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Hydraulic Jump1

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.1, Introduction

y Dissipator Arrangement
.4 Types of Energy Dissipators
11.4.1 Bucket Type Energy Dissipators
11.4.2 Ilydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
.5 Hydraulic Jump

1 1.6.1 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers less than 1.7

1 1.6.2 Stilling Basins for Froude Numhers between 1.7 md 2.5
11.6.3 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers between 2.5 and 4.5
11.6.4 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers higher than 4.5
1.7 Spillway Gates
1.8 Types of Gates
11.8.1 Radial or Taintex Gates
11.8.2 DrumGates
11.8.3 Vertical Lift Gates
11.8.4 Dropping Shutters

learnt about spillways that are provided with dams f o releasing

~ excess
reservoir without damaging the structure. In order to confine the water
rvoir and to release it when floods are anticipated the spillways are provided
e crest. The water flowing under the gates and passing down the spillway has
by the time it reaches the bottom of the dam since all potential energy is
netic energy. If this kinetic energy is not killed it will cause great damage
tream. Thus some means are required to dissipate this energy to safe
e by energy dissipators. This Unit discusses the energy dissipators and the

this unit you will be familiar with
the various types of energy dissipators,

1 the selection of energy dissipation arrangement,

/1 hydraulic jump as a means of energy dissipation,

stilling basin.

1 various types of spillway gates,

/ dropping shutters. .
The water discharged over the spillway ot a dam usually falls with a great force through a
height equal m the difference of headwater and tail water elevation. nu?fallng water
acquires a velacity which is gnerally much higher than the natural stream veloc~tyat the
given site. This upsets the equilibrium of tbe stream by the w m n b a t i o n of excessively
high veliocitks and abmmal undergmmd pressure gradients and presenting a pixs~ble
ty f w stxiow erosion. Devices employed to protect the dam tiom damage and to
uMutrnl p m b m d sericws emsicw xe called energy diss~pators.

How ~ v o u l dyou dd'ino energy diusipatorc?


Some kindof energ didiipaticw~is usually required befort: the spillway discharge is
retufmd to the downsteam river &amel. An energy dissipater at the toe of the spillway is
mxesary to avoid or minimix erosion of riva Mon the downstreanl side of the dam. A
hydraulic jump is m e of due best of dissipating the excess energy ava~lahtein a mass
of falling warn- H e m , wlterewr the tailwater conditions suitable for the forxmtion of
hydraulic jump exist, it is usual to pmviik hydraulic jump type of stilling has~r~s
A l ~ t i v e I ybucket
, type of energy dissipatcws may be provided.

Why rlo you ueed an cncrgy tlissip;rtc>rarrangement tlown~lrs;r!~~
of :I \l?~llway')


The pc&lem of designing djlssipam is essentially of reducing the high velocity tlow to a
veicxity bw enough to prevent m ~ u m
of natural stream k d There are several types of

i) Bucket type eowgy &sipatrws

a) Solid rollex buckets,
b) s w mller buckets, and
c)T (lnt .rleflec-Xm,or ski-jump) bucket, and
2 Hythdic jump stilling basins.
11-4.1 M e t Type Energy Dissipaters
When the tail water cdlepth is either km d or too large fw the formation o t a hyilrauhc
at the me d the spillway can b dissipated hy the use o f

3 SolklR&rBucke%s
A ~ k t e t i s u s e d w h a t & e P a i l w a t e r c l eisgeaterlhsn
~ 1.1 t i m s the required
conjugate depth Eor the f o r m a t b of the hydraulic jump and the river bed rock IS pwd. The
lip csC the bucket difec'ts upward the high~wlwitytlow and thus creates a high hod

and keeps some of

axmcXk surtam

e m causing objectionable eddy currents which may adversely affect the river Energy Dissipaters Pod
igure 11.1(a) shows a solid bucket and Figure 11.1(b) lhe solid bucket in action.



