Top 10 Nutrient Deficiencies
Top 10 Nutrient Deficiencies
Top 10 Nutrient Deficiencies
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"Please do yourself a favor and don’t miss a moment of
this monumentally important summit. Brian Vaszily is
renowned for getting the truly valuable insights that make
the biggest difference in people’s lives from those he
interviews. And in this unique summit, he’s going to have
the world’s top longevity experts reveal their most
powerful but little-known insights of all, so it is going to be
a life-changer”
— Jason Prall, leading longevity researcher, The Human
Longevity Project
We’re against all the toxic “solutions” and toxic thinking so often
pushed on people by the Big Cosmetic, Big Food, and Big
Pharmaceutical industries, who so often play upon those destructive
aging lies and manipulate people through fear.
Instead, we are certain that when you take the right steps, your “middle
years” and “golden years” will truly be your best years.
Your body works hard day in and day out to keep you as healthy as can
be. And there are crucial steps to take to help your body in this mission-
critical work.
Now, the reasons why people don’t hear about these essentials is a
separate topic that can fill a book.
In short, though, the reasons can range from these little-known life-
changers getting “buried” beneath all the noise and information overload
out there… to certain corporate and government “powers-that-be” flat-
out not wanting you to know it because it threatens their own
Whatever the reasons, you need and deserve to know these little-known
life-changers, too.
And these essential secrets are exactly what will be revealed to you in
The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit!
You see, I’ve given the 22 top anti-aging and longevity doctors a
long time to consider it, and in this once-in-a-lifetime summit, I’m
challenging them each to reveal their three MOST health- and life-
changing secrets to you that almost no one knows about.
Head here now to sign up for the FREE online Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Summit if you aren’t signed up already and…
Head here to get the COMPLETE recordings and transcripts of the entire
summit if you don’t feel you’ll be able to
hear all 7 days of this essential event when
it airs live, and to experience it all on your
own schedule.
However, many people are falling far short on certain nutrients today.
And if the deficiencies are not addressed, they can lead to serious health
However, you will note there is some overlap of such symptoms across
the deficiencies. For that reason and more, it should go without saying
(though I’ll say it) that if you suspect you may be deficient in a nutrient,
you should be screened by a medical professional to ensure that is the
case. (They will typically provide a test that measures how much of the
nutrient is in your blood or stored in your body. Do note that at-home
versions for testing your vitamin and minerals and submitting them to a
lab for screening are now also available online.)
Consume more of the whole foods that provide robust amounts of that
nutrient, and a more balanced whole foods diet overall. (Eating clean,
organic forms of the foods if possible is always recommended, by the
way, to avoid feeding your body potential toxins that work against your
Consider foods fortified with the nutrient, which means the nutrient is
added to it. Typically, this is the least-recommended route because
fortified foods tend to be more processed. These processed foods
usually mean added sugars or other unhealthy ingredients… certain
ingredients stripped of nutritional value… and other factors that don’t
equate with good health.
Finally, it should be noted that the following nutrient deficiencies are
based on the established Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).
Now, YES, many health experts have argued that the RDA for certain
nutrients should be changed – typically, made higher – and that,
therefore, many people may actually be more deficient in those other
For example, a strong case is being made – and it especially got “loud”
with the coronavirus pandemic – that people should be consuming
significantly more vitamin C and zinc than the current RDA calls for.
However, while they may have a valid point, it still does not negate the
fact that so many people are deficient in the nutrients that follow!
The Top 10 Nutrient Deficiencies
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that
has several essential health
properties. It functions like a steroid
hormone and is produced by the
cholesterol in your skin when
exposed to sunlight. This is why it’s
often referred to as the “sunshine
The standard recommendation for adults between the ages of 18 -70 are
to consume 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. Those older
than 70 are recommended to consume 800 IU of vitamin D daily, due to
the increased risk of osteoporosis and other bone problems in this age
Some of the most common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include
the following:3
• Insufficient sun exposure
• Aging
• Darker skin pigmentation
• Chronic kidney disease
• Obesity
Now, by far the primary natural source for vitamin D is sunshine. In fact,
about 50 to 90% of the vitamin D in the body is absorbed through the
skin via sunlight.
