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Library & Information Science - 4th - Sem - Syllabus

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Faculty of Humanities &Social Sciences


(Third Semester)

Prepared by
Department of Library & Information Science

Master's Level of Library & Information Science

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester



S. No. Title Page No.

1. Introduction of CDLIS
2. Objectives of the Department
3. Course Structure
4. Objectives of MLISc Course
5. Faculty and Staff
6. Admission Requirements
7. Attendance
8. Examination
9. Classification of Division
10. Teaching Methods
11. Teaching Aids
12. Internships
13. Other Activities

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester



Information plays a vital role in the society. Twenty-first Century is the age of Information.
It is a power resource for meaningful decision and knowledge expansion. It is used in all
areas of human life such as research and development, planning, decision making, problem
solving, the learning process and day-to-day life. To obtain right information in right time to
the right user, there is a requirement of adequate library and information system and
services. Such a system requires professional library and information personnel of high
quality in sufficient numbers. Such personnel should be able to plan, organize, manage and
operate a wide range of libraries, information centers and services with the application of
modern information technology. Nepal, as a developing country in the globe, has also
realized the importance of information. Hence, Right to Information Act has been
implemented. Library and information centers can be the authentic laboratories or place for
information creation to utilization cycle. The Department of Library and Information
Science, established in 1995 under Tribhvuan University structure, has supported and
developed the library and information services through the production of high quality
professional manpower. As per the decision of TU Council, held in 14 th July, 1995,
Bachelor's Degree in Library Science was established under TU educational programme.

The first Department Head was appointed on 2nd Sept., 1995. Likewise, the first Subject
Committee was formed on 10th Oct., 1995 with 11 members. The first Standing Committee
was also formed with 5 members on 11th Oct., 1995. Both the Committees discussed on
different aspects for starting the classes of Bachelor's Degree and decided to run the classes
from 15th Nov., 1995. Only 22 students were admitted initially. After running the Bachelor's
Degree for 7 years, the department decided to run Master's Degree in Library and
Information Science. Consequently, the general meeting of Tribhuvan University Council
held on 16th July, 1999 established the Master's Degree in Library and Information Science.
At present the department is running only Master's Degree Course since 2002. The
Bachelor's Degree course is suspended for the time being. Now, Tribhuvan University has
decided to start with Semester System in Master’s Degree, to be effective from February,


The objectives of the Central Department of Library and Information Science are :
i) To train different categories of information personnel required for the country.
ii) To provide information services to the users who attend the libraries of different types
and sizes through professional support.
iii) To conduct research in the library and information sectors.
iv) To provide continuity of library and information science education to all categories of
library and information workers.
v) To conduct seminars, workshops, research and consultancies in the field of library and
information science.
vi) To provide counseling services, guidance, suggestions in the policy and other related
matters in the field of library and information science.

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

vii) To suggest the concerned authorities for legalized library and information services in
the country.
viii) To produce high skill professional human resources in the field of library and
information science.
ix) To conduct faculty development programme for quality education.
x) To present proposals, programmes and advises to the concerned organizations and
government offices according to their needs and requests for the development of
information sectors.


The structure of course is divided into four semesters e.g. First Semester, Second Semester,
Third Semester and Fourth Semester. The duration of the course is of two academic years. In
the first semester, there is 18 Credits with 6 courses of 3 credits each. The second semester
also contains 18 credits with 6 courses of 3 credits each. The third semester comprises of 15
credits with 5 courses of 3 credits each. The final semester comprises of 12 credits with 1
course with 3 credits as class work, another 3 credits for internships and remaining 1 course
with 6 credits for preparing dissertation. Specialization papers are offered in the third
semester to be chosen from the given list of courses with the approval of the Central
Department. Each course require at least 3 classes per week and more than 3 classes may
require in case of practical per week for lecture, problem solving and practical.

Code Subjects Credi

No. t Hrs

551 Library and Information Society 3
552 Library and Information Management-1 3
553 Information Control Technique [Theory] 3
554 Information Control Technique [Practical] 3
555 Cataloguing and Indexing [Theory] 3
556 Cataloguing and Indexing [Practical] 3

557 Data Communication and Computer Network in Library Services 3
558 Library and Information Management-2 3
559 Information Processing and Retrieval [Theory] 3
560 Information Processing and Retrieval [Practical] 3
561 Information and Communication Technology [Theory] 3
562 Information and Communication Technology [Practical] 3
563 Information Sources and Services-1 3
564 Research Methodology in LIS 3
565 Quantitative Techniques in LIS 3
566-1 Specialization Papers-1 3

