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ES 101 Syllabus Second Semester AY 2019 2020 WF Lec Classes FINAL

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Second Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020

This course is a basic course in engineering mechanics taken by students in various engineering
disciplines as a prerequisite to major courses in engineering. Upon completion of this course, students
are expected to be able to apply fundamental principles of statics, kinematics, and dynamics to the
analysis of motions, forces, and couples in engineering systems involving particles and rigid bodies.

Course Description: Motion, force, and couple concepts. Newton’s Laws of Motion. Kinematics.
Analysis of particles and rigid bodies in equilibrium (statics) and acceleration (dynamics) using vector
mechanics, momentum methods, and energy methods. Geometric properties of lines, areas, and
Prerequisite: Math 22 Elementary Analysis II
Course Credit: 4.0 units : 3 hours lecture /week; 3 hours laboratory (computation, discussion, and
recitation) /week
Course Outcomes (CO) : Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:
CO 1. explain the fundamental concepts related to engineering mechanics
CO 2. compute geometric properties (centroid and radius of gyration) of lines, areas, and volumes
CO 3. solve for the components and resultant of motion vectors, forces, and moments
CO 4. analyze the equilibrium of systems of particles and rigid bodies
CO 5. analyze particles and rigid bodies in motion using kinematics together with methods of
inertia and force, momentum and impulse, and/or energy and work
Main Reference:
• Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics 10th SI ed. by Beer, Johnston & Cornwell
• Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics 10th SI ed. by Beer, Johnston & Cornwell
Other Reference:
• Pacheco, E.S. (1992) Statics of Rigid Bodies (published and distributed by National Engineering

Course Content
Lesson Topics Reference Sections Examples and Assignments
Lec / Lab
First Long Examination Topics
Lab: Jan 14 Diagnostic Quiz (thru UvLE) Syllabus
Classes suspended
(due to Taal Volcano
Announcement to be given on:
Eruption) January 16, 2020
01 Orientation Syllabus Example:
1.0 Newton's Laws of Motion Addition of Vectors:
1.1 Newton's First Law of Motion Section 1.1 What Is Mechanics? SP 2.1
Lec: Jan 15 1.2 Newton's Second Law of Motion Section 1.2 Fundamental Concepts and Principles Rectangular Components:
Lecture to include 1.3 Newton's Third Law of Motion
Syllabus in Section 2.3 Vectors SP 2.3
particular course 2.0 Overview of Engineering Section 2.4 Addition of Vectors Vector Product
content Mechanics
Section 3.9 Scalar Product of Two Vectors SP 3.4
2.1 Model of Particle and Rigid Body
Section 3.4 Vector Product of Two Vectors
2.2 Kinematics, Statics, and
Dynamics Section 3.5 Vector Product Expressed in Terms of Reading Assignment:
Lab: Jan 16 2.3 Review of Vectors: Rectangular Components SP 2.4, SP 2.7
Laboratory Properties of Vectors; Scalar and Section 1.3 Systems of Units SP 3.4, SP 3.5
Class to include Vector Physical Quantities; Section 12.4 Systems of Units (*in Newton's Second Law)
Orientation on Operations on Vectors; Dot Section 1.4 Conversion from One System of Units to Assignment:
Class Policies Product; Cross Product Another P2.1, P2.5, P2.36
2.4 Overview of Calculations: Section 1.5 Method of Problem Solution (Addition of Vectors)
Basic Quantities and Units; Section 1.6 Numerical Accuracy Modified P3.25 (Vector Product
Accuracy and Precision in to compute for moment about B
Calculations instead of A)

02 3.0 Kinematics of Uniform Translation Section 11.1 Introduction to Dynamics Example:

Lec: Jan 17 3.1 Position and Velocity of Particle Section 11.2 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Solution of P11.120
Lab: Jan 21 3.2 Equation of Motion for Uniform (*discussion on position and velocity only) Solution of P11.49
Translation Section 11.4 Uniform Rectilinear Motion
3.3 Relative Velocity Section 11.12 Motion Relative to a Frame in Translation Assignment:
P11.119, P11.131, P11.132
03 4.0 Concurrent Planar Force Concurrent Planar Force Components Concurrent Planar Force
Components Section 2.1 Introduction (Particles) Components
4.1 Force as Interaction between Section 2.2 Force on a Particle, Resultant of Two Forces Example:
Lec: Jan 22 Bodies Section 3.1 Introduction (Rigid Bodies) SP 2.1, SP 2.3
Lab: Jan 23 4.2 Force as Sliding Vector Section 3.2 External and Internal Forces Examples 1-3 pp. 28-29
4.3 Transformation of Force Section 3.3 Principle of Transmissibility. Equivalent
Components in Plane Forces Concurrent Spatial Force
4.4 Resultant Force and its Primary Components
Section 2.3 Vectors
Components Example:
Section 2.5 Resultant of Several Concurrent Forces
5.0 Concurrent Spatial Force SP 2.7
Components Section 2.6 Resolution of a Force into Components Examples 1-3 pp. 47-49
5.1 Transformation of Force Section 2.7 Rectangular Components of a Force. Unit
Components in Space Vectors Static Friction and Kinetic
5.2 Resolution into Force Section 2.8 Addition of Forces by Summing X and Y Friction
Components Using Dot Product Components Example:
of Vectors Customized examples on Static
6.0 Static Friction and Kinetic Friction Concurrent Spatial Force Components Friction and Kinetic Friction
6.1 Dry Friction Section 2.12 Rectangular Components of a Force in
6.2 Limiting Static Friction Space Reading Assignment:
6.3 Kinetic Friction Section 2.13 Force Defined by Its Magnitude and Two SP 2.2, SP 2.8
6.4 Friction as Reaction Points on Its Line of Action
Section 2.14 Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space Assignment:
Concurrent Planar Force
Static Friction and Kinetic Friction Components
Section 8.1 Introduction P2.5, P2.36
Concurrent Spatial Force
Section 8.2 The Laws of Dry Friction. Coefficients of
P2.89, P2.91, P2.95, P2.97
Section 8.3 Angles of Friction
UVLe online quiz on friction
04 7.0 Force Diagram of Particle Section 2.11 Problems Involving the Equilibrium of a Examples:
7.1 External Force and Externalized Particle. Free-Body Diagrams Construct FD only
Force SP 2.4, SP 2.6, SP 8.1, SP 2.9
Lec: Jan 24 7.2 Force Representing Weight Other Sections, emphasis is on the construction of Force SP 8.2, SP 12.4
Lab: Jan 28 7.3 Force Representing Reaction at Diagram (FD)
Support or Constraint Reading Assignment:
7.4 Other Applied Force or Load Study the Force Diagram of the
FD involving friction
7.5 Procedure for Drawing Free- following:
Section 8.4 Problems Involving Dry Friction
Body Diagram or Force Diagram SP 2.5, SP 8.4
Section 8.5 Wedges
FD in Dynamics Problems Assignment:
Section 12.5 Equations of Motion P2.F1, P2.F3, P2.F4, P 2.F6
P 8.F1
Construct FBD only
P 12.F2, P 12.F3, P 12.F4
Construct FBD only
P2.66, P2.123
05 8.0 Statics of Particle Planar Statics of Particles Example:
8.1 Zero Sum of Concurrent Planar Section 2.9 Equilibrium of a Particle, Continuation after FBD
Force Components Section 2.10 Newton’s First Law of Motion SP 2.4, SP 2.6, SP 2.9, SP 8.2
Lec: Jan 29 8.2 Zero Sum of Concurrent Spatial Section 2.11 Problems Involving the Equilibrium of a
Force Components Particle. Free-Body Diagrams Reading Assignment:
Lab: Jan 30 SP 8.4
(Review for
Problems involving Friction
CQ 1) Assignment:
Section 8.4 Problems Involving Dry Friction
• Planar Statics: P2.63, P2.66
Section 8.5 Wedges
CQ 1: • Spatial Statics: P2.107,
February 4 P2.121, P2.123
Spatial Statics of Particles • Statics Problem with
Section 2.15 Equilibrium of a Particle in Space concepts of friction:
• P8.1, P8.11, P8.14
Second Long Examination Topics
06 9.0 Kinematics of Rectilinear Section 11.1 Introduction to Dynamics Example:
Translation Section 11.2 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration SP 11.1, SP11.2, SP11.3
Lec: Jan 31 9.1 Acceleration of Particle Section 11.3 Determination of the Motion of a Particle