Figure 11.1

otted Roller Buckets

cket, the high velocity jet leaves the lip of the bucket at a relatively flatter
part of the high velocity flow finds its way to the water surface, Thus, a
violent surface boil forms and there is better dispersion of the flow in the
the ground roller. Thus, there is less concentration of high energy flow
e bucket and a smoother downstream flow. Figure 11.2(a) shows a slotted
gure 11.2(b) shows the slotted bucket in action.




FSgure 112

ajectory (or Deflector, or Ski-jump) Buckets

tail water level is lesser than the depth required for the jump to form and the bed
r channel consists of sound rock capable of bearing the impact of the trajectory
tory bucket (or deflector, or ski-jump bucket) is generally provided as an energy
dissipater. The inflowingjet of water leaves the bucket as a free discharging upturned jet
and falls into the stream channel some distance downstream of the end of the spillway. The
upturned jet gets split into a number of bubbles of smaller jets (Figure 11.3).The energy
gets dissipated on account of the increased air resistance because of splitting of jet as well as
the impact against water and the channel bed downstream.


Fire 11.3 :%+ctory Blrket

With the end of the lip as the origin of the coordinate system, the path of the trajectory is
given by

where 8 = lip angle (angle between the tangent to the curve of the bucket at the lip and the .
E = specific energy, and
KI = a value of 0.85 to compensate for loss of energy and velocity reduction '
due to the effect of the air resistance, internal turbulence and disintegration
of the jet.
The horizontal range of the jet at the level of the lip (i.e. y = 0) is given by
~ = K1
4 E tan8cos28
= 2 K1 Esin 28 ...(11.2)
The maximum value of x will be 2K1E when 8 = 43'. The lip angle depends on the radius
of the bucket and the height of the lip above the bucket invert. It usually varies from 20' to
45O. The bucket radius should be large enough to ensure a concentric flow along the bucket.

11.4.2 Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins

The various types of hydraulic jump type stilling basins are described in detail in section
11.6, after a discussion on the hydraulic jump used for energy dissipation.

SiiQ 3
1) What u e the di,fferenttypes of energy dissipators provided downstream of a
ii) %%atis a solid roller bucket?
iii) What is a slotted roller bucket?
iv) What is a ski-jump bucket?
11.5 HYDRAULIC JUMP Energy Dissipptorsurd I
t rise in water surface which may occur in an open channel
ity is retarded. The flow is supercritical before the jump
jump. The formula for the hydraulic:jump is obtained by equating
ctuig to retard the mass of flow to the rate of change of the
eneral formula for this relqtionship is :

1 vi = the velocity before the jump, also called the supercritical velocity.

II v2 = the velocity after the jump and also called the subuitical velocity,
a2 = the areas before and after the jump, respectively, and
d Y2 = the corresponding depths from the water surface to the centre of gravity of
the cross section.
Thh keneral formula expressed in terms of discharge is:

~44 rectangular channel. Eq. (11.3) can be reduced to

= flow depths before and after the jump, respectively. They are also called
st-jump depths, and conjugate depths.

I dl
d2 = - - 2+ d [ 2 4 d l / g + & / 4 ]

ly, expressing dl in terms of d2 and v2

...(1 1.7)

Froude number, F - is substituted in Eq.(11 .*I). then

aulic jump is defined as the distance from the front of the jump to a
the flow immediately downstream of the roller associated with the
important design parameter, the length of a hydraulic jump, L,,
theoretical considerations. The length of a hydraulic jump is
five times the height of the jump itseIf which is (d2- d l ) .The ratio
e upstream supercritical Froude number, and is given by
Control Structures SAQ 4
i) What is a hydraulic jump?

iii) How c:ul you determine the length of a hydraulic jump hlowinp t l ~ eFroudz's
number and the coiljugate depths?


The selection of a suitable type of stilling hasin is dependent on the characteristics of the
hydraulic jump which would develop. The characteristics of the jump, in turn, are dependent
on the Froude number of the incoming flow (Figure 11.4 ). When the Froude number of the
incoming flow is equal to 1.0, the flow is at a critical depth and a hydraulic jump cannot
develop. For Frou& numbers between 1.0 and 1.7, the depth of the incoming flow is only
slightly less than the critical depth. The change.from supercritical stage to subcritical flow is
gradual and the water surface is only slightly ruffled. As the Froude number approaches 1.7,
a series of small rollers begin to form on the surface, which become more intense with
increasingly higher values of the number. Clther than the surface roller phenomenon,
relatively smooth flows prevail throughout the Frou& number range up to about 2.5.
Stilling action for the range of Froude numbers from 1.7 to 2.5 is designated as Forrri A
(Figure 11.4).

