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Chennai - JTO (T) LICE Que Paper - 2013

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, .

PARTA Total Marks:50

i.' Adversity' means /'
v --/
a)Failure b)Helplessness c)Misfortune d)Crisis

'2JEmbezzle' mean~
~ a)Misappropriate b)Balance c)Remunerate d)Clear
, "

I 3.1he oppo~e of 'Exodus' is

a)lnfiovY b)Home-coming c)Return d)Restoration
. 4.The opposite of 'Belittle' is
. a)Criticize b)Flatter c)~gerate d)Adore
I S.Whichone is the correct sentence amongst the following
I a)Hefound a wooden broken chair in the room
I b)Hefound a wooden and broken chair in the room
've)ffefound a broken wooden chair in the room ~
d)Hefound a broken and wooden chair
6. The question given consist of 2 words which have a certain relationship to
each other followed by 4 pairs of related words. Select the pair which has
the same relationship
Pork :Pig /
a)rooster: chicken ~utton: sheep c)steer: beef. d)lobster :crustacean
7.FiIIup the blank of the sentence given below with correct word of the 4
alternatives given below the sentence.
"Ifyou smuggle goods into the country, they may be by the

Customsauthority" V
a)possessed b)punished ~nfiscated d)fined
. 8.Correctthe sentence replacingthe phraseunderlinedbyone of the options
givento make it grammatically correct

"Theman to who Isold my house was a cheat"

a)to whomIsell b)to who Isell c)whowas soldto ~whom
. ~ Isold

9. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence..

That which cannot be correct~ L

. a)Unintelligible ~indelible c)illegible Ct)incorrigible
10. Pickout the most effective word(s) from the given words to fillin the bl
make the sentence meaningfullycomplete.
c,tching the earlier trai~ gives us the to do some shoppinl
va)chance b)luck vCfPossibility d)occasion
11.'10leavesomeone inthe lurch I means
a)Tocome to compromise with someone
b)Constant source of annoyance to someone
c)Toput someone at ease
v-d)Todesert someone in hisdifficulties /
12.TheJ?roverb"Enough is enough" means /
U!(fhat is enough, and there should be no more' /
b) Becontent with what you have
c) Don't yield to pressure
d) Don't aspire beyond your merits

~cessive w~at b)Exccessive
is correctly spelt
c) Exxcessive d) Excesive
14.Findthe part of speech of the underlined word
Shamaand Radhawere playingtogether -" /'
a)verb b)preposition c)noun d) conjunction ~/
15.Givethe tense of the followi~gsentence
Hewas admitted in the hospital in a coma condition
a)present tense vlffPast tense c)Future tense d)None
16.Findout the alternative which willreplace the question mark.
Flow:River::Stagnant:? ./
a)Rain b)Stream 40dl d)Canal


.17.Choose the best the alternative to the underlined part of the give~!sentence
to improvethe sentence

Hispowerful desire brought about his downfall/ I

~is intense desire b)Hisdesire for power c)Hisfatal d~sire

d)No improvement
lS.Choose the correct meaning of the proverb/idiom given below
To be above board
a)Tohave a good height
\A:ff 0 have no debts
~ be honest in any businessdj.1
d)To try to be beautiful

19. Choosethe one from the given4 alternatives that can be substit~~d for the
word/sentence given below.
"Listof the business or subjects to be considered at)l-ffieeting"
a)Schedule b)Timetable ~enda/ d) Plan

Read the following paragraph and answer the question[20-25~ below the
paragraph I

Today perhaps your only association with the word 'polio' is the Sa~ir Oral Vaccine that
protects children from the disease. Fiftyfive years ago this was not S~.I e,
The dreaded disea~
whichmainlyaffects the brain and spinal cord, causing stiffening andl~eakening ofmuscl~s, ..

crippling and paralysis - which is Why I am in a wheelchair to~ay. If somebody had

predicted, when I was born, that this would happen to me, no one qUld have believed it. I
was seventh child in a family of fo ur pairs of brothers and sisters, ith hug~ 23 year gap
between the first and last. I was so fair and brown haired that I I oked
. ~ .

