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Account Number:: Rate: Date Prepared: RS-Residential Service

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Customer Name and Service Address: Account Number: 9999999999

Customer M Sample
12 Sample Street Rate:RS-Residential Service CITY, PA 15066-1535
Date Prepared: 10/07/16
BILL ID: 222222222222
412-393-7100 Here you will find the bill ID number. Just as the old bill
Meter Reading Usage Information format, this updated look will have a unique ID number
Next Scheduled Meter Reading Date: November 5, 2016 for each monthly
Prior Billingstatement,
Informationwhich should be
Meter Read Information for Meter Number: referenced
G99999999 Amountif there
of Lastare
Bill any questions about the$196.73
Present: Oct 6, 2016 - Actual 1079.9250 Payment(s) Received as of 09/29/16 -$123.00
Prior: Sep 7, 2016 - Actual 340.0320 Prior Account Balance $73.73
Difference 739.8930
x Current Billing Information
Your Meter Multiplier 1
Total kWh Used 739.8930 DLC Basic Service Charges $53.68
Electric Usage:
Comparing Your Usage Supplier Basic Service Charges $77.30
Oct 15 Oct 16
Avg. Temperature (F) 61 65
YTD Usage (kWh) 9060 10668
For more information see
Give to Dollar Energy Fund to help people without heat or light.
360 Make a monthly pledge at or send a
check to Duquesne Light Hardship Fund Donations, 411
0 Seventh Avenue MD 15-1, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Your gift is
Prior 12 Months Latest 12 Months tax deductible.
32 30 33 29 29 29 32 32 32 29 31 32
29 32 31 31 29 30 29 32 30 32 30 29

Average Monthly Usage for the past 12 months is 1001 kWh.

Total Annual Usage for the past 12 months is 13012 kWh.

Estimated Gross Estimated PA Late Charge After Budget

Receipts Tax State Taxes Oct 28, 2016 Payment Due Amount Due
$7.73 $8.91 1.25% Oct 28, 2016 $123.00
Please notice in this section, we ask
Please return this portion with your payment. Please enclose check facing forward. all Duquesne Light customers to
Make payment payable to Duquesne Light Company in US Currency.
please pay in US Currency.
Account Number PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT BY OCT 28, 2016
9999999999 $123.00
$ , .
To make account changes, enroll in Autopay or pledge to the Dollar Energy Fund,
USD Amount Enclosed
please update information on the back of this coupon and check the box to the right.

Above, you are directed to

Customer M Sample update your information on DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY
12 Sample Street
CITY, PA 15066-1535 the back of the coupon and PAYMENT PROCESSING CENTER
check the box to the right. PITTSBURGH, PA 15267-0001

