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Continuos Heating Transformation of Bainite To Austenite

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Materials Science and Engineering, A131 ( 1991 ) 99-113 99

Continuous Heating Transformation of Bainite to Austenite

Graduate Institute of Materials Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 107 (Taiwan)

H. K. D. H. B H A D E S H I A
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke.Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ ( U.K.)
(Received December 27, 1989)

Abstract 1. Introduction
The transformation of a bainitic F e - M n - S i - C The success of the current spate of inter-
alloy into austenite has been studied using dila- national research [1-15] on the modelling of
tometry, transmission electron microscopy and microstructure and properties in welded steel
microanalytical techniques. The formation of fabrications depends to a large extent on the
austenite was investigated using two different start- availability of reliable phase transformation
ing microstructures, the first consisting of a mixture theory to facilitate the computer models. A prob-
of bainitic ferrite and residual austenite, and the lem of particular importance in this respect is
second of a mixture of tempered bainitic ferrite and related to the kinetics of austenite formation. A
carbides. Results from isothermal austenitization quantitative theory dealing with the nucleation
experiments confirm earlier work on a different and growth of austenite from a variety of starting
alloy, that because of the incomplete reaction conditions is vital, especially for the estimation of
phenomenon associated with bainite growth, there microstructure in multirun weld deposits, but also
is a large temperature hysteresis before the reverse for the heat-affected zones in the parent plates of
transformation to austenite becomes possible. single-run welds. The heat input associated with
Continuous heating experiments revealed an iden- the deposition of successive layers of weld metal
tical austenitization behaviour for both initial causes some or all of the underlying structure to
microstructures when the heating rate utilized was be reheated to temperatures where austenite for-
small. This is because any residual austenite then mation occurs. The new austenite then trans-
tends to transform into pearlite or to decompose forms during cooling to a microstructure which is
into ferrite and discrete particles of carbides before very different from the solidification structure
the sample reaches a temperature where austenite associated with weld deposits.
growth becomes thermodynamically feasible. As a part of a programme of research on the
Consequently, the two initial microstructures kinetics of austenite formation in steels, the work
become identical by the time Ty is reached A t reported here deals with austenitization from
faster heating rates the residual austenite remains bainitic microstructures. Many of the alloys used
stable during heating and then commences to grow in the deposition of high strength welds are
as the appropriate elevated temperature is reached. designed to transform into bainitic microstruc-
A slightly higher degree of superheating is found to tures as the weld cools from the austenite phase
be necessary in the absence of residual austenite in field, at rates typical of commercial fabrication
the starting microstructure, since austenite nuclea- practice. It also appears that acicular ferrite,
tion is then necessary prior to growth. Since the which is in general a beneficial phase in steel weld
excess superheating is rather small, the results deposits, is essentially intragranularly nucleated
indicate that nucleation does not appear to be a bainite [16], so that the general principles of
major hurdle to the formation of austenite in the balnite growth and dissolution should also be
alloy studied applicable to acicular ferrite. In some earlier work

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[17-19] a theory was developed to describe the (a) (b)

austenitization kinetics of mixtures of bainitic (or
acicular) ferrite and residual austenite*. It was :

found that the mechanism of the bainite reaction

has a profound influence on any subsequent
reverse transformation to austenite. For example,
i i,

