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MARPOL 73/78

MARPOL, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

◊ The objective of MARPOL is to control and/or prevent pollution from ships in order
to preserve the human environment in general and the marine environment in

◊ contains 20 Articles and 6 Annexes with Regulations:

Annex I : Prevention of Pollution by Oil
Annex II : Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Annex III : Harmful Substances in Packaged Form
Annex IV : Sewage
Annex V : Garbage
Annex VI : Air pollution

►Why need continue updates or amendments:

 Changes to be made for the improvement of parts, or additions, to existing Conventions or

amendments / updates in the convention is necessary to up to date the world maritime industry,
marine environment and related human elements.
 Technology and techniques in the shipping industry/ global economy change very rapidly these
days which create commercial pressure to the industry & make the marine environment and
seafarers in main role to be victim of new problems.
 Global warming which is making Ice melting & Polar areas to be the route for Ships but a
imminent danger to the area is must. New thought has come to save the area from any kind of
marine environmental harm , harm to the sea resources or lives. As a result the Polar code is on
its way to come in force.
 Greenhouse effect is the another topic which require to a major change in MARPOL to save the
environment polluted by ships.
 Another topic, Harmful Aquatic Organisms carried by ships Ballast may create hazards to the
environment, human health, property or resources so new code to come.
 Emission Gases ( sox, nox, HC etc.) from Ships making pollution to the environment but no
stricter instruments inside existing MARPOL.
 Shipping companies run their vessel for financial interest where they neglect to comply marine
environmental issue.
 Seafarers under commercial pressure to run vessel smoothly which make them departure of
volunteer environmental protection thought.

Considering above circumstances, it is a mandatory requirement to a continuous process of updates

and amendments to the MARPOL and any other convention is necessary to protect the environment.

Latest decision in MEPC 66

►the implementation of resolution MEPC.229(65)

Amendments (entry into force 1 January 2016):

Submitted by :Md Mohsin. Student ID : 383110
MARPOL 73/78
►Draft amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, III, IV, V and VI to make the use of III Code
►Draft amendments to MARPOL Annex I on mandatory carriage requirements for a stability instrument
►Draft amendments to the BCH Code
►Draft amendments to the IBC Code

Amendments (entry into force 1 September 2015):

►Draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and the NOX Technical Code 2008

Amendments (Open for modification till 67th session ):

►Draft amendments to MARPOL Annex V on Record of Garbage Discharge

►Draft amendments concerning the application of the EEDI
►Proposed amendments to regulation 43 of MARPOL Annex I
►Consequential amendments to MARPOL Annex III

Amendments (entry into force Later than1 January 2016):

►Draft amendments concerning the effective date of the Tier III NOX emission standards

Marpol related hot topics :


The number of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention), is currently 38,
representing 30.38% of the world's merchant fleet tonnage. The Committee urged those States which have
not yet ratified the Convention to do so at the earliest possible opportunity as at 02 December 2013.

However, until 31 May 2014 it was neither settle nor in force. World community / Flag state should
come forward to enforce the convention to implement that and minimize the harm of said harmful aquatic
organism carried by ballast water. As early the convention will in force the danger will minimize.

Latest topics in Marpol ( MEPC 66 / WP.1 )

►Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI regarding engines fuelled solely by gaseous fuels:

It might take times to reach the decision regarding the matter. However, this type of development in
MARPOL, will beneficial in future generation to protect the environment more effectively.


Inclusion of gas only fuelled engines in MARPOL Annex VI, will be a step forward decision . Another
important issue is Standard specification of shipboard gasification waste-to-energy systems which will
be most economical to the shipping company and recycling of waste to energy. The other issue is
Supplement to the IAPP Certificate and associated draft guidance, though some members opposing the
Submitted by :Md Mohsin. Student ID : 383110
MARPOL 73/78
process. Above matter should be solve in a such standard manner to adopt by all countries to comply
with. The importance of standard mutual agreement about the issue is the pillar of succeeding the goal.
The contribution of $80,000 by Norway for the organization of workshops on the transfer of technology is
a great appreciation in this regard. It is necessary to include such contribution from the financially solved

►Review of fuel oil availability as required by regulation 14.8 of MARPOL Annex VI :

It is the main topic of burning the fuel oil in certain SECA or other areas segregated by the international
community. The increasing importance of reliably assessing the availability of compliant fuel oil in a
timely manner can enforce the regulation in certain area and comply with. European Union which had
decided that ships operating in EU waters from 1 January 2020 would be required to use fuel oil on board
that met the 0.50% sulphur content standard, irrespective of the outcome of the Organization's ( IMO)
fuel oil availability review. But the fact is , availability which will encourage to use / comply the
regulations. EU should concentrate to adopt IMO Regulation to enable thus they will achieve their goal
and the world will be profitable.

