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The document discusses how natural gas composition can affect engine selection, power output, and settings. The methane number and lower heating value of the fuel determine applicable derates and timing adjustments.

Different natural gas compositions can have varying effects on engine performance such as knock resistance and power output. The methane number and heating value of the fuel need to be considered when selecting engine components and determining settings.

The key parameters discussed for characterizing natural gas composition are the lower heating value (LHV), methane number, and concentrations of methane and other hydrocarbons in the fuel.


Subject This AEB is for the following applications:
Stationary Natural Gas Engine
Selection and Adjustments as a Automotive Industrial Marine
Function of Fuel Quality
G-Drive Genset

Filtration Emissions Solution

Date: May 18, 2010 AEB Number 70.31

Engine Models included: Cummins Stationary Natural Gas Engines

Author: : Cary McFarden Approver: per Procedure 9183OPS-04-10-01 Page 1 of 14

This AEB supersedes AEB

70.31 dated Jan, 2010
The purpose of this AEB is:
• To provide information on fuel quality and its effect on engine performance for Cummins stationary
natural gas engines running at catalyst and standard settings
• To define the terms and definitions used when discussing fuel quality used with a Cummins stationary
natural gas engine.
• To define aspects and parameters of gas composition and how they relate to engine performance.
• To aide in engine selection for use in a particular location, compression ratio, derate and service part kit.

Summary of Fuel Quality and Performance Requirements

• Gas composition for the proposed site must be identified by a reputable gas analysis testing service.
• A gas analysis on the gas composition must be performed to determine the lower heating value (LHV)
and methane number.
• The LHV and methane number determine the applicable derate and timing adjustment.
• Cummins natural gas engines intended for the gas compression market should not be operated with
methane numbers less than 45. See the Base Engine Datasheet for actual methane limits.
• Turbocharged engines with high compression ratio (HCR) pistons can only be used with pipeline gas
with a methane number 80 and above to prevent detonation.
• Turbocharged engines with low compression ratio (LCR) pistons and all naturally aspirated engines can
be used with fuel that has a methane number 45 and above.
• For methane numbers between 80 and 100, ignition timing should not need to be readjusted from the
factory setting.
• The Base Engine Data Sheet should be consulted for specific requirements regarding methane
• With LHV below 900 btu/cuft, derate 1% for every 25 BTU’s below 900 btu/cuft for naturally aspirated
and turbocharged models. See Table for Low BTU Kit information and setup adjustments.
• As the fuel quality varies, engine derates and timing changes may have to be applied.
• A fuel filter with an efficiency equal to 90% @ 5 Micrometer is required prior to the fuel shutoff valve and
as close to the engine as possible.

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• The fuel must be taken from a point such that oil, water, and other contaminates from the distillation
process will not enter the engine.
• There should be no visible traces of oil in the intake system. A separate coalescing filter must be
installed and maintained if any liquids are detected in the fuel.
• When propane is used as a fuel, temperatures below -25° F require heated fuel lines and a heated
propane storage tank.

The composition of a fuel affects the knock resistance and energy output of that fuel. Some fuels, such as HD5
Propane, are standardized and can be considered a constant in the design of an engine package during the
application phase. Natural gas composition, on the other hand, will vary with time and location. This is an
important factor in determining the size, type, and compression ratio of an engine for a given application.
Different natural gas compositions have varying effects on engine performance. Dry processed natural gas,
sometimes called “pipeline” natural gas, generally has both good knock resistance characteristics and
acceptable energy output. Other types of natural gas, such as field gas, can have varying compositions. For
example, a fuel can have high knock resistance characteristics but a low energy output. Detonation will not be a
problem in this case but the engine may require a power derate because of the low energy output. On the other
end of the scale, a fuel can have low knock resistance characteristics with a high energy output. The engine will
not require a power derate because of energy output of the fuel, but may require a derate or timing adjustment
because of detonation. This bulletin is intended to help define what actions are required when considering a
Cummins stationary natural gas engine with regard to fuel composition and quality at a specific site.
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Table of Contents
Summary of Fuel Quality and Performance Requirements .................................................................................... 1
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Definitions:.................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Discussion: ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Fuel Characteristics ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Types of Fuels ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1. Dry Natural Gas ................................................................................................................................. 5 Sweet Gas ................................................................................................................................ 5 Sour Gas ................................................................................................................................... 5 Field Gas................................................................................................................................... 5 Coal Bed Methane/Low BTU .................................................................................................... 6 Digester Gas ............................................................................................................................. 7 Landfill Gas ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2. Propane ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3. Fuel System Plumbing and Filtration ..................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1. Natural Gas........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.2. Propane ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Propane Vapor.......................................................................................................................... 9 Liquid Propane........................................................................................................................ 10
2.4. Detonation vs. Fuel Quality, Compression Ratios, and Aspiration ...................................................... 11
2.5. Determining Lower Heating Value and Methane Number for Natural Gas ......................................... 12
2.5.1. Calculations and Supporting Documentation .................................................................................. 12
2.5.2. Gas Analysis Tool Available on GCE .............................................................................................. 12
2.6. Gas Analysis Samples ......................................................................................................................... 13
3. References: ................................................................................................................................................ 13
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1. Definitions:

