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Nakshatra Tara chakra

Nakshatra Tara chakra is a very important tool in predictive astrology. As we all know Zodiac signs are made up
of nakshatra. One Rashi is made up of 9 padas of nakshatra. We are born on a particular Nakshatra in a
particular rashi, that nakshatra we are born in is our birth nakshatra/star. The word tara means star, the
nakshatra on which we are born is known as janma nakshatra, The nakshatra tara chakra has been used to give
accurate predictions since the earlier ages, There were no rashis in the age of Ramayana and Mahabharata, they
used Nakshatra as a primary factor for predictions, Transits were seen using this technique and aristas or death
could be predicted with this nakshatra tara chakra.

How is the Nakshatra tara chakra formed:-

The Nakshatra in which moon is posited at birth is taken as the starting point and called “Janma Nakshatra”. This
nakshatra is the starting point of the nakshatra Tara chakra.

Suppose you are born on Ashwini Nakshatra, Ashwini will be the starting point of the nakshatra tara chakra and
the nakshatras will be termed as below with reference to Ashwini:-

1. Ashwini, Magha, Moola – Janma (Physic, trouble to body etc)

2. Bharni, Purva-phalguni, Purva-shada – Sampat (wealth, fortune)

3. Krittika, Uttara-phalguni, Uttara-shada – Vipat (Crises, dangers, gandaantars)

4. Rohini, Hasta, Shravan – Kshema (well-being and prosperity)

5. Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanistha – Pratyari (Obstacles)

6. Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha - Sadhak (Achievements)

7. Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva-bhadrapada – Vadha (death, dangers, misfortunes)

8. Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara-bhadrapada – Mitra (Friends, wealth, pleasures, happiness)

9. Ashlesha – Ati-mitra. (Best friends and gains).

Nakshatra Tara Chakra

In this way we get the above Nakshatra Tara chakra, but these are only 9 nakshatras and we have 27 nakshatras,
so all the 3 nakshatras of ketu will fall in First Group of Janma Nakshatra and the cycle will begin again with
Nakshatras of Venus falling in Sampat group and so on which I have already written above. When counting from
the janma nakshatra the :-

–> 1st and 9th Nakshatra are medium so are the dasha of planets who own those nakshatra.

–> 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th nakshatras and the dashas of planets owning those nakshatras are the best.

–> 3rd, 5th, and 7th nakshatras and the dasha of planets owning them are bad.
Use of Nakshatra tara chakra

The nakshatra tara chakra is used to time bad and good events in transits and also in dashas. Suppose the
transits of big planets like saturn, jupiter, rahu, ketu is happening through the 3rd, 5th and 7th nakshatras from
Janma Nakshatra such periods can indicate financial crises, downfall, dangers, worries, health issues and even
death if the dasha, antar and pratyantar also fall in the same group. This can be confirmed more so if the
horoscope shows “madhyayu” and the person is running 5th dasha death can be predicted, the 3rd dasha is fatal
for “alpayu horoscopes” and the 7th Dasha can prove fatal for horoscopes showing long life. In such a way the
nakshatra tara chakra can be used to time events and predict good and bad periods of the jatak. There is a dasha
system based on tara chakra which is called “yogini Dasha”. this dasha is widely used in hilly regions and
stunning predictions are given based only on this dasha, there are many astrological secrets which are still to be
revealed to the world. The modification of good and bad results are subject to the good and bad combinations in
the horoscopes which can alter the outcome. Astrology is such a vast ocean where learning never ends. There
are numerous and numerous techniques as there are numerous galaxies in the sky.

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