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NYS DOH Nursing Home Factors Report

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Factors Associated with Nursing Home Infections and Fatalities in New York State

During the COVID-19 Global Health Crisis

New York State Department of Health

July 6, 2020
Table of Contents

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 3

Background ............................................................................................................................... 6
I. COVID-19 Staff Illness Contributed to Infections of Nursing Home Residents.......... 9
II. Potential Transmission from Residents with COVID-19 Who Were Admitted to
the Nursing Homes.............................................................................................................. 16
III. Nursing Home Quality Contributing to COVID-19 Resident Exposure ................ 23
IV. Age of the Nursing Home Resident as a Factor for Mortality ................................ 24
Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 25
Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 27
Appendix A. Nursing Home Facilities, by State ................................................................ 28
Appendix B. Cases and Deaths in Nursing Homes, by State ............................................. 31
Appendix C. Nursing Home Fatalities as a Percentage of Nursing Home Residents and
General Population ............................................................................................................. 33

Executive Summary

In an effort to learn for the future from the data now available from the earliest days of

the first in a century pandemic that swept across the globe and into the United States, the New

York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) conducted an in-depth analysis of self-reported

nursing home data that finds that COVID-19 fatalities in nursing homes were related to infected

nursing home staff. The NYSDOH analysis found:

• The timing of staff infections correlates with the timing of peak nursing home resident
mortality across the state;

• Nursing home employee infections were related to the most impacted regions in the state;
• Peak nursing home admissions occurred a week after peak nursing home mortality,
therefore illustrating that nursing home admissions from hospitals were not a driver of
nursing home infections or fatalities;

• Most patients admitted to nursing homes from hospitals were no longer contagious when
admitted and therefore were not a source of infection; and,

• Nursing home quality was not a factor in nursing home fatalities.

According to data submitted by nursing homes, in many cases under the penalty of

perjury, approximately 37,500 nursing home staff members—one in four of the state’s

approximately 158,000 nursing home workers—were infected with COVID-19 between March

and early June 2020. Of the 37,500 nursing home staff infected, nearly 7,000 of them were

working in facilities in the month of March; during the same period, more than a third of the

state’s nursing home facilities had residents ill with the virus. Roughly 20,000 infected nursing

home workers were known to be COVID-positive by the end of the month of April. These

workforce infections are reflective of the larger geographic impact of the virus’s presence across

the state.

NYSDOH further analyzed the timing of the COVID-positive staff infections and the

timing of nursing home deaths. Based on published data, the average length of time between

COVID-19 infections to death is between 18-25 days.1 Therefore, the link between the timing of

staff infection and nursing home mortality is supported by the fact that the peak number of

nursing home staff reported COVID-19 symptoms on March 16, 2020—23 days prior to the date

of the peak nursing home fatalities, which occurred on April 8, 2020. It is likely that thousands

of employees who were infected in mid-March transmitted the virus unknowingly—through no

fault of their own—while working, which then led to resident infection.

NYSDOH also examined the potential impact of the NYSDOH’s March 25,

2020 admission policy. A survey conducted by NYSDOH shows that approximately 6,326

COVID-positive residents were admitted to facilities between March 25, 2020 and May 8, 2020;

this finding is supported by an independent analysis done by the Associated Press on May 22,

2020.2 However, an analysis of the timing of admissions versus fatalities shows that it could not

be the driver of nursing home infections or fatalities. An individual nursing home-by-nursing

home analysis of admissions versus fatalities further supports this finding.

A causal link between the admission policy and infections/fatalities would be supported

through a direct link in timing between the two, meaning that if admission of patients into

nursing homes caused infection—and by extension mortality— the time interval between the

admission and mortality curves would be consistent with the expected interval between infection

and death. However, the peak date COVID-positive residents entered nursing homes occurred

Verity R, Okell LC, Dorigatti I, et al. Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based esti-
mate. Lancet Infect Dis 2020;20: 669–77. See also Flaxman S, Mishra S, Gandy A, et al. Report 13: Estimating the
number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries.
Imperial College London (30-03-2020).
Condon, Bernard, Jennifer Peltz, and Jim Mustain, Over 4,500 virus patients sent to NY nursing homes, Associated
Press (May 22, 2020) located at

on April 14, 2020, a week after peak mortality in New York’s nursing homes occurred on April

8, 2020. If admissions were driving fatalities, the order of the peak fatalities and peak admissions

would have been reversed.