Audible Engine Detonation

Detonation is ignition of the mixture by pressure energy (supersonic shockwave) rather than the ignition energy
being supplied by the spark. Fuel type and quality are primary factors when determining the cause of
detonation. Occasionally, ignition timing may need to be adjusted to compensate for a change in fuel quality.

Heating Value
The heating value is a measure of the suitability of a pure gas or a gas mixture for use as a fuel; it indicates the
amount of energy that can be obtained as heat by burning a unit of gas. (ASTM Standard D 3588)

Higher Heating Value (HHV)

The total amount of energy (BTU/Ft3) transferred as heat from the complete, ideal combustion of the gas with
air, at standard temperature 60° F (15.6°C)

Lower Heating Value (LHV)

The amount of energy (BTU/Ft3) that can be converted to work from the complete, ideal combustion of the gas
with air, at standard temperature 60° F (15.6°C)
In the combustion process, one of the by products of burning hydrocarbons is water. This water is converted to
steam and this energy can no longer be converted to work. The remaining energy is considered as the Lower
Heating Value (LHV), or the amount of energy available that can be converted to work.

Methane Number
Methane number is defined as a scale to calculate knock potential of natural gas in a spark ignited engine,
relative to the reference fuels. Since methane has an octane number approximately 120 to 140, the octane
scale could not be used and a correlation relating octane number to methane number was developed. The
reference fuels for methane number are methane as the high reference fuel (100) and hydrogen as the low
reference fuel (0).

The following terms are defined in AEB 79.01 and CES 14604 but are repeated here to clarify the discussion in this

Reactive Hydrogen to Carbon Ratio

Reactive hydrogen to carbon ratio is defined as the number of hydrogen atoms in one mole of fuel divided by
the number of carbon atoms in one mole of fuel. Carbon present in the diluents (example carbon dioxide) is not
used in this calculation.

Mass Percent
Mass Percent is defined as the molecular weight of each component times the volume percent of that
component divided by the molecular weight of the mixture.

Motor Octane Number

Motor Octane Number is defined as a method for rating fuels and their resistance to denotation. There are two
reference fuels that all fuels are compared against. The reference fuels are Iso-octane (100) as the high
reference and n-heptane (0) as the low reference fuel. Octane number can be an excess of 100 and in this case
tetraethyl lead is mixed with Iso-octane to create reference fuels with higher octane numbers.
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2. Discussion:
2.1. Fuel Characteristics
Commercial dry processed gas (DPG) and field gas fuels that are used in stationary natural gas engines have a
combination of inert gases and combustible hydrocarbon gases. The hydrocarbon fuels are made from carbon
and hydrogen atoms. Fuels that have a greater number of carbon and hydrogen atoms are commonly referred
to as “heavies”, which relate to hotter fuels.

Listed below are the hydrocarbons fuels, symbols and BTU/ft3.

Hydrocarbon Symbol BTU/ft3 (LHV @ 60°F)

Methane CH4 909
Ethane C2H6 1619
Propane C3H8 2315
i –Butane C4H10 3000
n –Butane C4H10 3011
i -Pentane C5H12 3699
n –Pentane C5H12 3704
n –Hexane C6H14 4404
n –Heptane C7H16 5100
n –Octane C8H16 5796
n –Nonane C9H20 6494
n –Decane C10H22 7190

Non-hydrocarbon gases such as nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H), and carbon dioxide (CO2), tend to dilute the fuel.
Because the gas sample can vary from site to site it is important to closely analyze each site to ensure proper
engine performance and required adjustments.