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Lab: CW 9.2 Equation of Motion for Section 11.5 Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion Assignment:
Lesson 6 Uniformly Accelerated Concepts: P 11.CQ1, P11.CQ2
(Take home Translation Problem Solving: P11.34, P11.42,
to be given 9.3 Equation of Motion for Non- P11.46, P11.72
on February Uniformly Accelerated
4) Translation
07 10.0 Kinematics of Projectile Section 11.9 Position Vector, Velocity, Acceleration Example:
10.1 Global Rectangular Section 11.10 Derivatives of Vector Functions SP 11.7, SP 11.8
Components of Position, Section 11.11 Rectangular Components of Velocity and Assignment:
Lec: Feb 5 Velocity, and Acceleration Acceleration P11.CQ3, 11.CQ4, 11.CQ5,
Lab: Feb 6 10.2 Parabolic Trajectory of Ideal P11.98, P11.107
Projectile P11.115, P11.116
08 11.0 Kinematics of Curvilinear Section 11.13 Tangential and Normal Components Example:
Translation SP 11.10, SP 11.11
11.1 Uniform Circular Motion Assignment:
Lec: Feb 7 11.2 Local Tangential and Normal P11.CQ8, 11.CQ9
Lab: Feb 11 Components of Acceleration P11.139, P11.140, P 11.143
09 12.0 Relative Motion and Dependent Section 11.6 Motion of Several Particles Example:
Motion Section 11.12 Motion Relative to a Frame in Translation SP 11.9, SP 11.5
12.1 Frames of Reference
Lec: Feb 12 12.2 Motion Relative to Translating Assignment:
Lab: (CQ2) Frame of Reference P11.CQ6, 11.CQ10
Feb 13 12.3 Kinematic Constraints P11.119, P11.126, P11.127
12.4 Dependent Motions of Two or P11.59, P11.142, P11.124
More Particles
10 13.0 Inertia and Force Method for Section 12.1 Introduction Example:
Dynamics of Particle Section 12.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion SP 12.1, SP 12.3
13.1 Newtonian Frame of Reference Section 12.3 Linear Momentum of a Particle. Rate of SP 12.4, SP 12.5
Lec: Feb 14 13.2 Inertia Diagram Change of Linear Momentum
Lab: Feb 18 13.3 Application to Particle Section 12.5 Equations of Motion Assignment:
13.4 Application to Dependent Conceptual:
Motions of Two or More P12.CQ3, P12.CQ4, P12.CQ5
Particles P12.F2, P12.F3, P12.F4, P12.F5
Problem Solving:
P12.11, P12.13, P12.35
P12.50, P12.4, 12.49
11 14.0 Momentum and Impulse Method Section 13.1 Introduction Example:
for Dynamics of Particle Section 13.10 Principle of Impulse and Momentum SP 13.10, SP 13.12
14.1 Momentum Diagram Section 13.11 Impulsive Motion Solution to P13.150
Lec: Feb 19 14.2 Impulse Diagram
Lab: Feb 20 14.3 Impulsive Motion Assignment:
14.4 Application to Particle P13.F1, P13.F2, P13.F5
14.5 Application to Dependent P13.123, P13.139, P13.141
Motions of Two or More
14.6 Conservation of Combined
Momentum of Two or More
12 15.0 Central Impact Section 13.11 Impulsive Motion (Review) Example:
15.1 Coefficient of Restitution Section 13.12 Impact SP 13.14, 13.15, 13.16
15.2 Direct Central Impact of Particle Section 13.13 Direct Central Impact Solution to P13.187 part (a) only
Lec: Feb 21 15.3 Oblique Central Impact of Section 13.14 Oblique Central Impact
Lab: CW Lesson 12 Particle Reading Assignment:
Take home
Assignment (to be
SP 13.11, SP 13.13
given Feb 21 and
submitted on next
Lab meeting) Assignment:
P 13.CQ4, 13.CQ5, 13.CQ6
P 13.F8, 13.F9, 13.F10
P 13.139, 13.166, 13.172, 13.176
13 16.0 Conservation of Mechanical Conservation of Mechanical Energy of Particle Example:
Energy of Particle Section 13.1 Introduction SP 13.1, SP 13.2, SP 13.3, SP 13.6
16.1 Kinetic Energy of Particle Section 13.3 Kinetic Energy of a Particle. Principle of
Lec: Feb 26 16.2 Potential Energy with Respect Work and Energy Reading Assignment:
Lab: Feb 27 to Gravity Section 13.6 Potential Energy SP 13.4, SP 13.7
16.3 Potential Energy with Respect Section 13.7 Conservative Forces
to Elastic Force Assignment:
Section 13.8 Conservation of Energy
16.4 Mechanical Energy P 13.CQ1, 13.CQ2, 13.CQ3
17.0 Energy and Work Method for P 13.31, 13.68, 13.69, 13.77
Dynamics of Particle Energy and Work Method for Dynamics of Particle
17.1 Work of Force Section 13.1 Introduction

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17.2 Power and Efficiency Section 13.2 Work of a Force
17.3 Application to Particle Section 13.3 Kinetic Energy of a Particle. Principle of
17.4 Application to Dependent Work and Energy
Motions of Two or More Section 13.4 Applications of the Principle of Work and
Particles Energy
Section 13.5 Power and Efficiency
14 18.0 Review of Dynamics of Particle Chapter 12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law Example:
18.1 Selecting a Method for Particle (Review) SP 13.4, SP 13.17,
Dynamics Chapter 13 Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Solution to P13.147, P13.189
Lec: Feb 28 18.2 Combining Methods for Particle Methods (Review)
Lab: Mar 3 Dynamics Section 13.15 Problems Involving Energy and Reading Assignment:
Momentum SP 13.7

P 13.40, P13.147, P13.182
P 13.45, P13.188, P13.197
Review: Mar 4 Review on Dynamics of Particle Example:
CQ 3: Mar 5
(Lessons 10-14) SP 13.7
Solution to P13.185, P13.195
Comprehensive Long Quiz 3

