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EZWall Video Wall Client Software User Manual-V1.02

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EZWall Client Software

User Manual

Manual Version: V1.02

Thank you for choosing our product. If there are any questions, or requests, please do not hesitate to contact the


The default password is intended for your first login. For security, please set a strong password
after your first login. A strong password shall include at least eight characters comprising at least
three elements of the following four: digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special
characters. Please keep the password safe and change it regularly.

 Contents of this document are subject to change without prior notice.

 Best effort has been made to verify the integrity and correctness of the contents in this
document, but no statement, information, or recommendation in this manual shall constitute
formal guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied. We shall not be held responsible for any
technical or typographical errors in this manual.
 The illustrations in this manual are for reference only.
 Due to uncertainties such as physical environment, discrepancy may exist between the actual
values and reference values provided in this manual. The ultimate right to interpretation resides
in our company.


Convention Description

Commands, keywords, parameters and GUI elements such as window, tab,

Boldface font
dialog box, menu, button, etc.

Italic font Variables for which you supply values.

Separate a series of menu items, for example, Device Management > Add

1 Introduction ·····································································································································1
2 Log In to the Client ···························································································································1
Login ··································································································································································1
Main Page ··························································································································································2
Lock the Client ···················································································································································3
Switch User or Server ········································································································································3
Client Configuration ···········································································································································3
View Software Version ······································································································································4
Close the Program ·············································································································································5
Open User Manual ·············································································································································5

3 Device Management ························································································································5

Add Device ·························································································································································5
Search ························································································································································6

4 Video Wall ········································································································································7

Create a Video Wall ···········································································································································8
Basic Operations ········································································································································8
Bind and Unbind ········································································································································9
Small Pixel Pitch LED ································································································································10
Edit or Delete Video Wall·························································································································11
Splice Screens ··················································································································································11
Open Windows ················································································································································13
By Clicking the Open Window Button ·····································································································13
By Dragging an IPC ···································································································································14
By Right-clicking and Dragging the Mouse ······························································································15
By Setting Coordinates ····························································································································15
Adjust Window Position and Size ············································································································16
Close a Window ·······································································································································17
Group ·······························································································································································18
Default Group ··········································································································································18
Custom Group ··········································································································································18
Split a Window ·················································································································································21
Play Video on a Video Wall ······························································································································22
Start Live Video One by One ····················································································································22
Start Live Video in Batches ······················································································································23
Playback on Video Wall····························································································································24
Sequence in One Window ·······················································································································24

Sequence in Multiple Windows ···············································································································27
Play Signal Source ····································································································································28
Stop Video on Video Wall ························································································································28
Other Features ·················································································································································30
Virtual LED ···············································································································································30
Scene Plan ················································································································································33
Renumber Windows ································································································································36
Lock/Unlock Windows ·····························································································································37
View Window Info ···································································································································38
Output Audio ···········································································································································39
Always Display a Window on Top or Bottom ··························································································40
View in Full Screen Mode ························································································································41

5 Sequence Resource ························································································································43

6 Screen Control ································································································································44
Configure Serial Port and Protocol ··················································································································44
Turn On or Off the Screen Automatically at a Set Time ··················································································45
Turn On or Off the Screen Manually················································································································46
Turn Off the Screen with Delay ·······················································································································46

1 Introduction
EZWall client software is mainly used in small-scale display&control device-centered systems to manage
encoding devices and operate video walls.

 Unless otherwise stated, the display&control device that you log in to from the client software is
also referred to as the "server" in this manual.
 The GUI, features, and operations may vary, depending on the server that you log in to.

2 Log In to the Client

1. Start the software. The login page appears.

2. Complete the settings.

Parameter Description

Enter the IP address of the server. is an example.

IP IPs of the servers that the client has successfully logged in to are saved in
the drop-down list.

Parameter Description

Port number of the server.

The default is 80; enter the correct port if it has been changed.

Username/password Username and password of the server.

