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Project Proposal On Poverty Reduction

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"Poverty reduction through pro-active, participatory,

income- generating involvement of Rural Women in goat
Name of the project: Income generation through goat rearing.

Objectives of the project:

I) Income generation of the distressed women and farmers,
II) Establishment of small scale goat rearing enterprise,
III) Raise nutritional status through goat rearing and increase supply
of animal protein,
IV) Develop saving habit of the beneficiaries,
V) Reduce poverty.


Bangladesh is an agro-based country, more than 80% people live in villages.

They are mostly poor. Most of the people have only homestead. They have only
agricultural labor to invest. These people spend most of the time in a year
without getting any work. As a result, during these periods they do not have any
scope of earning.50% of total population in this country are women. They are
less educated, unskilled and do not have any access to income generating
activities. They get less food; their caloric intake is 29% lower than that of
male. The effect of extreme poverty falls most severely upon them and their
children. About 93% children under 5 years of age in the country suffer from
protein deficiency. According to FAO and their statistics women who are
divorced, separated from or having disabled husbands heads 15% of total
households in Bangladesh. The members not less than 96% of these households
fall below poverty line and experience chronic food shortage due to their
inability to participate in any income generation activities. Poverty has forced
most of these women out of their house in search of work as day labor.
Unfortunately female wage rate is also less than male wage rate in Bangladesh.
Goat rearing specially by this group of women is a very beneficial
programme as experienced by the Department of Livestock Services. Women
borrow loan from BRAC/GRAMEEN Bank etc. The result has been found
wonderful in respect of paying back their loan and earning additional income by
selling the goat products in their house. The programme though has been found
and proved highly beneficial, cannot be expanded at this moment due to
limitation of fund and others. Goat rearing does not require much land and also
do not bear high cost to run. In villages of Bangladesh, most of the poor women
keep their goat in their living shed at night, graze in roadsides and successfully
rear them with much care. The programme if taken will give excellent benefit to
the poorest group of women of the country.
Operation of the project:
The site of the project will be selected near Khulna in a few villages of
Gangachara thana under Rangpur district where most of the people are found to
live below poverty line. After selecting the site survey of living standard of the
people, their employment opportunities, goat rearing facilities, goat disease
prevalence, and socio-economic condition of the village people will be
Beneficiary Selection:
1. Experience and practice of rearing goat,
2. Skill of rearing goat,
3. Women especially widows, distressed and female headed families, and
4. Only those beneficiaries will be selected who will be willing to
form groups and contribute in community fund.

1. establishing small-scale goat rearing enterprises,

2. Increase protein supply and raise nutritional status,

3. Income generation for destitute women and farmers,

4. Develop saving habit tendency among the group member,

5. Rearing Black-Bengal goat to sustain the breed.

Goat Farming project report for bank loan (100+4) unit

This project is base on following assumption:

1. Adult healthy does & bucks of black Bengal breed within 2 years of age
will be purchased
2. Manure produced in the farm will be utilized for fodder cultivation
3. In case of death of adult goats new animal will be purchased from
insurance claim money.
4. The above project will be economically viable under proper care &
attention of the entrepreneur.

Techno-economic parameters :

1 Breed of Goat Black Bengal

2 No of bucks 4
3 No of does 100
4 Age of maturity(months) 10-12
5 Kidding/interval (months) 8
6 No of kidding per year 1.5
7 Kidding percentage 80
8 Average litter size 2
9 Mortality(%)kids 20
1 Sale able age og kids (months) 11
1 Expenditure norms
1 Space requirement sq ft, per head for buck 15
1 Space requirement sq ft. per head for doe 10
1 Space requirement sq ft. per head/kid 4
1 Cost of construction(TK per sq ft) doe, bucks ,kids 100
1 Cost of equipment (Rs.per adult animal) 20
1 Cost of green fodder cultivation (Rs./acre/season) 5000
1 Concentrate feed : Adult does 6.75 kg per
8 month
(one month before breeding and one month after kidding
i.e. per kidding)