F, BETWEEN 1-7 AN0 2-5


;,:.,: :. ..... -. :..,., .;.. -....

', . . .. . . :...
. . '.... . "" . . . ., . ,
. :.........:I::..



For Froude numbers between 2.5 and 4.5, an oscillating form of jump occurs, with the
entering jet intermittently flowing near the bottom and then along the surface of the
downstream channel. This oscillating flow causes objectionable surface waves which cany
considerably beyond the end of the basin. The action represented through this range of flows
is designated as Form B (Figure 11.4).
For the range of Froude numbers for the incoming flow between 4.5 and 9, a stable and
well &fined jump occurs. Turbulence is confined to the main body of the jump, and the
water surface downstream is comparatively smooth. As the Frou& number increases above
9, the turbulence within the jump and the surface roller becomes increasingly active,
resulting in a rough water surface with strong surface waves downstream from the jump.
action for the range of Froude numbers between 4.5 and 9 is designated as FO& C Energy Dissipaters d
11.4)>and that above 9 is designated as Form D.
g basins are designed so as to be suitable to provide stilling action for the various
of l~ydraulicjump which are designated and described as b-1 c ow:

a) Stilling Basins for Froude numbers less than 1.7,

b) Stilling Basins for Froude numbers between 1.7 and 2.5,
c) Stilling Basins for Froude numbers between 2.5 and 4.5, and
d) Stilling Basins for Froude numbers higher than 4.5.

.6.1 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers Less than 1.7

a Froude number of 1.7, the conjugate depth d2 is a h u t twice the incoming depth, dl, or
ut 40 percent greater than the critical depth. The exit velocity, v2, is about half the
o~ningvelocity, or 30 percent less than the critical velocity. No special stilling basin is
ded to stiil flows where the incoming flow Froude nurnber is less than 1.7, except that
channel lengths beyond the point where the depths start to change should not be less
about 4d2. No baffles or other dissipating devices ;ire needed.

1.6.2 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers between 1.7 and 2.5
low phenomena for basins where the iricoming factors art:in the Froude number range
en 1.7 and 2.5 will be in the Form A. Since such flows are attended by active
ence, baffles or sills are not required. The basin should be sufficiently long to contain
nd basin lengths shown
Figure 11.5, will provide acceptable basins. The figure shows the properties of hydraulic
mps in relation to the Froude number.


Figure 11.5 :Hydrnulic Jump Propefim in Relation ta Froade Number

11.6.3 Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers between 2.5 and 4.5
Jump phenomena where the incoming flow factors are in Froude number range between 2.5
and 4.5 are designated as the transition flow stage, since a true hydraulic jump does not fully
satisfactory dissipation, since the attendant wave action ordinarily cannot be colltrolled by
&heusual basin devices. Waves generated by the flow phenomena will persist beyond the
e,ild of the hastn and must often be dampened by means apart from.the basin.
Where a stilling basin must he provided to dissipate flows for this range of Froude number,
i.e. 2.5 to 4.5, the basin shown in Figure 11.6, which is designated as Tjqx I basin. has
proved to be relatively efkctive for dissipating the bulk of the energy of flow. However, the
wave aciion propagated by the oscillatil~gflow cannot be entirely dampened. Auxiliary
wave dampeners cx wave supressors must sometimes be employed to provide smooth
surface flow downstream.

