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|||||||||||||||III US005234983A

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,234,983

Valenty 45) Date of Patent: Aug. 10, 1993
(54) SUBLIMATION-TRANSFER Primary Examiner-Maurice J. Welsh
RECEPTOR-SURFACE COATING FOR Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Antonio R. Durando; Harry
76 inventor: Vivian B. Valenty, 7918 S. Kenwood 57) ABSTRACT
La., Tempe, Ariz. 85284 A coating composition for a substrate to be imprinted
21 Appl. No.: 933,745 with an image by means of sublimation or heat transfer
that comprises a mixture of an epoxy resin and a
22) Filed: Aug. 24, 1992 blocked polyisocyanate in an equivalent-weight ratio in
a range from 0.5 to 1.8 in appropriate solvents When
(51) Int. Cl............................................... C08G 18/58 cured, this composition results in a low glass-transition
52 U.S. C. ...................................... 524/283; 528/45; temperature polyurethane that is smooth, colorless,
252/182.2; 523/456; 523/461; 427/386; tough, clear and glossy, capable of accepting a perfect
525/452; 525/453; 525/124; 525/460 reproduction of the transfer print. Upon exposure to hot
(58) Field of Search ....................... 528/45; 252/182,2; water during dishwashing, the unreacted polymer
523/456, 461; 525/452, 453, 124, 460; 427/386; bound isocyanate groups further react to form a skin of
524/283 highly crosslinked polymer chains. The skin creates a
barrier to the deleterious effects of water on adhesion
56) References Cited
and to the diffusion of sublimation dyes out of the coat
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ing. The resulting transferred image is colorfast and the
4,701,502 10/1987 Kordomenos et al. ...... ... 525/449 coating has strong adhesion to ceramic surfaces to sur
4,824,925 4/1989 Kamarchik, Jr. et al. ........... 528/45 vive repeated mechanical dishwashing.
4,923,934 5/1990 Werner ............................... 52.5/528
4,943,684 7/1990 Kramer .............................. 428/34.4 26 Claims, No Drawings
1. 2
mum image transfer. Thus, there is a need for a coating
SUBLMATION-TRANSFER composition that combines the positive attributes of
ARTICLES In my effort to combine the image-transfer quality of
polyurethanes with the strong adhesion properties of
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION epoxies, I discovered that the ideal polymer coating
1. Field of the Invention should exhibit two distinct glass transition temperatures
This invention pertains to the general field of subli before and after the image transfer process. The glass
mation or heat transfer printing, whereby an image is transition temperature, also called the softening temper
transferred to a receptor surface from a sublimable O ature of a polymer, refers to the temperature at which
transfer print. In particular, the invention concerns a the polymer changes from a glassy or brittle condition
new polyurethane composition and method for coating to a liquid or rubbery one. For an amorphous polymer,
ceramics and other surfaces to improve the quality and this is a narrow temperature region in which the poly
durability of the transferred image. 15
mer changes from a viscous or rubbery condition at
2. Background of the Invention temperatures above this region to a hard and relatively
Sublimation or thermal transfer printing is a rela brittle one below it. This transformation is equivalent to
tively new technology that has found its way into con the solidification of a liquid to a glass; it is not a phase
Suner product application during the past decade. In transition. Above the glass transition temperature, por
particular, the market for personalized decoration of tions of the polymer chains, usually called segments, are
clothing such as T-shirts and coffee mugs has grown 20 comparatively unhampered by the interactions between
explosively during the past five years. neighboring chains. See Paul J. Flory, Principles of Poly
Basically, the process of imprinting an article via this mer Chemistry, pages 57-57, Cornell University Press,
process consists of converting a picture into a digital 1953.