When selected, the client software automatically fills in the current

Save Password
username/password at your next login.

When selected, the client software automatically logs in with the current
Auto Login
account at the next startup.

3. The main page appears when you are logged in.

Main Page

1 2 3

No. Description

1 Click to open Menu.

2 Click to toggle the tab.

3 Switch user, lock the client, or open the user manual.

4 Server info.

The Menu provides options that you can use to lock the client software, switch user or server, configure
the client, view version information, close the software or open the user manual.

Lock the Client

A username and password is required to unlock the client.
 Click Menu > Lock.

 Click in the top right corner.

Switch User or Server

 Click Menu > Switch User.

 Click in the top right corner.

Client Configuration
Click Menu > Client Configuration to set auto login and stream type.

No. Description

When selected, the client automatically logs in to the most recent server at
Enable Auto Login to the next startup.
EZWall If Enable Auto Login to Windows is enabled, the client starts automatically
after the computer enters Windows.

Select the check box and then enter the username and password of your
Windows operating system, so that the computer automatically enters
Windows after startup.
Enable Auto Login to Note: In order for this feature to work, you also need to add EZWall to the
Windows Windows Startup folder. The steps may vary with system version, here we
take Win 7 for example: click Start > All Programs, find Startup, right-click
it, choose Open, and then drag the EZWall shortcut icon to the Startup

Selected window When selected, a window automatically displays on top (when multiple
always on top windows overlap) when you click it on the Video Wall tab.
 Use Default Stream Type: The client uses a specified stream type as the
default to play on the video wall.
 Adapt to Screen Layout: The client dynamically chooses a stream type
Stream Type
(main, sub, etc) to play on the video wall according to the number of
split windows. If a window is split to more than 9, the client chooses the
sub stream; otherwise, the client chooses the main stream.

View Software Version

Click Menu > About EZWall to view the software version. Detailed info is displayed when you double-click
on the version number.

Close the Program
 Click Menu > Exit.

 Or click in the top right corner.

Open User Manual

 Click Menu > User Manual.

 Or click in the top right corner.

3 Device Management
Add Uniview or other manufacturers' IPC and NVR to the server for use on video wall.

Add Device
Choose a way to add devices:

 Auto Search: Search devices and add in batches. See Search.

 Add: Add a device with known IP address.
1. Click the Auto Search button. IPC and NVR that are on the same subnet with the server are
2. You may set criteria and search again.

1 2

1. Select the device(s) to add.

 Select the check box(es) and then click the Batch Add button. Clicking will select all.

 Click to add a device.

2. Choose the protocol, transmission protocol, and then enter the username and password of the
3. Check whether the devices are added to the server.

4. Close the window. The Status column shows device status.

 If Offline(Incorrect username or password) is displayed, it means the username/password used to
add the device in step 2 is incorrect. In this case, click to edit.
 To view the status of channels under an NVR, click the Status button.

2 3

 To delete device(s), select the check box(es) and then click the Delete button (1).
 To edit device information, including device name, protocol, transmission protocol, username
and password, click the edit button (2) or double-click the line. Not that you cannot change a
device's IP address in this way. To change a device's IP address, click the web browser icon (3).
You need to enter the device's username and password to log in.

4 Video Wall
Create and manage video walls on the Video Wall tab and operate on the video wall.

The GUI displayed, features and operations supported on the Video Wall tab may vary with server.
For example, you can open windows and move them on a video wall created with an ADU, and
splice screens on a video wall created with DC-B20X. The functions described in this chapter are not
intended for a specific server model. Please refer to your server and GUI.

Create a Video Wall

Basic Operations

1. For first time use, click on the center; otherwise, click the Add button

right to the video wall name .

2. Complete video wall settings.

 The size means how many screens on the video wall, horizontally and vertically. If small pixel pitch
LED screens are used, select the check box for Small Pixel Pitch LED and complete the settings
correctly. See Small Pixel Pitch LED.
 Auto-Bind Channel is enabled by default, so that decoding channels are bound automatically to
video wall screens for you when you create a new video wall. See Bind and Unbind.