, C I A m emcs

'4r-WU(.TWlH WOW dl
--SPACE 2-5W


F llr~:S(B~~CS~~~~~fwFradcNrmbasbctnwo~adU
Brxauseoftktentlencyofthe~tosweepout andas a n ~ i n ~ i O g w a action, v e
the wabzr depths in the basin sbouId he h t 10percent greater than t
k computed
-jum@ *@"-
Ofh the Deed for utilizing this type of basin in design can he avoided by sekdng srilliog
basinCtimensionr whicb will provide flow mdilims whicb fall clrulskk the ranp of
t l a m s i flow.
11.6.M Stilling Basins for Froude Numbers Higher than 4.5
re the Froude number is higher than 4.5, a true hydraulic jump will form. The
jump vary according to the Froude number as shown In Figure 11.5. The
essory devices such as blocks, baffles, and sills along the f l m of the
uce a stabilizing effect on the jump, which allows shortening the basin and
factor of safety against sweep-out due to inadequate tailwater depth.

nK basin shown in Figure 11.7, where incoming velocity does not exceed 15 m per second,
which is designated as a II basin, can be adopted where incoming velocities do not
exceed 15 mls. Tbis basin utilizes chute blocks, impact baffle Mocks, and an end sill to
shotten the jump length and to dissipate the high-velocity flow within the shortened basin
length. l b i s basin relies an dissipation of energy by the impact blocks and also on the
turbulence of t Mjump phenomena for its effectiveness. Because of the large impact forces
to which the baffles are subjec@d by the impingement of high incoming velocities and
because of the possibility of cavitation along the surfaces of the blocks and the floor,the use
of this basin must be limited to heads where the velocity does not exceed 15rnls.
The added loads placed upon the SlNCture flm by the dynamic force brought against the
upstream face of the baffle Mocks must be taken into account. This dynamic force will
C o d Structures The force (kg) may be expressed by the fennula:
F = 2wA(dl +k,l)

w = unit weight of water (kg/cunl),
A = the area of the upsueam face ofthe block (rn"), and
(dl+ h,,) = the specific energy of the flow entering the hasir] (m).
Negative pressure on the back face of the blocks will further increase the total 1i)acl.
However, since the baffle bltxks are placed at a distance equal to 0.8& beyr>ndthe start of
the junq, there will be some cushioni~igeffect by the tilnc the incoming jet reaches the
bltxks and the force will be less than that indicated by the above equation. If the lull force
computed by Eq.( 11.11) is used, the negatjve pressure force can be neglected.
Where ~ncorningvelocities exceed 15 m/s, or where the Impact bafne blocks are noi
provided, the basin designated as Type I11 (Figure 11.8) can he adopted. Since the
dissipation is achieved primarily by hydraulic jump action, the basin lerlgth wlll be greater
than that indicated for the Type I1 basin. However, rhe chute blocks and dentatcd end sill
will still be effective in reducing the length from that which would be necessary if they
were not used. Because of the reduced margin of safety against sweep-out, the water depth
in the basin should Se about 5 percent greater than the computed conlugate depth

Energy Dissipatom and
What are the different types of stilling basins?

be maintained upto

spillway crest to the extent necessary to dispose off that flood.The top level of the
rlonoverflow section and the acquisition of land for the reservoir liave to be detenniued by
the maximurn rise of floc~dabove the spillway crest. It would be advantageous to have
gates, so that while storage is conserved to the top of the gates, they can be removed frorn
the path of i flood so that the flood rise is relatively small. Gates can he provided on all
types of spillways except siphon spillways. The advantages of providing gates is either a
savi~lgin the height of the dam and the value of the property to be acyuired for a given
useful storage or more useful storage for the same height of dam. The disadvantages of
gates are additional initial cost and additional recurring expenditure in the maintenance and
operation of gates. The height of gates to he provided will be determined by the most
advantageous balance between these opposing factors. As a general rule it will always be
advantageous to provide gates on conservation or multipurpose reservoirs.

11.7.1 Factors Influencing Selection of Type of Gate

The factors influencing the selection of type of gate include discharge characteristics of the
gate, climate, frequency and nature of floods, winter storage requirements, tlood control
storage arid ouMow provisions, the need for handling ice and debris, and special operating
requirements. Whether an operator will be in attendance during periods of flood and the
availability of electricity, operating mechanisms, operating bridges, elc., are factors which
will influence the type of control device employed.
Many types of crest gates have been devised. The type selected f ~ arspecific installation
should be based on a consideration of the factors noted above as well as economy,
adaptability, reliability, and efficiency.

i! %%at purposes are served by spillway gates'?

ii) What factors influence the selection of a particulartype of spillway gate'?