►Fuel oil quality:

Fuel oil quality is having an impact on the safety of shipping and control of emissions and energy
efficiency & thus guidance should be prepared for those responsible for controlling and authorizing local
fuel oil suppliers considering a review and amendment of ISO standard as well as the illegal blending of
chemical wastes; and the supply and delivery of fuel oil to a ship and the assurance of fuel oil quality /
dispute between supplier and ship regulated by domestic law. The step of the MEPC who Invited Member
Governments and international organizations to submit concrete proposals to MEPC 67 and need to solve
the solution at an early basis.

►Standard specification for shipboard incinerators : Existing ship , new ship, type of ship ( eg.
passenger, bulk etc.) issue is the main topic for the incinerators, however standard guideline to finalize
the 2014 Standard specification for shipboard incinerators and the associated draft MEPC resolution is
necessary to reach the final decision regarding the amendment. It is the vital part of gas emission from
ships and related to the main problem of emission control.

►Polar Code matters: Draft has been made with a view to their adoption at future sessions, taking into
account that a number of provisions still remained in square brackets / pending throughout the draft Code.
But in relation to the Pollution scenario which will be a huge and un-predictable damage due to in-
appropriate salvage facilities. The code should be prepare in draft as soon as possible . Moreover, it is
necessary to implement the code in an urgent basis.

The difficulties that are encountered in ensuring international compliance

►Lack of supremacy power : Though IMO is the supreme organization to adopt convention etc. but the
implementation is solely depend upon the member state in another word flag state and port state.
Amendment should be bring in top of the table to enrich the IMO as a powerful organization to make it a
Parent organization.

Submitted by :Md Mohsin. Student ID : 383110

MARPOL 73/78
►Technical reason for organization: Due to insufficient fund in IMO, it took lengthy time to research /
find out the suitable solution or technically prove the efficiency towards the member state by IMO own
resources. IMO is completely depending upon the member states donation base technical and research
fund. In this regard Member states should go ahead to put their own effort to invent the new technology /
technical assistance to IMO to implement such issues.

►Technical reason for Flag / Port state: Due to insufficient technical advancement or trained / skilled
inspector to check randomly regarding the progress or compliance regulation / amendments Flag state /
Port state suffer problem in many cases.

►Commercial cause for flag state: Shipping companies choose the option to gain a financial favor.
The shipping companies believe in goal based principle. Moreover they run their vessel for money,
irrespective of Human health, environmental protection, Safety of life, etc. They try to impede the rules
and regulations as much as possible to avoid additional expenses require to implement the Laws. Flag
state like Panama make leeway to attract their registry. Flag of convenience is common like Panama,
Marshall island etc. who has the highest number of vessel in the world in this regard. To keep their
carriers benefit they argue to the IMO regarding any convention, code, protocol etc. Commercial issue is
the most important problem by Flag state who need to control the vessel commercially gainer as well as
to ensure international compliance to the Convention.

►Lack of Flag state monitoring: As the flag state representative are not present in the many of the ports
where their vessel visiting frequently. Thus they are unable to monitor/ asses the situation of the said
vessel regarding compliance. However, now a days Port state can keep a major contribution towards the

►Existing ships / types of ships : The most of Flag States who representing the world’s merchant
shipping tonnage, has a large quantity of ship to monitor and implement same rules for new and
existing ships under their flag. After new regulations in force it is necessary in most cases to
additionally equipped / major change in some construction or machinery etc. for existing ship which
cause an
Un-expected delay to bring international body to come in an agreement. Ballast water management is a
best example of that. Another example is Standard specification for shipboard incinerators.

►Reception facilities for most of Annexes : One of the major issue is lack of port reception facilities
/availability worldwide to implement the regulations containment in Annexes. IMO guidelines given to
the member or signee state but port reception facilities is still in below average worldwide for Annex- I ,
even though Annex-v. Port state are unable to take action regarding this scenario.
►Lack of trained personnel: As frequently the changes come to the Marpol, trained and qualified
personnel for Flag and Port state are necessary to inspect the vessel regarding the compliance. But the
human resources and the training or expertise on the new topics is inadequate, which is the major
deficiency in compliance.

►Lack of time for Port state monitoring: Now a days due to faster operation of vessel like container,
chemical carrier etc. has a very limited period of Port stay. For example in some cases vessel arrived at

Submitted by :Md Mohsin. Student ID : 383110

MARPOL 73/78
midnight and depart at morning targeted by port state but due to insufficient or suitable time Port state is
unable to conduct the inspection regarding compliance with regulations.

Conclusion: All the issue discussed and recalled in the MEPC (66) meeting session is vital important to
protect the marine environment, life at sea, human health, as well as marine life. Discussion on the most
of the above issue are positive and the progress is quite good. More survey, research and critical
assessment prior adopting the guideline/ amendment is necessary. However, the political issue / dispute
between member countries, oppose from shipping owners due to commercial goal, Commercial thought
of member / flag state , Scarcity of fund in the IMO is the reason not to implement or reach an agreement
on various issue .The implementation and enforcement is the final success to the Marine environment.

( Source: SOLAS, MARPOL, IMO website, MARPOL website, course materials from LJMU)

Submitted by :Md Mohsin. Student ID : 383110


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