more look like a

foreigner than a Dawood Bohri. I was also considered to be the healt~~est of the brood
20. Inhischildhood,the narrator ~ i
a) a weakling ~ hea~ c)talland slim d) short and sto~t
21. Inthispassage,the word I brood'refers t~ / I

a) poliovictims b) foreign children ~ildren in'the family d) ~ndianchildren

22.The narrator was the seventh child in a familyof

a)"S ~ ~ b) 16 children c) 23 children d) 4 children

23. Inthis passage,the narrator isa pati~ of /'
. a)heart disease . vb)polio /'
c)paralysis d)nervous weakness
24.1nhis childhood, the narrator looked IImore a foreigner than a
Dawood Bohri".This was be~ he was
a)a foreign child 'viS)a very healthy boy 'I--
... ,
j,: ~"'~...
c)tall and smart d)fair and brown haired4
25.What is the Vaccine for prote . n of children from polio?
(a)Quina ~Sabin oral v cine c)Pencilin d)MMRvaccine
26.Thegas usuallyfilled in electric bulb is
a)Nitrogen ~ydrogen c)Carbondioxide d)Oxygen
27;Atf3rtzcrystals normally used in quartz clocksetc. is chemically
~Silicon dioxide b)germaniumoxide
. c)mixture of Silicondioxide and germanium oxide ~Sodium SilicatE
28.The hardest substance available}>nearth is ./
a)Gold b)lron \£fDiamondV d)Platinum

~ 29.Galvanisediron sheets have a coating of /'

a)lead b)Chromium c)zinc d)tin

30.C~bon ,dia~ and graphite are together called

v4)allotropes b)isomers c)isobars d)isotopes
gl.Pe9J1anent hardne of water can be removed by the addition of
\."a1Sodiumcar 0 te b)alum c)potassium permanganate
. (
32.Gravitysetting chambers are used i . ustries to remove
a)SOx b)NOx c)susp.
, ded particulate matter d)O
33.GuwahatiHighCourtis the judicatureof
a)Tripura b)ArunachalPradesh ~ssam d)AIIthe three ,
-- 34. Fire Temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion
a)Taoism b)Judaism c)Shintoism --d)Zorastrianismv
35.Who was the first Indian O1ief Of the Army Staff of the Indian Army 7
~en.K.M.Kariappa ~ . b)Vice-AdmiralR.D.Katari
c)Maharaja Rajendra Singh d)None of the above

36.Wherewas OsamaBin Laden~ountered to death? /
- a)Kabulin Afghanisthan 'tbf Abbottabad in Pakisth~ (c) POK (d)Khattar
~ 37}IFA 2014 is going to ~ held at
...~, a)Russia b)BraziV c)SouthAfrica d)China

38.Coralreefs in India can be found in ,./

a)the coastof Orissa b)Waltair "t)Rameshwaram
/ (d)Trivandrum
39.Thepasslocated ~e southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in South India is called
~e Palghat~-- --b)The Bhorghat pass c)TheThalghat pass d)The Bolanpass

'. ~'Q)rh~rinciPal copperdepositsof Indialie in whichof the following places

va1Hazaribaghand Singbhum of Bihar
b)Khetriand Daribo areasof Rajasthan
c)Anantapurin Andhra Pradesh
d) Siwalikin Uttar Pradeshand in Karnataka

~he YarlungZanbo river,in Inj.ia, is known a~ /

~ a)Ganga b)lndus ~rahmaputra7 d)Mahanadi
42.TheRadcliffeLine is a boundary between
a)lndiaand Pakistan/' b)lndia and China
~dia and Myanmar d)lndia and Afghanistan
. ~~~ state having a largest area of forest cover in India is /
a)ArunachalPradesh b)Haryana '-C)'MadhyaPrades~
~ d)Assam
44."he manof the series of the ICCWorld CupCricket in 2012 is
... a)M.S.Dhoni b)Yuvaraj Singh c)Mahele Jayawardane d)Gambhir
45.1nthe question given ,find out the alternative which will replace?
\4Pyo~a b)Cataract c)Trachoma d)Eczema
46. In the seriesgiven below ,what will be the next no in the Question mark?
a)10101 b)10201 c)10202
~ d) 11012
\/47.A woman says,"If you reverse my own age,the figure represents my husband'sage. He
is ,of course,senior to me and the difference between our agesis one~leventh of
their sum."Thewoman's age is(- /
a)23years b)34years ~~rs d)Noneof thethree

" 48.Findthe number of triangles in the figure given below

. ,~ a)5 b)6 c)8 ~ /
\ ~hiCh word does not belong wit~ the others?
. a)guitar b)fluy c)violin '1f)cello
'-" , 50.Pickthe odd man out inthe seriesgivenbelow
c)24 d)30
~~\~ v428 vAi)21

PARTB Total Marks:l00

loin DOSwhat file contains c9)'1mands that configure systems device~?

a) \.91Config.sys c)Autoexe.bat d) win.ini
2.RS-232 is a standard that applies to
a)Serial ports b)Paraliel ports c)game ports ~etwor~
, 3. Whichbus is bidirectional in 8086?
a)Data bus ~ontrol bus c)Address bus d)Multiplex~d bus
4.The brain of any computer systeJP is
a)ALU B)Memory 4CPU d)Control Unit

@he technique of assigning a memory address to each I/O device in SAM system is
ca lied
a)wired I/O b)I/O mapping c)dedicated I/O d) memqry mapped I/O
6.T~rganize files in a disk, MS-DOSseparates them into areas called!
vafdirectories b)buckets c)areas d)area directorie~
(7\vhich isvalidkeywordin JAVA?
~ interface b) string c) float d) unsigned

~hat tool is used to test serial and parallel ports of a computer?

