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Building Regulations and Historic Buildings 2002 - English Heritage

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The document discusses balancing energy conservation needs with conservation of historic buildings under the new Part L building regulations.

The aim is to improve energy efficiency where practically possible without harming the character of historic buildings or increasing deterioration risks.

Questions around whether improvements could be made without removing/altering historic fabric, like repairs and draughtproofing, or improving elsewhere like insulation.

2002 02

Building Regulations and

Historic Buildings
Balancing the needs for energy conservation with those of building
conservation: an Interim Guidance Note on the application of Part L

1 3 4
Summary Contents

English Heritage supports the Government’s aims to improve energy efficiency, Summary……………………………… 2

provided that the application of the new Part L is exercised in a way that does
Glossary… … … … … … … … … … … … 2

not harm the special interest of historic buildings. A sensible and reasonable
approach should achieve improvements in most cases, although not always to 1 Preface…………………………… 3

the standards recommended in the Approved Document. 2 The context of the revisions
to Part L… … … … … … … … … … 4

The new Part L makes it clear that the special characteristics of a historic
3 Historic building definitions and

building must be recognised.The aim of this revised part of the Building statutory protection……………… 5

Regulations is to improve energy efficiency where practically possible, provided

4 Principles of repair and alteration

that this does not harm the character of the building or increase the risk of
to historic buildings… … … … … … 6

long-term deterioration to fabric or fittings.

5 Specific references to historic

buildings in Part L… … … … … … 6

The special interest of a historic building would be compromised if its overall

appearance were to be changed or significant features or qualities were to be 6 Meeting the Requirements of

lost as a result of compliance with the Requirements of the new Part L.To avert Part L… … … … … … … … … … … 8

a threat of this kind, a number of questions need to be considered. Could 7 Historic buildings as environmental

improvements be made without the need to remove or substantially alter systems…………………………… 9

fabric? For example, could existing windows be repaired and draughtproofed as

8 Windows………………………… 12

an alternative to inserting new double glazing? Could secondary glazing be

inserted? If improvements to the existing windows are not practicable, could 9 Doors……………………………… 16

benign improvements be made elsewhere, for example by insulating under 10 Walls……………………………… 16

floors or by improving the efficiency of the heating system?

11 Floors……………………………… 17

An understanding of what constitutes the special interest of a historic building 12 Roofs……………………………… 17

requires experience. Early consultation with a conservation officer is therefore

13 Building services…………………… 19

strongly recommended.
14 Forthcoming advice… … … … … … 20

Table: cross-references from the Interim Guidance Note to the appropriate sections in Part References……………………………… 21

L1 of the Approved Document to the Building Regulations 2000 (2002 edition)

Acknowledgements and attributions……… 22

English Heritage: Interim Guidance Note Building Regulations 2000 (2002 edn):
Part L1 Approved Document
1 Preface
2 The context of the revisions to Part L
3 Historic buildings definitions and statutory protection Page 11, 0.19: Page 21, 2.9
4 Principles of repair and alteration to historic buildings
5 Specific reference to historic buildings in Part L Page 11, 0.19
6 Meeting the Requirements of Part L Page 7, 1.11 – 1.14: Page 18, 1.58 – 1.62
(Improving energy efficiency in historic buildings) Section 2
7 Historic buildings as environmental systems Page 12, 1.3 – 1.35
8 Windows Page 19, 2.3 a,Table 1 and Sections A1,
A2 and A3
9 Doors Page 19, 2.3 a,Table 1 and Sections A1,
A2 and A3
10 Walls Pages 20, 21, 2.6 c, 2.8 d
11 Floors Pages 20, 21, 2.6 b, 2.8 c
12 Roofs Pages 20, 21, 2.6 a, 2.8 b
13 Building Services Pages 15 – 18, 1.36 – 1.57: Page 12, 1.7:
Page 19, 2.3 (b – f): Page 21, 2.8 f and g

Glossary 1 Preface

Conservation Area Consent This is character. Listed Building Consent should 1.1 For whom is this guidance
required from the local planning authority for normally be obtained before Building intended?
the demolition of an unlisted building in a Regulations approval is sought. Carrying out It is offered to those responsible for
conservation area [Section 74 (1) of the Town unauthorised works on a listed building is a overseeing the implementation of the October
and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and criminal offence [Planning (Listed Buildings 2001 edition of Building Regulations
Conservation Areas) Act 1990). There are and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Sections Approved Document Part L, Conservation of
however several exemptions where different 7–9]. Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 Fuel and Power (DTLR, 2001) where it
consents are required, for example, listed and (PPG 15) provides detailed advice and affects historic buildings. Approved
ecclesiastical buildings and scheduled ancient guidance for those making or considering Document Part L came into force on 1 April
monuments. applications for Listed Building Consent. 2002.

Conservation Officer A heritage Listed buildings: gradings Buildings are This document is intended for the following:
conservation specialist referred to in Planning graded to show their relative architectural or • building control officers
Policy Guidance Note 15 (PPG 15, 1994), historic interest: • approved inspectors
often a member of the Institute of Historic • Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest • conservation officers
Building Conservation (IHBC), responsible • Grade II* are particularly important • environmental health officers
for technical and other advice within a local buildings of more than special interest • housing officers
planning authority. Local authorities which • Grade II are of special interest, warranting
adopt a team-based approach sometimes every effort to preserve them The guidance will also be of interest to
delegate responsibilities for historic buildings, designers and others who are preparing
in the first instance, to a nominated planning Sarkings Roof underlinings of board, and/or proposals for work on historic buildings.
officer within the development control bituminous felt or modern building
section. For the purposes of this Interim membranes, fixed beneath slates or tiles 1.2 What is its purpose?
Guidance Note, the term ‘conservation officer’ The Interim Guidance Note has been
refers to both classes of staff, and/or specialist Scheduled Ancient Monuments and the produced to help prevent conflicts between
consultants. Building Regulations Scheduled Ancient energy conservation policies enshrined in the
Monuments are not subject to the Building revised Building Regulations and policies
DEFRA Department of the Environment, Regulations, including Part L. ‘Works carried concerned with planning and the
Food, and Rural Affairs out to a building which is included in the conservation of the historic environment.
DETR Department of the Environment, schedule of monuments maintained under
Transport and the Regions section 1 of the Ancient Monuments and 1.3 Balancing conservation interests
DNH Department of National Heritage Archaeological Areas Act 1979 are exempt English Heritage and other building
DoE Department of the Environment from the Building Regulations 2000.’ (Section conservation bodies support the aim of
DTLR Department for Transport, Local 3 of the Building Act 1984 and Regulation 9, conserving fuel and power provided that it
Government and the Regions schedule 2, class 1, of the Regulations refer.) does not compromise the special interest,
(Building Regulations Division was part of character and appearance of historic
DTLR until 20 June 2002, after which it The U-value Thermal transmittance (i.e. the buildings. The right balance is needed
became the responsibility of the Office of the U-value) is a measure of how much heat will between reducing energy use and greenhouse
Deputy Prime Minister.) pass through one square metre of a structure gas emissions, and conserving the national
when the air temperatures on either side and local heritage. This is broadly in line with
Listed Building Consent Listed Building differ by one degree. U-values are expressed sound sustainability principles subscribed to
Consent is needed for the demolition of a in units of Watts per square metre per degree nationally and developed locally through the
listed building, or for its alteration or of temperature difference (W/m2 deg C). [See Agenda 21 programme.
extension in any manner that would affect its DTLR 2001, Section 0.]
1.4 Sustainability
In environment terms, the continued use of
existing building stock….coupled with measures
to improve energy efficiency is a global priority
(BS 7913: 1998). Replacing an existing
building with a new one requires a
considerable investment of ‘embodied’ energy
in materials, transport and construction –
typically equivalent to five or ten years of
energy use to heat, light and condition the
Box 1 Building Regulations Requirements building. In global environmental terms, the
The Requirements of the revised Regulations are (for the most part) written in functional terms and
balance of advantage strongly favours the
only adequacy is required; in some cases a nil provision may be judged to provide it. Only in the rare
retention of existing building stock, particularly
cases when a Requirement is expressed in prescriptive terms could a relaxation be needed.The
Approved Documents of course are entirely for practical guidance – none is mandatory. Unfortunately when performance in terms of energy
there is a belief (still shared by some architects and local authorities) that where the guidance is not consumption in use can be improved (BS 7913:
followed some kind of ‘approval’ is required.This is not so. 1998). Retaining existing elements of
construction in old buildings and seeking to