NYSDOH further analyzed the period of time patients stayed in hospitals prior to

admission to nursing home facilities. Preliminary data show that residents were admitted to

nursing homes a median of 9 days after hospital admission. Health experts believe that

individuals infected with the virus are most infectious 2 days before symptoms appear and that

they are likely no longer infectious 9 days after symptom onset – thus, by the time these patients

were admitted to a nursing home after their hospital stay, they were no longer contagious.3

NYSDOH also considered the impact of visitation into nursing homes as a cause of

infections. A review shows that prior to nursing home visitation being suspended completely on

March 13, 2020, there was no tracking or testing of family and friends who were present in the

facility, and any asymptomatic or symptomatic visitor could have been granted access. Given

what we now know about how widespread the virus was in New York prior to testing availability

in February and early March, there is a high likelihood that COVID-positive visitors entered

nursing homes, although there is no specific data to support this assumption, and so ultimately

this is inconclusive.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with
COVID-19, (Updated May 3, 2020) located at


Nations all across the globe have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. The

situation rapidly and dramatically altered everyday life—requiring social distancing, closing of

schools and businesses, and restricting access to hospitals and other congregate facilities.

New York State was one of the earliest states affected by COVID-19 resulting from

inbound travel from Europe.5 On March 1, 2020, NYS identified its first case of COVID-19 in an

international traveler. On March 3, 2020, the first COVID-19 case with no travel-related risk

factors was identified in Westchester, NY; contact tracing revealed additional infected contacts.

Congregate settings, like nursing homes, are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases

like COVID-19,6 and many states and nations around the world have had to grapple with this

difficult situation. The first known positive COVID-19 nursing home case in the United States

was discovered when a Kirkland, Washington resident was transferred to a hospital on February

24, 2020 and later tested positive. In New York, the first introduction of COVID-19 into a

nursing home known at the time occurred on March 5, 2020 when a nursing home staff member

tested positive; the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in a nursing home resident known at the

time occurred on March 11, 2020.

New York State has approximately 100,000 nursing home residents housed in 613

nursing home facilities statewide. Although an analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family

Foundation in 2017 found that New York State has more nursing home residents than any state

in the nation, despite being the fourth most populous state (Appendix A), New York’s nursing

The New York State Department of Health staff was supported by McKinsey & Company.
Gonzalez-Reiche AS, Hernandez MM, Sullivan M, et al, Introduction and Early Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in New
York City, Science (May 29, 2020) doi: 10.1126/science.abc1917. Online ahead of print.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nursing Homes and Assisted Living (Long Term Care Facilities
[LTCFs]), (June 26, 2020) retrieved from

homes fatalities are not anomalous or disproportionate to the rest of the country. Data

demonstrates that COVID-19 has been a challenge for nursing home facilities nationwide.

According to an analysis done by the New York Times on June 26, 2020, “at least 54,000

residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at these facilities for older adults in the

United States, and as of June 26th, the virus has infected more than 282,000 people at some

12,000 facilities.” The same New York Times analysis found that in terms of the percentage of

total deaths in nursing homes, New York State ranked 46th in the nation—meaning 45 states had

a greater percentage of fatalities (Appendix B).7 Further, an examination of fatalities in our

neighboring states—despite having populations much smaller than New York’s—illustrates

fatalities at these facilities were not a New York-specific phenomenon: Connecticut reports

3,124 deaths in these facilities, New Jersey reports 6,617, and Massachusetts reports 5,115, to

New York’s 6,432 fatalities. Looking at this on a per capita basis of nursing home deaths versus

total population, Connecticut had 86 nursing home/long term care resident deaths for every

100,000 people, New Jersey 75 for every 100,000, Massachusetts 74 for every 100,000 people,

Pennsylvania 35 for every 100,000 people, while New York had 33 for every 100,000 (Appendix


The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) undertook aggressive steps to

prepare healthcare facilities for COVID-19 to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 in the

state’s 613 nursing homes, issuing orders, directives and guidance to nursing homes on a variety

of topics. For example, knowing personal protective equipment (PPE) would be critical and that

there could be shortages because of global demand, on February 6, 2020 NYSDOH issued a

43% of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes, New York Times (June 27, 2020) located at
homes.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage. The New York Times uses nusing homes and
long term care facilities in their analysis.

letter to all nursing homes stating, “The Department asks all facilities to compare their existing

inventories of PPE, such as face shields, gowns, gloves, masks, N95 respirators, against the

expected rate of use of these items under a surge situation, to determine the quantities needed to

be on hand” and then to coordinate with existing vendors and local offices of emergency

management to procure additional PPE.8 Over the course of the crisis, New York State provided

nursing homes with an unprecedented 8,510,729 pieces of PPE for their workers and others.

