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Guide On Outcome-Based Security Contracts: Sector Lead

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Sector Lead:

Supported by:


SECURITY SERVICES ..................................................................... 1


SERVICES..................................................................................... 2


SECTION 4 – EXAMPLES ................................................................................ 19

SECTION 4-2 SAMPLE SCOPE OF WORK FOR SECURITY OBC ........................... 24
SECTION 4-4 TENDER EVALUATION ................................................................. 39

The Security Industry Transformation Map (ITM) was launched in February 2018. The
ITM’s vision is to build a vibrant, technologically advanced and competitive security industry
that delivers better security for Singapore and better jobs for Singaporeans. One key strategy
to achieving this, is to transform the industry to rely less on manpower by leveraging

This Guide on Outcome-Based Security Contracts is a step towards achieving this

vision. It aims to give service buyers step-by-step advice on how to write an outcome-based
contract. This is important, because when buyers tender for services based on security
outcomes rather than a fixed number of headcounts, security companies can innovate and
deliver more productive solutions that integrate manpower, technology and processes. This
can create better jobs, working conditions and employment terms for security officers.
Service Buyers also benefit from better value from higher quality services at lower long-term

In this guide, you will find practical examples, clauses and templates that can be
included in tender requirements. It also suggests performance management indicators to
measure outcomes, and templates to evaluate proposals based on price and quality. We
welcome feedback ( on the Guide, which will be
continually updated to keep it relevant.

The Security ITM Tripartite Committee thanks industry practitioners and tripartite
stakeholders, who provided valuable suggestions as we developed this guide. We are
confident that this guide will help service buyers who are keen to switch to outcome-based
contracts. Together, we can transform the security industry to keep Singapore safe and secure.

1.1. Outcome-Based Contracting (OBC) refers to service buyers specifying contract

requirements in terms of expected performance levels, rather than output levels. In contrast,
traditional output-based contracts specify fixed amounts of resources (e.g. manpower,
equipment) that the service provider needs to supply.

1.2. OBCs can lead to better solutions compared to output-based contracts. OBCs allow
providers to propose innovative security solutions that use less resources to meet desired
security outcomes, by taking advantage of technology and re-designing of work processes.
OBCs can improve cost-effectiveness and reduce manpower reliance. It is more sustainable
for buyers in the long term, given rising manpower costs.

1.3. This guide applies to security services to protect buildings and premises. It provides
buyers with guidelines and templates on how to adopt OBCs, from planning a tender to
evaluating bids. Buyers can adapt the guidelines and templates for their own requirements.

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Outcome- Performance- Quality Productivity Pricing to
Based Based Focused Enhancement Regular
Specifications Payment Evaluation Framework Contract

2. The key features of OBCs for security services are:

2.1. Outcome-Based Specifications

Outcome-based specifications describe security outcomes, operational parameters
and performance demands instead of just specifying output (e.g. headcount). This
gives providers the flexibility to offer the most effective solution by integrating
manpower, technology and operational processes.

 Refer to Section 3 on best practices to develop an outcome-based scope of work

and Section 4-2 for a sample scope of work for security OBC.

2.2. Outcome-Driven Performance

The performance of the providers shall be tracked against desired security outcomes.
A performance management matrix can be utilised and should include both
quantitative and qualitative metrics to assess the performance of the providers.
Buyers will need to formulate metrics that best meet their requirements in the
outcome-based specifications.

 Refer to Section 3 on best practices to implement outcome-driven performance

management and Section 4-3 for a sample performance evaluation matrix.

2.3. Quality-Focused Evaluation

Quality attributes should take on heavier weightage compared to price during
evaluation of an OBC. The emphasis on quality benefits providers who provide clear
and convincing explanations of how their proposal will achieve the desired outcomes.

 Refer to Section 3 on best practices to evaluate OBC and Section 4-4 for a sample
of tender evaluation report.

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2.4. Productivity Enhancement Framework
Continual process enhancements should be part of OBCs. As providers understand
operations better over time, they should be incentivised to propose changes which
are able to achieve the same security outcomes at lower cost and with more efficient
use of resources. That said, it is essential that providers understand that their
responsibilities and contractual service levels must be maintained when any such
proposal is implemented.

 Refer to Section 3 on best practices to enhance productivity in OBC and Section 4-

2 for a sample scope of work for security OBC.

2.5. Adaptive Pricing to Regular Contract Reviews

OBCs must have flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and government
regulations. By doing so, it allows risk to be shared between buyers and providers in a
fair and open manner. However, in cases where inflation-driven cost adjustment
formulas are applied, buyers should take into account the wage requirements under
the PWM, when considering any downward price adjustments (e.g. due to negative
economic conditions).

 Refer to Section 3 on best practices for adaptive pricing and Section 4-2 for a sample
scope of work for security OBC

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3 The security service procurement process typically consists of three stages. Buyers
should set reasonable timelines for each stage - pre-tender, tender drafting and
tender evaluation. As a general rule, at least three months should be set aside. This
section details the process and best practices for the different phases.

3.1 Pre-Tender Stage – Getting started on OBCs

3.1.1 Planning for procurement should be conducted as early as possible. This is when there
is the greatest potential to propose significant ways to enhance security and improve

a. Enhancing Security Operations Upstream. At the strategic level, buyers should

review opportunities to enhance security operations and derive productivity savings
through infrastructure development and demand aggregation. When new
infrastructure is built or existing infrastructure retrofitted, buyers can incorporate
security procedures, physical protection concepts and security technology into the
building’s security design and plans. Clustering security demand can also often achieve
better synergies in operations and resource efficiency. Clustering can be done
geographically (i.e. multiple sites within the same geographical location) or within an
organisation (i.e. different sites within the same organisation). Clustering needs to be
done with awareness of contracting timelines and provisions to allow smooth on-
boarding of the various sites. This should be planned at least a year before the tender
is called.

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b. Security Risk Assessment. It is important for buyers to be able to define security
outcomes and understand how security outcomes are being met when a proposal is
put forth in an OBC. Security risk assessments will provide buyers with an evaluation
of security risks in a given operating site through analysis of threats, vulnerability and
consequences. At least 3 months should be set aside if buyers are undertaking a
comprehensive security assessment outside of the Tender.

c. Market Surveys and Pre-Qualification of Providers. Buyers should assess

potential providers to determine their suitability to participate in the tender, through
a market survey or a Request for Information (RFI). Buyers should set aside at least
one month for this process, which will involve discussions with potential providers.
Buyers can consider pre-qualifying providers and invite them to bid for the tender.

3.2 Tender-Drafting Stage – Incorporating Outcome-Based Requirements in Tender


3.2.1 Buyers should incorporate outcome-based requirements into tender documents that
clearly communicate the expectations and standards expected from the providers.
The table below summarises the suggested best practices during tender drafting.