" [a)Highvolt probe b)cable scanner ~op backs(wrapplugs) d)\sniffer


(i)A function that returns no values to a program that caUsit in Cis
\A1not allowed in C @type void c)type empty d)type barren
rIb::Aprocedure definition in Pascal consists of
~ a header, local declarations and a body of the procedure
.. .b) a headerand body of the procedure
c) collectionof statements that defines what the procedure does
d)Typedeclaration and subroutines
11.1n80386 DX-20(Version of 8086) running at fullspeed, the duration of each 'I'
state in a bus cycle is
~ ns b)50 J.1S c)2°J.ts d)20 ns

~e co-processorsignalgivento 8086(8386DX)
13.1dentifythe highest priority interr~t ~6
a)Externalhardware interrupt ~on maskable interrupt
c)Software interrupt d)lnternal interrupt and exceptions

@e databus of 8086 is
~16 bit wide b)8 bit wide c)32 bit wide d)4 bit wide
\. ~
INTEL8259 IC (Programmable Interrupt Controller) the pins CASOthrough
CAS2 are meant for
a) Combiningmultiple interrupt input sources into a single interruptoutput to the
host microprocessor .

b) Cascadingbetween 8259 s
. c) Communicatingthe interrupt levelor vectoroffset
~nterrupt request and interrupt acknowledgementpurpose
f /" ~6flr an ADC0808 ICinterfaced with 8086 processor,the following signalwill be
\.. issuedafter SOCto markthe completionofADCprocess
~-q)ALE b)EOC c)HLT d)OUT
I 17.1\1 the giveninstructionfor 8086,
MOV AH,[BX][SI]+1234H
identify the addressing mode
a)Base addressing mode b)lndex addressing mode
c) Register addressing mode d)Baseindexaddressingmode
"t .

I r

'",-'" ,

, 8
18jr\itiation of DMA process is carried out by the issue of the following sigmal

,::> G2) translator which converts High Level Language to machine code is '

", ' .,,',' , a)ParservtffAssembler @Compiler d) Macro, '

, "~deadlock situation can arise in which of the followingcondition of a process,

, a)Mutual exclusion and hold &wait
b)Circularwait and preemption
c)Circularwait and no preemption
"'" " d)8oth (a) and (c) " '

, , '@ditlng of OS and Customization Is possible in

Linux (b)Windows c)DOS d)UNIX
, "

' ','
" '
, 22. agingis a memorymanagementscheme'thatenables
\)I}fermltting the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous
b)Avoidingexternal fragmentation and the need for compaction
c) ' . .

d)Both(a)and (b) ,

~ macro definition consists of .

" ',a)macro prot<?typestate~ent and one or more model statement
" b)Macropreprocessorstatement,
and (b)
stored in its
, 24.~">Personal Computer the BIOSis
" \.@ROM b)RAM,C)Hard Disk d)Externalmemory ,

25.DynamicHost Configuration Protocol[DHCP] . '

a)isthe same'as bootp v

b)usesstaticallocationof IPaddresses , \:- (pJ-f ~

d'" ," c)helpsprevent conflicts between assigned IP addresses ~\\ '"

.~SsignS IPaddresses, whichwhen allocated,cannot be reused

, ("~ow manydigitsof the DNIC(DataNetworkIdentificationCode)identifythe
, ~ country?, '

,/@first three b)first four, c)firstfive d)first six

another LANvia the device
~mes from one LANcan be transmitted to
AJ'°uter @Bridge c)Repeater d)Modem


~hich of the following TCP/IP protocol is ~sed for transferring electronic mail
l?~essages from one machine to another?
29.Which of the following TCP/IP protocol allows an application program on one
machine to send a datagram tg;ln application program on another machine?
a)UDP b)VMTP ~)X.25 d)SMTP
30.ARP uses Broadcast mechanism to try to find
a)a host's (of a LANnetwork) Ethernet address
~host's (of a LAN network) IPaddress of a LANnetwork
c)to display the entries in the ARPcache
d)None of the above