99999999995 000000000000 000000204713 000000123003

Page 2 of 4
How to Reach Us Customer Assistance Programs (CAP) Residential Only
Visit our Website at:
CAP – CAP is Duquesne Light Company’s discount program for
Call us for: General information: 412-393-7100
residential customers whose total household income is at or below 150%
Credit & Collection: 412-393-7200
of the federal poverty level. Customers enrolled in CAP may receive a
Emergencies: 1-888-393-7000 or 412-393-7000
discount on their monthly service charges and have an opportunity to
Write us at: Customer Care Department
Duquesne Light Company Here you will notice receive arrears forgiveness. If you need help paying your bills, call and
speak to a Customer Assistance Program specialist at 1-888-393-7600.
411 Seventh Avenue, MD 6-1 we have added our
CAP Budget Amount – The discounted amount that customers enrolled in
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-1930
Please call, email or write our business officewebsite
for a address.
copy of our rate
Duquesne Light Company’s CAP program are required to pay per month
based on income and usage. This is a percentage of the monthly budget bill,
schedules. For questions about your bill, please contact us before the bill
based on income.
due date or visit our Website at CAP Discount – The difference between the monthly budget bill and the CAP
budget amount.
Understanding Your Bill Debt Forgiveness – The amount of the arrears that is forgiven based
Meter Reading – An actual reading is a reading taken from the meter. An upon receipt of a customer’s regular monthly payments.
estimated reading is used when no actual reading is available and is based CAP Fixed Charge – A fixed monthly charge that will increase the Total
on past electric usage. Charges Owed amount of all CAP customers. This charge is required to
Meter Multiplier – This is the number used to calculate total electrical offset increased program costs and is adjusted on an annual basis.
usage in kWh, this number will vary depending on meter type. Maximum Annual CAP Credit – Each year, there is a limit to your total CAP
Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) – The basic unit of electric energy for which most Discounts. The Maximum Annual Credit amount is on page 1 of this bill.
customers are charged. It equals the amount of electricity used by 10 Minimum CAP Amount – The lowest amount that a CAP customer must
100-watt light bulbs left on for one hour. A bill shows electricity charges in pay each month.
cents per kilowatt-hour. Grant Payment – Social assistance grants, such as LIHEAP and Dollar
Kilowatt (kW) – A measure of electrical power that is equal to 1,000 Energy, which are applied to your CAP Bills to reduce monthly payments.
watts. Total Assistance Grant – All assistance grants that are applied to
Demand – A measure of customer or system load requirements over a your account.
measured period of time. The actual demand is the highest average kilowatt
usage measured amount of all 15-minute intervals during a billing period. The Special Services
billing demand is the product of the actual demand and the power factor Customer Protection Plan – An injury, illness, or vacation could prevent
multiplier which identifies the total power provided to the customer. you from reading your mail as you usually would. At your request, we will
Basic Services – Services necessary for the physical delivery of electricity send a copy of any Duquesne Light Company past-due notice to a person
service, such as supply, including default service, transmission and of your choice.
Customer Charge – A monthly basic service charge that includes costs for
meter reading, customer billing, service equipment, and other expenses. Billing and Payment Conveniences
These expenses are incurred even in months when customers do not use E-Bill Service – Our free on-line bill presentment service. Once
electricity. enrolled, you will no longer receive paper bills. You will receive an
Distribution Charges – Basic service charges for delivering electricity over e-mail notification that your bill is available to view. You can sign up at
a distribution system to the home or business from the transmission system.
Supply Charges – Basic service charges for generation supply to retail Automatic Bill Payment – Duquesne Light Company’s free
customers. ElectriCheck service. After you join the plan, you no longer write checks.
Transmission Charges – Basic service charges for the cost of Your payment is automatically deducted from your checking account on
transporting electricity over high voltage wires from the generator to the
the due date of the bill. You can apply at or call
distribution system.
Customer Care 412-393-7100 for more information.
PA EEA Surcharge (Fixed and Variable) – Charges for energy
efficiency programs that help customers conserve energy and reduce Schedule an On-line Payment – A free service to have your payment
demand. deducted from your bank account on the date you choose.
Smart Meter Charge – Charges for advanced metering technology and
Budget Payment Plan – Helps residential customers level out
related infrastructure that will provide the ability for features such as
monthly payment amounts.
two-way communication and interval usage data.
Non-Basic Service Charges – Any category of service not related to Make a One-Time Payment – Credit card/check services. Go to our
basic service. website at or call 1-866-526-0815. Fees
Budget Amount – Based on your average Duquesne Light Company billed apply.
history over the previous 12 month period excluding non-basic services for the
location billed and subject to periodic adjustments. Trending data is used if U.S. Mail – Use the payment coupon and envelope we provide to
billed history is not available. return your payment to us.
Advanced Metering – Device(s) for recording or communicating actual The definitions have been placed in a new
electric usage on a daily basis.
Time of Use (TOU) – A program to encourage customers to shift the timing order that matches how they appear in
of portions of their electric use by offering lower rates during time of lower the bill, making them easier to find.
electricity demand (off-peak) and higher rates during periods of higher
electricity demand (on-peak) periods.
Suspended Charges – Charges held in relation to a dispute.
One new definition that has been added
to this list: Suspended Charges.
Complete the information at the right to For changes or corrections to be processed, check the box on the front
update your account. of the coupon AND MAIL IN WITH YOUR PAYMENT.
Reason for change: Remember to fill out the information here and check
Here is where you would
Name: the respective boxes to confirm your selections.
make account changes,
Street Address: ____________________________________________
enroll in Autopay, or pledge
City: ____________________________________________
to the Dollar Energy Fund.
State: ____________________________ Zip:____________
Primary Contact Phone #: (______)_____________________________________
If you are moving and need to have your Email Address: ____________________________________________
service turned on or off, you must call
Customer Care at 412-393-7100 or visit Monthly Pledge to Dollar Energy Fund $1.00 $2.00 or other $____.00
our website at Request to enroll in Autopay - check box for application request
Customer Name and Service Address: Account Number: 9999999999
Customer M Sample
12 Sample Street Rate:RS-Residential Service CITY, PA 15066-1535
Date Prepared: 10/07/16
412-393-7100 BILL ID: 222222222222
Page 3 of 4