In addition to PPE, NYSDOH issued guidance: on infection control in healthcare

facilities (February 25, 2020), specific nursing home infection control, and health and safety

guidance (March 6, March 11, & March 13, 2020). On March 13, 2020 NYSDOH mandated

staff temperature checks at the beginning of each shift, mandated use of face masks by all staff,

and cancelled congregate activities within nursing homes. The same day, Governor Cuomo

issued an executive order banning all nursing home visitation statewide, expanding an order

issued days earlier in New York’s first known ‘hot spot’ New Rochelle on March 7, 2020.

Moreover, the state created strict penalties for non-compliance, including the potential for a

nursing home to lose its operating license.

On May 10, 2020, New York State mandated twice-weekly testing of staff for nursing

homes in regions of the state operating in phases I and II of reopening, and once-weekly testing

for all nursing homes in phase III and beyond. NYSDOH surveyors and epidemiologists

conducted over 2,000 calls, video assessments, and in-person assessments to support nursing

homes and assess compliance with infection control and prevention practices and bring

corrective action for any deficiencies through April 2020.

Letter from NYSDOH Commissioner Howard A. Zucker to all nursing home operators (February 6, 2020).

Analysis of COVID-19 Nursing Home Fatalities

Below is an analysis of possible factors correlating to infection rates or mortality rates in

nursing homes. We compared and analyzed the following nationwide data and factors—many of

which have been suggested as potential causes of nursing home infections—to determine

correlation, including:

I. COVID-19 staff illness in the nursing home as a possible source of exposure;

II. Potential transmission from residents with COVID-19 who were admitted to the
nursing homes;

III. Nursing home quality of care ratings contributing to COVID-19 resident

exposures; and,

IV. The age of the nursing home residents as a factor for mortality.

I. COVID-19 Staff Illness Contributed to Infections of Nursing Home Residents

Since New York State’s first confirmed COVID-19 case on March 1, 2020, until July 5,

2020, New York State has tested 4,233,803 people with 397,131 testing positive.9 Within New

York State, there has been significant geographic variation in overall positive tests by region

(Figure 1) and within nursing home cases and fatalities. The most impacted regions in New

York State were in the downstate region (Mid-Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island)

—those regions had the highest nursing home fatality rates.

See New York State Department of Health COVID Tracker at

Figure 1. Persons Testing Positive for COVID-19 by County, July 5, 2020

SOURCE: New York State COVID Tracker, located at
Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n, Accessed June 28, 2020.

As Figure 2 demonstrates10, the mortality curve for nursing home residents closely

follows the mortality curve for non-nursing home residents, with the peaks occurring at similar

dates. As Figure 2 also illustrates, the peak was in early April suggesting the virus was spreading

in many instances much earlier than first thought. An independent antibody study found that

early infections—virtually undetected—were happening much earlier than initially thought in

February of 2020.11 This suggests a correlation between infections in geographical broader

public infections and infections in nursing homes. Many of the nursing home residents were in

those areas most impacted in New York State, including in the outer boroughs of New York

This trend with a similar 3 city survey found in a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Associa-
tion. See: Michael L. Barnett, Hu, Lissy, et al, Mortality, Admissions, and Patient Census at SNFs in 3 US Cities
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, JAMA. Published online (June 24, 2020), doi:10.1001/jama.2020.11642.
Mandavilli, Apoorva, In Early February, the Coronavirus Was Moving Through New York, New York Times
(June 30, 2020) located at

City, Long Island, and the Mid-Hudson Valley. For example, 80% of all infected nursing home

staff were from the most impacted areas of the state: New York City (48%), Long Island (17%),

and the Mid-Hudson Valley (15%) with only 20% coming from the rest of the state. Not only

was the number of nursing home staff significant, they were found in the most impacted regions,

correlating to the overall infections in the most impacted regions.

Figure 2: Comparison of Non-Nursing Home and Nursing Homes COVID-19 Fatalities Over Time

SOURCE: NYSDOH Daily Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS) as of June 16, 2020.

Evidence suggests that nursing home residents were infected with COVID-19 as a result

of transmission by the workforce. Based on a NYSDOH nursing home supplemental survey

conducted on June 9, 2020 for the months of March, April, and May, 28,510 nursing home staff

were confirmed or suspected COVID-positive cases across New York State.

Between May 20, 2020 and June 16, 2020, following Governor Cuomo’s Executive

Order mandating twice-weekly staff testing resulted in approximately 9,000 staff tested positive.

That means that out of approximately 158,000 nursing home employees in the state,

approximately 37,500 nursing home staff were presumed or confirmed positive for COVID-19—

or one out of every four workers were infected.