time time
because isothermal transformation of austenite to
bainitic ferrite ceases prematurely, before the
residual austenite reaches its equilibrium com-
position, any reverse transformation to austenite
cannot occur until the sample is heated to an
elevated temperature where the residual austenite
1.Balnitic ferrite and austenite l.Balnitic ferrite and austenlte
itself enters the austenite phase field. This leads
to a large hysteresis in the forward and reverse
transformation temperatures for austenite, a
hysteresis which is not found when the starting
microstructure is instead a mixture of allotrio-
morphic ferrite and austenite [20].
2. Austenite layers thicken 2. Tempered balnlte
The theory which explains these phenomena
[17-19] also makes other predictions which have
yet to be verified. Hence the work reported here
focuses on the effect of the carbon content of
residual austenite, i.e. the austenite left untrans-
formed after the formation of some bainite, on
3.Nucleatlon & growth of austenlte
the reversion to austenite. An examination of a
starting microstructure of bainitic ferrite and Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams illustrating austenite formation
using different initial microstructures; step 1 of the heat treat-
residual austenite is also of relevance, because ment corresponds to the transformation of a fully austenitic
bainitic steels which contain high concentrations sample into a mixture of bainitic ferrite and carbon-enriched
of silicon are becoming prominent in industry, residual austenite. (a) Austenitization by reheating the
mixture of bainitic ferrite and residual austenite. (b) Starting
both as wrought alloys [21] and in the form of microstructure of carbides and bainitic ferrite generated by
high silicon cast irons [22]. The high silicon step 2, which is a tempering heat treatment. Austenite nuclea-
concentration retards the growth of cementite, so tion is therefore necessary during step 3 of the heat treat-
that a microstructure of just bainitic ferrite and
residual austenite can be obtained by transforma-
tion of austenite below the bainite start (Bs) tem- extension of the earlier research is that both iso-
perature [23]. If this microstructure is, without thermal and continuous heating experiments have
cooling from the isothermal transformation been carried out in the present work.
temperature, reheated rapidly to higher tempera-
tures, then the austenitization process requires no
nucleation of austenite, permitting a controlled
2. Experimentalprocedure
study of the growth of austenite [17-19], as illus- The steel used had the chemical composition
trated in Fig. 1. On the other hand, the mixture of Fe-0.43C-3.00Mn-2.02Si (wt.%) and was pre-
bainite and austenite can be tempered to force the pared using high purity base materials as a 20 kg
latter phase to decompose into ferrite plus car- vacuum induction melt which was hot worked to
bides (Fig. 1). Austenitization of the resultant rods 8 mm in diameter. The hot-worked samples
microstructure of ferrite and carbides would then were then sealed in quartz capsules (under a
require the nucleation of austenite, permitting a partial pressure of argon) and homogenized for 3
study of the role of austenite nucleation in influ- days at 1250°C before hot reduction to rods
encing overall transformation kinetics. A further 3.2 mm in diameter.

2.1. Dilatometry
*Throughout this paper the term "residual austenite"
refers to the austenite that is left untransformed after the All kinetic measurements were performed
growth of bainitic ferrite stops. using a Theta Industries high speed dilatometer,

which has a water-cooled r.f. furnace of essen-

tially zero thermal mass, since it is only the speci- 0'010
men which undergoes the programmed thermal
~ 0.000
cycle. This enables rapid heating or cooling
experiments. The length transducer on the dila- 0"006

tometer was calibrated using pure platinum and ~ O.OOt+

pure nickel specimens of known thermal expan- 0"002 -

sion characteristics. The dilatometer has been

0000 .... i .... i .... I ....
interfaced with a BBC Acorn microcomputer so 500 1000 1500
that length, time and temperature information (a) Time, Seconds

can be recorded for fiLrther analysis. Specimens 800-

for dilatometry were in the form of rods 3 mm in .~700-

diameter, each of length 15 mm. To avoid surface t~
nucleation and surface degradation, all specimens
were electroplated with nickel (plating thickness ~SO0-
ca. 0.08 mm) and all heat treatments were carried '--~.O0-
out in a helium gas environment. 3OO
o o o'oz do,. o:o6 olo8 o:1o o:lz
2.2. Transmission electron microscopy F i g . 2. (a) D i l a t o m e t r i c curves illustrating isothermal trans-
Thin foil specimens for transmission electron formation to bainite at a variety of temperatures afte~
microscopy were prepared from discs 0.25 mm austenitization at 950 °C for 10 min. The absence of any
thick slit from specimens used in the dilatometric unwanted transformation during quenching to the isothermal
reaction temperature should be noted. (b) Calculated phase
experiments. The discs were abraded down to diagram for Fe-0.43wt.%C-3.00wt.%Mn-2.02wt.%Si, and
0.05 mm thickness using silicon-carbide-coated experimental data indicating that the transformation to
paper and then polished in a twin-jet electro- bainite stops approximately at the point where x. reaches the
T0' curve, rather than when the austenite reaet~es its para-
polisher using a 5% perchloric acid, 25% glycerol equilibrium composition.
and 70% ethanol mixture at ambient temperature
and 60 V polishing potential. The microscopy
is known:
was carried out using a Philips E M 4 0 0 T trans-
mission electron microscope operated at 120 kV. ~ - V~xa (1)
xy- 1-~,

