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Francesco Milizia (1725-1798) and The Acoustics of His Teatro Ideale (1773)

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Francesco Milizia (1725-1798) and the Acoustics of his Teatro Ideale


Article  in  Acta Acustica united with Acustica · January 2013

DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918592

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1 author:

Lamberto Tronchin
University of Bologna


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Vol. 99 (2013) 91 – 97
DOI 10.3813/AAA.918592

Francesco Milizia (1725-1798) and the Acoustics

of his Teatro Ideale (1773)

Lamberto Tronchin
DIENCA – CIARM, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

During the 18th Century several French scientists prior to Pierre Patte proposed a new concept of theatre ar-
chitecture based on a democratic vision of the theatre, which was founded on Neoclassical architecture. The
French vision of theatre architecture recalled the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, designed by Andrea Palladio, and
reintroduced many neoclassical (i.e. Greek/Roman) elements such as columns, semi-circular shapes and a large
balcony in place of box stalls. The new French ideas of theatre architecture did not find many followers in Italy.
The only scientists that accepted this new concept of a “democratic theatre” were the architects Earl Enea Ar-
naldi (Vicenza, 1716–1794) who wrote Idea di un teatro nelle principali sue parti simile a’ teatri antichi all’uso
moderno accomodato del conte Enea Arnald (Vicenza, 1762), and Francesco Milizia (Oria, 1725- 1798), author
of Del Teatro (Rome, 1773 and Venice, 1794) [1]. Milizia wrote his book after having read the Arnaldi’s work
and followed the idea of a semi-circular plan for the theatre with columns and other antiquarian elements. He
was therefore influenced by the Teatro Olimpico architecture in Vicenza and introduced many Neoclassical el-
ements into his conception of theatre architecture. He proposed the Teatro Ideale would solve several problems
that existed in contemporary theatre architecture, including acoustic difficulties. In this paper, the Teatro Ideale
proposed by Francesco Milizia has been acoustically analysed. Using his sketches as a starting point, a numerical
model was created in order to simulate the acoustic behavior of the theatre, as is done today when a modern the-
atre is acoustically analysed. The results from the simulation are presented and commented on, with comparisons
of the acoustic data measured in the Teatro Olimpico, and afterwards rendered by means of 3D auralisation.
PACS no. 43.55.Fw, 43.55.Gx, 43.55.Ka

1. Introduction stalls. This new vision of theatre architecture greatly con-

trasted with the typical Italian-styled opera house.
The new democratic ideas that emerged in France during
the 18th Century derived from the philosophical and polit-
ical principles of the Age of Enlightenment, such as Indi- 2. Historical background of Milizia’s con-
vidualism, the social contract as theorised by the French cepts for theatre architecture
philosopher Rousseau and the separation of powers es-
poused by Baron de Montesquieu. These principles of hu- The international debate over the renovation of theatre
man rights were written in the United States Declaration architecture began in 1749 when Voltaire inserted the
of Independence where it is stated: “Men are born and re- Préface-pamphlet into the Semiramis [3]. Afterwards, the
main free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be Académie d’architecture sent two architects to Italy in or-
founded only upon the general good”. der to analyse the features of Italian theatres. One of these
These new ideas influenced several French scientists architects was Charles-Nicolas Cochin, who wrote a report
prior to Pierre Patte [2], who proposed a new concept of in 1758 [4] that approved the Palladian theatre in Vicenza,
theatre architecture based on a democratic vision of the and criticised the architectural distribution of the box stall
theatre, founded on Neoclassic architecture. in Italian theatres. In 1765 Cochin published Projet d’une
The French vision of theatre architecture immediately salle de spectacles with an elliptical plan. The writings of
recalled the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, designed by An- Cochin can be considered the first publications that specif-
drea Palladio, the renowned Neoclassical architect. Many ically criticised Italian-styled opera houses. His concept
Neoclassical elements were introduced such as columns, influenced Italian Neoclassicism, in particular Earl Enea
semi-circular shapes and a large balcony rather than box Arnaldi’s (Vicenza 1716–1794) publication in 1762 of the
idea that a theatre should be Śas much as possible simi-
lar to the ancient theatres’ [5]. However, the Arnaldi the-
Received 25 April 2012, atre maintained the box stall and converted the stalls into
accepted 7 December 2012. a semi-circular terrace (Figure 1).

