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Interview Python: Most Asked Interview Questions

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The document covers frequently asked interview questions about Python including basics, OOP concepts and advanced topics like web frameworks.

The document covers Python basics, OOP concepts like classes, inheritance etc. and also covers advanced topics like Flask, Django, Pyramid etc.

The main features of OOP are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.


Most asked Interview Questions


Python Interview Questions

This e-book contains most frequently asked questions on Python –

Programming language.
Prepared by CODE OF GEEKS
© 2020
All rights reserved. No portion of this e-book may be reproduced in any
form without the permission from the publisher.
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SET 1 – Q1 – Q10

Q.What do you know about Python ?

A. Python is an interpreted, high level and object oriented programming
language. Python is easy to understand and develop.

Q. Who developed Python ?

A. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum.

Q. Why Python was named as “Python” ?

A. G.V Rossum picked the name “Python” from the famous TV
show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and rest is history.

Q. Python is “dynamically typed”. Explain.

A. In Python, unlike C/C++, we do not need to declare anything.
Assignment statements binds a name to an object, and object can be of
any type. If a name is assigned to an object of one type, then later, it may
be assigned to an object of another type. It means that Python
is dynamically typed.

Q. Is Python a scripting language ?

A. A scripting language is a programming language that does not use a
compiler for executing the source code. Rather, it uses an interpreter to
translate source code to machine code on the go. Python is capable of
scripting but, is considered to be a general purpose language. General
purpose programming language has wide range of application domains.

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Q. What is Byte code ?
A. When a python code is compiled, a file (set of instructions ) is generated.
this is referred to as Byte code. It is Byte code only, which makes
python platform independent. Further, this byte code is converted to
machine code using Interpreter.

Q. What are flavors of Python?

A. Python flavors refers to the different types of Python compilers. Some
flavors are cpython, jython, ironpython, PyPy.

Q. What is CPython ?
A. This is the standard python compiler implemented in C language.

Q. Do you what is Jython ?

A. This is the implementation of Python programming language which is
designed to run on Java platform.

Q. Highlight the difference between C & Python ?


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SET 2 – Q11 – Q20

Q. What are builtin datatype in Python ?

A. None, int, float, complex, bool, str, bytes, list, tuple, range etc.

Q. You are given a mathematical expression in the form of string,

write a python code to solve it.
A. Do it with the help of eval() function.

Q. Give a brief explanation about list and tuple ?

A. Lists are mutable(can be changed) whereas Tuples are immutable(can’t
be changed). Tuples are faster than lists.
General format for tuple : (4,5,6,9)
General format for list : [4,5,6,9]

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Q. Why tuples are faster than lists ?
A. Tuples are stored in single block of memory whereas Lists are stored in
two blocks, first block for object related information and second block for
the value. Hence, tuples are faster than list.

Q. Differentiate between list and tuple ?

A. Tuple uses less memory whereas lists uses more memory. We can’t
modify tuples but lists can be modified.Tuples are faster than lists.

Q. What is PEP 8 ?
A. It is Python Enhancement Proposal. It refers to the formatting of python
code for maximum readability and understandability.

Q. Explain memory management in Python ?

A. Memory Management in Python is managed by Python Private heap
space. All python objects and data structures are stored in heap area.
Programmers do not have any direct access to private heap area,
interpreter takes care of it.

Q. Explain Garbage Collection in Python ?

A. Python has the concept of inbuilt garbage collector. It recycles all the
unused memory so that they get available for future use.

Q. What is PYTHON PATH ?

A. It is an environment variable which we can use to set the additional
directories, where modules and packages are looked for.

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For MAC :
1. Open;
2. Open the file ~/.bash_profile in your text editor – e.g. atom
3. Add the following line :
export PYTHONPATH=”/Users/my/code” and save it.

1. Open your terminal;
2. Open the file ~/.bashrc in your text editor – e.g. atom ~/.bashrc;
3. Add the following line to the end:
export PYTHONPATH=/home/my/code and save it.

SET 3 – Q21 – Q30

Q. What are python modules ?

A. Python modules are .py files containing python executable code. Some
builtin modules are math, random, sys, json, itertools.

Q. What do you mean by JSON ?

A. Python inbuilt module JSON, is basically used to work with text, written
with JavaScript Object Notation.

Q. Explain the role of loads() & dumps() methods of JSON module.

A. loads() -> for parsing json text/string.
dumps() -> for converting python code to json string.

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Q. What is the role of ord() method ?
A. It is used to change a character to integer.

Q. What the basic difference between list & array ?

A. Arrays have similar type of elements whereas list have dynamic type

Q. Explain the role of __init()__ method ?

A. It is predefined method in python classes. This method is called when
any object is created from a class, it basically initializes the attributes of a

Q. What are anonymous functions ?

A. Lambda functions are popularly called as anonymous functions.
Such methods generally have multiple parameters but single statement.
For example :
a = lambda x,y : x+y
print(a(6,8)) will result in 14.