image and transferring it onto a diffusable or sublimable The glass transition temperature of the ideal polymer
transfer print. The dyes used for the transfer print are 25 coating for image imprinting by heat transfer should be
capable of diffusing or sublimating from the transfer as low as possible before the transfer printing operation
print into another receptive surface when the two sur in order to allow the dyes to diffuse easily into the
faces are brought into intimate contact, normally under polymer matrix as they are given off by the transfer
pressure, and heated at specific operating conditions. printing medium. After the image transfer, in order to
Typically, heating is carried out at 375 to 500 degrees 30 preserve the quality of the transferred image during
Fahrenheit (190-260 C.) for 60 seconds to 3 minutes, repeated dishwashing cycles, the coating on the recep
the specific length of time depending on factors such as
how fast the heater is able to bring the receiving surface tor surface should have as high a glass transition tem
to the temperature at which the dyes diffuse or subli perature as possible to minimize dye diffusion in the
mate and the temperature at which the transfer print is 35 coating during hot-water dishwashing that would cause
able to release the dyes. With currently used dyes, this image distortion and bleeding.
temperature is about 375 F. (190 C.). One approach is to have a coating that is cured in two
The patent literature contains much information per steps. The initial cure is performed below 375 F. (190
taining to the composition of the transfer print used for C.) to provide a coating with a low glass transition
transferring the image onto a receiving substrate. Most temperature. The final cure takes place during the im
of the literature pertaining to the substrate itself, on the printing step where the mug is brought to 375 F. or
other hand, does not deal with mugs or similar hard-sur higher temperatures. This final heating raises the glass
face articles; rather it understandably describes textiles transition temperature of the coating, sealing the dyes in
such as cotton, polyester and wool because the popular the polymer matrix and providing durability of the
ity of imprinting these materials supersedes that of arti 45 coating and colorfastness to the image during repeated
cles like coffee mugs. dishwashing. This appears to be the approach adopted
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,701,502, 4,824,925 and No. 4,923,934 by some suppliers of coated mugs for sublimation-trans
disclose various coating compositions of general appli fer imprinting. The glass transition temperature of the
cation. U.S. Pat. No. 4,943,684 describes a process for epoxy coating on the mugs before the imprinting step is
imprinting cylindrical ceramic and glass articles, specif. SO about 200 F. (93. C.). After imprinting, the glass transi
ically coffee mugs, via sublimation or heat (thermal) tion temperature is raised to about 255 F. (124 C.).
transfer printing. The patent also discloses epoxy and This particular approach has one drawback. Since the
polyester polymers as the suitable coatings for the in glass transition temperature increases with the degree of
vention. curing, which in turn is related to exposure to high
Commercially available mugs for personalized in 55 temperatures, the initial curing must be limited to a
printing via Sublimation or thermal transfer printing narrow process window in order to keep the glass tran
have a polymeric coating applied to the outer surface. sition temperature low enough to achieve optimum
The coating is intended to provide a stable layer for image transfer during the sublimation process. Also, the
fixing the image to the surface of the mug and protect rate of reaction and curing of the coating prior to the
ing it from erosion and abrasion during use. All of these image transfer operation is only retarded, not com
coatings belong to the generic classes of polymers com pletely inhibited. Therefore, during the summer
prising epoxies, acrylics, polyesters and polyurethane. months, when the southern part of the United States
Polyurethanes provide the best image quality, but suffer experiences outdoor temperatures of 110-120' F.
in adhesion and are easily removed by repeated dish (43-49 C.) and the temperature in unrefrigerated
washer cycles. The only types of coating that survive 65 cargo compartments (such as used to transport nonper
repeated washings in a mechanical dishwasher are ishable goods like coated mugs) approaches 160 F. (71
based on epoxy material, which has a high glass transi C.), the thermal reaction and curing of the polymer is
tion temperature and therefore is not suitable for opti accelerated during storage and transportation of coated
3 4.
articles, resulting in poor quality of the subsequent polyurethane formulations that might result in the de
image transfer. Thus, these articles require refrigeration sired glass transition temperature after an initial curing
and special handling, which add considerable cost to phase, I was pleasantly surprised to find that when a
the final product. blocked polyisocyanate was combined with an epoxy
The object of the present invention is a novel ap prepolymer at proportions that give equivalent reactive
proach based on providing a coating that possesses a groups the initial reaction always produced a polymer
low initial glass transition temperature for accepting an matrix with a low glass transition temperature and pos
image by thermal transfer and that, after the image sessing a slight excess of unreacted isocyanate groups.
