Methods of Solution of Selected Differential Equations
Methods of Solution of Selected Differential Equations
Methods of Solution of Selected Differential Equations
Carol A. Edwards
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
3. Exact: ∂M = ∂N
∂y ∂x
Solve ∂F = M for F(x,y) including f(y) as constant term.
Then compute ∂F = N to find f(y).
Solution is F(x,y) = c.
Alternatively, start with ∂F = N.
6. IF by inspection:
Look for d(xy) = xdy + ydx d( ) = xdy - ydx
x -1 y
d( ) = ydx - xdy d(tan ) = xdy - ydx
y x
y2 x2 + y2
It may help to group terms of like degree.
7. IF for certain equations that are not homogeneous, not exact, and not linear:
a. If 1 ∂M - ∂N = f(x), a function of x alone.
N ∂y ∂x
IF = exp( ∫ f(x) dx). Resulting equation is exact.
b. If 1 ∂M - ∂N = g(y), a function of y alone.
M ∂y ∂x
IF = exp(- ∫ g(y) dy). Resulting equation is exact.
8. Substitution suggested by the equation:
b. If lines are parallel or coincide, use a substitution for recurring expression. (See 8)
3. Solutions by inspection:
a. If R(x) = constant and an ≠ 0 then yp = R(x)
b. If R(x) = constant and an = 0 with y(k) the lowest-order derivative that actually
appears, then yp = R(x)•xk
k! an-k
4. If y1 is a particular solution of f(D)y = R1(x) and y2 is a particular solution of
f(D)y = R2(x), then yp = y1 + y2 is a particular solution of f(D)y = R1(x) + R2(x).
Solve the system for A′ and B′, then for A and B by integration.
Then yp = A(x)y1 + B(x)y2.
2. Evaluation of 1 eax
a. If f(a) ≠ 0 then 1 eax = eax
f(D) f(a)
b. If f(a) = 0 then 1 eax = xneax , φ(a) ≠ 0.
φ(D)(D-a) n! φ(a)
a. If a ≠ b, 1 sin bx = sin bx
D2 + a2 a2 – b2
1 cos bx = cos bx
D2 + a2 a2 – b2
b. If a = b, 1 sin ax = -x cos ax
D + a2
1 cos ax = x sin ax
D2 + a2 2a
5. Definition: The function F(t) is of exponential order as t→∞ if there exist constants
M, b, and a fixed t-value t0 such that |F(t)| < Mebt for t ≥ t0.
a. Note: a bounded function is of exponential order as t→∞
b. If there is a b such that lim [e-btF(t)] exists, then F(t) is of exponential order
as t→∞.
9. Derivatives of transforms.
Theorem: If F(t) is of Class A, then for every positive integer n,
dn f(s) = L{(-t)nF(t)} where f(s) = L{F(t)}.
Gamma Function
1. Definition: Γ(x) = ∫0 e-ββx-1dβ , x > 0.