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

567-1 Specialization Papers-1 3

568 Information Sources and Services -2 3
569 Internships 3
570 Thesis 6
Specialization Papers
566-1 Computer Programming in Library Automation-1 3
567-1 Computer Programming in Library Automation-2 3
566-2 Comparative and International Librarianship-1 3
567-2 Comparative and International Librarianship -2 3
566-3 Non-book Materials and Library Services-1 3
567-3 Non-book Materials and Library Services -2 3
566-4 Bibliographic Control-1 3
567-4 Bibliographic Control -2 3
566-5 Education for Library and Information Science-1 3
567-5 Education for Library and Information Science-2 3
566-6 Preservation and Conservation of Documents-1 3
567-6 Preservation and Conservation of Documents -2 3
Total Credit Hours 63
Modern libraries and information centers need professionally educated and trained
personnel. It is only possible by establishing proper educational institution, which can
produce the library and information professionals with following qualities.
i) As a Scholar, with love for books and other documents, and the ideas contained in
ii) As Sociologist, with the understanding of pros and cons of society to whom he or she
has to serve;
iii) As Scientist, with a special knowledge of semantics logic, psychology, mathematics,
statistics, probability; and work as researcher for further education and development of
the subject;
iv) As technologist, to handle everything from the miniature punch card to the computer
and its applications;
v) As an Administrator, with a special knowledge of scientific management, all in the
limited time at its disposal.
With the above aims, the Central Department of Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan
University has introduced MLISc course. The Objectives of the course are as follows:
i) To give the knowledge of basic principles, theories and laws of library and
information science.
ii) To acquaint with social, cultural, educational and communication environment of
libraries and information centers established in different socio-economic environments
and users' group.
iii) To obtain the knowledge of inter-displinory subjects for the working as a scientist and
researcher to expand to boundary of LIS subject.
iv) To provide basic skills of modern information technology for scientific management
of library and information centers.

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

v) To provide special knowledge of scientific management for the production of efficient

administrator to all types, sizes and subjects of libraries and information centers.

The course is conducted by full time qualified faculty members of the department.
Appointment of part time teachers, in the absent of full time faculty member, is also
possible. Provision is also made to invite experts for guest lectures from inside and outside
the country. Administration and financial works are supported by separate staff members.
There is subject committee to look after the academic and administrative programs of the


The candidate seeking admission to the course should satisfy the following conditions:
i) Bachelor's degree or its equivalent from any university recognized by TU
ii) Proficiency in English
iii) Basic knowledge in computer
iv) Preference will be given to the students with 45 or above percentage of marks.
v) Special consideration shall be given to the eligible candidates from
a. The field of Library and Information Science, Science and Technology.
b. Employees in libraries and information centers or holding some basic
qualifications in library and information science education.
vi) Candidates has to pass an entrance test for admission, securing not less than 35% of
marks. The entrance examination will be of 100 marks.


It is being a professional course, a student will be debarred from appearing in the

examination if he/she fails to get a minimum of 80% attendance in the class.


The performance of the student is evaluated by written and practical examinations. Semester
examination system is followed in this regard. There is a semester examination at the end of
each semester conducted by Dean’s Office of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science.
Apart from semester examination, there will be term paper writing, presentations and Mid-
term examination or assessment.
Each 6 credits of course will be evaluated for 100 full marks or accordingly. The marks are
divided into 60-40 grading system. The student should appear in the semester examination at
the end of the semester taken by the University for 60 Marks. The remaining 40 marks are
awarded on the basis of internal examination system which is based on continuous
monitoring by the supervisor and teachers using specific tools. The 40 marks are further
divided into internal examination as follows:

Subjects Marks
Attendance 10
Interaction in Class and Participation 5
TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

Assignment of Term Paper or Assessment 10

Performance in the Mid-term Exam or Assessment 15

The marking system of attendance will be as follows:

(a) Up to 65% 2 marks

(b) Above 65% but up to 70% 4 marks
(b) Above 70% but up to 75% 6 marks
(c) Above 75% but up to 80% 8 marks
(d) Above 80% 10 marks

There will be internal examination which carries 40 marks as stated above. Students failure
of scoring 50% marks in internal examination cannot appear in the semester examination.
The students will be assigned term paper by the class teachers on the basis of course contents
and its relevant issues and problems to evaluate the understanding of the students on the
subjects or problems. The term paper should be original and in the prescribed format. If
students found copying without due references to the source, the term paper will be rejected.
Apart from term paper, mid-term examinations or assessment will also be taken.

Grading Point System

To receive credit for a course, a student must be regular in attendance and satisfactorily
complete all assignments, securing a passing grade according to the marking system
established by Tribhuvan University. All courses will be examined at the end of the semester
in which they are taken; each course will be marked in percentage, out of 100, and translated
into literal grades as indicated in the table below. The pass mark in all courses will be 50
marks in each course.