Several types of gates have been designed with different aspects of hydraulic efficiency and
operation arid rnainteitmce in mind. A few main types are:
1) Radial gates,
2) Drum gates,
3) Vertical lift gates, and
4, shutters.

'la8*l Radial or Tainter G~~~

gates are also

gates. A radial gay comirts of sIY,pLte whxh hrm
SegmentOf a "'joder? the venicdelements being circular arcs,
.~ ,. ,.._,. .
Of stiffeners or nurlin~m ic o,,+n, L-
shafts or pins which are anchored in the piers and cany the thrust of the wilter bad
(Figure 11.9).The skin plate is concentric to the pln and h c e the resultant water pressure
passes through the centre of the pm creaking no moment against the lifting of the gate. The
hoisting load consists only ofthe weight dkhe gate, €he frWon between the side seals and
the piers and Ihe frictimd resistance at (he pins. Radial gates ate hoisted by chains or cables
attached to the upstream face neat the b c x n by a shad& and e x t d i n g to the drum of a
hoist overhead. The gate is often c m n m w M~partially ~ -awe the effect af
its weight, which further reduces the nquuedcrpecity d the hoist,

The small hoisting e f f d needed to operate rabid gsta makes hand operatian practical on
small installations which otherwise might require power. The small hoisting forces involved
also make Ute radial gate more adaptable to operaha by mhtively simple autamatic control
equipment. Where a number of gates are wed on a spiHway, they mi* be arranged to open
automatically at successively increasing reservoir levets, or o d y me cx fwo might be
eqipped with automatic controls, while the remaining gates would be whbh band or power
For spans, which are not too large and for moderate heigh@radial gates are &ten the
simplest and least expellsive. They requite less head room than vertical lift gates.

11.8.2 Drum Gates

Drum gates are hollow, triangular in section and made of steel plates. The drum gate
consists fundamentally of an acute circular sector (in cross section) formed by slun plates
suppocted by internal bracing. The secm a hinged at it. centre of curvature in such a way
tha( the entire sector can be raised above ttie masonry crest or lowered into a chamber
recessed in the crest. In the lowered position, which is the fully open posihon, the upper
Mace coincides with Ute destgned nappe shape of Ute crest. The gate is operated by
hydraulic pressure applied under the gate into the chamber for raising it up, and released for
lowering it down. Figure 11.10 shows a drum gate. The inflow or outflow of water to the
chamber is governed by controls located in the piers adjacent to the chambers.

(H o h W O U ~d~ e
gabs haye beenused in a size as \me a 41.5 m (L) x 0.5
\wp r*ui\u tmimd ia tire crest, th~s
type d gate i s not suitedm low
d by a framework of steel members
ded in piers at their two ends. The
minimist? frictim and provide Ihe necessary be* mmgdt. If the gate
eavy frictionnl resistance wwld have to be counteracted
pressm-e.S!idbg gates me & e M m se- et&sed o~
crests. A t r a h r o f r o l f e r s a w h e e f s i s r m n r t r d i y ~ i d e e b d n e e n t h c ~ d *
so that the sliding friction is sdM&kd by r ow

b) S toney gate with a train of wheels.

on the gates almg each end aRd travel on vertical tracks

. lhis tl~mgemen(ek&ates(heaxfe
, t h e r e i s a o ~ a ~ a & e a x f c . A 6
els rotate on their radirs whereas (he gates mvel on (he nbeel diameter, the tram9 of

e almost tbe entire &ad wemt of (he gate. Ibe lifw frnoe is, therefore,reqsh.ed to
alame the frictiaaal resistamz only. Figtue 11.11 shows a vecticd lift gate in sedan.
Control Structu~w Vertical lift gates have k e n used for spans as wide as 15 m or more and tor heights of upto
15 m. At larger heights flie problem of head room becomes important as the operating
platform has to he located above the raised position of the gate. The bottom of the pate 111 its
lifted position must provide sufficient clearance from the high flood level to enable the
floating debrls to pass. To reduce the height of the operating platform, high gates must be
broken up into two or sorrletimes three sections, one above the other. Either they may he
placed in different grooves (Figure 1 1.12 (a)), each section overlapping the lower one to
some extent, or they [nay be placed m the same groove (Figure 11.12 (b)), the upper
sections k i n g taken out of the groove altogelher when the gate is fully raised.