Section Practices Tender Instructions a. Security risk assessment
b. Operational model
c. Resource plan
d. Transition plan
e. Price schedule
f. Grading and accreditation
g. Company profile and experience
h. Evaluation criteria
i. Clarifications Scope of Work a. Contract duration

b. Area of coverage
c. Operational hours
d. Security outcomes
e. Other services
f. Surges and contingencies
g. Additional obligations Performance management a. Performance metrics

b. Performance evaluation matrix
c. Incentives for good performance
d. Service failure Pricing Model a. Fixed pricing model OR

b. Price review model

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Tender Instructions Tender instructions refer to instructions to guide providers in the submission of

information needed for evaluation. Instructions should be clearly laid out and
templates given whenever possible. There are seven broad categories of information
that buyers should include in an OBC tender instruction.

a. Security Risk Assessment. A security risk assessment needs to be done prior to

contracting. Buyers can consider two ways of building this into their procurement

Security Risk Assessments can be conducted in two ways:

(i) Separate/Comprehensive. This is a security assessment that is done

separately and before the tender for security services is called. It is a
comprehensive assessment of the infrastructure plans and operations,
done by external or in-house security consultants. The consultants will
propose desired security outcomes with a corresponding security
technology and operating concept plan. Deliverables could include draft
tender specifications which the buyer can use. As this assessment takes
time and is costlier, it is recommended mainly for buyers who have
complex, high-security or multiple premises to secure.

(ii) Integrated/Basic. This is a condensed security assessment which is

integrated into the tender process. It is best suited for buyers who have
smaller premises where such an assessment can be conducted by security
service providers as part of developing their tender bids. This security
assessment should provide the rationale and planning parameters for
proposed solutions, and how the solutions will meet the identified security

b. Operational Model. Buyers should request providers to submit a detailed

proposal on their operational model. The proposal should explain how the manpower,
processes, infrastructure and technology will be integrated effectively to mitigate
security risks identified by the security risk assessment as well as performance
demands specified in the tender documents.

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c. Resource Plan. Buyers should encourage providers to adopt technology and
work process that can maximise efficiency of their manpower to meet the stipulated
security outcomes. Should buyers require providers to use equipment that are owned
by the buyers, the list of equipment should be provided in the tender documents.
Buyers could also specify in the tender documents, any operating systems or
technology that they want the providers to use. Buyers may refer to the Productivity
Solutions Grant (PSG) website (
depot/en/psg.html) for a list of pre-approved technology solutions to include in their
requirements. Buyers should assess the providers submitted list of equipment,
materials, schedule of work and deployment proposal/plan for their suitability and

d. Transition Plan. Buyers should request providers to submit a transition plan to

show the timeline for operations to ramp up to full operational capability under the
proposed operating model. The plan should provide explanations on how change
management and technology deployments would be performed (if applicable) and
what measures would be implemented if transition plans goes beyond the buyers’
stated deployment timelines.

 Note:
Technology and infrastructural changes may require a transitional period
before full operational capability is achieved. The Tenderer must make
transition periods clear and explain how interim operations would be

e. Price Schedule. Buyers should define the baseline and ad-hoc or surge service
items for price submissions. This would form the basis for price assessment during the
tender evaluation stage. Ad-hoc or surge services should be offered as separate
scheduled rates as the frequency of recurrence is unknown. This removes the need
for providers to cater for capacity buffers in the price submission. Otherwise, buyers
will end up bearing the costs for provisions that are not utilised.

f. Grading and Accreditation. Every security agency has a grading from the Security
Agency Grading Exercise (SAGE) conducted by the Police Licensing and Regulatory
Department (PLRD). The grade of a security agency reflects its professionalism, ability
to delivery security outcomes and its track record in complying with employment laws.
Buyers are encouraged to specify the SAGE grading of providers required. This could
form part of the quality evaluation.

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g. Company Profile and Experience. Buyers can also request for additional
information related to the company profile and experience which could be factored
into evaluation. This should be worked out concurrently with the development of the
evaluation criteria and their parameters.

h. Evaluation Criteria. Buyers should communicate the evaluation criteria for the
tender in the tender documents. This offers transparency in the evaluation of
submitted proposals and will help providers in proposing the appropriate operational
model and resources to meet the security outcomes.

i. Clarifications. Buyers should include contact details of the procurement officers

should providers require further clarifications on the tender requirements and

Scope of Work This section states the key elements to be specified by the buyers in order for the
providers to plan and prepare the proposal for the required security services.

a. Contract Duration. Definition of the firm and optional contract period.

Establishing longer contract durations would translate to stable services and lower
amortised cost for use of technology solutions. Longer contract duration also helps
providers to retain talent who are familiar with the job requirements and working
environment, allows providers to invest in training, and provides a longer cost
recovery period for technology investment. As a guide, buyers can consider a contract
period of at least three years. Buyers can extend this to cover the nature of contract
extension (e.g. lead time to notify contract extensions) and how it will affect pricing
components (e.g. schedule rates and optional services)

Recommended contract duration

(i) Contract with less than S$1M estimated annual contract value should have
a minimum of a three-year firm contract period.
(ii) Contract with more than S$1M estimated annual contract value should
have a minimum of a five-year firm contract period, or three-year firm
contract period with two-year option period.

b. Area of Coverage. Definition of the area of deployment which falls under the
scope of the contract. It can include projections of peak or low activity volume at
different locations. Sensitive or inaccessible areas which require increased
surveillance or higher security classification should be flagged out in the requirements.

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c. Operational Hours. Definition of the deployment hours which services are to be
rendered or any specific schedules that affect operational activities on the ground.

d. Security Outcomes. Definition of the type of security services to be rendered,

the operating parameters which needs to be considered, with corresponding
explanations and performance measurements on the outcomes to be achieved.
Security outcomes are major factors which affects how operations will be run and will
be the reference point in deciding if services provided were adequate. Security
outcomes should be defined by buyers based on an understanding of what the existing
operations can achieve and whether there is a need to impose more stringent
demands. Overly stringent demands can drive up costs unnecessarily. Service level
requirements set should also be reasonable and achievable by the providers. The table
below illustrates sample outcome-based statements based on desired outcomes that
buyers can adapt for use when drafting tender requirements.

Desired Outcome Examples of Outcome-Based Statements

Protection of o All visitors must be registered in the Visitor Management
occupants and System and issued visitor passes
property o No incidents relating to loss or damage of property
o All intrusions are detected, recorded and correct response
Security with o Ensure 80% of visitors with registration waiting time < five
minimal service minutes
failure and timely o Achieve overall customer satisfaction of security services of
service recovery at least 80%
o CCTV systems provided has system availability of > 95%,
failures are rectified within two hours.
o Ensure number of complaints per month is less than five
Sense of security o All scheduled patrols were conducted
and visible o Ensure 90% attendance of SOs
presence o Ensure number of incidents where SOs fail to respond within
15 minutes is less than five per month

e. Other services. Defining other secondary duties that providers are obligated to
perform as part of security duties. (e.g. provide helpdesk services to direct visitors).
Such tasking should be kept minimal to allow providers to focus on security operations
and Buyers should only include work functions that compliment security operations.
For non-security related functions (e.g. landscape management), buyers should
specify that providers can provide non-security-trained staff to undertake these

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 Note:
As part of fair contracting terms, buyers should be clear that services not
included in the scope of work but are requested during the contract
period shall be considered additional services for which fair remuneration
should be provided. If this principle is adhered to, service offers from
providers will not have to factor in buffers for unknown needs which can
unnecessarily increase prices.

f. Surges. Defining how surges would be handled and how fast providers will need
to response if surge demands are encountered. As a norm, surge demand should not
be factored into routine needs and should be included as additional scope of work.