@NMP(SimPle Network Management Protocol) is

@a standard TCP/IP protocol for network management
. b)connectionless layer 4 protocol providinga simple and unreliable message
service for transaction-oriented services.
c)a TCP/IP protocol to synchronize the time between the computers of a network
d)TCP/IP protocol to handling errors in the computer network
32. DNS(Domain Name System) client side is called
a)DNSserver ~NS resolver ~ame server d)WINS
~carrier wave of frequency 10 MHz and peak value 10V is amplitude modulated
~y a 5 kHzsine wave of amplitude 6V.The modulation ind~ is
a)1.66 b)O.3 c )0.6 d)O.66
34.Frequency modulation is advantageous for
~crease of SIN ratio without increasing transmitted power
b)Easy suppression of certain forms of interference
c)Avoiding the need for large amounts of modulating power
d) Allthe above three
35.AJPplitude limiters are used in FM receivers to
vf)to eliminate amplitude modulation and amplitude modulated noise in received
signals before detection
\ b)to eliminate amplitude modl!lated ,noise in received signals before detection.
. c)to eliminate amplitude modulation of received signals before detection
d)to increase the sensitivity of the FM receiver
-- --

36.As per Shannon's Sampling theorem, iffs is the sampling frequency and W,the

i est frequency in the modulating signal, "

fs =2W b)fs>2W c) fs?-2W d) fs~2W

37 e equalizer filter following the DAC block of PCM receiver
a)provide the expansion necessary to compensate for the compression applied
at the transmitter
b)compensates for the aperture distortion introduced by flat-top sampling
c)to eliminate quantization noise
"d)to a~oid Inter Symbol Interference
38.Quantization error is
~ ~ifference between the quantized level and peak signal input
b)the difference between the quantized level and the analog input
c)the difference between the quantized level and any value between peak to peak
d) None of the above .

@istri.bute.d Bragg Reflector(DBR) las~r diodes are used in Wavelength Division

Multlplexmg Systems because of their
a)Very narrow spectral width
b)Hign power output
c)Very narrow 3 dB Band width
d)Nonlinearity of output power over the working spectrum
40.A~r che Photo Diodes are used in Optical Rec~ivers because of their
multiplication gain

" b)GoQdnoise performance

c)High Sensitivity

@he parameters C/N and SIN are

a)Exactly same and equal to ratio of Signal to Noise Power
b)While C/N is ratio of Signal(Carrier) to Noise power in RF range, SIN is ratio of
Signal to Noise power in AlJdio range
c)While C/N is ratio of Signal(Carrier) to Noise power in Audio range, SIN is ratio
of Signal to Noise power in RFrange
d)Both:are ratio of Signal to Noise power in RFrange


42.The lNA at the front end of the Receiver of a Satellite Communication System is
~n amplifier with a high gain and low Noise.Figure(NF)
b) a high gain amplifier with high Noise Figure
c) a high gain and large Bandwidth
d) a low gain and high Noise Figure amplifier
43.Whith of the following is a data-base administrator's function?
a)data base design b)backing up the data base c)performance monitoring and
user coordination ~I (a),(b) and (c)

~ SQl, which command is used to make permanent changes made by statements issue
since the beginning of a transaction?

@e relational model uses some unfamiliarterminology. A tuple is equivalent to a .

a)record b)field c)file d)data base
46.The database management system which is able to handle full text data,image data
audio and video is . . ./ .
a)Fullmedia b)Graphicsmedia @Multimedia 'd}Hypertext

47.Data, Definition language (DOL)is used to

a)create and destroy data bases and data base objects ~te data bases and
'\ data base objects (c)destroy data bases and data base objects (d)None of the three

@ top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a

a)Hierarchical schema
b)Network schema
c) Relational schema
d)AIIof the above
49.Normalisation in DBMS usually involves
a)Dividing large tables into smaller(and less redundant) tables
~iding large tables into smaller (and less redundant) tables and defining
relationship between them
c)Extending the data base structure
d)None of the above

50. e goal of Concurrency Control in multiuser database management system is to
a)prevent interference among users who are simultaneously accessing a database
b)to allow one by one access among the multiple users accessing same database
c)to allow only one user to access a common database simultaneously requested
by fTloreusers
d)authorize only one user for medication of contents of a database commonly
acc~ssible to many users .