© S. Hirzel Verlag · EAA 91

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale
Vol. 99 (2013)

Table I. Some important theatres designed in the 18th–19th Cen-


Theatre Designer Town Type

Olimpico Palladio Vicenza Semicircular

- Cochin - Elliptical
- Arnaldi - Semicircular
- Dumont - Semicircular
La Scala Piermarini Milan Italian-style
La Fenice Selva Venice Italian-style
San Carlo Medrano Naples Italian-style
Patriottico Canonica Milan Semicircular
Grand Théâtre Louis Bordeaux Without boxes
Théâtre Ledoux Besançon Semicircular

Francesco Milizia considered Arnaldi’s publication of Figure 1. The Arnaldi theatre – section – Tav II (1762).
great importance, identifying him as an ‘eruditissimo ac-
cademico olimpico’ (very erudite Olympic academician)
and believing the concept was a good idea. Milizia was
also optimistic that the Teatro Olimpico ‘designed by Pal-
ladio, the Vitruvian’ could be considered as a good theatre’
However, Milizia did not consider the Arnaldi theory
exhaustive enough and a decade later published a more
radical project, which also mentioned the need of acoustic
enhancements of the room. ‘Due to the circular plan and
of the box stalls often in the Italian theatres only whispers
could be heard from those strange people [the singers], and
never could the words be heard’ [1]. Since Milizia also
worked in Rome, he probably knew the work of Gabriel-
Pierre-Martin Dumont [6] and his concept of theatre archi-
tecture, which would be fully realised in French Neoclas-
sicism (Figure 2).
Milizia also introduced French revolutionary themes
into the theatre, writing: ‘Everybody must sit comfortably
and see the scene. Therefore, it is necessary to recall the
semi-circular shape and avoid the box stall’ [1]. Substitut-
ing the box stall with a gallery would have avoided sepa-
rating aristocracy from the common people, therefore mix-
ing all the people together democratically without atten-
tion to social station.
The new ideas of Arnaldi and Milizia were not to be
realised in Italy. All the new theatres, such as Milan (La
Scala, 1778), Venice (La Fenice, 1790), Rome (Tordinona,
1794; Costanzi, 1880) and Naples (San Carlo, 1817) were
instead realised in the Italian style. Only the Teatro Patri-
ottico (now called Filodrammatici), built in Milan under
Napoleonic rule for the Young Republicans (1800), was
provided with a balcony rather than box stalls.
In France instead, many theatres were designed ac-
cording to this new concept, including the Grand Théâtre Figure 2. The Theatre by Gabriel-Pierre-Martin Dumont – 1764–
of Bordeaux (1777-1780) and the Théâtre of Besançon 1766.
(1778–1784, designed by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux).
of the problems of contemporary theatres. The most im-
3. The Teatro Ideale of Francesco Milizia portant new elements introduced in his Teatro Ideale, with
an audience capacity of 5000, included the semi-circular
In this context, Francesco Milizia published in 1773 his plan, lateral walls and ceilings, cavities and resonators,
book proposing a new Teatro Ideale in order to solve many galleries and new door locations (Figures 3, 4).

Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 99 (2013)

focalisation. To compensate for this, he proposed to cover

all lateral walls with wooden panels, at a certain distance
away from them and therefore acting as resonance pan-
els as are found in musical instruments. Galli Bibiena had
tried this innovation in the Teatro Filarmonico at Verona
(1724–1729) [1].
The ceiling proposed by Milizia was circular. Consider-
ing the dimension of the theatre (60 m diameter) and the
geometry of the hall, it is likely that it could have focalisa-
tion. However, the ceiling had an elastic mechanical struc-
ture that avoided strong reflection at low frequencies.

3.3. Cavities and resonators

Arnaldi and Milizia tried to enhance the “resonance” of
the theatre by adding Vitruvian vases and wooden pan-
Figure 3. Milizia’s Teatro Ideale (plan). els. Milizia proposed cylindrical wells that could act as
Helmholtz resonators or bass-traps and, further, three
cylindrical wells that ‘are necessary to amplify the voices’
(Figure 4). Indeed, many contemporary cylindrical cavi-
ties can be identified, for example, Nicodemus Tessin in
Venice reported that ‘a great well that amplifies the sound
of the voices’ was found underneath the Teatro Vendramin
in 1688 [9]. Similar devices were installed in theatres
at Naples (1742), Lisbon (1792) and Ravenna (1840).
The importance of these cavities located underneath the
orchestra pit was recently experimentally verified in the
Teatro Alighieri in Ravenna, where it was discovered they
could indeed increase reverberation and strength, espe-
cially noticeable in the farthest stall positions [10, 11].