3. Results and discussion where ~f is the average carbon concentration of

the alloy and x~ is the carbon concentration of the
Figure 2(a) illustrates the dilatometric curves bainitic ferrite. Since the latter is always rather
obtained using samples austenitized at 950 °C for small when compared with .f, it is assumed here
10 min followed by isothermal transformation to to be given by the carbon concentration of ferrite
upper bainite at 350, 380 and 410°C respec- which is in equilibrium with austenite in an Fe-C
tively. The results confirm earlier experiments alloy, as calculated using the McLellan and Dunn
[24] in which the maximum extent of transforma- quasichemical thermodynamic model [26, 27].
tion to upper bainite was found to increase as the The volume fraction V~ can be calculated
transformation temperature is reduced below the from the dilatometric data as discussed elsewhere
bainite start temperature (Bs). [25]. The values of x~ estimated in the manner just
Because of the relatively high silicon concen- described, for the point where isothermal trans-
tration in the steel used, the precipitation of formation ceases at any given temperature, are
cementite tends to be rather sluggish. Conse- plotted on the phase diagram presented in Fig.
quently, isothermal transformation to upper 2(b). The phase boundaries were calculated as in
bainite generates a microstructure consisting of ref. 24, the Ae 3' curve represents the a + y / 7
carbide-free bainitic ferrite and carbon-enriched para-equilibrium phase boundary. Para-equilib-
residual austenite [23]. It is then possible to esti- rium is a form of constrained equilibrium in
mate the carbon concentration xr of the residual which the iron-to-substitutional-solute-atom ratio
austenite using a simple mass balance procedure is unaltered during reaction, but subject to that
[25] if the volume fraction V~, of bainitic ferrite constraint, the carbon partitions and achieves

equality of chemical potential in both the a and samples were heated at relatively low rates (0.06
phases [28-32]. The Ae 3' curve therefore defines and 0.15°Cs-1). Figure 4 illustrates how the
the maximum carbon concentration tolerated by decomposition of the residual austenite could be
austenite which is in para-equilibrium with ferrite. detected during heating via the expansion associ-
The TO curve (Fig. 2(b)) represents the locus of ated with the density change as ferrite and
temperatures at which austenite and ferrite of the carbides replace the austenite phase. This inter-
same chemical composition have equal free pretation is consistent with the fact that the
energy [33, 34]. It is thermodynamically impos- expansion observed at intermediate temperatures
sible for the austenite to transform to ferrite (less than 600 °C) during slow heating is absent
without a composition change if x~ exceeds the for the higher heating rates, since the residual
appropriate value given by the TOboundary. The austenite does not then have the opportunity to
TO' curve is calculated on the same basis as the TO decompose. For those cases where the heating
curve, but allowing for the 400 J mol- 1 of stored rate was slow enough to permit some austenite
energy in the bainitic ferrite [24] due to the shape decomposition during heating, the temperature at
deformation accompanying its growth. which decomposition was first detected to occur
The data presented in Fig. 2(b) confirm that increased as the heating rate increased (Fig. 4).
the formation of upper bainite stops prematurely, The reaction can be expected to be delayed (and
well before the carbon concentration of the resid- eventually suppressed) to higher temperatures,
ual austenite reaches the para-equilibrium Ae 3' since the sample spends less time in the range
phase boundary. This effect is known as the where austenite has a tendency to decompose, as
"incomplete reaction phenomenon" [33, 34] and the heating rate is increased.
is believed to arise because bainitic ferrite grows Metallography of samples which, during the
by diffusionless transformation, any excess car- heating part of the treatment, were quenched
bon being partitioned into the residual austenite from 600 °C confirmed that austenite decomposi-
rather quickly at some stage after transformation. tion was responsible for the perturbations
Since diffusionless transformation is not possible observed in the length vs. temperature curves
beyond the TO'curve, it is natural that the reaction from the continuous heating experiments. The
should stop when xr = xr0,. larger blocky regions of residual austenite were
Figure 3 illustrates the microstructure ob- found to decompose to pearlite (Fig. 5). The thin
tained by isothermal transformation to upper films of austenite within the sheaf microstructure
bainite. From the point of view of reverse trans- also tended to decompose but into a mixture of
formation, it is important to note the two different ferrite and discrete particles of carbides (Fig. 5).
morphologies of austenite present. The blocky This difference in behaviour between the two
regions of austcnite originate from the geomet- forms of austenite is expected on two grounds.
rical partitioning of the prior austenite grains by Firstly, the larger surface-to-volume ratio asso-
non-parallel sheaves of bainite. The thin films of ciated with the film morphology should lead to a
austenite are, on the other hand, confined to higher carbide nucleation rate, thus allowing the
individual sheaves and represent untransformed transformation to begin in many different places
austenite which is trapped between adjacent at the same time, and hence working against the
platelets of a sheaf. development of colonies of pearlite (each pearlite
colony consists of two interpenetrating ferrite and
3.1. Austenitization by continuous heating cementite crystals [35], which in two-dimensional
Isothermal transformation to bainite at 350 °C sections give an appearance of alternating lamel-
ceases after about 30 min at the reaction temper- lae). Furthermore, only a small amount of decom-
ature. If the sample is held at that temperature for position is necessary before the films decompose
only 10 min so that the amount of untransformed completely, so that there may not exist an oppor-
austenite is rather large, and is then heated at a trinity for the development of the cooperative
controlled rate to induce the growth of the resid- growth of ferrite and cementite of the kind neces-
ual austenite, the latter is found to decompose sary to establish a common transformation front
during heating to a mixture of ferrite and carbides and a pearlite colony.
before reaching the higher temperatures where In fact, it is also known that the carbon concen-
the formation of austenite can be studied. This tration in the residual austenite is not homogene-
was especially found to be the case when the ously distributed [36-40]. The films of austenite