Duquesne Light Company Basic Service Charges

Current Charges
Customer Charge 12.93
Distribution 739.8930 kWh@ 5.509200¢ 40.76
Pennsylvania Tax Adjustment -0.01
Total Current Charges $53.68
DLC Basic Service Charges (see Page 1 Summary) $53.68
Budget Amount $50.00

The Price to Compare for your rate class is 7.98 cents/kWh. It will change every June and December. For more information &
supplier offers visit and

Duquesne Light Company Information

Changes that went into effect 9/1 in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Surcharge (EEC), reflecting costs related to the Watt
Choices program, will decrease your monthly bill by about $0.20 or less than 1%.
Duquesne Light's WATT CHOICES offers energy efficiency programs to help customers save money by conserving energy and
reducing demand. To participate or to learn more about these programs, visit or call 1-888-WATTLEY.

Need to reach us? Call (412) 393-7100 or on the web

You can join our Budget Plan by calling us at (412) 393-7100. If eligible, the Budget Plan will begin with your next bill. For this bill,
please pay the Amount Due shown.
In the Shopping Information Box section, you
can locate your Supplier Agreement ID and
Shopping Information Box
the rate classification you are billed under
When shopping for electricity with an Electric Generation Supplier, please provide the following:

Supplier Agreement ID: 8888888888 (also known as the Rate Schedule). If you
Rate Schedule: RS-Residential Service decide to shop for a new electric generation
If you are already shopping, it is important to understand the terms of your contract and expiration date. use your Supplier Agreement ID
when communicating with suppliers.

Supplier Basic Service Charges

Supplier Agreement ID: 8888888888 You now will see your supplier's
TENTAMEN ENERGY logo on the bill, if the supplier : 09/07/16 - 09/24/16
341 Sample Drive has provided a logo. You also The dates here will indicate when you
CITY, AA 11111 will see the supplier's contact received service from the supplier.
information in this section.
For questions regarding the supplier portion of your bill, call Tentamen Energy at 1-888-111-1111.
Current Charges
Generation-Trans 490.4800 kWh@ 11.900¢ 58.37
Total Current Charges $58.37
Supplier Basic Service Charges $58.37
Budget Amount $53.00

CONCINNO POWER INC. You will see a second logo if : 09/24/16 - 10/06/16
1801 Sample St you have had multiple
The dates here will indicate when you
CITY, BB 22222 suppliers in the same billing
received service from the supplier.
period, and the suppliers have
For questions regarding the supplier portion of your bill, call provided
Concinno a logo.Inc.
Power Supplier
at 1-877-111-1111.
Current Charges contact information still will
Generation-Trans 249.4130be provided.
kWh@ 7.5900¢ 18.93
Total Current Charges $18.93
Supplier Basic Service Charges If you choose Duquesne Light as your supplier, $18.93
Budget Amount the charges would show$20.00
in the Duquesne
Light Basic Service Charges Section.
Customer Name and Service Address: Account Number: 9999999999
Customer M Sample
12 Sample Street Rate:RS-Residential Service CITY, PA 15066-1535
Date Prepared: 10/07/16
412-393-7100 BILL ID: 222222222222
Page 4 of 4

Total Supplier Basic Service Charges (see Page 1 Summary) $77.30

The number of pages that the Supplier Basic Service

Generation/Supply prices and charges are set by the electric generation suppliersection willchosen.
you have fill is dependent upon the number
The Public Utility Commission regulates distribution prices and services. suppliers and the number of associated charges per
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates transmission pricessupplier that you have during a billing period.
and services.

Non-Basic Service Charges

Currently you are not subscribing to any Non-Basic Services.

The Non-Basic Service Charges section follows the Supplier

Basic Service Charges Section. If applicable, it includes charges
for other services you may have signed up for, including things
like water-line replacement protection, gas-line replacement
protection, or water-heater repair and replacement.

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