Third Long Examination Topics

15 19.0 Centroids Section 5.1 Introduction Example:
19.1 Centroid of Line: Locating Section 5.2 Center of Gravity of a Two-Dimensional Body SP 5.2
Centroid of Line by Integration; Section 5.3 Centroids of Areas and Lines SP 5.11
Lec: Mar 6 Locating Centroid of Composite Section 5.4 First Moments of Areas and Lines SP 5.4, SP 5.1
Lab: Mar 10 Line Section 5.5 Composite Plates and Wires
19.2 Centroid of Area: Locating Section 5.6 Determination of Centroids by Integration
Centroid of Area by Integration; Reading Assignment:
Section 5.8 Distributed Loads on Beams
Locating Centroid of Composite SP 5.5, SP 5.13
Section 5.10 Center of Gravity of a Three-Dimensional
19.3 Centroid of Volume: Locating Body. Centroid of a Volume Assignment:
Centroid of Volume by Section 5.11 Composite Bodies P5.47, P5.30
Integration; Locating Centroid of Section 5.12 Determination of Centroids of Volumes by P5.35, P5.8
Composite Volume Integration P5.98, P5.99
16 20.0 Kinematics of Uniform Rotation Section 15.1 Introduction Example:
20.1 Angular Position and Angular Section 15.3 Rotation About a Fixed Axis SP 15.1 (modified),
Velocity of Rigid Body Section 15.4 Equations Defining the Rotation of a Rigid solution to P 15.26
Lec: Mar 11 20.2 Equation of Motion for Uniform Body About a Fixed Axis (up to angular velocity only)
Lab: Mar 12 Rotation about Centroidal Axis Assignment:
20.3 Uniform Circular Motion of P15.CQ2, P15.24, P15.25
Particle in Rigid Body
17 21.0 Non-Concurrent Planar Force Non-Concurrent Planar Force Components Example:
Components Section 3.1 Introduction SP 3.1, SP 3.2
21.1 Moment of Force about Section 3.2 External and Internal Forces (Review) SP 3.4, SP 3.6
Lec: Mar 13 Specified Axis Section 3.3 Principle of Transmissibility. Equivalent
Lab: Mar 17 21.2 Couple and its Moment Forces (Review) Reading Assignment:
21.3 Resultant Force through SP 3.3, SP 3.7, SP 3.8
Section 3.6 Moment of a Force about a Point'
Centroid and Associated
Section 3.7 Varignon’s Theorem
Resultant Couple
Section 3.12 Moment of a Couple
22.0 Non-Concurrent Spatial Force Assignment:
Components Section 3.13 Equivalent Couples
P3.12, P3.81
22.1 Moment of Force Using Cross Section 3.14 Addition of Couples P3.57, P3.95
Product of Vectors Section 3.16 Resolution of a Given Force into a Force at
22.2 Resultant Force through O and a Couple
Centroid and Associated Non-Concurrent Spatial Force Components
Resultant Couple in Space Section 3.6 Moment of a Force about a Point
Section 3.7 Varignon’s Theorem
Section 3.8 Rectangular Components of the Moment of a
Section 3.12 Moment of a Couple
Section 3.13 Equivalent Couples
Section 3.14 Addition of Couples
Section 3.15 Couples Can Be Represented by Vectors
Section 3.16 Resolution of a Given Force into a Force at
O and a Couple

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18 23.0 Transformation of Forces and Section 3.16 Resolution of a Given Force into a Force at Example:
Couples O and a Couple SP 3.7, SP 3.8, SP 3.10, SP 3.11
23.1 Review of Force as Sliding Section 3.17 Reduction of a System of Forces to One
Lec: Mar 18 Vector Force and One Couple Reading Assignment:
Lab: Mar 19 23.2 Review of Couple as Free Section 3.18 Equivalent Systems of Forces SP 3.9
Vector Section 3.19 Equipollent Systems of Vectors
23.3 Equipollent and Equivalent Sets Assignment:
Section 3.20 Further Reduction of a System of Forces
of Force Components P3.108, P3.87, P3.111, P3.121
Section 3.21 Reduction of a System of Forces to a
23.4 Usefulness of Transformations
with Same External Effects Wrench

19 24.0 Free-Body Diagram or Force Describing Forces in FBD Example:

Diagram of Rigid Body Section 4.1 Introduction FD Construction only
24.1 Review of External Force and Section 4.3 Reactions at Supports and Connections for a SP 4.1, SP 4.2, SP 4.4, SP 4.5
Lec: Mar 20 External Effect Two-Dimensional Structure SP 5.3, SP 5.9
Lab: Mar 24 24.2 Force Representing Weight Section 5.1 Introduction SP 16.10, SP 16.9
through Center of Gravity
Section 5.2 Center of Gravity of a Two-Dimensional Body
24.3 Distributed Force and its Assignment:
Section 5.10 Center of Gravity of a Three-Dimensional
Resultant FD Construction only
Body. Centroid of a Volume
24.4 Representing Couple P4.F1, P4.F2, P4.F7
24.5 Force Components Section 5.8 Distributed Loads on Beams P4.32, P4.84, P4.115
Representing Multiple Support Section 4.9 Reactions at Supports and Connections for a P8.16, P8.19
Reactions Three-Dimensional Structure
24.6 Improper Constraints and Construction of FBD
Redundant Constraints Section 4.2 Free-Body Diagram
24.7 Scale, Dimensions, and Constraints
Locations in Free-Body Diagram Section 4.5 Statically Indeterminate Reactions. Partial
or Force Diagram Constraints
Section 16.4 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body. D’Alembert’s
20 25.0 Planar Statics of Rigid Body Section 4.1 Introduction Example:
25.1 Zero Resultant Force and Zero Section 4.4 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Two SP 4.1, SP 4.2, SP 4.4
Associated Resultant Couple Dimensions SP 5.9
Lec: Mar 25 25.2 Zero Sum of Force Components Section 4.5 Statically Indeterminate Reactions. Partial Modified problem: P8.16
Lab: Mar 26 Along Any Specified Axis Constraints
25.3 Zero Sum of Moments About Section 4.6 Equilibrium of a Two-Force Body Reading Assignment:
Any Specified Axis SP 4.5, SP 4.6
Section 4.7 Equilibrium of a Three-Force Body
25.4 Equilibrium of Stable and
Statically Determinate Rigid Assignment:
Body P4.32, P4.84, P5.70,
25.5 Two-Force Body
25.6 Three-Force Body
21 26.0 Statics of Rigid Body Section 4.8 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Three Example:
26.1 Zero Sum of Spatial Force Dimensions SP 4.8, SP 4.9, SP 4.10
Components Section 4.9 Reactions at Supports and Connections for a
Lec: Mar 27 26.2 Zero Sum of Moments about Three-Dimensional Structure (Review) Assignment:
Lab: Mar 31 Any Specified Set of Axes P4.108, P4.110, P4.115
(CQ4) 26.3 Equilibrium of Stable and
*Solution to be
discussed in Lab Class
Statically Determinate Rigid
Body under Spatial Forces
Fourth Long Examination Topics
22 27.0 Kinematics of Non-Uniform Section 15.1 Introduction Example:
Planar Rotation Section 15.3 Rotation About a Fixed Axis SP 15.1
27.1 Angular Acceleration of Rigid Section 15.4 Equations Defining the Rotation of a Rigid Solution to P15.31, P15.23
Lec: Apr 1 Body Body About a Fixed Axis
Lab: Apr 2 27.2 Equation of Motion for Non- Assignment:
Uniform Rotation about P15.18, P15.32
Centroidal Axis
27.3 Non-uniform Circular Motion of
Particle in Rigid Body
23 28.0 Velocity Analysis in General Section 15.1 Introduction Example:
Planar Motion Section 15.2 Translation SP 15.2, SP 15.3
28.1 Types of Planar Rigid-Body Section 15.3 Rotation About a Fixed Axis (Review) SP 15.4, SP 15.5
Lec: Apr 3 Motion Section 15.5 General Plane Motion
Lab: Apr 14 28.2 Kinematic Constraints on Rigid Section 15.7 Instantaneous Center of Rotation in Plane Assignment:
Body Motion P15.CQ5, P15.CQ6,
28.3 Instantaneous Center of Zero P15.45, P15.49, P15.70
Section 15.6 Absolute and Relative Velocity in Plane
Velocity Using:
28.4 Selection of Reference Particle ✓ Instantaneous Center of zero
that Has Non-Zero Velocity velocity