Fig. 3. (a) Optical micrograph showing the upper bainitic ferrite and residual austenite following isothermal transformation at
350 °C for 120 min. The blocky regions of austenite appear as the white etching regions, the film austenite being too fine to
resolve, (b) Bright field transmission electron micrograph of a sample transformed isothermally at 350 °C for 120 min, high-
lighting the (grey) films of austenite between adjacent bainitic ferrite platelets. (c) Corresponding retained austenite dark field

0.010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ............. I ................ I ............. I .................. i

0.06 and 0.15 °C s-1 respectively. They show
1" r"
much smaller dimensional changes due to the
1 ~_ s P ~ j r- austenite decomposition reaction, partly because
the samples contain a smaller volume fraction of
0.006-~. residual austenite, but also because the austenite
•" i contains a higher carbon concentration and

0.002- ,.1 S'*""~

// I hence possesses a higher hardenibility with
respect to pearlitic decomposition. The decom-
position process is in each case manifested as a
+, small deviation from linearity in the plot of length
0.000 ........... r~....,................... ,................... ,................... ,................... ,................... [
(a) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 vs. temperature (Fig. 6). The higher carbon
Temperature, °C enrichment in the austenite causes its lattice
parameter to be larger, thereby reducing the
density difference between austenite and ferrite
and thus leading to a smaller length change
.~ O.O08-
(J during decomposition of austenite, but this is a
relatively minor effect.
The above results were confirmed metallo-
.~ 0.004- graphically using samples whose continuous
i ° heating treatments were interrupted at a variety
//" of temperatures (Fig. 7). Because of the higher
~, 0.002-
/ degree of transformation at 350 °C, most of the
0.000 residual austenite was in the form of films and
(b) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 decomposed into a mixture of ferrite and discrete
Temperature, °C
carbide particles (Fig. 7). A small amount of
Fig. 4. The relative length change vs. temperature curves for austenitization is apparent in Fig. 7(c), which
samples which were first transformed isothermally at 350 °C
for 10 rain before continuously heating, directly from the represents a sample whose heating cycle was
isothermal transformation temperature, at a variety of interrupted at 730 °C by helium quenching. The
heating rates: (a) 0.06 °C s-i; (b) 0.15 °C s-i. The expansion slow heating clearly leads to the decomposition of
observed at intermediate temperatures during slow heating
due to the decomposition of austenite into a mixture of ferrite high carbon residual austenite into tiny carbide
and carbides should be noted. particles located primarily between the platelets
of bainitic ferrite.

become isolated by adjacent platelets of bainitic 3.2. Different initial microstructures and bainite
ferrite and consequently may contain a relatively transformation temperatures
larger concentration of carbon, since any excess In order to investigate further the effect of
carbon dumped into the films cannot easily be carbon in the residual austenite on its growth
dissipated into the surroundings by diffusion. kinetics, specimens austenitized at 950°C for
This may also contribute to a higher carbide 10 rain were isothermally transformed to bainite
nucleation rate in the film austenite. In the experi- for 120 min ( i . e . longer than is necessary for the
ments described above, the samples were allowed reaction to cease), before heating to induce
to transform to bainite at 350 °C for only 10 min, austenite growth. Figure 8 shows the results
so that the fraction of austenite left untrans- obtained in the form of a plot of the austenitiza-
formed is relatively large and its enrichment with tion start temperature T~ vs. the heating rate for
carbon correspondingly small. Other experiments four different starting microstructures. Three of
were also carried out in which bainitic transfor- these microstructures consisted of mixtures of
mation was permitted for 120 min at 350 °C, a upper bainitic ferrite and residual austenite and
time period longer than is necessary to ensure the were generated by isothermal transformation at
maximum volume fraction of bainitic ferrite. 350, 380 and 410 °C respectively, the sample in
Figure 6 illustrates the dilatometric data from each case being held at the transformation tem-
experiments in which the samples were first trans- perature for 2 h to allow the reaction to proceed
formed isothermally to bainite at 350°C for to its maximum extent, after which the specimens
120 min and then heated above 350 °C at rates of were heated for the austenitization process. The