1 Concentrate feed for Bucks (two months per breeding 7.5 kg per
9 season) month

2 Concentrate feed for Kids (for 30 days) 3.75

0 kg per kid
2 Cost of conc. feed (Rs./kg) 11
2 Labor (No.) 1
2 Labor wages (TK. per month) 3000
2 Veterinary aid (TK./adult/year) 20
2 Income norms :
2 Sale price of Buck/(11month) 1400

2 Sale price of Doe/(11month) 1200


2 Income from manure is not assumed as it is used on the

8 own farm for fodder cultivation.
2 Sale of Gunny bags (Tk./bag) 10
3 Repayment norms:
3 Repayment period (years) 6
3 Grace Period (years) 1
3 Interest rate(%) 12

Economics of goat farming

Sl. A-capital cost (Amount in
no TK)
a Construction low cost shed for 100does@ 10sq.ft/adult 100000
doe(TK. 100/sq.ft
b Construction of Shed for 4 bucks @ 15 sq.ft/buck (TK. 6000
100/sq.ft buck shed)
c Construction of Shed for 240 kids @ 4 sq.ft/kids( 1000 96000
sq.ft)@ TK.100/Sq.ft
d Equipment feeding through buckets etc. 2000
e Cost of 100 does@ 1500/doe 150000
f Cost of 3 bucks @ 2500/buck 10000
Working Capital
a Wages for one labour @ 100/day for 1 year 36000
b Cost of insurance 4% of animal cost 7000
c Cost of concentrate feed for 100 does @6.75kg/month/doe 7425
for two months i.e kg@11/kg
d Cost of concentrate feed for 4 bucks @ 7.5 kg/adult 330
animal for two months @ 11/kg
e Cost of concentrate feed for 240 kids @ 3.75 kg/kid/month 9900
i.e 900kg for one month @11/kg
f Fodder cultivation in 4 acres of land @ 5000/acre/season 20000
g Misc, expenditure i.e vaccine medicine & veterinary aid & 2000
h contingency 3000
i Total Working Capital 85655
i. Margin money @15% of project cost 67449
ii. Bank loan @85% of project cost say 382207

Cash Flow Project period (year) amount in TK.

a Wages for labour @ 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000

100/day 1 year
b Cost of insurance 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000
4% of animal cost
c Cost of concentrate 17655 17655 17655 17655 17655 17655
feed for buck does
& kids
d Fodder cultivation 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000
of land @5000 /
acre/crop for two
e Misc, expenditure 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
i.e. vaccine
medicine &
veterinary aid
Total expenditure 102655 102655 102655 10265 102655 102655
1 Sale price of male - 168000 168000 16800 168000 168000
goats @1400/buck 0
2 Sale price of female - 144000 144000 14400 144000 144000
goats @1200/doe 0
3 Sale price of gunny 300 300 500 300 300 500
4 Value of closing 144800
stock 100 doe, 4
buck, @ average
1200/adult & 240
kids @ 500/kid
5 Value of shed ( 10% 80800
6 Value of equipment Nil
1500( 20%
depreciation / year)
7 Total 300 312300 312500 31230 312300 538100
8 Gross profit - 209645 209845 20964 209645 435445
102355 5

Calculation of BCR & IRR

1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital 364000
Recurrin 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655
g Cost
Total 466655 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655
Benefit 300 312300 312300 312300 312300 538100
Net profit -466355 209645 209845 209645 209645 435445

Pw costs@ 15% 705017.81

Pw Benefits @ 910589.60
NPW 205571.79
B.C. Ratio 1.29:1
I.R.R (%) 29.24
Repayment schedule
Year Loan Gross Interest Principa Total Surplus
outstanding surplus l repayment
1 382200 300 45864 - 300
2 428064 209645 51367 58864 110231 99414
3 370000 209645 44400 70000 114400 95245
4 300000 209645 36000 80000 116000 93645
5 220000 209645 26400 100000 126400 83245
6 120000 435445 14400 120000 134400 301045

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