enhance their thermal performance in benign 1.6 Energy conservation measures within this heritage stock. However, special
ways, rather than replacing them, is a heritage These measures should not be applied care and a flexible approach are needed so
conservation principle in line with this without due regard to the special that the interests of historic buildings can be
concept of sustainability. characteristics of a historic building. In preserved.
particular, DTLR recognises that
Box 2 Local Agenda 21 improvements to the building envelope, and 2.2 Extending Building Regulations to
Sustainable Development is defined as especially thermal insulation, can be existing buildings
‘development that meets the needs of the particularly difficult for architecturally or DTLR’s amendments to Approved
present without compromising the ability of
historically important buildings. Alterations Document Part L of the Building Regulations
future generations to meet their own needs’
are often impossible – at least to some came into force on 1 April 2002. They seek to
(The Brundtland Report, United Nations World
Commission on Environment and Development, elements – without unacceptable damage to improve the energy performance of all
1987). It is not just about environmental the historic fabric or cultural record, or the buildings, including existing ones, when
protection.To succeed it needs to embrace all creation of uncertain technical risks, e.g. altered, extended or subjected to a change of
the three E’s – Economics, Equity, and exacerbating risks of decay in timber. use. Before this, approval was required only if
Environment. Similarly, opportunities for energy saving the works affected structural safety, fire safety,
should not be missed just because a building and access for disabled people. Now most
At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the world’s
is of historic or architectural interest. modifications to a building require consent,
leaders formulated a plan or Agenda for the
21st century, which was taken up enthusiastically (Research has shown that improvements in and reasonable provision needs to be made
at a local level in England, and internationally, as the thermal insulation of buildings can cause for the conservation of fuel and power.
Local Agenda 21. problems in other areas. Designed to support
the latest Building Regulations for the 2.3 The purpose of this Interim
This is the sustainable development initiative on conservation of fuel and power, the report Guidance Note
which local authorities and communities have
Thermal insulation: avoiding risks [Stirling During the consultation stage of Part L,
been working for a decade to turn the global
2002] explains the hazards involved in English Heritage liaised closely with DTLR in
plan into local policy and action.
meeting Requirements when thermally formulating the revised regulations to
insulating roof, walls, windows and floors.) safeguard the interests of historic buildings.
It was agreed that English Heritage – with the
1.5 The appropriateness of improving 1.7 The advantage of early support of DTLR – would prepare an Interim
energy conservation in historic consultation Guidance Note to assist building control
buildings An early dialogue between the building bodies when assessing applications dealing
During the development of the revisions to control and the conservation officers in the with historic buildings where the
Part L, discussions with the Department for local planning authority is encouraged. This is Requirements for Part L need to be satisfied.
Transport, Local Government and the already standard practice in some authorities This Note sets out the principles that need to
Regions (DTLR, formerly the Department of which have adopted a ‘development team’ be considered when alterations are
the Environment, Transport and the Regions approach (DETR, 1998) to give a single contemplated to historic buildings. It focuses
[DETR]) gave rise to thoughts of seeking the point of advice to applicants. on dwellings (Approved Document Part L1),
complete exemption of listed buildings from but is equally applicable to non-domestic
onerous energy conservation improvements buildings (Approved Document Part L2).
likely to prove detrimental to their special 2 The context of the revisions
interest. Certainly some historic buildings to Part L 2.4 Guidance on the application of
should not be altered at all, e.g. those where the Building Regulations to historic
any change would inevitably damage their 2.1 The need to reduce greenhouse buildings (especially on liaison between
character or special interest (Staniforth and gas emissions building control and planning teams at local
Hayes 1989). However, the majority can The Government is committed to reducing level)
accommodate some improvements, even global warming by reducing the emissions of English Heritage is collaborating on the
though the modern standards and techniques greenhouse gases. The UK has set a target of development and production of a Procedural
suggested in Part L might not be appropriate. reducing emissions of the most important Guide (in preparation, 2002) for local
greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2) by 20 authorities on the methods to be adopted
Box 3 ‘Reasonable provision’ per cent on 1990 UK emissions. The target when building control bodies apply the
As stated in the introductions to Parts L1 and year is 2010. Operational energy in buildings Building Regulations to historic buildings.
L2, ‘Approved Documents are intended to – burning fossil fuels to provide energy for This further guide will highlight, from local
provide guidance for some of the more
heating, ventilation, lighting etc. – accounts authority good practice, the circumstances in
common building situations … there is no
obligation to adopt any particular solution … if for 46 per cent of the UK’s CO2 emissions. which the advice of conservation officers in
you prefer to meet the relevant Requirement in Since new construction amounts to only planning departments should be sought and
some other way’. DTLR therefore decided that about 1 per cent of the stock per year, used. The guide will recommend that, to
what constituted ‘reasonable provision’ – the emissions from existing buildings cannot be avoid problems, liaison must start at the
Requirement of the Statutory Instrument – was ignored, and need to be generally reduced, if earliest stages of the project, well in advance
best established for each historic building on its policy aims are to be met. Historic buildings of the formal control processes.
particular merits. (The Requirements themselves
constitute less than 6 per cent of the total
are framed in very general terms, for example
‘Reasonable provision shall be made for the building stock of England, and are a precious 2.5 Next steps
conservation of fuel and power by limiting the finite resource. English Heritage believes that This current Interim Guidance Note has been
heat loss through the fabric of the building’.) a contribution towards national energy prepared to coincide with the early months
conservation requirements can be made from during which the revised regulations came

into force (the Spring of 2002). It is hoped conservation of listed buildings are enshrined listed buildings of the future.
that further research will be commissioned by in PPG15 (DNH and DoE, 1994). Works
English Heritage later in 2002 to provide which materially and detrimentally affect the These buildings have no statutory protection
additional technical material for a more special architectural or historic interest of the unless they are within a conservation area.
comprehensive document. This is intended to listed building should not receive the benefit Nonetheless, if they are to retain their
supersede the Interim Guidance Note at a date of consent. Paragraph 3.26 advises that ‘the importance it is often essential that original
to be announced in the following year. It will Building Regulations should be operated in a features and fabric are preserved in any
include: way which avoids removal of features which schemes of alteration or extension.
• generic methods for improving energy contribute to the character of a listed
efficiency in ways that help to avoid building, and authorities should consult their 3.5 Buildings within National Parks,
harming the important features and own conservation officers, or seek expert Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty,
qualities of historic buildings advice from other sources, when handling and World Heritage Sites
• technical information on traditional difficult situations.’ Buildings often help to create the townscape
materials and landscape qualities which were amongst
• illustrated details and case studies. 3.3 Buildings in conservation areas the original reasons why an area or a site
Conservation areas are ‘any areas of special achieved its designation. They use local
architectural or historic interest, the character materials and highlight vernacular traditions.
3 Historic building definitions or appearance of which it is desirable to Elements such as roofs, windows, rooflights
and statutory protection preserve or enhance’. Conservation Area and doors typify their period, age and style.
designation encourages authorities to While these designated areas do provide
3.1 Definitions used in Part L implement conservation policies over these slightly more control over ‘permitted
Paragraph 2.9 of Part L1 and Paragraph 4.10 sensitive areas. developments’ than elsewhere, many
of Part L2 identify the following as historic important features on unlisted buildings are
buildings: In a conservation area, the main emphasis is not safeguarded, and improvements to energy
on external appearance, with surface materials efficiency must avoid harming them.
a) listed buildings (walls and roofs) and the details of windows, (Other buildings in these areas may be
b) buildings situated in conservation areas doors, and rooflights being extremely relatively modern or much altered, and
c) buildings which are of local architectural or important. Changes to these may need may accommodate energy-saving features
historical interest and which are referred to as planning permission, especially if they are more easily.)
a material consideration in a local authority’s subject to an Article 4 direction (see Box 4)
development plan under the Town and Country Planning Acts. Box 4 The Town and Country Planning
d) buildings of architectural and historical Consent is also needed for the demolition of (General Permitted Development) Order
interest within national parks, areas of most buildings in a conservation area. 1995
outstanding natural beauty, and world heritage
Article 3 of this Order grants planning
sites. Consent is not needed for internal alterations permission for various classes of development
to unlisted buildings. While not all buildings which are set out in schedule 2 of the Order.
Statutory issues affecting buildings in each in a conservation area will be of historic These are known as ‘permitted development’
of these four categories are outlined below. interest, many are: original internal and and include, for example, replacing windows in a
A conservation officer should be consulted external features contribute to the importance non-listed building.
before modifications are undertaken to of these and therefore have a direct impact on
An Article 4 direction may be made by a
buildings in any of these categories. Many the character of the area.
Local Planning Authority or by the Secretary of
buildings of architectural, townscape, State where either is satisfied that it is
landscape or historic interest do not fall into 3.4 Buildings of local architectural or expedient that the permitted development
any of these specific categories but also historic interest referred to in a local (with some exceptions) should not be carried
require sensitive consideration. authority’s development plan out unless permission is granted for it on
This category includes a local authority’s application. If in Article 4 direction was in place
3.2 Listed buildings ‘local list’ or ‘supplementary list’ of historic and included windows, then an application for
planning permission would be needed for
Listed buildings are those included on the buildings, which has been included in their
statutory List of Buildings of Special unitary or local plan (known as the
Architectural or Historic Interest. Controls development plan). Inclusion within the plan
apply and Listed Building Consent is means that any list of this kind has been
required for any works of alteration or subject to public consultation and is a 3.6 Other buildings
extension – both external and internal – material planning consideration in the Other buildings may fall outside any of the
which would affect a building’s character. determination of applications under the categories above, but have historic and
Fixtures and curtilage buildings – i.e. any Town and Country Planning Acts. architectural features for the preservation of
objects or structures which are fixed to the which a sound case can be made. These
building, or are within the curtilage (and have Most buildings on these lists are good include:
been so since before July 1948) – are treated examples of a particular design or style of • buildings in historic parks and gardens
as part of the listed building. The same construction, e.g. buildings of the Arts and • buildings in the curtilages of Scheduled
controls apply whatever grade of listing the Crafts movement of the late 19th and early Ancient Monuments
building is given. 20th centuries, the work of a noted local • buildings or groups with distinguishing
architect, or a building associated with a local local or architectural characteristics which
The Government’s policies on the historical figure. They could well become the are often regarded as commonplace until

they vanish. For example, in recent years improve energy efficiency where and to the extent archaeological or technological interest of the
inappropriate window replacements have that it is practically possible, always provided surviving structure and surfaces may also be
taken their toll on many previously that the work does not prejudice the character of significant.
harmonious and well-proportioned the historic building, or increase the risk of long-
vernacular buildings. term deterioration to the building fabric or 4.4 Principles of minimum
fittings. In arriving at an appropriate balance intervention
If in any doubt, consult a conservation officer between historic building conservation and A traditional building needs to be considered
(or a nominated officer). energy conservation, it would be appropriate to as a whole and treated in a holistic way.
take into account the advice of the local planning Its structure, materials and methods of
authority’s conservation officer. construction and patterns of air and moisture
4 Principles of repair and movement should be properly understood.
alteration to historic 4.3 Identifying the special elements A fundamental principle is to minimise
buildings Before considering any alteration, it is intervention. The stock of historic buildings is
essential to assess the elements that make up finite and every loss or major alteration to
4.1 The sensitivity of historic buildings the special character and interest of the fabric is significant. Therefore a conservative
A historic building in its townscape or building, including: approach is needed with knowledge and
landscape setting, complete with its interior • External features such as a decorative experience to determine what is important
decoration, fixtures and fittings, can be façade, windows and doors and how changes can be made with the least
regarded as a composite work of art and • The spaces and internal layout The plan effect on the character of the building.
document of history. Historic buildings vary of a building is one of its most important
greatly in the extent to which they can characteristics. Interior plans should be 4.5 Principles of repair
accommodate change without loss of their respected and left unaltered as far as Where new work can be carried out with
special interest. Some are sensitive to even possible. minimal effect on historic fabric, it should be
slight alterations, particularly externally, and • Internal features of interest such as carefully matched and blended with the old in
where they retain important interiors, fixtures, decorated plaster surfaces, panelling, floors, order to achieve an architectural whole. As
fittings and details. Others may have changed window shutters, doors and doorcases much old work as possible should be retained
significantly and restoration is not considered • Details such as mouldings, stucco-work, and recorded (Clark, 2001). New materials
feasible or sensible. These considerations will wall and ceiling decorations can be just introduced in the course of like-for-like works
influence the extent of change that is as valuable in simple vernacular and should match the original materials as closely as
appropriate to improve energy efficiency. functional buildings as in grander possible. The detailing of the new work should
architecture, and can be a building’s match the original or existing work exactly.
4.2 Principles outlined in Part L most important features.
Parts L1 and L2 state: The need to conserve the 4.6 Principles of alteration
special characteristics of … historic buildings Besides the historical or aesthetic importance When alterations for energy conservation are
needs to be recognised … the aim should be to of a building and its fixtures, the proposed, regard should be given to:

Figure 1 (a, above) Double glazing in PVCu cannot replicate the

appearance of an original timber sash with fine glazing bars.
(b, right) An unfortunate combination on the same façade:
original timber sashes (ground floor), PVCu replacements (first
floor) (Photographs: Chris Wood and English Heritage Building
Conservation and Research Team)

• ensuring that the building is well • allow what is reasonable to be determined the structure are original or of historical or
understood, to avoid damage in relation to each building’s special architectural importance, but also the
• minimising disturbance to existing fabric characteristics. significance of layout, plan-form and spaces.
• reversing the changes easily without
damaging the existing fabric (especially
This Section examines specific issues raised. 5.4 Specific guidance in Parts L1
changes to services)
and L2
5.2 What triggers the Part L
• appreciating that some buildings or parts of

Specific guidance is reproduced in Box 5.
buildings are of such quality, importance or Paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 have already been
completeness that they should not be For existing buildings, Part L generally reviewed in Sections 3 and 4 above.
altered at all save in the most exceptional requires energy conservation upgrading only Paragraph 2.11 mentions circumstances in
circumstances. for elements which are to be ‘substantially which it might be reasonable to reverse
replaced’ as part of the works. The previous interventions, to replace features in
BS 7913:1998 expands on these principles. Requirements do not apply to normal repair the original manner, or to improve moisture
and patching work. While a ‘material change control, even if this were to reduce energy
4.7 Understanding how the building of use’ could trigger wider-ranging upgrades, performance. For example, it might be
works Part L states that consideration would be on permissible to:
Many historic buildings include soft, weak or individual merits and would need to take
permeable materials, e.g. mortars, plasters, account of historic value. • replace inappropriate double glazing with
renders and paints. These cause the fabric to single-glazed windows which match the
respond in fundamentally different ways to 5.3 Determining the special originals
air, moisture and structural movement from characteristics • relax the strict interpretation of Part L for
the hard, strong, impervious materials and Advice on the factors determining the character of works of reconstruction and infill where
membranes widely used in modern historic buildings is set out in PPG 15 (L1, this would prejudice the creation of an
construction. Before any work is carried out, paragraph 0.19; L2, paragraph 0.24). appropriate facsimile
it is therefore important that a building’s • allow the fabric to ‘breathe’ in spite of the
system of construction and the way in which To determine the special characteristics extra heat loss which may occur through
this might have changed over time is requires knowledge and experience. Advice reduced insulation and/or higher ventilation
understood – and that alterations are from the conservation officer should usually rates. This is discussed further in Section 7
compatible with this system. be sought, not only to identify which parts of of this Interim Guidance Note.

4.8 Introducing modern materials

To use modern substitutes and to introduce Box 5 Sections 2.9 – 2.11 of Part L1
(Note: apart from some numbering, Section 4 of Part L2 is identical to the content of this
impermeable materials or membranes into
permeable traditional construction is usually
not good practice and can lead to trouble. 2.9 Historic buildings include –
Obvious examples include the use of a) listed buildings,
cementitious mixes for plasters, renders and b) buildings situated in conservation areas,
pointing where, for example, incompatibilities c) buildings which are of architectural and historical interest and which are referred to as a
in flexural strength, permeability and porosity material consideration in a local authority’s development plan,
d) buildings of architectural and historical interest within national parks, areas of outstanding
can lead to disastrous salt migration and
natural beauty, and world heritage sites.
damage. As a general rule materials and
techniques designed for new construction 2.10 The need to conserve the special characteristics of such historic buildings needs to be
should be treated with caution and if possible recognised . In such work, the aim should be to improve energy efficiency where and to the
avoided, as their long term or side effects on a extent that it is practically possible, always provided that the work does not prejudice the
building or its occupants are not fully character of the historic building, or increase the risk of long-term deterioration to the building
understood. That said, some new synthetic or fabric or fittings. In arriving at an appropriate balance between historic building conservation
and energy conservation, it would be appropriate to take into account the advice of the local
natural materials used thoughtfully and
planning authority’s conservation officer.
skilfully, e.g. for permeable insulation, can
facilitate the most conservative and 2.11 Particular issues relating to work in historic buildings that warrant sympathetic treatment and
economical work. where advice from others could therefore be beneficial include –
a) restoring the historic character of a building that had been subject to previous inappropriate
alteration, e.g. replacement windows, doors and rooflights;
5 Specific references to b) rebuilding a former historic building (e.g. following a fire or filling in a gap site in a terrace);
c) making provisions enabling the fabric of historic buildings to ‘breathe’ to control moisture
historic buildings in Part L
and potential long term decay problems 2.

5.1 Introduction
As outlined above, the Part L revisions:
• appreciate that historic buildings require 1 BS 7913: 1998 ‘Guide to the principles of the conservation of historic buildings’ provides guidance on
the principles that should be applied when proposing work on historic buildings.
different approaches from modern ones
• recognise the potential conflicts between 2 Hughes, 1986 ‘The need for old buildings to breathe’
building and energy conservation and seek
to mitigate them by taking a flexible

Figure 2 The layout, plan form and
spaces are vital features of historic
buildings and need to be understood
before changes are proposed. (Digital
image by Ray Martin from English
Heritage original)



6 Meeting the Requirements Box 6 The Statutory Requirements (Source: Part L2 of the Approved Document, page 8)
of Part L
L2. Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and power in buildings or parts of
6.1 Introduction buildings other than dwellings by
(a) Limiting the heat losses and gains through the fabric of the building
Better energy efficiency can be achieved by (b) Limiting the heat loss
physical change to the building fabric and (i) from hot water pipes and hot air ducts used for space heating
services and/or by more mindful behaviour by (ii) from hot water vessels and hot water service pipes
occupants. Building Regulations tend to (c) Providing space heating and hot water systems which are energy-efficient
influence only the physical changes – though (d) Limiting exposure to solar overheating
they can facilitate better behaviour, for (e) Making provision where air conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems are installed, so that no
more energy needs to be used than is reasonable in the circumstances
example by improving controls and usability
(f) Limiting the heat gains by chilled water and refrigerant vessels and pipes and air ducts that serve air
and (in the current revisions to Part L) by conditioning systems
beginning to require better sub-metering, (g) Providing lighting systems which are energy-efficient
commissioning records and log books for (h) Providing sufficient information with the relevant services so that the building can be operated and
heating and cooling systems, and power and maintained in such a manner as to use no more energy than is reasonable in the circumstances

6.2 The Statutory Requirements The Requirements for dwellings include items Items (e) and (f) apply to buildings with a
The Statutory Requirements for non- (a)–(d) and (h), which apply only to heating floor area greater than 200 sq m and (g) to
domestic buildings are summarised in Box 6. and hot water services for domestic buildings. those with a floor area over 100 sq m.

