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4 September 27, 2016

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

identify the relationships that exist among organism in a community

 create a puzzle showing each symbiotic relationship

A. Topic:
B. Materials: pictures of animals, puzzles, activity card slides, speaker
C. Reference:Mapa,Amelia,Vengco,Lilia,Potenciano,Jojo,SCIENCEforActive Learning,
Sibs PublishingHouse,2015. Pp.246-250
D. Value Infused: friendliness, compassion 

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

 Everyone is requested to stand for our prayer.
 Class, do you want to be energized?
 Our ice breaker for today is I like to move it. Everyone, please
follow the steps in the video. (Video clip plays.)


 Are you in a relationship?

 When we say relationship, it doesn’t only pertains to your
relationship with the opposite sex. It also means relationship
with your family, friends and neighbors.
 Why do we need to interact with others?
Or why do we make relationship with others?
 Correct! We need others because we cannot live alone and it is
true that “no man is an island” 

 B. Activity 1.
 Now, who has an idea about our topic for today?
 Very good! Your answer is related to our topic for today.
Our topic is the interactions in the community. We will going to
discuss symbiotic relationships of organisms

2. Cooperative Learning
 We will going to group you into5 groups.
 Before going into your groups, what are the rules we need to
remember in group discussion? 

 Then, form a circle. Choose your leader and reporter. We will

give you 5 minutes to finish your discussion. You only have
2minutesto present your puzzle.
 (Distributing the activity cards) 

 Talk within your

 Don’t roam around
while discussing.
 Don’t shout while


Form the given puzzle.
Tell something about the
relationship of two
species in class.

C. Post Activity 1.
Form the given puzzle.
 What have youlearnedfromgroup1? Tell something about the
relationship of two
 Very good! Because they benefit from each other, how do we species in class.
call this?
 Very good! GROUP 3
 Mutualism is a relationship in which two organisms live Form the given puzzle.
together and depend on each other. Tell something about the
 What have youlearnedfromgroup2? relationship of two
 Very good! species in class.
 We call their relationship as commensalism.
Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one DIRECTIONS:
organism benefits while other is not affected. Form the given puzzle.
Tell something about the
 What have youlearnedfromgroup3? relationship of two
 Very good! When one organism benefits and the other is species in class.
harmed, we call this relationship as parasitism.

 In this kind of relationship, what do we call to the one who

 In this kind of relationship, what do we call to the one who is

 What have youlearnedfromgroup4?  Correct! An animal that

kills and eats another animal is called predator. The smaller and
weaker animal that the predator kills and eats is called the prey.
We call this relationship as predation.

GROUP 5 DIRECTIONS: Form the given puzzle. Tell

something about the relationship of two species in class.
 Both the flower and the butterfly benefit from each other.
 We call it as mutualism.
 The small fish benefits from the shark.
 He uses the shark for transportation and to avoid predators.
 The shark was not harmed or helped by the small fish.
 The mosquito benefits from the human
 The human is harmed by the mosquito.
 We call this as a parasite.
 We call this as the host.
 The lion eats the weak animal.
 The lion is a predator.
 The lion is considered stronger.

 What have youlearnedfromgroup5?

 Very good! That relationship is called competition.
Animals in an ecosystem use space, water and food as they
increase in size. Competition is the struggle among organisms
for the same materials or conditions.
 Those five relationships are called symbiosis.
 What do you think the meaning of symbiosis?
 Very good! Symbiosis is the interaction between the two

2. Generalization
 What do you learned from today’s discussion?
 Very good! So what are those five symbiotic relationships that
we just learned?

3. Application
 Can you imagine yourself living in an island all by yourself?

There’s no family, friends or neighbor to help?

 Do you think you can survive there?

 Why?
 Okay, I guess you have realized how important they are in
your life and how important is interaction in your life.

 The birds are competing for a worm.

 There is a competition between the two birds.
 Symbiosis is the interdependent relationship between two
 I learned about the symbiosis.
 I learned about the different the interactions in the community.
 I learned that there are five symbiotic relationships.

 The five symbiotic relationships that we learned are

mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, predation and

 No ma’am!
 No, ma’am!
 I think I will always need there help to fulfill my needs.  I
can’t live alone because I will feel sad and lonely.
1. IV.EVALUATION Directions:Choose the
bestanswer.Write youranswerona¼ sheetof paper. 1. The
anotheriscalled______. a. commensalism c. mutualism b.
competition d. parasitism 2. It isthe
interactionbetweenthe twospecies. a. predation c.
mutualism b. competition d. symbiosis 3. What type of
relationshipdothe remorafishandsharkhave? a.
commensalism c. mutualism b. competition d. parasitism
4. What type of relationshipdoflowerandbutterflyhave? a.
commensalism c. mutualism b. competition d. parasitism
2. 5. 5. The symbioticrelationshipwhenone
organismbenefitswhileotherisunaffected iscalled ______.
a. commensalism c. mutualism b. competition d.
parasitism 6. An
___. a. parasite c. predator b. prey d. host 7.
Predationoccurswhenthe predator_______. a.
feedsondeadanimal matter b. capturesand
killspreyforfood c. competeswithpreyforfoodandshelter d.
capturesand killspreybecause theyare initsterritory 8.
Whichof the followingisthe bestexampleof parasitism? a.
fleasona dog c. ants and fungi b. a monkeyona tree d.
fishandseaanemone 9. The
symbioticrelationshipwhenone organismbenefitswhilethe
otherisharmedis called______. a. commensalism c.
mutualism b. competition d. parasitism 10. It isa
smallerandweakeranimal thatwasbeing
killedandeaten.Itiscalled_____. a. parasite c. predator b.
prey d. host V.Assignment Give one example of the
justdiscussed.Draw itona short bondpaper. 1. Mutualism
2. Commensalism 3. Parasitism 4. Predation 5.
Competition ________________________
Parent’sSignature Preparedby: Cayanan, Anna Mae T.
Casuyon, Kasandra R. Reginio, Verny Jane Longcanaya,
Elaine BEED3-A

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