Article 10 Mandatory Appendices: Appendix I - Bubble Test - Direct Pressure Technique I-1000
Article 10 Mandatory Appendices: Appendix I - Bubble Test - Direct Pressure Technique I-1000
Article 10 Mandatory Appendices: Appendix I - Bubble Test - Direct Pressure Technique I-1000
I-1076 1998 SECTION V II-1073
I-1076 Indication of Leakage (c) The bubble forming solution shall be compatible
with the temperature conditions of the test.
The presence of continuous bubble growth on the
surface of the material indicates leakage through an
orifice passage(s) in the region under examination. II-1032 Vacuum Box
The vacuum box used shall be of convenient size
I-1077 Post-Test Cleaning [e.g., 6 in. (152 mm) wide by 30 in. (762 mm) long]
After testing, surface cleaning may be required for and contain a window in the side opposite the open
product serviceability. bottom. The open bottom edge shall be equipped with
a suitable gasket to form a seal against the test surface.
Suitable connections, valves, lighting, and gage shall
I-1080 EVALUATION be provided. The gage shall have a range of 0 psi
(0 kPa) to 15 psi (103 kPa), or equivalent pressure
(a) Unless otherwise specified by the referencing units such as 0 in. Hg to 30 in. Hg. The gage range
Code Section, the area under test is acceptable when limit requirements of T-1031(a) do not apply.
no continuous bubble formation is observed.
(b) When leakage is observed, the position of the
leak(s) shall be marked. The component will then be II-1033 Vacuum Source
depressurized, and the leak(s) repaired as required by
the referencing Code Section. After repairs have been The required vacuum can be developed in the box
made, the repaired area or areas shall be retested in by any convenient method (e.g., air ejector, vacuum
accordance with the requirements of this Appendix. pump, or motor intake manifold). The gage shall register
a partial vacuum of at least 2 psi (4.1 in. Hg) (13.8 kPa)
below atmospheric pressure or the partial vacuum re-
quired by the referencing Code Section.
II-1010 SCOPE II-1071 Surface Temperature
The objective of the vacuum box technique of bubble As a standard technique, the temperature of the
leak testing is to locate leaks in a pressure boundary surface of the part to be examined shall not be below
that cannot be directly pressurized. This is accomplished 40°F (4°C) nor above 125°F (52°C) throughout the
by applying a solution to a local area of the pressure examination. Local heating or cooling is permitted
boundary surface and creating a differential pressure provided temperatures remain in the range of 40°F
across that local area of the boundary causing the (4°C) to 125°F (52°C) during the examination. Where it
formation of bubbles as leakage gas passes through is impractical to comply with the foregoing temperature
the solution. limitations, other temperatures may be used provided
that the procedure is demonstrated.
II-1031 Bubble Solution II-1072 Application of Solution
(a) The bubble forming solution shall produce a film The bubble forming solution shall be applied to the
that does not break away from the area to be tested, surface to be tested by flowing, spraying, or brushing
and the bubbles formed shall not break rapidly due to the solution over the examination area before placement
air drying or low surface tension. The number of of the vacuum box.
bubbles contained in the solution should be minimized
to reduce the problem of discriminating between existing
II-1073 Vacuum Box Placement
bubbles and those caused by leakage.
(b) Soaps or detergents designed specifically for The vacuum box shall be placed over the solution
cleaning shall not be used for the bubble forming coated section of the test surface and the box evacuated
solution. to the required partial vacuum.