2.2. Types of Fuels

2.2.1. Dry Natural Gas

The recommended fuel for Cummins stationary natural gas engines is dry processed natural gas, sometimes
called “pipeline” natural gas. Commercial gases in this category should have less than 10 PPM of H2S
(hydrogen sulfide). Gas with more than 10 PPM of H2S is considered a high sulfur fuel. Dry natural gas will
contain methane (CH4), and ethane (C2H6). In some areas the gas may contain up to 5 % of propane and a small
amount of butane. Sweet Gas

Sweet gas refers to pipe quality natural gas with no H2S. This fuel can be used in all stationary applications. Sour Gas

Under worker safety regulations, a well or processing facility is defined as a sour gas worksite if the gas
contains more than 10 ppm H2S – 0.001% (Petroleum Communication Foundation (PCF), Sour Gas Questions
+ Answers 4). Field and digester gases can be considered sour gas.

When water vapor and sulfur oxides are present during combustion, sulfuric acid compounds will form. This
condition will shorten the life of all internal components, specifically the oil cooler, piston rings, cylinder liners,
valve guides and bearings. Sour gas fuels will generally need to be treated to remove all presence of water
vapor. In addition, if the hydrogen sulfide content is above 24 ppm, the sour gas will need to be treated to
remove the hydrogen sulfide. The use of sour gas as a fuel will require high ash oil not more than .85% of
sulfated ash with a high TBN number that meets a CD API specification to help neutralize the acid. Field Gas

Field gas is generally available at the wellhead in a gas field. Sometimes field gas is called “wellhead” gas. Due
to the wide variation in gas fields, this gas will always require an analysis to decide its acceptability for use.
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Page 6 of 14 Coal Bed Methane/Low BTU

Coal Bed Methane (CMB) is methane found in coal seams. Coal Bed Methane gas is removed from Coal Mines
via vertical drillings through the layers of coal. Methane is held in the coal by water pressure and its extraction
involves pumping the water from the seam to reduce the water pressure. The quality of this fuel can vary
depending on the activity of the drilling beneath the well. The Lower Heating Value (LHV) can vary in BTU from
300 BTU/cu ft to 850 BTU/cu ft. Use of this fuel will require O2 and timing adjustments from the released FR
Curve. Fuel line sizing may need to be increased and an oversized gas regulator may be required to increase
the volume of fuel to the engine. A gas analysis will be required to determine the estimated rating of the engine.

Low BTU Kits may be required to operate properly when LHV is less than 900 BTU/cuft. Use the following chart
below to determine the proper kit and engine adjustments. To determine Low BTU effects, use the Gas
Analysis Tool on the Industrial page of the Global Customer Engineering (GCE) site (
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This gas is a by-product of digester tanks where various materials are going through a bio-degrading process
such as sewage, animal waste, vegetable waste, etc. This type of gas will be low in heat value. This gas will
always require an analysis to decide its acceptability for use – consult local distributor application engineer. Landfill Gas

Landfill operations, due to the variety and quantity of organic materials, can produce large quantities of methane
gas. The gas is generally of a low heat value and requires treatment of the gas. A filter capable of removing fine
dust is required in the fuel line to remove the abrasive material associated with landfill operations. In addition, a
complete fuel gas analysis will be required to determine the specific treatment required for the gas. Landfill gas
requires much more fuel treatment based on the specific landfill. This gas will always require an analysis to
decide its acceptability for use – consult local distributor application engineer.

2.2.2. Propane
Propane processed to HD-5 specification standards of 95% propane purity with the remaining 5% not heavier
than butane may be used on naturally aspirated engines or turbocharged engines with LCR pistons.
2.3. Fuel System Plumbing and Filtration
Many countries and cities have very specific gas plumbing requirements; be certain to consult local gas codes
and regulations for natural gas and propane plumbing requirements.

2.3.1. Natural Gas

Typical stationary natural gas engines will have gas pressure regulators and fuel shut off valves that are engine
mounted. The engine requires 5 +/- 2 “WC at the carburetor and 15 +/- 5 “WC to the engine mounted regulator.
The gas pressure to the carburetor is adjusted at the engine mounted regulator.

Engines that don’t have an engine mounted regulator will still require 5 +/- 2 “WC pressure to the carburetor.

The primary high pressure regulator is used to adjust fuel pressure to the engine mounted regulator.

Mandatory gas filtration must be installed between the primary

regulator and the engine mounted regulator or carburetor. The
filter is mounted 3 – 5 feet from the engine.

The gas filter is 90% efficient at 5 micrometer, the filter material

(2) is 60% ASHRAE grade fiberglass. The body (1) is tin plated
perforated metal inner core with G-90 galvanized expanded
metal end caps.

Note: Filter shown cannot be used in place of a coalescent filter.

A separate coalescent filter must be installed and maintained
when any liquid is detected in the fuel.