Letter Marks in G Evaluation Remarks

Grade Percentage P
A 85-100 4.0 Outstandin Exceptional performance and mastery of the subjects
A- 75-84.9 3.7 Excellent Superior understanding and in-depth knowledge of
the subjects.
B+ 70-74.9 3.3 Very Good Comprehensive understanding of the subject and
advance knowledge of principles and practice in the
B 65-69.9 3.0 Good Adequate performance in achieving course
objectives, with satisfactory knowledge of principles
and practice in the discipline
B- 60-64.9 2.7 Satisfactory Sufficient mastery of subject
C 50-59.9 2.0 Pass Some understanding of principles and practice but
with definite deficiencies
F Below 50 00 Failure Minimum objectives of course are not achieved

Grade Point System

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

Semester Grade-Point Average and Cumulative Grade-Point Average represent numerically

a student’s quality of performance. These averages are used to determine if a student
qualifies for certain academic actions.
Grade Point Average [GPA] is a mathematical calculation that indicates how well students
are doing in their academic studies. The GPA is the average of the grades for only one
A student’s cumulative grade point average is a calculation of the average of all the grades a
student has earned for all semesters of attendance at University and courses completed up to
a given semester. The CGPA at the end of the Master’s program is a calculation of the sum
of CGPA of each semester divided by 4. The table above shows the calculation for GPA and
CGPA and all grades are on a 4.0 scale.


Distinction 75% and above

1st Division 60% and above
2nd Division 50% and above
3rd Division 40% and above


The traditional lecture method will occupy more time for teaching. Except that following
will be suggested methods of teaching for quality education and skills:
 Last 10 minutes of the lecture will be discussion time.
 Monthly seminar to be organized,
 Group discussion and cooperative projects to be followed.
 Computer technology to be used.
 Hands-on experience will be provided whenever possible and wherever required.


There are different kinds of teaching aids for scientific teaching of information science. New
methods of communication are being developed and new information technologies are being
used. Information Science being rapidly developed discipline. The following facilities will
be provided for teaching:
i) Overhead Projector
ii) Slide Projector
iii) Audio and Video Equipment
iv) Personal Computers
v) Necessary Computer Software
vi) Internet


TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

Students have to do internships to to gain real world work experiences in the LIS and related
institutions in LIS and related works in the fourth semester.


i) Field Observation: Provision is made for visiting various libraries and documentation
centers in the country and abroad in the students’ expenditure.
ii) Trainings, seminars and conferences: Special provision will be made to have exposure
among to students on trainings, seminars, conferences, projects, presentations and
lectures by visiting experts and professors.


Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Website:
Central Department of Library and Information
Science E-mail:
Gandhi Bhawan, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal Telephone: 4-331-316

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

LISc. 568: Information Sources and Services II [Theory]

Credi Hrs.: 3
Teach Hrs.: 48

Course Objectives

This course is intend to develop advance skill required to manage a

library/Documentation/Information system/ centre Students require in depth study of
varieties of information sources, information content on them. Students need to develop an
analytical skill required to locate, pertinent information, abstract to provide summary of the
document, extract relevant information from a large mass of information media. Impart skills
to prepare a digest, explore and exploit electronic information sources.

The objectives of this course are:

* To enable the students to identity documentary sources, non-book materials and
electronic information sources, which they need to acquire, organize and generate
* To impart the skills to make use of the relevant sources to meet the information need
of users.
* To acquire knowledge on development of services in libraries.
* To enable the students to retrieve the required information from electronic sources.
* To develop skills to provide general awareness services and personalized services with
emphasis on developing analytical skills require to prepare information product and

Unit/Course Content Teaching Hrs.

1. Reference Service: 12
* Origin and development of reference service
* Need of reference service
* Types of reference service
* Preparation/organization of reference service/department
* Reference service in academic, Special and Public Libraries
* Role of reference service in national development
* Reference service in the age of technology
* Impact of emerging technologies on reference services

2. Preparation of Awareness Services: 12

* Need of general awareness services
* Characteristics of awareness services
* Types of awareness services
* Arrangement/preparation of awareness services
* Exhaustive/Current approach
* Preparation of Personalized Services
* Historical background

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

* Characteristics of personalized services

* Purpose of personalized services
* Planning of personalized services
* Steps involved in personalized services
* Flow charts of personalized services
* Advantages/disadvantages of personalized services