Bind and Unbind
To bind is to link a decoding channel with a screen. Video signals are decoded by a decoding channel and
output to a screen. To unbind is to cancel the link.
Bind Manually
Drag a decoding channel to a screen.

Click the Close button.

Unbind or Bind All

Click the Unbind All or Bind All button.

Small Pixel Pitch LED
If small pixel pitch LED screens are used, you need to enable this feature and set the video wall size
 Special LED width: width of the last column on the video wall (unit: pixel).
 Special LED height: height of the last row on the video wall (unit: pixel).


Edit or Delete Video Wall
Click the arrow right to the video wall name.

Splice Screens
Merge multiple screens to display one image.
For example, splice screens 1 and 2.
1. Click Splice Screen.

2. Select the screens and follow the steps to splice.


3. The spliced screens are displayed as one screen.

4. To unsplice screens and restore the previous state, follow the steps.


Open Windows
There are multiple ways to open windows on a video wall.

By Clicking the Open Window Button

Windows opened in this way are locked. See Lock/Unlock Windows.
1. Click Open Window and then choose a layout.

2. By choosing M*N, you can customize a layout, for example, 3x4 (3 columns x 4 rows).

By Dragging an IPC
1. Drag an IPC to the video wall to open a window and start video on the video wall.

2. Camera info is displayed on the computer screen, and live video starts on the video wall.

By Right-clicking and Dragging the Mouse

Follow the instrustions on the video wall: press and hold the right button of the mouse and drag on the
video wall to open a window.

By Setting Coordinates
Use this method if the window size and position need to be precise.
1. Click Open Window by Coordinates.


2. Set the position and size (unit: pixel).

 X and Y Coordinates: Position of the window's top left corner
 Width and height: Window size

Adjust Window Position and Size

You can adjust the position and size of a window if it is not locked (see Lock/Unlock Windows).
 Drag to move a window (known as roaming).
 Place the mouse cursor on a window border. When the cursor changes shape (1), drag to resize
the window.


 Clicking the Edit button in the top right corner (2) also allows you to adjust the position and size.
The X and Y coordinates determines the position of the window's top left corner. Both width
and height are measured in pixels.

Close a Window
Closing a window is the reverse operation of closing a window. Closing a window stops the video playing
in it.


 Click the Close button (1) in the window's top right corner.
 Click a window to select it and then click the Close Window button (2).
 Click the Close All button. All windows on the video wall will be closed.

Default Group
The software creates default groups based on the device type:
 For NVR, each NVR is a group, and the group name is the device name of the NVR.
 For IPC, all IPCs form a group, and the group name is "IPC".
 All signal sources form a group, and the group name is "Signal Source".

Custom Group
The custom group feature allows you to assign IPCs to different groups. You can:
 Assign IPCs under an NVR to different groups.
 Assign IPCs under different NVRs to the same group.

 Assign an IPC to multiple groups.
1. Click Group Management on the Video Channel tab.

2. Create a group.

3. Assign IPCs to the group.


4. The selected IPCs are added to the group. You may rename or delete the group or IPCs.

5. The new group appears in the organization tree.

Split a Window
Split a window to play multiple videos at the same time. You need to open window(s) first (see Open
Each window has a number in its top left corner (1, 2, 3 …) known as window ID.
1. Click the window to split.
2. Choose a layout. The options depends on the server.

Play Video on a Video Wall
Start video on a video wall one by one or in batches.

Start Live Video One by One

1. On the Video Channel tab, drag the IPC to a window or a split window.

2. Camera info is displayed on the computer screen, and live video starts on the video wall.

Start Live Video in Batches
1. On the Video Channel tab, select IPCs.
2. Click Play on Screen or Play on Wall.
Play on Screen
Play video in a window from a specified split window.
Example: Play video from 4 IPCs in window 1 that is split into 4.

