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Utilizing Artificial Muscles in Assistive Technology For People With Disability Proposal Research

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Munther Alsaafin

Mechanical Engineer

Cell Phone:0592486374


11 March 2020

Research Title:

Utilizing Artificial Muscles in Assistive

Technology for people with disability
It starts with advanced material science, the welling to make an application of it to solve
practical problems in society. one of the applications that advanced materials can be utilized is
artificial muscles. Artificial muscle is a material that mimic natural muscle, and it is
distinguished by its flexibility, low wight to force ratio and its ability to change its shape due to
different kind of stimulus like voltage, temperature change and pressure. researching this topic
will be devoted in this research, particularly, in Assistive Technology for people with disabilities.
Artificial muscles have different applications, such as Robots, Powered Exoskeleton, Power
Generators, Artificial Limbs and other applications. Artificial limbs and Powered Exoskeleton
are the two main objects that will be researched. Artificial limbs are for people with amputees,
weather upper or lower limbs. Powered Exoskeleton has many applications but only the assistive
devices for disabilities will be considered.
There are two motives that these two fields are chosen. First, bringing this type of technology
to Palestine and making an expertise in these types of fields, also developing and delivering these
devices to people with disabilities. Second, following the ongoing trend of the rehabilitation
engineering being in Gaza Strip Universities, where there are activities in these field under the
name I-Care, which breaks the barriers between medical fields and engineering.

Problem statement:
Artificial Limbs (AL) in Gaza is manufactured by classical methods which it is characterized
by its heavy weight and relative high cost. A new AL types do exist, like 3D printed type which
is very cheaper than the classical AL, or robotic AL which consist of heavy mechanical elements
and its high cost. However, these types are not the proper solution for all the situations, for
instance, foot AL cannot be plastic 3D printed but it can be other metal material that endure the
body weight, and that makes more costly.
Artificial muscles (AM), especially HASEL muscle (hydraulically amplified self-healing
electrostatic) (1), introduce a proper solution, where it’s light, deliver great force, cheap and can
be controlled pretty well. Exoskeleton suit versions for people with paralyze are super expensive
and heavy, but if AM is used to deliver the power in such suits, wouldn’t it be much lighter and
cheaper? Can the AM provide an affordable device for people who cannot walk??
The main objective of the research is to find an efficient and affordable ways to utilize AM
and locally design and manufacture assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Prosthetic
foot using AM is the first to consider since it has more issues in the regular methods, after that,
the more superior goal is to develop a device for paralyzed people using the AM technique used
in foot prosthetic. 3D printer may be involved in the design since it has an interesting variety of
People with different disciplines can participate in this research. This include: Mechanical,
Mechatronics, Electrical, Computer and industrial engineering, also Chemists, physical therapist
and any medical field specialist.

Literature Review:
There are several types of Actuators in soft robotic systems, and pneumatic is the most
prevalent but it has its disadvantages such as low efficiency. There are also Electrically powered
actuators, such as Dielectric Elastomers Actuators (DEAs), which has cons such as it requires
rigid and bulky frames to provide a prestretch. Peano-HASEL actuators are introduced as a class
of versatile, soft electrohydraulic transducers that feature fast contraction, high force production
and inexpensive materials that can be made with industrial fabrication methods. It is simply a
dielectric liquid being squeezed by electric voltage, pushing (hydraulically) in a particular
manner making contraction as shown in the figure 1,2,&3. (1).

Figure 1: HASEL Principle of work (1)

Figure 2: HASEL AM with voltage is on and off (1)

Figure 3: Stacked HASEL to amplify the force (1)

traditional Artificial Limbs is manufactured in Gaza which is a Socket, Pylon, Foot and Foam
Cover. See figure4. There also prosthetic hand manufactured by the same way. These types are
relatively expensive and heavy. There are two places in gaze provide this type of prosthetic
limbs: Artificial Limbs and Polio Center – Gaza, and Hamad Ben Khalifa Hospital for Artificial
Limbs. (2)

Figure 4: Classical Artificial Limb (2)

Figure 5: Robotic Arm

3D printer is used to make a very cheap and acceptable functioning prosthetic limbs. Its
disadvantages, However, it should be made from plastic material like ABS to keep its price low,
and since the plastic cannot handle high stress, using plastic is not a choice for foot prosthetic,
where other expensive materials are used in this situation. (3)
Figure 6: 3D Printed Prosthesis (3)

The control system of prosthetic artificial limbs can be body-powered or myoelectric. In a

body-powered prosthetic, the hand is operated through cables and a harness – which are then
operated by the opposite shoulder. Myoelectric prosthetic work through the use of electrodes. (4)
After gathering a team, more researches are required, and new results with every participant
points of view well be discussed. After reviewing the previous researches in brainstorm sessions,
a particular characteristic of the prototype well be selected. After that, the work well be on that
prototype, making sure it won’t be costly. The prototype design will be small enough to make
sure that the use of AM is succeeded. After that, the whole design of foot artificial limb using
AM is determined.
Every participant shall record every events and meetings of the whole process, and submit a
report to the manager. Also, the design well be done using modern tools as possible, such as
Computer Aided Design (CAD) for drawing parts, Finite Element Method (FEM) for the
simulation, and etc.

Research Phase Objective Deadline

Research Getting more information and 2 weeks
previous study.
Brainstorm sessions and Discussing the new results 3 weeks
designing Proto Type and determine the
characteristic of the
foundation stone of the
design, implementing the
prototype of how to deliver
force using Artificial Muscles
with minimum cost
Designing the main device Doing more brainstorm 4 weeks
using the method of the session to design the shape of
prototype foot prosthetic limb depending
on the prototype, considering
calculations, modeling, comfort
of the patient. etc.

The next future phases well be determined later.

1. Kellaris, Nicholas, et al. Peano-HASEL actuators: Muscle-mimetic, electrohydraulic transducers that
linearly contract on activation. Science Robotics. [Online] Jan 5, 2018.

2. Artificial Limb . How Products Are Made. [Online]


3. Top 15 prosthetics made with 3D printing. Bitfab. [Online]


4. Woodford, Chris. Prosthetic limbs. explain that stuff. [Online] Feb 25, 2019.

5. Artificial muscle. Wekipidea . [Online]

6. Mortezaei , Narges. Artificial Muscles Based on Electroactive Polymers.

[Online] May 10, 2010.

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