Example of possible demand surges: Hosting of events on site, heightened

security alerts etc.

(i) Known surges. Buyers could define such surges and what is expected from
the providers when it occurs. If requested as a Tender submission request,
providers can be requested to submit a proposal of their response plans
and price package for every activation of such surge demand.

(ii) Unknown surges. Surge demand provisions can be worked out with the
provider whenever the buyer identifies a need during the contract period.
This gives buyers the assurance that surge demands can be met.

g. Additional Obligations. These are broad demands that buyers may include as
areas which providers have to abide with such as:
 Training and competency demands
 Code of conduct
 Conduct of audits and reviews
 Safety management and liability
 Security screening of providers’ officers
 Supply of providers’ furnished equipment and their specifications
 Use and maintenance of buyers’ security equipment
 Contractual review points and price review mechanisms
 Productivity enhancement frameworks
 Obligation for periodic contract demand reviews

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Performance Management To encourage providers to deliver good service, Buyers can tie performance indicators
to desired outcomes. One practical model is the use of performance-based payments
to reward Providers who have performed well based on what the service-level
requirements. It should not be used to penalise Providers to lower prices. Should
Buyers decide to adopt a performance-based payment model, the following
information on how payment is pegged to the performance scores should be included
in the tender documents:

a. Performance Metrics. It is important for buyers to determine clear, measurable

performance metrics (both quantitative and qualitative) that are linked to security
outcomes in the tender documents for subsequent evaluation of contractual
performance. How performance data will be collected and calculated to evaluate
performance must be clearly defined.

b. Performance Evaluation Matrix. Buyers should track the performance of the

providers’ performance based on a performance evaluation matrix. The performance
matrix should clearly reflect all the metrics that will be used to assess the performance
of the service provider.
 Refer to Section 4-3 for a sample performance evaluation matrix.

c. Incentives for Good Performance. In order to encourage providers to meet or

exceed performance standards on a regular basis, buyers are encouraged to adopt
some form of reward system to incentivise providers. Buyers may choose to adopt
either the non-monetary reward system, or the incentive payment model or both.

Example of incentives:

(i) Monetary Rewards (Recommended). Monetary rewards can be in the form

of a percentage of payment sums issued at periodic intervals to providers.
It is important to state that such rewards are to be shared between
providers and their officers, to incentivise officers to play a proactive role
in meeting the outcomes. A general guide would be 30% to providers and
70% to their officers, coupled with provisions for buyers to validate that
this was apportioned fairly.

(ii) Non-Monetary rewards. This can be in form of periodic appreciation events

or gifts for individual officers. Buyers can also leave it to providers to
propose a reward system.

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d. Security Failures. Because of the nature of security services, it is not practical to
manage all security failures using performance indicators. Failures of these nature will
have to be dealt with whenever they are detected. To discourage occurrences of
security failures, contractual tools (e.g. warning letters, payment mechanisms,
disqualification from contract option extension, or termination) could be applied.
Monetary disincentives should always be reasonable and proportional with the nature
of the failure, and buyers should be mindful that unreasonable pricing may affect
financial positions of providers and the ability to pay their workers. Contract
termination should apply in cases where persistent failures continues and there is
clear evidence that the provider is not capable of delivering contracted outcomes. If
the contract is terminated, a reasonable timeframe should be considered and reasons
for the termination made known to the provider.

Example: Performance-Based Payment Model

Buyers should specify the payment model detailing the frequency of

performance evaluation and minimum score to be attained for the
corresponding payment amount. The payment amount which is to be applied
can vary and should be decided by the buyers depending on the criticality and
impact of security lapses to operations. Providers can then price in their risk
provisions according.

For example, when the buyer sets a minimum total score of 24 per month, the
provider will receive full payment when a minimum score of 24 (i.e. total score
across six indicators) is achieved for the month.

Sample Payment Model

Score Monthly Payment
27 (Bonus) 105% Payment
24 – 26 (Baseline) 100% Payment
10 - 23 (Below Average) 95% Payment
<10 (Poor or Security Failure) 90% Payment

In this example, when the buyer set an incentive payment of 105% payment,
assuming each indicator has maximum score of four for meeting baseline
expectation and one bonus point when performance exceeds expectations.
Provider will need to exceed performance in three out of six indicators in order
to reach a total score of 27.

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Conversely, to discourage poor performance / security failure, buyers can tier
payment according to the set payment model.

If contract termination in event of repeated poor performance or repeated

security failure is to be applied, the grounds for termination must be clearly
stated. Buyers should also allow adequate notice periods and provide clear
transitional plans

In addition to the above, buyers may wish to include a clause to preserve the
usual rights of parties at law that can be exercised in addition to the contractual

Pricing Model Buyers can choose to adopt a Fixed Price Model or Price Review Model for the contract.
Although a Price Review Model is more complex, it is useful for longer-term contracts
as its allows even sharing of pricing risk, which could be unknown at the point of
contracting. It also avoids situations where providers are forced into unsustainable
operations due to external conditions. As part of fair contracting terms, buyers may
also include terms that allows reasonable changes in prices if providers are able to
provide justifications on basis of unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. force majeure
events) that can lead to higher operating costs during the contract period.

Pricing Models:

(i) Fixed Pricing Model. Contractual rates remain constant throughout the
contract period; any changes will be subject to mutual agreements via
contract variations.

(ii) Price Review Model. Baseline rate is established for a defined period
coupled with established means of reviewing the prices to account for
external price changes. Provisions for pricing reviews could include one or
more of the following:
 Fixed percentage price escalation which can be proposed by provider or
defined by buyer
 Cost adjustment factors using formulas that take into different
economic indices
 Obligations to review pricing in event of government policy changes
which has cost impact on resources. (e.g. PWM reviews)
 Obligations to co-share savings in event provider is able to receive
technology or productivity grants or subsidies from government for
contracted operations.

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 Note:
Contractual price reviews can be complex if pre-agreed principles are not
established in contract. As part of fair contractual terms, contracts should
include clauses that allows both parties to call for a termination of
contract in accordance with mutually agreed notice periods. If necessary,
termination may be restricted to specified conditions for both parties.

3.3 Tender Evaluation Stage – Selecting the Best Provider for the Job

3.3.1 After the tender has closed, buyers should conduct a tender evaluation in an organised
manner based on pre-determined quality criteria, weighted against pricing. Beyond
evaluation to select recommended offers, buyers should also assess the sustainability
of offered prices from the selected tenderer. The table below summarises the steps
which buyers can take to evaluate and select the best provider for the job.