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28.5 Circular Motion of Particle ✓ Reference Particle Analysis
Relative to Reference Particle (Absolute and Relative
28.6 Combining Velocity of Particle Velocity Analysis)
Relative to Reference Particle
with Velocity of Reference
24 29.0 Acceleration Analysis in General Section 15.5 General Plane Motion (Review) Example:
Planar Motion Section 15.8 Absolute and Relative Acceleration in Plane SP 15.6, SP 15.7, SP 15.8
29.1 Selection of Reference Particle Motion
Lec: Apr 15 29.2 Tangential and Normal Assignment:
Lab: Apr 16 Acceleration of Particle Relative P15.105, P15.124
(Review of Planar to Reference Particle P15.119, P15.116, P15.117
Kinematics of
Rigid Bodies)
29.3 Combining Acceleration of
Particle Relative to Reference
CQ5: Apr 21 Particle with Acceleration of
Reference Particle
25 30. Radius of Gyration of Volume of Section 9.11 Moment of Inertia of a Mass Example:
Mass Section 9.12 Parallel-Axis Theorem SP 9.9, SP 9.11, SP 9.13
30.1 Moment of Inertia about x or y Section 9.13 Moments of Inertia of Thin Plates
Lec: Apr 17 axis (or z axis) by Integration Section 9.14 Determination of the Moment of Inertia of Assignment:
Lab: Apr 21 30.2 Moment of Inertia of Composite a Three-Dimensional Body by Integration P9.114, P9.119, P9.141
(take home Volume
CW Lesson 25) Section 9.15 Moments of Inertia of Composite Bodies
CQ5: Apr 21

26 31.0 Inertia and Force Method for Section 16.1 Introduction Example:
Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body Section 16.2 Equations of Motion for a Rigid Body SP 16.2,
31.1 Review of Newtonian Frame Section 16.3 Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body in Plane Solution to P 16.5
Lec: Apr 22 of Reference Motion Solution to P 16.7
Lab: Apr 23 31.2 Inertia in Rotation Section 16.4 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body. D’Alembert’s SP16.9
31.3 Application to Rigid Body Principle
31.4 Application to Rolling Body Reading Assignment:
Section 16.5 A Remark on the Axioms of the Mechanics
31.5 Application to Dependent SP 16.1, SP 16.3, SP16.5, SP 16.6,
of Rigid Bodies
Motions of Two or More Rigid SP 16.7, SP 16.8
Bodies Section 16.6 Solution of Problems Involving the Motion SP 16.4, SP 16.10
of a Rigid Body
Section 16.7 Systems of Rigid Bodies Assignment:
Section 16.8 Constrained Plane Motion P16.CQ4, P16.CQ5
P16.20, P16.27, P16.111,

Challenge Assignment:
P16.145, P16.148
27 32.0 Momentum and Impulse Method Section 12.7 Angular Momentum of a Particle: Rate of Example:
for Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body Change of Angular Momentum SP 17.6, SP 17.7
32.1 Moment of Momentum of Section 17.8 Principle of Impulse and Momentum for the
Lec: Apr 24 Particle Plane Motion of a Rigid Body Assignment:
Lab: Apr 27 32.2 Angular Momentum of Rigid Section 17.9 Systems of Rigid Bodies P 17.78, P17.62
Body Section 17.10 Conservation of Angular Momentum
32.3 Impulse of Couple
32.4 Application to Rigid Body
32.5 Application to Rolling Body
32.6 Application to Dependent
Motions of Two or More Rigid
32.7 Conservation of Combined
Angular Momentum of Two or
More Rigid Bodies
28 33.0 Eccentric Impact Section 17.11 Impulsive Motion Example:
33.1 Review of Line of Impact Section 17.12 Eccentric Impact SP 17.10, SP 17.9
33.2 Review of Coefficient of Solutions of P17.96, P17.112
Lec: Apr 29 Restitution
Lab: Apr 30 33.3 Application to Rigid Body
May 5 33.4 Application to Two Colliding Assignment:
Additional Meeting
CW for Lesson 26-28
Rigid Bodies P17.107, P17.114

29 34.0 Conservation of Mechanical Conservation of Mechanical Energy of Rigid Body Examples:

Energy of Rigid Body Section 17.1 Introduction SP 17.1, SP 17.3, SP 17.5
34.1 Kinetic Energy of Rigid Body Section 17.4 Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Plane
Lec: May 6 34.2 Center of Gravity and Motion Reading Assignment:
Lab: May 7 Associated Potential Energy Section 17.6 Conservation of Energy SP 17.2, SP 17.4
34.3 Application to Rigid Body
34.4 Application to Rolling Body Assignment:

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34.5 Application to Dependent Energy and Work Method for Planar Dynamics of Rigid P17.18, P17.30 question (a) only
Motions of Two or More Rigid Body P17.42, P17.14, P17.129
Bodies Section 17.1 Introduction
35.0 Energy and Work Method for Section 17.2 Principle of Work and Energy for a Rigid
Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body Body
35.1 Work of Couple Section 17.3 Work of Forces Acting on a Rigid Body
35.2 Application to Rigid Body
Section 17.5 Systems of Rigid Bodies
35.3 Application to Dependent
Section 17.7 Power
Motions of Two or More Rigid
30 36.0 Review of Planar Dynamics of Chapter 16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Example:
Rigid Body Accelerations (review) SP 17.11
36.1 Selecting a Method for Rigid- Chapter 17 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Solution to P17.30, P17.92,
Lec: May 8 Body Planar Dynamics Momentum Methods (review) P17.119
Lab: May 12 36.2 Combining Methods for Rigid- Selected sections and examples in Chapter 16 and 17
(CQ6) Body Planar Dynamics Assignment:
showing selecting and/or combining methods for rigid
P17.116, P17.146, P17.138
body planar dynamics
Lec: May 13 Review of Planar Dynamics of Rigid Chapter 16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Discussion of CQ 6
Discussion of CQ 6 Body (continuation) Accelerations (review)
Chapter 17 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Example:
Momentum Methods (review) • Continuation of previous
Lesson Examples
• Solution to selected
assignment problems
Final Examination
In the event of cancellation or suspension of classes, schedule and activities will be adjusted accordingly.
Schedule of Comprehensive Quizzes:
Comprehensive Quiz Schedule (to be given in Laboratory Class)
CQ1 February 4, 2020 (Tuesday)
CQ2 February 13, 2020 (Thursday)
CQ3 March 5, 2020 (Thursday)
CQ4 March 31, 2020 (Tuesday)
CQ5 April 21, 2020 (Tuesday)
CQ6 May 12, 2020 (Tuesday)