transfer process, features a protective seal over the During a dishwashing cycle or short treatment with
transferred dyes in the polymer matrix by forming a 10 boiling water after transfer of the image, these isocya
highly crosslinked and therefore impervious outer nate groups reacted with the water to produce a highly
layer. crosslinked skin, with the groups located at the outer
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION surface of the coating reacting quickly. None of the
isocyanate groups were extractable into the water
An object of the present invention is to provide a 15 phase, but instead remained bound to the coating. As a
receptor coating for sublimation and thermal transfer of result of this reaction, the polymer coating exhibited a
images onto ceramic, glass, metal and other substrates much higher glass transition temperature after its initial
wherein such coating is capable of permanently fixing exposure to hot water and was totally devoid of unre
the image without distortion or loss of sharpness. acted isocyanate groups after approximately 30 minutes
Another object of the invention is to provide durable 20 in boiling water. The transferred image was colorfast, as
coating that is capable of resisting separation from the judged by the absence of dye bleed from the coating
substrate during repeated hot-water dishwasher cycles. when the quality of the image was compared to a mug
A further object is to provide a coating with a suffi that did not receive the boiling water treatment.
ciently high post-transfer glass transition temperature to According to this invention, the preferred epoxy
inhibit any fading or distorting of the transferred image 25 component of the polyurethane solution is present in a
by exposure to hot water. range from 4 to 30 percent by weight (optimally from
Another goal of the invention is a coating that has 10 to 25%) and has a formula corresponding to:
strong adhesion to ceramic surfaces to survive the re
peated mechanical forces applied to the article during
normal use. 30 O R OH
Finally, a goal of the invention is to provide a compo / N
sition of low toxicity that is suitable for use in kitchen CH-CHCH o-A?--ar-o-CH-CH-ch
Wae. R'
According to these objectives, the present invention
consists of a coating composition comprising a mixture 35 R O
of an epoxy resin and a blocked polyisocyanate in an M. N.
equivalent-weight ratio in the range from 0.5 to 1.8 in
appropriate solvents. When cured, this composition
results in a low glass-transition-temperature polyure
thane that is smooth, colorless, tough, clear and glossy, 40 where Ar is an aryl group; n=2 to 18, preferably 8 to
capable of accepting a perfect reproduction of the trans 14; and R and R' consist of a hydrocarbyl radical with
fer print. Upon exposure to hot water during dishwash 1-6 carbon atoms, or mixtures thereof.
ing, the unreacted polymer-bound isocyanate groups The polyisocyanate component is present in the
further react to form a skin of highly crosslinked poly range from 3 to 36 percent by weight (optimally
mer chains. The skin creates a barrier to the deleterious 45 6-30%), wherein the isocyanate groups are blocked
effects of water on adhesion and to the diffusion of with methyl ethyl ketoxime or caprolactam or any
sublimation dyes out of the coating. The resulting trans other oxime or blocking group capable of being de
ferred image is colorfast and the coating has strong blocked upon heating at about 260' to about 430 F.
adhesion to ceramic surfaces to survive repeated me (121-221 C). The isocyanate groups comprise at least
chanical dishwashing. 50 two functional groups and may have an aliphatic or
These and other objects, features and advantages of cycloaliphatic backbone. The corresponding isocyanate
the present invention, as well as details of the preferred prepolymers (biurets and isocyanurates) are preferred
embodiment thereof, will be more fully understood for reasons of lower health hazard during the manufac
from the following detailed description. turing process because of their lower volatility. More
55 over, blocked polyisocyanates are best preferred be
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT cause of their stability at normal ambient conditions,
which make it possible to prepare polyurethane formu
The sublimation-transfer receptor-surface of this in lations as one-part products, rather than two-part com
vention is based on a polyurethane system composed of ponents for mixing at the time of use.