Steps Practices Ensure a holistic evaluation a. Cardinal requirements
b. Evaluation parameters
c. Tender interviews and reference checks Using Price-Quality Method a. Determine the weightages for Price and
(PQM) as the evaluation framework Quality criteria
b. Set up the scoring system for Price
c. Set up the scoring system for Quality
d. Aggregating the P-Score and Q-Score

Ensure a Holistic Evaluation Cardinal requirements and evaluation criteria should be clearly marked out in the
tender documents. In addition to the procurement officers, relevant personnel who
will oversee the providers should be invited to sit in the Tender Evaluation Committee
(TEC). Communicating the evaluation criteria to the TEC early during the tender stage
will help align their expectations with the outcome of the security contract.

a. Cardinal Requirements. These are requirements specified by the buyers in the

tender instructions which are mandatory for providers to fulfil as part of tender
submission. Upon receipt of the tender proposals, the TEC should review
submissions to determine if the proposals have met the cardinal requirements. Any
offers not in compliance should be deemed invalid and excluded from evaluation.

 Refer to Section 4-1 for a sample list of tender instructions for security OBC.

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b. Evaluation Parameters. Buyers should communicate the evaluation criteria for the
tender in the tender documents to help providers better understand the
requirements and propose the operational model and resources that best meet the
security outcomes. The evaluation parameters would also serve as guidelines to
help the TEC score each criterion. Buyers can consider using the Price-Quality
Method (PQM) as the evaluation framework.

c. Tender Interviews and Reference Checks. Buyers can also arrange interview sessions
with shortlisted providers after the tender has closed. These sessions allow buyers
to better understand the value proposition offered by the providers and clarify on
the different proposals submitted. Buyers can also conduct reference checks
through telephone calls / site visits to existing or past clients to assess the quality of
service provided by the providers.

Using Price-Quality Method (PQM) as the Evaluation Framework The Price-Quality Method (PQM) is an established evaluation methodology that allows
for fair and balance evaluation of tender proposals. When adopting the PQM in tender
evaluation, buyers should evaluate the submitted proposals using pre-agreed
definition on the following:

a. Weightings. There are two components in the PQM approach – Price and Quality.
Both components are assigned weightages and overall score computed. The contract
would be awarded to the tenderer with the highest overall score. In evaluating OBCs,
buyers should generally aim towards a 40:60 weightage between Price and Quality.
The weightages may be adjusted according to the needs of the buyers.

b. Scoring System for Price. Buyers can work out the P-Score to compare the cost
effectiveness of the tender proposals. The formula to use in calculating the P-Score
would be: Lowest Tenderer Proposal cost / Tenderer’s offered Proposal cost] x Price
Weighting (set at 40%). Buyers should consider the total cost of contracted services
over the contract period and factor in cost of surge demands by using projections of
usage if necessary. Buyer should also further check on the sustainability of the offered
prices. If offered prices are unnaturally low, it can mean that the tenderer may not be
able to operate sustainability through the contract period. For example, if a tenderer’s
offered prices is only S$20,000 per month when the buyer’s assessment is S$80,000
for the proposed manpower, cost of technology and infrastructural build-up, this
could lead to unsustainable operations downstream. Buyer should undertake further
clarifications with the tenderer and assess if this is an acceptable contracting risk.

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c. Scoring System for Quality. In determining the scoring system for quality, buyers
will need to first determine the quality-related criteria and distribution points, before
coming up with a rating system for each evaluation criterion. Buyers can adopt the
following steps in determining the scoring system for quality.

Steps Description
Determine Quality-related criteria refer to the different components to be
quality- evaluated to ascertain the quality of the submitted proposals.
related Each criterion should be assigned points according to their
criteria and relative importance. For example, if the focus of the OBC is to
distribution leverage technology and minimise manpower reliance, a greater
points weightage should be given to quality of technology solutions.

Quality Criteria Weightage

Quality of technology solutions (30%)
Quality of proposed security solutions (70%)

Quality evaluation can include other quality criteria (e.g. training

systems, human resource (HR) practices, track records, etc.)
Determine The TEC will then score each criterion using an agreed rating
rating system system.

For example, the rating system for both quality criteria could

Point Description
0 Proposed solution will achieve security outcomes which are
worse-off than current operations.
1 Proposed solution will achieve security outcomes similar to
current operations.
2 Proposed solution will achieve better security outcomes in at
least 1 area.
3 Proposed solution will achieve better security outcomes in more
than 1 area.

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d. Aggregating the P-Score and Q-Score. Buyers can adopt the following steps to
evaluate tender proposals using PQM (40% for Price and 60% for Quality):

Steps Description
Calculate the Based on three tender proposals submitted where Tenderer C
P-Score has the lowest offered price, the P-Score for the three tender
proposals can be worked out below:

Tenderer A Tenderer B Tenderer C

Price submitted $1,100,000 $900,000 $750,000
Lowest price $750,000 $750,000 $750,000
Weightage 40% 40% 40%
P-Score 1 0.27 0.33 0.40
P-Score = [Lowest Tenderer Proposal cost / Tenderer’s offered Proposal cost]
x Price Weighting

Calculate the Q-Points can be calculated based on the weightage assigned to

Q-Score the quality criteria. An individual Q-Score can be calculated to
compare the quality of the proposals amongst the three

For example, Tenderer A has achieved the highest Q-Points of

three points and based on a Price : Quality weightage of 40:60,
the Q-Score of the three Tenderers can be derived below.

Tenderer A Tenderer B Tenderer B

Criteria Score1 Q- Score1 Q- Score1 Q-
Points2 Points2 Points2
Quality of 3 0.9 3 0.9 1 0.3

Quality of 3 2.1 1 0.7 1 1.4


Total 6 3 4 1.6 2 1.7

Q-Score 0.60 0.32 0.34
Scores represent actual scoring awarded to Tenderer for that Quality criteria
Q-points = [Score x Weightings]
Q-Score = [Tenderer Total Q-point / Highest Total Q-point amongst
Tenderers] x Quality Weighting (set at 60%)

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Steps Description
Aggregating The total combined score calculated based on the price and
the P-Score & quality assessment of the three proposals can be worked out
Q-Score below. Tenderer A’s scored the highest and should be
recommended for award.

Tenderer A Tenderer B Tenderer C

P-Score 0.27 0.33 0.40
Q-Score 0.60 0.32 0.34
Total Score 0.87 0.65 0.74

 Refer to Section 4-4 for a sample tender evaluation report.

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This section outlines a list of examples of Tender Instructions that can be adapted into buyer’s
tender documents. Buyers should adapt the examples according to their unique requirements
when drafting Tender Instructions.

Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions

General <Name of buyer> wishes to engage a security provider (thereafter
instructions known as “tenderer”) to provide security services for the company’s

All interested tenderers must attend a Tender Briefing and Site Visit on
<Date, Time, Venue>.

Tenderers are requested to develop proposals based on a security risk

assessment of buyer’s site, security outcomes and operational
parameters stated in the tender documents. Each Tender Offer must be
submitted with the following contents:
a. Security Risk Tenderer must submit an analysis of security risk and operational
Assessment considerations in relation to the Tender Specifications and site surveys.

Note: This is to be submitted in the form of a TVRA table covering Threat

Description, Probability, Severity Level, Risk Level, Control Measures
proposed in Tender, and Residual Risk Level.
b. Operational Tenderer is required to study the site and submit a proposal for the
Model operational model covering how manpower, processes, infrastructural
and technology will be integrated to meet the security outcomes.