Schedule of Exams:
Exam Schedule* Fallback Schedule**
First Long Examination: Saturday, February 8, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm Monday February 10, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm
Second Long Examination: Saturday, March 14, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm Monday March 17, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm
Third Long Examination: Saturday, April 18, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm Monday April 21, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm
Fourth Long Examination: Saturday, May 16, 2020 6:00-8:00 pm
Final Examination: Saturday, May 23, 2020 10:00-1:00 pm
*Venue to be announced
**Fallback schedule will be implemented in case of suspension of classes during a scheduled long examination.
As the schedule of examinations is given in advance, students are required to resolve any conflict with the examination schedule early on (during the first
week of classes) by informing instructors in other courses of ES 101 schedule of examinations. Any potential conflict with the examination schedule must
be brought IN WRITING to the attention of the LABORATORY INSTRUCTOR at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the scheduled exam.

Holidays: Chinese New Year: January 25 (Saturday); Labor Day: May 1 (Friday); EDSA People Power Day: February 25 (Tuesday)
Lenten Break: 06 April (Monday) – 11 April (Saturday)
Mid Semester: March 10, 2020 (Tuesday), Last day of Dropping: April 13, 2020 (Monday)
Deadline of Filing Leave of Absence: April 28, 2020 (Monday)
End of Classes: May 13, 2020 (Wednesday)
Lesson Outcomes: Reflect on the outcomes at the end of each lesson.
Lec / Topics Course and Lesson Outcomes: Accomplished?
Lab Upon completion of the lesson, students must be able to… Yes No
01 1.0 Newton's Laws of Motion CO 1
1.1 Newton's First Law of Motion • Explain Newton’s three laws of motion as the basis of
1.2 Newton's Second Law of Motion engineering mechanics
1.3 Newton's Third Law of Motion • Distinguish between a particle and a rigid body
2.0 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
• Illustrate addition, scalar (dot) product, and vector (cross)
2.1 Model of Particle and Rigid Body
product of two vectors ☐ ☐
2.2 Kinematics, Statics, and Dynamics
2.3 Review of Vectors: • Associate proper SI units with physical quantities commonly
Properties of Vectors; Scalar and Vector encountered in engineering mechanics
Physical Quantities; Operations on • Interpret the conventional precision of computations in
Vectors; Dot Product; Cross Product engineering mechanics course
2.4 Overview of Calculations:

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Basic Quantities and Units; Accuracy and
Precision in Calculations
02 3.0 Kinematics of Uniform Translation CO 3
3.1 Position and Velocity of Particle • Express the motion of a particle in uniform translation in
3.2 Equation of Motion for Uniform terms of position and velocity vectors
Translation • Solve for position or velocity of a particle undergoing uniform ☐ ☐
3.3 Relative Velocity
• Solve for position or velocity of a particle relative to a
uniformly translating frame of reference
03 4.0 Concurrent Planar Force Components CO 3
4.1 Force as Interaction between Bodies • Explain the properties of a force including its components with
4.2 Force as Sliding Vector respect to a specified coordinate system
4.3 Transformation of Force Components in • Resolve a force into components with respect to a specified
coordinate system (2D and 3D)
4.4 Resultant Force and its Primary
• Solve for resultant of concurrent forces
5.0 Concurrent Spatial Force Components • Distinguish between the concepts of static and kinetic
5.1 Transformation of Force Components in frictional force ☐ ☐
5.2 Resolution into Force Components Using
Dot Product of Vectors
6.0 Static Friction and Kinetic Friction
6.1 Dry Friction
6.2 Limiting Static Friction
6.3 Kinetic Friction
6.4 Friction as Reaction
04 7.0 Free-Body Diagram or Force Diagram of CO 3
Particle • Distinguish between external forces and internal forces on a
7.1 External Force and Externalized Force particle or system of particles being analyzed
7.2 Force Representing Weight • Construct complete Free-Body Diagram or Force Diagram for
7.3 Force Representing Reaction at Support ☐ ☐
particle showing every external force at specified instant with
or Constraint
proper scale, dimension, and label
7.4 Other Applied Force or Load
7.5 Procedure for Drawing Free-Body
Diagram or Force Diagram
05 8.0 Statics of Particle CO 4
8.1 Zero Sum of Concurrent Planar Force • Express the equilibrium of a particle in terms of appropriate
Components equations, given a complete Free-Body Diagram or Force
8.2 Zero Sum of Concurrent Spatial Force Diagram of the particle subjected to concurrent forces
Components ☐ ☐
• Solve for unknown force(s) in a set of concurrent forces acting
on the particle in equilibrium
• Examine limit equilibrium involving interaction with limited
capable magnitude (e.g. static frictional force)
06 9.0 Kinematics of Rectilinear Translation CO 3
9.1 Acceleration of Particle • Express the motion of a particle in rectilinear accelerated
9.2 Equation of Motion for Uniformly motion in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration vectors ☐ ☐
Accelerated Translation • Solve for position, velocity, or acceleration of a particle
9.3 Equation of Motion for Non-Uniformly
undergoing rectilinear accelerated motion
Accelerated Translation
07 10.0 Kinematics of Projectile CO 3
10.1 Global Rectangular Components of • Infer the properties of the parabola as trajectory of a particle
Position, Velocity, and Acceleration in ideal projectile motion
10.2 Parabolic Trajectory of Ideal Projectile • Resolve ideal projectile motion into its component horizontal
☐ ☐
and vertical motions
• Solve for position, velocity, or acceleration of an ideal
projectile at a specified instant, in total or in terms of its
horizontal and vertical components
08 11.0 Kinematics of Curvilinear Translation CO 3
11.1 Uniform Circular Motion • Distinguish normal component of acceleration from tangential
11.2 Local Tangential and Normal component of acceleration, in terms of direction and
Components of Acceleration magnitude
• Explain the relationship of tangential and normal components
of acceleration with rate of change of velocity vector ☐ ☐
• Infer the velocity or acceleration of a particle in uniform
circular motion at a specified instant
• Solve for position, velocity, or acceleration of a particle in
planar curvilinear motion at a specified instant, considering
tangential and normal components of acceleration
09 12.0 Relative Motion and Dependent Motion CO 3
☐ ☐
12.1 Frames of Reference