6.3 Relevance of the Statutory A holistic evaluation should be undertaken of Part L recommends ‘reasonable sealing
Requirements to historic buildings the building’s energy efficiency. For example, measures to ensure airtightness’. This tends to
(a) Limiting the heat losses…through the fabric while one element such as a single-glazed be part of a ‘build tight, ventilate right’
caused by conduction and air infiltration window may not be easily improved (except strategy, with ventilation rates recommended
is by far the most common area of by concealed draughtproofing), another for modern buildings in Part F of the
conflict between building and energy such as a thatched roof or a thick masonry Building Regulations (DETR, 2000).
conservation. wall may be capable of exceeding the However, this guidance is based primarily on
(b) Limiting the heat loss from…pipes recommended U-value. dispersing moisture and pollutants generated
and…ducts will not normally be a by the occupants in modern buildings, which
problem, except where access is difficult, 6.5 Applying Part L to existing effectively create a barrier to external
or the installations are of historic interest buildings moisture. Buildings with solid walls,
or part of the architectural character. permeable materials and no damp-proof
(c) Providing [energy-efficient] space heating For existing buildings, there is no courses operate differently and may require
and hot water will occasionally cause Requirement in Part L to upgrade more ventilation to ensure their welfare, and
problems where historic equipment is to elements which do not need replacing. the comfort of their occupants, as discussed
be conserved or – for example – where The purpose of Part L is not to force in Section 7.
electric systems are preferred to avoid unnecessary intervention, but to make sure
disruption to surface finishes or fabric that when replacements and major alterations 6.7 Applying Part L to extensions to
caused by pipework or to limit the risk of are undertaken, the elements are upgraded to historic buildings
flooding. High efficiency boilers may an extent that is reasonable; and where An extension will normally be able to
sometimes also be unacceptable where old practicable to the required standards for a accommodate a higher standard of thermal
flues need to be kept warm and dry, or new building. performance than the host building. An
where the ‘steam’ plume from a exception would be where the extension was
condensing boiler could be unsightly or When deciding whether to repair or replace, it designed to be a true facsimile of a previous
could put items in its path at greater risk is essential to consider the implications of structure or where certain planning
of damp and decay. destroying existing fabric against the potential requirements generated the need for elements
(d) Occasionally the need to limit solar heat benefits. For example, it would be neither to complement the historic building in terms
gains may be a problem – particularly in sustainable nor cost-effective to replace a of construction and detailing.
some 20th-century buildings of 200-year-old window that is capable of repair
architectural interest – but these will not and upgrading with a double-glazed Sometimes an extension, such as a
be dealt with here. alternative, and even less so if the new conservatory, can improve the thermal
(e) ‘Reasonable’ standards for air conditioning window were to have an anticipated life of performance of the whole building, for
and mechanical ventilation only 20–30 years, as some do. However – example by reducing heat loss through the
Air conditioning installed in historic depending on circumstances – a good case surface to which it is attached and enhancing
buildings may sometimes be less efficient might be made for well-designed and solar gain. However, care needs to be taken in
than in new buildings, owing to carefully-installed draughtproofing or the design and integration of such structures:
restrictions placed on appearance, access secondary glazing (see Figure 16).
or space. • If unheated and isolated (for example, by
(f) Insulation to air ducts, chilled water and Where proposed alterations or replacements doors which are usually kept closed in
refrigerant pipes and vessels may sometimes could trigger the Part L Requirement to winter), a conservatory will normally be
be restricted for appearance’s sake, or upgrade the existing fabric, care must be warmer than outside and reduce heat losses
because of limited space. exercised in deciding whether or not such from the building to which it is attached.
(g) The need for efficient lighting may work will affect the building’s character: of • However, if heated – or unheated but left
sometimes conflict with a requirement for course, if the building is listed, Listed open to the adjacent building – the whole
‘authentic’ appearance: for example, Building Consent may also be required. In building’s heating requirements could be
creating the more traditional ‘sparkle’ of some instances, a historic building may be in significantly increased.
tungsten filament lighting requires less an almost totally original state, and like-for-
efficient light sources. like replacement will be the only appropriate
(h) Good record information is just as valuable solution. In many cases, however, some 7 Historic buildings as
in historic as in new buildings. thermal upgrading will be practicable. For environmental systems
example, though wall insulation will often be
6.4 The general approach inappropriate (see Section 10), it may be 7.1 Introduction
The following broad principles should be feasible to add insulation in roofs and under This Section deals with issues that need to be
observed when energy efficiency is being suspended floors. Provided this does not considered in developing and reviewing an
improved in a historic building: introduce technical risks (see Section 7), it integrated approach to a historic building.
might even be reasonable for this insulation to
• do not undertake unnecessary changes exceed the recommendations in Part L to • At the large scale, the performance of the
• do not cause the physical or visual loss of help make up for shortcomings elsewhere. whole building must be assessed in a
important features holistic approach to heating, ventilation,
• avoid changes increasing the risk of damage 6.6 Ventilation, airtightness and insulation and energy efficiency.
elsewhere in the structure (advice may well moisture control • At the medium scale, it is necessary to
be required from technical specialists and When work is carried out to windows or review how the conditions vary from place
the conservation officer). insulation, the Approved Document for to place around the building.

• At the smaller scale, it can be difficult and condensation risks could increase if other • historic structures tend to be wetter as there
sometimes impossible to make satisfactory parts of the building were upgraded and/or is often some rising and penetrating damp
junctions between different elements and air infiltration rates were reduced too far. • porous, breathable construction allows
construction details with different types • Preventing the distribution of moisture to evaporate internally
and levels of insulation, so these must be moisture-laden air throughout the • more ventilation is needed to remove
carefully examined. building, particularly to unheated transpired moisture
spaces, by passive or mechanical • in addition, better heating may cause
If not properly integrated at all the scales, ventilation close to the source In some internal moisture levels and dewpoints to
problems can arise – in particular historic buildings – or at least in parts of rise, because of faster evaporation from
condensation, mould and decay. them – it may be impossible to install such permanently damp fabric. This can be a
systems without damaging their character. particular problem in intermittently-heated
7.2 Technical risks identified in Part L In addition, and as discussed below, an damp buildings, which self-humidify as
Part L recognises that technical risks can arise important source of moisture is frequently they warm up.
in the application of energy conservation the building itself. Changes to the fabric of a building in order to
measures such as the increase of unwanted reduce heat loss can alter its moisture transfer
moisture and harmful effects on health. In developing the design of a new building or mechanisms, including the ability of the fabric
Section 0 of Parts L1 and L2 refers a major refurbishment, the balance between to ‘breathe’. Three important aspects of
specifically to the following publications for heating, ventilation and insulation can be moisture transfer contribute to maintaining
guidance: adjusted until desired results are achieved, i.e. the balanced environment found in many
• Thermal Insulation: Avoiding Risks (BRE minimising risks whilst meeting Part L’s historic buildings:
Report No 262: see Stirling 2002). This quantified Requirements. The text of the third • permeability the capacity to allow water
discusses many potential problems, and edition of Stirling (2002) identifies (with an vapour to pass through
confirms that thermal insulation, heating ‘R’ in a green box) issues affecting buildings • capillarity the ability to mop up or wick
and ventilation must be considered which are being renovated, altered or away water as liquid
together. converted. However, these relate to strategies • hygroscopicity the tendency actively to
• Approved Documents parts F, J and E on which aim to make the details work draw moisture from air and store it
ventilation, combustion systems and technically. In a historic building, the
acoustics. (Only the ventilation aspects are additional physical and visual constraints A modern approach to the moisture problems
covered in this Interim Guidance Note.) outlined in Sections 3 and 4 of this Interim outlined above would be to insert air gaps and
• Robust Details (see DEFRA and DTLR, Guidance Note may make it impossible to moisture barriers. Where insulation is added,
2001) This publication refers to modern apply some of the remedies advocated. particularly internally, vapour control is also
domestic construction and therefore is not essential in most modern constructions to
directly relevant to historic buildings. Even if a historic building’s features were avoid interstitial condensation. However, in a
However, it illustrates the technical completely set aside as constraints, the strict historic building, moisture movement through
implications of applying the principles application of Part L would often not be the structure (transpiration) can be important
outlined in Part L and by Stirling (2002) appropriate technically. For example, given to the soundness of the building, e.g. cob
and so may assist review and discussion of the construction and environmental behaviour earth-walled housing in Devon. Impervious
their relevance to conditions encountered in of some historic buildings, the least risky materials intended to stop indoor moisture
a historic building. solution could well require less insulation and passing through the fabric of a modern
more heating and/or ventilation than Part L building instead stop structural moisture
7.3 Risks associated with thermal envisages. This is another reason why, for getting out. Even in some modern
upgrading historic buildings, DTLR decided that Part L constructions ‘summer condensation’ can
Thermal Insulation: Avoiding Risks (Stirling should allow discretion to be exercised in occur on the outside of a vapour control layer
2002) goes over many of the problems that determining what is reasonable. (see Stirling 2002, section 3.10).
can arise in new buildings or major
alterations. However, three general 7.4 Most historic buildings need to Therefore proposals to add insulation to
requirements in its first section often prove ‘breathe’ historic buildings need to be carefully
difficult or impossible to satisfy in historic Most historic buildings are made of porous considered, for example:
buildings: materials and do not incorporate the barriers • Is it desirable to add insulation, or will this
• Insulating the structure uniformly, to external moisture (cavities, rainscreens, increase risks and hide problems?
avoiding thermal bridging Problems damp-proof courses, vapour barriers and • How much insulation should there be (too
often arise at the junctions between membranes) which are taken for granted in the much might lead to interstitial

different elements and construction details. majority of modern construction. As a result: condensation)?

Ensuring continuity is often difficult, as

Box 7 The main risks to historic buildings
• What properties should the insulation have?

discussed below. (It may need to be moisture resistant, and

• Providing a well-controlled heating In brief, these are
• trapped moisture within the construction
to have a controlled amount of breathability
system, with heat emitters in rooms to allow water vapour to pass through while
where heat will not be gained from • condensation within the construction or in
unheated areas
at the same time avoiding interstitial
heated spaces elsewhere This is to help condensation.)
reduce moisture levels and avoid
• condensation at thermal bridges (especially
at corners) These points are developed in the following
condensation. However, in many historic
buildings there are unheated rooms, void
• insufficient ventilation and heating to remove
sections, particularly Section 10 (Walls). It is
interesting that in recent years both the
structural gaps and other spaces in which ecological building movement and technical

developments have begun to rediscover the 7.5 Ventilation Requirements However, if ventilation of a historic building
practicalities of breathing construction, is reduced too much, condensation, mould
although some aspects of the theory and of Owing to the factors discussed above, and fungal growth may occur, leading to
the performance of traditional buildings are historic buildings usually need more deterioration of the fabric and contents, and
not yet fully characterised. ventilation than modern ones. In the past, possibly health problems for occupants. Great
they were often more ventilated than strictly care is therefore required in selecting an
Box 8 Controlling moisture levels necessary because of loose-fitting doors, appropriate ventilation rate for a historic
Successful control of moisture levels in a windows and other openings. In addition, building. A rule of thumb used by some
historic building often depends on: open fires created generous rates of exhaust designers is ‘twice as much as required’,
• plentiful sources of ventilation
ventilation through chimneys at times when though the actual amount needed varies with
• permeable building materials that are
hygroscopic and hence buffer moisture condensation risk might otherwise have context, and particularly with the amount of

• the absence of barriers to moisture flow. been high. evaporation occurring from the fabric.