Fig. 5. Electron micrographs confirming the decomposition of austenite during heating at slow rates. The heat treatments given
are as follows: 10 min at 950 ° C - 10 min at 350 ° C - continuous heating to 600 °C (heating rate = 0.06 °C s ])~ quenched using
helium gas. (a) Electron micrograph showing a pearlite-like colony in the microstructure. (b) Electron micrograph showing the
discretely nucleated carbides.

fourth microstructure (Fig. 9) consisted of a thermodynamically possible. Consequently, the

mixture of cementite and ferrite, generated by austenite has to renucleate before the austenitiza-
tempering the bainitic microstructure obtained by tion process can begin at elevated temperatures.
isothermal transformation at 350 °C for 2 h at a These observations are also consistent with the
temperature of 610 °C for 30 min prior to heating fact that the austenitization start temperatures for
to induce the nucleation and growth of austenite. the bainitic microstructures are identical to those
It is evident from the data that the carbon of the tempered bainite at low heating rates. On
content of the residual austenite influences the the other hand, when the starting microstructures
austenitization behaviour. Because of the negative are heated more rapidly, the austenitization start
slope of the TO curve, a higher bainitic transfor- temperatures are found to be higher for the tem-
mation temperature leads to a lower degree of pered bainite relative to the microstructures
carbon enrichment in the residual austenite. which consisted initially of mixtures of bainitic
Consequently, the growth of the residual austen- ferrite and residual austenite. The additional
ite then begins at a higher temperature, when its superheating necessary at high heating rates for
composition equals that given by the A e 3 phase the tempered bainite can be attributed to the need
boundary, which was calculated as in ref. 41 in that microstructure for the austenite to nucle-
(Fig. 10). ate before growth can commence. When mixtures
At relatively low heating rates, lower than of bainitic ferrite and austenite are heated suffi-
0.6 °C s- 1, the three bainitic microstructures were ciently rapidly, the latter phase remains stable to
found to have nearly the same austenitization elevated temperatures and simply begins to grow,
start temperatures (Fig. 10), since the residual so that the nucleation stage is unnecessary and a
austenite in such cases decomposes during heat- lower degree of superheating above the equilib-
ing to a mixture of ferrite and carbides before a rium temperature is needed. It is interesting that
temperature is reached where its growth becomes for the conditions relevant to the present work,

0008i ............................. " ...........................'....................................................................... i decomposition of austenite into a mixture of

0.007 1 /s" ~_ ferrite plus carbide rather than due to the for- / mation of more austenite.
For austenitization at temperatures exceeding
: o.oo5~ ,,.,,,,-~--"'~ r-
710 °C, the layers of austenite present in the start-
000,4 /," ing microstructures were found to thicken (Fig.
- ./ 13). From these observations the lowest tempera-
o.oo2- / ture at which austenite growth begins from an
~' o.ooi- ,,/-- initial microstructure obtained by isothermal
f transformation to bainitic ferrite is found to be
~0.000 .............. ~.. ................ ~................... ~ ................... ~ ...................
f................... E................... about 720 °C. This is in fact consistent with the
(a) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature, °C theoretical analysis, which indicates that austenite
0.008 ..............: ..................' ................... ~................... J ...................J...................~................... growth should begin when the temperature
exceeds that denoted by point a in Fig. 10. Figure
0.007, "" F
13 illustrates transmission electron micrographs
== 0,006"
.,= ..y" ["
of the austenite growth observed after holding the
~d 0.005" °**°"" " ' ~ ' " " " L initial microstructure at temperatures greater
0.004", ...o.." than 720°C, in each case for 2 h. Figure 13(c)
0.003 ~ shows that austenite formation is incomplete even
° after holding the sample at 820 °C for 2 h. Note
~-,~ 0.002"0.001. ..""'""" also that the regions of ferrite that are left do not
,,*'" resemble the original bainitic plate microstruc-
(b) 300

[ ...................