a polyol and a polyisocyanate to give, on initial curing, 60 The epoxy and isocyanate components must be com
a polymer product possessing a glass transition tempera bined in an epoxy/isocyanate ratio in a range of 0.5 to
ture below 90' F. (32 C.). As is well known to those 1.8 (based on equivalent weights), with the preferred
skilled in the art, in order to obtain a polyurethane with ratio being in the range from 0.6 to 1.2. The ratio may be
optimum properties, a polyol and a polyisocyanate must optimized for the specific epoxy used, together with the
be combined in such proportions with each other that appropriate solvent, in order to obtain the desired con
the number of reactive functionalities in the polyol is sistency of composition. Depending on the intended
equal to the number of reactive functionalities in the method of application, such as by spraying or immer
polyisocyanate. In the course of evaluating various sion in a coating bath, the texture and viscosity of the
5 6
composition can be modified to conform to required repeated dishwashings. For a colorless coating that
specifications. resists yellowing in prolonged boiling water treatment
The epoxy component may be diluted with a polyes and repeated dishwashing, the tin catalysts are pre
ter, polyether, polyacrylic polyol, or a mixture thereof. ferred. Dibutyltin dilaurate is specially preferred over
The maximum amount of polyol diluent depends upon 5 the other tin catalysts, such as stannous octoate, because
the rigidity of the backbone of the polyol. An excess of of its higher effectiveness. The amount of catalyst used
a rigid polyol leads to a polyurethane with a higher obviously depends on the specific catalyst's activity.
glass transition temperature than is optimal for vivid For example, dibutyltin dilaurate can be used at 20 to 50
transferred images. Excessive dilution with a flexible ppm, whereas a higher level of stannous octoate (0.1 to
polyol leads to too soft a coating that allows the unde 10 1.0% by weight) is necessary to achieve a correspond
sirable diffusion of the transferred dyes from within the ing cure. If a catalyst is used, its amount is very impor
polymer matrix during dishwashing. In any event, the tant to obtain optimum coating properties.
total number of reactive hydroxy groups in the diluted A flow modifier may be added to the formulation to
mixture must remain the same as that of the pure epoxy consistently produce a smooth coating when the coat
component to maintain equivalency with the isocyanate 15 ing is to be applied by spraying. Suitable flow modifiers
groups. are the fluoropolymer surfactant product sold by the
In addition, 10 to 20 percent equivalents of melamine 3M Company under the trademark "Fluorad FC.430"
resin or of any of the other well known epoxy crosslink and the silanol-dimethyldiphenylsiloxane sold by the
ers may be added. The maximum amount of these resin GE Company under the trademark “SR882M." The
diluents is dependent upon their glass transition temper 20 amount of flow modifier must be adjusted to meet the .
atures and solubilities in epoxy. For example, a maxi requirements of the specific application, avoiding using
mum of 10% substitution may be made with the poly too much of it because it produces a coating that makes
acrylic resin sold by the DuPont Company under the the release of the transfer paper difficult after the in
trademark "Imron 500S' in conjunction with the epoxy printing process. I found the above mentioned flow
resin consisting of polydiglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A 25 modifiers at 0.2 to 1.0 parts per hundred weight parts of
(n=8-14), which is sold by the Shell Chemical Con polyurethane resin to be satisfactory.
pany under the trademark "Epon 1007F.” Using the Although the basic formulation of epoxy and isocya
same epoxy resin, as much as 20% substitution may be nate leads to a coating that has better light stability than
made with the polyarylate resin sold by the Miles Com a pure epoxy coating, ultraviolet screens such as hin
pany under the trade name "Desmophen A365.” 30
dered-amine light stabilizers, or ultraviolet absorbers
The solvent carrier for the coating formulation may such as hindered phenols, benzotriazoles and/or cyano
be a mixture of glycolether esters and aromatic hydro acrylate esters may be added to increase the colorfast
carbons. Preferred solvents are propylene glycol ness of the transferred image to direct sunlight. These
methyl ether acetate and ethyl 3-ethoxypropionate in additives may be used at the levels recommended by the
combination with any of the aromatic hydrocarbons. 35 manufacturers.
