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1800 KVAR PF Test Report For CRTS-27

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d* cR:

Test Report
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dhaka University of Ergineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur
Gazipur-1700, Bangladesh
edilcal and Eledrol]k ElIgineeilng
rsiq oi Enqiner n9 & Tehno ogy, Gazhtr
Test R.sulh ofr 3-phasc.440V.50 Hz.1800 kVAR Prl Plant

DUET/EEE 018140 (i)

CRTS Rct No, CRTS/EEE/2o]8/I I9

ali.nt\N,mc,n.l AddrBs
cNsnNer. 1,,& l,r llo.i4l/R/5-,\. wesLPxndFad
Dhaka 1215. Bangladesh.
M/S Protec El€ctroni.s l-ld,

Av€rase ADbi€nt Temper.turc 34.C


ToralNo.ofPaser in this R€po.t

Nloh!mmrd J!kir llosain
Asr Pr.l: PFF DIIPI A$1r. Prol:, E!E. DUET

CotrnrerSieed hv:


DcpL olEEE, DtiEl. Cazipu

Te : +88{24927,1009, PABX] +8&02-4927403+B/tut 1011, FAI(: +M249274009j E.mai : head ee€@duet4.bdi reb: w.duet.acbd
/5t sffi++ rfr.n ft-slr
7flecr'ica a"o
tl]ls #*Tffi*"ffi
Eectort hoitee'irq
=te *,.
Ret No.: DU[T/[[!12018/240 (i)

hase-440v. s0 H2.1800 kVAR PII Plrni

1,0 DcscnDtion of Srnol.:

Capacityr l300ltvAR
Se !l No.: 1800 0654

Sheet sleel clad, dusl and lmin prcol fre shding, floor mouolins type panel uilh the

13 SpecificatioN of Maitr Compon€trts:

l. ACB 1200 A. Ilaly (ABB Ltd.)

2. Hard draM coppq bus b&: 20 md , 100 m (3 Pcs)

l. 440 v Magn€lic Conractm, ](ma

B5 A. AC I (lt P\n
80A,AC l0Pc)
4. 500 V HRC Fuse. Lind*, Jape

l60A(105 Pc,
63 A (3 Pc,

5, MCB 63 A,415V (lPc)

6. Reaclive Power Co.toller, Shizuki, Jopa. (12 stage)

7, lidicating L@p(15 Pc,

8. 3-pb6e, 440 V, 50 Hz. ?owr capacnor, Hausnen, Oem t (72 Pc,

e on-ol. Selecbr S$irch (1Pc)r Push swirch (2P6)

Te : +88{2-4927{009, PABX +8&021927403+53/Et.3011, FAx: +8&02{9274r109i E mai : head_eee@duet.addi u/€b: W'
if5t : Err@++ @"ra !31r
\$cr -*i;;*.m *.
atrenitala.o E'ea or r Erqirerrq
.lli.ili;6;;;;g;'.,.'?P/ =te

1..1 Techri.rl SDrcifi.rtionr of CaDrcitors:


t0 oler presure tlisco recror



ILC E\" 60llll

Rared Cur.cni(lNl d I , :4a0 \'.50 Hz

The lollo* ing resN have bccn condlcred on the ! Plant:

2.1 Dcsiqn and Visual

No. ol BN Bar and Dlnrensl.ns

Ihe colorand OMlilv ol lann

slt!iliclLion rnd N. !r IIJjn Lomoonenrl


Te : +88{2-49274009, PAEX| +8&024927401+53/E(-3011, rAx: +g&02-4922+OOq; heaO eee@du*.acbO: l1rO: rrnir.deta-tr
l5t =fue c ffifro rd'q k5+
tggp * *"Gi'*"ffi *'
letHca aroEecio''tlnqhee'irq

Ret No.: DUEI/I![/2o]8/240 (i)




2.1Oll Lo,il ctn.citor Banl T.{:

No, ofHRC

I r'P MCB 6i A,l

I =25 I 80 I

l l5
25i6=150 B5 A.l OK
ll5 A.l
25.6= r50
25.h=150 OK
8 25 .8 = 200 l60A.l2
160A.12 115 A.4
l1 t60A.l2 l]5 A.4
8 135 A.4
160/\.15 Di \.5

1he opeoti.n oltbe PII plam and itsva ous cofrponenls hr\ bu.n obscrucd and {as lound

Te : +88{2{927{09, PABX| +8&024927401+53/Ext._3011, FA}i +8&02'49274m9i E mai : head e€e@iuet.a..bdi reb: MJud4 bd

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