] ................... I ...................

600 700
~ ................... I ...................

~ ..................

900 1000 ture, since they have in effect spheroidized. Thus

Temperature, °C the final stages of austenite formation can be very
Fig. 6. The relative length change v s . temperature curves for sluggish, even when the alloy lies fully in the
samples which were first transformed isothermally at 350 °C austenite phase field (as indicated by Fig. 10).
for 120 min before continuously heating, directly from the
isothermal transformation temperature, at slow heating rates: That this is a kinetic limitation was confirmed by
(a) O.O6°Cs ];(b)0.15°Cs -I. holding a sample at 780°C for 1 week, after
generating the initial microstructure by isother-
the need for nucleation results in only a small mally transforming at 350 °C for 2 h; the alloy
additional degree of superheating, implying that became fully austenitic (Fig. 14). The results are
austenite nucleation at high temperatures is not a consistent with the fact that the last stages of
very difficult process, presumably since both the austenitization, which involve the long-range
diffusion coefficients and driving force increase diffusion of substitutional elements, are tortu-
with superheat. This is unlike the case where ously slow [42], but a fully austenitic sample can
austenite transforms to ferrite, where the diffu- eventually be obtained at 780 °C, consistent with
sion coefficient decreases as the driving force theory (point b, Fig. 10).
increases with supercooling below the equilib- Microanalytical measurements were carried
rium transformation temperature. out using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis on a
Philips EM400T transmission electron micro-
3.3. Isothermal austenitization scope. The microanalytical data (Fig. 15 and
Specimens austenitized at 950°C for 10 min Table 1) cover a range of isothermal austenitiza-
were transformed isothermally to bainite at tion temperatures. The results show that for 2 h
350 °C for 2 h and then, without cooling below of transformation time, the degree of partitioning
350 °C, were heated rapidly to a higher tempera- of alloying elements as indicated by the deviation
ture for isothermal austenitization. Some of the of the apparent partition coefficient ki, from
dilatometric curves for these experiments are unity, where
shown in Fig. 11. Small changes in length were
detected dilatometrically even at the relatively _x, ~
low isothermal transformation temperatures k,-x7
studied (690 and 710°C), but for temperatures
less than 720°C, electron microscopy (Fig. 12) decreases with increasing austenitization temper-
showed clearly that they were due to the partial ature. At 835 °C for 2 h the partition coefficient

Fig. 7. Samples austenitized at 950 °C for 10 min, quenched to an isothermal transformation temperature of 350 °C and held
there for 120 min before continuously heating at a rate of 0.06 °C s ~, and interrupting the heating cycle by helium quenching
when the temperature To was reached. (a) TO = 600 °C, showing that the residual austenite has decomposed into a mixture of
ferrite and carbides. (b) TO = 700 °C, showing that the residual austenite has decomposed into a mixture of ferrite and carbides.
(c) To = 730 °C, showing the formation of a layer of austenite (which decomposed to martensite on quenching).

Fe- 043C- 3"OOMn-2'02Si
9 5 0 ~ . 10 mins -+-']50=C,2hr s ~ 610¢~, ~ 0 rain ~ c ontinuous h~.~firlg
9S0=C,10mins gS0°C,ghr~ ~ co~muous h e a t i n g

*-.7 6 O-


~-7/~ 0- ~- 600. •...........

300 i
720- 0.0 ~02 ~0~ 66 o:o8 0110 0~2
Fig. 10. Phase diagram showing the equilibrium Aeg, para-
7001~ ~ . . . . . I~i . . . . . . i~) . . . . . . I~.~,., equilibrium Aeg', T0 and To' phase boundaries for
Heating Rate (*C/S) Fe-0.43wt.%C-3.00wt.%Mn-2.02wt.%Si alloy. The Ae3' , TO
and To' curves are calculated as in ref. 24, and the A e 3 curve
Fig. 8. The experimentally observed austenitization start is calculated as in ref. 41. $ is the average carbon concentra-
temperatures as a function of heating rate and starting micro- tion of the alloy. The horizontal construction lines refer to
structures. the varie~ of temperatures at which mixtures of bainitic
ferrite and residual austenite were generated by isothermal
reaction, and the intersection of the corresponding vertical
construction lines with the A e 3 curve define the temperature
at which austenite growth should begin in each case.