3.4. Box-stall and galleries

An important aspect of the new design is related to the
Figure 4. Milizia’s Teatro Ideale (section drawing). box stall. The French theatre architects abandoned them,
as they were considered too un-democratic. Arnaldi main-
tained separate box stalls ‘for tradition’, but Milizia aban-
3.1. The Semi-circular plan doned them for reasons of acoustics and visibility. One
In 1765–66, Joseph-Jérôme de La Lande wrote of the the- previous experiment was installed in Teatro Marsigli,
atre Alibert in Rome [7]: ‘the hemisphere in the ceiling is Bologna - the walls that separate the box stalls were
too flat, and the voice cannot reach the stalls’. The solution substituted with a light wooden structure [12]. In 1762
would have been to make the ceiling a circular shape, as Francesco Algarotti [13] proposed to lower the fence in
mentioned in the Vitruvian writings. Milizia added that the front of each stall for acoustic and visibility reasons, and
circular shape could also enhance visibility. Milizia also because ‘the spectators must be involved in the show’.
wrote that the Farnese theatre in Parma (constructed in
1618 and having a U-shaped plan), despite having poor 3.5. Doors
visibility, has good acoustics. Another element of theatre design is the location of the
Milizia considered the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza a inner doors. Milizia agreed to locate the doors laterally, not
good theatre, where, despite its semi-circular plan, con- only because ‘they were used in ancient times’, but also
tains many wooden panels and elements on the lateral because without them the voice would be weakened. In
walls - components that have been experimentally demon- 1766 Chevalier de Chaumont [14] suggested not locating
strated to avoid strong focalisation [8]. a door below the royal box, in order to avoid air blowing
onto the scene. This could be useful especially for sound
3.2. Lateral walls and ceilings insulation, rather than the room’s sound quality.
In analysing the Arnaldi project, no evident focalisations
would appear, since the gradons (permanent seating tiers 4. Acoustic simulation
as in ancient Greek theatres) are made of wood and the
theatre has lateral box stalls (Figure 1). Milizia proposed Milizia provided a full-scale set of drawings of the Teatro
a larger theatre, which would probably have had greater Ideale, which have been utilised to verify the acoustics.

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale
Vol. 99 (2013)

Table II. Characteristics of the 3D model in the Teatro Ideale.

Number of surface 6345

Number of receivers 134
Number of materials 21
Most relevant (extension) Stage walls (2422 m2 )
surfaces and area Walls (2362 m2 )
Ceiling (2097 m2 )
Stage floor (1566 m2 )
Gross volume 51000 m3

Figure 5. Realisation of the 3D model of the Teatro Ideale of

Francesco Milizia.

A 3D model was realised and used to estimate the sound

propagation in many positions inside the room (Figure 5,
6). Table II summarises the characteristics of the model.
The geometry and the materials of the model were de-
fined by following Milizia’s design while other previously
studied theatres of similar geometry were referred to for
considering the absorption coefficients of the materials.
The simulations were performed using Ramsete, a pyra-
mid tracer software [15]; the 134 receivers were homo-
geneously distributed in the theatre, covering all seating
areas. From these receivers, also Binaural Impulse Re-
sponses (BIRs) were obtained in many representative po-
sitions of the room using a previously developed procedure
that utilises the measured Kemar HRTFs [16].