They may be diluted with lower boiling esters such as Finally, in order to provide strong adhesion that is
n-butyl acetate, with aromatic hydrocarbon solvents resistant to repeated mechanical dishwashing or boiling
such as toluene, xylene, solvent naphtha, or with ethyl water treatment, an adhesion promoter is added to the
benzene, n-butanol, isopropanol, or with water. The uncured polyurethane solution, preferably immediately
proportion of aromatic hydrocarbons to glycolether prior to its use. If added earlier, I found that the effec
esters used in the formulation, as well as the total tiveness of adhesion promoters diminishes with time
amount of solvent, depends upon the viscosity desired, and becomes practically ineffectual after about one
which, as mentioned above, is influenced by the in week of shelf life. Although the adhesion promoter may
tended method of application and equipment used. Ali be applied directly to the mug surface as a primer prior
phatic hydrocarbons are not used because they are very 45 to the coating process, its addition to the coating formu
poor solvents for the reactive components. lation is a time saver. Suitable adhesion promoters avail
While the basic ingredients necessary to practice the able commercially belong to the group of organosilane
invention are an epoxy prepolymer and a polyisocya coupling agents such as the aminoalkyl trialkoxysilanes
nate component in an appropriate solvent carrier, other or, more specifically, aminopropyltrimethoxysilane,
ingredients may also be added to impart specific desir 50 aminopropyltriethoxysilane, aminoethylaminopropyl
able characteristics. For example, a catalyst may be trimethoxysilane and aminoethylaminopropyltriethox
added to facilitate the polyurethane formation during ysilane. These additives may be used at 0.2 to 2.0 parts
curing; a flow modifier to add consistency in the viscos per hundred weight parts of polyurethane resin, prefer
ity of composition; ultraviolet screens and absorbers to ably at 0.5 to 1.0 part per hundred. An adhesion pro
increase the colorfastness of the transferred image to 55 moter is necessary for the coating to survive at least 100
sunlight; and an adhesion promoter to provide a poly mechanical dishwashing cycles if the ceramic mug is
mer coating that is resistant to repeated mechanical not pretreated, such as by the etching processes often
dishwashing. used to prepare a substrate for coating.
In order to facilitate the reaction of the polyisocya The following examples list alternative formulations
nate with the epoxy component, a catalyst may be of the preferred embodiment of the coating according
added to the composition, although it is critical only for to this invention, including the adhesion-promoter com
shortening the curing time. Any catalyst used in the art ponent of the composition.
for urethane polymerization, such as ptoluenesulfonic
acid or tris(dimethylaminomethyl) phenol, may be em
ployed. Although tertiary amines and amine-blocked 65 Example 1
Lewis acids are effective as catalysts, the coatings from Ingredient Weight Percent
them have a tendency to yellow during prolonged heat epoxy resin 8.33
ing, exposure to temperature during bake and after ethyl 3-ethoxy propionate 43.75
7 8
-continued -continued
Example 1 Example 5
Ingredient Weight Percent Ingredient Weight Percent
melamine resin 3.23 tris (dimethylaminomethyl) phenol 0.07
polyarylate polyol 5,80 aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.32
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 7.76
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.1
n-butanol 1.94
n-butyl acetate 7.96 10 Example 6
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 5.58 Ingredient Weight Percent
solvent naphtha 2.54
xylene 0.80 epoxy resin 5.77
p-toluenesulfonic acid 0.65 propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 49.37
isopropanol 0.43 methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 20.82
aminopropyltrimethoxysilane 1.08 polyisocyanate
15 solvent naphtha 6.94
n-butyl acetate 6.31
silanol-dimethyldiphenylsiloxane 0.16
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.32
Example 2. xylene 0.3
Ingredient Weight Percent dibutyltin dilaurate 31 ppm
epoxy resin 3.94
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 55.74
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 16.69
polyisocyanate Example 7
solvent naphtha 5.51 Ingredient Weight Percent
n-butyl acetate 6.13 25
fluoropolymer surfacant 0.15 epoxy resin 17.42
aminopropyltrimethoxy silane 0.3 propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 40.9
StanholS Octoate 0.15 methyl ethyl ketoxine-blocked 23.00
xylene 1.38 polyisocyanate
solvent naphtha 7.67
xylene 10.79
30 fluoropolymer surfactant 0.04
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.17
Example 3 dibutyltin dilaurate 34 ppm
Ingredient Weight Percent
epoxy resin 14.3