Tenderer should explain why the proposed model is adequate in relation

to the observations made in Security Risk Assessment and the security
outcomes defined. Tenderer should also highlight proposals are able to
achieve security outcomes that are beyond the ones defined in Tender.

If technology solutions are suggested, tenderers should provide the

committed availability levels and explain the Business Continuality Plans
when software or equipment fails.
c. Resource Tenderer shall submit a resource plan covering the necessary and
Plan appropriate resources (equipment, manpower, tools) to perform the
required services and enhance productivity and service performance.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
Tenderer must submit a resource plan listing out the optimum
manpower structure, equipment and technologies that will be
committed to the operations. Details must be provided to explain why
the proposed resources are adequate to support the services.

Transition / Tenderer is to submit a transition plan illustrating how services and

Implementation technology will be implemented during transition. The plan shall include
Plan clear timeline and milestone of key activities when taking over. Tenderer
should specify additional time required for implementation and testing
of technology, equipment, processes or infrastructures during the
transition, together with what the tenderer will be provisioned to do
during the interim period.

d. Price Price Schedule

Tenderer is to submit comprehensive rates in the format provided in the
following tables. The monthly rate quoted should include proposed
manpower, process reviews, trials, infrastructural changes and use of
technology during the contract period.

Contract Firm Period Optional Period1

Period Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Monthly Tenderer to Tenderer to Tenderer to Upon Upon
rate propose propose propose review review
Annual Tenderer to Tenderer to Tenderer to Upon Upon
cost propose propose propose review review

Year 4 and 5 rates are to be established on Year 3 based on average of Total Wage
change (%) from Year 1 and 2 reported in Report on Wages in Singapore published
by the Manpower Research and Statistics Department, Ministry of Manpower,
Republic of Singapore. See example below:

If Year 1 = 1.5% and Year 2 = 5%, the average Total Wage Change (%) = 3.25%
If Year 3 rates = S$10,000/mth
Year 4 rates would be (10,000 x 1.0325 = S$10,325/mth)
Year 5 rates would be (10,325 x 1.0325 = S$10,660/mth)

If Year 1 = 1.5% and Year 2 is -2%, the average Total Wage Change (%) = -0.25%
If Year 3 rates = S$10,000/mth
As the % is negative, Year 4 and Year 5 rates would remain as S$10,000/mth

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions

 Note:
If buyer expects a surge in demand for security services during the
contract period, the tenderer should submit a schedule of rates
for such services that may be required during the contract period.

Buyers are encouraged to include in requirements for new

provider to offer no worse-off remuneration packages and to
recognise the lengths of service of incumbent workers who they
intent to employ under new contract.

Schedule of Rates for Ad-hoc Security Services

Tenderer is to submit prices in the Schedule of Rates for adhoc services,

manpower and lease of security equipment that might be requested
during the contractual period. Any review of contractual demands which
require reviews of manpower or services to take reference to rates
established here.
Per deployment (S$) Per deployment (S$)
S/N Services Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1 SSO (12hrs) To To To Upon Upon
propose propose propose review review
2 SO (12hrs) To To To Upon Upon
propose propose propose review review
3 Supply of To To To To To
Queue-poles propose propose propose propose propose
(per set of 10
for 24hrs)
4 Supply of To To To To To
vehicle propose propose propose propose propose
(per set of 5
for 24 hrs)
5 Supply of X To To To To To
ray machine propose propose propose propose propose
(Per set for
Rates based on ability to supply surge demand within notice period of
three working days.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
e. Grading and Tenderer must attain minimal Grade A/B/C* in the latest Security
Accreditation Agency Grading Exercise (SAGE). *Buyer to select the required grade
under the contract.

Tenderer must submit the required documentary proof of their grading

for the past two years.
f. Company Financial Statements, Registration of Business
profile and Tenderer must submit the following documents in the tender
experience submission:

a. Copy of its audited financial statements for the past three years

b. Original copy of the information on the latest business profile by

the registry of Companies and Business (Singapore)

Track Record and Expertise

c. Testimonials and project references of relevant past experiences

and expertise attained in relation to security outcomes listed in the
tender (if available). This can include reviews from past customers
and additional information on the scale of operations and the
relevancy of each experience. Reference checks may be conducted.

d. Training and competency assessment plans that are established to

manage competency of all staff. This should be supported by
evidence of training course attendance or related documents.

HR plans and company policies to sustain working conditions that

promote work-life balance and measures to ensure officers do not
exceed mandated working hours.
g. Evaluation Cardinal Criteria
Criteria Tenderer must comply with all the requirements and document
submissions listed in the Tender Instructions. Any Tender Offer that
does not comply with any of the requirements listed below shall be
disqualified from further evaluation.

a. Attendance at Tender Briefing and Site Visit;

b. Complete submission of documents listed in the Tender Instructions;
c. Complete submission of Price Schedule.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
Evaluation Criteria
All Tender Offers shall be evaluated using the Price-Quality Method

Price evaluation will be performed using the lowest price submitted as

comparison across all Tender offers.

Quality evaluation will be performed using the following criteria (listed

in order of decreasing importance)

a. Quality of proposed security solutions – ability to achieve higher

levels of security outcomes.

b. Quality of technology solutions – maturity of technology solutions

and measures made to prepare for deployment of technology solutions

c. Track records – relevance of past experience, expertise in dealing

with security operations

d. HR and training competency policies – Tenderer’s commitment to

create sustainable and conducive working environment for its officers.
h. Clarifications There will be a tender briefing and site visit two weeks after the release
of the Tender. All interested parties must attend the tender briefing and
site visit.

After tender closure, the buyer may require the tenderers to conduct a
brief on their proposal to the TEC. Details of these sessions shall be
finalised after tender closure.

For clarifications of tender requirements and registration for the tender

briefing and site visits, please contact the following personnel.

Name Email address Contact No.

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This section outlines a list of sample Scope of Work that can be adapted into buyer’s tender document. As the scope of work for every site is
unique, the buyer should customise the examples based on an assessment of its security requirements.

Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions

1. Definitions This section contains the scope of work for provision of security services, thereafter known as “Services”, required
by <buyer’s name> thereafter known as “Service Buyer”.

The successful tenderer is known as the “Contractor”.

Premises which security services are to be rendered will thereafter be known as “Contracted Premises”
2. Contract Duration The contract for the provision of services shall be scheduled for a firm period of three years with option period of
two years.

Schedule of rates established to be valid during the firm period and any extended period.
3. Area of Coverage The Contracted Premises consist of one block of five-storey office building and a basement carpark (50 lots). The
total floor area of the Contracted Premise is approximately 10,000m 2. There are four lifts serving the six levels
(including basement carpark).

There are three entrances / exits into the building premises (main building entrance at Level 1 lobby, side gate
that leads into the fenced perimeter of the premises and vehicle entrance to the carpark).