3. Analytical Services: 12
* Need of analytical services
* Types of analytical services
Abstracting Services:
* Introduction of abstract
* Types of abstract
* Indicative abstract
* Informative abstract
* Slanted abstract
* Parts of abstract
* Stages of abstracting
* Auto abstracting
* Abstracting services
Index Services:
* Introduction index and indexing services
* Need of index and indexing services
* Types of index and indexing services
* POPSI, PRECIS, Key-word, Indexing
Indexing services:
* General, science and technology
* Social sciences
Information Analysis and Consolidation Products (IA+C):
* Introduction of IA+C products
* Need of IA+C products
* Types of IA+C products
* State of the Art-Report(STOAR)
* Digest, Trend Report
* Pre-requisites for IA+C products
* Stages in the preparation of IA+C products
* Initiation step
* Scope determination
* Collection of information
* Appraisal of information collected
* Scope re definition
* Testing of the draft
* Finalization

4. Marketing of Information Services: 12

* Introduction of marketing
* Need of information marketing
TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

* Guidelines for marketing

* Scope and audience
* Methodology
* Planning of marketing programme
* Implementation
* Evaluation

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

Suggested Readings:

Bose, H. : Information Science: Principle and Practice. New

Delhi, Sterling, 1986.
Bunch, Allan : The Basics of Information Work. London, Clive
Bingley, 1985.
Butterworths series of information sources for
research and development. Butterworths, London
Foskett, DJ. : Information Service in Libraries. London, Crosby
Lackwood, 1958.
Girija, Kumar and Krishna Kumar. : Philosophy of User Education. New Delhi,
Vikas, 1983.
Guha, B. : Documentation and Information Service, Techniques
and Systems, Rev. ed. 2, Calcutta, World Press, 1983.
Katz, William A. : Introduction to Reference Work. vols. 1-2, New
York, Mc Graw Hill, 1969.
Kent, AK : Information as power, ASLIB proceedings. 31(1),
Krishna Kumar : Reference service. New Delhi; Vikas 1994
Mukharjee, AK. : Reference Work and its Tools. ed. 3, Calcutta, World
Press, 1975.
Olle, James G. : A Guide to Sources of Information in Libraries.
Aldershot Hants, UK, Gower, 1984.
Parasher, RG : Information and its Communication. New Delhi,
Medallion Press, 1991
Rajan, TN: ed : Indexing systems concepts models and techniques.
Calcutta, IASLIC
Roeley, JE and Truner, CMD : The dissemination of information. London, Ardere
Deutsch, 1978
Seetharama, S : Guide lines for planning of libraries and information
centres, Calcutta, IASLIC, 1990
Shera, Jesse H. : Documentation and the Organization of Knowledge.
ed. by D.J. Foskett. London; Crosby Lack Wood,
Shera, Jesse H : The foundation of education for Librarianship. New
York, Wiley Becker, 1972
Vickery, BC. : Information Systems. London, Butter Worths, 1973.
Vishwanathan, CG. : Elements of Information Science, New Delhi, Today
and Tomorrow, 1976.

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

LISc. 569: Internships in Library and Information Science

Credit: 3
Teach Hrs.: 48

Students will be sent to do internships to observe and practice in real world work experiences
in the LIS and related institutions in LIS and related works in different type of

The Internship is a 3-credit work experience in the fourth semester. During internships,
students’ will get a professional field with the opportunity to work in a professional
environment under the supervision of an experienced librarian or information specialist
or alike with the guidance of a faculty member. This opportunity allows students to
integrate the theory and knowledge of course content with the application of principles
and practices in a work environment, including these specific objectives:
- To gain practical experience based on the understanding and application of
theoretical knowledge.
- To observe the analysis of and solutions to problems arising in professional
work settings.
- To interact with colleagues in a professional work environment.
- To participate in a representative range of professional activities in the work
- To develop a professional self-awareness.
Students have the freedom and responsibility to choose the institution or the Central
Department will choose the institution that best meets student interests and career goals.
However, while students choose the institution, the Central Department has to give
approval. Students initiate the process by identifying library or information centers of
interest to them, contacting staff at the institution to identify a potential institute and
meeting with the institutional head/related personnel to discuss the parameters of the
Internship. Students also identify and meet with their teacher to secure Central
Department’s approval for the Internship. In order to allow sufficient time to make
proper internship arrangements, students should begin the process in the prior to the
semester. After the completion of the internship, student has to submit internship report
as per the format prescribed by the Central Department. The internship will be evaluated
by the institution where the student does internship, the supervisor from Central
Department and the Central Department/Board evaluate by 25, 25 and 50% of marks
after the presentation of the report. The duration of internship is 1 month in general.

TU Library & Information Science Syllabus Third Semester

LISc. 570: Thesis

Credit: 6

Library Science students have to do thesis equivalent to 6 credits compulsorily. As

Librarians, particularly in academic, research institutions have to do work academically,
writing thesis is the must to develop research and analytical capabilities. So that LIS
professionals should be able to teach and guide in research process of researchers. The thesis
should be prepared as per the format provided by the Central Department. The thesis should
be submitted before examination of fourth semester.


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