(a) G a t e in Different Grooves (b) Gates in Same Groove

Mgulv 11.12 :Vertical Lift Gate
The gates can he operated from an overhead platform by winches which can he worked
manually or by power. 111 the latter case, provision fm manual operation is usually made in
the event of power failure.

11.8.4 Dropping Shutters

These are usually 1 - 1.25 n1 high. They are hinged at the bottom and are supported against
water pressure by struts. The shutters drry, flat on the crest when the struts are tripped; they
are, therefore, not suited to curved crests. The shutters must be raised whlle a considerable
depth of water is passing over them, otherwise the reservoir level would drop down to the
masonry crest and valuable storage would k lost. For raising the shutters, etther a crane
travelling on the crest or a trolley on a bridge, or an overhead cable, if there is no bridge,
may be used.
Various types of autoinattc shutters, which would drop automatically at a certain water
surface elevation and hoist themselves up automatically at a certain lower elevatirm, have
heen designed. At a certan depth of water passing over the shutters, they are overhalanced
and fall; when the water level falls to a certain lower elevation, the counterweight again lifts
up the shutters. Automatic shutters, though very attractive in theory are rather uncertain as
wearing of parts, variation of friction and interference ot floating debris may affect their
functioning coilsiderably.

i) What are the various types of gates?
ii) What are radial gates and how are they operated?
iii) Where are drum gates provided and how are they operated'!
iv) Wliat is a vertical lift gate? How does it function'?
V) What are fixed wheel gates and Stoney wheel gates and where are they
provided'? How are they operated?

Energy dissipators are required downstream of hydraulic structures to reduce the damage to
the foundation -
. . . .and the structure itself due.. to. the heavy ,...-
" .. . 4
energy content
---- 2
in the water
A -..,
Energy Dissipaters and

ate ;uid tlie structure on which the gate is to be provided.

: m e n the tail water depth is inadequate for the

formation of a hydraulic jump such dissipaters are
required to dissipate the excess amount of energy.
: These ale shutters that are hinged at the bottom and
supported by struts on the downstream side.
: ~ o l l o wgates, triangular in section and made of steel
that can he accommodated within the recess provided on
the crest of a dam.
Fixed Wheel Gates : Gates having wheels mounted on them and which move
vertically up and down in tracks.
: An abrupt rise of water surface that occurs when Water
flowirlg at a high vclocity encounters a mass of water
flowing at'a low velocity.
Hydraulic Jump Stilling : A structure provided below hydraulic structures in
which excess energy of the high velocity flow is
reduced by the formation of a hydraulic jump.
Radial Gates : Also called a tainter gate is in the form of a segment of
a cylinder having a skin plate and supported by a
framework of stiffeners. It is usually provided on the
crest of a dam spillway. It could also be provided in a
Slotted Roller Buckets : A bucket having slots at the downstream end. Rollers
are formed within the bucket and on the downstream
Solid Roller Buckets : The deflector lip of the bucket directs the high velocity
flow upwards in the entire length of the lip. Rollers are
formed within the bucket and on the downstream side.
: A gate provided on the spillway to regulate the flow
over the spillway crest.
Stilling Basin : A structure provided on the downstream side of a
hydraulic structure to dissipate energy by means of a
hydraulic jump.
Stoney Type Gate : A rectangular gate that moves vertically in gate grooves
over a train of wheels not attached to the gate.
(or Deflector, or : When a hydraulic jump cannot be formed due to
Ski-jump) Buckets insufficient tail water depth, the inflowing jet of water is
turned upwards $0that it travels in the form of a
trajectory and falls down some distance away from the
Vertical Lift Gates : Rectangular gates formed of steel plate and supported
by a framework of steel members m d which move
vertically in grooves provided for the p m s e in the

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