Figure 3. Number of Nursing Home Employees Confirmed or Suspected To Be COVID-Positive,
March 2020-May 2020

SOURCE: NYSDOH Nursing Home Staff Testing Survey, June 8, 2020, data reported by NYS nursing homes

Additional studies support this finding and suggest the number of staff infections could

have been even higher. A May 2020 serological study conducted by the lab BioReference of

roughly 3,500 nursing home employees in New York State found that 29% of the nursing home

staff tested positive for having the COVID-19 antibodies.12 Extrapolating that number, up to

45,820 nursing home staff were infected by May—or nearly one in three workers.

Why were infected nursing home staff able to likely infect residents in the nursing

homes? In March, the federal government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

did not suspect that asymptomatic people were likely to spread the infection. First, there was no

CDC recommendation for testing nursing home staff until recently, and the CDC guidance issued

during February, March, and April varied in its recommendations, or lack of recommendations,

BioReference Laboratories, Inc, Health's BioReference Laboratories Reports Results of COVID-19 Testing for
Almost One Quarter of a Million Nursing Home and Live-in Facility Employees, (July 1, 2020) located at

for when asymptomatic recovering or exposed healthcare workers could work, a reflection of the

evolving understanding of the risk these people posed.

Moreover, CDC also issued guidance on March 7, 2020 that stated certain asymptomatic

healthcare personnel exposed to others with the virus were “not restricted from work.”13 This

early, and ultimately erroneous, understanding of viral spread allowed many nursing home

COVID-positive employees to continue working. It was not until much later, as the true number

of asymptomatic cases became clear, that evidence based upon contact tracing established

definitively that asymptomatic people were in fact capable of spreading the virus.

To compound the situation, on March 16th the CDC issued guidance that nursing home

employees who were symptomatic, but not tested, should wait only three days after the

symptoms had passed to return to work and only seven days after the COVID-19-like symptoms

first appeared.14 As more was learned about COVID-19, CDC issued updated guidance on April

13th for asymptomatic workers and April 30th for symptomatic workers by increasing isolation to

10 days.15 However, by that point, as data show, the disease was already at its peak in the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Interim U.S. Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Man-
agement of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure in a Healthcare Setting to Patients with Coronavirus Dis-
ease (COVID-19), (March 7, 2020). CDC did not recommend changing the beginning of the exposure period from
the onset of symptoms to “48 hours before symptom onset” until April 2020.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Criteria for Return to Work for Healthcare Personnel with Confirmed
or Suspected COVID-19 (Interim Guidance), (March 16, 2020) retrieved from
facilities%2Fhcp-return-work.html.CDC issued guidance regarding return to work for health care personnel but did
not address asymptomatic COVID-19 positive healthcare personnel. Therefore, on March 31st, NYSDOH guidance
issued to address this by applying the non-test based strategy to these individuals to exclude them for at least 7 days
after the positive test result. See Updated Protocols for Personnel in Healthcare and Other Direct Care Settings to
Return to Work Following COVID-19 Exposure or Infection (March 31st, 2020). This directive has since been
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Return to Work for Healthcare Personnel with Confirmed or
Suspected COVID-19, (April 13, 2020) retrieved from
facilities%2Fhcp-return-work.html; CDC, Criteria for Return to Work for Healthcare Personnel with Suspected or
Confirmed COVID-19 (Interim Guidance) (April 30, 2020) located at

nursing homes (Figure 2). It is likely that a significant percentage of both mildly symptomatic

and asymptomatic employees were advised to continue working during March and April and

thus unknowingly spread the disease within the facility. The entire situation was further

compounded by the lack of testing nationwide capacity in March, making it impossible to have

an accurate assessment of which nursing home staff were COVID positive.

As Figure 4 illustrates below, the peak of nursing home fatalities was in early April. In

order to address possible correlation, you must consider COVID-19’s incubation period.

According to the CDC,16 the incubation period for COVID-19 is as follows:

• Infection to symptoms: Avg. 5 days (range 2-14)

• Symptoms to hospital: Avg. 8 – 12 days
• Infection to hospital: Avg. 13 – 17 days
• Symptoms to death: Avg. 13 – 20 days
• Infection to death: Avg. 18 – 25 days

Given this incubation period, it is likely that thousands of employees infected in mid-

March could have unknowingly—through no fault of their own— transmitted the virus while

working, which then led to resident infection, something that Figure 4 demonstrates. The

average length of time between infections to death is between 18-25 days. Therefore, an analysis

of the timing between known nursing home staff infections and nursing home fatalities indicates

that they are correlated due to the fact that the peak number of nursing home staff reporting

COVID-19 symptoms occurred 23 days prior to the date of the peak nursing home fatalities.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of Patients with
Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), (Updated May 29, 2020) located at

Figure 4. Number of Nursing Homes Reporting First Symptomatic Staff and Nursing Home
Resident Fatalities Timeline

SOURCES: NYSDOH Nursing Home Staff Testing Survey, June 8, 2020, data reported by NYS nursing
homes to NYSDOH and NYSDOH Daily Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS) survey.

