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Assignment 2

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BS – (IT/ SE) Part -III

Course: Database Systems Assignment No 2

Teacher: Kamran Dahri Submission Deadline: 28 June 2020

Topics covered: Creating Tables, Inserting Multiple Rows,Equi Join, Non Equi Join, Outer Join

Name: Maak Ali

Father name: Ali Nawaz Ansari
Class: BS (IT) Part-III
Roll no: 2K18/IT/56
Subject: Database
Submitted by: Maak
Submitted to: Sir Kamran Dehri
Q1. Write queries to create above tables. (courses, teachers, assigned_course,
job_grades, dept)

a. Write below Teachers Table Query [with all Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints if needed]

Teacher_id number (30) ,

Teacher_name varchar (30),

Designation varchar(30),

Dept_id number(10),

Salary number(20)

b.Write below Courses Table Query[with all Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints if needed]

Course_id varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY,

Course_name varchar(30),

Credit_hours number(10)

c. Write below Dept Table Query[with all Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints if needed]
CREATE TABLE depttable

Dept_id number(20) PRIMARY KEY,

Dept_name varchar(30),

Phone number(20),

Location varchar(30)

d. Write below Assigned_Courses Table Query[with all Primary Key and Foreign Key
constraints if needed]

create table assignedcourses(ac_id number(20)primary key,teacher_id number(20),course_id

number(20),class_time varchar(20),room_no varchar(30));

insert into assignedcourses(ac_id,teacher_id,course_id,class_time,room_no)

values('1','3','102','10:10am','class 03');

values('2','3','109','11:10am','class 04');

values('3','1','104','12:10pm','class 01');

values('4','1','103','01:00pm','class 02');

values('5','4','101','09:00am','class 08');
values('6','4','106','11:00am','class 08');

values('7','7','108','02:00pm','class 09');

values('8','5','106','01:00pm','class 01');

values('9','','105','02:00pm','class 02');

e.Write below Job_grades Table Query[with all Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints if

create table job_grades(grade_id number(20) primary key,grade_name

varchar(20),lowest_salary number(20),highest_salary number(20));
insert into job_grades(grade_id,grade_name,lowest_salary,highest_salary)
f.Write query to insert multiple records (rows) of teachers.

INSERT INTO teachers (teacher_id, teacher_name, designation, dept_id,

SELECT 1, 'Dr. Zeeshan’, 'Professor', 2, 5000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 2, 'Dr. Khalil', 'Professor', 2, 5000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 3, 'Kamran', 'Associate Professor', 3, 10000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 4, 'Muhammad Hussain', 'Associate Professor', 1, 5000 FROM dual
union all
SELECT 5, 'Nazish bashir', 'Associate Professor', 2, 4000 FROM dual union
SELECT 6, 'Sobia Mumtaz', 'Lecturer', 3, 24000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 7, 'Z.A Bhutto', 'Lecturer', 4, 18000 FROM dual
SELECT 8, 'Dr. Bisharat', 'Lecturer', 10000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 9, 'Dr. Sheeraz', 'Associate Professor', 27000 FROM dual union all
SELECT 10, 'Dr. Ahmed khan', 'Lecturer', 2000

g.Write query to insert multiple records (rows) of courses.

INSERT INTO courses (course_id, course_name, credit_hours)

SELECT 105, 'Organizational Behavior', 3 from dual union all

SELECT 106, 'Introduction to IT', 2 from dual union all
SELECT 107, 'Compiler Construction', 3 from dual union all
SELECT 108, 'Computer Graphics', 2 from dual union all
SELECT 101, 'Programming Fundamentals', 3 from dual union all
SELECT 102, 'Database Systems', 2 from dual union all
SELECT 103, 'Java Programming', 3 from dual union all
SELECT 104, 'Multimedia Systems', 2 from dual union all
SELECT 109, 'Requirement Engineering', 3 from dual union all
SELECT 110, 'Calculus', 3 from dual

Q2. Write query on above given tables (teachers, courses, assigned_courses) to show following output

[Hint: Use 2 Equi Joins or Inner Joins][Teachers and Courses with Assigned_Courses table]

select a.ac_id,t.teacher_name,c.course_name
from assignedcourses a,teachers t,courses c
where a.teacher_id=t.teacher_id and a.course_id=c.course_id order
Q3. Write query on above given tables (teacher and dept) to show following ouput.

SELECT teacher_id,teacher_name,designation,dept_name
FROM teachers
LEFT JOIN depttable
ON teachers.teacher_id = depttable.dept_id;
Q4. Write query on above given tables (teachers, dept) to show following output

SELECT t.teacher_id,t.teacher_name,t.designation,d.dept_name FROM

teachers t, depttable d
where t.dept_id(+) = d.dept_id order by(teacher_id);
Q5. Write query on above given tables (teachers, dept) to show following output
SELECT t.teacher_id,t.teacher_name,t.designation,d.dept_name
FROM teachers t
depttable d
ON t.dept_id = d.dept_id order by(teacher_id);
Q6. Write query on above given tables (teachers, job_grades) to show following output

SELECT t.teacher_id,t.teacher_name,t.designation,t.salary,j.grade_name

FROM teachers t,job_grades j

where t.salary BETWEEN j.lowest_salary AND j.highest_salary;

Q7. Write query on above given tables (teachers, courses, assigned_courses) to show following output

[Hint: show courses taught by Dr. Zeeshan only]

SELECT a.ac_id, t.teacher_name, c.course_name, t.salary

From assignedcourses a, teachers t, courses c
where a.teacher_id = t.teacher_id
AND a.course_id = c.course_id
AND t.teacher_name = ‘Dr.Zeshan’
Q8. Write query on above given tables (teachers, job_grades) to show following output

[Hint: show all teachers having job grade E]

SELECT t.teacher_id,t.teacher_name,t.designation,t.salary,j.grade_name
from teachers t,job_grades j
where t.salary between j.lowest_salary and j.highest_salary

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