Modern building Historic building

Diffusion losses

Extract fan

Diffusion losses

Vapour barrier


Insulation Occupants Exchange

with fabric

Vapour barrier
Trickle ventilator Ventilation
(controllable ventilation)
Well sealed window windows

Exchange with
fabric Exchange
with fabric
Damp proof membrane


Capillary rise Capillary


Figure 3 Diagram showing the typical differences in movement of moisture between a historic (right) and a modern building. (Digital image by Robyn Pender)

7.6 Thermal bridging
If the thermal performance of one element is
improved by adding insulation while an
adjacent area is not insulated, a local cold spot
– known as a thermal or cold bridge – is
created. For example:
• it may be possible to place insulation over a
ceiling but not at the head of the adjacent
wall at the eaves, which will remain cold
• alternatively, a wall may be internally lined
but not the window reveal – so here the
exposed edge of the newly-insulated wall
actually becomes colder, and at greater risk
of condensation.
If such weak spots cannot be successfully
detailed (see Stirling 2002 for modern
examples), then added insulation may not be
desirable, or the amount of heating and
ventilation may need to be increased to help
avoid mould growth or condensation.

Figure 4 Enlarging the window openings and setting the frames Figure 5 Historic glass, especially Crown glass, is rare and cannot
8 Windows flush with the façade (left) totally distorts the proportion and be reproduced today. Where examples such as the middle right
detailing of the original windows (right). (Photograph courtesy of pane survive, they must be preserved. (Photograph courtesy of
8.1 The importance of windows Kit Wedd) Treve Rosoman)
Window openings and frames establish the
character of a building’s elevation. They
should not generally be altered in their
proportions or details, as they are
conspicuous elements of the design. The
depth to which window frames are recessed
within a wall is a varying historical feature of
importance and greatly affects the character
of a building: this too should be respected.

The importance of conserving traditional

fenestration and its detailing cannot be
stressed enough, being particularly
emphasised in PPG 15 Annex C (DNH and
DoE, 1994). The Secretary of State has
dismissed over 90 per cent of appeals against
the refusal of Listed Building Consent for
a b
replacing traditional single glazed sash
windows with double glazed PVCu windows
because the replacements proposed would
detrimentally affect the special character and
appearance of the building. The fundamental
objections, amongst many, are that double
glazed sealed units fatten the dimensions of
glazing bars inappropriately, or result in
extremely poor facsimiles stuck to the face of
the glass.

Old glass is of interest and is becoming

increasingly rare. It is of value not just for its
age, but because it has more richness and
sparkle than today’s flat sheets with their
uniform reflections. Where it survives, it must
be retained and alternative means of thermal
improvement considered.

c d
Four photographs at right: see fig 6 caption

Many historic windows, frames and glazing, continued to be widely used until the early slim and non-combustible. All these windows
have fallen victim to inappropriate 20th century, when inferior species started to are important historically and should be
replacements, but over the past decade, there be used which needed chemical preservatives conserved.
has developed a greater appreciation of their to provide some degree of longevity. Historic
value. However, many windows are still timber is therefore not a renewable resource: 8.3 Ventilating and draughtproofing
threatened and Part L must not become the it is very difficult to source timber of this Most modern windows accommodate trickle
agent for their thoughtless destruction. While quality and durability today. Where possible ventilators for controllable background
listed buildings enjoy some protection, windows should be repaired and continue to ventilation, to meet the Requirements of Part
unlisted buildings are at high risk – even be used. F of the Building Regulations (DETR, 2000).
where they are in Conservation Areas, Older buildings often have considerable air
National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Iron frames had been used in medieval times, infiltration through floors, airbricks, etc and
Beauty and World Heritage Sites. and by the 16th century metal-framed glass may well not need more. Indeed, air
windows were beginning to appear in secular infiltration through old windows is often
8.2 Window types and materials homes. By the middle of the 18th century excessive, so draughtproofing and weather
The UK has a rich tradition of different metal sash windows were being cast and even stripping can be very effective in reducing
window designs and materials from various copper was being set in wooden frames, not just heating bills by limiting the number
periods of history. Most historic windows are usually oak. All-metal window frames, both of air changes per hour, but also reducing
timber-framed. Oak joinery (either fixed or sash and casements, were introduced in the levels of noise and dust too. However, care
in casements) predominated until the late Regency period in housing and industrial should be taken to provide adequate
17th century, when, with the advent of the and institutional buildings. Mass production ventilation to remove internally generated
sash window, softwood was imported from in the early 20th century allowed hot-rolled moisture and pollutants, together with
Scandinavia and the Baltic States. This slow- steel to be used for, among others, the additional moisture from sources such as
grown, high-quality, naturally durable timber famous Crittall windows which were strong, rising damp (see Section 6.6).
Figure 6 Examples of the wide variety of timber [left] and metal windows [below] found on historic buildings. In (e) the upper part of the frame is metal, the lower part timber. In (f) the thin steel frames
of the windows by Crittall are important to the design of this Grade II* Modern Movement building (Connell Ward Lucas, 1932). [Photographs (a), (c) and (d): English Heritage Building Conservation and
Research Team: (f) and (i), Chris Wood: (e), (g), and (h) courtesy of Jill Channer, copyright © Jill Channer]

e f g

h i

1 66

22 77

Figure 8 Draughtproofing strip being inserted into a routed

channel on the bottom rail of the top sash. (Photograph courtesy
of Ventrolla Ltd)

33 88

44 99

Figure 9 Secondary glazing can provide very effective thermal

improvement. In historic buildings its successful insertion depends
5 5 1100 on fitting within the reveal in such a way as not to damage
historic fabric. However, secondary glazing can sometimes
produce an unsatisfactory reflection when viewed from the
outside. (Photograph courtesy of Kit Wedd)
Figure 7 1 Plastic or sprung metal ‘V’ or ‘Z’ strip 2 Glued or pinned silicone rubber tubing 3 Parting bead
(Ventrolla) 4 Meeting rail brush (Ventrolla) 5 Bottom sash/sill brush (Ventrolla) 6 Parting bead weatherstrip (Mighton)
7 Brush for meeting rails (Draftseal) 8 Standard weatherstrip (Mighton) 9 Staff bead or button rod (Ventrolla) 10 Silicone 8.4 Improving window insulation
seal (Draftseal) (Digital image by Robyn Pender from English Heritage original line drawing)
No historic window can reach the U-values
recommended in Part L (i.e. 2.0 – 2.2 W/m2
Several forms of draughtproofing are Box 9 Silicone sealants: a warning note deg C: see Glossary). So-called ‘facsimile’
available, which operate in different ways: Care should be taken in selecting silicone replacements have been developed with
sealants, as some (but not by any means all)
• Some types simply act as gap fillers, and
mastics produce acetic acid which can damage
double-glazed sealed units and low emissivity
are applied as mastic or foam. glass, but in most cases these fail to provide an
painted surfaces and corrode metalwork.The
• Other forms keep out the weather by means safer alternatives produce alcohol which simply adequate visual alternative owing to the frame
of a snug, slightly oversized fitting, evaporates. Always be aware and read thickness required to accommodate the glazing
comprising silicone rubber tubes, manufacturers’ labels. cavity. It is impossible to replicate original
polypropylene and nylon-filled pile brushes, glazing bars in double glazing. Except where
or with rubber, polyester, or sprung-metal A good draughtstrip should insulate, be replacement is inevitable, the aim should
‘Z’ and ‘V’ fins. durable and inconspicuous. A number of usually be to improve thermal performance
For steel and timber casements, a self-curing firms now provide an effective specialist whilst retaining the existing windows.
silicone rubber sealant can be injected into the installation and refurbishment service for
gap between the window and the frame. The existing windows. According to one leading Recommended methods of improvement are
window is first cleaned, and overhauled so company, these products reduce the number discussed in English Heritage’s Framing
that hinges and catches operate easily. The of air changes from between 2.5 and 3.0 to Opinions Campaign publications (English
opening edge of the casement is temporarily 0.7 per hour. In terms of reducing heat loss, Heritage, 1994). These include:
coated with a non-stick gel. The silicone is draughtproofing a single-glazed window • Draughtproofing, as described in 8.3. This
then injected and sticks to the non-treated has roughly the same effect as fitting an is the most cost-effective and least intrusive
frame, but not to the coated casement edge. additional sheet of glass. method.

Figure 10 Shutters are not just historically important, they can
provide significant thermal improvements as well as enhanced
security and reduction of dust and noise. (Photograph: (b) courtesy
of Matthew Slocombe and the Society for the Protection of Ancient
Buildings: (a), (c), (d) and (e) by Chris Wood and other members of
English Heritage Building Conservation and Research Team)

e d

• Secondary glazing improves insulation, new panes within an oddly-shaped or also reduce unwanted solar gains. Internal
draughtproofing and noise control. If unduly protruding architrave; or clashes shutters can also be draughtproofed to
carefully designed, it can be relatively with internal shutters. improve thermal performance, in a similar
unobtrusive, e.g. with divisions in the • Old louvred and panelled external shutters manner to windows.
glazed panels hidden behind meeting rails are important features and often contribute Traditional means of minimising heat loss
or glazing bars. However, not all windows to the design of an elevation. Repairing and are still effective, such as heavy lined
are suitable for secondary glazing, owing to using close-boarded and panelled external curtains. Modern alternatives include
the narrowness of the internal sill or and internal shutters can minimise heat loss insulated curtains and reflective and/or
reveals; the difficulty of accommodating the at night and when rooms are unused, and insulated internal blinds.