However, other factors that cannot be ruled out include spread from family and visitors.

As Figure 4 illustrates, nursing home fatalities were increasing in mid-March. New York State

acted early in its outbreak to ban any non-medical visitation, including family and friends, on

March 13, 2020. The nursing home fatality peak was April 8, 2020. Given this timing, and given

the COVID-19 incubation period, it is possible that with visitation by family and friends prior to

March 13th, the potential for positive COVID-19 cases being among those visitors and spreading

it within the facility was a contributing factor. There is no data on the infection rate of nursing

home visitors, so this is inconclusive. All of this activity well pre-dated the March 25 admission

policy for COVID-positive residents (Infra).

II. Potential Transmission from Residents with COVID-19 Who Were Admitted to the
Nursing Homes

One of the factors that has been suggested by some observers to contribute to nursing

home infections and subsequent fatalities is that the admission of COVID-positive residents

introduced COVID into nursing homes. However, data does not support this assertion.

If the March 25th NYSDOH policy on admissions uniquely impacted nursing home

fatalities, New York’s—and the roughly 12 other states with similar policies—nursing home

fatalities would be disproportionate to the rest of the country. Not only has a recent report by the

New York Times, found that New York’s nursing home fatalities were not disproportionate to the

rest of the nation (See, Background, Infra.), neighboring states—despite having populations

much lower than New York’s—illustrates that on a per capita basis, New York has one of the

lowest fatality rates in nursing homes of any of its neighboring states (Appendix C).

New York State followed the federal government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

Services (CMS) guidance which stated that nursing homes should accept residents with COVID-

19 as long as they can use transmission-based precautions.17 The federal guidance specifically

states, “Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their

facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present.”18

NYSDOH’s March 25, 2020 admission guidance stated, “No resident shall be denied re-

admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of

U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention of Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Nursing Homes (Revised) (Report Ref: QSO-20-14-NH), (March 13, 2020),
Baltimore MD: US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Id at page 5.

COVID-19” (emphasis added).19 However, contrary to some press reports, neither CMS

guidance nor the state ever directed that a nursing home must accept a COVID-positive person.

In fact, the opposite is true. By state law, a nursing home could not accept a COVID-positive

person unless the nursing home could provide adequate care. Title 10 of New York State Codes,

Rules and Regulations clearly states a nursing home, “shall accept and retain only those nursing

home residents for whom it can provide adequate care.”20 It was in the nursing homes’ sole

discretion to determine if they would accept the COVID-positive person and if they could

provide adequate care. Thus, it would be against the law for any nursing home operating in New

York State to accept a patient it could not care for—in this instance that specifically meant a

nursing home’s ability to properly isolate patients and follow protective procedures.

Admission of COVID-19 Patients

A statewide nursing home survey conducted by NYSDOH for admission data from

March 25, 2020- May 8, 2020 show that approximately 6,326 COVID-19 patients were admitted

from a hospital to a total of 310 unique nursing homes. Of the 310 nursing homes that admitted

COVID-19 patients, 252 of them already had a suspected or confirmed COVID-positive resident,

COVID-related confirmed or presumed fatality, or worker infected prior to admission of a single

COVID-positive patient—meaning the admission of a COVID patient did not introduce COVID

into the nursing home as it was already present. Furthermore, 222 of the state’s nursing homes

already had residents with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 prior to the March 25, 2020

NYSDOH guidance.

NYSDOH, Advisory: Hospital Discharges and Admissions to Nursing Homes (March 25, 2020).
See Title 10 of the New York State Code of Rules and Regulations, section 415.26, (ii).

Figure 5. Nursing Home Fatality Curve and Admissions Over Time

SOURCE: NYSDOH Facility Survey as of May 27, 2020 for COVID Positive Admissions from March 1, 2020 -
May 8, 2020.

Figure 5 above shows the timeline of nursing home resident fatalities and COVID-19

admissions. Nursing home resident fatalities peaked on April 8, 2020. The peak of nursing

home admissions from hospitals did not occur until April 14, 2020, a week after peak nursing

home fatalities—suggesting the policy was not the cause.

Further, as Figure 5 shows, admissions of residents with COVID-19 were still increasing

when the number of nursing home deaths was already declining. If the March 25, 2020 guidance

was the major cause of exposures leading to nursing home deaths, the time interval between the

admission and mortality curves would be consistent with the expected interval between infection

and death. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the number of COVID positive admissions versus

known COVID staff infections by month.