There can be no oil carry over from the gas compressor or fuel source. The fuel supply must be free from oil,
dirt, and debris. Care must be given on newly commissioned engines to ensure that dirt, rocks, pipe sealer and
Teflon tape is not ingested into the engine.

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2.3.2. Propane
Cummins stationary natural gas engines use two different types of propane fuel systems: Propane Vapor and
Liquid Propane. Since the composition of HD-5 propane is standardized, compression ratio and fuel derate are
independent of the destination site; the factory predetermines compression ratio and fuel derate for engines sold
with propane fuel systems. Not all propane is sold to the HD5 standard; get a fuel sample if any doubts exist
about the composition of the fuel.

Note: Propane will not vaporize at temperatures -40° F and below. For Cummins stationary natural gas
engines, temperatures below -25° F require heated fuel lines and a heated propane storage tank. Propane Vapor

On propane vapor systems, engine vacuum draws propane in from the storage tank through the vaporizer, the
fuel shutoff, the regulator, and then the carburetor. The carburetor maintains the air/fuel ratio. Although it is
possible to extract the propane vapor from the top of the tank, an external vaporizer is strongly recommended to
convert liquid propane to a vapor.

The regulator on a propane vapor system is a

natural gas regulator that has been inverted and
the internal spring removed.
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On liquid propane fuel systems, liquid propane is supplied to the engine at the filter and shutoff valve assembly,
through the evaporator, and then to the carburetor. The carburetor maintains the air/fuel ratio.

An evaporator is required to allow the liquid propane to

convert to a vapor at atmospheric conditions. When
propane in a liquid state is released to a low pressure
area, the sudden change to a gas causes a refrigeration
process. To compensate, the engine jacket coolant is
plumbed to the evaporator to raise the HD-5 gas
temperature up to 4° C [40° F] or higher.

1. Engine Coolant Inlet

2. Transfer Hose
3. Engine Coolant Outlet
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2.4. Detonation vs. Fuel Quality, Compression Ratios, and Aspiration

Detonation is ignition of the mixture by pressure energy (supersonic shockwave) rather than the ignition energy
being supplied by the spark.

Some causes of detonation are:

• Incorrect type of fuel (propane running on natural gas settings)
• Large % of heavy hydrocarbons causing fuel quality to be less than 80 MN
• Ignition timing too advanced for specified fuel
• High ambient temperatures
• Intake manifold temperature above published limits in Startup AEB
• Higher levels of exhaust O2 than published on FR datasheet
• Boost pressure above published limits in Startup AEB

Detonation caused by fuel composition can be controlled prior to engine selection for a particular site through
proper application of compression ratios, aspiration, and power deration. To determine the proper compression
ratio and aspiration for the site, use the site gas analysis report to calculate the Methane Number and the LHV
of the fuel.

Gas Analysis with a methane number of 80 and higher can use turbocharged engines with HCR pistons.
Methane numbers greater than 45* and less than 80 will require LCR pistons or a naturally aspirated engine.
Turbocharged engines with HCR pistons are designed to operate on higher methane fuel such as dry processed
natural gas, which has a methane number of 80 to 100. HCR pistons produce higher temperatures and
pressures leading to increased potential for knock. Cummins stationary natural gas engines should not be
operated with methane numbers lower than 45*. * See the Base Engine Datasheet for actual low MN limits.

Because the methane number is based on the level of “Heavier” hydrocarbons in the sample, the hotter the fuel
the lower the methane number will be. This simply means the fuel is “Knock” sensitive. It is possible to have a
high methane number and a very low LHV. In this case the engine may require power deration to accommodate
the low energy output of the fuel. Caution must be observed when the LHV is between 750 and 900 BTU/ft3,
although the methane number may be high the engine may have trouble pulling power due to the low BTU fuel.
The engine must be derated 1% for every 25 BTU/ft3 below 900 down to 750. For fuels with LHV below 750,
consult the factory for derate.

Sometimes timing adjustments may be required to compensate for changes in ambient temperatures or fuel
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2.5. Determining Lower Heating Value and Methane Number for Natural Gas
As discussed earlier, the two key elements of natural gas composition that effect engine performance are the
lower heating value (LHV) and the methane number. These properties can be determined either through
calculations found in the standards and bulletins given throughout this document or by using the Gas Analysis
Tool. A gas analysis for the proposed site is required for either of these methods.

2.5.1. Calculations and Supporting Documentation

The method to obtain lower heating value is defined in ASTM D 3588, Calculating Heat Value, Compressibility
Factor, and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Gaseous Fuels. The method to obtain the methane number is
based on calculations in SAE 922359 and is defined in AEB 7901 and CES 14604.