Double-glazed Double-glazed Secondary Single-glazed Single-glazed
Low ø
12 mm gap glazing + curtains + night shutters

U ~ 4.8 U ~ 2.8 U ~ 2.0 U ~ 2.9-3.4 U ~ 3.6 * U ~ 3.0 *

Figure 11 Indicative U-values applied to vertical glazing, assuming
wooden or PVCu frames. (The values shown are in W/m 2 deg C:
above). Existing glazed doors should be • internal construction which is completely
retained, and all original or historically protected from moisture – at least in theory
see Glossary.) Estimates for single-glazed windows (without
draughtproofing) with shutters or closely-fitting lined curtains important glass kept. It will often be easiest – by cavities, damp-proof membranes, and
with pelmets apply when they are closed. Thermally insulated to improve thermal performance with thick vapour control layers.
curtains would improve the effectiveness even more. It is hoped insulated curtains or a draught lobby, if these
that the results of detailed testing of these will be published in a
more comprehensive document: see 2.5. (Digital image by Robyn can be fitted without detriment to other 10.3 The importance of transpiration
Pender) historic or architectural features. Where walls need to transpire moisture and
vapour effectively, new materials – which
8.5 Rooflights were intended to form barriers to unwanted
Most old rooflights are single-glazed, set in 10 Walls moisture or water vapour – can impede the
cast iron or timber frames, or sometimes with very processes which helped a historic wall to
unframed sheets of glass replacing slates or 10.1 External appearance endure. Examples are commonplace,
plain tiles. Frames are often ill-fitting, and Historic buildings display a wide range of including:
draughtproofing may improve this. Where materials and forms of construction, ranging • hard cement mortar pointing which catches
replacement is essential, double-glazed copies from stone or earth walls perhaps two metres rainwater and diverts it into a wall, by­
of original rooflights are available which can thick, to timber-framed buildings with passing the overcoat effect
be acceptable in historic buildings. comparatively thin and lightweight wattle- • hard external rendering, intended to keep
and-daub infill panels. The appearance of the the rain out, which also stops moisture
external walls is usually one of the most evaporating and causes the wall to become
9 Doors important aspects of a historic building, while damper. When cracked, it also traps
the materials give the building its unique and rainwater, making things even worse.
9.1 Typical construction often local character. Other than repairs or • modern impervious paints which cause
Most external doors on historic buildings repointing, they are unlikely to tolerate much previously sound plaster to break down,
were made of timber, many in hardwood change without exacerbating decay problems because rising and penetrating damp can
frames. Depending on their age and design and detrimentally affecting their special no longer evaporate
they were usually morticed and tenoned interest and appearance. • other impervious materials applied
together, either in a flat plane, or with panels internally which cause moisture to
fitted between stiles, and muntins and rails. 10.2 The use of porous materials in accumulate. This in turn leads to decay of
Doors which are original or of historical walls embedded materials (such as timber) which
interest must be kept. Most historic buildings in the UK have solid are hidden from sight until deterioration
walls in porous materials, with internal has become severe. The impervious layers
9.2 Thermal properties finishes such as lime plaster, which is itself can lead to a build-up of salts in the
Solid doors often have reasonable insulating porous. This porosity has helped to keep underlying substrate. The salts then
properties. Most of the heat loss usually many buildings in good condition. crystallise and rupture the original
occurs by infiltration around the perimeter • On the outside, it acts as a thick overcoat, construction.
of the door or where gaps have developed absorbing rainwater, and allowing it to run Many insulation products lose their insulating
around panels, at the junction with the door down, drain out and later to evaporate. qualities when wet, so moisture from damp
closer, through locks, etc. Repairs and • On the inside, it helps to stabilise moisture walls or interstitial condensation can make
draughtproofing may be helpful. Where space levels in rooms and often averts surface them useless. Other products, including some
in the plan form and architecture permit, an condensation, for example in crowded natural materials, are less affected. However,
internal draught lobby with a well-fitting (and conditions or when cooking. care must be taken in selecting appropriate
if necessary well-insulated) inner door may be • Moisture can also pass through the wall materials that do not result in new problems
a practical solution. and evaporate both externally and such as insect infestation.
internally as conditions allow, as can any
9.3 Glazed doors dampness rising from the earth. 10.4 Improving insulation externally
If a door – including the frame – has more This approach differs greatly from most The opportunity to improve the thermal
than 50 per cent of its internal face glazed, modern buildings, which rely on: performance of walls externally will often be
Part L treats it as a window (see Section 8 • impervious or rainscreen systems externally limited in a historic building because of the

impact external insulation has on the of the damage that is inevitably caused: a 12 Roofs
appearance of the building: notably on its worn, uneven appearance is also often valued
proportions, and on details such as quoins, and cannot be completely re-created. 12.1 External appearance
window reveals, cills, thresholds etc – all However, if floors have to be lifted or The roof of a historic building is often its
unacceptable in terms of planning and Listed replaced, there are opportunities to improve most striking feature. Most have survived in
Building Consent (see Section 10.1). insulation. remarkably unchanged condition for many
However, there may be opportunities to centuries. With stone, slate or tile, re-covering
insulate externally, for example where tile tends to become necessary when the fixings
hanging or weatherboarding has to be 11.2 Solid floors fail; and much of the covering material is
removed and replaced; or where a wall Solid floors, such as those laid with stone, often re-used on the same building or
suffering from chronic driving rain problems brick, early concrete, plaster or lime ash, elsewhere. With thatch, shingles, lead and
has to be re-clad. Another possible exception cannot be insulated without first excavating other metals, failure is more often attributable
is where rendering requires complete them. Generally this should be avoided, to the natural life of the covering itself.
replacement. However: unless it is the only way to remedy some
• Modern external insulation and rendering destructive defect. In reconstruction, damp- 12.2 Roof structure
systems, though technically possible, may proof membranes will usually be incorporated Unless there has been substantial water
not be appropriate owing to the both as normal practice and to protect the leakage, the roof structure will usually be in
dimensional differences. insulation. However, membranes can cause good condition. Often this is attributable to
• Whilst a render which is thermally more more problems by driving moisture up walls the generous amount of ventilation in historic
effective might be used, the main criterion and columns. buildings and in their roofspaces. Even
is that repairs should be carried out on a though a historic building may generate a lot
like-for-like basis, which means adhering to of moisture internally – some of which finds
the original mix of materials. This is also 11.3 Suspended floors its way into the roof – it is quickly removed.
important where transpiration is required Floorboards can often be lifted and insulation The moisture-buffering effect of the large
(see Section 10.3). installed with comparative ease (Hughes amounts of hygroscopic material in many
1988). However, care should be taken if: historic buildings can also be helpful.
10.5 Improving insulation internally • the floorboards have a structural function,
In historical terms it is important to ensure i.e. acting as a plate membrane in early 12.3 Improving thermal performance
that internal walls are always investigated with 18th-century construction: houses have Proposals to improve the thermal
care in advance of any changes, in case been known to collapse when all the performance of the roofspace have to be
ancient or interesting features – such as early floorboards on one level were removed considered in relation to the use and
plaster and paint schemes – are hidden in the at once performance of the rest of the building.
plaster or behind panelling or other coverings. • early wide hardwood boards (usually oak For example:
Timber panelling, plaster mouldings or or elm) are used, particularly if these have • modern living tends to introduce more
enriched decorations are all-important and been undisturbed and cannot be lifted moisture into buildings and roofspaces
need to be preserved. without causing damage to the boards • ventilation rates are often reduced,
or joists exacerbating the problem
Where complete internal re-plastering is • there are historic examples of sound­ • the air and vapour control layers (AVCLs)
required – particularly where it has been done deadening or fireproofing between joists: often used in modern construction are
before and when little or nothing of historic these should be preserved. virtually impossible to install in existing
interest survives – there may be opportunities Some methods used with modern suspended ceilings with any degree of effectiveness
to incorporate internal insulation. However: timber floors are outlined in Stirling 2002, • added insulation tends to cause roofspace
• The dimensional changes may be Section 5.15, and will sometimes suit historic temperatures to drop, adding to potential
unacceptable at window and door openings buildings too. moisture problems.
and where original surface details such as Issues and solutions tend to vary with the
dados, cornices, etc survive. type of roof: pitched or flat, with or without
• The loss of space may also be unacceptable. 11.4 Underfloor ventilation ventilated roofspaces. These are outlined in
• Moisture may be trapped and interstitial Suspended timber floors are – or should be – the following paragraphs.
condensation may occur. ventilated underneath. This is usually
• Insulation covers up the mass of internal intended to be cross-ventilation between 12.4 Pitched roofs with ventilated
walls, reducing their effect in stabilising the underfloor openings or air bricks on opposite
indoor temperature and humidity levels. sides of the building. However, in practice, air For traditional roofs with ‘cold’ roofspaces
• Thermal bridges may occur at edges and often comes in through external openings and ventilated by outside air, it will often be
junctions, e.g. between floors and internal then passes between the floorboards before possible to lay insulation over the ceilings or
walls. rising up within the building or into flues. between floor joists in the conventional
Adding insulation (or floor coverings) can manner. The use of semi-rigid batts will
reduce this airflow and increase moisture guarantee a minimum thickness, but a wide
11 Floors levels both under the floor and in the range of other materials is also available.
building. The adequacy of underfloor and
11.1 Flooring generally building ventilation should therefore be Air infiltration from the building into the
The appearance of a floor can be a highly checked. Some information on modern roofspace should be reduced, in particular by
distinctive feature of a historic building. construction (in Stirling 2002, Section 5.17) closing up holes around pipe, duct and cable
Generally floors should not be lifted because is also relevant. routes, especially from high humidity areas.

Even where holes are well sealed, air and
water vapour from the building will still get
in. In winter, the extra insulation makes the
roofspace colder than before, so the risk of
dampness and condensation may increase,
particularly if ventilation is limited or poorly

Sometimes additional roofspace ventilation

may have to be introduced. However, research
has shown that not all roofs in historic
buildings – particularly low-pitched ones –
benefit from this. Beneficial effect is lacking
when the extra ventilation serves merely to
lower the temperature while not sufficiently
diluting the moisture which escapes into the
roofspace from the building below. In such
circumstances it is essential to understand
what is happening to the internal environment
here, in order to determine the likely effect of
insulation and ventilation on the existing
fabric; and not to introduce additional
ventilation gratuitously. Figure 12 An attic being converted for use as a habitable room where the requirement was not to strip the stone slates. Traditional
torching prevents ingress of driven rain, and protection and thermal improvement is provided by: torching, a lightweight permeable
building paper to underside of rafters, natural wool insulation, cellulose/jute batts, wood fibre boards and a lightweight mineral wool
12.5 Pitched roofs with insulation at insulation board (or reed board) coated with lime plaster and subsequently limewashed. (Photographs courtesy of Richard Oxley, Oxley
rafter level Conservation, © Richard Oxley)

Where there are rooms in the roof, Stirling

(2002) recommends a 50 mm ventilation path
1 Ventilated cold roof
beneath the roof finish, insulation, a vapour
control layer, boxing to contain service runs
Lead sheet on underlay
without perforating the vapour control layer,
and an internal lining. It is important to Boarding
maintain the through flow of air when Ventilated air space
detailing new dormers or rooflights. Few
historic buildings would meet these
Vapour control layer

When upgrading utilitarian attic spaces,

however, it may be sometimes be possible to 2 Typical existing roof – uninsulated and often unventilated
adopt these modern details. Alternatively,
improved insulation can still be provided and Lead sheet on underlay
the extremes of driven rain or snow combated
by traditional means. Such applications Boarding
maximise the permeability of the structure
effectively absorbing most of the increased
moisture in the short term, and allowing it to
disperse slowly (Figure 12).

