Descriptive Shot Analysis in Basketball: Proceeding Proceeding
Descriptive Shot Analysis in Basketball: Proceeding Proceeding
Descriptive Shot Analysis in Basketball: Proceeding Proceeding
10th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference, 4-5 December 2015. International Network of Sport and Health
Science. Szombathely, Hungary
This paper tries to clarify from specific points of descriptive view, physical, technical, tactical and from that
learning model, those that are the fundamental elements of the shot to basket, in order to optimize the setting
and specific preparation. The physical learning is the basis of the performance, that is the skills depends from
qualitative aspect. The shot is a fundamental attack in basketball, offers many points to be analyzed from
technical point of view that the qualitative control model point of view, this article will try to do it on both
aspect, trying to provide some elements technical and descriptive to whom refer and the description of the
executive model elements characterizing the execution of the shot at basket. The aim is suggesting some
technical elements to which to refer and the description of the executive model elements that characterize
the execution of the shooting at basket, to improve the whole process of teaching and learning. Key words:
Corresponding author. via Berenice 11, Napoli, Italy
10th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference, 4-5 December 2015. International Network of Sport and
Health Science. Szombathely, Hungary.
© Faculty of Education. University of Alicante
VOLUME 11 | Proc1 | 2016 | S259
Raiola et al. / Descriptive shot analysis in basketball JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
In the game of basketball the shot is the main action of the attacker; in fact, it is the instrument by which
players translate them into points the offensive actions of own team. In this regard, Gamba said: "you become
good shooters, are not born. I doubt there has ever been a great shooter that he would not have needed to
endless hours of training to develop its effectiveness "(Gamba, 1995).
For this reason, to become a good player one must learn to cure this fundamental technical. Knowing how to
pull with high percentage of realization means, essentially, give enormous guarantees of victory to own team,
without underestimating the psychological aspect positive on the one hand, esteem and gratification of the
team towards the player and on the other the negative impact which infuses on the opponents, of concern
and insecurity in respect of a great shooter.
Having one or more players in field that they can realize high percentages of shots, brings a significant
advantage at their team and disfavoring therefore, tactically and psychologically, the opponents complicating
the them defensive duties. The coaches have the need to build players capable of minimizing the reaction
time; therefore, in practice, each player must be able to perceive by intuition what his opponent is going to
do and to take advantage; this advantage is then maintained and concretized in a positive result, such as
achieve a shot at basket (Raiola, 2011, 2014, 2015ab, Raiola,Tafuri, 2015, Raiola et al, 2014, 2015).
The qualities required of a good shooter are: body balance in static and dynamic situations, concentration
and attention of the detail, coordination, sensitivity and the correct execution of a parabola. The knowledge,
sometimes superficial, of physical systems, the musculature and related elements, certainly allows to qualify
the intervention of the proposition of the field work in a more targeted as well as scientific (Izzo et al, 2015).
In developmental age, these aspects have the significative relevance in learning of skill (D’anna et al, 2015).
The aim is suggesting some technical elements to which to refer and the description of the executive model
elements that characterize the execution of the shooting at basket, to improve the whole process of teaching
and learning.
Descriptive approach is the basis of method investigation about specific aspects of technical execution of
shot. Also in futsal, waterpolo and swimming (Napolitano et al, 2013, Polidoro et al, 2013, Tursi et al, 2013)
used to utilize systematic observation to evaluate skills.
Each player will have a shooting executive entirely subjective, since it varies in relation to its heritage
conditional and coordinative, at the its stature, at the its ability to establish the starting point of the shot, at
the type of defender (height and aggression) and at the away from the basket.
A good formulation of the shooting must take into account of the alignment: index, wrist, elbow, tip toes
pointing to the basket. The elbow should stay close to your body in a natural way, it is possible that some
players tend to "open" the outwards elbow. If it is done in a natural way, it would be best not to correct it this,
especially if then the shooting mechanics is fluid and release takes place properly.
The arm and hand are parts of the body directly concerned with the thrust and direction of the ball, and they
are also those parts who commit more errors and affect the final quality of the shot. In the carry out the shot
the upper limb begins, usually from a position partial homers in abduction and external rotation that, in the
final phase of the movement, is in full extension and in anterior-posterior position.
As regards the hand, the intervention of the palm during the pushing can interfere negatively removing the
necessary sensitivity on the ball, having as a result little rotation of the ball. Finally, the intervention of the
finger middle and of the index on the ball, in fact, are the fingers that leave for last ball, both should be turned
outwards and downwards, otherwise the ball will not acquires an optimal rotation and the right direction.
Finally, the location and the push of the lower limbs, however, should not be neglected, since the shot begin
from the feet; In fact, the indication that you can give is try to have a position of feet wide about the shoulder
width, with your foot corresponding at the hand that pulling of about half a foot ahead of the other.
An entry angle at 90°, from a distance of about 5 meters, it is impossible from obtain, as it would require a
considerable output speed beyond the capability of an athlete who uses any shot orthodox. Also, there is to
consider the effect that produce small errors of the exit angle on the distance of the shot are proportional,
and these deviate the ball farther and farther away from the center of the basket; therefore, while a large
angle shot is desirable because it leads to a high entrance angle, it is less desirable of smaller angles for
what concerns the precision.
The best angle of shot produces trajectories with a bow rather low rather than medium or high. And you need
to understand what are the variables that affect performance with purpose to improve it (Picasso B., 2012).