The main lobby at Level 1 is where visitors register and exchange for visitor passes. The vehicle drop-off point is
located outside the main lobby at Level 1. Entrance via the side gate is limited to staff access using staff pass as
verification. Vehicle access to carpark is limited to authorised staff and registered visitor vehicles.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
4. Operational hours The operational hours for the different areas of coverage is as follow:

S/N Coverage Areas Operating Periods Remarks

1 Building perimeter, 24hrs (all days) CCTVs are installed in building premises, images pipped back
stairwells and building to Security Post at main entrance.
floor lobbies
Internal: Main visitor entrance, Level 1 lift lobby, Building
floor lobbies, Stairwell entrance at Level 1.
External perimeter: Entrance of access ramp to vehicle
entrance, Car park gantry

Stairwell entrance door is a single access door that can only

be opened from stairwell side.
2 Main building entrance 24hrs (all days) Separate processing channels for staff and visitor entry.

Peak period for entry: Weekdays excluding public holidays

(0800-0930hrs, 1630-1800hrs)
Peak visitor volume: 100 persons per hour
Normal office hours visitor volume: not exceeding 20
persons per hour
3 Side gate Weekdays (0700- Only accessible by staff using staff pass as verification. A
1900hrs) excluding single access turnstile is installed at the entrance.
public holidays
4 Vehicle entrance and 24hrs (all days) Only accessible by authorised staff and registered visitor
access to carpark vehicles. Not more than 50 visitor vehicles/day during office

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
An electronic gantry system with intercoms is installed,
gantry can be controlled from Security Post at main
5 Vehicle drop-off point Weekdays (0700- This is a public access area that is to be blocked outside of
1900hrs) less public operating periods
6 Building Fire Command 24hrs (all days) Located inside Security Post at main entrance.
 Office hours is defined as weekdays excluding public holidays (0700-1900hrs)
 Silent hours operation is defined as 1900hrs – 0700hrs (next day), weekends and public holidays.

5. Security outcomes The security outcomes to be delivered by the Contractor is as follow:

a. Access control (persons).

 Only staff and registered visitors/contractors are to be given access to office levels (Level 2 and beyond)
 Only staff with access pass allowed to access the perimeter through side gate during its operating

b. Access control (vehicles).

 Only authorised and registered vehicles are to be allowed access into the basement carpark.

c. Visitor management.
 Key visitor details, entry/exit records are to be recorded and made available for Service Buyer’s review
at any time
 All visitors shall be given visitor identification (device/pass/label) and made to don the identification
means which identifies them to the building.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
d. Infrastructural protection.
 Project and maintain security presence as a form of deterrence.
 Ensure security and safety of persons in the Contract Premises
 To detect, record and report potential security incidents in the Contracted Premises. List of security
incidents include:
o Intrusion and break-in to premises and office floors
o Presence of suspicious persons loitering within the premises
o Theft
o Fire
o Unattended equipment and items within premises
o Conduct of illegal activities
o Incident reports made by staff.
 All security incidents to be recorded and made available for reference at any time, incident reports to
save as record and emailed to Service Buyer’s security in-charge (IC) after reports are lodged.
 Ability to respond up to two concurrent incidents within 5 minutes during office hours and one incident
during within 15 minutes during silent hours. Incidents to be reported to Police if required.

e. Contingency response.
 During emergencies or drills (e.g. fire incident evacuation), to correctly execute contingency response
duties as directed by established SOPs.
 Assist in conduct of drills or participation in exercises when requested.
6. Other services In addition to security services, Contractor shall perform the following:
a. Manage the administration of the premise staff access system
 Registration of new staff
 Issuance of staff pass to new staff
 Destruction of staff pass returned by Service Buyer’s HR office.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
b. Operate the vehicle carpark gantry system
 Handle and correctly respond to intercom requests
 Manually override the system if system is faulty

c. Monitor and report security system (non-Contractor Furnished Equipment) or infra failure to Service Buyer’s
security IC

d. Operate the Fire Command Centre on premises.

e. Traffic control at drop-off point.

 To ensure smooth and unobstructed use of vehicle drop-off point during office hours.

Any non-listed services requested beyond the scope of the current contract with corresponding cost adjustments
(if required) as a result of additional resources required will be mutually agreed before commencement of

 Note:
The above services may not apply to all types of security contracts. Buyers can adopt the examples
according to their requirements.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
7. Supply and Contractor shall bear all costs in relation to installation, operational use, maintenance, management and removal
Management of of CFE supplied under this contract. Service Buyer shall not be responsible for any loss or damages to any
Contractor Furnished Contractor’s equipment held in the Service Buyer’s premises.
Equipment (CFE)

CFE includes any hardware

 Note:
which is proposed by
Buyers may also want to include clauses that allows them to buy over CFEs provided by the Contractor at
Contractor for the fulfilment of end of the contract period at depreciated costs. Buyers who wishes to undertake this should be mindful of
the contractual requirements. technology obsolescence, cost of maintaining aging equipment and availability of service providers to
(For example: Handheld metal upkeep the equipment thereafter.
detectors, CCTVs etc).

8. Additional Obligations Contractor is to fulfil the following obligations as part of the security services provided under the contract:

Note: The above obligations a. Training and competency demands.

may not apply to all types of  Contractor shall ensure all security officers deployed has relevant WSQ qualifications for them to operate
security contracts. SBs can effectively in their deployment locations. Contractor is to ensure competency via conduct of refresher or
adopt the examples according
recurrent training which will be done at Contractor’s cost. Contractor shall have a system which tracks the
to their requirements.
qualification and training status of officers deployed. Such information must be made available for audit
by the Service Buyer upon request.
 Officers deployed must be conversant in English.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
b. Code of conduct. Security officers deployed are to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Service Buyer
reserves the rights to relieve officers from duty if there is any infringement of these requirements. In such cases,
it is the Contractor’s responsibility to seek replacements at no additional cost to the Service Buyer, failing which
the Service Buyer will have the right to recover the cost for the relieve officers including any cost in relation to the

 While on duty, to be in official attire with identifications passes or badges. Passes or badges to bear
Contractor’s company name, officer’s photograph and name of the officer.
 To remain alert and vigilant, officers are not to be found sleeping while on duty
 Remain professional in dealing with persons they come in contact with during their duties.
 Alert the Service Buyer of any law and order, security incidents without delay

c. Safety and liability. Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all applicable laws and regulations,
in particular those relating to safety, and shall bear all costs and expenses connected with the compliance of such
laws and regulations. Contractor shall take all reasonable safety precautions to mitigate risk when delivering
services. Such precautions include providing and ensuring the use of protective personal equipment where
appropriate. Contractor shall effect and maintain adequate policies of insurance in respect of Work Injury
Compensation/Employer’s Liability and Public Liability.

d. Conduct of Audit. Contractor shall commit to the regular conduct of audits and inspections at Contracted
Premises. A monthly audit schedule will be established together with Service Buyer and Contractor shall ensure
that activities are carried out in accordance to schedule and in the presence of Service Buyer’s representative at
no additional cost to Service Buyer.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
e. Personal data protection. Contractor to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Provisions of the Personal
Data Protection Act (PDPA) in relation to the personal data collected, used or disclosed as part of contracted
services. For example:
 Ensure individuals are notified and consent is obtained for the purposes of the collection, use or disclosure
of their personal data, including NRIC number (unless the collection, use or disclosure is required under
any law or an exception under the PDPA applies).
 Ensure reasonable security arrangements to protect the personal data in its possession or under its control
to prevent any unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure or similar risks. Given the risks and potential
impact of any unauthorised use or disclosure of personal data associated with the individual’s NRIC
number, ensure a higher level of security to protect the NRIC numbers (or copies of NRIC) in its possession
or under its control. Contractor may wish to consider collecting partial NRIC numbers (i.e. up to last 3 digits
and checksum) in place of the full NRIC number, and to consider employing technological solutions, such
as scanning of physical NRICs to capture the NRIC number and store the data in a secure manner.
 Facilitate any requests for access to individual’s personal data and information about the ways his personal
data has been used or disclosed in the past year, unless they fall under one of the prohibitions to access
or an exception under the PDPA applies.
 Cease retention of the personal data, or remove means by which personal data can be associated with
particular individuals, when no longer necessary for any business or legal purpose.