12.6 Flat and low-pitched roofs 3 Ventilated warm roof

Most historic flat roofs are covered with lead, Lead sheet on underlay
a few being clad in zinc or copper. Repairs
and replacements using bitumastic materials Ventilated air space
Breather membrane
and felts have been widely used. Flat roofs
show a wide variety of designs, although most
Vapour control layer
are akin to the ‘cold roof’ with a small Roof deck
roofspace (sometimes deliberately ventilated Unventilated
to the outside, but often not) above the air space
ceiling. Some roof-decks in fact form the Ceiling
ceiling, though this is mostly confined to
Figure 13 Examples of flat roof covered with lead: 1 Insulation of typical cold roof 2 Research has shown that despite lack of insulation
and ventilation this form of roof structure has performed well. 3 Recommended modern practice which is acceptable on historic
buildings provided that historic detailing is not adversely affected by the raised roof structure. (Digital images by Ray Martin, adapted with
kind permission from the Lead Sheet Association for reference to the Association’s original drawings)

12.7 Flat roofs with ventilated cold warm roofs. The principle here is the creation Thatch provides one of the best natural
decks of a new insulated and ventilated roof deck insulators and should not need further
These have always been problematic structure, completely isolated from below. insulation. A 300 mm thatched roof made of
technically. According to Stirling (2002) they If this is correctly detailed and carefully water reed (thermal conductivity 0.09 W/m
are a poor option in the temperate, humid constructed it is an effective design, but great deg C) or straw (thermal conductivity 0.07
climate of the UK and usually it is not care is required with continuity of ventilation W/m deg C) will have a U-value of 0.3 W/m2
possible to upgrade their thermal insulation. and of vapour control, as discussed in Lead deg C and 0.23 W/m2 deg C respectively.
If there is no alternative to cold deck designs, roofs on historic buildings (English Heritage
Stirling recommends providing a continuous and LSA 1997). However, on some historic
vapour control layer above ceiling level, buildings, notably those where the roofs are 13 Building services
lapped and taped throughout, and also sealed prominent or the abutment detailing or
to the walls at the edges. Service penetrations appearance is important, e.g. under a 13.1 Introduction
should be avoided unless this is impossible, in clerestorey window cill or low parapet, Sometimes the building services in a historic
which case they should be carefully detailed it is not acceptable to raise the roof by the structure will themselves be of historic
and effectively sealed. Cross-ventilation requisite height – often about 250 mm. There interest. If so, advice will need to be sought
should be generous, without any blockages, may also be structural problems. In these from the Conservation Officer on whether
and with open eaves at each end: cold roofs cases, the opportunity to improve insulation they should:
should not be used if the structure spans may be limited, and it is important to heed • remain in use unaltered
between parapet or abutment walls. the warning about the gratuitous introduction • be refurbished and re-used
of additional ventilation. • be left for visual effect or for historic
In spite of the above, research has shown that reasons but be functionally replaced
even with little roofspace ventilation and no 12.10 Materials and details • be taken carefully into storage.
air and vapour control layers at ceiling level, Apart from these considerations, the energy
lead roofs have often survived well by virtue Thermal bridges can occur at gaps in the efficiency of building services in a historic
of the balanced environment which has been insulation and at junctions with chimneys building should cause few problems, provided
created. The summer heat dries the timbers and outside walls. Care will be needed to that care is taken. Much advice is available in
and other porous materials in the roofspace. ensure that these do not introduce CIBSE Guide F (1998), and in the
In winter, moisture from below is absorbed condensation problems, as discussed in publications of the Energy Efficiency Best
or buffered by the timber which then dries Section 7 of this Interim Guidance Note and Practice programme.
out thoroughly again in summer. In effect Stirling 2002, Section 2.
this mechanism has allowed some metal roofs More relevant detailed advice on strategies,
and timber structures to survive for Sarkings Tile, stone and slate roofs used to equipment and installation is expected to be
centuries. Adding ventilation and insulation be laid without sarking felts, although sarking included in Energy efficient building services
to this type of construction – or increasing boards were occasionally used. Re-roofing and fabric for historic building: a good practice
moisture levels within the building – can today almost invariably includes underfelts, guide for historic and traditional buildings
change these conditions for the worse. to allow re-roofing to take place in bad (CIBSE, in preparation). Only brief notes are
Moisture problems affect not only the timber weather; and to provide secondary protection therefore included below.
substrates and roof structure, but can also against wind-driven snow and rain. Vapour-
shorten the life of metal roof coverings by permeable materials are preferred: as a As a matter of good practice, but particularly
inducing corrosion on the underside. general rule, the more vapour-permeable the where improvements to the fabric are
better. However, even they reduce air impossible, it is important to consider
12.8 Flat roofs with warm decks movement, and alternative provision for improving the services to a level beyond the
To upgrade the insulation of a ‘cold’ flat roof, ventilation may be necessary, though minimum service efficiency required in Part L.
Stirling (2002) states that the preferred designed ‘breathing’ construction is now
option is to convert it to a sandwich or becoming possible. Additional ridge
inverted warm deck roof. However, while ventilation can be unsightly.
sandwich construction can work for felt and
asphalt roofs, installations in the 1970s and Insulating foam Isocyanurate is sometimes
1980s showed that a continuously-supported sprayed directly onto the underside of slates
metal sandwich roof could draw external and tiles, and sets into a hard layer with
moisture into the sandwich itself and suffer strong adhesive properties. Foams are
from decay and corrosion. Lead roofs on claimed to improve insulation and
historic buildings were particularly waterproofing, prevent tiles or slates
susceptible, as described in English slipping, and avoid condensation. Sprayed
Heritage’s Advisory Note on the subject insulating foams on slates and tiles are
(English Heritage and LSA, 1997) and warm NOT recommended for historic
roofs are not recommended. buildings: they prevent the slates and tiles
being salvaged during the next re-roofing,
12.9 Ventilated warm roofs the tiling battens and the upper parts of the
Modern practice for metal-clad roofs is set rafters are sealed in, which may lead to
out in the three volumes of the Lead Sheet rotting and premature degradation, and the Figure 14 Sprayed foam used as a way of avoiding stripping a ‘nail
sick’ roof and providing some insulation is NOT recommended
Association’s Manual (LSA, 1990, 1992, normal flow of air into the roofspace is good practice on a historic building. (Photograph courtesy of Kevin
1993), which advocate the use of ventilated restricted. Stubbs, Bursledon Brickworks Conservation Centre)

The last twenty years have seen significant (Staniforth and Hayes, 1989) may be used, within the fabric, or in unheated parts of the
advances in efficiency (e.g. of boilers, lamps principally for the control of moisture and building, causing extensive and long-term
and controls) and the replacement cost of old protection of the fabric, decorative and fine damage. (See CIBSE 1998, and revised
inefficient equipment can often be quickly art, furniture and fittings. CIBSE Guide [in preparation].)
recovered in fuel cost savings.
13.4 Hot water 13.6 Lighting
13.2 Physical installation In most cases, good practice standards of hot As with hot water, it is tempting to ignore
Fitting and replacement of services water systems installation will apply equally to lighting energy efficiency in a historic
installations must be done carefully, avoiding new and to historic buildings. Two points may building and to install what is felt to be
unnecessary damage to the historic fabric by however be made: aesthetically best (often thought to be
short-lived services elements and observing • Some large historic buildings have incandescent tungsten filament lighting).
the principles of reversibility and minimum sprawling systems. When alterations are However, while there can be good reasons for
intervention. This relates not only to holes, being carried out, an attempt should be this – and incandescent is the oldest form of
chases, and fixings, but also to the direct and made to simplify them, reducing the electric lighting – most historic buildings pre­
indirect damage to historic objects by the lengths of pipe runs, improving insulation, date it and it would have been installed first as
proximity of services, for example by: and possibly installing more local water an innovation. It is important to review the
• covering up or interrupting the view of heaters. balance between aesthetic and efficiency
important features and details • When taps, shower heads, etc are being criteria and to develop an appropriate
• passing too close to important surfaces renewed, replacements should be sought solution in the circumstances. Tungsten may
(e.g. of plaster or panelling) which might which are economical in their use of hot be the correct choice where illuminance levels
be consequentially damaged in the course water. are low and the lighting is used infrequently.
of the work or in use afterwards (e.g. from However, the use of more energy-efficient
dirt traps and/or from cleaning behind pipe 13.5 Air conditioning and long-life lamps should be investigated, as
lagging run close to surface) Air conditioning is sometimes introduced in this reduces replacement costs as well as
• staining by patterns of heat and air museums housed in historic buildings to help energy consumption.
movement conserve objects on display. (Energy-efficient
• disturbance of the heat and moisture design of air conditioning systems is beyond
balance leading, for example, to the scope of this document.) Building owners 14 Forthcoming advice
crystallisation of salts in walls and damage should always consider if air conditioning is
to details and surface finishes. really necessary – sometimes simpler control The Building Conservation and Research Team
Constraints of this kind may affect the choice of the environment is possible, for example to of English Heritage is currently preparing a
of options and consequently their energy control pollution (as outlined in Blades et al, brief for a more detailed Guidance Note.
efficiency levels. For example, it might not be 2000). If air conditioning is specified, care is This will provide:
possible to replace a conventionally-flued required not only to minimise the physical • information on traditional materials used in
heater with a more efficient balanced-flue damage caused by installation but also to constructing and repairing historic
version because of the destruction caused by consider the potential deleterious effect of the buildings
the hole, the visual appearance of the outdoor air-conditioned environment on the building • best practice examples of benign
terminal, or the technical risks of disturbing a fabric. For example, it is common for air- upgradings
rubble-filled wall. conditioned museums to include • case studies showing schemes implemented
humidification. This additional moisture may since the new Part L became effective on 1
13.3 Heating condense on the surface of single glazing, April 2002.
Historic buildings have tended not to be
heated to the high air temperatures typical in
modern buildings. For some of today’s uses
(e.g. residential and commercial), occupiers
will expect modern standards. For other uses,
for example in buildings on display to the
public, less heating will often be appropriate.
Consideration should be given to the use
of low temperature radiant heat sources,
as these can provide comfort at lower air