4. Summary and conclusions

The process of austenitization from bainite in a
silicon steel has been investigated, using starting
microstructures which consist either of a mixture
of bainitic ferrite and austenite or of tempered
bainite, under conditions of both isothermal and
continuous heating. The isothermal experiments
firstly served to confirm the incomplete reaction
phenomenon associated with the growth of bain-
ite, in which the reaction ceases well before the
austenite reaches its equilibrium or para-equilib-
rium carbon concentration. The results from iso-
thermal austenitization experiments confirmed
the predictions of a theory developed earlier,
especially that austenite growth should not begin
immediately the temperature of a fully reacted
mixture of bainitic ferrite and residual austenite is
raised. Instead, a considerable superheat is
needed before austenite growth commences, the
degree of superheating depending on the com-
position of the residual austenite in the initial
Fig. 9. The ferrite and cementite microstructure of tempered
bainite formed by isothermal transformation at 350 °C for microstructure. Austenitization only begins when
2 h, followed by tempering at 610 °C for 30 min. the carbon concentration of the residual austenite
exceeds its equilibrium carbon concentration.
The isothermal experiments also confirmed
for manganese is close to unity, but that for sili- published work [42] that the need for long-range
con is still found to deviate significantly from substitutional solute diffusion makes the final
unity. The results are generally consistent with stages of the reaction disproportionately slow.
the hypothesis that less partitioning can be toler- Microanalytical data revealed that the degree of
ated during rapid transformation at higher driving partitioning of substitutional solutes decreases as
forces (higher temperature in the present con- the driving force for the growth of austenite
text). increases.


0"005- 690°C 720°C


~ 0'003-


----~--- . . . . . . . . . . . . 750°C
~ o.004- 780°C

~ 0.003"
J 0"002-
o 0.001.
0000 i i r i

~oo 1'ooo ;soo 0 500 1000 1500

Time, Seconds Time, Seconds

Fig. 1 1. Dilatometric curves for isothermal austenitization experiments in which samples containing a mixture of bainitic ferrite
and residual austenite were rapidly heated to and held at the austenitization temperature indicated.

Fig. 12. Transmission electron micrographs illustrating the microstructures obtained after heating mixtures of bainitic ferrite and
residual austenite to a variety of isothermal austenitization temperatures. (a) Partial decomposition of austenite into carbide
(10 min at 950 °C ~ 2 h at 350 °C ~ 2 h at 690 °C ~ gas quench to ambient temperature). (b) Partial decomposition of austenite
into carbides ( l 0 min at 950 °C ~ 2 h at 350 °C ~ 2 h at 710 °C ~ gas quench to ambient temperature).

Fig. 13. Transmission electron micrographs illustrating the microstructures obtained after heating mixtures of bainitic ferrite and
residual austenite to a variety of isothermal austenitization temperatures. (a) 10 min at 950 °C ~ 2 h at 350 °C --' 2 h at 720 °C ~ gas
quenched to ambient temperature. (b) 10 rain at 950 °C ~ 2 h at 350 °C - 2 h at 750 C ~ g a s quenched to ambient temperature;
shows that the austenite (which transforms to martensite on cooling) films havethickened. (c) Optical micrograph showing the
microstructure after isothermal austenitization at 820 °C for 2 h. (10 min at 950 ° C - 2 h at 350 °C ~ 2 h at 820 °C ~ quenched
using helium gas). Regions of residual ferrite (light grey) etching are apparent in an otherwise martensitic matrix, indicating that
the austenitization process is incomplete.

Fig. 14. (a) Optical micrograph and (b) transmission electron micrograph illustrating the fully martensitic microstructure
obtained by prolonged annealing at 780 °C ( 10 min at 950 °C ~ 2 h at 350 °C ~ 168 h at 780 °C ~ water quench).

I i .i
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-,silli i" i i i i~." I
I ~o-I~"i ~".'! i'.".i i"1
,o{. :i,i : i. I
1 2 3 1 2 3

~,o !lo,•l
i : i'.. o• 2"5 ""

2'0 ".
•~3.01 • IT'Ll 765"C
2o 1 ...'.. 1.5
i i"i v l i,
1 Z
a v
2.5t ,t v ! •
~4.0 .' .. ...

~3° 1 ,. ~'' i.'.

i.~ 2'01 " ".~
• i • " i~.c
20/: , • , !OOOO
'1 '2 '1 '2

> | .
i ~: ." i.i
, .L ~ " " ".
• ~-~,~
! '83s'c
i ::ZhrsI
E3"O ~ "'. ]' ! " G2.0 " i i

•. . i-.i ,.

