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Week 19 Newsletter

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- Apostles Lutheran School

Juni or Ki nde r ga r te n

January 18, 2011


Mrs. Crofts’ Classroom Newsletter

Second quarter report cards will be Zoo-Phonics News
sent home on Friday. Please remember to We will finish with Nigel night owl this week
sign and return the envelope as soon as and begin talking about another one of our
possible. “hardest workers” (a.k.a. vowels) Olive
Milk Orders for the third quarter
should be sent home this week. They will Other Classroom News
likely be due by Thursday, January 20.
This week we will learn of Jesus Calling His
Disciples to follow Him--a call He still gives to us
The Science Fair/Open House is today. We will then be amazed at the power of His
next week on Friday, January 28, from Word as He heals a paralyzed man. Isn’t it
6-8 PM. The students in the older grades have wonderful to know that same powerful God is able
prepared amazing individual projects that will and willing to help us with all our needs too? What
be on display that evening. Our class is an awesome God we have! 
working on a few projects too—most of which
relate to our zoo-phonics animals. You are In math we will focus on sorting and naming sets and
certainly welcome, but not required, to working with numbers.
come that evening.
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars! On Tuesday, January 17: No School—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

March 8, we will be joining the kindergarten January 18: Fun-Raising Night at BJ’s 11AM-9PM!
class on a field trip to the Flint Center at
January 21: 2nd Quarter Report Cards
DeAnza College in Cupertino to see a 10 AM
Theaterworks production of a Berenstain Bears January 22: Family Fellowship Movie Day at church
story. Field trip permission forms
were sent home last week and should have January 28: Science Fair & Open House 6-8 PM
been turned in by last Friday . We are
February 2:Letter /p/ dress up day!
required to make payment for the tickets well in
advance, which is why we’ve already required
Dress up like anything that starts
payment. Please turn them in no later with the letter /p/--pirate, princess,
than Wednesday if you haven’t pastor,…
already done so. February 4: Teacher Collaboration—no hot lunch

My husband’s surgery last week went well. Thank February 6: Kindergarten Sing Early Service
you for your thoughts and prayers! I’m thankful
your children were in such capable hands with Mrs. February 12: Kindergarten Screening for children who
Naauman and Mrs. Deming!  will be new to our kindergarten program in 2011-2012.

I hope to see you tonight at the BJ’s Fun-Raiser! February 21-25: No School—President’s Day/Teacher’s

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