51.The f~nctional between SRflip-flop and JKflip-flop is that

a)JKflip-flop is faster than SRflip-flop
vbf.JKtlip-flop has a feed back path
c) JKflip-flopaccepts both inputs 1
d)JKflip-flop does not require external clock
52.ln which code successive code characters differ in only one bit position?
~gray code b)excess 3 code c)8421 code d)algebraic code
53.Whel') used with an IC,what does the term "QUAD"indicate?
a)2 cirtuits ~ircuits c)6 circuits d)8 circuits
54.TTLoperates from a /'
a)9-volt supply \ supply c)12-volt supply d)5-volt supply is specified in terms of
a)volt~ge b)current c)wattage .~nit loads
56.The followingwaveform
I pattern is for a(n) ,. roo \..


B~ \ )
XJ1J!l-IlIWlfLfl ~
a)2-input ANDgate b)2-input OR gate c)Exclusive-ORgate d)2-input NORgatel
57.Synchronous counters eliminate the delay problems encountered with
asynGhronous counters because

a) tie input clock pulses are applied only to the first and last stages
b) the input clock pulses are applied only to the last stage

c) thle input clock pulses are not used to activate any of the counter stages

~th'e input clock pulses are applied simultaneously to each stage


58.Most demultiplexers facilitate wh!sb--type of conversion?
a)dec~mal-to-hexadecimal ~ingle input, multiple outputs
c)ac to de d )odd parity to even parity

59.The group of bits 11001 is serially shifted(right-most bit first) into 5-bit parallel.
output shift register with an initial state 01110.After three clock pulses the register

~~;;:~;~~-- c)00101 d)OOl10

60.ln tr~e construction which is the sui~le efficient data structure?

b)linked list
'4Stack d)Queue

61.Sortipgis not possibleby usingwhich of the following m~ods ?

a)lnse\rtion b)Selection c)Exchange '1fjDeletion
~2Jn O~enaddressing(closedhashing)the method used include'
a)Overflow block vtS}linked list c)Binary tree @Array

63.W~icr. is the simplest file structure?

d)None of the three
\@1Seqluential. b)lndexed - c)Random
64.A sp~nning tree is a tree associated with a
varnetwork @graph c)Array d)None of the three
65.Data structure used to perform 'recursion' is
a)Array @Stack c)Linked List d)Queue
66.The method
used to place a value on the top of.a stack is
a)Push b)Pop c)push &Pop d)None of the three
67.A 1-rriA meter movement with an internal resistance of 100 Ohm is to be converted

into ~ 0-100 mA JJnmeter.T~e value of the shunt resistancerequired is

a)l qhm \Bf1.01 Ohm c)2 Ohm d)2.01 Ohm
68.Sensitivity of an voltmeter is essentially
a)Thelfull scale deflect~on current of the basic movement
b)Reciprocal of the full scale deflection current of the basic movement
~uracy of the voltmeter '

d)No~e of the above


69)The Maxwell bridg~ measures the value of

a)Unkn<;>wninductance in terms of a known capacitance
\/b)the inductance of high-Q coils
c)unknown capacitors d)None of the above

"'---0 14
~ he ~issipation factor of a capacitor is measured by
a)Maxwell bridge b)Hay bridge c)Kelvin bridge d)Schering bridge
71.Digit~1Multimeter known as DVOMis used for measurement of

a)dc and ac voltages as well as current and for their digital display
~c and ac voltages as well as current and resistance and for their digital display
c)dc 1nd ac voltages as well as current and resistance and for their analog display
d)dc ~nd ac voltages as well as current and for their analog display
72.M rement of RFPower by RFvoltmeter is done by

re ifyingthe ac RFvoltageand amplifyingthe resultin~dc output
b)Ve tor Voltmeter
c)Q teter d)Vector impedance meter
73.Asuperior method of trace storage for prolonged duration is facilitated by

a)Sa~pling Oscilloscope b)Storage Oscilloscope

~gital Storage Oscilloscope d)ConventionalOscilioscope
~I_~e ~undamental difference between the output of a pulse generator a
squafe-wave generator when the frequency of oscillation is varied is
a)The!duty cycle of the square-wave generator output remains constant at 50%
constant while that of pulse generator varies
b)Thelduty cycle of the output of both the generator remains at 50% "

c)The\duty cycle of the pulse generator output remains constant at 50% while that
of the square wave generator varies
d)Thelduty cycle of output of both the generators varies
75.For a\forward biased diode, the barrier potential as temperature

I a)deoreases b)remains constant ~c)increases
I d)inc~easesand then decreases
I . .
16.There is a small amount of current across the barrier of a 'reverse biased diode.
This current is called
a)forward-bias current b)reverse breakdown current
I c)conventional current vd1feverse leakage current
77.Fpr a given transistor, determine the value of a when ~ =100
v1l)1.01 b)101 c)0.99
d)cannot be solved with information provided

"""-.....- .j

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