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12.2 Motion Relative to Translating Frame of • Distinguish the general concept of a translating frame of
Reference reference from the concept of Newtonian frame of reference
12.3 Kinematic Constraints (i.e., uniformly translating frame of reference)
12.4 Dependent Motions of Two or More • Relate the geometry of motion of an accelerated particle to a
translating frame of reference
• Relate the geometry of motions of particles that are dependent
due to geometric constraints
10 13.0 Inertia and Force Method for Dynamics of CO 5
Particle • Explain the method of Inertia and Force for particle
13.1 Newtonian Frame of Reference • Construct complete Inertia Diagram for particle at specified
13.2 Inertia Diagram instant with proper scale, dimension, and label ☐ ☐
13.3 Application to Particle • Examine whether a particle is in equilibrium or accelerating
13.4 Application to Dependent Motions of • Analyze acceleration components and force components for an
Two or More Particles accelerating particle
11 14.0 Momentum and Impulse Method for CO 5
Dynamics of Particle • Explain the method of momentum and impulse for particle
14.1 Momentum Diagram • Distinguish situations in which the momentum of a particle, or
14.2 Impulse Diagram the combined momentum of a system of particles, is conserved
14.3 Impulsive Motion • Construct complete Momentum Diagram for particle at each of
14.4 Application to Particle two or more specified instants
14.5 Application to Dependent Motions of ☐ ☐
• Construct complete Impulse Diagram for particle
Two or More Particles corresponding to specified interval of time
14.6 Conservation of Combined Momentum • Analyze momentum components (or velocity components) and
of Two or More Particles impulse components (or force components) for particle
• Distinguish between the concepts of impulsive and non-
impulsive motions
12 15.0 Central Impact CO 5
15.1 Coefficient of Restitution • Distinguish between direct and oblique central impacts of two
15.2 Direct Central Impact of Particle particles
15.3 Oblique Central Impact of Particle • Relate the velocities before and after impact using restitution ☐ ☐
• Analyze the motion involving impact of particles using the
method of Momentum and Impulse
13 16.0 Conservation of Mechanical Energy of CO 5
Particle • Distinguish situations in which the mechanical energy of a
16.1 Kinetic Energy of Particle particle, or the combined mechanical energy of a system of
16.2 Potential Energy with Respect to Gravity particles, is conserved
16.3 Potential Energy with Respect to Elastic • Compute kinetic, potential, and mechanical energies of
particle at specified positions
16.4 Mechanical Energy
17.0 Energy and Work Method for Dynamics of • Analyze speeds, velocities, or distances considering ☐ ☐
Particle conservation of mechanical energy
17.1 Work of Force • Explain the method of energy and work for particle
17.2 Power and Efficiency • Compute work by forces on a particle over a specified
17.3 Application to Particle displacement
17.4 Application to Dependent Motions of • Analyze speeds, velocities, or distances using the method of
Two or More Particles Energy and Work
14 18.0 Review of Dynamics of Particle CO 5
18.1 Selecting a Method for Particle Dynamics • Deconstruct a particle dynamics problem into different stages
18.2 Combining Methods for Particle of motion that may be analyzed by different methods
Dynamics • Select an appropriate method for analyzing a specified particle
dynamics problem, or stage motion, from among: Inertia and
☐ ☐
Force method, Momentum and Impulse method, and Energy
and Work method
• Analyze particles in motion using kinematics together with
methods of Inertia and Force, Momentum and Impulse, and/or
Energy and Work
15 19.0 Centroids CO 2
19.1 Centroid of Line: Locating Centroid of • Compute the centroid of line or area by integration
Line by Integration; Locating Centroid of • Compute the centroid of composite line or area in terms of
Composite Line shapes with known centroids
19.2 Centroid of Area: Locating Centroid of • Plot the approximate location of the centroid of a volume ☐ ☐
Area by Integration; Locating Centroid of
Composite Area
Centroid of Volume: Locating Centroid of
Volume by Integration; Locating Centroid
of Composite Volume
16 20.0 Kinematics of Uniform Rotation CO 3
20.1 Angular Position and Angular Velocity of • Express the motion of a rigid body in uniform rotation in terms ☐ ☐
Rigid Body of angular position and angular velocity

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20.2 Equation of Motion for Uniform Rotation • Solve for angular position or angular velocity of a rigid body in
about Centroidal Axis uniform rotation
20.3 Uniform Circular Motion of Particle in • Relate the velocity or acceleration of a particle in uniform
Rigid Body circular motion at a specified instant with the constant angular
velocity of a rigid body containing the particle
17 21.0 Non-Concurrent Planar Force Components CO 3
21.1 Moment of Force about Specified Axis • Compute the moment of a force about an axis
21.2 Couple and its Moment • Demonstrate the equivalence of a set of non-concurrent forces
21.3 Resultant Force through Centroid and and pair of a force acting through the centroid and a couple
Associated Resultant Couple
☐ ☐
22.0 Non-Concurrent Spatial Force Components
22.1 Moment of Force Using Cross Product of
22.2 Resultant Force through Centroid and
Associated Resultant Couple in Space
18 23.0 Transformation of Forces and Couples CO 3
23.1 Review of Force as Sliding Vector • Demonstrate the equivalence of a set of non-concurrent forces
23.2 Review of Couple as Free Vector and pair of a force acting through a specified point and a
23.3 Equipollent and Equivalent Sets of Force couple ☐ ☐
Components • Show whether two sets of non-concurrent forces are
23.4 Usefulness of Transformations with
Same External Effects
19 24.0 Free-Body Diagram or Force Diagram of CO 3
Rigid Body • Distinguish between external forces and internal forces on a
24.1 Review of External Force and External rigid body being analyzed
Effect • Construct complete Free-Body Diagram or Force Diagram for
24.2 Force Representing Weight through rigid body showing every external force at specified instant
Center of Gravity
with proper scale, dimension, and label
24.3 Distributed Force and its Resultant
• Classify the rigid body whether statically stable, statically ☐ ☐
24.4 Representing Couple
24.5 Force Components Representing determinate, or otherwise, based on the type and number of
Multiple Support Reactions support reactions
24.6 Improper Constraints and Redundant
24.7 Scale, Dimensions, and Locations in Free-
Body Diagram or Force Diagram
20 25.0 Planar Statics of Rigid Body CO 4
25.1 Zero Resultant Force and Zero • Express the equilibrium of a rigid body in terms of appropriate
Associated Resultant Couple equations, given a complete Free-Body Diagram or Force
25.2 Zero Sum of Force Components Along Diagram of the body subjected to planar forces
Any Specified Axis • Solve for the magnitude, direction, and line of action of the
25.3 Zero Sum of Moments About Any
resultant of a distributed load ☐ ☐
Specified Axis
25.4 Equilibrium of Stable and Statically • Solve for unknown force(s) in a set of planar forces acting on
Determinate Rigid Body the rigid body in equilibrium
25.5 Two-Force Body • Examine limit equilibrium of rigid body involving interaction
25.6 Three-Force Body with limited capable magnitude (e.g. static frictional force)
• Analyze equilibrium of two-force or three-force rigid body
21 26.0 Statics of Rigid Body CO 4
26.1 Zero Sum of Spatial Force Components • Express the equilibrium of a rigid body in terms of appropriate
26.2 Zero Sum of Moments about Any equations, given a complete Free-Body Diagram or Force
Specified Set of Axes Diagram of the body subjected to spatial forces
26.3 Equilibrium of Stable and Statically ☐ ☐
• Solve for unknown force(s) in a set of spatial forces acting on
Determinate Rigid Body under Spatial
the rigid body in equilibrium
• Examine limit equilibrium of rigid body involving interaction
with limited capable magnitude (e.g. static frictional force)
22 27.0 Kinematics of Non-Uniform Planar CO 3
Rotation • Express the motion of a rigid in accelerated rotational motion
27.1 Angular Acceleration of Rigid Body in terms of angular position, angular velocity, and angular
27.2 Equation of Motion for Non-Uniform acceleration
Rotation about Centroidal Axis
• Solve for angular position, angular velocity or angular ☐ ☐
27.3 Non-uniform Circular Motion of Particle
acceleration of a rigid body in accelerated rotational motion
in Rigid Body
• Relate the acceleration of a particle in circular motion at a
specified instant with the angular velocity and angular
acceleration of a rigid body containing the particle
23 28.0 Velocity Analysis in General Planar Motion CO 3
28.1 Types of Planar Rigid-Body Motion • Distinguish the various types of planar motion of a rigid body
28.2 Kinematic Constraints on Rigid Body • Compute the location of instantaneous center of zero velocity
28.3 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity ☐ ☐
• Solve for angular velocity of a rigid body in general planar
28.4 Selection of Reference Particle that Has
motion, or velocity of a particle on the rigid body, at a specified
Non-Zero Velocity
instant using instantaneous center analysis