Figure 6. Comparison between Infected Nursing Home Employees and Resident Admissions

SOURCE: NYSDOH facility survey March 25, 2020 to May 8, 2020 Admissions and DOH Facility Staff
Illness Survey.

In addition, the data suggests that people admitted from hospitals to nursing homes were

most likely not contagious. Per CDC data, COVID-positive individuals are likely not capable of

transmitting the virus after 9 days from the onset of the illness. The CDC stated, “The

statistically estimated likelihood of recovering replication-competent virus approaches zero by

10 days.”21 This comports with the CDC policies related to return to work and removal from

isolation precautions after a positive COVID test. CDC isolation period has been currently

established to be 10 days. In April, the CDC suggested an even more reduced isolation period of

7 days after testing positive as long as 72 hours had been with symptoms reducing and no

fever.22 After this date, infected persons are unlikely to transmit the virus, although it may still

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with
COVID-19, (Updated May 3, 2020) located at
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Return to Work for Healthcare Personnel with Confirmed or
Suspected COVID-19, (Updated April 13, 2020) retrieved from

result in a positive PCR test. Length of stay data shows that for nursing home admissions, the

length of hospital stay was a median of 9 days. This is likely beyond the period of viral

transmission. According to researchers and health experts, individuals with COVID-19 are most

infectious 2 days before symptoms appear and likely no longer infectious 9 days after symptom


COVID Admissions

Admissions into nursing homes are patients who went to the hospital from a nursing

home, were treated and returned back to their nursing home. By definition these patients could

not have been responsible for introducing COVID into their nursing home, as they had COVID

prior to going to the hospital for treatment and before being readmitted. These residents were

pre-symptomatic or in the early stages of illness at the nursing home when they would have been

infectious but before COVID-19 might have been recognized and the resident put on

transmission-based precautions. Therefore, based on the most cautious current provisions, most

patients readmitted to nursing homes were likely not infectious, for the time they were being

readmitted would have far exceeded the CDC standard.

Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients. N
Engl J Med 2020;382:1177-9.
He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al. Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19. Nat
Med 26, 672–675 (2020).

Did Admissions Increase Mortality?

The data do not show a consistent relationship between admissions and increased

mortality. As exemplified in Figure 7, there were cases where nursing homes did not admit any

COVID-positive patients, yet still had a high number of COVID-related deaths. As the chart

demonstrates, one facility with zero admissions or admissions still had 20 deaths and another had

zero admissions, yet 8 deaths. In fact, 132 nursing homes that had zero admissions from

hospitals nonetheless had one or more COVID-19 fatalities. A total of 97 facilities had their first

COVID-19 fatality before or on the day of their first admission.

Figure 7. Cumulative Mortality Versus Admissions, Select Facilities


20 20
Luxor Nursing and
Rehabilitation at
Sayville 10
(Suffolk County) 5
0 0
8 8
Four Seasons
Nursing and 6
Rehabilitation 4
(Kings County)
00 0
10 10
Affinity Skilled
Living and 8
Rehabilitation 5
(Suffolk County)
Deaths 03/25 03/29 04/02 04/06 04/10 04/14 04/18 04/22 04/26 04/30 05/04 05/08

SOURCE: NYSDOH Facility Survey as of May 27, 2020 for Admissions from March 1, 2020 - May 8, 2020.

In addition, some nursing-home specific cases also demonstrate that admissions policies

were not the determinative factor. For example, virtually all of the Cobble Hill Health Facility’s

fatalities happened by April 14, 2020 (43 of the 52); yet Cobble Hill Health Facility had only one

COVID-positive admission and it did not occur until April 30, 2020. Thus, the admission of

COVID-positive patients was not a factor in the Cobble Hill Health Facility nursing home


Figure 8. Cumulative Mortality Versus Admissions, Cobble Hill Health Center

SOURCE: NYSDOH Facility Survey as of May 27, 2020 for Admissions from March 1, 2020 - May 8, 2020.

Did Patients Coming from Hospitals Have Alternatives to Nursing Homes?

There was no need for nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients if they could not

provide adequate care in a safe environment, as required by state law, as there were alternatives

available facilities for such patients. New York State had secured various alternative facilities,

with a significant number of beds suitable for COVID-positive nursing home patients, had any

nursing home declined to accept a COVID-positive patient. During the outbreak, the State even

created COVID-positive exclusive facilities for nursing home residents across the state. In New

York City, the State created the Brooklyn Center in Brooklyn with 281 beds run by Maimonides

and South Beach in Staten Island with 259 beds operational. Upstate, Catholic Health’s St.