2.5.2. Gas Analysis Tool Available on GCE

To simplify the process of determining LHV and methane number, the Gas Analysis Tool is available within the
Engineering Tools (AE) pages on the Global Customer Engineering (GCE) site (

The Gas Analysis Tool calculates the LHV and methane number of a fuel for a specific site. The tool will help
determine the compression ratio, power derate, and ignition timing associated with the fuel and can flag
conditions that indicate that a fuel is not acceptable for use in a Cummins stationary natural gas engine. The
Gas Analysis Tool can also help determine power derate and timing specifications related to site conditions
such as ambient temperature and altitude.

Refer to the Instructions page of The Gas Analysis Tool on GCE for specific step by step instructions and information on
updates and changes to the tool.
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2.6. Gas Analysis Samples

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Nitrogen, N2 .44 12.01 1.123
Carbon Dioxide, CO2 .97 4.43 1.108
Methane,CH4 96.14 82.05 54.972
Ethane, C2H6 2.07 .86 17.775
Propane, C3H8 .23 .4 14.29
i –Butane, C4H10 0 .17 2.428
n –Butane, C4H10 .15 .09 4.501
i –Pentane, C5H12 0 0 1.244
n –Pentane, C5H12 0 0 .972
n –Hexane, C6H14 0 0 .687
n –Heptane, C7H16 0 0 .521
n –Octane, C8H16 0 0 .275
n –Nonane, C9H20 0 0 .123
n –Decane, C10H22 0 0 .071

Low Heat Value (LHV) 903.8 765.9 1479.6

Methane Number 91.9 91.9 43.1

Sample 1: Typical pipeline quality natural gas, methane number greater than 80, HCR pistons are acceptable
and no derate required.
Sample 2: Methane number is greater than 80, HCR pistons are acceptable. The LHV is less than 900 BTU/ft3,
so a derate of 1% per 25 BTU/ft3 below 900, or 5.36% derate for low BTU fuel.
Sample 3: Methane number is less than 80, HCR pistons are not acceptable. Methane number is also below
45 as well, a naturally aspirated engine or LCR pistons are not acceptable either. The fuel should not be
considered acceptable. If the methane number was 45 or greater the fuel would be acceptable for a naturally
aspirated engine or turbocharged engine with LCR pistons, though consideration must be given to timing,
oxygen, and turbine inlet temperature in this case.

3. References:
AEB 79.01 “Natural Gas Fuel Performance Specifications”

CES 14604 “Fuel, Natural Gas”

ASTM D 3588, Calculating Heat Value, Compressibility Factor, and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of
Gaseous Fuels

John Kubesh, Steven R. King, William E. Liss, “Effect of Gas Composition on Octane Number of Natural Gas
Fuels,” SAE Paper 922359

Petroleum Communication Foundation (PCF), “Sour Gas Questions + Answers”

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Revision History:
Date Author Description Page(s)
May 18, C.McFarden Added QSL9G Low BTU Table. Revised spring color to Red 6
Jan. 2010 C.McFarden Added G8.3 all model,G8.3E,GTA855 256, GTA8.3 175 to Low BTU 6,11
Table. Revised minimum MN numbers for HCR from 70 MN to 80MN
July 2009 C.McFarden Replaced Instructions for Gas Analysis Tool with a reference to the 12-15
instructions available with the tool on GCE
Mar 2009 C.McFarden Added KTA19GCE Low BTU data 6
Mar 2008 B. Revier Added KTA19GCSLB data, part numbers for kits, and updated branding 6, 11-14
Jan, 2008 C.McFarden Revised Info to Low BTU table for fuel less than 900 BTU/cuft 6
Aug, 2007 C.McFarden Add GTA8.3SLB Info to Low BTU table for fuel less than 900 BTU/cuft 6
Aug, 2007 C.McFarden Edit methane requirement and add derate performance requirement 1
Aug, 2007 C.McFarden Edit causes of detonation bulleted list 10
Jun, 2007 C.McFarden Add Low BTU table for fuel less than 900 BTU/cuft and Title Change 1,2,6,10
Feb, 2006 C McFarden Removed “Consult your local distributor application engineer.” From 6
Section Coal Bed Methane Gas
Jan, 2006 C McFarden Inserted Section Coal Bed Methane Gas; Revised Headings 6
under 2.2 Types Of Fuels to accommodate new section
Oct, 2004 C McFarden Original Release (future changes will be in blue text) All

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