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 51.63 35
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 18.80 Example 8
polyisocyanate Ingredient Weight Percent
solvent naphtha 6.28 epoxy resin 1915
n-butyl acetate g 7.13 propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 45.31
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.14 methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 17.62
p-toluenesulfonic acid 0.09 polyisocyanate
n-butanol 1.28 solvent naphtha 5.94
isopropanol 0.06 xylene 1.72
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.29 fluoropolymer surfactant 0.08
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.18
dibutyltin dilaurate 23 ppm

Example 4
Ingredient Weight Percent
epoxy resin 15.54 Example 9
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 50.04 Ingredient Weight Percent
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 20.52 50
polyisocyanate epoxy resin 7.28
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 34.94
solvent naphtha 6.84 methyl ethyl ketoxine-blocked 22.82
n-butyl acetate 6.22 polyisocyanate
fluoropolymer surfactant 0,16 solvent naphtha 7.61
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.31 xylene 14.11
xylene 0.37 55
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.10
dibutyltin dilaurate 37 ppm aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.23
benzotriazole 1.94
hindered amine 0.97
dibutyltin dilaurate 28 ppm
Example 5
Ingredient Weight Percent
epoxy resin 6.2 Example 10
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 47.98
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 21.29 Ingredient Weight Percent
polyisocyanate 65 epoxy resin 7.63
solvent naphtha 7.11 propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 45.13
n-butyl acetate 6.45 caprolactam-blocked polyisocyanate 22.50
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.08 xylene 14.39
n-butanol 0.58 fluoropolymer surfactant 0.11
9 10
-continued tions given above, one skilled in the art would recognize
Example 10 that it would not be mixed with the other ingredients
Ingredient Weight Percent until just prior to application of the formulation to the
aminopropyl trimethoxysilane 0.24 ceramic or other substrate. The nature of all compo
dibutyltin dilaurate 28 ppm nents is such that the preparation of the composition
does not require any particular procedure. All ingredi
ents, with the exception of the adhesion promoter, may
be mixed according to standard laboratory and com
Example 1 10 mercial techniques that are well known to those skilled
Ingredient Weight Percent in the art. The resulting coating compositions are stable
epoxy resin 8.80 at room temperature, inasmuch as the blocked isocya
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 46.30
caprolactam-blocked polyisocyanate 19.18 nates become deblocked at approximately 300' F. (149
xylene 15.35 C.).
fluoropolymer surfactant
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane
15 In use, the coating formulations of this invention are
dibutyltin dilaurate 30 ppm applied to a rigid substrate, such as the surface of a mug,
that is to be imprinted with an image by sublimation or
diffusion transfer. The coating may be applied in any of
20 the ways available for application of thin layers of mate
Example 12 rial to a supporting substrate, most commonly by spray
Ingredient Weight Percent ing or dipping in a liquid bath. As mentioned above,
epoxy resin 17.15 different formulations with different viscosities would
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 48.75 be used to best suit different methods of application.
caprolactam-blocked polyisocyanate 20.20
xylene 3.52 25 An adhesion promoter, if used, is either mixed with
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.12 the composition or it is instead first applied by itself to
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.26 the substrate immediately prior to application of the
dibutyltin dilaurate 32 ppm
coating. A thin layer of coating is then applied and
cured at approximately 400 F. (204' C.) for about 15
minutes to cause the partial polymerization of the mix
- Example 13 ture to obtain a polyurethane coating. This polymer will
Ingredient Weight Percent contain unreacted isocyanate groups that are instrumen
epoxy resin 18.29 tal to the functioning of the invention after the image
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 43.80 35 transfer has taken place. After cooling, the coating is
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 27.87 stable at normal ambient conditions because a tempera
solvent naphtha 9.29 ture of approximately 110 F. (43° C) in 100% relative
fluoropolymer surfactant
humidity is required for the isocyanates to start react
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.28 ing. Thus, the problem of unrefrigerated transportation
dibutyltin dilaurate 34 ppm and storage during the summer is overcome.