Joseph Post-Acute Center (operating under the license of Father Baker Manor Home) was made

a COVID-only facility with 80 beds. In addition, surplus capacity was made available at SUNY

Downstate Hospital in Brooklyn and SUNY Upstate Hospital in Syracuse. Therefore, there was

no need for nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients if they did not believe they could

provide adequate care, as required by law, as the State had available alternatives. The State

Department of Health and Attorney General’s office are doing an investigation to determine,

among other things, if nursing homes violated this law.

Further, questions have been raised by the New York Times about the potential profit

motivation by some nursing homes to evict certain low-income patients to be able to accept

COVID-positive patients as the reimbursement for treatment is higher than that for traditional

Medicaid patients.25 The NYSDOH has begun to investigate these claims.

III. Nursing Home Quality Contributing to COVID-19 Resident Exposure

We analyzed whether nursing homes that had a lower quality rating over the past several

years had a higher death rate than nursing homes with a record of higher star ratings. In fact, this

hypothesis is not substantiated. Using the quality rating system developed by CMS, 5-Star

Quality Rating System, nursing homes with higher CMS quality ratings were found to have

higher mortality rates than those with lower quality ratings. The mortality rate was higher in 5-

star rated facilities (i.e. better rated) than it was in the lowest-rated facilities (12% mortality rate

in 5-star, versus 7% in the lowest rated).26

From the data, the apparent explanation for this phenomenon is that the geographic

location of the nursing home facility, and its corresponding rate of community infection, had a

greater connection than the performance of the nursing home facility. Data show the

Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Amy Julia Harris, “‘They Just Dumped Him Like Trash’: Nursing Homes Evict Vul-
nerable Residents” New York Times (June 21, 2020) located at
NYSDOH Facility Survey as of May 27, 2020 for Admissions from March 1, 2020 - May 8, 2020, Nursing
Homes detail as of May 26, 2020. Facility ratings come from

predominance of nursing home deaths were in downstate New York and unrelated to the

performance of the particular nursing home.

IV. Age of the Nursing Home Resident as a Factor for Mortality

Another factor was reviewed in relation to nursing home fatalities—age of the resident.

As data show, older individuals are more susceptible to death from COVID-19 infection.27 The

analysis between resident age and mortality suggests a relationship between a higher median

resident age and an increase in the mortality rate in downstate New York; this trend was not

evident in the rest of New York where there were fewer nursing homes deaths.

Figure 9. Age Versus Nursing Home Fatality Rate by Region

SOURCE: MDS Q4 2019 - Analysis of age of the residents in the nursing homes

CDC COVID-19 Response Team. Severe outcomes among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)—
United States, February 12–March 16, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:343–6.


When examining the data, several factors are clear from our analysis and research:

• Data suggest nursing home quality is not a factor in mortality from COVID.

• Admission policies were not a significant factor in nursing home fatalities.

• Employee infections were related to the larger community spread and employee
transmission has the strongest correlation to nursing home fatalities.

Comparing nursing home policies and mortality rate timelines suggests COVID-19

transmission is strongly correlated to nursing home employees entering the facility. Early in the

COVID-19 pandemic, the consensus among public health experts suggested asymptomatic

people did not spread the disease and asymptomatic positive or presumed positive employees

were allowed to continue to work. Later in the crisis, public health experts were forced to reverse

this position as it became clear from the data that asymptomatic people could transmit the


In addition, independent testing done by BioReference in May showed 29% of nursing

home employees surveyed had COVID antibodies. Extrapolating the data means that

approximately one in three nursing home workers were infected. Such a high percentage of

employees having at one time been positive for COVID-19 suggests a strong correlation to

contributing to the spread to patients.

Our analysis brings to the forefront the possibility of transmission from staff as an

important mode of transmission. If states had accurate information about COVID transmission

at an earlier time and had the testing capacity to detect asymptomatic but infected individuals,

other procedures might have been taken. For example, all asymptomatic employees should have

been barred from facilities as if they were symptomatic, which is the current policy (See,

Directive April 29, 2020 to Nursing Home Administrators). If widespread testing was available

earlier, all employees could have been tested earlier (See, Executive Order 202.30, as amended).

These are national issues that must be addressed (e.g. better training of staff, enhanced and rapid

testing, and better coordination with other healthcare facilities) as nursing homes and other

congregate settings will pose a continued risk for the Coronavirus or another public health threat

in the future that attacks older adults.