However, the big problem is that people are now spending more time
than ever indoors. In the U.S., for example, people now spend an
average of 90% of their time inside.
One supplement many take, for example, is cod liver oil, which can
provide 170% of the daily value per tablespoon.
As for detecting vitamin D deficiency, in its earlier stages especially it can
be difficult, as it often does not produce any symptoms at all.
• Generalized weakness
• Fatigue and muscle aches
• Muscle twitching
• Bone problems, like osteoporosis and osteomalacia
• Depression
• Lethargy
• Irritability
• Developmental delay in children
This is especially true for high-risk populations, such as seniors and the
You can get screened by consulting with your doctor. And tests you can
do at home that you then submit to a lab for screening are now also
available online.
Your body needs iron for proper growth and development.
There are two different types of iron: heme iron and nonheme iron.
An estimated 25% of the entire world’s population is iron deficient, with
approximately 10 million cases of iron deficiency anemia diagnosed in
the United States.
Now, as these iron deficiencies develop, they may lead to iron deficiency
anemia. This condition causes symptoms such as:
• Feeling weak
• Chronic fatigue / low energy
• Difficulty concentrating
• Forgetfulness
• Feeling nauseous / vomiting
If you suspect you are iron deficient, do get your iron levels checked
professionally. Again, you can do so by consulting with a medical
professional and at-home testing kits that you then submit to a lab are
now also available online.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, known for its role in blood
formation, proper brain and nerve health, and energy production.
B12 may also be beneficial for lowering risk of chronic illnesses such as
heart disease and Alzheimer’s.1
The RDA for adults is to consume 2.4 mcg vitamin B12 daily, and 2.6 mcg
for pregnant women.3
Now, as people age, their bodies tend not to absorb vitamin B12 as
efficiently as it did when younger. Thus, older adults are at higher risk of
vitamin B12 deficiencies. An estimated 20% of elderly people are
deficient in vitamin B12.4
Additionally, individuals who do not include animal products in their
diets are indeed at higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiencies. Up to 90% of
vegetarians and vegans have been shown to be deficient in the vitamin.5
If you suspect you are vitamin B12 deficient, do consider consulting with
a medical professional, and do get tested for it.
1-3, 6-7:
Calcium is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the US,
especially for postmenopausal women.
Women older than 50 years, as well as men over 70, are at high risk of
calcium deficiencies. Calcium deficiencies are common in these
populations because calcium absorption decreases with the aging
process. An estimated 50% of individuals in these age groups fall short
on their calcium intake.3
and helping their health (and the planet’s!) in other ways, but they also
have a higher risk of calcium deficiency.
While dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are the most well-
known sources of calcium, many health experts recommend against
consuming some or all dairy products for other health reasons.
As for the signs of calcium deficiency, they are not typically obvious
unless it is left untreated for a long period of time.
As with the other nutrients, if you suspect you are calcium deficient, do
get tested.
Iodine is a mineral that your body needs to produce thyroid hormones,
which are necessary for proper metabolism, growth, and development.
• Seaweed: 1 g provides up to
2,000% of the daily value
• Cod: 3 oz of bake cod
provides 66% of the daily
• Iodized salt: ¼ teaspoon
provides 47% of the daily
• Yogurt: 1 cup provides 50% of the daily value
You can also get some iodine from eggs, shrimp, tuna, prunes, apples,
green peas, bananas, and for those who eat dairy, milk and cheese.2
• Unintentional weight gain
• Weakness and fatigue
• Increased heart rate and shortness of breath
• Hair loss and dry skin
Pregnant women, those who don’t eat iodized salt, and people who
follow vegetarian and vegan diets and don’t consume enough of the
plant foods high in iodine are most likely to develop an iodine deficiency.
If you are, follow any professional advice administered, which may well
include consuming more iodine-rich foods and taking a high-quality
supplement that provides iodine.