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28.5 Circular Motion of Particle Relative to • Solve for angular velocity of a rigid body in general planar
Reference Particle motion, or velocity of a particle on the rigid body, at a
28.6 Combining Velocity of Particle Relative to specified instant using relative motion analysis
Reference Particle with Velocity of
Reference Particle
24 29.0 Acceleration Analysis in General Planar CO 3
Motion • Relate the tangential and normal components of acceleration
29.1 Selection of Reference Particle of a particle relative to a selected reference particle to the
29.2 Tangential and Normal Acceleration of angular velocity and angular acceleration of the rigid body ☐ ☐
Particle Relative to Reference Particle
• Solve for angular acceleration of a rigid body in general planar
29.3 Combining Acceleration of Particle
motion, or acceleration of a particle on the rigid body, at a
Relative to Reference Particle with
specified instant using relative motion analysis
Acceleration of Reference Particle
25 30.0 Radius of Gyration of Volume of Mass: CO 2
30.1 Moment of Inertia about x or y axis • Compute the value of moment of inertia of a volume of mass
(or z axis) by Integration about a specified axis by integration.
30.2 Moment of Inertia of Composite ☐ ☐
• Compute the value of moment of inertia of a composite
Volume volume of mass about a specified axis with the aid of parallel
axis theorem
26 31.0 Inertia and Force Method for Planar CO 5
Dynamics of Rigid Body • Explain the method of Inertia and Force for rigid body
31.1 Review of Newtonian Frame of • Construct complete Inertia Diagram for rigid body at specified
Reference instant with proper scale, dimension, and label
31.2 Inertia in Rotation • Examine whether a rigid body is in equilibrium or accelerating ☐ ☐
31.3 Application to Rigid Body • Analyze acceleration components and force components for an
31.4 Application to Rolling Body accelerating and/or rotating rigid bod
31.5 Application to Dependent Motions of
Two or More Rigid Bodies
27 32.0 Momentum and Impulse Method for CO 5
Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body • Explain the method of momentum and impulse for rigid body
32.1 Moment of Momentum of Particle • Distinguish situations in which the momentum of a rigid body,
32.2 Angular Momentum of Rigid Body or the combined momentum of a system of particles and/or
32.3 Impulse of Couple rigid bodies, is conserved
32.4 Application to Rigid Body • Construct complete Momentum Diagram for rigid body at each ☐ ☐
32.5 Application to Rolling Body of two or more specified instants
32.6 Application to Dependent Motions of • Construct complete Impulse Diagram for rigid body
Two or More Rigid Bodies corresponding to specified interval of time
32.7 Conservation of Combined Angular • Analyze momentum components (or velocity components) and
Momentum of Two or More Rigid impulse components (or force components) for rigid body
28 33.0 Eccentric Impact CO 5
33.1 Review of Line of Impact • Distinguish between the concepts of impulsive and non-impulsive
33.2 Review of Coefficient of Restitution motions
33.3 Application to Rigid Body • Relate the velocities before and after impact using restitution ☐ ☐
33.4 Application to Two Colliding Rigid Bodies equation
• Analyze the motion involving impact of particles and/or rigid
bodies using the method of Momentum and Impulse
29 34.0 Conservation of Mechanical Energy of CO 5
Rigid Body • Distinguish situations in which the mechanical energy of a rigid
34.1 Kinetic Energy of Rigid Body body, or the combined mechanical energy of a system of rigid
34.2 Center of Gravity and Associated bodies, is conserved
Potential Energy • Compute kinetic, potential, and mechanical energies of rigid
34.3 Application to Rigid Body
body at specified positions
34.4 Application to Rolling Body
• Analyze speeds, velocities, or distances considering conservation
34.5 Application to Dependent Motions of
of mechanical energy ☐ ☐
Two or More Rigid Bodies
• Explain the method of Energy and Work for rigid body
35.0 Energy and Work Method for Planar • Compute work by forces and/or couples on a rigid body over a
Dynamics of Rigid Body specified displacement
35.1 Work of Couple • Analyze speeds, velocities, or distances using the method of
35.2 Application to Rigid Body Energy and Work
35.3 Application to Dependent Motions of
Two or More Rigid Bodies
30 36.0 Review of Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body CO 5
36.1 Selecting a Method for Rigid-Body Planar • Deconstruct a rigid body dynamics problem into different stages
Dynamics of motion that may be analyzed by different methods
36.2 Combining Methods for Rigid-Body • Select an appropriate method for analyzing a specified rigid body ☐ ☐
Planar Dynamics dynamics problem, or stage motion, from among: Inertia and
Force method, Momentum and Impulse method, and Energy and
Work method

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• Analyze rigid bodies in motion using kinematics together with
methods of Inertia and Force, Momentum and Impulse, and/or
Energy and Work

3. Course Requirements
• Attendance
University rules on attendance and dropping will be strictly implemented.
[UPD Faculty Manual 11.9, Art. 346 of University Code 1961]

When the number of hours lost by absence of a student reaches 20% of the hours* of recitation,
lecture, laboratory, or any other scheduled work in one (1) subject, s/he shall be dropped from
the subject. However, a faculty member may prescribe a longer attendance requirement to meet
special needs. If the majority of the absences are excused, a student shall not be given a grade of
“5”upon being thus dropped (often referred to as “forced dropped”); but if the majority of the
absences are not excused, the student shall be given a grade of “5”upon being thus dropped.
Time lost by late enrolment shall be considered time lost by absence.

* 20% of 45 hours of ES 101 lecture sessions OR 20% of 45 hours of laboratory class sessions. With the class schedules this semester,
this corresponds to 6 absences from lecture sessions OR 6 absences from laboratory sessions being exceeded.

A student is considered absent from the whole session if he/she arrives late by 30 minutes from the
official start of the lecture class or laboratory class. Students must attend both the lab and lecture
sections in which they are officially enlisted.

Mobile phones should be set to silent mode during lecture and laboratory classes. Use of mobile
phones and similar gadgets may be allowed following the specific instructions of the class handler
(e.g., answering online quiz/surveys).

• Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on their performance in:
▪ Class Work (Lecture and/or Laboratory Activities) and Homework (CW_HW);
▪ Six (6) Comprehensive Quizzes (Laboratory CQ)
▪ Four (4) Long Examinations (LE); and
▪ Final Examination (FE).

Class Work (CW)

Class work, mostly in Laboratory and sometimes in Lecture class, involves guided and timed
exercises; these may include homework.

Comprehensive Quiz (CQ)

Quizzes include individual problem-solving in Laboratory class (computation, discussion and
recitation). Except the first quiz that is diagnostic in nature, All CQ’s are given as scheduled in the
laboratory class. No make-up CQ for missed CQ will be given in this course. All missed CQ will be given
a grade of zero.

Answer sheets for the CQ’s will be provided by the laboratory handler. Use only black or blue ink pen.
Solutions written in pencil or friction pen, or with correction fluid/tape will NOT be considered for
rechecking. Write solutions only on the front side of the answer sheet. Solutions written at the back,
if any, will NOT be considered for grading. Only the questionnaire/answer sheet, pen and calculators
are allowed on your desk during the CQ. Mobile phones should be set to silent mode and should not
be used during CQ.

Long Examinations (LE)

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There are four departmental long exams in this course. Each long exam is composed of 3 parts. The
form of the long exam is problem solving, possibly with multiple choice type questions on concepts or
problem solving that involves simple solution.
A student who missed a long exam due to an acceptable valid reason may take a scheduled make-up
exam corresponding to the long exam missed. When a student missed a long examination, s/he must
inform immediately, within four (4) calendar days including the day of the long exam, the laboratory
handler in writing (at least via email using only the addresses of student and teacher, or
via UVLe message) with proper documentation of acceptable valid reason for missing a long exam.
The validity of the excuse will be determined solely by the course instructors.
Make-up exam for the corresponding long exam should be taken as soon as possible. The default
schedule is within 7 days after the missed regular exam. Schedule of the make-up exam will be
coordinated by the instructors and announced to the concerned student/s only. If the student does
not take the make-up exam for whatever reason, s/he will be given a grade of ZERO.
Acceptable valid reason for missing the long exam is one of the following:
1. due to sickness
2. due to death of an immediate family member
3. due to emergency cases

No make-up examination shall be given to students whose reason is due to prior engagements or

Every student may be allowed to make-up for only one LE that has a valid excuse. All other missed
LEs, whether excused or unexcused, will be given a grade of ZERO.

Below are additional instructions/policies pertaining to long exams:

At the start of the semester:
• At the beginning of the semester, submit all blank answer sheets properly marked and stapled
together at the upper left corner STRICTLY according to the detailed instructions by the
laboratory instructor. Use at least three A4 (210 x 297 mm) white paper as answer sheets. Late
submission of answer sheets will result in a 5% deduction in the LE grade for which the answer
sheets were submitted late.
• Only your student number, section, exam number, and page number (e.g., page 1 of 10) shall
be written on every submitted answer sheet, all at the upper right corner for ALL four sets of
answer sheets. Do NOT write your name on the answer sheets.
Deadline of submission of ALL FOUR SETS of answer sheets: January 21, 2020 (laboratory class hours)
During Long Examinations:
• Use only black or blue ink pen. Solutions written in pencil or friction pen, or with correction fluid/tape will
NOT be considered for rechecking.
• Write solutions only on one side of the answer sheet and start each part of the exam on a new sheet.
Solutions written at the back, if any, will NOT be considered for grading. Solutions to two or more problems
in a Long Exam written in a common sheet will result in a 5% deduction in the grade for the said LE.
• Only the questionnaire, your answer sheet, pen and calculators are allowed on your desk during the
examination. Mobile phones should be set to silent mode and should not be used during examinations.
After Long Examinations:
Graded long examination papers will be returned during laboratory class not more than two weeks
after the long examination. Complaints/queries concerning grading the long examination will be
entertained only within a week after the results are returned. The exam papers will be returned to the
students at the start of the class, and should be returned to the laboratory instructor before the end
of the class. The student may take photo of the answer sheets when necessary. The student must
write down any and all complaints/queries in an email addressed to his/her laboratory instructor
(using only the addresses of student and teacher). A copy of the photo of the answer

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ES 101 Syllabus 14JAN2020
sheet should be attached to the email. The decision/action on the complaint concerning grading will
be made available to the student 5 calendar days after the complaint was submitted in order.
Final Examination (FE)
The departmental final exam covers all topics in this course. It may comprise 40 to 50 items of
multiple-choice type questions or four to six problem-solving questions, or a combination of some of
Grading System:
Pre-final Grade = 0.72 x (LE Ave) + 0.18 x (CQ Ave) + 0.10 x (CW_HW Ave)
Final Grade = 0.70 x (Pre-final Grade) + 0.30 x (Final Exam)

Exemption from the Final Exam

A student with at least 72% in the Pre-final Grade and at least 60% in each Long Exam, may be
exempted from taking the Final Exam, in which case his/her Pre-final Grade as computed above shall
be the Final Grade, to be commuted to the ES 101 grading scale. A mark of “4.0” will not be applicable
to this course.

A mark of “INC.” may only be justifiable when: (a) the Pre-final Grade is at least 60%; AND (b) the Final
Exam is missed for a valid reason that is properly acknowledged by the Laboratory Instructor within
three calendar days including the original date of the said examination (at least via email using only
the addresses of student and teacher, or via UVLe message).

Grading Scale:
Final Grade Equivalent Grade Final Grade Equivalent Grade
92-100 1.00 72-below 76 2.25
88-below 92 1.25 68-below 72 2.50
84-below 88 1.50 64-below 68 2.75
80-below 84 1.75 60-below 64 3.00
76-below 80 2.00 Below 60 5.00


Students are reminded on the rules and regulations of student conduct and discipline (refer to 2012
Code of Student Conduct of UP Diliman). A student shall be subject to disciplinary action for any
form of cheating in examination or any act of dishonesty in relation to his studies.

Intellectual dishonesty. From Section 14, Article III of the 2012 Code of Student Conduct of UP Diliman,
“Intellectual dishonesty is any fraudulent act performed by a student to achieve academic advantage or
gain for oneself or others, including but not limited to:
1. Plagiarism, defined as ‘the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words
without giving appropriate credit’
2. Fabrication, defined as ‘making up data or results’; falsification, or ‘manipulating research materials,
equipment, or processes or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not
accurately represented in the research record’; distortion and/or destruction of data;
3. Copying or providing the means or accessing means to copy exam answers, homework, projects,
laboratory experiments, term papers, etc.; possession and/or use of cheat devices during an
examination; allowing another person to take an examination in one’s name, and/or impersonating
another student or allowing someone to impersonate oneself in an academic activity; and
manipulating a corrected exam paper;
4. Submission of the same work in two or more courses without the instructors’ consent; and
5. Other acts analogous to [1], [2], [3], and/or [4].”

Online Course Management

All lecture and other related materials will be uploaded in the University Virtual Learning Environment (UVLê),
an online course management system of the University of the Philippines. UVLe shall be the exclusive

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online/virtual platform for matters that are exclusive to this class. In consideration of the period for change of
matriculation, the UVLe page shall become available to the students shortly after January 16, 2020.

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