The equation E = ± (0.2286 sen α - r) cm., Allows us to calculate the chance that the ball has to go on the
vertical axis of the basket (Tab. 1), where:
90° ± 10,54
80° ± 10,18
70° ± 9,14
60° ± 7,38
50° ± 5,18
40° ± 2,36
Practical experience and the results obtained also the aiming point should not be overlooked by the coaches;
so we should provide as aiming point the far side of the circle than the firer, because if the ball hits the ring
of the basket, a ball spin counterclockwise will help the same to enter the basket. In the case, instead, of a
short shot you can have a margin of error of about 22 cm., Since this difference that there is between the
ball, having a diameter of about 24 cm., And the inner circumference of the ring the basket of 45 cm., there
is the possibility that the ball bouncing on the board and enters the basket. Finally, if the ball at the end of the
parable hits the backboard or the ring of the basket the factors leading to the entrance at basket (established
that the mass of the two bodies and their return coefficient are constant) are represented by:
- Point of contact of the ball.
- Its speed at the moment of contact.
- From the rotation of the ball.
Until the player does not bend on the legs, the muscles perform an isometric work and the force used is
minimal. The muscular work, during the step of bending, is concentric and the force used increases. After
the bending, when the player stretch the lower limbs, the muscles are released slightly, the pressure on the
ground is lower and consequently also the force used is reduced. The player locks the movement of folding
at the moment of the shot, the muscles perform an eccentric work and the force applied on the ground
increases. During the phase release of the ball from the hand, the muscles of the lower limb are concentrically
contracts, pushing strong on the ground of play and thereby increasing the force used (Tab. 2).
Over time, the technical act of the shot is fundamental individual that has had more evolutions. There is been,
in fact, a gradual introduction of new shooting types (stationary, in elevation and in suspension) and changes
to the regulation (24 seconds, introduction of the 3-point first and then from the 6.25 mt to 6.75 mt). This has
produced some significant results:
Figure 1. Steady rise in 3-point attempts since its introduction in the 1979-80 season
- You pull more and with high percentages compared to the early 2000s.
- There has been a speeding up of the actions of game.
- There was an increase of the spectacle.
The ability of shot is related to the objective of performance of the sport, then it can refer to the horizontal
distance, at the flight time, at the precision or speed of movement (Scrimaglio, Di Giminiani, 2013). The shot
offers several ideas to be analyzed, both in terms of technical sport that from the standpoint of biomechanics.
Analyzing various shots from different positions and distances, the trajectories realized by the ball, can be
assimilated as at the model of parabolic curve, depending on the angle of departure of the ball (Mondoni,
2002). One of the sports where you can notice this parabolic motion is basketball, since the player must try
to pull a ball in a basket placed higher than him and therefore the trajectory of the ball you will get from the
union of two movement, from that with speed uniform oblique, for picking up the ball, and uniformly
accelerated down for force of gravity (Fig. 2).
The technical factors that govern a shot, apart from the force impressed, are:
1- The starting height of the ball.
2- The air resistance.
3- The release rate of the ball.
4- The exit angle of the ball.
Figure 3. The four properties of force (Hede, Russell, & Weatherby, 2011)
The stationary ball in the hands of the shooter will not have any moment, due to its lack in velocity, but it will
still have inertia as a force will have to be applied to change its state of motion (Blazevich, 2007). In order to
change the ball state of motion force beginning at the shooter’s feet and ending and working its way up the
body to the fingertips will have to be applied to direct the ball at the intended target. Research conducted by
Rojas, Cepero, Oña, and Gutierrez (2000) has suggested that the velocity that the ball is released at does
not change dramatically when comparing shooting a jump shot with pressure and without defensive pressure.
Rather than producing more velocity into the shot itself, a player is therefore more likely to implement other
kinetic changes in order to overcome the pressure placed on the shot by a defensive player.
S264 | 2016 | Proc1 | VOLUME 11 © 2016 University of Alicante
Raiola et al. / Descriptive shot analysis in basketball JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
The height of outlet of the ball is determined by the morphology of the player and from the type of shot used
in relation to the defender and to the distance from the basket. The air resistance appears to be irrelevant on
the trajectory of the ball. Dependence on these influencing factors (the height of outlet of the ball, the
combination of the rate of release and the exit angle of the ball) are related to:
A. The rate of release and the exit angle are interdependent, while the distance of the shot directly influences
the rate of release, which increases on account of distance, and indirectly the angle of release. The accuracy
of the shot varies with distance, as even small deviations become more evident in relation to the residence
time of the ball in the air.
B. The physical structure, the ability to jump, the position and the technique of the defender all have a
relationship of influence on the speed and angle of exit of the ball that must be such as to allow it to pass
over the extent of the intervention of the defender.
C. The role of the angle of entry is rather complex. With an entry angle of 90° the basket it is presented to
the ball in all its width equal to 45 cm., therefore with the maximum margin of error as possible.
In light of the above, we believe we have provided some technical-scientific elements, to which doing refer
in practice of sport, not only in terms of scientific and theoretical study of the subject, but also as a tool for
verification of work programs always more finalized to the qualification and to the specificity of the training
proposal , connecting more and more their own system of work with elements more and more specific and
directly related at fundamental of the shot, abandoning a training method based on the generic, this aspect
not is longer sustainable in the modern competitive sports activities. At last, is a good idea to remember that
the highest level of coordination is one in which the player, in addition to successfully perform the gesture,
keeps the possibility to modify and adapt to the "real situation" while maintaining the effectiveness (Altavilla,
Raiola, 2014,2015). Learning, however, only reached a level cognitive abstract stays away from the real
context and direct experience (Altavilla et al, 2014ab, Gaetano et al, 2015ab).
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