Magnesium is another nutrient that is commonly under-consumed.
Here too, though, many health experts contend that the RDA for
magnesium is far too low and that up to three times more should be
Studies have shown that adequate magnesium intake may help reduce
the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraine
• Green leafy vegetables
• Broccoli, carrots
• Legumes, nuts, seeds
• Whole grains
• Potatoes
• Yogurt
• Bananas
• Apples
• Salmon
As with other nutrients, do get tested if you suspect your levels are too
In addition to high-magnesium foods, a high-quality magnesium
supplement may be recommended.
Potassium is another common nutrient that many people are not getting
enough of. As an electrolyte mineral, it has many essential functions in
the body, from fluid balance to regulating muscle contractions.
• Fruits such as apricots, prunes, oranges, bananas, cantaloupe, and
• Vegetables such as squash, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli,
and asparagus
• Legumes such as kidney beans
• Fish such as salmon and tuna
• Yogurt
• Grains such as brown rice
Vitamin A
Many people do not get enough
vitamin A in their diets. Vitamin A
is a fat-soluble vitamin that has
many important functions. It
helps support eye health, keeps
the immune system strong, and
plays a role in reproductive and
skin health.
• Fish oil
• Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, spinach, pumpkin, carrots, bell
peppers, and tomatoes
• Fruits such as cantaloupe, apricots, and mangos
• Fish such as tuna, herring, and salmon
• Yogurt
• Eggs
• Pistachios
Those with low vitamin A intake may experience symptoms such as:
If you are, eating more of the foods that provide it is the best route.
Vitamin A toxicity may cause dizziness, nausea, skin problems, bone and
joint pain. More serious cases of toxicity do have the potential to lead to
coma and death.7
Copper is a mineral that plays a role in metabolism support, bone health,
and nervous system function. It has also been shown to help reduce the
risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
• Anemia
• Weakness and fatigue
• Osteoporosis and/or other bone problems
• Learning difficulties and forgetfulness
• Vision loss
• Shellfish
• Nuts and seeds
• Chocolate
• Whole grains such as millet
• Legumes, such as chickpeas
• Vegetables, including
tomatoes, asparagus,
spinach, and potatoes
• Yogurt
• Fruits, such as avocados, figs, and apples
Folate, otherwise known as folic acid, is a B vitamin with many important
roles in the body. It helps make and repair your DNA, and also supports
red blood cell production.
All other adults are generally recommended to consume 400 mcg per
day to meet their folate needs.2
• Changes in hair, skin, and nail pigmentation
The Bottom Line
There are multiple nutrients that many people in the US and Western
world do not consume enough of. In some circumstances, this leads to
the development of clinical nutrient deficiencies, especially among
certain populations.
Eating a balanced diet that includes a wide variety of whole foods is the
best way to prevent nutrient deficiencies. It is best to choose clean,
independently certified organic foods to avoid introducing potential
toxins into your body that can work against your health.
Now, Get Ready for THE Most Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Secrets of All…
So again, here at The Art of Anti-Aging, the “anti” means we’re against
all the destructive lies about getting older out there that equate hitting
your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond with becoming increasingly
undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease, and “over the
We’re against all the toxic “solutions” and toxic thinking being
pushed on people by certain powers-that-be who so often play upon
those destructive aging lies and manipulate people through fear and
even “convenience.”
Instead, we are certain that when you take the right steps, your “middle
years” and “golden years” will truly be your best years.
The special report was just a small taste of that (and please DO share this
report with family and friends)…
Because you’re going to get total clarity on THE most essential secrets
you need to know now on how to look your best, feel amazing,
avoid and even overcome disease, and live a long life doing it…
From 22 of the world’s most renowned and trusted anti-aging and
longevity doctors and researchers.
Head here now to sign up for the FREE online Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Summit if you aren’t signed up already and…
Head here to get the COMPLETE recordings and transcripts of the entire
summit if you don’t feel you’ll be able to
hear all 7 days of this essential event when
it airs live, and to experience it all on your
own schedule.