5. Results
The overall acoustic parameters obtained from simula-
tions are reported in Table III. The average was conducted
Figure 6. The 3D model of the Teatro Ideale of Francesco
among all the receivers, homogeneously located in the
room, in the reverberant field and where the parameters
are less position-dependent.
Considering the overall values of the acoustic parame- 6. The acoustics of the Teatro Olimpico
ters reported in Table III, the Teatro Ideale appears as a re-
verberant theatre. However, the numerical values here re- The Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza [19] has been considered,
ported do not differ considerably from the values measured since the 17th Century, a reference for Milizia’s architec-
in the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, where the reverbera- ture and acoustics. It should be remembered that in the
tion time is approximately 2.5 seconds at mid-frequencies 17th and 18th Century the aesthetic evaluation of theatre
[17, 18]. One other issue was the sound distribution in the acoustics was different from today. For example, one of the
theatre. The circular shape of the main hall could have most important works of Athanasius Kircher emphasised
caused focalisation in the centre of the room. Neverthe- theatre sound effects rather than sound quality [20].
less, the distribution maps of the energy parameters (i.e. Today the dominant opinion is that the Teatro Olimpico
Centre Time or strength) reveal focalisation was limited, is an excellent, resonant theatre. However, this opinion
due to the acoustic treatment on the ceilings and lateral may reflect the qualitative impression of the historic ar-
walls (Figure 7). chitecture of the room rather than purely of its acoustics.

Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 99 (2013)

Table III. Value of acoustic parameters obtained after simulation.

Freq (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

EDT (s) 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.1

T15 (s) 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.2
T30 (s) 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.1
C50 (dB) −6.6 −6.4 −5.9 −5.9 −6.0 −5.7 −4.5
C80 (dB) −3.7 −3.3 −2.8 −2.8 −2.9 −2.6 −1.3
D (%) 17.9 18.7 20.3 20.5 20.2 21.4 26.0
CT (ms) 219 203 184 185 191 178 142
STI (%) 0.52 0.53 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.61






-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30





Figure 8. Plan and Section of the Teatro Olimpico, by Ottavio
Bertotti Scamozzi (1776).
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

wood. A wooden structure suspends from the ceiling. In

Figure 7. Spatial distribution of CT (top) and strength (bottom)
the upper part of the cavea are thirty columns surmounted
in the Teatro Ideale.
by statues. Likewise, statues are also situated in the ten
niches in front of the stage. The wooden scene was origi-
nally designed and built by Vincenzo Scamozzi in 1584/5.
In 1994 Vicenza and its Palladian architecture was in- All of these elements in combination contribute to scat-
cluded on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today the tering the sound distribution and creating a good sound
Teatro Olimpico is rarely utilised for musical performance; distribution.
there is no conditioning system in the space and the capac-
ity is limited to only 400 seats due to conservation con-
straints. As a result, it is difficult for a sufficient number 6.1. Measurements in the Teatro Olimpico
of people (musicians or listeners) to express their opinion Since Charles-Nicolas Cochin, Enea Arlandi and Fran-
about its acoustics. cesco Milizia himself cited the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza
The Teatro Olimpico has a volume of about 12000 m3 . as an example of good architecture and acoustics, an ex-
The main architectural characteristics include the floor and perimental campaign of acoustic measurements was car-
thirteen gradons (seating tiers), which are all made of ried out in the theatre to determine its acoustic quality.

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale
Vol. 99 (2013)

Table IV. Overall value of acoustic parameters measured in Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza.

Freq (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

EDT (s) 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.3

T15 (s) 1.5 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.4 1.7 1.2
T30 (s) 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.6 1.9 1.3
C50 (dB) 0.87 0.27 −2.13 −5.49 −2.18 0.22 0.93
C80 (dB) 1.96 1.53 −0.55 −3.68 −0.57 1.58 2.82
D (%) 55.0 51.6 38.0 22.0 37.7 51.2 55.4
CT (ms) 99.4 99.9 141.9 185.2 143.5 96.3 70.4
STI (%) 0.537 0.539 0.45 0.361 0.453 0.533 0.547

Table V. Acoustic differences between the Teatro Ideale and Teatro Olimpico.

Freq (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

EDT (s) 1.6 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8

T15 (s) 1.6 0.7 0.2 0 0.3 0.9 1
T30 (s) 1.5 0.8 0.3 0 0.1 0.6 0.8
C50 (dB) −7.47 −6.67 −3.77 −0.41 −3.82 −5.92 −5.43
C80 (dB) −5.66 −4.83 −2.25 0.88 −2.33 −4.18 −4.12
D (%) −37.1 −32.9 −17.7 −1.5 −17.5 −29.8 −29.4
CT (ms) 119.6 103.1 42.1 −0.2 47.5 81.7 71.6
STI (%) −0.017 −0.009 0.1 0.189 0.097 0.027 0.063