Contractors can also refer to the below PDPC resources (found in for more information when
developing and implementing operations involving the collection of personal data:

 Guide to securing personal data in electronic medium

 Guide to managing data breaches.
 Guide to disposal of personal data on physical medium

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
 Advisory Guidelines on Photography, Video and Audio Recordings

9. Performance Performance evaluation matrix

management and
Contractual performance shall be measured through the performance matrix at Section 4-3 which dictate the
acceptable service levels for different security outcomes, as well as corresponding monthly payment schedule.
Contractor shall tabulate the monthly performance for Service Buyer’s verification to process monthly payments.

Service Failures
Service Failures are defined as:
Security Failures Indicator
a. Unregistered visitors given access to office  >15 incidences of visitors found not registered in visitor records
b. Failure to detect, record, report and prevent  Any security incident resulting in injury to persons, loss / damage
incidents resulting in injury to persons, loss / of property as result of service lapses
damage of property
c. Failure to keep proper records  >25 detected incomplete or missing records (e.g. incident reports,
visitor records)
d. Failure to perform according to SOP leading  >8 incidences of incident response that exceeds
to security or safety lapse o 5 minutes (office hours)
o 15 minutes (silent hours)
e. Failure to maintain adequate and security  <60% of days with no deployment shortfall
presence Measured as follows: (number of days with no deployment
shortfalls/total number of operational days) x 100%

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
Incentive sharing

Contractor shall commit to an incentive sharing arrangement where Incentives are equally shared between the
Contractor and its officers operating on the Contracted Premise. Service Buyer shall have the rights to interview
Contractor’s officers or review finance information to verify compliance.

 Note:
There is no specific rule-of-thumb amount for incentive sharing. Buyers can choose to include the clause
based on their requirements.

Performance review meetings

For the purpose of reviewing contract performance and operational demands, review meetings shall be
conducted when requested by the Service Buyer. The review meetings shall be held at the Contracted Premises.
Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses in respect of the review meetings.

Termination due to poor performance

Service Buyer has the rights to issue warning letters or to terminate contract if there is persistent poor
performance resulting in three consecutive months of Service Failure conditions being recorded. If termination is
exercised under this condition, Contractor shall be issued with a minimal three-month notice.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
Productivity Enhancement Framework.

Contractor shall continue to review possibilities of enhancing productivity or security outcomes during the
contract period and submit proposals which can lead to tangible enhancements to Service Buyer for consideration.
If Service Buyer decides to implement any proposal, it shall initiate discussions with Contractor on the
implementation and finance details. Nett cost savings achieved as part of proposal implementation shall be shared
between Service Buyer and Contractor.

 Note:
There is no specific rule-of-thumb amount to achieve as it varies depending on the nature of the proposal.
The amount of cost savings shared should be determined after discussions with Tenderer.

10. Obligation for Periodic reviews

contract reviews
Service Buyer reserves the rights to perform periodic reviews of contracted scope (at least once per contract year).
Such reviews will be performed together with the Contractor. Changes to be executed through contract variations
and reasonable lead time shall be given to Contractor for any transition.

In the event where unforeseen circumstances (e.g. changes or introduction of new government policies) affecting
resourcing and cost of services are introduced, it shall be Contractor’s responsibility to put up proposals for pricing
or operational deployment changes for Service Buyer’s review. Proposals for changes in pricing must be
substantiated with facts which are to be accepted by Service Buyer before any contractual changes takes place. If
Service Buyer and Contractor are unable to reach consensus on the price review amount, the matter should be
brought to arbitration or mediation. In the event where no consensus can be reached, Contractor has the option
to exercise Termination in accordance with the mutually agreed termination period.

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Items to include Examples of Tender Instructions
Surges and Contingencies

Contractor shall be obligated to support surge and contingency operations demands defined by the Service Buyer.
Such demands which may not be part of original contractual terms is to be developed between during the contract
period. Additional resources required and its related charges if accepted by the Service Buyer shall be
incorporated as part of this Contract via contract variation.

In addition to clauses seen above, buyers can consider incorporating fair contracting terms in the following areas:

(i) Fees for late payment. In event of late payments not due to default by Contractor, Service Buyer to allow Contractor to claim pro-
rated late payment fees based on established business loan rates (e.g. 10.8% per annum)

(ii) Termination. To allow both parties to terminate contract in accordance with mutually agreed notice periods. Parties may take into
consideration that either party may require longer notice periods due to internal processes. If deemed necessary to mitigate risk,
Service Buyers may also consider defining conditions where rights of termination can be exercised for both parties.

(iii) Price review and co-sharing of saving. Variations for this could consider:
 Fixed % price escalation which can be proposed by Contractor or defined by Service Buyer
 Cost adjustment factors using formulas that take into different economic indices
 Obligations to review pricing in event of government policy changes which has cost impact on resources. (e.g.: PWM reviews)
 Obligations to co-share savings in event Contractor is able to receive technology/productivity grants or subsidies from government
for contracted operations.

(iv) Dispute resolution. Service Buyer may wish to consider including mediation before forms of dispute resolutions. Buyers may consider
specifying the Small Claims Tribunals as a means of settling disputes for claims below $20,000.

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 Note:
The model above is purely for reference, buyers can adopt other forms of performance related payment models and adjust the payment sums depending on
the nature and criticality of their sites.