Q. What is self ?
A. It is an object or an instance of a class,which is explicitly included as first

Q. What is pass keyword ?

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A. Pass is a non operational statement. It actually does nothing.

Q. What is continue keyword ?

A. The continue statement skips all the remaining statements in the current
iteration of the loop and moves the control back to the top of the loop.

SET 4 – Q31 – Q40

Q. How we can generate randomize elements of lists ?

A. We can do this with the help of shuffle() method, present
in random module.

Q. Differentiate between range and xrange ?


Q. How pickling works ?

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A. Pick an object, convert it to string and then dump it into file, this defines
the process of pickling.

Q. What are Generator functions ?

A. It is just like a normal function which generates a value using yield
Example :

def simgen():

yield 1 yield 4 yield 9x=simgen()


output : 1

Generator object is a python iterator.

Q. What are decorators ?

A. Decorators provide a simple and easy syntax for calling higher-order
functions. In other words, a decorator is a function that takes another
function and extends the behavior of the latter function without explicitly
modifying it. It is referred to as meta programming.

Q. Tell me the role of ‘is’, ‘not’, ‘in’ keyword ?

A. is : return true if both operands are equal else false.
not : returns inversion of boolean value.
in : checks for the presence of an element in a list or any other datatype.

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Q. Analyze the role of help() ?
A. It is used to display the documentation of modules, functions, classes,
keywords etc.

Q. Analyze the role of dir() ?

A. It returns the list of all valid attributes.

Q. Give general syntax for ternary operator ?

A. [ on true ] if [ expression ] else [ on false ]
Example : “odd” if n%2==1 else “even”

Q. What are *args & **kwargs ?

A. *args -> It is used when we need to pass unspecified number of
paramenters within a method.
**kargs -> It is used when we need to pass unspecified number of
paramenters within a method but usually used in dictionaries.

SET 5 – Q41 – Q50

Q. How we can delete files in Python ?


import os

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Q. Explain docstring ?
A. A String written in triple quotes, which generally gives a complete
introduction of class.

Q. What are different types of variables in Python ?

A. Instance variable, Static variable, Class variable.

Q. Explain Instance variable ?

A. Variables whose seperate copy is created in every instances, are
instance variable. Ex. If z is an instance variable, and we create 2
instances, then there will 2 different copies of z in these 2 instances.
Modification of one variable will not effect other copies.
Q. How we can access instance variable ?
A. With the help of dot (.) operator.

Q. What are instance methods ?

A. Methods that acts on the instances of a class are known as instance
methods. They generally use self as their first parameter, which refers to
the location of that instance in memory.

Q. Explain Static variable ?

A. They are also referred to as Class variables. In these type of variables,
only single copy is available.

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Q. What is namespace ?
A. A memory block, where names are mapped to objects.

Q. Explain me the role of Constructor ?

A. It is defined as the special method for initializing instance variable.
Constructor is called at the time of creating objects.

Q. Explain Static methods ?

A. They are simple methods with no self argument. They work on class
attributes not on instance attributes. They can be called through both class
and instance.

SET 6 – Q51 – Q60

Q. Explain Abstract methods ?

A. Abstract methods are the methods, that does not have any body, and
are further refined in the subclasses. Abstract methods are generally
written with decorator @abstractmethod above them.

Q. Abstract class contains only abstract methods. True ?

A. No, it can also contain concrete methods.

Q. In Python, is it possible to write abstract method with body also ?

A. Yes.

Q. Can we create instances of Abstract class ?

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A. No.

Q. Can we have nested class in Python ?

A. Yes, we can have nested class in Python.

Q. What do know about MRO ?

A. It is Method Resolution Order.It is the order in which Python looks for a
method in a hierarchy of classes. Starting from current class, searching in
parent class in depth first, left to right fashion, without searching same
class twice.

Q. What is method overloading ?

A. It refers to the two or more methods having same method name but
different parameters as well as body.
Q. What is method overriding w.r.t classes ?
A. Whenever a method in a subclass is defined with same definition as that
of a method in base class, then this method is said to be overrided. This
explains overriding mechanism.

Q. What is an Interface ?
A. Interface can be defined as the abstract class containing no concrete

Q. What is Duck Duck Typing ?

A. In this, object type is not checked while invoking method or object.
Python uses duck duck typing.

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SET 7 – Q61 – Q70

Q. What are Exceptions ?

A. Exceptoins are run time errors that can be handled by a programmer. All
these exceptions are represented as classes.

Q. Can you name some Exceptions that may occur during execution
of a program ?
A. Arithmetic Exception, Type Error, Syntax Error, Assertion Error, EOF

Q. How can we handle exceptions in Python ?

A. Using try, except, and finally.

Q. How a code behaves inside a finally block ?

A. Finally block is executed every time.

Q. Tell me the situation when finally block will not be executed ?

A. When we use sys.exit().

Q. What do you mean by monkey patching ?

A. Whenever a class is dynamically modified, then, it is known as monkey

Q. What do you know about Numpy Package ?

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A. It is a general purpose array processing package. It provides a high
performance multidimensional array object and tools for working with these
arrays. It is a fundamental package for scientific computing with python. It
is used for fast searching, statistics, algebra, histogram etc.