The measurements were conducted by positioning an om- value of STI is almost the same for both theatres, and only
nidirectional sound source, pre-equalised in the frequency Clarity and Centre Time differ between them. The differ-
domain, fed by an exponential sine sweep from 40 Hz to ences between the two theatres are due to the increased
20 kHz [21, 22], a Dummy head (Neumann KU 100) and scale of the Teatro Ideale – having a capability of 5000
a Soundfield microphone (MKV). The sound source was seats it is much larger that the Teatro Olimpico. Nowadays,
located on the stage in front of the wooden scene, while due to conservation reasons, the Teatro Olimpico only ac-
the microphones were located in several positions in the commodates an audience of 400, but in 18th Century it
stalls. The results are reported in Table IV. could host at least 800 people (or more).
It is evident that the Teatro Olimpico is much more re- The architecture of the Teatro Olimpico differs from
verberant than any other Italian-style opera house. For in- Milizia’s proposed theatre in volume and dimensions, but
stance, the Teatro la Fenice, measured in 1997 [23], re- the shape does not considerably differ. The mean absorp-
vealed a Reverberation Time at mid-frequencies of about tion coefficient in Milizia’s theatre is about 0.35 (i.e. 35%),
half the value measured in the Olimpico. thanks to the acoustic treatment that he proposed for the
ceiling. In the Teatro Olimpico the main value is about 0.3
7. Analysis of the results (i.e. 30%). However, this value does not modify to any
considerable extent the acoustic quality of the room.
Since the mean value of reverberation time and other pa- The acoustics of the Teatro Ideale seem to be very sim-
rameters obtained from measurements is not comparable ilar to the Teatro Olimpico, confirming the intentions of
with the same value obtained from simulations, because Francesco Milizia, who considered that theatre as a refer-
of the difference at very low frequencies (31.5 and 63 Hz) ence.
that are due to the frequency response of the (real) loud-
speaker, the comparison between the two theatres should 8. Conclusions
be made from 125 Hz to 8 kHz, and especially between
250 Hz to 4 kHz. Francesco Milizia proposed in 1773 a detailed project for
Comparing the data of Table III and IV, the most surpris- his Teatro Ideale, which was hoped to have improved
ing result is the similarity between Reverberation Times in acoustics, visibility, comfort and spectator inclusion. De-
the two theatres. Apart from 125 Hz, the differences be- spite the large scale of the theatre, the simulation and
tween T15 and T30 simulated for the Teatro Ideale and 3D auralisation demonstrates, two centuries after its con-
measured in the Teatro Olimpico are consistently less than ception, that its acoustics would have been very similar
one second, and at mid-frequencies less than 0.3 seconds. to some of our contemporary theatres such as the Teatro
At 1 kHz, T15 and T30 have the same values. At low fre- Olimpico in Vicenza and Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires.
quencies the difference increases, and only for EDT the Francesco Milizia’s concept of sound quality in theatres
difference is slightly greater. Considering the differences was closer to modern opinions of theatre acoustics than to
between the values reported in Table V, it is evident that the his contemporaries. The sound characteristics of existing

Tronchin: Francesco Milizia and his Teatro Ideale ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 99 (2013)

Italian opera houses are much less reverberant than the the- 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration
atre that Milizia proposed. His concept tried to solve most (ICSV), Lisbon, 2005.
of the acoustic issues that persist to the present day in sev- [11] A. Cocchi, M. Garai, L. Tronchin: Influenza di cavità riso-
eral modern theatres that still require attention. Whereas nanti poste sotto la fossa orchestrale: il caso del teatro
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Acknowledgement [14] Chevaliere de Chaumont: Véritable construction d’un thé-
âtre d’opéra à l’usage de France suivant les principes des
The author wishes to thank Giorgio Guidotti and Patrizio constructeurs italiens, avec toutes les mesures et propor-
Barbieri for their help during the realisation of the model tions relatives à la voix, expliquée par des reÌgles de
and the analysis of Milizia’s work, and David J. Knight for géométrie, et des raisonnements physiques; secret très-
proofreading this article. He also thanks Angelo Farina for important, et qu’on découvre au public. de Lormel, Paris,
his precious suggestions during the modeling of scattering 1766.
and diffusion in the theatre. [15] A. Farina: RAMSETE - a new Pyramid Tracer for medium
and large scale acoustic problems. Proc. of EURO-NOISE
95 Conference, Lyon, 21-23 march 1995.
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