After application and curing of the coating, the
coated articles are ready for imprinting according to the
standard procedures used for sublimation and diffusion
Example 14 transfer. When the coating is first exposed to hot water,
Ingredient Weight Percent 45
such as in an automatic dishwasher, the isocyanate
epoxy resin
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate
groups react with water, liberating CO2 and freeing
methyl ethyl ketoxine-blocked 24.52 amine groups that form highly cross-linked
polyisocyanate polyisocyanurates as a film along the surface of the
solvent naphtha
8.17 SO coating. This polymer skin provides protection of the
xylene 5.25 image fixed in the coating and prevents the loss of adhe
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.1 sion that is normally characteristic of polyurethane
aminopropyl trimethoxysilane 0.25 coatings. I found that no appreciable image distortion or
dibutyltin dilaurate 30 ppm
coating damage is visible after 100 dishwasher cycles.
55 Thus, while the invention has been particularly
shown and described with reference to a preferred en
Example 15 bodiment thereof, it will be understood by those skilled
Ingredient Weight Percent in the art that changes in form and detail may be made
epoxy resin 16.03 therein without departing from the spirit and the scope
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 46.53 of the invention.
caprolactam-blocked polyisocyanate 24.43 I claim:
xylene 12.64
fluoropolymer surfactant 0. 1. A polyurethane coating composition for applica
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.25 tion over the surface of a substrate to be imprinted with
dibutyltin dilaurate 30 ppm 65 an image by means of sublimation transfer, comprising:
(a) an epoxy component in the range from 4 to 30
While the adhesion-promoter component is listed as percent by weight of the total composition and
one of the ingredients of the composition in all formula having a formula corresponding to:
11 12
from the group consisting of polypropylene glycol
methyl ether acetate, ethyl 3ethoxypropionate, or a
O R OH mixture thereof.
/ N 15. The polyurethane coating composition of claim
CH-CHCH o-a--at-o-CH-CH-ch 13, wherein the solvent carrier is diluted with an ingre
r dient selected from the group consisting of lower boil
ing esters, aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, n-butanol,
/ N isopropanol, water, or mixtures thereof.
16. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1,
10 further comprising a urethane polymerization catalyst.
17. The polyurethane coating composition of claim
Aris any aryl group; n may vary between 2 and 18; 16 wherein said urethane polymerization catalyst is
and R and R' consist of a hydrocarby radical with selected from the group consisting of tertiary amines,
1-6 carbon atoms, or of mixtures thereof; and 15 amine-blocked Lewis acids, p-toluenesulfonic acid/
(b) a polyisocyanate component in the range from 3 tris(dimethylaminonethyl) phenol, dibutyltin dilaurate,
to 36 percent by weight of the total composition, and stannous octoate.
wherein the isocyanate groups comprise at least 18. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1,
two functional groups and are blocked with a further comprising a flow modifier.
blocking group capable of being deblocked upon 20 19. The polyurethane coating composition of claim
heating at about 250 to about 430 F.; 18, wherein said flow modifier is selected from the
wherein the epoxy and isocyanate components are group consisting of silanol-dimethyldiphenylsiloxane,
combined to form a highly crosslinked polyure fluoropolymer surfactants, or mixtures thereof in con
thane polymer. centrations of 0.2 to 1.0 parts per hundred parts by
2. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, 25 weight of polyurethane resin.
wherein the epoxy component is present in the range 20. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1,
from 10 to 25 percent by weight of the total composi further comprising a component capable of screening or
3. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, absorbing ultraviolet radiation.
wherein in may vary between 8 to 14 in the formula for
21. The polyurethane coating composition of claim
the epoxy component. 30 20, wherein said component capable of screening or
4. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, absorbing ultraviolet radiation is selected from the
wherein the polyisocyanate component is present in the group consisting of hindered-amine light stabilizers,
range from 6 to 30 percent by weight of the total com hindered phenols, benzotriazoles, cyanoacrylate esters,
position. or mixtures thereof,
5. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, 35 22. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1,
wherein the polyisocyanate groups are blocked with an further comprising an adhesion promoter added to the
oxime group. composition immediately prior to its use for coating a
6. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, substrate surface.