Part L states that ‘buildings or parts of

buildings with low levels of heating or no
heating do not require measures to limit heat
transfer through the fabric’, and suggests 25
W/m2 as a typical threshold below which this
Requirement might apply. This clause will be
relevant to many unheated historic buildings;
and to others, e.g. historic house museums,
country houses, etc in which low levels of Figure 15 Examples of early cast iron stove and radiator which are still in use. Items such as these should continue to be used and if
background or ‘conservation’ heating necessary refurbished to improve efficiency. (Photograph of stove courtesy of Robyn Pender; photograph of radiator by Chris Wood)


DETR, 2000 The Building Regulations 2000, ——, 1994 Window comparisons, leaflet 5 in
Abbreviations Approved Document Part F: F1 Means of the Framing Opinions Campaign leaflet series,
ventilation, F2 Domestic buildings, F3 Non- London: English Heritage
BRECSU The Building Research Energy domestic buildings, and F4 Condensation in roofs
Conservation Support Unit of the (should be read in conjunction with Amendments ——, 1994 Energy savings, leaflet 7 in the
(former) Building Research 2000 to the Approved Documents), Framing Opinions Campaign leaflet series,
Establishment (now BRE London: The Stationery Office (See also London: English Heritage
Sustainable Energy Conservation) ——, 1997 Metal windows, leaflet 3 (revised)
CIBSE The Chartered Institution of and after the transfer of responsibility to the in the Framing Opinions Campaign leaflet
Building Services Engineers Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, series, London: English Heritage
DEFRA Department of the Environment, and e-mail address
Food, and Rural Affairs ) ——, 1997 Timber sash windows, leaflet 4
DETR Department of the Environment, (revised) in the Framing Opinions Campaign
Transport and the Regions leaflet series, London: English Heritage
DNH and DoE, 1994 See PPG 15, 1994
DNH Department of National Heritage
DoE Department of the Environment ——, and LSA, 1997 Lead roofs on historic
DTLR, 1998 The One Stop Shop Approach buildings: an advisory note on underside
DTLR Department for Transport, Local
to Development Consents, available corrosion, London: English Heritage and the
Government and the Regions Lead Sheet Association (Downloadable from
LSA The Lead Sheet Association
SPAB The Society for the Protection of [see
Ancient Buildings ——, 2001 The Building Regulations 2000, Publications: list of free publications] Print
Approved Document L1: Conservation of fuel copies can be obtained from English Heritage
Blades, N, Oreszczyn, T, Bordass, W, and and power in dwellings, 2002 edition, and Customer Services at the address shown in
Cassar, M, 2000 Guidelines on pollution Approved Document L2: Conservation of fuel Further information below.)
control in heritage buildings, in Supplement to and power in buildings other than dwellings,
Hughes, P, 1986 The need for old buildings to
Museum Practice, 15 November 2000 2002 edition, Department for Transport,
‘breathe’, Information Sheet 4, SPAB News, 7,
Local Government and the Regions,
no 2, Spring 1986, London
BS 7913, 1998 Guide to the Principles of the London: The Stationery Office (See also
Conservation of Historic Buildings, London: ——, 1988 Patching old floorboards,
British Standards Institution and after the transfer of responsibility to the Information Sheet 10, SPAB News, 9, no 3,
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Summer 1988: London
CIBSE, 1998 Guide F, Energy efficiency in and e-mail address
buildings, London: Chartered Institution of ) LSA, 1990–1993 The Lead Sheet Manual: a
Building Services Engineers [See following guide to good building practice, 1 Lead sheet
reference for working title of revised Guide, now flashings (1990), 2 Lead sheet roofing and
Energy Efficiency Best Practice
in preparation.] cladding (1992), 3 Lead sheet weatherings
Programme Good Practice Guide 155: Energy
(1993), Tunbridge Wells: Lead Sheet
efficient refurbishment of existing housing,
——, in preparation Energy efficient building Association
available from BRECSU, Garston, Watford,
services and fabric for historic buildings: a good WD25 9XX, and downloadable from
PPG 15, 1994 Planning Policy Guidance
practice guide for historic and traditional
Note Planning and the Historic Environment,
Dept of the Environment, Dept of National
English Heritage, 1994 Draughtproofing and Heritage; London, Her Majesty’s Stationery
Clark, K, 2001 Informed conservation: Secondary Glazing, leaflet 1 in the Framing Office (after 1996 The Stationery Office)
understanding historic buildings and their Opinions Campaign leaflet series, London:
landscape for conservation, London: English English Heritage (All the published leaflets Staniforth, S, and Hayes, R, 1989 Keep
Heritage in this series are downloadable from the old piles standing, New Scientist, No 1678, [see 19.8.1989, 37–41
DEFRA and DTLR, 2001 Limiting thermal Publications: list of free publications] Print
bridging and air leakage: robust construction copies can be obtained from English Heritage Stirling, C, 2002 Thermal insulation:
details for dwellings and similar buildings, Customer Services at the address shown in avoiding risks, 3 edn, London: CRC Ltd for
London: The Stationery Office Further information below.) the Building Research Establishment

Acknowledgements Further information

The authors of this text were Chris Wood English Heritage is the Government’s South West
(Building Conservation and Research Team, statutory advisor on archaeology and the 29–30 Queen Square
English Heritage), and Tadj Oreszczyn management of the historic environment in Bristol
(Professor of Energy and Environment, England. English Heritage provides expert BS1 4ND
The Bartlett School of Postgraduate Studies, advice to the Government about all matters Telephone: 0117 975 0700
University College London). Significant relating to the historic environment and its
contributions were provided by Dr William conservation. East of England
Bordass (William Bordass Associates), Brooklands House
May Cassar (Director,The Centre for Initial enquiries about local cases should be 24 Brooklands Avenue
Sustainable Heritage, University College made to the local authority’s Building Control Cambridge
London) and Oliver Palmer (Advisor on Officer or Conservation Officer. E-mail CB1 1DJ
Building Legislation, Safety and Standards, and enquiries about topics discussed in this Telephone: 01223 582700
Specialist Practice Consultant [Building Interim Guidance Note can be made to
Regulations] to the Royal Institute of British East Midlands
Architects). 44 Derngate
For further information (and other copies of Northampton
The authors were assisted in their drafting the print version of this leaflet, quoting the NN1 1UH
by a panel drawn from the following Product Code – 50675) please contact: Telephone: 01604 735400
English Heritage West Midlands
The Royal Institution of Chartered Customer Services Department 112 Colmore Row
Surveyors’ Building Control Forum, PO Box 569 Birmingham
represented by David Welsh (Assistant District Swindon B3 3AG
Surveyor (North), City of Westminster) and SN2 2YP Telephone: 0121 625 6820
Peter Lilley (Building Control Officer, Telephone: 0870 333 1181
Derbyshire Dales District Council) Fax: 01793 414926 North East
The Institute of Historic Building E-mail: Bessie Surtees House
Conservation, represented by John Preston 41–44 Sandhill
(Conservation and Design Officer, Cambridge Newcastle upon Tyne
City Council), Dr Sarah Higgins NE1 3JF
(Conservation Officer,Tewkesbury District We also have nine regional teams, which Telephone: 0191 269 1200
Council) and David Macdonald (Principal can be contacted at:
Conservation and Design Officer, Royal Borough North West
of Kensington and Chelsea) London Region Suites 3.3 and 3.4
The Royal Town Planning Institute, 23 Savile Row Canada House
represented by Keith Laidler (Director of London 3 Chepstow Street
Planning, City of Lincoln Council) W1S 2ET Manchester
The Department of Transport, Local Telephone: 020 7973 3000 M1 5FW
Government and the Regions, represented Telephone: 0161 242 1400
by Steve Irving of FaberMaunsell, lead South East
contractor to DTLR Building Regulations Eastgate Court Yorkshire
Division for reviewing Part L 195–205 High Street 37 Tanner Row
Guildford York
Contributions were also received from GU1 3EH YO1 6WP
Telephone: 01483 252000 Telephone: 01904 601 901
The Building Regulations Advisory
Committee (Working Party for Part L)
The District Surveyors’ Association
The Association of Consulting Approved
The Royal Town Planning Institute

English Heritage is grateful for their

cooperation and assistance.


Figure 16 The heat loss from this listed public house has been dramatically reduced by the
installation of discreet secondary glazing (b) and (c).The glazed panels can be easily removed
in summer. (Photographs courtesy of Storm Windows, Leeds, © copyright Storm Windows, Leeds)

Published September 2002 and Research Team), Amrik Kerketta Product Code 50675
© English Heritage 2002 (English Heritage Web Team)
Editing for press Margaret Wood Front and back covers: historic facades
English Heritage website (English Heritage Publications) and doorways, and historic windows, both Graphics Ray Martin (Art Services), metal (front cover nos 1, 2, and 3: back cover
Dr Robyn Pender no 7) and timber framed. (Photographs 1
Design Simon Borrough and 7 courtesy of Jill Channer, copyright ©
Editing for English Heritage website Production Elaine Pooke Jill Channer: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 by Chris
presentation, May 2002 Robert Gowing (English Heritage Publications) Wood and English Heritage Conservation
(English Heritage Building Conservation Printer Billington Press Ltd and Research Team)

5 7

6 8

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