Y : y tt y
'1 '2


t • : ~ " ° °

" • o" I.•.o
i,:i I
• • 2.0


oO, ,:

! t • "oio , ° t • • e . I

035"C [

'1 '2 '1 '2

Oisfance (lam) Distence ( pM
Fig. 15. Microanalytical data obtained using energy dispersive X-ray analysis on a Philips E M 4 0 0 T transmission electron
microscope, from partially austenitized specimens.

T A B L E 1 M i c r o a n a l y t i e a l data for the a u s t e n i t e a n d ferrite decomposition before reaching an elevated tem-

p h a s e s d u r i n g a u s t e n i t i z a t i o n f r o m a starting m i c r o s t r u c t u r e perature where its growth become possible. It is
of bainitic ferrite and c a r b o n - e n r i c h e d r e s i d u a l a u s t e n i t e .
T h e error in the data is typically +_ 0.2 wt.% found that the larger regions of residual austenite
tend to decompose into fine colonies of pearlite,
Centi- Hours Mn Mn Si Si whereas the films of austenite which are trapped
grade 7 a 7 a
between platelets of bainitic ferrite tend instead
720 2 4.11 2.37 1.58 2.15 to decompose into a mixture of ferrite and dis-
765 2 3.91 2.42 1.85 2.31 cretely nucleated carbide particles. This is pre-
800 2 3.70 2.37 1.58 2.04
835 2 3.21 3.18 2.09 2.25 sumably because the smaller regions decompose
835 6.5 3.22 3.20 1.86 2.08 completely before the cooperative growth of
ferrite and cementite, a vital characteristic of
pearlitic decomposition, can be established.
Austenitization during continuous heating of Hence at slow heating rates both of the initial
starting microstructures which contain residual microstructures (i.e. tempered bainite and bain-
austenite is complicated by the fact that at slow itic ferrite plus residual austenite) were found to
heating rates the residual austenite may undergo have nearly the same austenite start temperatures,

since any austenite present in the starting condi- 16 H . K . D . H . Bhadeshia, in S. A. David and J. Vitek (eds.),
tion decomposes during heating. At higher heat- Advances in the Science and Technology of Welding,
ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1989, pp.
ing rates the tempered bainite austenitizes at a 189-198.
slightly higher superheat, since unlike the micro- 17 J. R. Yang and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, in J. Y. Koo (ed.),
structure which already contains some residual Proc. Int. Conf. on Welding Metallurgy of Structural
austenite, new austenite has to be nucleated. Steels, Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA,
However, the excess superheat is found to be 1987, pp. 549-563.
18 J. R. Yang and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, in G. W. Lorimer
rather small, indicating that the nucleation of (ed.), Proc. Int. Conf., Phase Transformations '87, Insti-
austenite is not very difficult because of the high tute of Metals, London, 1988, pp. 203-206.
temperatures necessarily involved in such experi- 19 J. R. Yang and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Mater Sci. Eng. A,
ments. 118 (1989) 155-170.
Finally, the results have all been backed by 20 K. Tsuzaki, K. Yamaguchi, T. Maki and 1. Tamura, Tetsu
to Hagane, 74 (1980) 1430-1437.
extensive metallographic studies, using both light 21 H . K . D . H . Bhadeshia, in P. H. Scholes (ed.), Steel Tech-
and transmission electron microscopy. nology International, Sterling, London, 1989, pp.
22 K. B. Rundman, D. J. Moore, K. L. Hayrynen, W. J.
Dubensky and T. N. Rouns, J. Heat Treating, 5 (1988) 79.
Acknowledgments 23 R. F. Hehemann, Phase Transformations, ASM, Metals
Park, OH, 1970, pp. 397-432.
The authors are grateful to Professor D. Hull 24 H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia and D. V. Edmonds, Acta Metall.,
for the provision of laboratory facilities at the 28(1980) 1265-1273.
University of Cambridge, and the Ministry of 25 H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, J. Phys. (Paris), Colloq. C4, 43
Education, Republic of China for funding this (1982) 443-448.
work. 26 R. B. McLeilan and W. W. Dunn, J. Phys. Chem. Solids,
30 (1969) 2631,
27 H . K . D . H . Bhadeshia, Met. Sci., 16 (1982) 167-169.
28 A. Hultgren, Jernkontorets Ann., 135 ( 1951 ) 403.
References 29 M. Hillert, JernkontoretsAnn., 136 (1952) 25.
30 E. Rudberg, Jernkontorets Ann., 136 (1952) 91.
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