wherein the polyisocyanate groups are blocked with 23. The polyurethane coating composition of claim
methyl ethyl ketoxime. 22, wherein said adhesion promoter is selected from the
7. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, group consisting of aminopropyltrimethoxysilane,
wherein the polyisocyanate groups are blocked with aminopropyltriethoxysilane, aminoethylaminopropyl
caprolactam. trimethoxysilane, aminoethylaminopropylethoxysilane,
8. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, or mixtures thereof in concentrations of 0.2 to 2.0 parts
wherein the isocyanate groups have an aliphatic back 45 per hundred parts by weight of polyurethane resin.
bone. 24. A highly crosslinked polyurethane coating com
9. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, position applied over the surface of a substrate to be
wherein the isocyanate groups have a cycloaliphatic imprinted with an image by means of sublimation trans
backbone. fer, comprising the following ingredients in the speci
10. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, SO fied concentrations expressed as weight percentages of
wherein the epoxy and isocyanate components are com total composition:
bined in an equivalent-weight ratio in the range from 0.6
to 1.2.
11. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, Ingredient Weight Percent
wherein the epoxy component is diluted with an ingre 55 epoxy resin 18.33
dient selected from the group consisting of polyesters, ethyl 3-ethoxy propionate 43.75
polyethers, polyacrylic polyols, and mixtures thereof. melanine resin 3.23
polyarylate polyol. S.80
12. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 7.76
wherein the polyisocyanate component is diluted by polyisocyanate
substituting 10 to 20 percent of polyisocyanate equiva fluoropolymer surfacant 0.11
lents with equivalents of melamine resin. n-butano
n-butyl acetate
13. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 5.58
further comprising a solvent carrier consisting of a solvent naphtha 2.54
mixture of glycolether esters and aromatic hydroca xylene 0.80
brons. 65 p-toluenesulfonic acid 0.65
14. The polyurethane coating composition of claim 1, isopropanol 0.43
aminopropyltrimethoxysilane 1.08
wherein the solvent carrier consists of an aromatic hy
drocarbon in combination with an ingredient selected
25. A highly crosslinked polyurethane coating com
position applied over the surface of a substrate to be
imprinted with an image by means of sublimation trans O
/ N
fer, comprising the following ingredients in the speci
fied concentrations expressed as weight percentages of 5 CH-CHCH o-ar--ar-o-ch-ch-ch
total composition: r

r R O
Ingredient Weight Percent / N
epoxy resin 17.42
O -o-a--at-o-CHCH-CH.
propylene glycol methyl ether acetate 40.91
methyl ethyl ketoxime-blocked 23.00
polyisocyanate wherein Ar is an aryl group; n may vary between
solvent naphtha 7.67 2 and 18; and R and R' consist of a hydrocarbyl
xylene 10.79 5 radical with 1-6 carbon atoms; or of mixtures
fluoropolymer surfactant 0.04 thereof; and the polyisocyanate component being
aminopropyl trimethoxy silane 0.17 in the range from 3 to 36 percent by weight of total
dibutyltin dilaurate 34 ppm composition, wherein the isocyanate groups com
prise at least two functional groups and are blocked
26. A method of coating the surface of a substrate to 20 with a blocking group capable of being deblocked
be imprinted with an image by means of sublimation upon heating at about 250 to about 430' F.;
transfer, comprising the following steps: (b) adding an adhesion promoter to the polyurethane
(a) providing a polyurethane composition comprising composition;
a mixture of an epoxy component and a polyisocya (c) coating the surface of the substrate with the poly
nate component, the epoxy component being in the 25 urethane composition; and
(d) curing the coating at approximately 400 F. for
range from 4 to 30 percent by weight of total com about 15 minutes to cause a highly crosslinked
position and having the formula corresponding to: partial polymerization of the mixture.
k k x k







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