Q. What are axes ?

A. In Numpy, dimensions are called axes. The number of axes, are referred
to as rank.

Q. What is the role of strip() ?

A. strip() is an inbuilt function in Python programming language that returns
a copy of the string with both leading and trailing characters removed.
Example :

Q. What is the role of split() ?

A. It splits a string into a list where each word is a list item.
Example :

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SET 8 – Q71 – Q80

Q. What is the concept of dictionary in python ?

A. Dictionary is an unordered collection of data items, it is used to store
data values like a map.
It usually stores the data in the form of key-value pairs.
Q. How we can access key,values in python dictionary ?

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Q. How to run a python program on Linux ?
A. Python 2 : python <filename>.py
Python 3 : python3 <filename>.py

Q. Explain the role of setTrace() method ?

A. It is present in sys module, responsible for monitoring the code flow of a

Q. Explain the concept of enumerate() ?

A. It is used to iterate through a sequence, it retrieves index as well as
value at same time.

Q. Write python code for reading a file ?


Q. Why do we use with statement in file handling ?

A. It will auto close, a file it opens.

Q. Explain the purpose of tell() & seek() ?

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A. tell() : It is knowing the position of file pointer.
seek() : It sets the new position of pointer.

Q. What is the role of encode() ?

A. It is to convert a string to byte.

Q. Explain regex ?
A. Python has a built-in package called re , which can be used to work with
Regular Expressions.

SET 9 – Q81 – Q90

Q. Write a python code for retrieving all words starting with ‘a’ from a
string ” mystring “.
A. res = re.findall(r ‘ a[\w]* ‘, mystring)
Q. What is a Thread ?
A. Thread is a smallest executable unit.

Q. How we can create threads in Python ?


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Q. What is GIL ?
A. It is Global Interpreter Lock. It does not allow more than one thread to
execute at a time.

Q. What are Daemon Threads ?

A. Daemon Threads are the threads that run continously. They are used for
big processing system.

Q. How can we send email through Python code ?


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Q. Write python code for connecting to database ?

Q. Write python program for finding unique words in a string.


Some questions on Object Oriented Programming

Q. Explain OOPS methodology ?
A. The entire OOPS methodology has been derived from a single root
called object. In OOPS, all programs involve creation of classes and object.
Five important features of OOPS are :
1. Classes & Objects

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2. Encapsulation
3. Abstraction
4. Inheritance
5. Polymorphism
Q. What is Procedural oriented programming ?
A. It is the methodology where programming is done using procedures &

SET 10 – Q91 – Q101

Q. Is Python an object oriented or object based programming

language ?
A. Object Based programming language does not support all features of
OOPs like Polymorphism and Inheritance. Python is an object oriented
programming language. Some of object based programming
languages are JavaScript, Visual Basics.

Q. Explain Encapsulation with example ?

A. Encapsulation is a mechanism where the data and the code that act on
the data will bind together.
Example : Class is an example of encapsulation. As class is the collection
of data members and member functions, hence class binds them together.

Q. Explain Abstraction with example ?

A. Abstraction refers to the act of hiding the background details and
providing only necessary details to the user.

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Example : Let us the example of a car. While driving car, driver(user) only
knows basic operations like gearing system, brakes, but is totally unaware
about the internal happenings and processes. This is abstraction.

Q. Explain Polymorphism with example ?

A. Polymorphism represents the ability to assume several different forms of
a program.
Example : Overloading of methods is an example of Polymorphism. Other
examples include, abstract classes and interfaces.

Q. Explain Inheritance with example ?

A. Inheritance refers to the process in which child class inherits the
properties of its parent class.
Example : Suppose we are having two classes A and B, so
class B(A) -> Child class B, is inheriting the property of its parent
class A.

Some questions on Advanced Python

Q. What is Flask ?
A. Flask is a light weighted web micro framework, It is used to build web
applications with Python.

Q. What is Django ?

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A. It is an open source framework, to ease up the creation of complex
database oriented websites.
Django contains prewritten code, unlike flask.

Q. What is Pyramid ?
A. It is a web framework for larger applications, they are heavily

Q. Explain SciPy ?
A. All numerical code resides inside SciPy. It is used for large and complex
algebraic functions.

Q. What is use of MatplotLib ?

A. It provides basic 3D plotting.

Q. What is the role of PyChecker ?

A. PyChecker is the tool that help us find bugs or perform static analysis of

So, these are the 100 most asked interview questions on Python
Programming Language.
We, at CODE OF GEEKS, wish you all the best for your upcoming future.

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