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Answer-1: Column1 Column2 Donations Moving Average Forecasting Absolute Squared

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a) Averaging Forecasting Method:

Column1 Column2 Donations Average Forecasting Absolute Squared

Year Quarter Data Forecast Error Error Error
2015 1 240
2015 2 280 240 40 40 1600
2015 3 256 260 -4 4 16
2015 4 347 259 88 88 7803
2016 1 255 281 -26 26 663
2016 2 293 276 17 17 303
2016 3 264 279 -15 15 210
2016 4 356 276 80 80 6332
2017 1 268 286 -18 18 338
2017 2 282 284 -2 2 5
2017 3 270 284 -14 14 199
2017 4 376 283 93 93 8683
2018 1 291

b) Moving Average Forecasting Method

Column1 Column2 Donations Moving average Forecasting Absolute Squared

Year Quarter Data Forecast Error Error Error
2015 1 240
2015 2 280
2015 3 256
2015 4 347
2016 1 255 281 -26 26 663
2016 2 293 285 9 9 72
2016 3 264 288 -24 24 564
2016 4 356 290 66 66 4389
2017 1 268 292 -24 24 576
2017 2 282 295 -13 13 176
2017 3 270 293 -23 23 506
2017 4 376 294 82 82 6724
2018 1 299

c) Exponential Smoothing

Column1 Column2 Donations Actual Forecasting Absolute Squared
Year Quarter Data Forecast Error Error Error
2015 1 240 291 -51 51 2559
2015 2 280 260 20 20 391
2015 3 256 272 -16 16 259
2015 4 347 262 85 85 7151
2016 1 255 313 -58 58 3384
2016 2 293 278 15 15 217
2016 3 264 287 -23 23 534
2016 4 356 273 83 83 6849
2017 1 268 323 -55 55 3014
2017 2 282 290 -8 8 63
2017 3 270 285 -15 15 231
2017 4 376 276 100 100 9985
2018 1 336

d) MAD and MSE

Averaging Forecasting Method:
MAD 36
MSE 2377

Moving Average Forecasting Method

MAD 33
MSE 170

Exponential Smoothing
MAD 44
MSE 2886

The method whose MSE and MAD are lowest, those are considered as best, here Moving
Average forecasting method MSE and MAD are lowest. So, it would be best method for
Dar-ul-Sukoon Foundation.
e) In each forecasting method, the results obtained are higher. In each technique, the
forecasting result of quarter 1 of 2018 is higher than the quarter 4 of 2017.
From the above forecasting and the graph shown in excel file shows that there are
seasonality peaks in Donations. That is, every year in quarter 4, the donations are at peak.

Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management is the act of achieving a benchmark level of quality through
formulating a quality policy, quality planning, quality assurance and quality control for quality
improvement. It is a process to ensure that all work aims toward the common goal of improving
product quality or service. It ensures that the products and services that are delivered should be
of high quality. It manages the entire organization from supplier to customers. It increases the
company’s efficiency and productivity which helps the company to earn greatest profits.
The Seven Concepts for an effective TQM are:
 Continuous improvement
 Six Sigma
 Employee empowerment
 Benchmarking
 Just-in-time (JIT)
 Taguchi concepts
 Knowledge of TQM tools
It is related to Demings 14 points because it’s about training and improving all employees,
quality of products, having everyone work together, and cutting costs of production. The concept
of Deming’s is about quality, employee empowerment so is the Total quality management they
are related in terms of long term profits for organization. It embraces quality throughout the
organization and it is focusing on leadership which says to understand their suppliers and the
processes they use. There must be coordination between employees and supervisors and group of
employees should meet regularly to solve problems of organizations and also to develop new
strategies which can help in achieving higher revenues for companies. They are mainly related in
terms quality improvement and organization revenues.
The Nissan Leaf: With environmental concerns growing among consumers, rising gasoline
prices and a desire for a reliable vehicle, Nissan embarked on becoming the first to develop an
electric vehicle. The Nissan Leaf was rolled out for public purchase in 2008. Nissan has
remained a leader in the electric vehicle market.

Product Development System:

The Product Development System is an organizational system that manages both
the product portfolio and each individual product development
The nine steps of product development system are:

 Ideas
 Ability
 Customer Requirements
 Functional Specifications
 Product Specifications
 Design Review
 Test Market
 Introduction
 Evaluation
As the demand of technology is rising, companies are trying to give highest benefits in one
gadget. Nowadays, mobile phones have all the features of all big gadgets. As the demand of
mobile phone is rising, companies are trying to give many benefits in just single phone.
To first design a mobile phone, companies must use their research and development department
to see what the current demand of customers are and what is in their mind related to mobile
phone. They can search for ideas from their own company managers or from outside the
company like from customers or competitors.
After the collection of multiple ideas, they just see the ability that are they able to implement it
or not. The screen out the ideas that are feasible and achievable for the company.
Once the screening is done , they see the customer requirements like many customers nowadays
want a mobile phone with good features like Camera, Ram etc. they don’t want to carry heavy
cameras for photography , they just want their mobile phone to do all these things. So companies
should make something which is as per their requirements. They just find out the requirements of
customers for a mobile phone.
Later, they need to describe the functional specifications that what features they need to build
and why. What functions they are intend to build in the phone that are as per the requirements of
customer needs.
After that, they provides a set of requirements to product teams the information they need to
build out new features or functionality.
Then, a design review is evaluated against its requirements in order to verify the outcomes of
previous activities and identify issues before committing to - and if need to be re-priorities -
further work. They evaluate the designs they make with the requirements of customers whether it
is according to that or not, if design is not approved they just remade it.
Once the design review is approved they test the product with the limited people where the see
whether it is worth it or not, they ask the people to test the product and give honest reviews
whether this product should be launched in the market or not

Finally, after the testing process, the product/mobile phone is launched in the market with all the
specifications and requirements that were discussed earlier
After launching, the marketer finally has real market data about how the product performs in the
wild, outside the test environment. And are the customers really satisfied with the new product
which is made according to their specifications and requirements. That is how a mobile is
launched and then evaluated on the basis of their features and also it is compared with other
phones and checked thoroughly.

Answer 4
The continental Biscuits Ltd Production uses Manufacturability and Value Engineering to
improve their functions like reduce costs, improve operations. They can improve operations cost
by using manufacturability and value engineering by bringing automation, they can improve the
efficiency by converting all the functions on machines as in the number of developed counties.
They will also save the cost and time by bring improvement in their supply chain and inventory
management. They ought to choose the just in time inventory system as they only buy raw
material which is going to be utilized in short span of time, this will help to reduce the inventory storage
cost. They can also apply this to their finished products. As the products are being dispatched
through all over the country and also they export the certain products so they should hire expert
from the supply chain industry or outsource this facility from reputable company. They can also
improve efficiency by training their employees regarding the new technological changes and
involve them in decision making. They are also improving in productions because they are
always responsible towards the society. Their factory tries to maximize eco-efficiency like they
increase the production while minimizing the resources consumption, waste and emission. As the
employees are involved in the manufacturing process decisions it will bring the efficiency and
reduce the waste. The company can also go for such material in the packaging which is easily
dissolve in the earth or can be recycled by doing this this would reduce the soil pollution and also
lower the cost for the company.

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