S/N Performance Outcome Performance Indicator Score

0 1 2 3 4 52
(Security (Baseline) (Bonus
Failure)1 point)
Protection of occupants and property1
1 No incidents of unauthorised access Number of visitors found not registered in ≥ 15 10- 5- 2- 0 NA
in each month Visitor records 15 10 5
Note: This can be derived from verified inputs raised
by staff or audit checks performed by SB’s security
Security with minimal service failure and timely service recovery
2 Overall customer satisfaction of Average % score from feedback surveys <50% 50% – 60% – 70% – 80% - >90%
security services of at least 80% collected 59% 69% 79% 90%

Note: Provider is to conduct minimum of ten

feedback surveys per month. Survey are to be
completed by staff, buyer’s security IC or verified
visitors / tenants. Survey inputs can cover scope of
work defined under “Other services” and scope
defined under “Code of conduct”

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S/N Performance Outcome Performance Indicator Score
0 1 2 3 4 52
(Security (Baseline) (Bonus
Failure)1 point)
3 System Availability of critical (System operating time (hrs) / Total Duration of <90% 91%- 93%- 95% – >97% NA
Contractor furnished security deployment (hrs)) x 100% 92.9% 94.9% 96.9%
system to be at least 97%.
Note: This assumes Contractor will be providing
Note: System maintenance and hardware or systems which are critical to security
operations. Data will be tracked from system logs.
System failures are considered as
system downtime
4 Ensure number of Total number of incomplete or missing visitor >25 15- 10- 6- <5 NA
improper/incomplete records records, incident reports found during monthly 25 14 9
identified <5 audit checks
Sense of security and visible presence
5 90% attendance of SOs (Number of days with no deployment < 60% 60% – 71% – 81% – 90% - 100%
shortfalls/Total number of operational days) x 70% 80% 89% 99%

Note: Failure to deploy officers for manned post or

failure to find replacement of officers for manned
post within 2hrs of shift to be deemed as
deployment shortfall.
6 Ensure number of incidents where Total number of incident response that exceeds >8 8 7 6 1- 0
Officers fail to respond within o 5 minutes (office hours) 5
response time. o 15 minutes (silent hours)
*Note – Number of incidents includes actual
incident and drill activations4 raised by Service Buyer

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(1) – Service Failure conditions resulting 90% payment will apply when any of three conditions occurs (1) Monthly score below 12, (2) Any individual KPI achieving a 0 score or (3)
Any incident that results in injury to persons, loss/damage of property due to service lapses or failure to follow SOP.
(2) – Bonus point to be awarded when the target set is achieved
(3) – Minimal of 5 drill activations to be activated per month

Monthly Payment based on Performance Matrix

Score Payment
>26 (Bonus) 105% Payment
24 – 25 (Baseline) 100% Payment
18 - 23 97% Payment
12 – 17 95% Payment
<12 (Service Failure) 90% Payment

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This section shows a sample Tender Evaluation Report. Buyers should perform this in relation
to what has been defined in Tender Instructions and agreed by the TEC.

Scope of Evaluation

A tender for the provision of security services at <Contracted Premises> was called on
<Date>. At the close of the tender on <Date>, five tender proposals were received. A TEC
comprising of the following members was formed to evaluate the proposals:

Name Designation Evaluation committee


Stage 1 Evaluation: Cardinal Requirements

2. The TEC adopted a two-stage evaluation process. In Stage 1, Tenderers are assessed
on their compliance with the cardinal requirements in the tender document. Only who have
met the requirements in Stage 1 evaluation will proceed to Stage 2 evaluation.

3. Table 1 below shows the comparison of the five proposals under stage 1 evaluation.
Tenderer D had registered interest for the Tendering Briefing but did not attend the Briefing
as shown in the Tender Brief attendance records. Tenderer E has submitted an incomplete
price schedule without a resource plan. As such, Tenderers D and E have failed to meet all the
Cardinal Requirements specified in the tender and will be disqualified from Stage 2 evaluation.

S/N Cardinal Criteria
1 Attendance in Tender Brief Y Y Y N Y
2 Complete submission of Y Y Y Y N
specified Tender documents
3 Complete submission of Price Y Y Y Y N
Note: “Y” equates to compliance against cardinal criteria

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Stage 2 Evaluation: Price-Quality Method (PQM)

2. Only three Tender Offers have met the cardinal requirements in stage 1 evaluation
and will proceed to Stage 2 evaluation using the Price-Quality Method (PQM). A weighted
assessment of 40% Price and 60% Quality was adopted for Stage 2 Evaluation.

Price Evaluation

3. Price evaluation was performed using the lowest price submitted by Tenderer C as
comparison across all Tender offers. The P-Score 1 for the three tender proposals is in Table 2

Tenderer A Tenderer B Tenderer C

Price submitted $1,100,000 $900,000 $750,000
Weightage 40% 40% 40%
P-Score 0.27 0.33 0.40

P-Score = [Lowest Tenderer Proposal cost / Tenderer’s offered Proposal cost] x Price Weighting

Quality Evaluation

4. Quality evaluation was performed using the following criteria with the corresponding
weightage (listed in order of decreasing importance):

Tenderer Tenderer
Quality of proposed security solutions 40%
Quality of technology proposals 30%
Track Records 20%
HR and Training competency policies 10%

5. The TEC scored each criterion using the 3-point rating system (0-3) below:

Criteria Rating (on a scale of 0 to 3)

Quality of proposed security 0 - Proposed solution will achieve security outcomes
solutions which are worse-off than current operations.
1 - Proposed solution will achieve security outcomes
similar to current operations.
2 - Proposed solution will achieve better security
outcomes in at least 1 area with no deterioration in other
remaining areas.
3 - Proposed solution will achieve better security
outcomes in more than one area with no deterioration in
other remaining areas.

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Criteria Rating (on a scale of 0 to 3)
Quality of technology solutions 0 - No technology solution was proposed
1 - Proposed solutions does not help to achieve security
outcomes or enhance productivity.
2 - Technology solutions are untested but will help to
achieve security outcomes or enhance productivity.
3 - Technology solutions are matured, in-use or qualified
technologies that will help achieve security outcomes or
enhance productivity.
Track records 0 – Does not meet any of the three track record review
1 – Meets any one of the three track record review areas
2 - Meets any two of the three track record review areas
3 - Meets all three track record review areas

The three track record review areas are:

 SAGE Grading over past two years better than
minimal required in Tender
 Past track record of performing operations of similar
 Past customer review of services performed

HR and Training competency 0 - Proposed or have established HR processes in one area

policies 1 - Proposed or have established HR processes in two
2 - Proposed or have established HR processes in three
3 - Proposed or have established HR processes in four

The four areas are:

 Training and development plans to maintain and
enhance competency of Security Officers
 Individual career development plan for Security
 Rewards and recognition practices for good
 Work-life balance initiatives and measures to ensure
officers do not exceed mandated working hours limit

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6. The individual Q-Score of the tenderers are tabulated below to compare the quality of
the proposals amongst the three tenderers. Tenderer A achieved the highest Q-point of 2.4/3.

Tenderer A Tenderer B Tenderer C

Quality Criteria Score Q-points Score Q-points Score Q-points
Quality of proposed 3 1.2 2 0.8 1 0.4
security solutions
Readiness of 2 0.6 2 0.6 1 0.3
technology solutions
Track records (20%) 2 0.4 3 0.6 2 0.4
HR and Training 2 0.2 3 0.3 2 0.5
competency policies
Total Q-points1 12 2.4 10 2.3 6 1.6
Q-Score2 0.60 0.57 0.39
Q-points = [Score x Weightings]
Q-Score = [Tenderer Total Q-point / Highest Total Q-point amongst Tenderers] x Quality Weighting

Recommendation for Award

7. The total combined score calculated based on the price and quality assessment of the
three proposals is tabulated below. Tenderer B scored the highest and is recommended for

P-Score Q-Score Total Score

Tenderer A 0.27 0.60 0.87
Tenderer B 0.33 0.57 0.90
Tenderer C 0.40 0.39 0.79

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