Appendix A. Nursing Home Facilities, by State
State Number of Nursing Facilities Number of Residents

Alabama 228 22,482

Alaska 18 608

Arizona 145 11,343

Arkansas 231 17,439

California 1,198 101,030

Colorado 221 16,078

Connecticut 223 22,653

Delaware 45 4,181

District of Columbia 18 2,380

Florida 690 72,741

Georgia 359 33,043

Hawaii 42 3,474

Idaho 71 3,319

Illinois 731 66,643

Indiana 552 38,682

Iowa 437 23,638

Kansas 276 14,657

Kentucky 285 22,760

Louisiana 277 26,169

Maine 100 5,947

Maryland 226 24,414

Massachusetts 399 38,673

Michigan 443 38,062

Minnesota 375 24,755

Mississippi 204 15,950

Missouri 518 37,874

Montana 72 4,153

Nebraska 214 11,394

Nevada 61 5,336

New Hampshire 74 6,442

New Jersey 364 44,033

New Mexico 74 5,693

New York 613 101,518

North Carolina 429 35,763

North Dakota 80 5,531

Ohio 966 73,826

Oklahoma 303 18,361

Oregon 136 7,317

Pennsylvania 693 76,652

Rhode Island 83 7,817

South Carolina 191 16,993

South Dakota 108 5,984

Tennessee 314 26,481

Texas 1,227 92,250

Utah 99 5,178

Vermont 36 2,440

Virginia 286 27,595

Washington 217 15,993

West Virginia 123 9,251

Wisconsin 374 24,239

Wyoming 38 2,428

TOTAL USA 15,483 1,321,663

SOURCE: KFF, Total Number of Residents in Certified Nursing Facilities (2017) located at

Appendix B. Cases and Deaths in Nursing Homes, by State
Facilities Cases Deaths Share of COVID Deaths

United States 12,000 282,000 54,000 43%

1 New Hampshire 26 1,967 293 80%

2 Rhode Island 64 2,745 715 77%

3 Minnesota 853 5,777 1,107 77%

4 Connecticut 289 9,888 3,124 73%

5 Pennsylvania 678 20,689 4,518 68%

6 North Dakota 65 569 56 64%

7 Massachusetts 565 23,321 5,115 64%

8 Idaho 30 323 56 62%

9 Maryland 289 12,641 1,924 61%

10 Virginia 236 6,714 1,039 61%

11 Kentucky 172 2,626 350 61%

12 Washington 389 4,376 779 60%

13 Vermont 6 172 32 57%

14 Ohio 530 9,928 1,580 57%

15 North Carolina 170 5,445 746 57%

16 Maine 16 485 58 56%

17 Kansas 100 927 149 56%

18 Oregon 49 821 112 55%

19 Colorado 166 5,660 910 54%

20 Oklahoma 134 1,647 201 53%

21 Florida 1,011 11,472 1,748 52%

22 Delaware 31 687 263 52%

23 Illinois 593 21,390 3,649 52%

24 Iowa 54 2,030 360 51%

25 Mississippi 137 2,787 507 50%

26 West Virginia 37 394 45 49%

27 California 923 23,646 2,832 48%

28 South Carolina 171 2,541 317 46%

29 Georgia 533 9,939 1,237 45%

30 New Jersey 562 36,316 6,617 44%

31 Indiana 268 5,147 1,140 44%

32 Texas 863 6,641 1,031 44%

33 South Dakota 58 384 38 43%

34 Utah 191 906 70 42%

35 Louisiana 400 7,833 1,315 41%

36 New Mexico 55 250 180 37%

37 Arizona 289 3,902 541 —

38 Tennessee 85 1,513 195 34%

39 Nebraska 119 519 92 34%

40 Arkansas 113 978 83 33%

41 Michigan 240 10,630 2,031 33%

42 Montana 3 35 7 32%
District of
43 Columbia 20 1,072 173 32%

44 Wyoming 4 54 6 30%

45 Nevada 75 1,289 135 27%

46 New York 509 7,177 6,432 21%

47 Alabama 131 3,746 112 —

48 Hawaii 15 89 1 —

49 Missouri 118 1,394 15 —

50 Alaska 10 93 0 —

51 Wisconsin 318 1,242 0 —

SOURCE: New York Times; States with insufficient data to calculate a share of Covid-19 deaths are
shaded gray. The New York Times analysis included long term care facilities.

Appendix C. Nursing Home Fatalities as a Percentage of Nursing Home Residents and
General Population

Deaths Per Capita to Total

Total Nursing Total Nursing State Population
State # of Deaths Home Residents Home Facilities (per 100k people)

CT 3,124 21,335 213 86

MA 5,115 41,000 476 74

NJ 6,617 61,000 615 75

PA 4,518 20,689 678 35

NY 6,432 101,518 613 33

SOURCE: NYSDOH Analysis of KFF data (Table 1) and New York Times (Table 2). The New York
Times analysis included long term care facilities.


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