along with other CICs in the Group and
which raises or holds public funds are categorized as
Systematically Important Core Investment Company
8. Every CIC is required to apply to the RBI for grant of
certificate of registration within a period of three months
from the date of becoming a CIC-ND-SI.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 False 6 True
2 True 7 False
3 False 8 True
4 False 9 False
5 True 10 True
MCQs on Clause (xvii)
Select True/ False:
1. This clause has been continued in CARO 2020 from
CARO 2016.
2. The term “cash losses” is not defined in Indian
Accounting Standards.
3. Management is required to compute cash losses and
the auditor is only required to check computation made
by management.
4. Auditor can compute cash losses by making
adjustments to figures appearing in cash flow
5. In case of restatement of financial statements for
previous financial year as per Ind AS 8, “Accounting
Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”,
net profit/loss after tax determined after such
restatement should be considered.
6. Net profit/loss after tax should not be adjusted for
deferred tax income/expense.
7. Net profit/loss after tax should not be adjusted for items
of expenses of contingent nature such as demand for
tax liability for which provision has been made in the
financial year but which has been appealed against by
the company.
8. Figure of cash losses for current year and previous
year need not be adjusted for the effect of qualifications
in the respective audit reports.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 False 6 False
2 True 7 True
3 False 8 False
4 False 9 True
5 True 10 False
MCQs on Clause (xviii)
1 True 6 True
2 False 7 False
3 True 8 True
4 False 9 False
5 False 10 False
MCQs on Clause (xix)
1 True 6 False
2 False 7 False
3 True 8 True
4 False 9 False
5 False 10 False
MCQs on Clause (xx)
1 False 6 False
2 True 7 False
3 False 8 False
4 True 9 True
5 True 10 True
MCQs on Clause (xxi)
Select True/ False:
1. Reporting under this clause is required for only those
entities included in the consolidated financial
statements to whom CARO 2020 is applicable.
2. Reporting under this clause is not required in
situations, where component auditor has not issued his
audit report by the date of the principal auditor’s audit
3. Reporting under this clause is required irrespective of
whether components are audited by principal auditor or
other auditors.
4. Qualifications/adverse remarks given in the parent
company’s standalone CARO report are outside the
scope of reporting under this clause.
5. Term qualification/adverse remark used in this clause
mean a qualification/adverse opinion as per principles
enunciated in SA 705(Revised).
6. In case of qualification/adverse remark given by
individual component, the auditor is not required to
reevaluate the materiality of such remarks from a
consolidation perspective.
7. Principal auditor may request component auditor to
comment on which clauses amount to a
qualification/adverse remark and the response of
component auditor can be treated as conclusive while
reporting under this clause.
8. Term qualification/adverse remark used in this clause
refers to unfavourable or qualified answers used in
paragraph 4 of CARO 2020.
MCQs on Guidance Note on CARO 2020
1 True 6 True
2 False 7 False
3 True 8 True
4 False 9 False
5 False 10 b