Play on Wall
Play video in multiple windows in the sequence of window ID from the specified window or split window.
Example: Play video from 7 IPCs in 4 windows, among which, window 1 is split into 4.


Playback on Video Wall

Search and play recordings of a camera.

3 4

Sequence in One Window

Play video in sequence in one window.
1. Create a sequence resource. See Sequence Resource.

2. On the Sequence Resource tab, drag the resource to a window.

3. The name of the sequence resource is displayed on the computer screen, and sequence starts
on the video wall in the set order at the set interval.

4. Click the buttons on the bottom to pause sequence, play the previous or next.

The following examples show two different sequence resources in different screen layouts, and the
sequence interval is set to 20 seconds for both.

Example 1
Sequence 2 IPCs (Cam 1, 2) on 1 screen

1 Start

Cam 1
2 20s

Cam 2
3 20s

Cam 1

1. Start sequence: play Cam 1.

2. Switch in 20 seconds: play Cam 2.
3. Complete a round and start over: play Cam 1.
4. Repeat the process…

Example 2
Sequence 5 IPCs (Cam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) on 4 screens

1 Start

Cam 1 Cam 2

Cam 3 Cam 4
2 20s

Cam 5 Cam 2

Cam 3 Cam 4

3 20s

Cam 1 Cam 2

Cam 3 Cam 4

1. Start sequence: play Cam 1, 2, 3, 4.

2. Switch in 20 seconds: play Cam 5 on screen 1, and other screens remain the same (Cam 2, 3, 4).
3. Switch in 20 seconds: complete a round and start over (play Cam 1, 2, 3, 4).

4. Repeat the process…

Sequence in Multiple Windows

Play video in sequence in multiple windows. You need to open windows first (see Open Windows).

3 4

Example 1
Sequence 4 IPCs (Cam 1, 2, 3, and 4) in 2 windows at the interval of 5 seconds.
1 Start

Cam 1 Cam 2

2 5s

Cam 3 Cam 4

3 5s

Cam 1 Cam 2

Example 2
Sequence 8 IPCs (Cam 1-8) in 2 windows at the interval of 5 seconds, among which, window 2 is split into

1 Start

Cam 2 Cam 3

Cam 1

Cam 4 Cam 5
2 5s

Cam 7 Cam 8

Cam 6

Cam 4 Cam 5

3 5s

Cam 2 Cam 3

Cam 1

Cam 4 Cam 5

Play Signal Source

Play video signals from the server's video port (e.g., DVI-D or VGA) to the video wall.

Stop Video on Video Wall

Stop live video or sequence in a window
 Click the Close button.

 Or click the Stop Decoding button. You can resume live video by clicking Start Decoding on its
left. Sequence cannot resume in this way.

Stop live video or sequence in all windows

Click the Stop All Decoding button. All live video and sequence will stop on the video wall. You can
resume live video by click Start All Decoding on its left. Sequence cannot resume in this way.

Other Features
The GUI, features and operations may vary depending on the server. This section takes ADU-8601 as
an example.

Virtual LED
Virtual LED is text displayed on video image.
1. Click the Virtual LED tab on the bottom and then click the Add button. You may also use the tip
on the top to create virtual LED.


2. Set the LED.

3. The virtual LED is created. Example.


2 3

 You can move the virtual LED by dragging it.

 Place the mouse cursor on the border of the background. When the cursor changes shape, drag
to resize the background.
 Enable/disable, edit or delete the current virtual LED (1)
 Delete all LEDs (2)
 Enable/disable all virtual LEDs (3)

Save video wall settings including layout, live video or sequence, virtual LED as a scene to recall the
settings by clicking one button instead of repeating the configuration.
1. Click the Save Scene button.

You need to choose Save or Save As after clicking the Save Scene button. By using Save As, you can
quickly create a new scene based on a similar scene.

2. Click the Scene tab (1). You can click the button (2) to recall the scene, or use the buttons (3) to
add, edit or delete scenes.

Scene Plan
Set a plan to apply scenes. Please create the scenes first and then follow the steps to add a scene plan.
1. Click the Scene Plan tab, and then click + to create a scene plan.


2. Enter a scene name, and then select scenes and add to the plan.

3. By default, the scenes switch from one to the next at the same interval that you set. To apply
scenes by specified periods, select 24-hour plan, use the buttons (2) to arrange the sequence,
and set a start time for each scene.


4. Click to start the scene plan.

5. Click the buttons to pause or stop the plan.

Renumber Windows
The software assigns window IDs based on the time when windows are opened. To reassign window IDs
according to the position of windows (from top-to-down, left-to-right), click the Renumber Windows
Current window ID: 1, 4, 3, 2 ,5

Renumbered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Lock/Unlock Windows
Lock the position and shape of a window.

 Right-click the window to lock and then choose Lock Window. A lock icon appears in the
window's top right corner. To unlock, uncheck Lock Window.
 Click the button (1) to lock or unlock a specified window; click the buttons (2) to lock or unlock
all the windows on the video wall.

View Window Info

1. Right-click a window, and then choose Window Info.

2. If the window is split and video is sequencing, you can choose an ID to view info about the
corresponding split window.

Output Audio
Use the server's audio output channel to output the audio of a camera playing in a window.
1. Click Audio Management, and then choose an audio channel.

2. Click the window (e.g., window 1) and then click the Audio button. The audio icon in the
window's top right corner means audio is turned on. You can adjust the volume or mute the

3. To stop audio output for the window, click the Audio button (2); or right-click the window and
then uncheck Audio.

Always Display a Window on Top or Bottom

Use this feature to keep a window on top or bottom when multiple windows overlap.

 Click a window and then click Top or Bottom.
 Right-click the window and choose from the pop-up menu.

If Selected window always on top is enabled in Client Configuration, a window displays on top
when you click it, even though the window has been set to display on bottom or another window
has been set to display on top.

View in Full Screen Mode

If a window is locked, you need to unlock it first.

view a window in Full Screen mode

 Double-click the window.
 Click the window and then click the Full Screen button.
 Right-click the window and then select Full Screen.

The window expands and covers the full screens that it overlaps with.

view a split window in Full Screen mode
See view a window in Full Screen mode. The operations are similar; the difference is that the split window
will expand to the full window.

5 Sequence Resource
Add, edit or delete sequence resources on the Sequence Resource tab.
1. Click the Add button, enter a name.
2. Select cameras and add them to the list.

3. Set the sequence resource, including:

 Time interval at which the IPCs in the resource switch from one to the next
 Use the buttons to adjust the sequence
 Stream type
4. The resource appears on the Sequence Resource tab and is ready to play on the video wall. See
Sequence in One Window and Sequence in Multiple Windows.

6 Screen Control
On the Screen Control tab, you can turn on/off Uniview screens including small pixel pitch LED screens.
Before you operate on the client, make sure the screen, the power distribution box (for LED screen), and
the server are properly connected.

Configure Serial Port and Protocol

Configure the serial port and protocol in accordance with the server model and screen type.

Server Screen Serial Port and Protocol

Serial port: COM1

Protocol: UA
ADU8600 series, ADU8612-E
Serial port: COM2
Protocol: MODBUS

Serial port: COM1

DC-B204, DC-B206, DC-B209 LCD
Protocol: UA

Turn On or Off the Screen Automatically at a Set Time

1. Select Turn On At or Turn Off At, and then set the time(s) when the screen automatically turns
on or off.
2. Click Save. The screen will turn on or off automatically at the set time.

Turn On or Off the Screen Manually

1. Click Turn On Screen. The screen turns on immediately.

2. Click Turn Off Screen. The screen turns off immediately.

Turn Off the Screen with Delay

1. Select the check box for Turn Off In and then enter the time in the text box.
2. Click Turn Off Screen.
3. A message as shown below appears. The screen turns off automatically when the timer expires.


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